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Writing Explorations: Week 72, Ingenious Jewels

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The Mood is Write

My Writing Explorations series of exercises are a chance for users to explore new concepts and practice the art of raising two fingers to Writer's Block while screaming obscenities to fickle muses: to rebel against the idea that a person requires a mythical force inside them to make new and amazing things.

No. Listen well, users: there is no being inside you waiting to be let out. You are the writer, and in this exercise, you are given a place to push not only against Writer's Block, but also against the forces of stagnation. Feel trapped in your genre? Explore a new one! Stuck with a singular archetype? Do something else! In this thread, you will not be critiqued unless you request it. Should you wish it, I will happily offer my thoughts on how it might be improved, but I will not comb looking for fixes: this isn't the place: this place is for safely trying new things and indulging a love of writing.

Shake the bars of your cell block and roar, writers!

[fieldbox=How do I take part?]You can write to one or more (or none) of the prompts, the theme in the thread title, the bonuses—hell, you can even cast aside all of what I offer if you get a different idea.

The whole point is "get writing!"[/fieldbox]

  1. It was just a teenager, three generals, and an army of children. They conquered Norway first.
  2. No one could ever replace her. She was his one and only. His forever. His perfect test subject.
  3. Abuse from a beloved parent or guardian turns a child down a path of wickedness and resentment against the world. Events escalate, until either father or child falls.
  4. She wasn't looking for a knight. She was looking for a sword. Or a gun. She did like guns better.

Bonus Rounds:
  • Write in a random genre.
  • She finally gave up. Her fake smile dropped as a tear ran down her cheek, and she whispered to herself, "I can't do this anymore."
  • "Silly, silly girl. He never really loved you."
  • "You, stop giving your brother wet willies! And you, stop broadcasting what color his underpants are! We are having a press conference!"
  • "I was three when I named my daughter."
  • "You are all remarkably well-behaved tonight. What did you do?"
  • "I'll shoot the next bastard that mispronounces her name!"