Writing Club IC

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Any time except when I'm not.
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Modern, Fantasy

"If you think about it. We're the ones who can truly bring things to life! So that they can see it without ever being there!"
"Isn't that what television is for?"
"That's not the point!"

"Hello? Hel- Is this on? Oh, it is. Great. It's your Principal Slews here. Here to greet you all for another wonderful year at this paradise.

New arrivals are welcome to Aistri Academy. I hope you've all enjoyed the first day so far. Your new clubs have hopefully welcome you with open arms. Or for the soccer club. Open feet! Ha….hah.

Anyhow, it is now the time where I'll have to announce something exciting. Due to several reasons, some including budget cuts. We have decided it is best to...number down on the amount of clubs in this academy. But of course, how could we possibly cut out any of the many wonderful clubs that inhabit this school without giving them a fair chance? Aside from the 'Anti-Oppression' Cub. Who unfortunately found themselves short of members this year.

To solve this, we have decided for a competition to be held. Each club shall fight- I mean compete! To prove their worth to the school! Future Details will come later, but victory comes to those best prepared! I believe Einstein said that."

In other news. We are holding a competition to replace the previous school motto 'A Place for Everyone'. For those who have entries, please report to office 27 in the Dreams Building.

Now how do I turn this off? This…no. THIIIIS, no. Th-"


The first day of the year was a day of introductions. Of settling in new peers, and the beginning of leadership for others. For the writing club newcomers, it was going to be an interesting day.

It seemed the world had decided that today was going to be a bad day with those allergies. The air was thick with dust and pollen. Clubs had resorted to opening windows, giving members medicine, and for those with bad knowledge in biology; Outside classes.

The Writing Club, situated in what was once the home of the poverty's club, and before that an ancient boiler room, was not a nice thing to look at. It's windows were sparse. Located high up on the walls. Indented so that during the evening the sun rays would be focused to cut right through the floating dust that stifled the room. The members unfortunate enough to be sitting in the room found themselves sniffiling often. Clearly nothing in this room had been aired or cleaned over the summer.

This wasn't the only discomfort. The chairs they sat on creaked omniously, threating to break underneath them. The desks had many markings from previous clubs and members. Signatures and messages to future readers. One member noticed that the words 'Down with the money pigs' was written on the frame of their's.

The desks were aligned in a rough U-shape formation. It was not clear if this was intentional or not. 'Shoddy' was defintely the word one would use to describe this room. Whoever was in charge had clearly not tried to make best with what little they had.

Speaking of whoever was in charge...

【Jing Giú】​

[Writing Club Room]

A groan, coming from the hallway outside the classroom. Signalled the arrival of Jing. He ducked his head in. His eyes laced with irritation, scanned over the group of students sitting, chatting. relaxing in the club. They were all there. As they should be afterall. He was ten minutes late.
Dragging his hands down his face. He hauled himself towards the top of the classroom. Mumbling things about start dates and such as he made his way.

Taking a marker from his desk. Jing put the tip of it on the whiteboard rather makeshiftly nailled to the wall. He wrote an nine, before sighing and turning his head to the person who had patiently been sitting there for the last half hour. Who, at this point. Was angrily correcting her glasses like a libraian who had just been asked what section Dan Brown books were in for the thirtieth time.

"What is the time, Seira?"
"Nine Thirteen. You do realise you ar-"
"Thanks, Seira."

He went back to writing on the whiteboard.
Turning around, He closed the cap back on the marker.

"There was an mistake with the start times. The Offical start time is Nine Fourteen. Oh look, we're coming right up to it." Jing produced a bell from the desk. He tapped it gently.


"Class is started. Good to see we're all on time." Yawning, The Head produced another thing from the desk cupboards. The other students were beginning to wonder the depths of it. This Item, was very clearly a book. For those with good eyesight, they could make out 'Being a Team Leader 101' as the title. Flicking through the pages, Jing nodded to himself.

"You may have heard about the fact that the School Motto is up for....Renaming? Rephrasing? Whatever. Anyway, I thought it would be good to start us off by working on that. Start you off easy."
"We're also obligated as the Writing Club t-"
"This will also serve as introductions to other members. Two birds one...task. And it's less work for me."

Once again, Jing nodded to himself slowly. Scratching his cheek with little thought.

The four-eyed girl stood up with militaristic discipline.

"Right, So everyone present please group together around me! We're all going to introduce ourselves and give our own thoughts on what we should put forward as a club. Be as free with your ideas as you wish!"



"Name her, I hardly know her!"

Given By: Writing Club Head Jing
Award: ???

Description: It might be your first day in this club and possibly your first day in this academy but by god are you going to get a school sogan done by the end of this meeting. As we all know, all great works begin with a slogan for an school.


Awkward glances were shared among the new students. This had the familar aura of things their teacher told them when they were six. Admittedly, with less promises of sweets. Nevertheless, they found themselves awkward shuffling their rusty seats together.

At the head was Seira, sitting there with her arms crossed. An hopeful smile plastered on her face. Sitting next to her, Jing was already resting his head against the table. Whispering Grievances about life.

With this set out, The Students set off their first Club Day by...

PHYS interaction: @Ehb @Jessica2477 @Accelerator @TheSly @FrozenDreams @Cresion Breezes @Esmeralda Blackheart
Last edited:
After school, when classes got out, she'd head over to the club-room on the east wing. Her particular club's room was tucked away next door to the janitor's closet, which made their club particularly zany for whatever reason, at least that was how she felt about it.

Today too, she was briskly walking into this 'club' that was on the brink of being closed down due to lack of members. Such a club with only 3 people participating was less so much a reputable club, but rather a hangout. It was only due to the unbounded diligence of the club president that they were able to enjoy their special status.

Walking up to the door, Umeko Hayata grips her fingers on the sliding door. Though the door can easily slide open, she tenses up right before she pulls. She knows that today, there's only one person who'll be in the club room. The president was still busy with a particular chore. It was in this rare circumstance that she'd be able to meet the other club-member and talk - alone.

There was something important she had to ask him. It was a question that she'd been keeping hold of for a long time now, but doing it while the whole club of three members present was unprofessional.

That was a lie of course.

Despite how much she wished to ask, despite how much it tore her apart on the inside. She dared not ask him that question. Not in front of the club, not in front of the club president. She was afraid of what the answer would be. Even making such a heartfelt inquiry could completely ruin the dynamic that the three of them had.

Even so, today she decided that with this opportunity presented, she couldn't hold back any longer.

Natrually, Umeko Hayata opens the door as normally as she does. The one occupant of the room lazily sitting, only puts their attention on her once they realize their fellow club member had taken a seat without even greeting them. Of course, this strange behavior warrants them to initiate some response.

They do so casually, lazily even, asking her what was up.

With uncharacteristically hesitant words, Umeko attempts to explain the president was going to be a little late. Taking care of a certain task. But that club today was still on. Despite the sound explanation, the fluttery nature of her words only draws his attention even deeper.

Not even able to realize just how red she had become, it was at the moment that she had locked eyes with his that she realized that she couldn't turn back now. She had to ask what she had come here to ask.

"Hey.... Um. Do you mind if I ask you something?"

Umeko had to say it. If she didn't ask now, she wouldn't be able to live it down.

"Is there someone out there you sort of... really like?"


[ Umeko Hayata ]
[ Writing Club Room ]

She stared at the disorganized charade between the two club seniors with very muted disinterest.

Here we had the classic comedy duo of the competent sidekick being paired with a bumbling useless and most mockingly, lazy excuse for a club leader parading this class club around in a literally deteriorating classroom and pretending that everything was completely, undeniably, okie-dokies as they say.

Of course, anyone with half a brain cell knew that this whole setup had the distinct markings of 'danger' written all over it.

This was really unfortunate, because such ominous auras on the first day would normally be reserved for something appropriate like the occult club, or protesting in oppressive societies club - not for something as horribly domestic as creative writing.

In yet here they were, in a dusty former boiler room with speckles of dust in the air to cause lung ailments, and desks which looked like they had been built out of the timbers of a ship that had been submerged underwater for a few centuries before being unceremoniously hauled up from the ocean floor and scrapped for scrap-wood faster than any self-respecting archeologist could scream foul play.

Even now, the desk Umeko Hayata was sitting at was passively creaking, l as she carefully attempted to manually balance herself on it. It felt like if it tipped a little to far over it would collapse with her in it.

Despite the clearly abysmal arrangements, the club vice president gleamingly requested everyone in their shoddy antique desks to introduce themselves and engage in the first club-wide activity of optimistically looking forward to the great things that they were going to put fourth in the upcoming school year.

The club vice president, Seira with a superfluous ink blot in their name - looked quite optimistic about today's first day. While the club president who cared so much about the club that they came in several minutes late - achieved much great progress in today's proceedings by allowing things to progress forward at Seira's lead by just being here.

However, both of them failed to address a very large elephant in the room. A huge one even. This proverbial elephant was so massive that all the other students sitting uncomfortably in their desks needed something to bring it up for them - or else things could not move forward.

Knowing the perils and misfortunes of running a failing club herself, Umeko raised her hand, not necessarily waiting for permission to speak.

"Um... Hi. I'm Hayata Umeko, nice to meet everyone. I'm all totally for this year's activities but..."

The but that was inevitably going to steer intended paths away from the direction intended.

"Are we really supposed be using a room where we're super likely to hurt ourselves in? I mean, I'm not the only one who thinks the cost cutting measures this year is a little too extreme, do I?"

Umeko asked. Addressing the absolutely deplorable conditions they were currently all sitting in, and snidely inviting the others to voice their dissatisfaction.

Everyone in General
  • Spicy
Reactions: Rithas
Olivia Daulfern
Location: Writing Clubroom
Mentions: People
Interacting: Everyone

When Olivia arrived, she had been expecting a relatively normal classroom with a couple of desks and maybe a handful of people, since creative writing wasn't everyone's interest. She'd anticipated that maybe the club would be relatively entertaining, either from the activities or the people themselves. Olivia truly hoped that when she walked through the door, she'd meet interesting people who had diverse writing practices and genre interests...

But then she arrived to what was probably a construction project with someone who she assumed to be the club leader inside the room.

A bit disappointed, but she wanted to remain optimistic. Maybe the people would make things worth it?

She took a seat at one of the desks, but the creaking of the chair made her scooch her tush to sit on the very edge of her seat. To take less weight off the unreliable project that was a chair.

Watching the two club leaders bicker to one another, Olivia had to wonder if the two weren't making plans to get married or something. They gave her vibes of one would expect of a mother and father figure, with everyone else being their children. Was this how a club was supposed to be? Well, regardless, it was time for the meeting to start...

Jing was blatantly lazy and disinterested to be there, which only fueled her previous thoughts. Seira on the other hand seemed 100% capable to lead the club, with a kind of commanding, disciplinary feel to her that made Olivia want to do what she asked. Not in the way Jing might follow her command (naughty naughty), but because Seira was a capable leader. Jing might have been here because his girlfriend kept dragging him here, or he's trying to impress Seira by starting a club he had little to no interest in.

A good detective should never make assumptions about a case or the witnesses, despite the fiery, hotter-than-the-intensity-of-a-thousand-suns passion between Jing and Seira being so obvious... Okay maybe not so obvious. But still.

She yawned, immediately getting taste of dusty air on her tongue and forcing a cough out of her. Olivia wanted to use her sleeve to try and scrape whatever dirt was in her mouth, but that would just mean getting more dirt to assault her taste buds. A vicious cycle. Almost as vicious as the future death that was going to take place in this room if no one did anything about it. Was this legal? It was definitely a asthma lawsuit waiting to happen...

If someone had to get it, hopefully it would be herself. She didn't want her schoolmates to suffer just because the school was careless and irresponsible.

Time for introductions, and the blue haired girl went first...

Whoops, what was her name again?

When it was her turn, she gave a little wave, "'m Daulfern Olivia, nice to meet you... Uno has a point. Isn't this room a huge liability on the students and faculty? I mean, shouldn't this room be closed until something was done about it?" She gave a little yawn, only to snap her mouth shut upon tasting dirt again.

  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Rithas
Cuán Ó hIfearnáin
Location: Writing Clubroom
Interacting: Everyone

The morning coffee had not quite kicked in yet when Cuán had arrived in what was supposed to be the Writing Club's room. His expectations were certainly not high. If a school had to start off a day by blasting an announcement telling everyone and their dog that the school was getting some of their funding cut, then expectations should be kept to as low as reasonably imaginable. He was even expecting that the club might have been put into an unreasonably small room. If a school had to close down clubs, which was what the entirety of their educational system was based upon, then part of that was likely not just budget cuts but also a shortage of space to put these clubs in. However, what he found when he entered the room was almost painful to him.

The fact that the room was dirty enough to have enough dust fly about to make it harder to breathe would have been enough on its own, but adding to that the chairs and table looked and sounded like they had been made of driftwood and that the room itself was not even a classroom but instead a halfheartedly repurposed boiler room would have been enough for Cuán to leave the room as quickly as possible and to seriously rethink whether or not he should have chosen some sports club instead, the only thing stopping him from doing this was him wanting to not come off as too incredibly weird. He was bad enough with people, especially strangers, and him not making any eye contact with anyone for longer than two seconds would also not help much. So he had been determined from the second he woke up today to do his best to make a good first impression.

Somebody who seemed to be less concerned with making a good first impression appeared to be who, sadly, looked to be the head of their club. Cuán's concerns were immediately double when he saw who and how the head of their club seemed to like to go about leading it. Being late every now and then was alright, it happened to everyone, and it had happened to Cuán many times before. Most times because there was too much caffeine in his bloodstream for him to catch any sleep at night. He would not have faulted him for being late, and certainly not for being a little lax on the time that people arrived, those were all things that Cuán could very well understand. The rest of his demeanour was what rubbed him the wrong way, he seemed to lack all kind of motivation or discipline. Which, at least to him, were important traits to have as the head of a school club, even in a regular school. For now, he would try to be optimistic and just chalk it up to having a bad day.

He was incredibly relieved that at least the other, who their head called Seira, seemed to have these traits in abundance. That was not a bad thing to him, being incredibly easy to distract, this might actually help him somewhat in focusing on whatever task was currently at hand. Although, his relief quickly turned into concern when Seira asked them all to introduce themselves. A plan quickly formulated itself in his head, he'd wait for two or three other students to introduce themselves and then just do it as they did. There was no way to mess this up and absolutely positively no way to look like an absolute weirdo.

Two of the female students went first. Hayaka Umeko. Sounded Japanese, though in fairness he knew too little about Asian countries and cultures to be sure. If she was then that put him in the uncomfortable position of not knowing how to address her, he certainly lacked both the creativity and courage to immediately start out with calling her by a nickname. Although the second person that introduced themselves seemed to have much fewer problems with this. Olivia Daulfern. That name could have come from practically any European or North American country which was good because at least that did not bring up the same conundrum as the first name. He only looked both of them over briefly, looking away quickly again and locking his eyes onto some empty spot in the room.

Once a bit of silence settled in, Cuán sensed his opportunity.

"Hello. My name is Cuán Ó hIfearnáin. It's good to meet all of you" Alright, that was out of the way he let out a mental sigh of relief.

Hoping the others even knew what he was saying through his accent he continued on, "I'm definitely interested in taking care of changing out the school's slogan, though I'd have to lie to say that I've got any good ideas right here on the spot. And I agree with Hayaka and Olivia. This room is a pretty mess. Feel like that should also be one of our higher priorities. At least we should get it to a point where the air is breathable." As he spoke he continued to let his eyes jump from person to person to gauge reaction, making sure not to linger on anyone for too long.
Arata Doi
Location: Writing Clubroom
Interactions: Everyone currently in the writing room​

It was finally time for the club meeting. Arata was sorta excited to start his first adventure as a potential writer for greater stories. Tales of the deep and stories that would wet people's pants off. It would be a coming of the age for Arata. He would be in a classroom with other minded like people and learn the secrets of writing overall. He was looking forward to knowing his other classmates and getting to know them. While he wasn't a social butterfly, he has talked to quite a few students around his age. Arata came in with expectations of a good time...

...Except, he wouldn't believe how terrible and creepy this room looked. And as such, his expectations are shattered, his day ruined and his disappointment was...immeasurable.

With the condition of the room looking like it'll collapse on itself if a earthquake would've happened doesn't bring such a bright feeling to him now does it? The rusty objects placed in a U shaped area and the poisonous air that fills this crummy room that is know as...dust, it doesn't feel like your normal room to hold such wonderful activities. How this club managed to get into this kind of situation is a mystery to him and i'm sure he would want to learn about it in the future, though for now, it's time to get through the first day of club activities. As he currently waits for the club to start, he takes out one of his favorite manga, Uzumaki, which was one of the first horror manga he bought and enjoyed. As the time to began has passed, he wondered what was going on, before the leader came in.

Judging by his personality and his lateness, the club leader seems to be rather lazy individual whom doesn't seem to take this club seriously. You would think something such as the writing club that they would try to make it a fun and enjoyable place to be in, not something that feels like a drag. Honestly, this guy at first glance, shouldn't be leading this club at all. Whatever, at least the vice president seems to be handling the introductions well. She seemed to really take this club seriously, even putting on some kind of a military stance for everyone to see. This girl probably had such a disciplined life growing up and he could respect that. At least he can take her serious, unlike the club leader over there, looking like a zombie, but who knows, perhaps he has a reason for this laziness.

First of all, introductions. Some decided to go ahead and introduce themselves to the whole club by the request of the vice president. The first one introduced herself as Umeko Hayata, seems to be just your average girl at first, but for someone having green hair, she doesn't look too bad with it. and of course, she would bring up this terrible condition of a room they were currently residing in. He figured this would eventually be brought no sooner the vice president finished. Next up was Olivia Daulfern. and he did think she looked kinda cool. Wonder if she has any interest that they both share? And last but not least was Cua...Cuna...Cuban O Hilfarmer? Yeah he's got not way of being able to pronounce the name correct. And he actually asked something that made sense. Try to make the room more acceptable to stay in. Of course this flying dust and creaking sound that feels like something off of a horror movie wasn't going to be easy, so it would have to be a running project to get this room in tiptoe shape. Not deciding to wait around for the rest of the other members to introduce themselves, he decided to put down his manga and look at the others as he prepares his introduction.

"Arata Doi. Just your average guy who enjoys chasing after paranormal things." He introduced himself to his other club members. "And Cuban over there is right. Yes it sucks we got the short end of the stick and got placed in this dump. But complaining about it won't do any good if this is our best option for a room. We need to try to make this room more enjoyable to be in if we wish to have our meetings here. keeping this room tidy and clean while putting up decorations would be a start. Hell if we could find a way to borrow a few desks from the other classrooms and return it when we're done everyday would help make the room more suitable for our activities. If we're going to keep this club running in the future, it's time to put in some major work to keep this club going for another year." He felt like he gave a small rousing speech to everyone here. And while the results could be mixed, he only felt saying what was on his mind at that time. He joined this club for a reason, and he ain't letting it die because of some bad conditioned room. He wanted to do something, but for now, he'll wait for further instructions from Seira before doing anything. He grabbed his manga book from the creaking desk and continued reading it while waiting for the rest of the introductions to finish.
Sҽιɾá Mαԃα


[Writing Club Room]

"Um... Hi. I'm Hayata Umeko, nice to meet everyone." Seira turned to the uh, turquoise hair girl with a smile. Good, someone to start them of-

"But...Are we really supposed be using a room where we're super likely to hurt ourselves in? I mean, I'm not the only one who thinks the cost cutting measures this year is a little too extreme, do I?"

Seira scratched her cheek. "E-Erm."

"Isn't this room a huge liability on the students and faculty? I mean, shouldn't this room be closed until something was done about it? "

"This room is a pretty mess. Feel like that should also be one of our higher priorities. At least we should get it to a point where the air is breathable."
"It sucks we got the short end of the stick and got placed in this dump-"

The message from the new members so far was pretty clear.

"Fuck the slogan, what the hell was going on with this clubroom!?"

In a anime comedy perhaps everyone would begrudgingly accept the club conditions and bond over the hilarious hijinks the disrepair caused.

It seemed this was not one of those situations.

Seira felt her early optimism being shattered in front of her. The increasingly out of place teacher smile that had been plastered on Seira's face finally began to waver. Her shoulders slumped a little and her eyebrows began to furrow. Creating a rather cross look at a certain someone who was currently faceplanted to his desk.

"I told you Jing! They were obviously not going to accept these conditions!" Seira cried out, clearly this topic had been discused before hand then.
Jing raised a finger in the air, still not looking up. "There was a world where they did."
"Well this isn't one of them. And frankly I can't either!"
Jing raised his head a little, frowning with the effort of movement. "Remember what we talked about. Slogan then...the rest."

Staring a daggers for a brief moment, Seira straghtened her wooly jumper before turning to the rest of the members in a not awkward at all smile.

"I do agree with the setiment. Our current facilites are..." She picked at a cobweb that had fallen on her jumper. "A little inadequate for what we wish to do, yes." Seira sighed slightly. "Unfortunately due to previous events" Her eyes flickered to Jing for the briefest of moments. "We currently lack the ability to improve the clubroom with funding or such." Seira raised a hand outwards.
"N-Not that we're gonna be stuck like this forever. Like Arata says. We can clean up and make do. And for the things we lack." Which, as the members looked around. Seemed to be just about everything. "I have a plan on how to begin to...improve the clubroom." Seira tapped a pencil against the table, absent-mindily.

"But after we do this Slogan!" She gave an innocent chuckle. Grabbing the situation and changing the topic.

"It should be about the school as a whole but definitely have a personal taste of our own club's spirit. Afterall, Our slogan making it could be really good for our club's-" Seira paused. "general reputation." She smiled softly. But everyone sitting in that broken down clubroom knew what she had really meant.

'Good for our club's immediate survival.'

Afterall, they had all heard the announcement. Looking around, surely if they were to start cutting clubs...

The first club would be this one?

To those astute to the situation. It seemed Seira feared that talks of improving the club meant nothing if they were the first to be cut.

Seira's Optimism and Jing's Apathy may have covered it. But it seemed even on the first day the future of this club was hanging on the balance.

"The idea of dreams seems popular. So let's work with that!"
She clapped her hands. "I know some of you have come from other clubs. So have more experience with this academy then others. Perhaps they can use their resilence of staying as inspiration. And for those just joining us, perhaps use your reasoning for coming here to inspire us all to an answer!"

Mugs Awarded
"The Early Hare" - Awarded to Umeko Hayata
"The Sitcom Trope" - Awarded to Olivia Daulfaurn

*See Discord For Details

Phys Interacted: Everyone



To most of the people that have known Daichi, he rarely exhibited much emotions. Being stuck in a hospital room for a majority of your life kinda does that to you. The only times one could see even a glimpse of a smile from the young man was if he is doing something related to his interests and hobbies. However, the silver haired boy maintained that smile throughout the day, starting from the announcement of the principal, all the way throughout the introductions of his fellow classmates.

There were times when it faltered, however, chiefly due to the absolutely inauspicious condition of the club room and partly due to the lack of enthusiasm on the part of the person who was supposed to be the leader of the club to begin with. Thankfully, the Vice-President, Seira-san's own enthusiasm was infectious enough to maintain Daichi's overall motivation, providing a balanced Yin to Jing's Yang.

Unfortunately, it seemed that Daichi had been stuck with his own thoughts for too long that he missed the chance to make a naturally paced introduction since the conversation had shifted now into redirecting everyone's focus on the slogan, something that would hallmark a more favorable reputation for the club that got shafted to the boiler room. With that said, Daichi began racking his head on what sort of impromptu slogan he could suggest to stimulate the brainstorming of ideas... or lack thereof at the moment, with his peers.

"Umm... I've actually thought of a few. A generic one could be "Find yourself". But that sounds too general if we want to put some emphasis that "We, the Writing Club, are the ones who came up with the perfect slogan for the school." Daichi cut through the gloomy silence that had overtaken the club as it was visible that his fellow classmates were busily trying to churn out ideas for the slogan.

"Instead, I thought why not something like this? "Write your own story." It clearly highlights a core element of our club, right?" Daichi makes a second suggestion holding out two fingers to signify this.

However he pauses for a few moments as if deep in thought. If there is significant backlash from the other, "more reputable" clubs about the overemphasis of the Writing Club in the slogan then they would need to sacrifice individuality for the sake of inclusiveness. He holds out a third finger, marking his third idea for the group to ponder on. "But if there are complaints that it is too biased towards us, then the last idea I have is "Find where you belong.". I think this highlights that no matter what interests one may have, they could find a place with likely minded people in this academy because of how many different clubs there are." He ended his suggestions there and looked expectantly at his classmates before realizing that he had made a serious blunder. For all the ranting he had done, he had forgotten to introduce himself quite entirely.

"My apologies. I was so eager to finish this slogan making task that I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Daichi Orlenko, and I'll be in your care from now on!" The silver haired boy bows to his classmates slightly before taking his seat at the seemingly unreliable excuse for chairs the club had been making do with. The sooner they could be done with this slogan, the sooner they could focus on actually building a place where they themselves feel like they can truly belong and instead of being the Boiler Book Club.

[ I N T E R A C T I O N S ]: Everyone


Location: Writing Club Room | Interactions: Everyone in the Room

"Oh boy...oh no, I'm gonna be late." Norrian Melman was always kind of an airhead, especially when it comes to time, especially especially when it comes to a change in schedule. He thought about whether or not he spent too much time in the hospital visiting Lorr, it was the usual amount of time, but he failed to account for the fact that school has started. A common mistake, forgetting that school started.

Ignoring the strange stares coming at his way, Norr casually jumped the railing of a second-story balcony and hopped onto the ground below. "I'm running late people, sorry! Sorry!." Like some college hipster version of the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, he dashed forward with little regard for those around him, stating some quick and half-hearted apologies as more people turned their heads towards his general direction. Pulling out a cellphone decorated with what some might call "too many stickers", the young man checked the time. "Nine...fourteen?"
There's no way it starts at such a convoluted time. Norr thought as he kept on running.

I didn't think that White Rabbit analogy would be this accurate. As he ran Norr noticed the...deterioating condition of the environment around him, like he was going down some hole of storage rooms and disrepair secret rooms. A screechy sound can be heard as the soles of his shoes rubbed against the floor (one might see a spark if they turned at the right time), with little to no hesitation between the actions, Norr kicked open the door on an impulse. Only to be greeted with what seemed like an explosion of dust.

"Pfft-" A dry cough came out of him as Norr once against considered if he has made a wrong turn somewhere, when the dust around him settle to manageable levels he looked up at the few students sitting around in the very rusted up room. "Umm, hello! I'm Norr Melman, is this-" A piece of the door frame fell and hit him on the head, he paused for a moment then pretend it never happened. "-Is this the-" A small stream of blood dripped down his forehead, he paused for a moment then pretend it never happened. "-Is this the, uh 'Writing Club'?" Norr asked a bit awkwardly while pondering whether a future with the "Central Boiler Repair Club" would be alright too.
  • According to Plan
Reactions: Rithas
[ Umeko Hayata ]
[ Writing Club Room ]

Umeko watched the various responses given by the others. She was going to be spending a good amount of time with these people throughout the year so there wasn't any need to be grabbing any notebook and start taking down notes. Still, it was true that first impressions were important things to behold so she just let herself give audience to the proceedings.

Olivia Daulfern - who got Umeko's name wrong. Someone who looked like they forgot to do their hair this morning but based on the one interaction there may have been a distinct possibility she was a NEET. Nonetheless, following Umeko's precedent, she complained about the room. Good enough.

Next up. Cu... O. Hefer Nein.
Cnon Nono??


Next up went Lancer.
Because there was no way she could pronounce this exotically European name, Umeko decided to just call him Lancer. Now, Lancer agreed with her and Olivia's sentiments. He also continued the combo of getting her own name wrong. If this was going to be today's joke... oh well. There was a whole year ahead anyway to get names right.

Arata Doi.
Umeko mentally imagining herself slapping her forehead after doing something silly like in those movies. He introduced himself as your average everyday ghost hunter, and ended off with suggesting the writing club turn it's activities from working with a pen on paper to working with construction materials on renovating this drafty excuse of a club room. Still, if this room represented the likely future of someone perusing the line of of work that this club entailed then it was all too accurate unfortunately.

In spite of the strong call to action he seemed to withdraw back into reading some sort of manga as everyone else proceeded onward. Leaving Umeko just a little less impressed than she otherwise was.

Hearing so many pointing out the sad state of the room was enough to break the wall club vice president Seira had put to keep the bad vibes off. But, as with anything, pretending a problem wasn't there wasn't going to make said problem go away. Everyone watched the too sort of exchange dissatisfaction at the first round of proceedings, Ultimately though, Seira made it clear:

Writing Club was on the bottom of the barrel in this school. Though, they were on the top of the list for scheduled head chopping.

Thus coming up with a 'school slogan' would be the key to keeping them from being, well - culled.

Umeko could appreciate the drive of their diligent club VP. But on that same token, it was a little embarrassing to see how they were riding their club's future on one stupid trivial thing. It was like she was living through middle school all over again. Umeko Hayata had experience with this sort of situation. She saw the same sort of thing play out in her old club with it's depressing number of members and lack of clear direction. Would this have been the time to answer that call to bring that experience to use?

The answer: Nope.

Too much work on her part. Or maybe a nicer way to put it - the others should have a chance to stumble their way into an answer to the problems they're all facing. People become complacent when there's no struggle in their lives, after all.

Speaking of struggles...

Following the VP, one of the mellower looking students present gave it their all to come up with a slogan to use. Brainstorming aloud various options as he went along. In the end, he finally introduced himself afterward. Daichi Orlenko. Unlike Umeko, it seemed like he had come this club fully invested to give it his all. Noble enough that Umeko gave a discreet but encouraging golf clap as he wrapped up.

And after that, Umeko got to see someone she was probably going make her suffer the whole entire year. Umeko thinks that Mimi makes Umeko's faith in this club take two steps back for every step taken forward. Was she going for the cutsey stupidity to score points? Or was she just genuinely a little bit more intellectually challenged compared to the average girl her age?

Umeko internally swore she would sooner rather start banging her head on one of these shoddy desks before ever trying to initiate the self-harming act of trying to have a conversation with this girl.

And that was everyone.
Until the one girl came in by kicking the door open.
No, wait actually a guy. The hair threw Umeko's judgement off.

Norr Melman asked if this was the room of the writing club as his head injury bled from the piece of door frame fell and hit him. That was going to cost money (for repairs).

The general silence and insanity of the situation was quite nice but it seemed like no one really knew what to say, so Umeko helped to break the ice, so to speak.

"Yes, you do have the right place. Welcome to the writing club."
She said, with out any trace of sarcasm, honest.

Soon after, the very door itself flopped onto the floor, Shaking the otherwise shoddy desks of the clubmembers like an earthquake tremor. That door too, was going to cost money (to fix).

Despite the turmoil of her inner thoughts, outwardly Umeko Hayata remained rather civil looking. Her calmness resolute like a statue that had been left in solitude in a dusty attic.

Umeko turned back to face the club leaders. Smiling like she was rather very amused by the current plot unfolding here. There were so many, many, golden, openly sarcastic suggestions to give to the club VP. A few came to Umeko's mind immediately, such as 'Leaving the competition in the dust', or 'the only place where inanimate objects are actively trying to kill you'.

She even had a couple of spicy meme inspired ones she wanted to suggest, sadly however she wasn't a complete degenerate.

In any case, Umeko had to put in some sort of input at least to make quota.

"Well, since there's no way that door's going to get repaired any time soon... how about a quote like: 'Uplifting Everyone' maybe?"

It was decently progressive and inclusive. That was all still in style these days, right?

Interactions: @Accelerator @Cresion Breezes
Everyone in General.
Arata Doi
Location: Writing Club
Interactions: Still everyone in this room.
It seems that the conversation is going well. The Vice President seems to understand the problem of the room and how to approach fixing it. Even taking his advice to fix things, which may have gotten a soft smile from him. But now that the discussion is out of the way, we can now focus on the slogan. While Arata was looking at his book, he tried to come up with something that could work as a base idea for the school's slogan. While that was happening, a few of the other members who hasn't spoke yet had the chance to introduce themselves.

Daichi Orlenko. He had spent his time coming up with some ideas for a slogan while they were talking about the whole room situation. Give him credit, some of them weren't so bad for a base idea for a slogan. He seemed rather engaged with the club and he would see himself working well with him...Perhaps.

Next up is Mimiko, who calls herself Mimi. She had came in later than the rest of us, perhaps engaged in something important. And hey, she seemed to have an idea for the slogan. He tuned in, hoping for something good. Only to hear 'Mimi forgot what it was.' He almost wanted to slam his head to the desk, but he didn't want to be any more rude nor perhaps break this old rusty desk. How could you think of something, then literally forget it right when you are going to share it?! At this rate, he's a little concerned about this club surviving at this point.

Then another person came on right after Mimi. This person seemed to have the unfortunate event of getting whacked by a door frame right as he came in. Jeezs this place gets more broken down the longer they're sitting here. He introduced himself to the group as Norr Melman. He seemed unsure if this was the right place and honestly he doesn't blame him for saying that, but the green hair girl got him covered, allowing him to stay his words for now. So far, nothing too much to take note of from him.

So far his first impression of this group is...interesting to say the least. Not something he was excited of, but nothing to serious to regret his decision coming to this club. But can this club truly escape the clutches of the school's jaws and escape its impending doom? Only time would tell.

But as he was taking notes of the class, he came up with some sort of idea for the slogan. Now of course, the slogan he thought up wasn't anything impressive, but it could be something that could stir some thought to build upon to make the perfect slogan. Then the green hair girl, Umeko, shared her idea for a slogan. He did expect something interesting from her, but then again, so did the rest of the others whom haven't gave their two cents on the slogan yet, like him...

...' Uplifting Everyone' was her suggestion for the slogan idea.

Somehow, he expected something more of a punch then some kind of friendship phrase from a tv show, but it is what it is. The slogan needed to be striking and memorable, something that would entice students to come here and learn. And while Arata ain't no expert in creating the perfect slogan, he did wanted to give a good impression. He did wanted to give some silly slogans just for the hell of it, but he didn't want to sound like a jerk, especially when the club itself is about to be cut from the school. Now that he had figured out something worth to share. He turned his attention to the group.

"I have one. Though don't expect it to be amazing or anything. Just something I came up with while reading." He asked as he placed his manga book down on the desk. He closed his eyes for a bit while channeling his energy into his voice. Hoping not to screw it up when trying to reveal it to everyone in the room. Once he was ready, he nodded his head.

"Aistri Academy, Writing the Pavement to a Better Future."

With that out of his chest. He felt that he contributed something that could help the club finding their slogan if the phrase doesn't end up being used in the end. He then decided to add a little more after his slogan idea. "But feel free to change it to something like 'Writing the pavement for a better you' or something like that. I'm up for criticism." With that he looked at the group, awaiting what their response may be.​

As a hipster ninja jumped off a balcony and created sparks as he ran for class. Two students watched with mild interest as they ate their breakfast.

"Six." One of them they muttered, a break between bites.
The other turned, "You've seen six people jump off a balcony in three hours?"
The first one shook their head. "No no, six people with white hair."
"Four people have jumped off balconies""
The other shrugged shrugged. "Something in the water."

Sҽιɾá Mαԃα


[Writing Club Room]

The sickly looking boy finally began to speak up. Actually talking about the slogan rather then the state of the club room (Much to Seira's relief). One could practically see Seira's face light up as thought (*gasp*) and time (*swoon*) was put into the club task. Seira began to scribble furiously in the notebook that she had placed out for the suggestions she had hoped to recieve. Mumbles of 'yesyes' and 'ah of course' as the student finished his suggestion.
"My name is Daichi Orlenko, and I'll be in your care from now on!"

Who's Mimi?

And then some e-boy kicked the club door in.

"What the-" Seira exclaimed at this sudden excursion of club time. Even Jing turned to look.

[color=#FF5AC60] "Umm, hello! I'm Norr Melman, is this- uh 'Writing Club'?"" [/color] Seira opened her mouth a couple of times to speak. She couldn't quite find the words she wanted to say, nor the actions she wanted to take. Certainly she could affirm that yes, this was the writing club and most likely he had reached his destination. But another part of Seira wished to beat him over the head with a ruler. She found some resolute joy in the fact that his head was bleeding from the chaos he had caused. What was he bleeding from again?

Oh, the hinge of the door.
The Hinge that held the door up.

As the door fell over like an old western cartoon. Seira stared in wide-eyed silence. More animated fish lips commenced as she tried not to have an aneurysm where she stood.
"You know, I always hated that door."
The pencil she was holding snapped in her hand.

"Yeskeepgoing." Seira uttered as she began to walk over to where the now empty doorframe was.
"since there's no way that door's going to get repaired any time soon...how about a quote like: 'Uplifting Everyone' maybe?"

Seira practically pushed Norr towards the gathering as she inspected the broken door.

"Good one, Umé." Jing spoke with the dull sardonic tone that made it hard to find that genuine, wringing his neck as he sat up. "Though a drip of any thought about the club in your slogan might help your chances."

"I have one. Though don't expect it to be amazing or anything. Just something I came up with while reading."
"Weird Flex, but okay."

"Aistri Academy, Writing the Pavement to a Better Future." Arata said it with the type of grandeur that Jing could only imagine that it was written in larger font in Arata's head. Jing blew out his cheeks. This one had writer talk. Jing had certain feelings towards writer talk. Mainly about them not happening around him.

"Well we do have pavements." Jing looked around, hoping no one else was going to add another suggestion and he could leave them to vote or talk or do whatever while he went back to sleep. But a slap of a journal on the table infront of him interrupted him from such dreams as Seira loudly huffed.

"Get the blackboard out." She said to him, wearing a flushed frown.

Rolling his eyes, Jing made his way to the back of the classroom as the Vice-Head took main attention again.

"Great job. I've written down the best suggestions and we'll choose later on in the day. That sums our first class task. We did it!" She gave a golf clap. Oh god, the rest of the class thought. Was that her actual normal ethuastic clap. There was some deeply wrong with it.



- Now left to a club vote in which deep ingrained apathy and nepotism will probably weed out the best.

AWARD: *Discord Channel: Club Tasks Unlocked. Check Discord for more Details.

"Now as it is the opening days of the school. Some of you may know it is custom to visit neighbouring clubs as a goodwill gesture. Exchange plesantries, meet old club mates, learn from the heads." She frowned a little bit at that. It was clear the idea of a different club asking Jing questions about anything disturbed her greatly. "And sometimes clubs can help eachother with..." She looked to the fallen door and then slowly, but with a certain and cold wraith to Norr. "Issues."

Jing now appeared aside Seira once again, now with a large black board. Somehow dustier and older then everything else in the classroom. "So we're gonna go on a little tour. Take your pleasure to pick whichever ones you wish. And if you wish to do certain things while their that'd be great, but you don't have to."
"You do."
"But only if you want to!"
"Keep this club going that is."

Seira wrote on the board...


TITLE: Door-Wrecked

"I bet you guys can't get a 'handle' on the situation. Probably cause it's on the floor."

Given By: Seira Mada.
Award: Guess
Forced Participant: Norr Melman @Cresion Breezes

Description: When a Door falls. You mourn, and then you get like...a new one dummy. Where do you get a door? Geez, like...the woodworking club would be neat I guess. Or somewhere else I suppose....
Secret Path: ???


TITLE: Flowers for Algernon

"He's Our Pet Dustmite"

Given By: Seira Mada
Award: Club Improvement!
Description: A bit of green would improve this clubroom tenfold. And since we don't have any cash, the second best type of green will have to do. Go to the gardening club and see what you can do.

"Oh look. There's two things. I guess Me and Jing will take one each, ha-ha." Seira grinned. "So who's feeling what they wish to do?"

The club got a weird feeling of being stuck doing tasks but also going on a class trip. They supposed it was better then getting lung damage in this classroom for now.

So they decided to...

Welcome To Task Free Time:

These time periods are eras In which your characters may talk freely to one another and also complete tasks for the club. Here you may move your character freely as you wish. With the tasks to guide you in something to do. Though if you wish to do inner-club personalizing rather then school exploring that's fine as well!

Mugs Awarded
"Before Building..." - Awared to Norr Melman.

@Interactions: @Ehb @Accelerator @Cresion Breezes @TheSly @Jessica2477 @FrozenDreams
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[ Umeko Hayata ]
[ Writing Club Room ]

So being able to shoehorn anything about the club for a motto representing the whole school was worth bonus points too? This was just depressing.

In any case, having a bit of a pool of phrases to choose from seemed to be good enough to have a start. At the rate they were going, maybe they'll be able to have this room habitable before winter break. The next step on today's first dip into pleasant introductory club pleasantries was in... getting right to work in order for things to not be as critically dilapidated as they were in their club-room.

The two club heads were going to go lead off a couple things to do. One would go visit the Toru Mori's Gardening Club in order to improve conditions in the room somehow. Didn't plants need actual sunlight though?

The other group would visit the the Woodworking Club run by Dasáki Mada in order to get the door repaired. Come to think of it, Dasáki and Seira were siblings, weren't they?

Umeko still wasn't all that invested in giving her 100% when she still felt a little... disheartened at the club's current prospects.

Still, the way she saw it, it was likely Seira would head over to see her brother Dasáki to get the door since they knew each other. That endeavor related to the woodworking club was likely going to succeed because unless Dasáki was a complete degenerate, he would likely try to help out his sis as he could.

As for the Gardening Club... and Toru Mori. If Jing and Seira's impression of club-room 'improvement' involved putting decorative cacti in the corners of the room then good luck. If Umeko remembered correctly the Gardening Club President wasn't going to just hand over their precious plants so easily. Toru was quite protective of them.

Therefore, Umeko could deduce that the hard part of today's task was probably going to be trying to work things through with the Gardening Club. Though she was still taking that hypothesis with a grain of salt. She didn't know what exactly they were going to be asking of gardening club in the first place in improving the conditions of the room.

When asked (by no one) about what she was intending to do next she replied casually:

"I think I'll go along with whoever wants to pay Mori-kun a visit I guess. I wouldn't be getting my hopes up too much though. He really likes his plants."

Umeko finally got out of the wiggly desk, which slumped to one side at an unnerving angle just short of falling down altogether. She carefully took her school bag and boyishly slung it over her shoulder.

"Who knows? If I had to pick between breathing dirt all day due to being in a dusty old room and breathing dirt in all day planting roses, then maybe being in the gardening club wouldn't be too bad either?"

She, inquisitively put her index finger up to her lip as if considering it carefully. Her playful remark about just quitting the club here and now was just playful sounding enough in tone that no one was sure if she was serious or not.

"Anyone else coming with?"

She asked the others whom were still internally deciding what to do next.

Interactions: Everyone in general.
Arata Doi
: Writing Club Room
Interactions: You guessed it, everyone in the room​

It seems that the ideas for the slogan have been written down on the blackboard and that there would be a vote later in the day regarding the slogan. Fair enough. He didn't expect his to be taken right off the bat and some of the other suggestions weren't bad either. Now that's out of the way, it seems that now that they were giving tasks to do. Well I suppose this is a starting point if they plan to fix this worn down boiler room to its fullest potential. But hey, it seems like they'll have free time to do stuff around the school until later in the day. Though he does feel the more he stays in this club, the more he thinks he's in a simulation game rather than a writing club.

Arata grabbed his book from the desk and placed it back in the backpack. There was two tasks given to them by the leader. One, to get the door fixed by heading to the Woodworking Club and meeting up with the club leader to help repair the door. The other was to go visit Toru at the gardening club to get a plant or two to help make the room livelier. Knowing Toru, he won't just give away his plants without some kind of huge compensation. Perhaps he could try to help him out with some odd jobs of his to get a plant or two for this club. Though in all honestly, he wanted to go hang out with Jag-eun in the Gaming Club, the two of them didn't mind talking about video games in general and probably would have joined the gaming club if the writing club didn't exist and he didn't have an interest in expanding his knowledge in writing. as he took a quick yawn, a small cloud of dust entered into Arata's mouth, causing him to react by coughing into his arm. Perhaps this heavy dust should be focused on first if we don't want to die of some disease from lung damage in the future.

He then noticed Umeko had gotten up from her desk and was getting ready to head to the gardening club to get some plants for the room. She then, assuming her tone in her voice was serious, threaten to leave this club for the gardening club. Now that he thinks about it. He could still leave this club and go to the gaming club instead. He wouldn't mind talking about all kinds of games there with the other club members. But he chose this club for a reason, at least he's going to put some effort into trying to make this club work before abandoning ship at least.

Getting up from his seat as he carefully tries not to break the desk in any way, Arata grabbed the right strap on the backpack and flung it over his arm as he starts walking towards the exit of the room. "I'll head with Umeko and see if we can convince Toru for a few plants in exchange of helping him with a few jobs of his or something. Hopefully we can get a few good plants that can help with lowering the amount of the dust in this room. Just make sure we have a good spot for them when we do bring them. We don't want them dying faster than this club now do we?" He told the club members as he leaned on the wall closest to the exit. He decided to hold position there, waiting on any other volunteers before heading out to the Gardening Club with Umeko.

【Jing Giú】​

[Writing Club Room]

Umeko and Arata both wished to go to the gardening club. Jing didn't seem reactive to Umeko's remark, though he didn't seem reactive about much. Still, as the other members pondered on what and who to spend their time with. Jing laid out his hands and rose up. "Right, you two. I'll bring you to the club if you wish to go then." And with a sudden vigor, he ushed them out of the classroom.

"And.." His hand went to close a door that no long existed in that space. So he merely swatted at the air for a few moments, "Whatever you guys decide to do, Try not to talk to any weird strangers."

As Umeko and Arata walked with Jing through the hallways. The got to clear their lungs a little bit from the possible long lasting damage the dust had done to their respiratory system. As well as admire how goddamn big this academy seemed to big. Really, they had been walking for a few minutes. This place never ended.

And it was busy. Every door they passed they could hear different voices and noises. Laughter and screaming and tools and everything. Only for it to be washed away by something else as they passed another door. Some students passed by them in the hallway, busy with their own club activities. Random words and phrases being heard as they passed by. It did feel truly like this academy was alive with a million different type of clubs.

"You know." Jing said, his face turned away from them. "About your future in the club. The thing is- Oh we're here."

Indeed they were. As they looked at a door far wider then the writing club. Something told them it was adapted to fit in large packages of soil and such. It was ordained in some type of ivy. Giving it the feeling of entering a castle in a fairy tale. Nevertheless, Jing pushed open the door. What greeted them first was...

The Sun.

Yes, ray of lights shone directly from above. They looked up. The entire ceiling was glass, allowing the maximum amount of light in. Compared to the dusty shadows of the writing club; This room was incomparably bright. It was big too. Very big, they couldn't exactly tell due to all the vegetation. But they couldn't see the other end of the glass roof at least.

Perhaps unsurprising, they stood on a stone path that cut through an immensive garden. Different sections had students tending to flowers or bushes or vegetables. The air smelled alive and fragrant yet wet. There seemed to be a lot of people here, a group of students walked by them transporting compost bags.

The different colours of flowers and plants was a little memerising. The two of them doubted they even knew the names of a quater of the plants they could see. There was something a little off thou-

"There he is." Jing announced, pointing off in the distance. The two of them looked over to the end of the finger line to see a specific Student tending to a patch of Petunia. His knees digging into the soil with a pleasent smile as he transported bulbs into the rich soil. Both of them knew this was Toru. The head of the club.

"Right, go on then." Jing said, leaning against a wall. Sniffling a little bit. The two of them gave him a quizzing look. "Hey, I have serious hay fever sometimes. It might be dangerous for me to go deeper into that flower maze. I'm sure you two will represent the club juuust fine."

It seemed Jing then, was not going to help them talk to Toru. Alas, it was up to them.

Deciding between the two of them what to do, The Writing Club Trio turned Duo went ahead and...

@Ehb @FrozenDreams


Location: Writing Club Room | Interactions: Everyone Still in the Room

It was a rollercoaster of emotions, from the relief that he got the right room to the deep deep realization that he was too busy wondering whether or not it was the right room, he forgot about whether or not it should be the right room. The fallen door frame and the slightly metallic taste of blood in his mouth were swaying the anwser to a hard no currently. He wasn't sure what he was expecting from The Writing Club, but being hit by a doorframe wasn't one of them. "Oh well...I was expecting-" Maybe something fancier, like limited edition leather-bounded Dostoyevsky volumes or doors that don't fall apart. Norr was glad he cut himself off before he could finish that sentence.

"-Yeah right, fixing it, I'll get right on that." The loud snapping sound came from one of the female students who seemed to be in charge as a few other students left for the gardening club to get some greenery for the room. It made Norr briefly ponder about the possibility of a future with "The Central Boiler Room Renovation Club". He turned to leave before remembering that he didn't really know where the Woodworking Club room was...or really anything in the school was. Life was hard being a direction idiot, especially when your vision is getting a little red.

Oh right, the blood.

Norrian licked his finger and tried to rub a bit of saliva into his wound, it was just a flesh would...probably, he winced as he pulled out a wooden splinter. "So uh, yeah, fixing it, anyone?" He looked around the room debating whether or not to do a finger guns motion, knowing that he didn't cut a very regal figure right now, but maybe someone will take pity on him. After a few blank blinks and awkward silence, he decided to take the only logical course of action.


He pulled out his phone and took a selfie with the fallen doorframe and tweeted it out to his followers, most of which were following him for either light novel updates or ecchi anime girl drawings.

-The education system lol. [image]-
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Reactions: Hecatty and Rithas
[ Umeko Hayata ]
[ Gardening Club Room ]

As they walked along down the busy school hallways, Umeko was texting on her phone. Seeming to smile and giggle at funny posts and replies with other people she knew in the school... She seemed to pause for a moment when Jing proceeded to fake out before their arrival at the gardening club. But no matter. Jing was only wasting his breath if he was going to only half-ass trying to keep them from leaving.

The impressive customization of the Gardening Club was indeed a sight to behold. Despite the presence of plants, dirt, manure, and the inescapable bug or so this was still a far cry from Writing Club. At the very least, going into this room one could understand immediately what this club was all about. On the contrast, if one entered the Writing Club 'room' one would come to the conclusion that someone had moved the sign to a utility room as a prank. Oh if only that were the case.

The insistence on Jing, their club leader - of not even wanting to go forward to meet with the Gardening Club president and instead sending fourth his unwitting lackeys to do it was a super low blow. Just how far was Umeko's evaporating drops of confidence in Jing going to have to get scalded before she reaches the point of no return? Return to the writing club that is.

Still, there was no harm in trying here at least. Maybe Jing was secretly one of those brilliant types and this was just the culmination of his 10 step two year plan, and things were so well placed that he could've literally sent a monkey in here with a note asking for flowers and Toru of the Gardening Club was going to lay seeds, plants, pots, and fertilizer down before them on a silver platter.

There was no way it was going to be that easy though. They were going to have to figure out how to get him to cooperate. Whether it be by persuasion or coercion was a story-line they were going to have to write themselves. This was the writing club after all.

"Um... Arata Doi-kun... right?"
Umeko gently called out to her partner for this mission. Sizing up his capabilities just by how he would look at her.
The verdict was: Scary.
This one was the one that was into horror stuff right? He certainly had the look of someone who would write that sort of thing.
"It would be fine to just call you Arata-kun... right? I know it's the first name. But, Doi-kun sounds a bit.... y'now. '[ Doi~ ].'"

She tapped the top of her head with her fist as she stuck her tongue out. Trying to communicate the silliness of how that sounded. Umeko deciding how she would call this person was decided so quickly that they had little if any time but to process anything but the general gist of it.

While Arata was trying to catch up mentally - Umeko's phone made an audible plink. Different from the other message recieve chatter she had been getting. Unlike the other ones, Umeko took a more careful read of that message. In the end she nodded.

"...I see. Well that's an option as well."

Umeko rested her chin on top of her smartphone brick as she looked up to Arata once more.

"I've got what's the equivalent of a [ Tactical Nuke ] as an option to solve this one, Arata-kun. But, if we went that route it wouldn't look too good for our club, even if we manage to complete chairman Jing's special mission. It would'nt make us look to good if we try to get help in the future."

If anything, Umeko was now talking just as cryptically as Jing had just a moment ago.

"Let's try to do this the honest way. As in, whatever way you're thinking about going about this." She said as she winked. "I'll support you as best I can. But, trying to get the girl to flatter someone into submission is something we should save as a last resort."

At was all so cryptic.
But if it could be distilled into something basic and straightforward, it would've been something like:

"You got first, Arata. I'll be right beside you, as a fellow clubmate."

Umeko took a step back, letting Arata lead the two man wing of the valiant Writing Club forward to to meet Toru.

@FrozenDreams @Rithas
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  • Haha
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Meanwhile Somewhere Else.

The woodworking room smelled of ancestery. Sitting in there with your eyes closed you got the feeling of sitting next to your great-grand parent in a rocking chair with him talking about his great-grand parents. Being there for a while gave people grand ideas of settling down in the country side and tending to the land while working on some fine ornaments.

All furniture there was, unsuprisingly, hand crafted. Sturdy wooden tables with stools and chairs. The floor despite being cleaned for the new year, still had vestiges of sawdust scattered across. Goggles and tools lined the walls. What spaces weren't taken up by those were littered by motivational posters and quasi-religious momentos.

Mayumi Sayoko
knew this already. Afterall, she had been a member of this club last year. And despite not being fully attentive had at least managed to learn all the tid bits of the room. She had extra time to have perhaps have one last look at the club-rooms features, as it appeared she was by herself in the clubroom.

Not exactly useful, in her goal to talk to the guys. The wooden sculptures and totems that were found in the room gave little in the way of conversation. Where were they? It was almost nine fourteen for goodness sake. If this went on longer she might actually have to go to her club.

It was then to save her more embarrassment that basically the entire population of the woodworking club lumbered (eh) into the room. They all looked quite...calm. Relaxed, chilled out, such and such.

"Grrrreat meditation session~ We must accept natures love into our hearts before we begin this new year~" Dasaki Mada spoke, leading the group. His sing song voice happy. Before he turned around and saw Sayoko that is.

"No." He said seeing her. "Please get out~" In reality Sayoko leaving had been quite the mutual benefit for her and the club head. Not that Dasaki had been hostile to her or anything in her year there. But Sayoko had found trying to talk to him like talking to a socially unaware lemon scented wall. Not so much bad at playing the game of people but rather choosing to never turn on the tv to play it in the first place. And for the otherway around, 'Sayoko inner peace was totally off wack, yo.'

"Before you ruin the vibe we've built, Mayumi." He mentioned again, waving his hands to usher her out. In fact, she could even seem a few of the guys which may be exes or not. They didn't seem exactly happy to see her either, the chilled social vibe slightly fading.

Mayumi Sayoko
Location: Woodworking Clubroom
Interactions: @Rithas (Dasaki Mada)

As Sayoko sat atop one of the hand-crafted tables, the boredom was slowly seeping into her mind. Compelling her to occupy herself by rhythmically tapping the hardwood. The sound drowning out the silence of the club room. It wasn't dimwittedness that had convinced her to head for woodworking today, as opposed to the club she was supposed to attend. No, how could she go there without 'gracing' the guys with her appearance one more time? "C'mooooon, how long does that nonsense last?" She asked the quiet room, giving voice to her frustrations.

How could she have forgotten they wouldn't be here yet? Sure, she hadn't been most attentive to the woodworking club's practices, but she should've realized they'd be having their little get-together first. Leave it up to guys to praise their wood before working with it. Sayoko let out a yawn after fighting it back for a few seconds. It was getting dull to stare at the walls. This was supposed to be worth the risk of being late to her own club's opening.

Placing her hands firmly against the tabletop, she pushed off. Using the momentum to hop down onto her feet. This had been a colossal waste of her time, and they'd hear about it! Even if she hadn't mentioned she'd make her appearance, the feelings of being stood up took hold. Just in time for the clubroom's door to open. The singsongy tone of her 'favorite' person drowning out the silence, as her tapping had done before.

"No, please get out~"

"Before you ruin the vibe we've built, Mayumi."

Adding insult to injury, he waved his hands. Gesturing towards the door.

"Mada, Mada," she started, taking a disruptive stance before him, "what's with the hostility, maaaan~" Her tone was mocking, accusatory, and a good reflection as to why she was 'ruining the vibe'. However, this was something he'd started, prompting Sayoko to dig in her heels. "I just wanted to see you all before heading off to the writing club, why's that such an issue?"
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Sҽιɾá Mαԃα


[Writing Club Room]

Watching Norr take photos with the broken property as he bled onto the floor was not how she thought this would have proceeded. Adjusting her glasses, Seira took a deep breath. Time to help lead the club to a better future.

"Hey, stop that! This is not something to show to your social whatsits or whatever."
Yeah, Seira was definitely hip with the kids.
"And stop bleeding!" Norr's blood apparently ignoring Seira's demand to stop ebbing out from underneath his hair. She handed him some tissue. "Follow me, we're going to fix this." She peered at the eboy through the top of her glasses. "The door, not that."

As Seira began to head outside. She turned around to those not coming along. "Don't talk to any strangers, will you?"


Dasaki scratched the frazzled hair on his chin with gentle irritation as Mayumi spoke. "Sayoko. You are in direct cause of two fights between our members. You apparently have broke into our clubroom. And worst of all, you're signature wood piece last year was so bad that I had to apologise to the earth spirits for the shame you brought upon them."

Her determined stand was broken as he began to shake some beads at her. "I say it once more. Begone, enemy of the peace. You being here means that some poor soul has accepted you into their club. I pray for their spirits with the eventual turmoil you will bring upon them!"

There was a knock on the door.

Mayumi turned her head to see a girl with glasses and a long haired student holding a bloody tisue. Actually, that girl with glasses looked pretty familar...

"Sister. What welcomes a visit to your fortunate brother?" Dasaki was all smile now, the unwanted influence of Mayumi on the room's vibe apparently forgotten.

"Er, yes. Brother, I've..." Her eyes met Mayumi's. "Hang on!" She stomped into the club room. Bloody companion following in toe. Pointing at Mayumi, she furrowed her brows. "You're supposed to be in our clubroom. Why are you here of all places?" She rolled up the sleeves of her jumper. "You do realise the first day of the club is the most important for the members. In fact, the social bonding and companionship it inspires is-"

As Mayumi got an speech about social bonds from Seira. Simply transfering feeling of annoyance from one Mada sibling to another. Norr felt a little like a child having to wait as his mother told off a manager. The entire woodworking clubroom was watching the scene unfold. Was he supposed to get this back on track or...?

@Cresion Breezes @Hecatty


Those staying at the clubroom for the moment. Through indecisiveness of where to go or wishing to further inspect the situation of the room. Whatever reason, the few left soon found themselves not alone. The young man didn't introduce himself, or pardon his presence. But rather was only spotted as someone looked to the corner of the room where he was scribbling something down, peering through old folders and such. Sniggering faintly to himself as he continued on his 'work'.

This Stranger was clearly not part of the club. The members shared a glance to eachother. Was someone going to stop him looking through files, or even ask him who he was?

@TheSly @Jessica2477 @Accelerator
Arata Doi
Location: Hallway to Gardening Club
Mentions: Jing (@Rithas)
Interactions: Umeko (@Ehb), Toru​

It was a bit of a surprise to see the leader getting out a leading both him and Umeko to the gardening club, though i'm sure the both of them could've reached the destination without problems, or perhaps he needed an excuse to get out of the dust infested room. Seeing Umeko browsing on the phone, Arata took out his phone from his pocket to check the screen to see if anyone may have texted him during his time in the club.

No new messages.

Of course. For some reason, Arata would for some reason expect some kind of reply from his old friends to strike a conversation or discuss about paranormal stuff, but no one would initiate it and it would be a pain for him to start one, since sometimes they would act as if they ignore their messages. And other people are so busy they don't usually have the time to chat, in person nor on their cell phones. His attention would be interrupted by Jing as he lets them know that they were here. He thought he heard him talking before they reached their destination, but because he was distracted by his current thoughts, he wasn't so sure about it.

The gardening room was pretty much the same as it was before when he visited it a a few times ago, with it being a large room full of all kinds of plant life reaching to the far ends of the room, being tended and nutured by the club members here. The rays of the sun pass through the glass windows on the ceiling as it emits a warm glow around the plants and the students in it. Looking around, he spotted Toru over there tending to a group of petunia over there. Ahh good, with the three of us together, i'm sure we'll come up with an goal in mind to convince Toru to help out the club and give us some flowers to...

...And he's backing out. Wonderful.

The more he thinks about it, the more the club might be better without him. All he does is loaf around and make the other club members do his work instead of taking leadership and showing the others how its done other than guiding them to their destination. At least some form of strong encouragement would be something at least. Whatever. Trying to argue with him would be a waste to him. He sighed to himself in disappointment before his attention was grabbed by Umeko, whom seemed to be figuring out what to call him.

"Arata-kun sounds fine to me, Hayate-san." He replied back. agreeing to her request. Though he hasn't gotten a chance to know her much, his first impression of her was... a tad bit annoying, but considering the situation of their club room, can he really blame her for her current attitude? As she focuses on her phone, Arata was figuring out what to say to Toru once he approaches him. As he was thinking, Umeko mentioned to him that she had some kind of...tactical nuke for the task, which would guarantee completion of the task rather quickly, but potentially would cause them and the club to be rather untrustworthy to the other clubs in the future and any kind of help would be gone.

"A tactical nuke huh?" He responded back to Umeko's statement, unsure to think about her tactical nuke option. "Tempting, but we should stick to not using risky tactics at first, lest we put the writing club in jeopardy of being cut." Whenever or not this was her plan to get out of this club and go to a new club seemed to have Arata a bit concerned, of course, it is tempting for him to leave the club and go elsewhere, but he has to at least try and see if the club can be salvaged from where it is currently at. "If we intend to bring the writing club out of the chopping block, then we would need to form trust with the other clubs in the future. We'll start by offering to assist him with whatever tasks he needs done, hopefully if we do good enough on them, he might be willing to let us borrow some plants for the room. If somehow that doesn't work out, we'll try out other tactics, but offering to help him out should suffice to him if we approach it right." While he isn't too confident if Toru would be willing to let them borrow his plants for helping him out, it was the only option that he could think of at the moment without resorting to riskier plans. And since Umeko had given him the lead for it, he felt a bit of nervousness having such honor of leading the charge of this two man army, since he doesn't get the chance to do so often. But she did put her trust in his plans, so he'll take it with a bit of pride.

With Umeko behind him, the two of them approached Toru, who was still tending to his plants. "Yo!" He waved as he gave a smile to Toru. "Long time no see Toru." While Arata and Toru aren't super close buddies, the two have known each other for a while, as Arata offered to help him a few times in the gardening club last year when he needed it. "The two of us are here in regards of the writing club. We have a favor to ask. You see, the room we're currently in right now is in need of some fixing up, and we're coming up with some ideas on how to improve its current situation. And one of the ideas we came up with was to borrow a few of your plants in order to help make the room feel more alive. In exchange for the plants, me and Umeko can assist you with any kind of important tasks you need done for today. Or if you have another suggestion that would work better for you, we're open to hear it." he explained the situation as he noticed a few of the students quickly eyeing the two of them, wondering what is going on, before getting back to their current tasks.
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