Writing Club (IC)

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Any time except when I'm not.
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Modern, Fantasy

"If you think about it. We're the ones who can truly bring things to life! So that they can see it without ever being there!"
"Isn't that what television is for?"
"That's not the point!"

"Hello? Hel- Is this on? Oh, it is. Great. It's your Principal Slews here. Here to greet you all for another wonderful year at this paradise.

New arrivals are welcome to Aistri Academy. I hope you've all enjoyed the first day so far. Your new clubs have hopefully welcome you with open arms. Or for the soccer club. Open feet! Ha….hah.

Anyhow, it is now the time where I'll have to announce something exciting. Due to several reasons, some including budget cuts. We have decided it is best to...number down on the amount of clubs in this academy. But of course, how could we possibly cut out any of the many wonderful clubs that inhabit this school without giving them a fair chance? Aside from the 'Anti-Oppression' Cub. Who unfortunately found themselves short of members this year.

To solve this, we have decided for a competition to be held. Each club shall fight- I mean compete! To prove their worth to the school! Future Details will come later, but victory comes to those best prepared! I believe Einstein said that."

In other news. We are holding a competition to replace the previous school motto 'A Place for Everyone'. For those who have entries, please report to office 27 in the Dreams Building.

Now how do I turn this off? This…no. THIIIIS, no. Th-"


It seemed the world had decided that today was going to be a bad day with those allergies. The air was thick with dust and pollen. Clubs had resorted to opening windows, giving members medicine, and for those with bad knowledge in biology; Outside classes.

The Writing Club, situated in what was once the home of the poverty's club, and before that an ancient boiler room. It's windows were sparse. Located high up on the walls. Indented so that during the evening the light rays would be focused to cut right through the floating dust. The members unfortunate enough to be sitting in the room found themselves sniffiling often. This wasn't the only discomfort. The chairs they sat on creaked omniously, threating to simply collapse. The desks had many markings from previous clubs and members. Signatures and messages to future readers. One member noticed that the words 'Down with the money pigs' was written on the frame of their's.

The desks were alligned in a rough U-shape formation. It was not clear if this was intentinal or if whoever was in charge of it just didn't care.

Speaking of whoever was in charge...

[Writing Club Room]
A groan, coming from the hallway outside the classroom. Signalled the arrival of Jing. He ducked his head in. His eyes laced with irritation, scanned over the group of students sitting, chatting. relaxing in the club. They were all there. As they should be afterall. He was ten minutes late.
Dragging his hands down his face. He hauled himself towards the top of the classroom. Mumbling things about start dates and such as he made his way.

Taking a marker from his desk. Jing put the tip of it on the whiteboard rather makeshiftly nailled to the wall. He wrote an nine, before sighing and turning his head to the person who had patiently been sitting there for the last half hour. Who, at this point. Was angrilly correcting her glasses.

"What is the time, Seira?"

"Nine Thirteen. You do realise you ar-"
"Thanks, Seira."

He went back to writing on the whiteboard.
Turning around, He closed the cap back on the marker.

"There was an mistake with the start times. The Offical start time is Nine Fourteen. Oh look, we're coming right up to it." Jing produced a bell from the desk. He tapped it gently.


"Class is started. Good to see we're all on time." Yawning, The Head produced another thing from the desk cupboards. The other students were beginning to wonder the depths of it. This Item, was very clearly a book. For those with good eyesight, they could make out 'Being a Team Leader 101' as the title. Flicking through the pages, Jing nodded to himself.

"You may have heard about the fact that the School Motto is up for....Renaming? Rephrasing? Whatever. Anyway, I thought it would be good to start us off by working on that. Start you off easy."
"We're also obligated as the Writing Club t-"
"This will also serve as introductions to other members. Two birds one...task. And it's less work for me."

Once again, Jing nodded to himself slowly. Scratching his cheek with little thought.

The four-eyed girl stood up with militaristic discipline.
"We will split up into two groups so that group dicussion can be had more smoothly. Can Watanabe Honoka, Beatrix Lance, Jemima Foster and Damian James please sit on the left side with me." (@Jessica2477 @Wolfsbane706 @Yuuki_Tatsunohi @Karyra)

"Mirai Ueno, Theodore Estherheart, Rio Hanatora, Ayase Matsuhima and Haruka Tatsumi please sit on the right with Jing. Let's start this morning task off with some productivity!" (@Luma @LowDefinition @twinkletide @xLarius @Ehb )

Awkward glances were shared among the new students. This had the familar aura of things their teacher told them when they were six. Admittaly, with less promises of sweets. Nevertheless, they found themselves awkward shuffling to one side or the other.

Seira, sitting there with her arms crossed. An hopeful smile plastered on her face. While on the other side, Jing was already resting his head against the table. Whispering Grievances about life.

With this set out, The Students set off their first Club Day by...

Beatrix Lance
Writing Club Clubroom

Before club business had began, Beatrix had been sprawled out in the corner under a blanket, legs and skates sticking out into the middle of the room. When Jing, the club leader, had walked into the room, she'd gotten up, blanket and all, walked over to one of the desks, and promptly tried to go back to sleep. "Tried to" being the operative phrase. Almost immediately after she laid her head down on the desk and covered up with the blanket, she was asked to group up and move to another desk. With a yawn, she sat down with her groupmates and wrapped the blanket around her shoulders. "Oi, Jemima," she said, poking the one in the seat next to her. "Let's do a round-robin, yeah?"

Beatrix's voice carried that working-class Cockney twang that she was more than a little bit proud of. She'd been practicing it for the past year, so of course she'd be proud. Other accents she'd been practicing included Southern Belle, Darling Irish Girl, Glaswegian Angry Lass, and Midwestern Skater Girl. Then again, Midwestern Skater Girl was her natural accent. The only reason she'd have to practice that one was to avoid having one of the other accents taking over her voice. It was weird, but it was Beatrix. Weird was practically her middle name.

Ayase Matsuhima
Writing Club Clubroom

"Ha, A place for everyone yet you are shutting down clubs, it's a shame but money doesn't grow on trees."

Waiting and watching as the rest came in, Ayase was starting to wonder why she was in this club, minus judging by her desk the threat of Communism was alive and well, while there were people with money that she would like to see fall hard, or their assets taken, that was in the name of national order. For what the poverty club wanted you ended up with the stupidity that was just announced.

Sitting at the desk she claimed as her own, the girl curiously has a heavy carrying satchel with her, its contents becoming clear quit quickly as a heavy metallic object slams atop it, pressing keys the automatic CLANK CLANK KEEESHEEEESSSSH sounds with each press of the key and the slide going back. An old fashioned typewriter, scattered across the desk were a collection of notes, pictures, film reels and a bundle of red string.

It was shortly there after as she was neck deep in her own work, writing for her own private paper that the President had arrived, late as always and looking like he had just woken up. It would be easy to write a well selling article of him, but for now she needed this class to survive, the Journalism Club said her methods were too extreme, with the news being different here. It was all as it was nepotism. Stopping her typing to look up at Jing, it seemed they would be reassigning seats, apparently to take on the challenge for the school motto.

"Hmm..I would say, A place for everyone, even the trash..but given the budget is falling and we stay down here I guess we all know that." Giving it some thought as she drags over her work desk, she had work to finish.. Namely carving a new message and image into the desk.. well that and typing.

"Though.. Hmm.. Well the Principal is incompetent..but he always likes his pretty neo-socialist sloganeering.. Maybe something like "Living Tomorrow, Today!" or we could go more of with the new reality he's in "Continuing Forward." Hmm... some of those might make a good headline.. Ah yeah, Ayase, Guess I'm a Senior, nice ta meetcha." She says looking at the others in her group, as if out of some professional decorum than sincerity as she goes back to sorting her images and papers, tilting her brown hat at the rest.

(Tags: Everyone in the group?)

Mirai almost regretted her decision.

Signing up for the writing club was, in her mind, a huge risk for someone like her. True, she was a writer, but she wrote most days anyways. Her image of an author in the modern age was one of a polymath—not just a writer but a scientist, an anthropologist, a journalist, a philosopher. A thinker. She was not yet any of those things; just a writer, start to finish, and so she could feel, as she perused the choices, feel the other clubs tugging at her, begging her to join, whispering C'mon, c'mere, join us, because writers needed experience and she was, by her estimation, about as experienced as a newborn baby. (A rough estimate, admittedly.)

Anyways, she made her choice. And now she found herself here, in a musty, run-down room whose closest resemblance was not a "Writing Club" but a children's textile sweatshop, a century obsolete and sans sewing machines. The wooden furniture didn't so much 'threaten' to collapse as simply waited, creaking sadistically, for the perfect moment to give out. Pallid sunlight squirmed through the windows. Being in this room made it feel more like the late afternoon than the height of the morning, the exact period where the day begins to wither and die. As a result, the room—and this was no exaggeration—reeked, to Mirai, of death, stagnancy, everything she loathed and feared.

At least the people seemed interesting. One of her worries was that the club would be populated by effete, pretentious types, hardcore realists like her family who wouldn't like her and who she wouldn't like and the whole thing would just be a miserable time. But that didn't seem to be the case. It was a fascinatingly diverse bunch: all manners of dress (archaic, modern, straight-up weird) and disposition (near-death, bubbling with life, triple-C's, etc.) could be accounted for within their little congregation. It did lead her to wonder what some of them were doing in a club like this, but at least it wouldn't be boring.

But there was still the matter of their surroundings. As a result, Mirai was strangely quiet throughout the proceedings, tapping away at her phone while the rest of the class awkwardly mingled, her fantasies of an explosive high-school debut. Trying the block out the stench of dust. Already feeling the rest of the class pinning her down as a quiet, introverted type, which was about as far from the truth as you could get. She made a snarky post about the room on 4chan's /his/ board—some dumb joke about the Industrial Revolution, with a blurry photo attached—which hadn't yet gotten any replies. Soon she began to fidget, closing each one of her fifteen tabs on Chrome and undoing it, over and over again, waiting.

Thankfully, before long, a guy who she assumed was the club leader slinked into the room, wrote some stuff on the whiteboard, and before she knew it Mirai found herself split off into a group with the club leader, what looked like bimbos of both genders (one blonde, tall, a Beverly Hills type, the other two rather normal Japanese girls much like herself), and—most interestingly—a girl dressed like a reporter from the early 20th century, complete with a newsboy's(girl's?) cap. And then there she was, regretting her decision.

Almost. Because Ms. Reporter opened her mouth.

"Hmm...I would say 'A place for everyone, even the trash'...but given the budget is falling and we stay down here I guess we all know that." She was referring, Mirai assumed, to the Principal's announcement over the intercom (the contents of which worried her even more—the hell were they supposed to make? a novel? paper might grow on trees, but the words on them sure don't [moreover, the soccer pun was awful]). Make a new slogan, was the task they were given—innocuous enough.

Innocuous enough, but the Reporter had a way of speaking that made it less so. "Though... Hmm...Well, the Principal is incompetent...but he always likes his pretty neo-socialist sloganeering...Maybe something like "Living Tomorrow, Today!" or we could go more of with the new reality he's in "Continuing Forward." Hmm... some of those might make a good headline.. Ah yeah, Ayase, Guess I'm a Senior, nice ta meetcha."

Nice ta meetcha indeed! Mirai thought. What an interesting person, what a way of speaking—how strange, how postmodern, how wonderful. That impression only increased when she noted her miscellanea—particularly the huge, clunky typewriter—and her carving on the desk.

She could work with this. Oh, yes, she could work with this. It was time to make her high-school debut.

Mirai cleared her throat. "Yes, yes, that's a good one! The whole package deal, unobtrusive and snappy and—oh, my name's Mirai, by the way—" she directed a sweeping smile to all her peers "—yes, great, wonderful. I was thinking something like 'A dream we can all share', though. Crappy wording, but, y'know, something we can share is a good sentiment. Sharing is caring and all that." The same smile again, taking great care not to linger on Ayase's face too long. "Anyways, you guys have any ideas?" she said to the others in their group (minus Jing, who seemed near death and therefore unresponsive), before she could arouse suspicion. (@RedArmyShogun @Ehb @xLarius @LowDefinition @Rithas)
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Damian James
Writing Club Clubroom

Damian hated waiting. He was always far, far too early for everything, but in contrast their industrious and always punctual leader... was always late. Or so Damian heard. Damian hated this clubroom, it was beaten down and horrible. But at least he could find a quiet spot to sit down and listen to music while getting work done. The others eventually trickled in, but he wasn't too worried about people getting in his way.

It would probably be just all icebreaker games. He'd had enough of them already and he wasn't out of high school yet. They were pointless anyway. Who cared much about what people liked or disliked? In his opinion, they weren't very clear personality traits. Then again, who could find out who a person was through some pointless games that no one liked?

However, as soon as he thought that, the president burst through the door, declared that Damian and others were going to have to sit next to each other and think of a new slogan for the school. Did they have to? Damian wasn't good at slogans...

Besides that, the cockney girl was already trying to... round-robin with somebody she already knew. Jemina? Great, there were cliques forming already...

"I-I'm Damian James..."
he stuttered out. "I-it's nice to meet you. Uh... for the slogan... maybe.... like... 'Advancement for all'?"

He really just wanted to get back to his work. He was almost to the part he was really excited for. He was gonna have the heroes finally fight for the first time. It was really, really exciting. His music was perfectly timed, and he was really feeling up for it today. However, all these distractions probably would take him off his mojo.

@Uh People
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[Writing Clubroom]

The Writing Clubroom, one of her favorite places in the school for all the wrong reasons. The eerie sense of discomfort upon entering this pitiful excuse of a clubroom gave Honoka the shivers. The poor quality of the air forced her to wear a face mask before she entered the room, otherwise her sinuses would begin to act up. A sense of abandonment from just how dark and rundown this area was. The uneasy creaking upon sitting down on one of the world's most unreliable chairs in existence. The windows too high for one person to reach and too small to get out... Only the door was the saving grace of this room, and the only exit...

Yes, this was the perfect room to kill someone.

Maybe a young man who fell in love, but turned out to be a serial killer? Perhaps in a room like this he would lure his romantic rival and gut them with a box cutter?

And maybe the romantic interest of this Yandere boy could gradually become insane the longer this dangerous person was around them until they requited their suitor's feelings? In turn, show just how truly fragile a sane person's mind really was? A psychological descent to insanity? Yes, good. She would have to write this one day.

Not even the school faculty seemed to enter or care about this classroom now that she got a good look at it. Could they not afford cleaning materials? Why couldn't they throw out the vandalized desks and take extras from underpopulated classrooms? One of the desks had even expressed distaste for the "money pigs," which sent a chill down her spine. Heheh, it could be any one of the poverty kids in the school. Or even someone who happened upon this desk with this mindset. So unsettling~

Honoka didn't think on this too much because the other club leadershad arrived, fashionably late she might add. He didn't seem to care, which made her wonder why he showed up at all.

'Never trust a book by its cover Honoka.' She thought to herself, deciding she would have to wait and see about Mr. Late's character and what he intended to accomplish with the Writing club. His friend seemed a lot more dutiful about this, there must be a reason he was here.

She and half the club were instructed to split into two groups so they could come up with a new motto for the school, which she found a bit silly. The principal would certainly just pick a motto from the Student Council and call it a day...

Well, this would certainly let her speak to her fellow club members and pass the time.

The one with an undefinable mixing pot accent addressed her friend, Jemima. By process of elimination, this strange talking girl must be Beatrix. And the boy, Damien of course.

"A pleasure to meet all of you. I'm Honoka." She introduced herself, wanting to smile but didn't see the need to since it would just be covered by the face mask she wore. "Advancement for all" is pretty good. There's straight-to-the-point ones we can use. Like "Creating Our Children's Future," or "Education to Excellence."

(@Everyone in the group)
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Rio Hanatora

Writing Clubroom

How dare this person?
This Rio Hanatora.

Likely an underclassman to most people in this room. Fresh blood. Fresh, beyond fresh. Manicured nails. A personalized uniform with complimentary pins to make her look unique. Playful looking twin sidetails with long loose hair that gave the best of both worlds. She smiled like she found whatever exchange to be going on to be pleasant even if she wasn't necessarily being involved in it. Everything about the way she looked and the way she acted, even when just sitting there just screamed: I Kind of Hate You to any other girl in the room.

Regardless, the girls in the room with half a sense of subtlety could tell that she was not at all invested into any of this in any way whatsoever. He body language and expression was one appeared attentive, and it seemed like at any moment she'd laugh daintily and give a one off comment before taking control of the conversation.

But she didn't.
For people who read into it too much, it was a bit irritating.

I know that as soon as I start talking, all the attention is going to go to me. So why bother starting out the gates running? I just want to go in when I feel like it.

Was sort of what one could potentially gleam off of nonverbal cues.

You see. Right now, Rio Hanatora's participation in this conversation was anything but. Her laughs and giggles with everyone's introductions were proably sincere. But her apparent 'interest' in the club could be inferred as being as dedicated and focused as somone watching an online video that just interesting enough to watch to the end... or rather because they're too lazy to switch to another one and would rather wait till the next set of suggestions come up at the end.

Eventually though, the seniormost members of the club declared that they'd break up into groups. Discuss a new school motto and get introductions done at the same time. It seemed. Rio seemed to light up a bit to that prospect.

First, the reporter girl. Rio seemed to be in awe at Matsuhima as they spoke.

"Whoa! You really must know a whole lot, Ayase Sempai!"

Next, Ueno. To her, Rio responded more mildly. "Cool." She complimented while also sounding unimpressed at the same time.

The next person after Ueno was none other than Rio. She raised her hands, bashfully.

"Um. I... just got accepted into this school! So any kind of saying that I come up with feels like it'd not be properly representative of the school. I think something important like a school motto can only come from the heart of someone who's been at the school for longer." She looked among everyone in her group. "Right, Reece-Sempai?"

She casually passed the baton along to another person there. It was odd though. Reece noticed that while she referred to him by name, she didn't actually look at him while saying it.

Did she just remember the name and scanned to make it look like she was looking at him.

That though was interrupted though, as Rio added one last bit of opinion as she handed off the floor to the next one.

"Ah-! But wouldn't it be classy if we did the motto in another language. Like, my friend in the states sometimes says [ JUST DO IT! ] really energetically. It's a lot like [ Gambare! ]"

So it was actually what the group was looking for. But at the same time, kind of not.
Her english was really good though. Her pronunciation was spot on, like English Teacher's Canadian-English Accent. Good enough to make that same English Teacher smile no doubt.

"That would be kind of cool? Ah, but it's probably be pretty impossible too though."

She turned to look off to the side. As if realizing she was getting ahead of herself.

@_Jingroup @Luma
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Haruka Tatsumi
[Writing Club Clubroom]

If only there were any vacancies of the manager position on any sports club. She wouldn't be joining this club. She wasn't regretting it though, until she saw what sort of clubroom the club would have. She couldn't believe what she saw, a very very old room that have a really really small window, not so good for air circulation. Old chairs and tables, ew... gross, even some of it bear marks of it's previous residents. She even tried the chair, it creaks... Somehow gave her a realization and she would instinctfully pinch her belly softly. "Will it break if I sit on it..." She thought to herself.

She would then opt to just stand up and plays with her phone instead of taking a seat as she waited for the club leader to arrive. She consciously covered the lower part of her mouth with her clothes as she looked at her phone screen. God knows what was it that she looked at. Maybe something perverted?

And then the club leader arrived, she promptly closes her phone and puts it in her bag. Gosh, why is he so laid back? Didn't the principal said there's a potential of a thinning down of clubs? And judging from this clubroom's condition... The club could probably be in danger of being disbanded by the school.

Then again... He mentioned that thing about new motto entry. Guess he didn't miss all of the announcement. And so she was assigned to one group. The one with the lazyhead leader. Hearing some of the group members already talked about the idea of the new motto, she wondered if they really should bother doing it. Creating a new motto instead of just, well... make a book or something!

Guess it's her turn to talk then?

Haruka would then tap the table and huffed before opening her mouth. "Uh... I think all the mottos you guys have are cool and all... But maybe, just maybe... How about we make it like some term from some cool things like uh... [From Zero to Hero]! I mean, we came from zero, and then came out like a hero! In theory that is..." She talked about her idea of the new motto. "Not like we'll graduate and be straight up useful to the society anyway~" She shrugged, before dragging the chair back to get herself seated.

"Oh yeah... My name is HarukaAAAAAAaa---!!!!??" She introduced herself before getting cut by what seems to be that the chair broke, making her fall almost comically down to the floor. "Ow..." She held the back of her head and rubbed her butt in pain. "Seriously!? I can't be that FAT right!?" She lashes out, very not pleased with the fact that the chair broke, as she is very sure that even though she's quite chubby in standard... The chairs in this club are so bad that they could break at any moment. "Why are the chairs so bad that they could break at any moment, can't they give us some better chairs!? And while we're at it, can we get a better room!?" She continued to complain about the condition they're in.

  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Luma
Jemima Foster
Writing Club Room
Waiting for the club to start, Jemima had claimed one of the desks, her eyes wandering around the room while absentmindedly tapping her fingers on the wooden surface. The room was a far cry from pleasant; the walls were worn and the wall paper peeling in all sorts of place. One lonely window that barely let light in situated so high up the wall Jemima would probably have to stand on someone just to even look through it. The chairs creaked, and Jemima had a slight fear that the one she currently occupied would give at any second. Speaking of creaky furniture, one girl decided to pull out a typewriter—a clunky, bulky one—and slam it on her desk, typing away at whatever paper she was working on. For one split second, Jemima thought the desk was going to collapse at that moment but exhaled a breath she didn't know she was holding when it didn't give. She then turned to her own desk which was covered in graffiti from previous occupants. Initials within hearts, some sort of oddly designed S Jemima vaguely recalled from childhood memories, a smudged out sentence she could barely make out, and some cute doodle of a tree with a tire swing hanging off one of the branches.

Wow, that one looks amazing, she thought.

She was about to pull out her phone and take a picture of the drawing when a boy arrived. Club leader, she assumed given how he automatically crossed the room to the whiteboard. Some back and forth banter between him and some bespectacled girl named Seira and soon Jemima found herself in a smaller group lead by said girl.

"Oi, Jemima. Let's do a round-robin, yeah?"

"Round-robin?" she repeated. "Ooh, can it be a fanfic? Though I don't know if you're into fandoms . . ."

Two more people joined in, pulling some of Jemima's attention away from Beatrix.

"Oh! I'm Jemima Foster. You can call me Jem if you want. As for the new motto, ummmmmmmm—" she shrugged sheepishly "—I really haven't thought much of a new school motto. Thought that would be something staff would figure out on their own."

Interactions: @Seiragroup, @Wolfsbane706
Mentions: @RedArmyShogun
Ayase Matsuhima
Writing Club Clubroom

Looking at her group so far the other male had not spoken up, he was a bit of a pretty boy though. Snapshots of him would be in demand if she were in that sort of business, it was something to keep in mind, next was the President, who was.. pretty much passed out. Did he work nightshifts or was he just that lazy?

And then there were the three other girls, all of whom had spoken up, directly to her or in general. Red thick framed glasses, looked a bit like a, Tsundere, wasn't that it? She was also playing with a smartphone, not that it was too unusual. The question was if this girl had anything worth digging into

"Yes, yes, that's a good one! The whole package deal, unobtrusive and snappy and—oh, my name's Mirai, by the way—. I was thinking something like 'A dream we can all share', though. Crappy wording, but, y'know, something we can share is a good sentiment. Sharing is caring and all that."

"Sharing by force is Socialism, Socialism is one step from Communism. Good to have your own dream." She says a bit harshly in reply, though it carried a business like quality to it, much like institutions in the 1930's she seemed to take her clothing from.

Listening to the rest, the young girl's demeanor seemed to have shifted suddenly from standoffish to friendly smiles, did she want something or was she being nice? Setting her thoughts aside, Ayase turns back to the matter at hand with a partial shrug. "Well something like that would suit him at least, I dunno 'bout going with that, hmm.. Yah know the old bastard went on with budget cutting lots of us, so maybe not a good idea to make em all feel inclusive, yah know what I'm saying?"

Next to speak was the bubbly girl that gave off the popular girl sort of vibe, and she was quite the ball of energy.

"Whoa! You really must know a whole lot, Ayase Sempai!"

"Hmm...hmm..hmm.. Flattery won't get you too far Freshman, hehehe.. But I suppose I do, for a price. Yah want to know somethin more so with people on the Island I just might know it.. Well that an'a few other things." While she stated otherwise, the glint to her eye briefly showed she actually did like the praise somewhat from the younger student.

Listening to the girl, her antics seemed to bounce around a bit, mostly towards a Reece Senpai, she had not noticed him earlier... More importantly he had not been called out by the Vice President, though for numbers split, he should be on the other team. Keeping up her friendly plastered on smile, Ayase just observes the pair before speaking up again.

"Hmmm.. Yah might wanna keep that Slogan to something we all on the Island can say. Still join in with the conversation, mhmm? It wouldn't be good if we just ignore yah, you'll be here when we are gone."

This one at the least bore keeping an eye on, her mannerisms and dress were a little odd.. Well not that she herself could say much.

"Uh... I think all the mottos you guys have are cool and all... But maybe, just maybe... How about we make it like some term from some cool things like uh... [From Zero to Hero]! I mean, we came from zero, and then came out like a hero! In theory that is..."

Droning on about something another the sporty and yet nerdy looking girl continued to ramble on, picking something that sounded more suitable for a sports team than a school. Introducing herself as Haruka with a very long AAAA at the end of it, the girl broke her chair landing on the floor.

Listending to the girl, her first reaction was to immediately question if she was fat, disrupting Ayase from her work, the girl keeps her smiling face up as the next words flow from Haruka's lips. Earning an almost pitting stare from the Reporter.

"Why are the chairs so bad that they could break at any moment, can't they give us some better chairs!? And while we're at it, can we get a better room!?"

"Because this school was never about Zero to Hero. Favoritism runs wild in our halls, but o'course if you aren't in a club or a job afterschool you'll get in trouble, the Principle's Son runs the Journalism Club and while that's something I do, I'm ain't following him. So if yah want better chairs or rooms? Well bring in your own money or help take out some of the other clubs. Other than that learn to spot quality wood construction or learn that super glue is your friend."

Saying her peace, Ayase sets about reorganizing her papers and photos, having joined this club to do her work in peace, this wasn't what she had in mind.. But the stupid school wouldn't let her be in a club of herself, or a 2nd Journalist club, they also didn't count her paper as a real job per see, even if she made money off of it.

Interactions: @LowDefinition @Ehb @twinkletide

Mentions: Various.
[Writing Club Room]

Beatrix was the first to speak, speaking about a round robin. This wasn't a term that Seira was familar with. This gave her some encouragement. Learning from different points of views was one of the main advantages of this club. But to those who looked to the senior member, they would seen one of concern. "I...didn't realise you were British. I swear it was written down that you were..." Nibbling on the tips of her fingers, Seira cursed herself. This was basica infomation, how had she gotten it wrong?

"I-it's nice to meet you. Uh... for the slogan... maybe.... like... 'Advancement for all'?" Damian, The one with the headphones, spoke up.
"Advancement for all" is pretty good. There's straight-to-the-point ones we can use. Like "Creating Our Children's Future," or "Education to Excellence." Honoka added.

"Good suggestions!" Seira replied, perhaps a bit more louder then needed. "Of course...Advancement is not for all. People have to fight to graduate. In addition, if you add the factor of the culling of clubs. That does bring some false optimism, doesn't it?" Staring into space as she talked. Seira looked back, "Oh, I apologise, It really does capture the meaning behind this academy. The.." Seira bit her lip as she struggled to find the word. "The..." She waved her hand gently in the air. "Well, we know what this Academy stands for...right?" From Seira's rather disconcerted expression. The others felt like that she didn't.

"—I really haven't thought much of a new school motto. Thought that would be something staff would figure out on their own."

Seira's posture straightened back up. "The Academy prefers to let students show their skills in flourishing manners." She declared robotically. "And, perhaps, they are already looking for clubs that aren't contributating?" That was a heavy thought to be weighing on the student's minds on the first day.


[Writing Club Room]

As the others in his group began to talk over the subject of the 'Offical School Motto™' and join in as what one might call social mingling. Jing acted as a corpse.

Ayase talking about neo-socialist sloganeering and such did seem to pique Jing's interest enough that he raised his head so he was now resting resting his chin on his folded arms. This did seem less of a 'Let's hear my other fellow members' and more of a 'What did this weird person just say'.

Mirai, though her words friendly. Seemed to share the same sentiment of Jing. Her suggestion was to take from the care bears. An interesting idea.

"I think something important like a school motto can only come from the heart of someone who's been at the school for longer." Rio, a rather prim girl declared.
"No." Jing responded under his breath.
"Right, Reece-Sempai?"

Jing eyes slowly turned to the guy Rio had just mentioned. "Ah...." The Clubhead face portrayed some confusion. "Reece. You're...a member of this club?"


"You were clever enough to take your described spot. You passed the first test. Well done!" Patting the table in some attempt of a clap. Jing turned away from the unmentioned boy. "He wasn't supposed to be here...."

A pony tailed girl spoke up next. The slowpoke line of his braincells told him that this was Haruka.

"My name is HarukaAAAAAAaa---!!!!??" The girl announced, before falling flat on her ass.

Yep, this sure was Haruka. He got the sense his braincells were cheering at their ontime answer.

"Why are the chairs so bad that they could break at any moment, can't they give us some better chairs!? And while we're at it, can we get a better room!?"

Jing yawned. "Each Clubroom is assigned to a club from the moment they are founded." Jing eyes wandered off. "Baring any unique cases. It is....apparently up to us to do with it as we see fit." The Clubhead got a small flashback of some message about upgrading the rooms. But he remembered that being a rainy day. So it probably wasn't worth it anyway.

"The chairs seem to be adequate for everyone else. It seems." Jing stared at Haruka. Blank. Did he...did he just basically say!?!?

Seriously, You might just be that Fat.

Ayase followed this with her own opinion. Once again, Jing watched her with the same type of mild curiousity you get with a man claiming he could punch a tree in half.

"That's right." Jing nodded. Turning back to Haruka. "I'm sure you can find superglue somewhere."


Howell Reece
[Writing Club Room]

One, two, three...


The empty chair Howell had been spinning like a top fell down to the ground for the 5th time. Everyone had their own methods for handling a long wait in a stuffy room; this was his go-to technique. Sadly, these chairs lacked... uh... well, he had no idea what it was, they just didn't feel like record-breaking chairs. Maybe it was the wood?


Only two spins? Really?

Setting the chair back upright, Howell wandered over to the awkwardly placed window, grabbing the sill and hoisting himself up for a peek. He'd only caught a quick glimpse of the outside campus when a 'snap' sent him back down, along with a cloud of dust. Howell let out a quick 'Hah' before the staring got to him.

"I'll uhh... fix that later," he promised, setting the torn chunk of windowsill back up by the window and returning to his seat. Thankfully, it wasn't long until the club leader arrived. About time!


Howell stood there in the middleground awkwardly as all the others' names were called. He waited not-so-patiently, expecting his name to come up next, but it was pretty clear once everyone had settled that it wasn't going to happen.

"I signed up the other day, right...? 'The poetry club' or something like that..."

Shrugging, he took a spot at the more populated table, resting his chin on top of his hands.

"I think something important like a school motto can only come from the heart of someone who's been at the school for longer. Right, Reece-Sempai?" Howell turned his head to gaze at one of the contenders for 'Most Japanese Girl At Aistri Academy.' Listening to her kinda reminded him of chugging Pixy Stix: not an unpleasant experience, but one that lacked any kind of sustenance.

"School motto, huh? Hmm..."

"Reece. You're...a member of this club?"

"Yeeeeaaah...?" He sounded almost as unsure as Jing at this point.

"You were clever enough to take your described spot. You passed the first test. Well done!"

"Cool," Howell replied with a cheesy thumbs up.

"My name is HarukaAAAAAAaa---!!!!??"

"Woah! Hey, you alright?" He extended a hand to help the girl up. When he finally sat back down, it was a bit more cautious; as if his trust in their stability had been shattered. "Right! A motto. How 'bout... 'Sprinting Towards Success!' It's got the direction, the energy, and one of those words schools like to use a lot."
Theodore Estherheart
Writing Club Classroom

Having sat in an uncomfortable chair for a long period of time. You couldn't exactly blame Theodore for being a bit more than slightly antsy. In the beginning he scanned the expression of the 'late' male as he walked through the door. What Theodore would do to begin his thoughts of how someone could accept their tardiness with such a demeanor. On the other hand it wasn't like he was constantly glancing at the clock. The blonde male despite this curious thought, wasn't irritated at the late leader though. He was simply mildly concerned that their year was off to a bad start. Especially with the announcement that had just aired. The blonde noted the fact that the principal used the word, 'exciting' to describe the shutting down of certain clubs. He wasn't sure exactly how to take it so he reacted in the best way he could. Contemplated over the word choice in a whirlwind state of mind.

At the ringing of the bell Theodore's mouth quirked as he soon brought his long sleeve to cover it. Shouldn't he himself, proceed with a more irritated nature? At this point he assumed it was too late. As the seeming 'leader' of the group seemingly motioned to a more disciplined individual, the immediate thought of, 'Ah. That's probably the real person in charge.' began to flash inside his mind. Theodore wasn't sure exactly what he had gotten himself into. Maybe in the end if the club shut down he'd simply move on with life- - Why exactly was he here and not in the water anyways? A brief frown appeared on his face before returning to the usual neutral expression. He took a moment to gaze at his hand before gripping it tightly. Was giving up really an option for him? Well if he was going to trap himself in self doubt for the whole duration, might as well trap himself in a positive mindset.

By the time that he was in his group, he had realized exactly how much he had spaced out. It seemed that he had been grouped with the "ever so energetic" leader.

"... A place for everyone, even the trash..but given the budget is falling and we stay down here I guess we all know that. Though.. Hmm.. Well the Principal is incompetent..but he always likes his pretty neo-socialist sloganeering.. Maybe something like "Living Tomorrow, Today!" or we could go more of with the new reality he's in "Continuing Forward." Hmm... some of those might make a good headline.. Ah yeah, Ayase, Guess I'm a Senior, nice ta meetcha."

Senior? What kind of concoction had she drunken for her face was like some kind of- Theo halted that thought. If this woman had some kind of psychic powers he had no intention of being murdered the night afterwards. He wasn't sure if she liked to play pretend as a professional journalist or if she had some sort of qualification. As the next person spoke up he noticed a dangerous glint in her eyes- - That or he was imagining things. Afterwards after having 'analyzed' each word spoken he couldn't fail to notice the constant chirps and positive reinforcement of another person of their group. She appeared innocent enough with her seemingly forthright attitude. He wasn't sure exactly what to think of her. To simply brush off her attitude or acknowledge it, being that he's witnessed a whole mob of her kind, more than ready to thwart his buddy's path to personal space.

As Jing questioned "Reece's" existence Theodore's shoulders trembled as he held in a laugh. He wasn't sure what to think of Reece. The redhead seemed to be more of the type to run a mile upon command rather than actually think through a story. The blonde flinched once he realized that throughout this whole experience he should've been thinking of a motto rather than analyzing his club-mates. Whoops. At least "Reece" was trying. Theodore should at least give him that.

Theodore watched with a fully confused expression as he watched in practically slow motion as 'HarukAAAaAaAaAa's" butt hit the floor.

"Seriously!? I can't be that FAT right!?"

What was with women's obsession with weight? This was of course a mixed message? Wanting someone to comment, 'Oh no! You couldn't be fat! After all you have the body of a goddess!'. He murmured, "I wonder if they have a wood works club around here..."

With the constant retorts from the youth steale-journalist, the blonde wondered if she should have joined a debate club instead. A few minutes in and they seemed to have reached some sort of tensity. Even the unnoticed 'Reece' seemed to be a bit more aloof than before.

"Right! A motto. How 'bout... 'Sprinting Towards Success!' It's got the direction, the energy, and one of those words schools like to use a lot."

As expected. An athletic response, but an admirable one as to direct back to the original goal. Theodore couldn't really be a critique as throughout this whole experience he hadn't addressed a single word to the group. Maybe it was in caution due to the rapid critiques being dealt out every millisecond. Theodore mustered a calm smile before he spoke with an amused tone,

"It wouldn't be too bad to overkill this assignment entirely. It seems the cheesier the phrase, the better received it is, normally. On a side note... How far do safety regulations extend, exactly?"

Theodore was somewhat tempted to glue all the furniture to the ceiling. If there wasn't a slight risk of the furniture actually crashing down, he'd attempt it. Honestly and truthfully.


Theodore kept the smile on his face turned his attention to Ayase,

"I wonder if you have more of a problem with the principal... or his son?"

Some form of anarchy?

Interactions / /

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Reactions: twinkletide
Damian James
Writing Club Clubroom

Well, there went his idea. He had hoped that it would have lasted a little longer than that. He didn't even have a second slogan to suggest. What was worse was that if the Writing Club didn't come up with a slogan they could be on the chopping block. The principal made it pretty clear that they would be cutting clubs.

Great. Now there was a lot of pressure on him to come up with something clever.

Damian carefully put his headphones over his ears, leaned forward, and started rocking back and forth. He didn't know what he could put down. If 'Advancement for all' was shot down then he coudn't be that simple. A paragraph was out for a slogan. After a few second of thinking he removed his headphones, carefully took a breath and said;

"I have no idea what we could put for a slogan. I am very bad at those. I could maybe look up some latin ones? Those are fancy right? And they don't have to hold real meaning because no one speaks Latin."
Damian said. "Please don't be mad I'm very sorry."

@Rithas @Seria Group?
Jemima Foster
Writing Club Room
"I suppose so," Jemima said. News that the school was making cuts due to a budget wasn't fun to hear and even more depressing was the thought this club would get the ax. Looking around at their musty surroundings and decaying furniture only made that even more apparent. Seira's statement also seemed to imply this was how they'd pick and choose who gets to stay and who gets to go.

The only boy of the group suggested Latin as a language for the new motto.

"That's an idea. Like Semper Fidelis, or Amor Vincit Omnia." The last phrase she adored simply for the sake that she could use it on any of her favorite pairings and it would just somehow fit.

Jemima crossed her arms, furrowing her brows as she racked her brains for something.

"Hmm, it wouldn't do for it not to have a meaning," she responded to Damien's suggestion. "There's got to be something to it, even if nobody can understand. Plus what if somebody does ask what it means?" She turned to Seira, the group leader. "Is there a theme they want? The current motto makes it feel like the school welcomes all. Are they still going with that theme or something else?"

Interactions: @Seira Group, @Karyra, @Rithas
Mentions: Uhhh, @Seira Group?
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Beatrix Lance
Writing Club Clubroom
The discussion was turning away from writing a story and towards writing a new motto for the school when they had the entire semester at least to come up with one. This wasn't going to do. "Hey, why don't we go with something from a movie or somesuch?" She took a pen from Seira's clipboard and a sheet of paper from her own binder, all while having switched to a relatively posh accent. "If the school's goal is to encourage students to make their own path in life, then perhaps something like this would fit perfectly." On the paper, Beatrix wrote "The world is what you make of it. If it doesn't fit, make alterations."

"Or for short, 'The world is yours to change for the better'," she added after writing down her suggestion. "What do the rest of you think? Also, it may be prudent to peek in on the other clubs to see what they have come up with." She didn't necessarily know why, but Beatrix felt as though she would come to regret that suggestion. Especially if someone or some group decided it'd be a good idea to send the skater to the Ice Skating Club to see what they'd come up with. Not that Beatrix had any problem with the club itself, just the club room. It was always so cold. Beatrix didn't do well with cold.


What a delight it was to be in this classroom all of a sudden. Forget the scant lighting, the furniture, the asthmatic clouds of dust—Mirai's interest was fully piqued. There was almost too much to react to. Everything happened in double time, a double-dutch exchange of views and opinions and information. One second they were discussing Communism; the next, the school motto, then body weight, then super glue, then the principal. All this and more in span of a minute and a half, tops; an absolute whirlwind of a time. She learned a bit more about her peers in the process. Rio really was the energetic, bubbly Japanese girl she was made out to be. Jing really was lazy. Haruka was also cheerful yet insecure about her weight (and Mirai had to withhold laughter at the comic timing of her fall—it was like something out of an Adam Sandler film). Ayase really did hate Communism and really was, it seemed, a journalist. Reece was there. Theo could speak.

A less prepared soul may have been stumped to silence by the chaos. Would've sat there in awkward quiescence, wondering when and if they'd get a chance to speak. But Mirai wouldn't—couldn't—miss a beat. This was her reality.

"Well, I can't speak about his son," she drawled, cutting right into the conversation; a languid yet quick-footed tone, like a stone skipping over water, "but the principal sounds like one of those ingenuine collegiate mediocre ineffectual types. So he'd probably like if we picked something shallow and dumb, like that guy—" a finger towards Theo "—said. The shallower and generic-er the better; like, 'Have fun!' or 'Good luck!' or 'Fuzzy pickles!' but with more words." She paused. "Maybe something more complex would work well, but 'complex' in scare quotes. Something Greek. School faculty love their antiquity. Princeton has a Greek motto; dei sub something something. Something about God. Or maybe it's Latin. I'm not white, so I wouldn't know. Or maybe something by some famous smart person. Y'know there was this one quote, forgot where I saw it, that was really good, had a nice ring to it. Something like: 'Philosophers have previously only interpreted the world, but the point is to change it.' Just remove the reference to philosophers and you have yourself a decent motto, maybe say high schools in substitution; though, hm, really wonder where I heard it, who it was from. Forgot. [A quick glance at Ayase; a lowering of the eyes, slight, almost an almost-wink.] Though this is kinda dull. Maybe we should just decide on something that sounds good. The others are coming up with another one anyways. Doubt whether this will be very important to the existence of this club compared to actually doing things, which we are not doing, we are not even talking about doing things. We are talking about things which withhold us from our pursuit of the doing of things. Our verbs are unconjugated and all that. Let's move. Let's get going. Ganbare, like Rio said, or like what Rio said her friend said. Andale! Andale!"

Quick as air, smooth as butter, a stone skipping on water. Legs stretched, arms folded. Eyes shifting, but of a motion without quirks, jerks. Mirai.

@RedArmyShogun @Ehb @Rithas @LowDefinition @Luma
  • Haha
Reactions: xLarius
[Writing Clubroom]

They were trying their best, and that's all that really mattered at this point. Coming up with a school motto off the top of their head wasn't easy, nor was it their responsibility in the first place. If they had a deadline that wasn't today, why didn't they get a chance to think of something in their own time? In all honesty, she was surprised the club was semi-serious about this rather than coming up with silly mottos to send to the school, like 'Viva la Communism' or something...

She inwardly sighed.

Why did they need to come up with a new motto again?

Honoka's attention was only brought to the other group when Haruka had broken the seat. She didn't seem fat enough to break a normal chair, but she should have taken into account that these rickety old things were ready to snap at the touch of a feather if it fluttered on it too quickly.

Her self-esteem might've been hurt, but Haruka was fine physically. No need rush to her aid.

"I have no idea what we could put for a slogan. I am very bad at those. I could maybe look up some latin ones? Those are fancy right? And they don't have to hold real meaning because no one speaks Latin." Damien said then quietly added. "Please don't be mad I'm very sorry."

"Hmm, it wouldn't do for it not to have a meaning," Jemima jumped in to respond to Damien's suggestion. "There's got to be something to it, even if nobody can understand. Plus what if somebody does ask what it means?" She then turned to Seira. "Is there a theme they want? The current motto makes it feel like the school welcomes all. Are they still going with that theme or something else?"

"Hey, why don't we go with something from a movie or somesuch?" Beatrix took a pen from Seira and her own sheet of paper. Her accent was different now... Interesting. "If the school's goal is to encourage students to make their own path in life, then perhaps something like this would fit perfectly." Beatrix wrote something down, but Honoka couldn't exactly see it.

"Or for short, 'The world is yours to change for the better'," She added on as her other suggestion. "What do the rest of you think? Also, it may be prudent to peek in on the other clubs to see what they have come up with."

"I can see what the Occult club came up with if we're deriving inspiration from other ideas..." She offered her group in response to Beatrix's idea. All she'd have to do is let them borrow a few rare things she owned, she was sure of it. "In my opinion, this Academy doesn't really come off as prestigious enough to get away with using slogans in foreign languages, at least not until it receives enough funding to keep all the clubs open. But, if we have to, we can mix ideas and translate our suggested mottos into a different language to make it sound fancier?"

Honoka was throwing whatever suggestions she could on the table since none of the mottos both groups were suggesting seemed to stick. She could appreciate the leaders' intents with this activity though.

(@Everyone in the group)
Rio Hanatora
Writing Clubroom

"Hmmm.. Yah might wanna keep that Slogan to something we all on the Island can say. Still join in with the conversation, mhmm? It wouldn't be good if we just ignore yah, you'll be here when we are gone."
"Oh... ah, yeah. Totally."

She replied in a more reserved fashion. Her smile here looked to be a little overwhelmed by the weight of Matsuhima's words. Being the only one left after everyone graduates. Was a heavy sounding phrase indeed. Especially for someone who sort of just joined in.

Rio looked at Tatsumi with pity. Her chair appeared to have broken and in light of that she was not particularly happy about the general situation of their club-room. It was hard to argue against that. Even Rio, could feel that her chair being a little wiggly. If she was heavy as someone like Haruka she probably would've collapsed just like her. Poor thing.

It seemed like the person named Reece was actually from the other group. Whoops. Rio was sure she heard his name, but somehow thought he was one of the people in this discussion circle. But, that was instantly disproven to her when the actual Reece came over to help Tatsumi whom had fallen down. This probably would've been the spot to say something like being impressed at how nice he was or something, but she didn't want to bring attention to the fact that she slipped up a little. Rio kept cool as a cucumber.

The conversations continued on. Again, because she was in a bit of a stranger, Rio continued to nod and smile. She still hadn't quite gauged exactly what everyone in here was like, and she didn't want to come off too strong, either.

Next up. Theodore Estherheart spoke up. Sort of taking jabs at the activity of coming up with the motto itself, and then focusing a bit more on how the school could possibly allow a place with so much safety hazards to exist on campus. Rio wondered that as well. But, if she remembered correctly, this place was originally owned by a the 'Poverty' club. So it probably wasn't a surprise that their former clubroom seemed to be in such bad shape. But, having furniture that could bring you harm is a bit much on school grounds, was it not? What sort of School was this, exactly?

Mirai Ueno spoke.
This left Rio sort of at a loss. Ueno talked fast. Really fast.
Was there a spark notes summary? She wished to herself. She heard her name though, so she had to give some sort of reply here.

"[ Andale Andale ]. I think people from Mexico say that."
"I heard it in this song once."

Word for word. Rio had heard that anecdote from a particular rap song. Curiously enough, if there was anyone who took spanish, they also would've been a bit impressed at her pronunciation - for somone who was Japanese no less.
That being said, there was one thing Ueno said that Rio agreed with. This whole motto thing was really looking like it wasn't the biggest issue the club was facing.

"...Um. I know that Senpai said that we should be doing that whole motto thing. But... considering a chair literally just broke here. Do you think that maybe we should be figuring out what needs to get fixed up in this room? Like, what if one of the desks collapsed while someone was using it?"

It a bit of a rhetorical question. They could already see what would happen in the form of Tatsumi still trying to get off of the floor.
Though, at that moment, a little black speck appeared over Rio's shoulder. It seemed like, maybe, the faulty equipment wasn't the only thing that was ailing the classroom.

Rio blinked in an oblivious fashion as people noticed it.
That was because she herself wasn't aware of the cockroach that was perched on her shoulder, wiggling it's antennae.


@RedArmyShogun @_Jinggroup
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Ayase Matsuhima
Writing Clubroom

Keeping her composure mostly fixed while Theodore spoke with a slight narrowing of the eyes here, or a tightening of her smile there, overall to small to be noticed unless one was watching for it. That is until his final question seemed to have landed him on a metaphorical shit list judging by the flashing of teeth and narrowed eyes and a slight downturn in her smile. She had curiously pronounced canines that could likely snaggle tooth over a lip if she allowed it that matched up eerily with her almost feral eyes. It wouldn't be incorrect to say it was fairly hostile if not for the still plastered smile. Maybe she was a mind reader or quick to anger or he had stumbled across something he shouldn't of.

Or maybe she was just happy or had stomped her toes or banged a knee into the desk, whatever be the case Ayase chuckles lightly in response as her face returns to normal. "Hmm..hmm..I wonder, I wonder, it's been so long even I have forgotten, or do yah have some money to refresh my memory? Either way I used to be in the Journalist Club."

Mirai was next to gain her attention, nodding along with her words, the girl did speak fast, but fortunately Ayase was a good note taker, nodding her head and interjecting every so often with head nods or a few acknowledgements here or there.

"Philosophers would be a good choice, if we want Greek I suggest Plato, Diogenes would likely not be suitable.. Other than that I don't know many others, though we could go Roman and rip a page from Markus Aurelius But huh, cheesy...


Well we could always throw three words together such as Dream, explore, discover, or Peace, justice, progress. Just pick three positive ones that flow and throw it up. Or some vague meaning sort of thing or a certainty like Fruits of our labor or We can, we will, we did."

Glancing at the Sports girl, she wasn't yet to reply to her fat question, and truthfully did not want to. The pair likely did not share clothing styles that complimented on another and Ayase, while used to walking and even climbing on things had no intention on doing anything more than the occasional run if this girl felt bad about her wait and wanted a Fitness Buddy.

Then of course was Rio and Jing, the former did nothing much but go through the motions and spoke at some length to Haruka, mostly concerning funding and the chairs and a reminder to the motto.

Rio on the other hand had some reasonable questions, about the furniture and safety, sighing a bit Ayase stops moving her folders and slowly turns her head while speaking;

"..Well it would help if this school wasn't built on profit and if this wasn't the room for..."

Suddenly going for her camera, Ayase thumbs the film reel while laughing to herself pointing it directly at Rio to snap a picture. "Don't move! Yes this is great! Aistri Academy, corrupt funding pratices and pest infestation..."

Interactions: Most of Team Jing.
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