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Original poster
Did the title catch your attention? Good, because it was meant to!

Let's start with an introduction. I am Niki, otherwise known as Ota or Otaku. I'm 28 years old, and I've been roleplaying since I was thirteen. I have a lot of experience, but that also makes me lazy sometimes, so please, feel free to call me on my shit.

  1. I tend to match my partners. I request the same courtesy, so please don't make me try to answer with a novella. I'm not that good.
  2. I have ADD, so prettying up posts is pretty difficult for me, but I'm willing to try for the right person.
  3. I prefer to be contacted through PM, but if you answer here, I'll PM you instead.
  4. I play both males and females.
  5. I generally prefer relationships in this order: M/M, F/F, M/F. That isn't to say that I won't like a hetero relationship in an awesome rp. Just let me know your preference.
  6. I will not tell you what to play. That's just something I don't do. Come to me with ideas on what you want your character to be, okay?
  7. If you don't see something on my lists, please, please, please PM me. I've read/watched/been in so many fandoms I can't possibly name them all. So please, don't hesitate.
  8. I post not just daily, but hourly. If I have time to post, I will post. If I haven't posted in a few days, nudge me, I will not mind. I will try to let you know if I can't post for some reason (such as sleep) and would appreciate the same courtesy.
  9. I like people who post fast, but that doesn't mean I won't go slow with someone either. I prefer daily posters to weekly, however.
  10. THERE WILL BE NO SEX. EVER. I am a sexually-repulsed Asexual. I don't like THINKING about sex, much less writing about it. This does not mean I will not do romance RPs. I love Romance. I can write fluffy stuff for days.
Below is a list of a few ideas for rps. This is by no means a comprehensive list of my wants. This is just to get us started. Stars mean I really want it.

Anime Fandoms
My Hero Academia
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
*Magical Girl Raising Project
Yona of the Dawn
*Kiss Him Not Me
So many more,
Just ask.

Time Periods/Scenarios
Regency Era England
***Chinese concubine/Harem Times
Warring States Era in Japanese history
Heian Age Japan
Fantasy (Elves and dwarves and orcs)
Urban Fantasy
Faerie Fantasy
**Selkie Stories

Misc. Fandoms
Avatar (the blue people movie)
Avatar: the Last Airbender
*Humanity, Fuck Yeah! (don't know it? ASK ME.)
Also so many more
Just ask!

I'm pretty easy to get along with, so please, even if you don't want to rp with me, stick around. We can be friends, I'm sure of it. ^.^
Would you be interested in a Charmed roleplay? I've been dying for a good old evil Charmed One plot.
Would you be interested in a Charmed roleplay? I've been dying for a good old evil Charmed One plot.
I'm terribly sorry but I don't know nearly enough about that universe to make a decision. Why don't you pm me with some details of what kind of plot you're looking for, and I'll see if i can accommodate anyway?
I'm up for a good fantasy rp if you're still looking
I'm up for a good fantasy rp if you're still looking
I absolutely am! PM me some ideas, and let's get this party started! Fantasy is one of my favorite genres, so I'm all for a new fantasy RP
I absolutely am! PM me some ideas, and let's get this party started! Fantasy is one of my favorite genres, so I'm all for a new fantasy RP
great! I will message you. I have a couple of loose ideas we could maybe flesh out
Chinese/Concubine ??? C:
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