Whose that Movieeee!

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Hufflepuff on the streets, Slytherin in the sheets
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Male
Romance, Yaoi, Modern, Slice of Life, Omegaverse, etc
Imagine the title to the tune of the classic pokemon scene from the shows going whose that pokemonnnn

Basically how this works is person a will describe a movie but badly. Next person guesses what they think it is then gives a description of their movie.

Follow up rule: If the current prompt has been up for a few days with no response feel free to tag the person asking for a hint. Hint can be anything, more information, a year, etc


Person A: selfish chick on a door won't make room for guy she supposedly loves

Person B: Titanic! *proceeds to give their prompt*

So on so forth

So me first, here's the prompt: kid's dad dies in a totally set up trap but no one's smart enough to figure it out. Kid runs away joins some weird ass bug eating dudes and spends his youth singing until his long lost flame finds him and is like yo your uncle fucked up the place you gotta come back
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  • Haha
Reactions: iridescent
Lion King

Prompt: Ex-nun makes a guy like her by forcing him and his kids to sing.
🗣SOUND OF MUSIC! love that musical

Prompt: Kids that are in high school but spend too much time singing and dancing rather than doing actual schoolwork.
Oh God high school musical

Prompt: a guy whose totally legit definitely not creepy invites a bunch of CHILDREN to hang out with him at his business and most of them narrowly avoid death or serious injury and one lucky child gets to live with the weirdo now yay
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Prompt: Completely unqualified boy cons his way into inheriting his famous father's restaurant with the help of his much more qualified animal companion.
Ratatouille! That took me so goddamn lol to spell ngl

Promt: a swine animal has a weird relationship with a spider whose helping him avoid being on the dinner table
Charlotte's Web.

Girl accidentally wishes her brother into getting kidnapped and has to race against time to save him from being taken forever by David Bowie.
Labyrinth. I have to admit, I've never seen this movie and figured it out by googling David Bowie, but I wanted to be able to move this thread along.

Prompt: Guy goes to space so he can ride dragons and live out a neon-colored version of stories about white interactions with indigenous peoples.

Prompt: Older man stalks much younger woman and brainwashes her to teach her to sing.
Phantom of the Opera. =3

Sleepy guy is so depressed he starts talking to himself, realizes he's been dreaming his whole life and wakes up on a ship to learn kung-fu
Is it... warriors of virtue? I feel like we need some kind of rule to help unstall things when someone's clue is really hard.
Phantom of the Opera. =3

Sleepy guy is so depressed he starts talking to himself, realizes he's been dreaming his whole life and wakes up on a ship to learn kung-fu
Matrix (that was easy .P)


--> Univeristy drop out walks around the city in search for coffee, gets hit in the face by drunks after this chick from his old school he used to bully agonizes them and in the end he gets is damn coffee :3

((Ok I admit.. this one might be a bit to niche for the game. Still curious if someone gets it :3 )
Is it... warriors of virtue? I feel like we need some kind of rule to help unstall things when someone's clue is really hard.
Fair point, I'm going to add a rule to the main port saying if it's been a bit, like a few days then feel free to tag the person asking for a hint