SMUT When the Sun Goes Down

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in that gaping abyss, we will find our redemption
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
- K O F I -​
Kofi certainly did know what she meant, and made sure to pack most of the green he brought with him, enough for a smaller one later on if they both felt like being high, but for now, a short and thick one will work. "I'll keep that in mind, have to carry you around most places, might even be some good exercise.... among other things I can think to do with you." The young Libinite watched as her eyes seem to flicker, a small shift in the way she sat, even her voice settled into something Kofi might even call a little more sultry. There was only one place this was ending, and the young Libinite could not wait. As he quickly gave the blunt a roast, the end would be lit, and a few puffs of smoke began to fill the room. "Daaaammmnn..." Kofi spoke into a sigh, relaxing into the bean bag chair as the first hit rolled off his shoulders. "That's good as hell." He would laugh before leaning up to hand it off.

A few times of going back and forth was met with comfortable silence, only the sounds of the New Toyko filling the air. Kofi didn't need to talk to let Cem know exactly how he was feeling, his Libinite nature did that for him easily. Pheromones were a tricky thing to master, but Kofi was in enough control of it to let it begin to seep out slowly. He wouldn't dare overinfluence his friends, especially not someone like Cem. They cared so deeply for Kofi that he would never dream of doing anything to hurt them, but the two of them were both feeling the energy. All his libinite abilities did was coax them to the forefront, to where neither of them could hide their attraction, nor their arousal, pushing away the shame with a slightly sweet, but sharp scent, one that mingled with the smell of pot. " really did look amazing up there." Kofi would say after awhile, a little smile having never left his face, even as he rubbed his now red eyes. " seriously... you got to teach me some of those moves you do, had them eating out of your palm." He would take a couple more hits before another handoff, but this one came with him rising to his feet. Kofi didn't make it very far though, but a few steps before flopping onto her bed, head landing softly into that cross-legged lap. He would look up at her with those brown eyes, taking in every bit of them.

"God.. you're beautiful." Really it was just a whisper, Kofi hadn't even meant for it to slip out, but even he fell for the powers, fell for that sweet smell that only seemed to amplify what was already shared between them. Once he realized that it was said aloud though, Kofi would tried to talk about something else, try to not be so hamfisted about his attraction. "Uhm.. well, for the show coming up.. maybe I should wear a mask? Or you think that be too corny?"

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Kofi was always welcome in their room. The beanbag always melted into place, as if remembering the shape of his body. The mattress knew a thing or two about him too, as did the floor, the wall, the desk... Though Cem had certainly become the type to bounce around between partners in her search for true love, the space in her room never seemed to have any trouble bending for Kofi. Dreamy puffs of smoke eased through his lips, bringing the blunt to Cem's. They mimicked him, their sweet breath intermingling before their lips had even met. The merfolk sighed warmly as they settled into a conversation like the waves, ebbing and flowing, but never uncomfortably still.

Smoke and pheromones became one between the two of them. Kofi's compliment was met with a playful smirk, growing even more as he advanced towards her, his head soon on her lap. They wasted no time in curving their palm slightly with their free hand to play with their friend's hair, while he murmured affectionate words. "You look at me like you're seeing a god for the first time, loverboy." She poked slight fun at his overtly admiring eyes, but she seemed pleased by it regardless, "I'm good at getting people's attention. Being loud and pretty helps." Their thumb dragged across his scalp, threading through hair and brushing against his forehead.

"Mm... what sort of mask are you thinking of? Because I'm gonna need more details than that to give you a proper opinion." Their voice was softer as they took a final puff of the blunt, disposing of it without too much fuss. Their free hand found the curve of Kofi's cheek, pad of their thumb greeting the man's lower lip.
Code by Jenamos
- K O F I -​

Kofi let out a soft laugh as he realized what he must of looked like to Cem. He probably was gawking at her pretty hard, but when it was just the two of them like this, it was hard not to. She was everything that got the young Libinite hot and bothered; a slim person with eyes that could steal his soul with a glance and make him forget what day of the week it is with a kiss. He probably could of spent the whole night just watching her, counting the freckles across her face... though the high certainly wasn't helping, Kofi's now red eyes taking her all in as those hails go ruffling through his blonde locks. Their attention to Kofi earned them a soft sigh as he sunk a little deeper into her lap, that smile refusing to leave his face. "I mean... if you are a God, I think I certainly know how to worship you." Kofi had proven himself especially good at "worship" and damn well knew it, leaving that smile to become more of a smug smirk as his attention was turned back to his gear.

"Uhm.. well you probably don't have a proper wrestling mask, but they tend to cover most of the face, or uhm... oh.." His voice trailed off as that thumb played along his lip, that final drag of smoke filling the room. Kofi had to think for a moment, just staring up at her before his lips would slip around that thumb, but for a moment, a tease of what the two were already thinking, a sign of what was to come. Kofi's tongue would swirl around the tip of the digit before... just as quickly as he did it, he pulled away. Trying to act as nonchalant about his little lustful act, Kofi would continue his thought as if nothing had even happened. "...or they are like, half a mask, and start at the nose. I was thinking maybe adding some wild hair to it.. I dunno.. first idea I had but maybe something simpler, maybe no mask.. something small that can get some attention, maybe a bandana or head wrap?" Like now, there were so many things that were catching Kofi's attention. The fact he could now visibly see his arousal, just starting to make itself known as he laid there, or the way her hand caressed against his cheek, allowing Kofi lean into a bit. His career had left him a bit starved for such intimate touch, sure he is slammed onto a mat and faked punch for hours on end, but nothing as gentle... nothing as kind... nothing as good as this. Kofi loved this, and tried to indulge every break he got from the Hall.

In a moment, Kofi was reaching up, propping himself on one elbow for a moment to reach up and close any distance the two of them had, melting into a soft kiss. This was what he had truly been craving, the merefolk's lips on his. Nothing tasted better than Cem, and that one kiss quickly become two... then four before Kofi pulled away with a small bite to her lower lip. He wanted more... but he had to make sure she was feeling it just as strong, some form of silent consent to continue down this path that lead only to pleasure. So he waited, eyes needy but he managed to keep himself at bay with a few quiet pants. In that small apartment bedroom, the sun slowly beginning to set, friendship was slowly turning to more, at least for the night.


That silly little smirk of his was in dire need of kissing, Cem was well aware. He wasn't being all that subtle about it, after all. She hummed quietly, still toying with his lip, only slightly in the way while Kofi tried to respond to her questions, though their eyes told a different story than their words currently did. The merfolk's gaze became heavy-lidded when Kofi's lips wrapped around their thumb, that familiar tongue of his briefly becoming acquainted with their fingerprint. Cem resisted two very specific urges in that moment, one that made her want to burst into affectionate laughter and the other that insisted that Kofi's tongue meet the rest of her fingers.

"I like half a mask." they replied coolly, voice dipped low as their glistening thumb rested back on Kofi's lips, tracing them with his spit, "Full mask is a little too burglar-y for me. And I like seeing your mouth." Feeling him press his cheek into the flesh of her palm, warm skin smushed and searching for more contact, she chuckled, eyes flicking down to his crotch. "... Among other things."

Kofi's patience had waned from the teasing it seemed, as he pulled her to lean her neck down and meet his lips. They did it gladly, still cupping his cheek. The kisses were laughably chaste, but still sweet in every way, even when the libitine's teeth found her lower lip between them. Cem got on their knees, nudging Kofi to roll into place so that she could hoist herself atop him, making sure to plant herself right on his hips, straddling him like she belonged there.

They could feel him through his pants. Their smile was nothing short of coolly triumphant. "You okay, loverboy?"

Code by Jenamos
- K O F I -​
Kofi didn't imagine it coming to this so quickly, but he certainly wasn't complaining. The two would usually play this little game for hours, toying, teasing, and screwing around with one another until someone broke and the two melted into the bliss of the night. Yet, Kofi almost craved it... it had been days, maybe even weeks since last the two of them had been like this, lost in the haze of smoke and libinite magic. He would be lying if he said he did not miss this, miss Cem and their natural charm, a charm Kofi thinks he could only replicate with his pheromones. Whatever she had, Kofi had fallen for it hook, line, and sinker. Not that he was complaining, no, not when she so easily shifts and moves him, having him lay across her bed, propping himself up on one elbow as she straddles his hips, Kofi's little problem throbbing underneath her.

"Hmmm? Am I okay?" Kofi would laugh, still looking at her with a similar level of devotion. Perhaps it was just his libinite nature bleeding through, making him more and more keen, altering himself to become Cem's perfect ideal. Or maybe it was just Kofi so head over heels in the moment that he couldn't change his face to be something more commanding, more dominating. It was hard to say, really. "A lot better now that I've got you~" He would give a bit of a purr, wrapping his arms around her neck and pulling her closer, wanting another taste of the merfolk's lips. While his first few were as chaste as Sunday morning, those quickly melted away as Kofi's hunger grew. He hadn't even realized how hungry he was until they got into this little bedroom, designed to perfection, but his soul growled for a meal that would truly satsify him, and Cem was just the person he wanted to feast upon. His mouth grew sloppy as he pressed kiss after kiss into them, tongue snaking out and swiping at her lower lip, splitting them long enough to slither into the other's mouth, twisting around them, tasting every part of Cem. His hand refused to sit still either, for a moment resting on her neck but quickly sliding down, grabbing and squeezing at her lithe body, taking in handfuls of her chest, sliding further to grasp at her ass, pulling them apart slightly. Kofi was done being coy, all thoughts about work or anything other then Cem eradicated into the hazy smoke that filled the room, keeping them both high and horny deep in New Toyko.


Checking in on Kofi was more for her ego than anything. If he didn't like what they were doing, he could easily hoist them over his shoulder like they were nothing but a sack of potatoes. And even then, Kofi wasn't the type to suffer in silence with her around. If he had an issue, he'd tell her. So really, seeing him laugh underneath them, eyes sparkling and entranced, arms around them, well, it pleased them more than they could put to words sometimes. There was certainly a marked difference between writing these sorts of spicy scenes and living them.

Cem chuckled, the sound swallowed by Kofi's sweet mouth. Their hands explored, bodies grinding languidly. There was no rush in the world when it had became nothing but the room around them, a well-decorated set for the show that was to come. They kissed, together and apart, only parting when Cem pushed off of him, quickly sliding their shirt off and tossing it aside, somewhere to be forgotten until it was needed once more.

They grinned. They weren't wearing a bra. It was a stunt that they could get away with sometimes, since they weren't so well-endowed that it became a problem often. Her dark nipples stood out, perky and appreciative of all the attention she was getting. "Get yours off too." they instructed, even though it would be slightly harder for Kofi to do it when underneath her... Especially when any movement between them pressed a little bit more delicious friction between their hips and his.
Code by Jenamos
- K O F I -​
The two of them moved in perfect, lazy time. This was a well practiced the two had shared more times than Kofi could count, so easy to shift from friends to lovers to friends again, all without a second thought behind it. The loose grabs and kisses grew to have meaning, more precise as Kofi got his fill of Cem's lithe body. Then she was pushing back, breaking their kiss. Confusion set on his face, though even that melted back into the haze as their shirt was flinged off, thrown into the room.. somewhere. Kofi didn't really see nor did he even care, not when he got to see what was under that shirt. Cem's body was perfection to the larger man, she was tight, just curvy enough to give his eyes plenty to oogle at, but Kofi wouldn't care if she was large or small. Cem was Cem, and Cem was a very good thing to be in his book. Kofi wasn't so bad himself, a thick tan body, one that wasn't visibly muscular but was a wall to the touch. He may never look it, but his strength had been more than proven to those he cared to show, like Cem.|

At her little command, Kofi would quickly follow, knowing that this spiral of lustful feelings could end only in one way. He wasn't hiding his now throbbing approval, slowly rolling his hips as he works off his shirt. Following in her way and throwing it into the ether of her room, his hands would fumble with the edge of his pants, cursing under his breath for wearing a belt of all things. "...dammit.. stupid.. there!" With a small flourish and a sheepish grin at his words, Kofi would pull the whole belt and let it drop to the floor. With a firm grip on the edge of his pants, his other would wrap around her hip, dragging her closer up his body. With a pull his pants would shift around his ankle. Kofi's underwear went with them, his little solider bouncing up into a perfect salute now that it was free of his cloth prison. Kofi was on the larger side, a fact he took great pride in, but that might also be his libinite nature lending him a hand. He wouldn't push towards it though, no, he liked her up close, able to count all the freckles across her face, even if arousal clouded his judgement. " are... stupid hot, it just ain't fair" He would press a few kisses against her neck, wanting to go at Cem's pace. Plus, she still had her pants on, so really he had no choice. That didn't mean he couldn't help entice her further, with two handles firmly against her ass, squeezing and spreading them slightly, as his lips pressed space kisses along her neck... her collarbone.. before licking a strip across one of her nipples. Kofi knew what he was doing.. well, at least when it came to Cem, but Cem felt so.. natural for him to be like this with.


It was a clumsy show of interest, Kofi struggling with his shirt while attempting to toy with her, hips stuttering into hers. Cem watched like a hungry yet adoring shark, hunting prey that had done all but impale itself onto her sharp teeth. They responded in kind, meeting him where he was, sharing in that heat. In an act of both mercy and torture, they even lifted their hips so that Kofi could throw his pants off, depriving him of any friction but allowing a slightly easier process for disrobing. She followed, quick to snag at the edges of her shorts, tossing them into the unknown.

Her panties barely existed. A pastel green thong was everything that separated her pussy from Kofi's admittedly hulking length, more than she would normally get from any of her fuck buddies. She greeted his cock with a squeeze of her thighs, pressing him against her in an act of charity and lust.

Lips on their neck, hands on their ass, saliva on their tits. Kofi always knew what they liked. Cem moaned softly in appreciation, reaching down between them to wrap their fingers around Kofi's girth, giving it a few gentle pumps. The tip ground against her through the meagre fabric that remained.

"True. And you're cute." she said with a curl of amusement in her tone, but added nothing else, letting her body do the rest of the talking. She was making a rhythm of rubbing him against the swell between her legs, likely soiling her panties.

Code by Jenamos
Cem knew what made Kofi weak, he had to admit. It wasn't a hard thing to do, his nature leaning towards enjoying these kinds of carnal pleasures, but Cem seemed to be able to really milk it out of him. Even their body was working wonders, Cem's own pants slipping off with much less of an issue, revealing nearly every inch of her tanned skin, those white tattoos and that blue hair falling to green standing out brightly against it. Of course, that wasn't where Kofi was focusing. No, the young man was much too busy worshiping the lithe merefolk's breast, even as his cock was squeezed and grinded between those thighs and her pussy.

The thinnest of materials was proving to be quite the frustration to Kofi, who continued to let his hips thrust and hump against Cem's thighs and folds. When her polished hand wrapped around him, there was a sharp intake of breath, a quiet moan slipping past Kofi as he grew more needy. This was getting to be too much, and he needed to do something desperately. He felt like a beast in heat, the merefolk knowing exactly how to get him rowdy enough to do just about anything they wanted. Instead of appealing to those based desires, Kofi was at least going to try and do it in a sensual manner.

Popping off one of her nips with a few lewd strings of saliva still connecting, Kofi would begin to lean Cem back. Slowly, as to not hurt them, he would let them fall back until their heads rested against the sheets, but more importantly, her waist was lifted slightly. Before there was too much resistance, would lean forward, hands holding her by the waist. Cem would watch as Kofi's tongue took a long drag across her slit, before he grabbed the edge of that green thong by the teeth and began to pull them off. Eye contact was kept, Kofi's eyes shimmer with the many erotic ideas flowing into him as he pulled and pulled until those panties were down her legs enough his hand could finish the job with a clean yank. Helping her back to their prior position, Kofi would have a shit eating grin across his face, knowing he did something good, even if his cock throbbed and begged the Libinite to move on to the main event.

His quiet moans were always adorable. Maybe it was the pheromones, maybe it was just the weakness in his voice, but Cem couldn't resist the pull of a smirk on her lips, still meeting his hips with her own. Still, the merfolk did not mind allowing a brief relinquishing of their dominance, made clear when they laid back, legs spread and more than willing to allow space for Kofi's worship.

A soft sigh left their lips at the feeling of his breath against their heat. Their panties slipped off between their thighs, wetness connecting her bare flesh to the material for only a moment. They were gone with a flourish and soon enough, Cem was back on top of him, but this time, without any pesky cloth barriers in the way. Just the way that the both of them liked it.

His cock caught against her slick entrance. The slightest push would drive him inwards and yet, Cem hovered, hands on Kofi's chest while she squatted. "You'll be good for me Kofi, won't you?" she cooed, though her tone was less sweet and more devilish.

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Every quiet gasp, every sharp intake of breath, every twitch against him only seemed to rile up the libinite more. Cem was a bit of an addiction for Kofi, and he just didn't want to admit it. It felt anytime he wasn't at the wrestling gym he was with the merfolk, whether that be in her bed, sweaty and nearly begging to feel their tightness, or just hanging out, smoking, being good friends. That line seemed to blur more and more by the day, but Kofi wasn't complaining in the least. He was much to busy admiring their beauty as they were sprawled out as he tugged off their panties. Lithe, flexible, with their colorful hair splayed across the mattress. Cem honestly looked like something out of a painting, and Kofi was tempted to take them just as they were, savor them, but knew both would be too impatient for such slow, passionate lovemaking.

They were stupid young people who were horny, and that might be a thing to do another day, when they both have more time for it. No, Kofi wanted Cem now, desperately, so he helped her up angled perfectly to let him do what he did best. Though, the merfolk had other plans, straddling Kofi, keeping him just out of reach of what he so desired. Then their voice seeped in, full of mischievousness as she kept him at bay. He wanted to buck, to start making them both feel good like they both knew they could. They had such a rhythm that could make the very building could shake, especially if Kofi was in his fully libinite form. Kofi wanted to be a good boy though, so he forced himself from going to face, instead wrapping his arms around Cem's neck and giving her a slight smile, that glint of arousal a raging fire in his eyes.

"I will be so good for you, babe, I want to make you scream my name how good I am treating you. I want to feel your every shiver and you hear your every moan.. j-just give it to me and I will do everything you like."
Kofi would give her a look, one that confirmed the last part, like yes, really anything you like. He wasn't going to force it, but already knew that the two of them were in for a long night ahead of them.

Cem just got him so damn horny, it hurt.

Such a pretty little thing, Kofi was, with his arms wrapped around them, eyes hungry and lips glossy with shared saliva. Cem's expression was only a touch short of being one of pure adoration, so enthralled by the power they had over him. She shifted, the head of his cock stretching her entrance as he nearly begged under her and the stimulation from both that and his words had her sighing in a breathy manner, her voice almost breaking. It was a slow, wordless descent, torturous even for her, who was controlling the speed, but Kofi's dick was not one that you sat on with wild abandon.

Though it was partially for the teasing aspect, one could not deny that his length was thick enough to necessitate some care with the first thrust. Cem groaned, hands curling into balled up fists, chin raising in something like some sort of act of reverence towards the painted ceiling as their hips finally met, the entirety of his dick within them.

"Fuck me then..." Her voice was soft, losing any sort of commanding edge that it once had, her skin flushed and taut from the tension. "Give it to me, babe."

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Kofi would let his head fall back as she finally began to sink low on his cock, letting him finally feel her tight walls clinging and milking him. He would let out a low groan as she bottomed out, the two still as could be as they both got use to the feeling. It would take Kofi much less time though, as that softer, more pleading voice filled the quiet apartment. He couldn't resist that, no way on earth could he resist that body, resist Cem. His hips would work slowly, knowing that at least to start, he had to let her get use to the feeling, despite this coupling being one that has happened fairly regularly for awhile now. His hands would slid from her neck, fingers trailing down every inch of their tan skin until they gripped her waist, holding her firmly as he began to thrust just a little harder, pulling back just a little more.

The libinite wanted so desperately to fuck her, plow her into the bed until both of them had melted pleasurably into the sheets. He wanted to make her face twist and contort with how much she was loving it... and then it hit him. Kofi totally could do that. To say he had been researching sex inbetween workouts and training sessions wasn't the right thing to say, but Kofi defiently had been searching different positions every now and then. One had caught his eye, and while this slow thrusting and fucking cowgirl was fucking fantastic, Kofi wanted to risk it and see if he couldn't make this a night to remember.

"Trust me.." was his only warning before his hands moved again, this time to grip under each of her legs as he shifted the two around, find his feet planted on the floor. His eyes were a raging fire of lust now, a bright orange flame that swirled with horny ideas. With just as much as ease as the last two times Kofi had picked up his merfolk lover, he was once again on his feet. This time though, he was balls deep into them. There was a moment of adjustment, before Kofi tried to start to thrust in again, watching her every reaction to make sure he isn't fucking this up. "Fuck... C-cem... you look so fucking hot like that.."

The border between what was his and what was hers melted. With Kofi inside of them, the heat that they shared was one that belonged to the both of them without any sort of divide. His hands touched their body in ways that made them one, that knotted them so tightly together that in that moment of intimacy, they were one and the same. Cem's body responded with shivers and goosebumps as he gripped her hips and pressed into her with more urgency. Her tattoos glistened, almost as if they were glowing, bright against her skin as the light caught on the thin sheen of sweat building on her.

They met Kofi with every thrust, moans quiet and only for him, thighs diligently held on either side of his wide frame, until he flipped the both of them over. A laugh left Cem's lips, both surprised and pleased, eyes already pleasure-drunk from the new position as he pushed deeper into them.

"You've been studying for me, babe?" her confidence remained, even when her breathing did not align, "This is new... I like the view." Their body was crumpled underneath him, with nowhere to look but up at his pretty face. This was in no way a bad development, of course...

Soon, the telltale signs of her orgasm approached: the twitch in her fingers, the near spasms of her insides, her lips parted and moans increasing in volume. "Oh, fuck, Kofi-"
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Kofi could easily spent eternity like this, wrapped and entangled with the body of another, feeling each others warmth with every push of the hips, hear the symphony of pleasure with every moan. The two were making quiet music, just for them and the few who lingers on the busy city streets, a song that Kofi loved to hear over and over again. Especially if that someone was the merefolk now beneath him. They looked like an art piece come to life, spread across the soft sheets of the bed as Kofi held her tight, ensuring every thrust was the best he could give them.

The voice of the libinite was gone, no charming words or seductive phrases, replaced with grunts of effort and low groans of pleasure, even a few choice cuss words filled the room as he pumped into her tight slit. His more libinite features were beginning to show, something he couldn't help in the throes of sex just as much as he couldn't help the pheromones from pouring out in times of high emotions. His eyes of course, were a burning fire that burned into Cem, the one who Kofi had given his dog-like devotion to. But also his body seemed to grow a few inches, taking on an even tanner.. slowly turning to the orange of his more demonic self.

His hands would shift from those thighs to her waist as he saw the telltale signs of her approaching orgasm. It was like a bloodhound finally catching onto a scent, and Kofi wasn't going to let this stop for a moment. His hands would lift her slightly, just to let him thrust deeper in, hit every sweet spot that he knew Cem loved, the kind that made her toes curl and made her hands grip the sheets. He wanted her to feel every inch of him, and ever drop of how much Kofi wanted her to feel good. (He is nothing, if not a service man). Kofi could feel his own orgasm approaching, feeling the tightness in his core as he kept up the fever pitch of a pace. Not wanting to get her knocked up also rapidly came to mind, a screaming alarm that just as he hit his peak, when his only desire is to clutch on to Cem closer and ride that wave, He knew he shouldn't. So as soon as Kofi saw her back arching all on her own, watching her body twitch in the throes of lust, Kofi would pull out, replacing the warmth of Cem's lithe body with his own hand, stroking rapidly until his own load was spent, all over the merefolk's stomach and thighs.