• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Memento Mori
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
Online Availability
My timezone is PST
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Futanari
Homosexual, Romance, Fantasy, Scifi, Magic, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Angels/Demons, Superhero, Zombies

    Since the beginning of time
    , stories of the creatures who go bump in the night have haunted the weary and restless.

    It started as explanations for the inexplicable, things our primitive knowledge of the world couldn't yet interpret. These cautionary tales were meant to warn us of the dangers lurking out of sight, reminders that there is more to this world than we know.

    Over time, these stories became local folklore, legends passed down from generations over campfires. As we came to understand the world, our rational and scientific minds scoffed at the idea of these beings' existence.

    But what do we really know about
    what's hiding in the shadows?

    Set in Sarasota, Florida, What We Do In The Shadows follows the lives of a group of misfit vampires and their familiars as they try to navigate the modern human world. In order to ascend into greatness as vampires, they have been tasked to take over the "new world" by vassalizing the human race.

    With the pressure to succeed ever increasing, our group is finding the task harder than anticipated. Between domestic disputes, other supernatural creatures' interference, and the struggles of understanding this digital age, nothing seems to go as planned.​
    Taken from whatwedointheshadows.fandom.com/

    • Vampires typically have a very similar appearance to normal humans, with the only outward signs of vampirism being pale skin, though some appear distorted and demonic.
    • Vampires most commonly have two fangs in place of normal human canine teeth, though some have mouths filled entirely with sharp teeth. When angry, they may reveal their true form, which often resembles a bestial version of their normal appearance with yellow irises and red sclera. They often hiss when agitated or threatened.
    Reflection: Vampires do not have reflections, but will be visible in photographs and on film.

    Body: Vampires show no normal human vital signs, such as heartbeat or breathing and their skin is cold to the touch

    • Even though they aren't alive, they still require sustenance and must drink human blood to both nourish themselves and help them retain a youthful body; if they go too long without drinking blood they will start to become decrepit in appearance.
    • Vampires typically prefer to drink the blood of virgins, as it often has a more appealing taste, though some vampires seem not to distinguish and only drink virgin blood because they believe it is cool.
    • Drinking the blood of humans under the influence of alcohol or drugs may cause the vampire to also become intoxicated.
    • Vampires can also consume the blood of animals, but this has less nutritional value.
    Sleep: As vampires are harmed by sunlight they will typically sleep during daylight hours. Most vampires will sleep horizontally or vertically in coffins, but some will prefer to sleep hanging upside-down like a bat.

    • A human becomes a vampire if they have their blood drained and then in turn drink the blood of a vampire. The start of the process is signaled by a brief flash of yellow in the irises of the eyes
    • The process of transforming into a vampire is extremely uncomfortable, beginning with flu-like symptoms which include clammy skin, fever, chills, and heavy vomiting. They may also bleed from their eyes.
    • The transforming human body eventually stops showing normal human vital signs and they become physically dead. They will begin exhibiting signs of vampirism, such as developing their fangs, paling of skin, distortion, and fading of their reflections, and they will often begin involuntarily levitating. They begin to show an aversion to religious imagery and will begin to develop sensitivity to sunlight.
    • This is accompanied by an increasing hunger for human blood, with the first consumption of human blood marking the end of the transformation
    • Religious imagery will harm or frighten them; prolonged exposure will cause them to burn and bleed from the eyes, even references as small as crossed fingers can repel them, and their mouths will catch fire if they try to say religious phrases sincerely.
    • They burn in sunlight, with even small amounts of exposure causing them to start smoking.
    • Contact with salt, garlic, silver, or holy water will also cause them to burn.
    • A vampire can be instantly killed by a wooden stake through the heart, and decapitation.
    • They are incapable of eating human food and will projectile vomit forcefully if they consume even a small amount; this will be even worse if the food contains garlic.
    • Vampires are also physically incapable of entering new buildings unless someone invites them in.
    • Vampires who experience traumatic events may have their powers weakened. Traumatic events can also cause vampires to briefly age rapidly. Vampire bats are actually vampires who have experienced an intense humiliation, such as hosting a bad orgy, and have permanently turned into bats, incapable of flying as high as vampires in their normal bat forms
    Vampire society:
    • Vampires are expected to follow the vampire code, which forbids crimes such as killing other vampires or turning babies into vampires.
    • Vampires typically keep themselves secret from humans out of fear of being targeted by vampire hunters.
    • They generally dislike werewolves, but this is often merely due to prejudice.
    Vampiric Council: The most significant governing body of vampires is the Vampiric Council, an international organization who put vampire criminals on trial and punish them if they are found guilty, sometimes by imprisonment or death.

    Communication: Although vampires are capable of using modern technology, they traditionally communicate over long distances by using ravens as messengers

    Titles: Vampires often give themselves or receive titles after their first names, such as Vladislav the Poker, Nandor the Relentless, and Vasilika the Defiler.

    Psychic vampires:
    • Psychic vampires are the most common type of vampire. They have the ability to drain a victim of their energy, rather than blood, through conversation or certain acts.
    • They are notably the only kind of vampire that can drain another vampire of their energy, or gain energy from victims electronically via the internet.
    • They are able to exist in sunlight without issue, have reflections, and live a more ordinary experience than traditional vampires, although their eyes may glow lilac-blue while feeding.
    • They are not harmed by religious imagery or connotations.
    • They are incapable of flight but may hover during periods of intense power.
    • Psychic vampires are capable of shapeshifting into animals, but this is rarely put into practice.
    • Unlike most humans, familiars are aware of the existence of vampires and choose to act as servants for their vampire master(s), in the hope that they will eventually be turned into a vampire themselves as a reward.
    • Many familiars will carry out tasks that can be difficult for vampires to do, such as covering up sunlight in their homes, helping them travel to distant places by shipping them, finding other humans for vampires to eat, and hiding the evidence of victims.
    • Due to the sociopathic nature of many vampires, it is common for familiars to be exploited, with their masters often overworking them, abandoning them, setting them dangerous tasks, and/or deliberately putting off turning them into a vampire.
    • Seeing elderly familiars who have served for years is very common.
    • Although familiars are subservient, some vampire masters will hypnotize them occasionally to avoid conflict.
    • Familiars will often network in social gatherings, although many will use it as an opportunity for complaining, and "sad hook-ups".
    • Some vampires may adopt animals instead and consider them familiars.
    In this group, there are three types of characters that the players can choose: Vampires, Energy Vampires, and Human Familiars. There is a character limit of two, and each player is only allowed to play one human. Furthermore, the group has a limit of two energy vampire spots.

    An important note about energy vampires is that they have reduced powers, and are much more limited in how much they are able to use them. For the most part, their ability to blend in with normal human society means that they are less powerful in the traditional vampiric sense. Please keep this in mind when thinking about choosing this option.

    Powers: With this roleplay being quite whimsical, supernatural powers are allowed to be played loosely. For example, deus ex machina is absolutely plausible in most situations. However, things such as Godmodding and Over Powered characters are still against the rules. Each vampire character is allowed to play with a variety of common powers. Players can pick one unique power per vampire character.

    Common Powers:
    • Immortality: The power to never die unless dictated by a specific species' weakness.
      Limit: As vampires, they have species-specific ways that would kill them such as sunlight, a stake through the heart, and decapitation. All other manners of other traumatic injuries however wouldn't be effective.
    • Agelessness: The power to stay young forever. Users of this ability never age, and as a result, and never suffer the ravages of aging.
      Limit: With the consumption of blood keeping them appearing young, if a vampire has gone without fulfilling the urge to feed, they often will start to take on an older and more worn-out appearance. Furthermore, if a vampire experiences a traumatic experience, the stress can cause them to age rapidly.
    • Levitation: Users can cause oneself/subjects/objects to hover/float in the air unassisted, allowing the user to bend the will of gravity and prevent their bodies from making contact with the ground below.
      Limit: When using this power, if the vampire is not completely focused they can often lose control of their balance or float uncontrollably. Levitating can be difficult to maneuver, and it is not uncommon to see them bumping into things or hitting their heads on the ceilings
    • Flight: Users can fly or otherwise move through the air with ease.
      Limit: This power is limited to when they transform into their bat form or any other flying animal they are able to replicate. When in use they are bound to the same limitations of that animal they are transformed into. For example, a bat can only fly up to speeds of 60 miles per hour and up to a distance of 100 miles in a single night.
    • Hypnosis: The user can affect or directly influence other people's minds to their commands.
      Limit: To perform this requires intense concentration. People who are either strong-willed or extremely ignorant have a harder time being controlled. The subject can resist this if the request is outside their area of knowledge, something extremely outside of their normal character, or physically impossible to achieve. Hypnosis also requires vocal and/or somatic gestures, which must be perceived by the one receiving hypnosis.
    • Transformation: The power to turn into bat or feline form, as well as simply taking on features of these animals, such as wings or larger fangs.
      Limit: This power is limited to sorely bats and felines. When using this ability, the person is restricted by the laws of nature for that animal, meaning that they are only able to go as fast, or as far as that species. This also applies to things such as sight or smell while in the animal form.
    • Teleportation: The ability to move instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between.
      Limit: This power has a limit of 15 feet that the user can teleport within.
    • Telekinesis: The power to move, manipulate, or otherwise interact with objects/matter with one's mind.
      Limit: When in use, this power has a range of about 50 feet and a maximum weight of 300 pounds. Somatic gestures are required to manipulate objects. This power is voided if the object is of religious backgrounds such as a cross or a priest.
    • Regenerative healing factor: The ability to heal rapidly from any physical injury.
      Limit: This power relies heavily on the consumption of blood to work. Users who have not drunken recently will have a slower effect. As vampires, damage done by species-specific incidences, such as burns from sunlight, heal at a slower rate unless a substantial amount of blood is consumed immediately after. Pain from injuries can still be felt.
    Unique Powers:
    • Transform into a wider than normal variety of animals.
      Limit: When using this ability, the person is restricted by the laws of nature for that animal, meaning that they are only able to go as fast, or as far as that species. Furthermore, the user can only spend up to an hour in their animal form before it begins to wear them down significantly, at which point they would need to replenish themselves with blood. If the user is not fully focused or unpracticed, they can botch the transformation with strange characteristics.
    • Control and communicate with animals: The power to control and to talk to animal life forms.
      Limit: This power has a range of 30 feet, along with a max influence of 10 animals at a time. Furthermore, depending on what the user commanded, it is possible for the animals to want revenge when they regain their free will.
    • Invisibility: The power to render oneself unseen to the naked eye.
      Limit: Users of this power are required to be naked in order for them to move around undetected. Although the user is unable to see, their physical body still remains. This means that they can still be sensed through smell, or sound, along with their outline being visible in the rain. Furthermore, it takes great concentration to remain invisible, and can only last up to an hour before it becomes extremely draining for the user.
    • Elemental Manipulation: User can create, shape, and manipulate the basic elements of nature and the rudimentary, simplest, or essential parts/principles of which nature consists (ex. pyrokinesis). The four principal, basic elements are Earth, Water, Air, and Fire.
      Limit: The users of this power are only able to manipulate one of the four basic elements. As such, the user is limited to elements that are near to them. For example, if they are flying they cannot randomly spawn earth around them. Users of this ability have a range of 100 feet.
    • Wall Crawling: The power to fasten onto and climb vertical and horizontal surfaces without falling.
      Limit: Anything that covers the user's hands or feet will nullify this power. Furthermore, surfaces that are completely smooth are unable to be climbed.
    • Telepathy: Users can read or sense another person's thoughts, communicate with them mentally, or affect, and otherwise interact with their mind, consciousness, and thoughts.
      Limit: This power does not work on mindless beings such as corpses or zombies. The more intense of thought, the louder it becomes. This power has a range of 30 feet, along with a maximum influence of 10 beings at a time. Telepathy often causes the user excruciating headaches.
    • Empathetic Manipulation: Users can sense and manipulate the emotions, including feelings, moods, and their effects, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing, or otherwise channeling emotions.
      Limits: The more intense the emotion, the harder it is for the user to control while keeping themselves focused. This power has a range of 30 feet, along with a maximum influence of 10 beings at a time. All of this can often cause the user excruciating headaches. Similar to hypnosis, the user cannot make the subject experience emotions that aren't already somewhere within their psyche.
    • Psychometry: Obtaining historical memories or sensations concerning beings and objects they observe.
      Limits: In order for this power to work, the user must be able to touch the being or object to observe the memories. Furthermore, this power leaves them vulnerable while they are observing as they are not focused on their surroundings. The user isn't always able to dictate what they receive. If the user is wearing gloves, the power becomes void. Intense memories can often make the user ill.
    • Darkness Manipulation: User can shape and manipulate darkness and shadows.
      Limits: The user of this power is not able to create darkness itself, and is limited to manipulating already existing sources. This power has a range of 50 feet.
    • Blood Manipulation: Users can shape and manipulate the blood of others.
      Limit: This power has a range of 50 feet. The users of this power are unable to create blood, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources. As vampires have no bodily functions, they are unable to produce their own blood to manipulate. However, if another vampire has recently consumed blood, that is an acceptable source.

    If you have an idea for another unique power, please consult one of the GMs beforehand.
    hook | plot | lore | characters | setting | rules

    The story takes place in the suburbs of Sarasota Florida, where the characters share a house together. The house, which was built in the mid-1800s, is a sizable dilapidated Victorian estate with three floors, along with a dormer attic. The bottom floor is considered the "common area" with a large but mostly unused U-shaped kitchen with an island tabletop. In the corner is a breakfast nook, though in this house it would be considered the "midnight" nook. This leads into the grand dining hall where a long bloodied table sits in the center. On the other side of the house is the living room which features a stone traditional open-hearth fireplace, and the study which is covered with antique books, along with a desk and a few recliners.

    The next two floors are all personal living space, with each tenant getting their own room and conjoined bathroom. The familiars are kept either in the two rooms under the stairs, or in the attic. As sunlight can be an issue, the windows have plywood nailed to the frames outside as faux hurricane protection, while the inside has news papers pasted to the glass. The blinds are always kept closed.​
    hook | plot | lore | characters | setting | rules
    How to Join: If you are interested in this roleplay, just comment in this thread! After that, please dm me a recent writing sample or link to a recent post. As long as you meet the advanced writing requirement, I will send you a link to the discord.

    Posting requirements: The expected posting speed for this group is once every two weeks, though more frequent posts are also encouraged. This is a multi-paragraph, advanced writing roleplay, so your posts are expected to meet those requirements. Of course, if something comes up irl just dm me and we can figure something out. Repeated missed posts without a heads up will result in a warning or possible kick from the group.

    This roleplay currently has a character limit of two.

    History: In this roleplay, there is a heavy historic element. Although players are given free rein to insert their characters in whatever historic context they please, remember to respect the events and communities that are involved. Some history can be gruesome and unpleasant, so be sensitive to how others might perceive these aspects. In the event that your post contains possibly triggering content, please use a Content Warning and place it within a spoiler.

    Furthermore, although players don't need to be expert historians, some research about their character's background would be helpful. Please make sure your characters' backstories are at least somewhat accurate to real-world historical events and contexts.

    Content: This roleplay is listed in the general star section. As such, all sexual scenes must fade to black. However, some of the themes may be mature, and not suitable for those under the age of 18. Player discretion is advised. As some topics discussed may be triggering, so be sure to make use of content warnings. Such warnings may include violence, gore, substance use, sexual assault, and abuse.

    General: All Iwaku rules apply. No characters under the age of 18. No godmodding. Be respectful at all times.

    As GMs, @MiharuAya and @skee have the right to kick any player who breaks these rules.
    hook | plot | lore | characters | setting | rules

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mobile users click here

Code by @skee
Inspired by the Movie & tv show of the same name
Last edited:
super excited for this!! :heartbeat: y'all should join, we don't bite!

  • Love
Reactions: MiharuAya
Is this still accepting peoples?
Absolutely! We are still looking for one or two more peeps to join us on this chaotic adventure ^^
  • Sweet
Reactions: Mundane Monster
Still open??
We are! Just send a writing sample to apply ^^
So I can't be a werewolf familiar?
  • Bucket of Rainbows
  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: MiharuAya and marcy
It might need some working out, but send me your idea and we can talk it over! ^^
Vampire, memememememe!
Well, if this thing is still on, and if I can set one of my babies up for this world you have here.
We are still looking for one more player to round off this band of merry miscreants. ^^
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Dvyniai
Wait... there's not a CS page already active that I've missed? I'm working on my charries, but don't know where to put them when I'm done...
  • Love
Reactions: MiharuAya
@Phi Chisym Not yet! But will hopefully have one up soon. ^^ If your working on charries, let me add you to the discord where you can stay up to date
Hi! I could def be interested, I just haven't been in an RP in a couple of years. I can maybe find some old posts in my Google docs (I keep everything in a folder because I'm psycho), or I've been working on both my book and a fun other book, so you could look at them as a writing sample? Oh wait, y'all are still accepting people, right?
  • Sweet
Reactions: MiharuAya
@Duchess Sure! ^^ This is a laid back group, so no worries if your a bit rusty. Just pm me whatever you think is the best representation of a typical post for you.
Are you still accepting people?
  • Love
Reactions: Dvyniai
@Karo Sure! Just send me a writing sample ^^
  • Love
Reactions: Dvyniai
I'd love to join this if you're still accepting people <3
@Ayla Unfortunately we are full at the moment, but I can let you know if a spot opens up!
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Reactions: Ayla
Announcement! This group has been moved to Red Star
  • Spicy
Reactions: Dvyniai