What Pokemon type are you?

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honey believe me, ill have your heart on a platter
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A fun lil quiz for y'all!

I got fairy type :D Which makes me very happy, since I think it's a super cute type, heh.

Take it here and share! Let's see what other types we've got around Iwaku 👀
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And I'm cool with It.
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I'm a fighting type baby! Hell yeah!
I'm super behind on the Pokemon series, but I got Grass-type!

You're typically a calm person who sees things for what they are. Changes don't bother you at all, you know who you are and are always able to stay true to yourself. You love nature and probably prefer to be outdoors, and you are prone to pick long-lasting hobbies that you enjoy for years over fast fads and trends. However sometimes you fear being left behind by all the fast-moving people around you, so always remember that it's ok to go at your own pace. Lucky items: Rawst berry, pure incense, full heal
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Electric type though I can't say thats really what I feel, give me fighting or dragon!!

Electric Type

You're super energetic when you do things, but usually need some time to "charge up" again as well. Your dual energy modes typically have you living a healthy balanced life between activity and rest time. Perhaps you even have contrasting hobbies to match your moods, such as playing a fast paced sport and reading a good book. However people may only see your energetic side and assume you never run out of energy at all, so you need to make sure not to give in to their unrealistic expectations and take time to fully rest up. Lucky items: fossils, luck incense, damp rock​
Fairy type! Which I loveee as it's my fav type

You're a bit quirky and you like it that way. You're more likely to end up in a small friend group of similar minded people than to have a large friend group, although you're likely naturally friendly and well-liked by most people. You tend to like being performative so hobbies that fit you are theatre, art, or perhaps streaming videos online. Although friendly, you can also have a short fuse and get annoyed quickly when things don't go your way, and once you hold a grudge you're not quick to let it go. Because you like it when others see you as a bit quirky you might overplay it to not seem too normal and boring, remember that it's ok to not be the most special snowflake all the time, it's ok to just be yourself! Lucky items: leftovers, zoom lens, max potion​

Poison Type. It actually oddly fits, for an online quiz. Although I'm only familiar with 3 regions so for the character ones I kind of went on aesthetic ahah
I got water type! 🌊
I got Poison type~!
Eyyy! Spekkun got Electric Type! My favorite! The high energy, dual energy modes thing suits me very well I think! I do feel like a dual phase person often times (especially when sugar and/or Caffeine are introduced into the mix).

Ampharos best 'mon, just saying!
I got Rock Type. Why does it fit me so well? 🥺

Rock Type

You may come across as tough and hard on the surface, but once you're someone's friend you're loyal for life. Perhaps you only have a select few really great friends rather than a large friend group. Being headstrong and confident in your areas of expertise are some of your great qualities. You're usually dedicated to whatever you're doing but like to take your time to finish it at your own pace. Rushing through things typically doesn't work out well for you. Hobbies that allow you to slowly work towards a goal are ideal for you, such as hiking, knitting, or shiny hunting. However, listening to your friends is important, so try not to be too headstrong and forget to consider the input from other people as well.​

Fairy Type​

You're a bit quirky and you like it that way. You're more likely to end up in a small friend group of similar minded people than to have a large friend group, although you're likely naturally friendly and well-liked by most people. You tend to like being performative so hobbies that fit you are theatre, art, or perhaps streaming videos online. Although friendly, you can also have a short fuse and get annoyed quickly when things don't go your way, and once you hold a grudge you're not quick to let it go. Because you like it when others see you as a bit quirky you might overplay it to not seem too normal and boring, remember that it's ok to not be the most special snowflake all the time, it's ok to just be yourself! Lucky items: leftovers, zoom lens, max potion​