ROLEPLAY HELP What happens when you have no definitive plot ideas?

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Fallen Angel Descended
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Sci-Fi and Fantasy are the two big ones.
Pretty much exactly what it says in the title 😅

I've been trying to write a group/1x1 connection post for a while now, and I'm realizing that I have literally no ideas for a plot beyond "Hey, I wanna write in this setting!" And I feel a bit bad putting just that up because I don't want to put all the burden of coming up with a plot on my partner, and I certainly can't set up a group RP without a more structured plot. So, my question is, does anyone here have any tips or strategies for coming up with plot bunnies or plot hooks when their mind is blank?
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Hello! Admittedly, a lack of ideas is not a problem I tend to have. My main suggestion is to engage with media, that's what does it for me. A one-off character will say a line and bam! I have an idea. It might not be enough for me to make something of yet but it's a start. I also suggest keeping a list if you're prone to forgetting ideas. If you have enough you can fold them together, too. There are also generators you can find online that might be helpful.

However, I know that a lot of 1x1 partners enjoy collaborating on a plot together, and sometimes even a setting is enough for them. Groups tend to meet more success with a solid premise but I have seen brainstormed ones succeed, especially when there are players who have ideas but don't want to run something. In any case, I'm happy to try to brainstorm some ideas with you if you want. And my DMs are always open if you prefer to take me up on the offer later.
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I appreciate the offer! I'll keep it in mind for the future
If you're lacking plot ideas then knowing which genre you like to play in or what kinds of pairings you like are still helpful to any potential writer. You could also make a short list of themes you like in a story. I've seen a few people here do that. Or if you have a character that you'd like to play with then you could also post a short profile for them in your request thread. I've seen a few people do that as well.

Hope this helps a bit. : 3
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