MUSIC What are you listening to? 2.0

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I remember cool summer days as a kid hearing this music pouring from the deck as I lay in the grass, not a care in the world.
Strange, how some music reminds me of how I felt so many years ago, the feeling of wind crossing over young skin shaded by the rosebud tree.
Good times.​

I love Watsky. A lot of his songs are pretty relate-able. I'm not usually a fan of rap, but I can't help but like this song, along with a few others from his "Cardboard Castles" album. This one in particular describes a lot of my persistence when it comes to academics and my social life. I've come so far, and it's been hard, but there is more to achieve and accomplish, and "I'm gonna get there if it takes a day or fifty years." I will keep working at it, not matter what obstacles come my way.

"I'm ready
Oh Lord I'm ready
I'm ready, ready, ready to roll"

A fitting Valentine's day song for those ready to love.
I buy sausage. :)

cravin' some Skaven