(Western Fantasy) Bulhit Town

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She jumped at the shots and looks down at the floor.
She knew that if anyone saw her eyes that she would be done for.
"Bones is a nice name... I must say I do like it." She said, slightly hushed to sound more like a little girl.
Theo saw brad exit and almost get killed. The name the one thug had given him sent shivers down his spine. Bones was a familiar name from a book he'd read once. Billy bones was a pirate.
"Ooo I don't like this." Theo said inside the saloon.
He couldnt decide on waiting up for lilith or catching up to Brad.
"So what should we do Lou." He said, looking up at her
Lou, who for the last few moments had been oblivious to the happeneings was still tugging at the belts of her harness just outside the door, she'd grunt lightly, heaving a buckle into place.
'It has to be right or my blade sticks...'
She's raise a single eyebrow looking towards Brad 'ignore Bones, he's a bolshy prick who is sure that he and his men own the town, he's harmless really.'
She'd turn her head, eyes flickering in the direction of Sarah before narrowing unoticingly. There was something about this one, something untrustworthy and Lou had read it across her face the day she arrived but there was no escaping these things in Bulhit, every day you'd encounter at least one person you didn't trust. And this person earned her a pretty penny.
She'd lower her voice to a tone too low to be heard from across the bar.
'Brad is right, sweet girl,'
Her eyes still watching Sarah
'that one has very ill intent, she is a kind girl but she will do what she must to keep herself afloat... Beauty is the strongest of masks.'
Why people were heading outside to get shot was beyond her. Better, she thought, to wait for the Sheriff and his deputies to handle the situation. Furthermore, and quite thankfully she had to admit, she had to wonder why the ruffians didn't just walk into the tavern. No, she'd stay put. Apparently these fools didn't realize what bullets did to people. One shot was often all it took.

Walking behind the bar, Sahra pulled up the lever action rifle that was secreted there and slowly walked up the stairs to the second floor rooms. There, she carefully peered out between the curtains. She didn't aim down the rifle. That might be seen. Instead she planted the stock against her boot and leaned forward to see, her long white tresses blending well with the lady like fuchsia curtains. The best way to kill a person was to kill them when they couldn't figure out where the shots were coming from. Maybe she could use a few illusions to better aid those outside.

She was, however, confused by the leader of the bandits outside. She had been utterly shocked when he had killed one of his men callously and in cold blood in the middle of the town. Either the man was a complete idiot or he was already a wanted man. Executing his own man was guaranteeing himself a hanging in the future. With the entire town as witnesses the Sheriff could call in the Marshals in addition to scouring up a posse.

[OOC: First, nothing of which was posted. Second. Why would the tavern be empty? That would involve those inside the tavern running towards the bullets! I can pretty much guarantee that if I were in a bar or tavern and some hooligans started shooting up things outside I'd hunker down and hide. I also rather assumed that they had left since Brad didn't seem to care that they were out there, two people entered and one left without incident, and none of the signs of a siege were in play.]
Lilith stared long and hard at the body, slightly frightened and confused.
"Why would he shoot his own man...?" She muttered.
Theo stared through a hole in the wall. They were still surrounded.
"*sigh* We can't leave just yet. I'd stay." He attempted to pull Brad back in, but let him do whatever he did.
He said aloud, "hey lady in white! You're allowed to join us when you want. "
His stomach growled "Lou, can I have something to eat?"
"I do suppose it is a wise choice to stay a while longer. I also recommend leaving at nightfall. I would not want this young elf to be hurt for being... well an elf." She said, calmer. She lifted her head and sat down at a chair nearby. "I also am in need of regaining energy. If I fail to build up my strength, I will not be able to shift into anything for a while." She stated, sighing.
A young man with a thick Brooklyn accent stormed up to the bar, the sight of him causing some of the thugs to leave a little faster. He looked like a chimney sweep that hadn't seen a chimney in a while, but still had some soot smeared on his shirt and face.
"Are you bleed'n dopes ready yet?! The Boss has been wait'n for so long he sent me to get your bloody asses movin!" He yelled as he pushed the tavern doors open. He carried his brush like a staff as if he would blast them with a spell provided they didn't get their 'bloody asses movin.'
Lou, seing Theo grasping at brad would heighten her guard, eyes darting from one shadow to the next where she'd find the most discreet of movements, hinting that they where still being watched.
'I think that's probably a good idea...'
She's draw back, moving backwards through the door, eyes fixed outside.
Spinning on one heal she'd make for the bar following it round and into the back room.
She'd return very shortly with three bowls of warm rabbit stew, one rested on her fingers, the other supported on the ball of her hand and the third on her arm. She'd set them down onto a table for the three, along with three thick wads of warm wholemeal bread.

She'd Smile kindly at Sahra as she passes her. 'I'm sorry for all of this Sahra, seems our new lodger is a wanted man.'

She'd continue with her movement, sliding herself into a corner and seating behind a beautiful yet weathered, polished oak wood grand piano. Her hands would dance upwards, touching for the Ivory keys and upon finding them would skim quietly, freely over the notes.

'Perhaps it would be an idea to stay the night, make your plans and travel tomorrow, the townsfolk don't seem best pleased with you and I fear it would be unsafe to journey now.'
Her voice a falling feather, flowing softly with her pianos melody, calming those around her.
They where safe here, Lou and her tavern where somewhat respected with the locals, what with a little assistance over the years from her blade. The men that visited knew to behave and it was rare for trouble to follow into the bar.
Interrupted by the entrance Lou would stop her hands, her lips curling at the sides into a slight smile as the cocky, dirtied man strides through. Confused by the constant attention she'd raise a single eyebrow and dropping her head to the side her eyes would come to rest on Brad.
'who exactly are you...'
Theo thanked Lou and ate, with a happy, satisfied look on his face.
"If we go out we'll get shot! Unless there's a back way." Theo explained to the newcomer.
"I'm Topple, one of The Boss's few employes that he didn't off in a week." Topple explained to Lou. He rolled his eyes at Theo's words. "You bloody dolts can't get out of town without ten people trying to blow your damn brains out? Oi, lady who own's this joint, it's bloody Bulhit Town, you gotta have a exit out the back right?"
Brad walks back in, actually having his arm on one of the shoulder of Bones, who was laughing. Brad looks a the company with his "human" face. Hey guys, it's cool, we can leave! He smiles at them, but the smile drops as the raging Topple entered the room with his statement and Lou asks him "Who exactly are you..."
Brad frowns and is saddened by this as he remembers images of explosions and dead people... he couldn't have this happening to them. He immediately put his mask back on as the fake skin began to disappear. He looks up at them through an eye hole Bones had made for him, despite the fact that he didn't need it. There were tears welling up in his eyes as he starts to back away from the pub, not looking at anyone in particular. I... need t-to leave now... I don't want any of you t-t-to get hurt... I'll be at the meeting place! Brad turns and sprints out of the building, tears streaming down his face.

Bones turns to the company and pulls out his gun. He pulls the trigger and blasts the feathers off Topple's brush with perfect accuracy. He pulls back the hammer and two more thugs enter the room. Bones' jet black hair bristles and his young face makes the room go dead quiet as he speaks. Alright, what the hell is goin' on here, eh? Somebody had better tell me right f@#$ing now, or next bullet is going to be lodged, in someone's FACE! Everyone can tell he is dead serious as he pulls the trigger and shoots the ceiling, making a fearful scream come from outside and a plank fall to the ground. I just might've got me a new member, one that could make me laugh, and ya'll made him leave 'fore I could seal the deal! With a little bit of re-freshenin', he would've be as good a shooter as Grim himself! No, better yet, he would've been better than Grim.
Sahra was not there. She'd left while Lou was still outside. She was nestled up in one of the upper floor windows she watched the brigands mill about. Why where they there? What did they want? So they'd been mistaken about the man with the metal mask. So what? If they were after the man in the metal mask why were they still here? Why shoot their own man? Sahra's brain was racked with questions. There had to be some profit to the brigands' plans or why bother? Maybe they were looking for someone. That would make sense and explain why they were so curious about the man in the metal mask.

For that matter, why wear would that boy wear a metal mask at all if his face was normal beneath it and who was that strange voice that had caused her to raise her mental defenses? Why wear a metal mask when it made people nervous, especially one that looked so demonic? Was he trying to get himself killed? Her first thought when she saw him was that he was some form of hoodlum about to rob the place.

Far too many questions and far too few answers for her taste.

And now this brigand had entered into the saloon and was shooting up the place. The man made little sense. It was like he was a child let loose in a someone else's toy box, breaking all the toys with reckless abandon.

Silently, Sahra moved towards the bedroom door, listening intently and counting the shots. The leader had fired two rounds. That left only four more.

[OOC: The modern twentieth century bar is a poor comparison to old western saloons. Old western farmhands, didn't exactly go home and watch television, browse the internet or any of the things we do today.

Addendum: Also, I think it's more Crono's decision on things as the thread's originator]
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She jumped at the sound and lowered her face again. "These eyes are a burden sometimes..." she stated quietly.
She then went silent as she glanced around trying to find a way to get out of here without being shot.
Theo stood rigid, scared to death. He shifted his hair to cover his pointed ears. He looked and saw the lady in white had left.
"Sonuva-" he stopped mid curse. She was Gone, didn't matter. What mattered was the thug in front of him.
He naturally gripped his hand around the hilt of his weapon he forgot he had. He could deflect bullets if fast enough, but he only had half a chance of doing so. But it may have been the best way out. He had no intention on negotiations with a Bones'. He wanted to get to the meeting place and get it over with.
[OCC: It's a fantasy world where anything can happen. I don't think a empty bar were your probably being hunted or hunting is stretching it too far

Topple got furious when Bones shot his brush, but a sinister smirk crossed his face when he spoke of someone being better at shooting then Grim. "You better watch your words Bonesy. I'll tell ya wots going on. These fellas are Grim's new chaps, iron-face included. So you harm a hair on their eds and he'll gut ya. Also think before you speak of someone EVER getting better at anything then Grim. Let's not forget the last time you bet you could shoot better them em. Yah got yer ass kicked and he made you and your buddies do 30 laps up and down town, butt naked!"
She giggled at the last sentence, kind of snickering at first.
She stopped herself but only for a moment before giggling again.
Using the argument between the two outlaws, belonging to what sounded like two different gangs, as cover, Sahra whispered a small incantation. Nothing complex, just a small thing that would have eyes simply not wish to see her. It wasn't exactly invisibility but when plenty of other things were happening it let people overlook her. Right now, she rather suspected there was more than enough to distract both parties. She couldn't level the rifle at anyone. Survival instinct was a powerful thing and almost surely would overcome the power of her simple charm.

She took the opportunity to slip around the corner of the upstairs room where she crouched behind rug that one of the serving girls had previously been beating the dust out of. There, still secreted she furtively caught a glimpse of what was going on and breathed a sigh of relief. It was starting to look like she wasn't going to be needed after all. The one bandit seemed to be convincing the other to stand down. Looks could be deceiving though and the hot tempers of brigands was not to be taken lightly.

The white haired girl was thinking it best to retreat when the shape-shifting child giggled. Sahra's breath caught in her throat. Such a gesture of disrespect was something her own lover would never have tolerated. A mere slip of a girl laughing off the threat of a robber would be the death of his reputation. It was a matter now of what this robber feared more, the besmirching of his reputation or this Grim character.
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Lou dropped herself behind the bar, head tucked forwards and knees up, taking cover from the gunfire. Her hand would make its way round to Her back, fingers touching at the center hilt of her blade, they push away the tough leather strap that hugs it into place and her sword would drop freely into her hand, fingers closing tightly around it, gaining its balance and assessing its weight once more.
She'd follow the shadows, moving undetected, her bare feet silent across the old wood below them.
Moving around the tavern she'd find herself behind the thugs, bones stood before her, Waving his gun around like an idiot and shouting his mouth off. She'd stride out from the darkness, bringing herself behind him, body tight against his and In one swift movement her blade would shift and turn, spinning into place and dropping very neatly against his jugular.

'I've told you before about bringing your shit Into my bar, Bones, I suggest you and your men take your leave before I slice every cunt in the room clean in half.'
The warming smile had escaped her lips, her jaw line tight and prominent as she grits her teeth, her voice a quiet growl.
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