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Feeding the wolves, don't you know better?
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Advanced
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Supernatural, Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, Mystery and Romance
Hello everyone, Huntress here.

First I'd like to thank you for checking my thread and I do hope that you are interested in some of the things I have to offer.

So, we've established that my name is Huntress. I never really get called anything else other than my real name so lets keep that as it is. If someone finds something fitting/shorter then we can make it work.

I am in my twenties..

I have been role-playing for about 11 years now.

I live in Ontario, Canada. Which puts me in the Eastern Time Zone. Also, I hope the fact that I spell Colour, Honour e.t.c with a U doesn't turn you off. ;P
I consider myself a decent writer. I can throw out anything from a few paragraphs, to novels worth of responses depending on how into a plot I am and what I'm trying to cover. I have my flaws when it comes to writing but I'm trying best to learn and get better at those things.

My grammar and spelling isn't perfect but I do my best, I hope you do too. As long as I can understand what you're trying to say in your post then we are good to go.

I am typically needy.
(this has changed a little lately so you're in luck)

I won't lie. Although I tend to overbook myself in RL I still make time to respond at least once a day and I hope you can keep up with that, if not, depending on the plot I can try to be patient BUT I will annoy the hell out of you for a response, you've been warned, ESPECIALLY if I'm into a plot.

If I can shoot out multiple responses in a day, I will.

If I'm inactive, poke me, chances are I'm racing for a deadline because of my horrible decisions to procrastinate and not get shit done. Or on the off chance I'm super stumped on how to respond and therefore I'm trying to figure it out, maybe I need a push from my partner to get the gears rolling; which I can do for you as well if you find yourself stuck.

Talk to me OC. I'm friendly, I swear, and I'm also sure we can find something to talk about.
I'm a gamer, lets talk about games, hell we can even game together if you want.

Onward we go.

I prefer my RP's to take place in PM's or threads.
Not a big fan of doing RP's over online messengers and what not but that doesn't mean I won't.

I like mature content, please be over 18 so we can enjoy that. If you're not over 18 but you still wanna RP with me that's fine too. It doesn't always need to go down like that.
Now that being said, I'm not talking strictly smut. If a heated scene takes place it does, I'm not about to force that biz.

Gore = yes
Cursing = yes

Okay so I think that covers me for the most part, at least the positives. Let's talk a bit about the things I don't like.

If this is all you can give me then I will kindly ask you to find a different partner. I've passed that part of my RPing life and I'm looking for more to keep me interested and going; one line does not provide that, sorry :(

If you wanna drop TELL ME, do not fade off into the webs of the online world, I won't be offended, trust.
TALK TO ME! You don't like something SAY IT. You need help with something SAY IT. Don't get me wrong, I can be hard headed and I will stand for my argument but I am ALWAYS willing to find a middle ground to make both of us happy.
Nothing is worse than hashing out a plot that sounds super awesome and is super exciting and then you just *poof*.
Rude, at least say bye.

I would assume this is self explanatory. If our characters are texting then I get it.
But dnt u go writing like dis for ur whole post.

I know a lot of people swear by these or thoroughly enjoy them. I am not one of those. I roleplay to let my creativity and imagination go crazy, so I can stray away from the stress of life when I come on this site. A perfect, ideal, realistic world is not the type of thing I'd write about. Sorry slice of life people, I just can't and I guarantee you, you cannot convince me. But if you wanna try, feel free.

I stated how much I typically write and I stated how much I dislike one liners. Another thing that bugs me is that, I will send a nice long post that I am proud of and you respond to me with a single paragraph. I will not ask you to match my length if I send you like five pages worth of a post. If you can FANTASTIC! If you can't I would like at least three decent sized paragraphs.

If that title isn't enough for you to understand what I'm talking about then here's a small explanation:
Despite the fact that I tend to make very strong characters, when it comes to abilities, everyone still has weaknesses, physical, magical, emotional, extraterrestrial e.t.c. If you make the weakness of your character insanely obscure and hard to achieve, I will use my power of hammerspace in the RP and I will make sure that your OVER 9000, SUPERMAN/GOKU/HULK CRAZY STRONG AND POWERFUL ALL MIGHTY GODLIKE CHARACTER dies.

Although I have nothing against the style of anime art; when it comes to face claims my preference would be real, living human beings or some epic realistic portraits of characters. It's easier for my imagination to follow. You'd be surprised at what you can find on Deviant Art and Pinterest.
That being said, I will not deny RPing with you if you draw your own characters or like to use anime art. This is simply a preference, that's all.

Another genre that I find is very popular on this site. I don't have anything against the idea of a fandom I would just personally like to have our characters as OC's in a pre-existing world or time-period of said universe. If you want to play a character that exists in the world we choose I will not argue that but that is something I will leave up to you. I personally will almost never play as someone that's already written / created because that takes out half the fun of RPing and is also rather restricting IMO.

I am currently craving a werewolf RP. I haven't played as my favourite furry monstrosity in a while. I don't have any plot ideas at the moment but that doesn't mean I'm not open to working on something with potential partners.

I've also been itching to do a 'Supercorp' inspired RP with OC's preferably.

I will also never say no to a kaiju inspired RP with a twist.
  • I may have a rough idea that can be expanded on for this.
SO...I think I've covered everything. If I have not you will find out if / when WE chat and start building OUR RP.

P.S. I don't do M x M so please don't ask. I can barely play males.
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Id be interested to do a rp with you! :)
Shoot me a PM and we can plot :)
I would like to add that I may have an idea for the Kaiju plot if anyone is interested in that.
I'd be up to discussing a Lycanthrope plot.