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Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. 1-3 posts per week
  6. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
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  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Futanari
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
  5. Primarily Prefer Female
  6. No Preferences
Fantasy, Scifi, Modern, Magical, Mecha, Furry, Anthro, Horror, Historical, everything really.
[fieldbox="Wild West Plot, orange, solid"]
Who doesn't love a good old-fashioned western? But this one has a twist. In the year 2031 a group of scientists created a machine that, in hope, could look into the past in order to record accurate historical documents. After a few test runs, it seemed to work fine so a group of volunteers was brought in to test it out for possible new ways of teaching historical event. One of the scientists joined the team of volunteers, but something went terribly wrong and instead of viewing the past, they were sucked into it—back to 1865.

And that's where we begin: 1865

We all know the "American Wild West" has been a fictional exploit for films and books but that wild, crude era is exactly where this will take place. Nothing will be "historically accurate" but rather a game based on those crazy tales.

There will be six time travelers, including one of the scientists, and they can be any kind of person. They were promised a $200 cash pay for the experiment. In 1865 they will encounter "Cowboys and Indians", outlaws, salons, etc. These role can also be played.

Click Me for IC Thread

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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Explodinator
[fieldbox="2031Cast, red, solid"]

Garrick "Rusty" Botteril
-Volunteer -

Colonel Douglas Barret
- Volunteer -
@MST3K 4ever

Fumiko Haruka
- Volunteer -
@Sasha Bliss


[fieldbox="1865 Cast, red, solid"]


Dan "Copperhead" Masterson
- Bounty Hunter -
@MST3K 4ever

Reginald Granger
- Town Sherrif -
@Von Claussen

- Bounty Hunter's Apprentice -

Kate Barlow
- Notorious Outlaw Accomplice -
@~Dark Disney~

- Cowboy -
@~Dark Disney~

Hanson Wickersham
- Bartender -

Sally Wormwood
- Saloon Girl -

Chunta Pallotin
- Exiled Indian Warrior -

Lupa Silas Blackthrone
- Cowgirl -

Lupus Silvius Blackthrone
- Cowboy -

[fieldbox="Character Creation, orange, solid"]

(Not all roles need to be pulled to start the RP)

Volunteer 1 (Claimed by @MST3K 4ever)
Volunteer 2 (Claimed by @Explodinator)
Volunteer 3 (Claimed by @Sasha Bliss)
Volunteer 4 (Claimed by @YuriLucien)
Volunteer 5

-1865 (Lead Roles)-
Notorious Outlaw Lacky (Claimed by @~Dark Disney~)
Bounty Hunter (Claimed by @MST3K 4ever)
Bounty Hunter Apprentice (Claimed by @YuriLucien)
Bartender/Owner (Claimed by @Explodinator)
Sheriff (Claimed by @Von Claussen)
Exiled Indian Warrior (Claimed by @Don)
Notorious Outlaw (Claimed by @Zeroisdead)
Town Doctor (Claimed by @Zeroisdead)
Saloon Girl (Claimed by @Timber)
Indian Chief
Indian Chief's Sibling
General Store Owner

-1865 (Other Roles)-
Saloon Girls
Native Americans
Whatever role you want!

Original Era:

[Insert character image here]

Appearance Description: (can keep it short, include height, scars, tattoos, etc, if you want)
Personal items:
Skills: (5 please)
Weaknesses (5 please)
History: (optional)
More: (optional)
[fieldbox="Rules, gold, solid"]
1. Follow all Iwaku rules.
2. Character death must be PMed between the players involved and myself.
3. No one-liners, please.
4. Feel free to create other roles.
5. You can claim up to two characters if you please.
6. This is historical fiction only--not to be treated entirely factual.
7. Have fun!
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Explodinator
[fieldbox="Waking Up in 1865, red, solid"]
Seeing into the past altered from a dream to reality and it was the top-secret discovery of the century. The scientists involved were careful to choose only select individuals who were sworn to secrecy by contract. The technology held many opportunities for the world, however, first the inventors had to be sure there were no lasting effects on the subjects watching the past.

The mysterious 1800's were chosen for the volunteers and one of the lead scientists. The group was lead to a circular, white room with a silver contraption in the middle, which held a flat screen facing up with head gear attached to it. Once the gear was placed on, the scientist ignited the screen--but something went wrong. Before there had been a flash of white and then a blurry peek into the history. This time the white flash had zapped the group into the wild west of Deadwood.

Our group arrives separated and waking up to the dusty western air.
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Name: Kate Barlow
Original Era: 1865
Role: Notorius Outlaw


Appearance Description: 5'5 105 Long Blonde hair and Blue eyes
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Heritage: Western America
Personal items: Hand Guns knives and water a necklace on her neck
Skills: amazing shot, quick, smart, actually educated, ex teacher
Weaknesses: knowledge, hurt and her dog shadow
Likes: Horses, money, robbing, killing, animals, and sleeping under the stars
Dislikes: stupidity. being controlled and people skimming out on her
Relations: open
History: (optional)
More: (optional)

Name: William Compton
Original Era: 1865
Role: Cowboy

images (4).jpg

Appearance Description: 6'0 175 tattoo on his shoulder
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Heritage: Western American
Personal items: Gun satchel that carries a lot of his things
Skills: Good at shooting and riding horses
Relations: Open
History: (optional)
More: (optional)
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Name: Garrick "Rusty" Botterill
Home Era: Present (2031)
Role: Volunteer


Height, 6'1''
Tattoos, none
Scars, none
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Heritage: Country, Farm family
Possessions: Refurbished (Functional) Metropolitan Navy Model 1864 Percussion Cap Revolver (No ammo) (Has concealed carry license) | His father's hat
Skills: Strength-based labor (i.e. heavy lifting), Farming/Irrigation, Hunting, Haggling/Bartering, Cooking
Weaknesses: Traumatized, Introvert, Aimless, Solemn, Distrustful
Likes: Selflessness, Hard work, Truthfulness
Dislikes: Secrecy, Laziness, Sarcasm
Relations: TBA


Name: Hanson Wickersham
Home Era: 1865
Role: Bartender

Height: 5'11"
Brown eyes
No scars
No tattoos
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Heritage: The West / Outlaw Gang
Possessions: Colt Model 1860 Army Revolver + Holster & Bullets | The Saloon
Skills: Bartering, Brewing / Mixing (Drinks and Poisons), Sleight of Hand, Charismatic (Smooth talker), Appraisal (Objects and people)
Weaknesses: Troubled, Jumpy, Intolerant,
Likes: Skilled gunmen, Fairness, Generosity
Dislikes: Cowardice, Ramblers, Rabble Rousers
Relations: TBA


Garrick got the name "Rusty" from his father. He was helping his father do some repairs, but when his father asked him for bolts and nails, he kept bringing him old rusty ones. Needless to say, the name stuck.

Garrick was a farm boy, born and raised on his family's farm in Iowa. The years went by, his family was successful in their endeavors, until Rusty's father was tragically killed in a car accident. This was a massive blow to Rusty's shrunken family of four. Rusty's mother entered a state of shock, leaving the seventeen-year-old Rusty and his younger brother and sister to take care of the farm.

From there, times got worse. Barely able to fend for themselves already, a tornado ran through the area four years later, carving a path through their land, and their house. Despite his efforts, Rusty was unable to save his mother. She was blown away, along with all his memories of a better time, save for two.

One, A refurbished revolver that belonged to his ancestor during the waning days of the Civil War. His father told him it would be able to fire if it had bullets when his father gifted it to him on his sixteenth birthday. The other, his father's hat. A black cowboy hat that his father always wore. Rusty hardly ever took it off.

Years passed. Rusty and his siblings were taken in by a kind middle-aged couple with money to spare. However, Rusty didn't like it. He wanted to fend for himself, to be strong like his father. He didn't want to rely on others. So, he went out into the world, in search of work, and redemption.

Hanson had a troubled past. At an early age his parents were killed by an unknown band of outlaws, only for him to be taken in by the next gang of outlaws to pass through. They raised him as one of their own, teaching them their lifestyle. That includes the Quickdraw.
Hanson was a natural. He could empty a cylinder in just shy of two seconds. Long story short, Hanson hated life as an outlaw. He tolerated his gang because of his father figure, Cig. A respectful man, with values centered around "the gun's judgement." Nobody knew his real name.
One day, Hanson couldn't take it anymore. He tried to leave the gang, to which Cig responded by challenging him to a shootout. Hanson was victorious, at the cost of the life of his only real friend. He was thirty-three at the time.
After the events of the shootout, Hanson settled in the town the duel took place in, Deadwood. His actions had quickly gained him respect amongst the townsfolk, and he opened a saloon at the center of town, where the fateful duel took place.
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Reactions: YuriLucien
Name: Dan "Copperhead" Masterson
Original Era: 1865
Role: Bounty Hunter

Appearance Description: Scar on his left forearm from a knife fight and two bullet wound scars in his chest. Stands 6ft and weighs in at about 175. A thin mustache.
Age: 42

Gender: Male

Personal items: Spencer Repeating Rifle, Two Colt Navy 44 pistols, Bullwhip, Bowie Knife, Survival gear (Bed roll, basic rations, canteen, rope, Etc), a Black Stallion named Black Fire.

Skills: Tracking, Shooting, Hand to Hand, "Reading" people, Able to speak many Native American dialects.
Weaknesses: Doesn't trust people (other than Tala) easily or readily, Lack of Diplomacy, Short Fuse, Sarcastic, Emotionally Distant.

Likes: Tala, His Job, the culture of the Native Americans, Wide Open spaces, Gambling

Dislikes: Hypocrites, Liars, Criminals, Those who slaughtered Tala's tribe, Cheaters.

Relations: Not only a mentor but a Father Figure to Tala.
Respects the Sheriff and considers him not only a colleague, but one of the few people that he would call a friend.

History: From an early age Daniel Edward Masterson had the urge to fight for justice and the oppressed. Born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to a doctor and a school teacher Dan was taught to give back and to make difference. He also had a very restless spirit, so Dan sought to make his mark in law enforcement. However, Dan found himself at times to be hamstrung by the very laws he was sworn to uphold, and decided to venture Westward. At was during this time Dan not only discovered the trade of Bounty Hunting was to his liking, but he was very good at it. During an attempt to bring in the Gilbert Brothers Dan was trapped in a cave with a wounded Sheriff Richards with only one bullet between them. He did not enough time to draw out his Bowie Knife in his boot. It was then he saw two Copperheads nearby Dan figured grab them both and he'd let them bite him and Richards rather than let the Gilbert Brothers kill them. Dan grabbed and he flung them at the Brothers, and the snakes bit them killing them. Dan then killed the two snakes earning him his nickname.

One day, he stopped in a small town just outside of the Sioux Territory. Dan noticed four men harassing a Sioux woman and her child as they were leaving town. Dan saw no one else was intervening to help her, so he stepped in to save her. However, they got the drop on him with two other guys waiting outside of town shooting Dan twice in the chest, and leaving Dan for dead.

Dan awoke in a Tepee on a Sioux Reservation. The young woman he saved was the Chief's daughter who told her father what Dan did. Dan was told he could stay while he recovered. As he recovered, Dan grew to appreciate and respect the culture he found himself in. He learned as much as anyone could've possible learned without being an actual Tribe member. The Chief made Dan an honorary member of the tribe and Dan had no interest in leaving. He stayed among the Tribe for almost three years until that horrible day. The slaughter came upon them so fast no one had time to react. During the attack The Chief entrusted Dan with his granddaughter Lulu and ordered him to keep her safe. Dan got Lulu away to safety and then they returned a few hours later to see what was left. There was nothing left of the tribe though, and Dan saw a look on Lulu's face like his. He knew she wanted justice more than vengeance, and after they gave the tribe members a proper burial Dan made two vows to Lulu. One, that there would be justice for her and they would find those who killed her tribe. Two, he would devote his life to training her to be a bounty hunter. Together the two of them have become a more than formidable team for any set of outlaws.


Name: Col. Douglas Barrett
Original Era: 2031
Role: "Volunteer" (The Government Liaison)

Appearance Description: 6' 2", dark brown hair and hazel eyes, no scars, an eagle tattoo on his right bicep.
Age: 39
Gender: Male

Personal items: Pocket knife, sunglasses, his wallet, class ring from the Air Force Academy, cell phone. (He was expecting to be an observer not to be pulled into the actual setting)

Skills: Intelligent, strategist, hand to hand combat, survival, above average physical condition
Weaknesses: thinks too logically at times, very straight forward, believes no one is smarter than him, His conscience causes him to question his orders (will explain during the game), not afraid to disobey his superiors.

Likes: History, working out, the music of Bruce Springsteen, sports, reading.
Dislikes: Hypocrites, politicians, and inequality.

Relations: He respects the Scientists involved, but there's an aspect to all this that frightens him. That causes him to question what they are doing.
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  • Love
Reactions: YuriLucien
Great, thanks! I'm thinking something along the lines of Wyatt Earp. Maybe even have glorious mustaches like him.
Awesome! XD I look forward to seeing your character!
[fieldbox="Tala, violet, dotted"]
Name: Her birth name was Lulu (which means Rabbit), but she has changed it to Tala (which means wolf)

Original Era: 1865

Role: Bounty Hunter's Apprentice

Appearance Description:
- She normally keeps her hair tucked into her hat and wears men's cowboy clothes.
- 5'4"
- Has a giant scar from the nape of her neck to her lower back
- Has whip scars across her back

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Heritage: N/A

Personal items:
-Corn Pipe
-Bow and arrows

-Hunting by both bow and arrow and gun
-Can speak English and many variations of Native American tongue
-Horseback riding

-Terrible cook
-Can't hold her liquor
-Naive and a bit of a loud mouth

-Her mentor
-Drinking and smoking

-The men who slaughtered her tribe
-Most people
-People better at gambling than her
-"High society"

History: (optional)
More: (optional)

W.I.P <3

Reginald Granger

Original Era

Town Sheriff

Appearance Description

Reginald stands 185cm weighting 81 kilograms with well developed muscular build for man of his age. His hair is short, light brown and eyes of dark chestnut. Bullet wound left a scar on his chest closer to shoulder than heart.



Personal items
Two Colt 1860 revolvers
Winchester 1873 rifle
Black stallion horse
Silver badge


He may not be 'fastest gun in the west' but he is damn close to it. Though duels in town are rarely ised to settle disputes, out of the four shootouts that occurred during his time as sheriff, all four ended with bullet in heart. Though he never leaves his pistols behind, he prefers rifle and he is no less skillful with it than he is with pistols.

Years of serving in military gave him knowledge in tactical analysis, allowing him to plan ahead or make snap decisions on the field.

Being lawman means finding culprit and his keen sight and sharp mind allows Reginald to understand scene and/or his surrounding.

Horseback riding
Though not nearly as skillful as natives, he won't fall off the horse in full gallop. Throughout years he gained enough sense of balance to allow him to both ride and shoot at the same time.

Cool head
Able to retain calm even in most difficult and stressful situations. Insults and bar brawls do not faze him any more than needed to subdue them and prevent something serious from happening.


Mild paranoia
Spending long days on guard duty and constant night attacks upon military camps during his army days left mark on Reginald. Every new person he meets is met with kind word and greeting but always viewed as possible enemy that is yet to reveal his face.

He has been plagued by insomnia for years, often having only few hours of sleep for days at time. During nights he can often be seen strolling town armed or sitting in front of sheriff's office, listening to crickets.

Bad drunk
Though Reginald refuses to drink more than one shot per day, if he does get drunk he easily starts fights, regardless of closeness he holds with certain person.

Slightly nervous around women
Though he never minds company of girl or lady, it does makes him a bit nervous at times and makes him stutter as he tries to act like gentlemen. Often it ends up as a rather comedic scene as he tries his best to hold eyes away from cleavage. At such moments, he tends to drop his guard.


'Optimal diet' is not in Reginald's dictionary. Given the choice, he will always pick a good steak and it will keep him happy for hours.

Rare personality, as he sees it, is to stand up to someone bigger than you. Anyone who is willing to protect those weaker is usually considered good in Reginald's book.

Jack is the name of his horse whom he obtained through unknown means. Every time someone asks how he got horse different story is told. Though he still claims that he told truth once how he got Jack. Problem is, no one knows which one is true. Beast is fast but stubborn and doesn't fret to bite his rider. Still, he considers Jack as his most trusted companion and ensures that he is properly taken care of. It could be reason why Jack is still loyal to Reginald.

Law and justice
More than anything, he understands that chaos is only one bullet away from descending. As a state he loathes most, he sees law as the first and last defense against state of complete anarchy and even worst of laws are better than none. With this conviction he protects city.


Anarchy, lawlessness, violence - all things Reginald loathes with passion ever since Civil War. With stout conviction he believes that chaos will be downfall of man and civilization. Though he may tolerate bar brawl, there is a limit until he decides it is right time to intervene.

Breaking law once can be forgiven, breaking it twice cannot be overlooked. Believing that town and country in general can always benefit from honest work, he doesn't tolerate those who break law and carefully created balance. Breaking law for the third time is eligible for noose around neck or bullet in heart... depends which one is faster.

There is thing called 'kill' and thing called 'murder'. In Reginald's book, killing can sometimes be necessary but never murder. Needlessly taking life or gunning down an innocent is best way to get his attention and a bullet.

Loathes it with great passion and only drinks it because he hates it. His favorite drink is beer but knowing he is bad drunk, he only drinks whiskey... just so he can stick to that one shot and no more.


Bounty Hunters - though he doesn't keep anyone in special regard, he look upon bounty hunters with generally positive attitude. He, as sheriff, is often bound to town, so it is often needed for someone less constricted to find criminals and bring them to justice...


Born and raised on family ranch, Reginald's youth was far from bad one considering the time they lived in. Headstrong but well taught, he spent childhood helping his father take care of cattle and horses, rarely dreaming of any future that would take him outside of his home's doors. Few were times when he truly left family ranch with only exceptions when cattle were taken to town to be sold. It was life filled with hard but honest work. As only son in family, his father taught him strictly on how to become man of the house, to know when it is time to speak and when to act. When his time came, following his patriotic duty, he served his time in military where he raised to rank of sergeant. Military taught him more than he intended to learn. Tactics, shooting and logistics were taught by superior officers but command he learned on his own once he was assigned squad to operate for scouting. It was then he learned that justice sometimes needs too long to come.

Following the end of his army service, he resumed his work at the ranch, now no longer a boy but a man. Labor was no longer hard and he was content with peace and honest work. He enjoyed fact that he made his old man proud in becoming what he is. That changed when ten people came, demanding all cattle for the 'army'. Noticing no distinguishable marks of the military he served, Reginald refused. Shootout occurred between two sides... on one was Reginald and his father and on the other the not-yet-revealed Confederate soldiers. With little to no cover soldiers fell, leaving Henry - Reginald's father, seriously injured. With miracle and help of town doctor, he pulled through but it gave young man a new trait. Be it virtue or sin, he learned that justice sometimes is not only slow, but it also had to be bloody.

Then, the war came. Armies of Union faced Confederation and Reginald didn't need for officer to come and draft him back into the army. He joined immediately and for the next four years he fought and bled with determination that bordered pure zeal. Once the war ended, a peculiar letter came from command. With delay of seven months, he is to be informed of the status of his family's possession which succumbed to the 'hell of war'. His mother and father were shot and buried at local cemetery and livestock most likely stolen during the raid. News devastated young man, closing the door that allowed him to enter life of peaceful rancher forever. With officer payment he still had, he left army as soon as discharge was given in order to visit remains of the ranch. To his expectations, few things remained. Some townsfolk claimed it was the natives, others said that it was just another bandit raid. With no evidence and no leads, Reginald picked whats left of his life and headed to town of Deadwood, yearning to leave defiled innocent dreams behind.

Life in new town was anything but peaceful. With no money to start ranch of his own, he became lawman and sheriff's deputy. Life was dangerous but simple until the Snicket gang arrived into town. Fearing chaos would ensue, sheriff asked gang to leave peaceful... no answer was given other than bullets flying. Even with using advantage of town's layout and plenty of cover it didn't end well. Reginald was shot in the shoulder, sheriff fell down lifeless and remains of the Snicket gang dispersed. Man recovered, but town felt the scar that gang managed to leave on it. Seeing no other option placed before him, Reginald took the badge, becoming closest thing to a law in town.
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Bios are looking great guys! And the history for Dan and Tala works perfectly, @MST3K 4ever ! I love it! <3 I'll be posting the IC Monday.
  • Thank You
Reactions: MST3K 4ever
Not super sure if you've got any spots open, but I'd like to try out! (Also, just a disclaimer: I'm new to the website, so I'm not super sure how all this works. If I mess something up--I apologize in advance)
here's a fun fact: the model I've used for both is female, and from what I can tell, her name is Paula Zago. So thank you, Miss Zago.

Lupa Silas Blackthrone
Original Era:

Appearance Description:
Lupa stands at 5'00", and weighs in at 95 lbs soaking wet. She lacks "feminine charms" the way most women do, and is in fact, quite slim. She's slender and willowy, very much "pixie-like", with narrow shoulders and a short torso leading into long, slender legs. Her joints are small, especially around her wrists and ankles, further more affording her a delicate, glass-like look.
Despite this, her chest is silhouette is flat. Narrow chest leading into a slightly wider hips--the curves she is afforded are few.
Following this, her face is similarly androgynous, heart-shaped with a narrow chin and somewhat stronger jawline. Her nose and mouth are small, verging on delicate and fae-like, matching with larger, doll-like eyes fringed with dark eyelashes.
She's not made for working outdoors, despite her job description, and signs of this is the milky paleness of her skin and pitch black hair, matched with blue eyes.
Both out of necessity and fashion choice, Lupa keeps her hair cropped short and her clothing choices masculine. You wont find a dress or corset anywhere near her.




Personal items:
1x iron cross strung on a leather cord
1x grey dappled stallion named "Wendigo"
1x stiletto dagger kept strapped in her belt
a handful of bits and bobs that she finds, ranging from small statues she's bought off caravans, to pretty stones, and even the occasional small animal

- persuasion
- good with horses (and dogs)
- pickpocket
- sneaking/blending in
- storytelling

- bad at keeping her opinion to herself
- scrapper
- too proud
- terrible shot
- terrified of the dark

- dragons
- history, mythology, books
- dirt
- animals
- loud, rowdy crowds

- hot
- cows
- snakes
- birds
- people who tell her that she can't do something because she's female

- Three brothers (an older brother in NYC, two younger [twins] living with the elder brother--he is eleven years her senior and the twins are one year her junior)
- One identical twin brother (Lupus Silvius Blackthrone)
- Various odd friends that include a priest, a doctor, a lawyer, a saloon girl, and a fortune teller (and two nomads).

Lupa and her twin hail from New York City, New York where they were born to a German-American doctor and an immigrant-turned-actress from Scotland. They weren't the first of this union, and would neither be the last--Bennett Blackthrone was the first, and the last were their younger siblings: Leon and Henry. Eventually, the doctor stopped coming around, and Madam Millicent McGowen disappeared. Leaving her three children to her (rather capable) eldest son.
Their childhood was happy, and not particularly difficult thanks to the money they were able to gain from their mother's history and selling the gifts she was given by their father.
But the middle two always craved adventure, and eventually, harassing the locals of their city became quaint and uninteresting. Not before the two learned valuable skills, however.
They soon cobbled together two train tickets and left a letter for their eldest brother before taking their leave to the frontier.

-- Tattoos around both their wrists that have "Blackthrone" in swirling lettering
-- Has some pretty strange ideas about things
-- Definitely shouldn't be left alone with small children, she will let them stay up to late because she told them stories about dragons eating people

Lupus Silvius Blackthrone
Original Era:


Appearance Description:
The carbon copy of his sister in almost every way, Lupus and his twin are eerily similar. Standing at 5'00" and weighing 95 lbs, they have almost identical body shapes. The same narrow shoulders and chest, short torso, and long, long legs. Equally lean and flexible, you'd be hard-pressed to find a difference between them from a distance.
Up close, they are little easier. Lupus's eyes are a shade or two lighter, not the dark-nearly-black, but light enough to resemble something closer to blue. His eyes are slightly less round, and a little kinder than his sister's. His expression rarely defaults into haughty amusement, unlike her. But the hair is cut short all the same, and he shares the soft mouth and nose, the heart shaped face and jaw.
If anything, you'd have to undress him to figure out the clear differences. Lupus wears a tattoo across his left flank that reads 'counsel before force' in Latin.




Personal items:
1x Black Overo Stallion, 'Varghest'
1x iron cross on a leather cord
1x hunting rifle
A leather bound notebook and pencil for writing in

- Persuasive
- Knowledgeable on medicinal herbs
- Frighteningly good with his rifle (today's modern term might be something akin to "sniper")
- Kind, personable
- Storyteller

- Too proud
- Prone to favoritism
- Day-dreamy
- Prone to letting his sister make decisions for him
- Too soft, easily emotionally hurt, too kind for his own good

- cold weather
- snow
- coffee
- books
- boys

- Bugs
- Rodents
- Spiders
- Mud
- Corruption in people with power

- Three brothers
- One twin sister
- a handful of friends

(See Lupa's)

-- Swirling 'Blackthrone' on one wrist
-- Prefers boys over girls, romantically and physically
-- Would love to babysit your kids and will make sure they get to bed at a good time and will tell them nice stories about friendly animals and good morals.
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