Welcome to the SRO! | OOC

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Chilly birb
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
Online Availability
Anytime after 5pm, my time, most days.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Futanari
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Medieval, Fantasy, Mechs, Magical Girls, Romance, Action, Fandoms, basically anything fantastic.
So, you've died. Harsh. What's even harsher is that you've ended up in the underworld... Who knows what you did (or didn't do) to end up down here? It doesn't matter now, because the reaper in charge of your soul has offered you a second chance. And what would that be? An application for the Soul Redemption Organization, of course! Your soul has been deemed not-bad enough that you've been offered a chance to work off your sin, and have a chance at your soul being reincarnated for a second chance at life! Pretty sweet right? But it's not all roses, you have to work to get the most out of this second chance. Will you work off the weight of your sins, or give up and accept your years of toil in the underworld?


Here in this first post, there shall be a (hopefully) expanding library of lore or world information that you can sink your teeth into before starting (or refer to when needed) right up here. I've not added anything "new" to the world information yet, so if you've seen the tabs below, it might be appropriate to skip ahead.

The Library

  • The Underworld. Exactly what it sounds like. The place you go when you die when you haven't been... "good" enough to achieve entrance into Heaven/Nirvana (whatever you like to call it) It's a massive place, perhaps even larger than the human world itself, and quite "vertical". Honestly, the layers of the underworld could be deserving of their own tabs, but I'll keep it short and sweet. The lower you go, the hotter it gets... and the more heinous the punishments usually are. On the "surface" of the underworld, it's basically like the human world in a lot of ways. Cities, streets, buildings, and a "society" that lives something akin to a normal life... as normal as it gets in the underworld. However, while a significant portion of the population of The Underworld are indeed lost souls in various stages of their path to reincarnation, the majority of the population of The Underworld are what humans (and admittedly the residents themselves) would call monsters and demons. Exactly what you would expect, except, in a way, not. Ghouls, vampires, werewolves, etc... hustling and bustling and living in a somewhat "normal" society in the underworld. Most "Demons" are in positions governing the reincarnation process, either punishing souls, keeping watch over them, or working in the SRO to insure reincarnation. That isn't to say that there aren't unsavory monsters and demons out there willing to take advantage of a lost soul, but for the most part, that behavior is strictly governed.

    So, WHERE is The Underworld? Is it literally underneath the surface of the Earth? No. Not necessarily. It is a place that lies outside the time and space of the human world... an alternate dimension, so to speak. Souls don't necessarily come and go into The Underworld in a proper chronological way. A soul that died hundreds of years after another might arrive before the other in this comparison, or they might be the same soul. There are access points to the human world that are generally on the highest levels of The Underworld, but their access to the human world are just as strange as the arrival of souls, connecting to vastly different times and places in the human world. Generally, they connect to caves or other ground-connected entrances to the human world, further cementing the concept of this world being the "Under" world, even if it isn't physically beneath the human world
  • So, the human world. Not too much to say about it, it's very much the same as the world you're sitting in, reading this thread. The only thing to note is that "magic" does exist, hidden in this world. Humans making contracts with demons, and monsters occasionally causing trouble, but depending on your time period, this is heavily covered up. The reason monsters are not so often seen in the human world (in modern times) is that often the most easy access points to the human world lie in the past, a place and time which has been... not so well recorded. It's why the existence of all these "supernatural" occurrences is often referred to as myth.
  • There is even less to speak of this place than there is the human world, unfortunately. it's an un-knowable place to us in the underworld, and a place which cannot be contacted. The only thing that IS known is that it's real... otherwise every soul from a dead person would end up in The Underworld, and while most do, there are times that a reaper is not meant to take a soul down to The Underworld. To those who've successfully gone to the "good place", we salute you, but you won't be participating in this story... probably.

With some general information about the worlds we'll be playing in out of the way, below lies some more specific information about aspects of the Underworld.

  • When it comes to "mortality" in the underworld, and surface ops for contracts, you should all know that "Souls" have a very real body when in the underworld that is much like the images you provide for your souls to represent their true selves. When in the human world, bodies (and forms) can be allowed by certain contracts or through approval by the SRO or administrative demons through permits.

    These bodies can feel pain, be injured, and dismembered, naturally. Actual years of torture ARE a punishment available for very heinous individuals.

    So, what happens when you take "lethal" damage or a mortal wound in the underworld? You do not die. You'll feel the pain, but your body can regenerate within an underworld day, no matter how grievous the harm. Even if your body was completely atomized, It'll just coalesce back into your chosen form again in a day's time. If your "physical" body is destroyed, you can always exist as a "spirit" which can't be interacted with, until your body reforms.

    Monsters of the underworld CAN be killed, though for some typically by some strange circumstances (vampires need staking, things like that). They do not have souls though, so their existence is erased upon death. Demons can be "killed" as well, but they act much the same as souls for the most part.

    When on human world operations where use of a body is allowed, if that body is killed, you are exorcised, sent immediately back to the underworld, unless there are extenuating circumstances which trap your soul. Typically if you are killed and Exorcised, you fail whatever contract you are participating in, as the allowance of a body for a contract is only good once. (unless the contract says otherwise) Think of it like buying a train ticket. Once it's punched in for the ride, you have to get another to ride again. The SRO's contracts give you those free "tickets" for your job, occasionally, but only for that one job.
  • Here's some sort of... approximate info on what the layers below the surface of the underworld are like, for those curious. They do go down physically, though some Layers and their punishments fall within their own dimensions conjured by magic. These depths are measured by the weight of those sent there, and the heavier your weight, the deeper you go.

    from about the 10,000 mark to 25,000 the punishments might be lighter than you expect, though still punishment enough for some. Your typical prison stuff, Being sealed up for long times alone with no interaction (even years) doing physical labor in the service of the underworld, stuff like that. Naturally the workload/solitude is harsher the heavier your weight.

    25,000 - 50,000 the actual torturous stuff begins, in increasing intensity. Creatively cruel stuff that trainee demons come up with. Sometimes unique. Being banished to a desert for years with no water or food in sight, ever. (yes, you starve, dehydrate, and bake, and when you die, you do it again anew) climbing mountains of needles, being encased in ice for long periods, swimming through and endless sea of blood (with others who will drag you down to snag themselves a break), dancing on hot coals, etc. Usually there are tricky methods of "success" to them though, that offer brief periods of reprieve.

    50,000 and up, the punishment is unending. No breaks, no control over your torture (like taking a break on the mountain of needles, or sitting down and playing with sand in the desert) you are at the mercy of whatever awful creations the ones in charge of breaking you down come up with, in increasing intensity. Being pinned to a rock and eaten by birds each day slowly is just the beginning of what these demons can concoct, and there are far more unspeakable horrors in store. I'd be willing to say that I won't take a player character who has gone to this level, they truly would have had to be unspeakably bad in life.

    If you're wondering how souls can handle the deeper layers without going mad, well... Souls can only remember so much. Long-term Important things like who you were, what you've done, etc, that sticks around forever as your core, but the memories of the more brutal punishments are sure to slip away within the 15,000 year gap between actual torture and the arrival at the SRO. Even if it doesn't fully, there are demons that monitor and can manipulate memories to make you more ready to reincarnate. You might remember unending deserts in your dreams for instance, but it'd be a nightmare, nothing more.

With some info about the world out of the way, time for some info about the meat and potatoes of this thing, the SRO that all you lost souls will be participating in.

  • The Soul Redemption Organization, also known as the "SRO" for short is an organization dedicated to, you guessed it, "redeeming" souls. Souls that meet the requirements to participate in the "redemption" program are given a chance to apply themselves working for the SRO for a chance to speed up the loss of their "weight" and achieve reincarnation faster. There are many, many branches of the SRO across the vast Underworld, and they are all dedicated to speeding up the last steps of a soul's path to reincarnation. This is done by completing "contracts" which erase a portion of your "weight", and by attending classes and meetings that "speed up" your time served (while they are being participated in) but the main source of "weight" loss is through the contracts. The classes and meetings were made up by some devious demon to force lost souls to show their "willingness" for redemption, a metric which IS measured for continued participation in the SRO. Souls who don't take these classes or contracts for some time are ejected from the program for being "unwilling" to put in the work.
  • "So, what is this "weight" I keep hearing about?", I hear you ask. Well, "weight" is just the shortened way of saying "The weight of your sins", which is a measurable thing here in The Underworld. It is measured in years, and for the purposes of the SRO, you must stay within 9,999 years to maintain your ability to work for the SRO. These years can either be worked off through contracts, or... simply waited out in toil or torture in the underworld. Typically if your years are above the SRO's limit, those years are served in torture. Naturally, as you may have already guessed, once your "weight" hits 0, you can begin the process of reincarnation.

    "Ok, so I get what "weight" is, but, how do you gain it? Why do I have so much?", the SRO doesn't really make those decisions, they are determined by whatever reaper judged your soul before sending it down... All sins are not created equal (whether a religion told you they were or not) and even living an unfulfilling life counts towards your weight here in the underworld. Dying with regret could be considered one of the worst sins of all, surprisingly... whether your death was an accident or not. However, we can say that while there are ways to lose weight in the underworld, there are too, ways to "gain" it... Either through failing contracts, or through "paying" weight for services or powers in The Underworld. "weight" is quite common as a currency for lost souls, perhaps more valuable than the official currency of The Underworld, the Obol.
  • So, short and sweet. "contracts" are the bread and butter of what the SRO offers you. Contracts that range in difficulty that you can participate in to cut down your "weight" by a substantial margin depending on their difficulty and rewards. Below is an example of a contract:

    Title: Apprehend the lost soul terrorizing the surface! [162e-49u]
    Rank: C
    Weight: 14 Years
    Additional Rewards: 400 Obol
    Stipulations: Under no circumstances is the individual taking this contract to meet or interact with a living human. To do so (regardless of apprehension of the subject) will result in immediate failure.

    So, what does this mean? Well, the rank denotes the difficulty (with the maximum rank being S+) and the weight is how many years you will scratch from or add to your weight depending on your success or failure. (yes, failing a contract adds the listed weight to your sentence, though in the case of the lowest rank contracts, you will not be penalized, to avoid immediate expulsion from the SRO for souls starting near the limit.) Occasionally, additional rewards will be offered by a contractor to sweeten the pot, ranging from sums of Obols (a very common reward) used to live comfortably here in The Underworld, or other strange rewards, depending on the contractor.

    The stipulations are rules that you have to follow to achieve success for the contract... the "meeting living humans" stipulation is quite a common stipulation for contracts. Naturally, breaking these stipulations typically results in failure of a contract, whether you've succeeded in the main task or not. After all, what's the point of capturing this lost soul if you've caused the damage of interfering with the human world yourself?

The Rules

With that flavor-text out of the way, let's get down to the nitty-gritty for those of you looking to make a character/get started with diving into this interesting world! Naturally, before I give you the instructions and what have you with which to make your character, I would first like to lay out some ground rules, if you don't mind. Rules are boring, and I'm sure everybody will be just fine, but you never know. SO! Here goes.

  1. Follow all the rules of Iwaku, of course. The golden rule, numero-uno, a no brainer, really.​
  2. Be kind to one another. I know it kind of overlaps with the first rule, but I am sure there might be times we all have disagreements, or our characters might not get along with one another, but that doesn't mean we dislike each other as people, does it? I don't like to be firm, but I will not tolerate bullying your fellow players or being discriminatory, even in ways that might be too close to call for moderation here. There might be a Discord for this rp, and that will carry over there too. Please don't make me boot you for being mean, we are all friends here. I know it seems like I shouldn't have to say this, but you'd be surprised.​
  3. Cursing, violence, etc are totally allowed, but mentions of sex and especially sexual violence are not. Don't even think of casually mentioning it in your list of sins and think I'll overlook it. You will be declined. Of course, people who commit such acts are in the underworld, but not our characters, and we will not be mentioning such things. I want to avoid discomfort relating to that topic wherever possible. You can't possibly know what your fellow player has gone through, and while at times the themes of this rp might seem dark, I still want everybody to be comfortable.​
  4. On another note, if there is anything that you as a player of this rp are particularly uncomfortable with, do not be afraid to let me and other players know. It is my goal to create an environment where all my players have fun.​
  5. There will be no underaged characters in this rp. I know that this OOC (and it's IC) will not be in Redstar, but I still feel it's best to nip this in the bud before any sort of problems arise. For the purposes of this RP, "immature" souls go somewhere other than the underworld, no matter the acts they have committed. There are no immature souls anywhere in the underworld. For the purposes of the OOC? I don't want any chance for undesirable characterization or mention of interactions with underage characters, period, even if they've been in the underworld for 1000 years or whatever.​
  6. Not really a rule, per-se, but this is going to be a very drop friendly rp. This world is very flexible, and no one soul will be the "star" of the show, so to speak. If you have life problems or lack the motivation, do not be afraid to let me know. I would appreciate some help in working your character out of whatever situation they are in to make things smoother, but I don't even need that. Souls who have dropped out will still be kept in a reserve list for their players, and that will be that. No sweat if you just aren't feeling it or can't keep with it, I won't judge you. At the same time, while at times a sudden pull-out by a player you are interacting with can be frustrating, I expect you to be just as accommodating as I will be, understand?​
  7. When considering questions about the world or your characters, I am more than happy to answer anything you ask. I would prefer that you ask me about something (or make a suggestion) than to decide for yourself a fact of the world. If something is unclear, it's my responsibility to help clear that up, and create a fun world for you to play in.​
  8. Lastly, I would prefer to accept only writers who are above a certain skillset. I know this idea might seem fun, and I am hoping to be very flexible, but I would like it if all my players are able to write at a high-intermediate, or more appropriately, adept level, and provide substance to their posts. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to post multiple paragraphs depending on the circumstances, but I would like to see some "meat" to our posts, and have them be engaging to read. That helps keep the attention of all players piqued, in my mind. I do not mean to be elitist, for I am not perfect myself. I just want a fun rp for everyone, even if this one rule might seem rather restrictive. You needn't provide me any writing samples, your character sheet itself will serve as an adequate example.​

Character Creation

(for example, 1990-2034, making said individual 44 at their time of death. Acceptable ranges of lifespan are from the beginning of AD to a near-future of perhaps 2050. You've got ~2000 years to work with, so go ham.)
Gender: (Yes, just gender. The gender of your soul. What your body "was" at birth before you died (the sex) does not matter.)
Appearance: (A few requirements: No pictures of real humans. A painting, anime, drawing, whatever you like is fine, but no real people please. Secondly, no obviously underaged-looking characters even if your lifetime is appropriate. If it feels even a little like I might raise a fuss, don't use it, please. That said... the image you choose is important and reflects how the soul sees itself in the underworld. This can change, but my point is, even if you died at 82 from heart failure, if your soul is "young" deep inside, you can easily get away with choosing a younger-looking image. (still adult) Souls are timeless, and the circumstances of your body at your time of death do not matter to who you are on the inside, your soul.)
Weight: (Not weight in the physical sense, the "weight" of your sins, and thus your sentence in years. The max number of years you can put on your sheet is 9999. The closer you are to 0, the closer you are to reincarnation... completing contracts will inevitably bring this weight to 0, and you will then lose the ability to play this character anymore. Keep this in mind.)
(It doesn't have to be a complete or even perfect list, but a list of important sins that have been impactful to the size of your "weight" would be important to add here. However, if you want to go ham and add all sorts of minor sins, who am I to stop you? Perhaps the magnitude of your sentence was a death by 1,000 cuts! Also to note, "sins" don't have to be sins in the "biblical" sense. A "sin" is nigh on anything that causes guilt or hurt feelings or what have you. Feeling guilty about not visiting your father one last time and dying with that guilt is indeed a sin, no matter how silly that sounds. "good" souls live a fulfilling life without regret and hurting others)
Magic/Abilities: (Please leave this blank for the time being, or ask me before filling anything in. At the onset, I only wish for there to be very weak or no such abilities available.)
Notes/Etc: (Anything that doesn't fit elsewhere. Want to share a piece of music you think reflects your character? Perhaps store the color code here, or talk about quirks or the like? Please, feel free.

End Note

So! What is the "objective" of the RP? You might be surprised to hear that at the time of writing this, the main "meat" will be your characters interacting with the world and each other, and completing the tasks that they are given to "work off their debt" so to speak. There will be plot arcs to participate in, recurring characters, and stories that will begin, end, overlap, and all the other crazy things stories do. However, for better or worse, it is my plan to be sure no one character is vital for the continuance of a story to be completed, so that everybody may enjoy such stories and participate in them at their leisure. Players may come and go, but this world will always be open to play in, so to speak. That means that no matter when you are reading this OOC, I should hope that there is a place for you to play in this world. Of course, there may be times that we may not be open to new participants because I can only handle so many threads at once, but one would think given the nature of group roleplay and humans in general that openings should be somewhat frequent.
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Active Souls

Gynneth Chilikov, played by @Loveless
Otto, played by @Dakota K5
Chel Bjorn, played by @CrownOfThorns
Tanegashima Tsuna, played by @Ariel
Devon Toshiko Phillips, played by @CosmiqVixen
Acacia Leveson-Gower, played by @Elvario
M-Rel, played by @Cresion Breezes

Compendium of Servants and Collaborators

Administrator Ilia
Name: Ilia
Race: Reaper
Gender: Female
Job: Administrator of SRO's Nehemoth Division
About: The administrator of our little slice of the SRO takes her job very seriously, and makes sure that everything is running smoothly, much to the chagrin of her staff, who she often finds herself at odds with trying to rid them of their bad habits (so that they are a better example for the souls they are to assist in getting to reincarnate) though unfortunately, her perfectionism, at least when it comes to running the SRO, is also a sin one should not exemplify. Outside of slave driving her poor underlings, she is still a very kind reaper, and truly does have the best interests of both her staff, and the souls who pass through her division at heart.
Shepherd Chura
Name: Chura
Race: Demon
Gender: Female
Job: Shepherd of Souls
About: For a "Shepherd of Souls", Chura is probably the Shepherd of the Nehemoth Division with the most vices. One might wonder how she got the job in the first place, but still, Chura "shepherds" all the same. When she's not lazing about or playing tricks on new souls, however, she does a fairly decent job...when she actually performs her duties (usually at the behest of Ilia). She means well, and is easy to get along with but probably the most unreliable of the shepherds available in Nehemoth Division.
Shephard Dahin
Name: Dahin
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Job: Shepherd of Souls
About: Probably the flirtiest of the staff in Nehemoth division, Dahin spends a significant portion of his time hitting on the poor monsters and demons working in and around the SRO, but thankfully does not direct his advances at the Souls passing through, taking his duties as their "shepherd" quite seriously, if only to impress Ilia. He is the most likely to go above and beyond for the souls he serves.
Shephard Kori
Name: Kori
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Job: Shephard of Souls
About: The weirdest of the Nehemoth shepherds, Kori keeps his distance from the souls whenever possible. He probably knows all the rulings of the SRO by heart, but preforms his duties exactly to the point he needs to to get the job done, doing no more and no less than what is needed to complete what is asked of him. When not servicing the various needs of the souls, he enjoys dancing and writing/listening to music. He does not like being touched.
Shephard Tia
Name: Tia
Race: Demon
Gender: Female
Job: Shepherd of Souls
About: Tia is the odd one out in being the most... normal? of the shepherds. She isn't as zealous as Dahin, or as much a slacker as Chura, and gets the job done "just right". She's helpful and willing to go the extra mile for new souls, but doesn't like having her patience tested. She entertains Dahin's flirting, and sometimes assists Chura in playing pranks, and is strangely, one of the only people that Kori allows to touch him, and is seen interacting "normally" with. Still, she's oft found with a glass of alcohol or blood in hand, even on the clock, and quite often gets her turn to be chewed out by Ilia for being too relaxed on the job, and drinking.
Secretary Ami
Name: Ami
Race: Ghoul/Abomination
Gender: Female
Job: Secretary
About: A perfect contrast to Jinny, Ami is... not very high energy. Unsure about herself and shy, Jinny's placement as a secretary is a mystery to everybody. She manages the paperwork well enough, but the customer service portion of the job proves difficult, and she is easy to fluster or upset. Thankfully, she gets along well with Jinny and her fellow secretary is very supportive, doing her best to take on the people end of the work when it gets to be too much for the shy Ghoul.
Secretary Jinny
Name: Jinny
Race: Demon/Beelze
Gender: Female
Job: Secretary
About: Jinny is upbeat, if not a little ditzy and clumsy, more often than not mixing up papers and dropping things, or tripping on flat surfaces and creating more work for her partner in paperwork, Ami. She means well, and tries to get along with everybody, but at times it seems like she has pocket lint for brains, sometimes frustrating those she's trying to help when she doesn't understand a concept, or forgets something she was told not too long ago. She's easily distracted, and very touchy.
Magus Levah

Name: Levah
Race: Demon
Gender: Female
Job: Magus
About: The "light" counterpart of the Magus duo, as "light" as one can get in the underworld, Levah is a cheery demon and focuses on the "lighter" magics. Most of her services are paid for with Obols, and she shies away from contracts for spells and enchantments that are paid for in years, because she doesn't want to get in the way of the souls' progress towards reincarnation, even if she is allowed to engage in such contracts. She's smart, friendly, and more than willing to haggle prices down or teach interested parties simple magics for free, just for the fun of it. When not managing the arcane shops of Nehemoth with Haunep, she often spends her downtime with Tia, Ami, and Jinny. Levah is the Magus that most souls often come to, as there are many spells and enchantments under her belt to sell.
Magus Haunep
Name: Haunep
Race: Lich
Gender: Male
Job: Magus
About: Just as Levah is the "light" Magus, Haunep usually deals in darker magics, because "someone has to do it". He is a taciturn individual, and very business-oriented. He has little patience for those who don't know what they've come to him for, and will refuse service to those who "waste his time". His prices are typically steep, and often non-negotiable, because he is the only officially contracted Magus to Nehemoth that performs the services that he does, which oft cost years of weight to perform. Not much is known about his time spent off of work, as he is seldom seen outside the shop, and a very reclusive individual. If you need a curse preformed or removed, magics that no other shop or magus will provide, or the form of your body changed, Haunep is your Magus.
Shopkeep Linnia
Name: Linnia
Race: Vampire
Gender: Female
Job: Shopkeep
About: Linnia runs the SRO's official shop, and performs services like brewing potions or materializing weapons and equipment for use by the various souls working for the SRO... aside from the main services that aid souls in the more difficult contracts, Linnia also sells small pleasures to her customers as well, in the form of food she enjoys cooking up... she's a talented chef, and often cooks in her free-time as her hobby, putting her works up for sale either in her store, or to shops nearby. Despite appearances, she's quite friendly, and gets along well with most of the souls and staff of the SRO despite spending most of her time alone. She enjoys it very much when her cooking is complimented, and has been known to offer discounts to flatterers in the past.
Trainer Zehut
Name: Zehut
Race: Homunculus
Gender: N/A
Job: Trainer
About: There's... not much to know about Zehut. It was designed for combat, and while it's well-known that you needn't have a "soul" to have a personality (monsters and demons do not) Zehut doesn't really have much of one regardless. It is polite and to the point, never improvising in the tactics it uses when set to combat souls and monsters alike in the myriad martial arts it knows. Zehut is probably the only staff member of the SRO Ilia has never lectured, for better or worse.
Trainer Asuri
Name: Asuri
Race: Homunculus
Job: Trainer
About: Asuri is the... opposite of her partner in training. Her emotions are never subdued, and while she is good-natured, she is often too energetic, gets frustrated too quickly, and has a hot temper. She's easy to fluster, and typically plays "loose" with her fighting, even though she is as skilled as Zehut. She isn't above using underhanded tactics to get a win, but is generally an honest person outside of combat. She has often given souls "free" fights for being rude to her, a business decision that Ilia is oft not happy with.
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I'll strip it of anything power/weapon related but include it in the end as an extra just to show what they were when thematically put against the God Needs Part Timers setting (RP that the concept was made for, but died before I could even finish the CS/didn't even start.)

Name: Gynneth Chilikov
Lifetime: 1983-2017
Gender: Female


Wearing something like this instead:​

Representing how despite
being an adult, internally
she's never stopped being
a clueless, volatile teenager.

Weight: 7500 (Not a bad person at all, but I'd guess the regret and repeated crimes against one-self would make it really high anyway)

A successful Bulgarian lawyer, graduated top of her class and admired in the field is what Gynneth would have liked to feel like, despite it being the actual truth. However, as a result of forever doing precisely what her mother wanted her to do, Gynneth had never felt truly satisfied with her life, or that any of her accomplishments in it were actually hers. The decision to be an avid student, the choice of major, even the choice of workplace and every one of her boyfriends, everything had once passed by her mother's approval, like a relentless filter. In the end, she had been left with nothing but an enormous impostor syndrome, growing more and more dissatisfied and frustrated as time passed.

One evening, Gynneth had had enough. Keeping her boiling anger to herself hasn't done anything, doing as she had been told had only robbed her off feeling happy with her life. No more, she was taking this matter directly to her mother and if they couldn't find an agreement, then she was cutting the woman from her life completely. She couldn't live like this, where even coming to work just felt so dull, where every victory had no taste other than despair and contempt. It would probably be hard to nuke it all and start over so late, but it had to be done! And it was with this mindset, that a snapped Gynneth had suddenly put all paperwork down and left work much earlier than normal.

Unfortunately, that conversation would never come to be... She hadn't even been that far from the building, mere 5 blocks off the most, at the beginning of the night, crossing the street in the right time, passing in front of a tunnel. The same couldn't be said for the ungoverned truck. A turn made too abruptly to enter said tunnel just had the vehicle nearly top over the sidewalk, the driver making a turn the other way to counterbalance it. The endeavor had been successful but sent the whole thing right on top of Gynneth who had not enough time to react. And that's how she died, thrown against the opposite wall, never able to take the right steps to turn her dull controlled life around. A noble attempt but coming too late due to repeated diffidence and resignation.

Personality: Gynneth has initially, a very strict and proper vibe to her, reserved, polite, prone to listen and then add her own impartial, rather rational take on things. However, push her too far and that first impression starts to crack into a highly volatile, easily frustrated and irritated person that despite wanting to choke someone for being extremely annoying and clueless... but mostly annoying. Despite all the amount of pent-up anger that seems to want freedom at every single little minor things, Gynneth hasn't changed one bit, her tendency to bottle up her one emotions and quietly lower her head in forced agreement if only to avoid it becoming a bigger, stress-inducing conflict. It actually takes a lot of effort for someone to make her explode for good, to which she might just let it all out and lose the point of the argument altogether. There's a lot in there, and it all just seems so tangled that pulling on thing out ends up bringing ten different other matters back in the light that she might not even be aware of.

Under all the layers of pretending and aimless hatred, lies a fragile, insecure woman who's never had a real voice or the strength to impose herself and can even hardly be considered a real adult on experience alone. Any semblance of autonomy is still very incipient and extremely daunting. Being her own master for once just seems like too big of a tall order for someone that has never had to do so.
Gynneth is just, lost and in the utmost need of guidance, especially when it comes to the notion of independence itself.

Sins: An unfulfilled life, riddled with doubts, regret, people-pleasing, bottling up and basically killing off her own emotions at points. Gynneth has never allowed herself to be well, herself, only being what her mother wanted her to be and following those instructions both blindly and compulsively. In return, nothing that Gynneth has accomplished in life feels like her own doing to her and she's felt little to no satisfaction over it, ever. Just this hate-filled contained impulse to destroy it all in frustration and perhaps begin anew, that was never acted upon.
Magic/Abilities: (Was told to leave blank.)

Notes/Etc: Signature Header Font was Kaushan Script, might change since an NPC has it now.

A pair of purple-tinted metallic whips that can extend to a max of 3 meters long, each. They materialize by Gynneth's hands at every start of a conflict and only disappear once it has been dealt with.
Each of them has an inscription in Bulgarian by the handle that reads either: 'Expectation' or 'Fear' in English. Anyone that touches the whip handles is instantly overwhelmed by a chaotic turmoil of angry and/or disappointed voices, so loud and insistent, that they overpower that individual's own thoughts. Some of them are the owner's own worries in life.
Gynneth is not unaffected by it, but is somewhat used to having her mind constantly wrapped in such a confusion. And to think some would consider death a release...

  • Voice Amplification: Passive, to an extent. Her voice was supposed to just go louder and louder on its own the more frustrated she became, that way she could no longer hide her true feeling about things.
  • Sonic Scream: Just think Black Canary, no secret there.
  • Sound Resistance: Up for the course when you can sound like a freaking megaphone out of nowhere, and shatter glass with your voice : P
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Name: Otto
Lifetime: 500-547 AD
Gender: male
Otto 2.jpg
Weight: 7000
History: Otto was a sell sword, mercenary, assassin or whatever word you would wish to use to describe one who fought and killed for money. Born to nomads on the eastern fringes of the kingdom of the Franks, Otto grew up learning to hunt, fight and survive. As he grew from a toddler to a boy his family moved West and by the time he reached age eleven they had made it to what is now modern day Paris, Otto never knew why his father had pushed his family west nor why he settled in that tiny speck on the map as the man died when Otto was just turning twelve. Otto might have thanked his father had he been older and understood but as a soon-to-be teenager in the post roman era he could only focus on trying to help his family, but it was a lost cause as his mother soon followed her late husband, soon enough most of Otto's siblings followed suite. By age fourteen Otto was destitute and alone, stealing to survive and barely living if you could call it that, fortunately or unfortunately depending on your perspective Otto was found by a merchant when he was stealing a piece of bread, Otto fought hard for that bread and that same merchant decided to use honey instead of vinegar as it were as he decided to hire Otto to guard the stall from other thieves.
So started Otto's life as hired muscle at fourteen, soon enough other merchants wanted his help as he was quick with his fists, words and a blade if needed, but this whole gig got greater attention from the guilds and higher ups as it were of the merchant circles, higher ups who had darker intentions than just scaring away the occasional thief. He was hired to kill his first man at sixteen, an aging merchant who had promised his wealth and trade routes to his son-in-law, said merchants brother was not happy about this arrangement and wished for his brother to dealt with and Otto couldn't pass up the coin.
Some say murder is hard, that you always remember your first kill or that it'd haunt you, none of this rang true for Otto, he slipped in and pricked the old merchant with a small iron spike laced with poison, the man died a few days after due to illness the payout was nothing compared to what the one who hired Otto was about to get but for Otto it was more money than he'd ever seen and greed was a powerful thing for a young man. Otto found out that day you could trade life for a lot of coin and so his destiny was set, he learned how to fight as time went as well, how to take a life from someone who was desperate to resist it and this made him a tidy sum through his life, he lived much richer than any of his forefathers could ever imagine but all the coin in the world can't stop death as Otto found out in his forty-seventh year. Honestly he should have seen it coming, some noble wanted another's land and Otto was a favorite to contact despite his advancing age for these sorts of things but what he hadn't counted on was betrayal. The nobles had conspired to trap and kill him, when he made it to where he thought his target was, a small hunting shack in the woods. The five men stationed to kill him caught him very much with surprise and a blade caught him in the throat sending him to the great hereafter.

Sins: guilt for his family and not being able to help them


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Character Creation
Name: Oliver White
Lifetime: 1977-2001 (23)
Gender: Male
Appearance: (I'll add an image once I can find the time to draw)
A shortish male with pale blue/grey skin color. He has horns/spikes on either side of his head, his palms, the underside of his arms, and the back of both of his shins. These can either stick out, or lay flat against him. His attire consists of a black tail coat, a white undershirt, grey pants, white shoes, and a top hat.
Weight: 6579
He was born into the female norm, discovering his transgender identity when he was a young teenager. He told his older sister first, and she accepted him, unlike anyone else would at the moment. It was difficult keeping it from his family and friends, but he held it back. After several years she helped him tell their parents, who did not take it kindly. He was kicked out of their house. His sister took care of him from then on. It was rough for the both of them, as she was cut off. Some days they could barely scrap by with dinner. He had to resort to other means of getting food, behind his sister's back. He despised himself, he wished he could go back, before it all. Day by day, night by night, he hated himself more and more. One afternoon, as she was driving him to find their dinner, they got in an argument. She found out he had been stealing from small stores. She was distracted, and didn't see the turn ahead. They crashed head on into a tree. She survived, he did not.
Personality: In life he was sarcastic, and even sorta greedy sometimes. He was overly protective of his sister, despite being the younger sibling. He's one to tell self depreciating jokes, and laugh louder than anyone else. He can be a little aggressive towards strangers, and even more so towards people who have harmed him in the past. If you do enough to be awarded 'on his good side', he'll be very loyal. Even with all the good that's happened to him, he sees the world as always out to get him.
Sins: An unfulfilled life, Guilt from his life choices, theft, self hatred.
Notes: He has severe Amaxophobia, and will not go anywhere near any form of car. (If there even are any in the underworld.) He has no idea that his sister is still alive, he thinks she died in the crash with him, so he's been looking for her ever since he made it in the underworld. He would despise anyone who uses female pronouns on him, no matter the circumstances.
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Chel Bjorn


64 A.D. - 108 A.D








Chel Bjorn's legend is one lost to time. She had no one to record her insurmountable failures and perhaps for the best. Chel's sins only began towards the end of her life when Roman occupants in southern Britain made the mistake of suppressing a rebellion that did not exist. Whether the attack on her tribe was a misunderstanding, or a false front to extract some riches and shed some blood, Chel would never know. All she knew from that point on was her burning hatred for the Roman Empire. They slew every able bodied man and took every child to be Romanized. They took anything of value. They left the women of Chel's tribe to die.

Prior to this atrocity, Chel was anything but violent. Her sole interest lied in caring for others, cooking, and creating herbal remedies. But something changed in her. Many would say that her grief opened the door for other worldly possession, while others said that an insatiable bloodlust always existed deep within her. Whatever be the case, the atrocities that followed were tangible and real. Chel led neighboring tribes in brutal night-raids against Roman encampments. Then, eventually, her bloodlust extended to all of those who would idly accept Roman rule.

However, Chel would not find her end at the edge of a blade. She found that she was mysteriously with child which halted her bloody raids of southern Britain. Of-course, she thought this would only last nine months, but soon she found this to be her end. Over the course of the 9 months Chel grew weaker and weaker. Initially her people were elated (albeit a bit skeptical considering the mysterious circumstances) that she would have a successor who could continue the rebellion, but watching Chel grow weaker saw several people begin desertion.

Merely weeks before what would be childbirth, Chel mysteriously died unremarkably. However, what terrified the little that remained of her rebellion is there was no signs of pregnancy left on her body. Fearing otherworldly interference, Chel's body was never properly buried and simply was left to rot. Her soul would take several centuries to find its place in the underworld.




N/A (For now)


- Chel is quite motherly, but holds a deeply vindictive side within her.
- Wishes to continue her rebellion in the next life despite the Roman Empire being dead and gone.
@Loveless , @Dakota K5 , @CrownOfThorns

All your characters are acceptable. I appreciate that you all gave me decent ideas of what your characters are like through their history, even without the "personality" section I had forgotten to add in my haste to get the first post out. I'm going to add that as a requirement for newly applied characters from here on out, but you all needn't change your sheets if you don't want to. My only nitpick is for Dakota's sheet, I might bump the weight up a few thousand years for such severe crimes as murder (if they are a fresh entry to the organization) but he may also have been in the SRO already for a time, excusing his middling weight. I would consider all your sheets "accepted". Though if you are making any edits (as Loveless seems to be) I will reserve that judgement for when you tell me your sheet is complete.


I do not mean to be harsh, but I would like to see a bit more effort put in to your sheet. As per the last rule in my (admittedly long) list, your application of a character not only serves to show me what you will be playing in this rp, but how capable you are and how you will play. Let me be clear, there is nothing wrong with not being able to write at an "adept" level. However, for the sake of the enjoyment of everyone involved, I would appreciate it if your sheet was a bit more robust. Whenever you are finished with your sheet, please let me know, and I would be happy to review it.

Lastly, I would like there to be maybe 8 applicants before I get this ball rolling. I apologize if any of you have to wait longer for applicants to drop in. I like what I've seen here today, and I appreciate the interest you all have shown in my idea. Thank you for jumping in.
Name: Tanegashima Tsuna 種子島 綱
Lifetime: 1523-1549
Gender: Female

Weight: 7482
History: Tanegashima Tsuna was a female warrior of the Tanegashima clan during the Sengoku Jidai, trained as samurai-caste women of the era were in the arts of archery and naginatajutsu. Even so, like most women she was not expected to step onto the field of battle, but rather be able to defend home and hearth when called upon.
That home was meant to be a castle of the Shimazu clan, for she was betrothed to one of their sons as a dynastic marriage. The two young people knew little of each other, which was typical of their time - but to Tsuna's delight her husband was a handsome, kind and capable young man, with whom she fell deeply in love.
Unfortunately their happiness was not to last. Within a couple of years of their marriage, a rift opened up between the Shimazu and the Tanegashima, and soon hostilities prevailed. Tsuna was torn between two loves, and two loyalties. Ultimately, she chose her husband - as was expected of her. But it meant that she found herself watching from the parapets as he fell in the fields before their home, cut down by none other than her own brother.
Tsuna defended her home drenched in tears and blood, wailing like a banshee as her soul was wrenched apart. She sought revenge for her beloved husband - but that meant killing her beloved brother.
And this, in the end, she did, taking his head even as her own body, already riddled with arrows, was run through by half a dozen spears. She refused to fall until her blade had struck her brother's head from his shoulders, and she staggered to place it before her husband's corpse. She washed both their heads with her tears, wiping them clean with her hair, and then extended her neck for the final blow.
It was one of her father's retainers who completed the act of mercy, stabbing her in the throat with a dagger. This too was a small tragedy within all the circles of tragedy, for it was this man who had taught her the ways of combat, trained her like she was his own, and loved her with all the devotion a servant could have for his lady.
She died in grief, surrounded by regret. Her soul would not rest easy. Years later, her legend would still be told in the local region as the tale of the bloody bride.
Sins: Grief, regret, fratricide.
Magic/Abilities: N/A
Notes/Etc: TBA
Though if you are making any edits (as Loveless seems to be) I will reserve that judgement for when you tell me your sheet is complete.
Well, other than the backstory I gotta re-write and now the personality section to add (Aha, I knew something was missing!), I have a single request, can we keep the passive voice volume thing going?

I don't need anything else right away. I'll obviously be striving to rebuild that same, or at least very similar power set in RP as a later game goal, but the thing with her volume getting auto-raised proportionally to her frustration/anger is a concept detail I love and would like to keep.
It would be part of the punishment, Gynneth is in this mess for never saying her true feelings in the first place, so here's a way she can't keep ignoring them as easily as she did in life. By making them painfully obvious to everyone. So yeah, uhh does that work?
Just passive, she can learn to use it better later, eventually : P

(I got confused with both the Sign-Ups and OOC being a same thread, I'm just sooo used to having them separated XD)
@Flame I went with the lower weight as he was a man who sold his talents for payment in life and figured he would have joined with the SRO fairly early after his own death. If you would like it to be higher for narrative reasons I have no issue just let me know. :thumbsup:

Your character is approved! Sorry if you missed it, but I added a "personality" section to fill out. I understand if you don't wish to though, as you may have began work on this character before my edit. Either way, I'm pleased to accept your application.


You can keep the powers in question saved in an additional tab (as you have), and we can get you them when the time comes around for getting such abilities for all players. Sorry for seeming so rigid, but I find that giving players wiggle room in situations like this leads to problems down the line. If you can do this (even at a small level) then why can't I do a similar thing for another player, and so on. We can work it in as a drawback for another power you gain when the time is right, if you please, but at the onset, all souls have the same capabilities even if the ability in question might seem cosmetic. Again, sorry for seeming rigid, but I want to ensure everybody is on equal footing, and that no one soul is more special than another at the start. The Underworld does not play favorites or punish unjustly, and as a GM, I seek to do the same. Just be sure to let me know when you've finished your edits so that I may give you my final approval! I look forward to seeing the finished result.

@Dakota K5
If you're fine with having served with no powers this late into the ballgame, that's absolutely fine by me, just keep in mind that the lower your count, the sooner you may have to drop your character and make a new one due to reincarnation, unless you intentionally fail contracts, which is a whole other can of worms. If you're pleased with the weight as it is, then so am I, and I would be happy to keep it as is and accept your character. If not, do feel free to make an edit. Either way, at this point, you are accepted.
@Flame went a head and made Otto's weight higher, to 7k. Thought about it as the day went and figured I'd like to keep with this character for a while.
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You can keep the powers in question saved in an additional tab (as you have), and we can get you them when the time comes around for getting such abilities for all players. Sorry for seeming so rigid, but I find that giving players wiggle room in situations like this leads to problems down the line. If you can do this (even at a small level) then why can't I do a similar thing for another player, and so on. We can work it in as a drawback for another power you gain when the time is right, if you please, but at the onset, all souls have the same capabilities even if the ability in question might seem cosmetic. Again, sorry for seeming rigid, but I want to ensure everybody is on equal footing, and that no one soul is more special than another at the start. The Underworld does not play favorites or punish unjustly, and as a GM, I seek to do the same. Just be sure to let me know when you've finished your edits so that I may give you my final approval! I look forward to seeing the finished result.
Well, it's not an 'impossible' out of the bat, so this is a compromise that I can very well make >3<

Absolutely get the whole 'open breaches and people will take advantage' kind of thing and I can respect that. It changes the concept I had in mind for her just a tad on the very start, but nothing too big that I can't work with.

Sorry for the delay! I wanted to get this done Monday, but this week has been another complicated one, I was even out of food yesterday and my brain gave up on me really early ^^'
So sorry about that, it's finished now! Might change the signature font and tweak the color, but they're all minor aesthetic things XD
@Loveless Your character looks A-ok to me! No problem with the wait, we are waiting on a few more players to pop in anyway! Thank you for understanding about the abilities. I don't get the feeling you would abuse it, but I have allowed minor tweaks in the past and it just hasn't turned out well, so I must remain firm on it, even if I agree it's not that big of a change.
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I just wanted to say i LOVE this rp and idea and everything! If you're still looking for people, I've already got a character idea and background/personality in the works! I'd love to flesh it out! ^w^ thankies and lemme know!
I just wanted to say i LOVE this rp and idea and everything! If you're still looking for people, I've already got a character idea and background/personality in the works! I'd love to flesh it out! ^w^ thankies and lemme know!
Yes, please! I believe at this point we are looking for maybe 4 players more to start, though more are welcome, as the applications are always open!
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Devon Toshiko Phillips




In life Devon was a tall, well built man. Standing at 6'3", he towered above most of his comrades in school as well as training. Half Japanese, half Norwegian, he got the young looks, sparse body hair, jet black hair and slim eyes from his father. A Japanese, multimillionaire, 'business' owner.
From his mother, a biometric and robotics engineer, he received his unique height, icy blue eyes, and ivory pale skin.
A very stoic and to the point person in life, he rarely broke a grin, let alone a smile or laugh.
Now though, due perhaps to the after affects of his death, he has become incredibly Devil-may-care, as well as a robust dark humor, that will occasionally leave a grim smirk on his lips. Incoherently almost.


Devon was born to a very rich Japanese business man, and a Norwegian biometric engineer with a doctorate in robotics. At the time of his birth his mother had made enormous leaps and bounds in Nanotechnology and its application within humans. And his father had been one of the main funders.
After a strange and unknown complication with the birth, Devon's mother passed soon after he came into the world. But not without some gifts left behind.
Somehow during her pregnancy, his mother was able to successfully integrate Nanobytes into his every part and being. His eyes, mind, blood and skin. Heart, lungs, muscles and ears. Everything about him was able to be faster, stronger, better. He could study in hours what would take most people days or weeks. Small scratches or wounds, bruises or breaks, would heal in minutes compared to hours, days compared to weeks. And this was all before age 5!
As he grew (and grew) his father put him through rigorous training schools, physical and mental. By the age of 8, Devon had learned that his father was a rich man, because he was himself a very smart man. He handled many top tier businesses all throughout Japan, Northern China, Russia and areas of Sweden. Devon grew to admire his fathers prowess and mind, his ability to run his businesses smoothly and cleanly. He began to look up to him like no other human. Especially when his father gave him 5 teammates for his 10th birthday.
Five other children that had been "blessed" with the gift of Nanobytes. Though no one ever seemed to have quite the abilities Devon overflowed with, the team became closer than family. Two girls and four boys went through years of vigorous training, mental battlegrounds, classes and survival hardships. Until the day when Devon's father, came to them with a job offer they could Not refuse.
They became the Strong but Silent hand of his fathers Empire. And Devon was so immensely proud to do his beloved fathers work. The things that Needed to be done, but couldn't be done in the public's eye. Things for the good of the 'business', things for the good of his father, things for the good of the world.... Or so he believed. Or so he had been force fed, brainwashed, since birth, to Believe. He had always been a quiet, stoic man. Simple things made him a modicum of happy. The thought that his father trusted him, was proud of him and all his group had accomplished, that was enough to make his heart sore. All he did, all he'd learned, he'd done to gain those things from his father. His father the businessman, his father the genius, his father the gracious...
His father the Liar, his father the Killer, his father the Mob Kingpin.
His Father The Widow Maker.
A meeting at this hour? Devon scratched just under his chin as he climbed in the glass elevator that scaled the outside of his fathers main building in Tokyo. He had just returned from an assassination half the team had been sent to, a couple hours north of Tokyo. The mission had ended early, though he returned incredibly late in the evening.
How had things gone so wrong? It was a simple, run of the mill operation that he had done too many times before. He slid his fingers almost incoherently through his damp hair from the storm outside, resting his lower palm on his forehead. His bright, electric, glowing blue eyes, practically burning holes through his closed eyelids as he tried to find any sort of issues, or where the plan could have gone wrong.
Jett had come to him before they'd set out. Said something about not being ready for this Op.
Not ready? He had shrugged it off because it was so out of the blue. When were they ever not ready? They hadn't been unprepared... Or unready since they started this crap when they were 15. How then could he have missed? And how, HOW could he have died? Jett was only 4 years older than Devon when his abilities came about. He'd been doing this, well, for ages. What Happened!?
As the elevator reached its top floor Devon lifted the hood of his jacket as he stepped out onto the attached Balcony Gardens
Which you had to cross to get to the smaller, somewhat separate building, which housed his fathers main Boardroom. The low, but many lights, coming from the inside of the fairly large, glass fish tank/table, and the few lights shining directly into the medium sized room, gave away that his father had at least two of his main Businessmen in attendance.
Had they already heard of Jett's failure, of his death? He had come directly to do that himself, they couldn't possibly know, not with enough time to call and attend a meeting?
Devon instinctually crouched as he heard raised voices coming from inside the Boardroom. Noticing one of the voices was his father's, he became curious as to what could possibly make him that upset.
Sliding silently along the wood walls until he reached the start of the large glass windows that wrapped the front of the small building sized room. He heightened his eardrums and focused them inside the room, and away from the random cracks of thunder. Edging around the wall just enough to get one of his eyes zoomed in on the group.
There were four of them, not including his father all sitting towards the other end of the table. He knew them all. Big men, close men in his fathers 'court'. But why were they here, why now. Starting to listen intently he could pick out his fathers voice among the others.
"She wasn't supposed to die! I had many other uses for her still. THAT was an accident. This." He sighed heavily, but not out of sorrow, rather frustration or annoyance. Devon squinted slightly, even more confused now. She? Who were they talking about? Did they get a report that was wrong? Did they think Mara had been killed instead?
"No this. This was a malfunctioning piece of equipment that allowed me to show off the control features to its Masters. Rather fantastically, I should add. I never realized when they said 'They'll lose their heads', that they meant so explosively." A small chuckle circled the men.
"No this was an unfortunate loss of hardware, that I will have to delicately have Devon, Quietly, take care of once I've gone home, had a bath, some sake, and slept off the headache I should have.
We'll continue our talks on the details of the Off Switches for the remaining members tomorrow. And hey look at it this way, one less Nano Soldier to feed and fund." Another chuckle circled the table, slightly less boisterous as before. One of the men cleared his throat and shakily spoke towards Devon's father.
"Do... Does Devon have a Switch? I don't think they were developed while She was pregnant. Did you add the Switch Bytes after he was born? How did his Bytes not suppress them? He would have known? Could your son go on a rampage and we couldn..." The man gurgled on his second chin as he tried to shrink his own head down his neck. The glare coming from his father was menacing for sure, but while Devon was still trying to process all the random and incomplete information surging through his mind, his father spoke. It was words filled with loathing and disgust.
"That behemoth of an Accident! Is Not my son. My family is known for their triple S qualities. They're Smart, Strong, and small. That b**** mother of his, said she was using my sperm to make a super soldier. One that we could raise and train to be perfect. If I had known, she was going to impregnate her..."
He groaned annoyed again and slammed a 'small' hand onto the glass table, making all the fish jump.
"The only things she gave him was brains and brawn. No that Ape, does not have a Switch. If it ever came down to it we'll have to take him out the old fashioned way. With a bullet to the brain. Only way to kill them, sever the Bytes connection to the brain. The Bytes will heal all the damage. But no good if the soul is no longer connected." He made a weird hand movement towards the side of his head and made an explosion noise.
Almost surreal, all the details began to crash into Devon's skull, as he pulled and pieced everything together. His mothers death, all the business, deals, money, the fact that the others in the group came later, the fact that Jett's head had exploded for some reason.
A short wry laugh came from his father, "Thankfully the poor brute Worships me and has from day one! Haah. The damn fool thinks I'm the proudest father in the world. That my boy does all the things I can't because I'm too good for that. Because I am Grace, I am Honor, I am Perfect.
He's nothing but a Pit Bull i keep on a very choking leash, and if he ever decided to do anything but lick my shoes after I walk through shit, I'll put him down quicker than the rabid MUTT he truly...."
Almost as quick and silent as a shadow, Devon stood up slowly, directly behind his fathers chair. How or when he got into the building, let alone behind his father without Anyone in the room noticing, well. He had been trained well.

His fathers eyes grew wider and wider every inch above him Devon raised. Until he stood full, dark as the storm outside. His icy gaze staring through his hair like shadows, momentarily catching ablaze when lighting bounced off them, down at his father and his men.
Reaching up shakily with one hand, his father grasped onto Devon's shoulder through his jacket.
"S son?" Five shots rang out quicker than than the last lightening strike that flashed as their bodies fell to the floor.
A blank, lifeless stare sat on Devon's face as he remained the last one standing. "I'm so sorry Jett. I'm so..." Staring off at nothing, he cocked his head to the side a bit, and a tiny smirk crept out of the edges of his lips.
"You said it had to be the head, right Daddy-O?" And a sixth shot rang out.

In his life before death, Devon was a very stoic, quiet, but easygoing man. He worked as an IT tech for many of his father many businesses, and enjoyed a quiet 'personal' life in his Loft in Tokyo.
Among his teammates he was considered Leader, brother and friend. But his attitude rarely changed. Though he would occasionally get excited about different Op locations, or new sights and sounds. And would occasionally become more energetic when trying to show off for his father, his almost laid back, dead stare ambience rarely changed.
Until he showed up in the Underworld. It seemed like forever before the tiny little edges of a grin actually came off his face. And his gaze seemed almost blood lustful, as if his last memories played repeatedly behind his eyes.
He still isn't much for long conversation
But he does appear more snarky and sarcastic in the remarks department.

Murder; Of all those his father deemed to die, and his final kills.
Guilt; Over the true death of his mother, the death of his friend, all the pain and death he caused unknowingly, but willingly.


Being born with (high) functioning Nano Bytes throughout your entire body, makes for a lot of strange things. While yes he originally felt the first few breaks, bruises and cuts. His body and himself learned to ignore the short term pain, and soon he was fixed right up. No overly sore muscles, stressed bones, and his eyes were able to zoom enough themselves he never even needed a scope. Having all that your entire life, and then having, Nothing, once you're dead?....
Let's just say way more than his attitude has had an adjustment.

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@CosmiqVixen Approved! It looks great!

And while we're on the topic of "mortality" in the underworld, and surface ops for contracts, you should all know that "Souls" have a very real body when in the underworld that is much like the images you provided to represent their true selves. When on the surface, bodies (and forms) can be allowed by certain contracts or through approval by the SRO or administrative demons through permits.

These bodies can feel pain, be injured, and dismembered, naturally. Actual years of torture ARE a punishment available for very heinous individuals.

So, what happens when you take "lethal" damage or a mortal wound in the underworld? You do not die. You'll feel the pain, but your body can regenerate within an underworld day, no matter how grievous the harm. Even if your body was completely atomized, It'll just coalesce back into your chosen form again in a day's time. If your "physical" body is destroyed, you can always exist as a "spirit" which can't be interacted with, until your body reforms.

Monsters of the underworld CAN be killed, though for some typically by some strange circumstances. They do not have souls though, so their existence is erased upon death. Demons can be "killed" as well, but they act much the same as souls for the most part.

When on surface operations where use of a body is allowed, if that body is killed, you are exorcised, sent immediately back to the underworld, unless there are extenuating circumstances which trap your soul. Typically if you are killed and Exorcised, you fail whatever contract you are participating in, as the allowance of a body for a contract is only good once. (unless the contract says otherwise) Think of it like buying a train ticket. Once it's punched in for the ride, you have to get another to ride again. The SRO's contracts give you those free "tickets" for your job, occasionally, but only for that one job.
Acacia Leveson-Gower

  • Name:
    Acacia Leveson-Gower​

    1743-1785 (42 years)​



    9999 years​

    She highly values the ability to be in control of a situation. This doesn't mean she can't take orders or won't cooperate, but it does mean she'll always consider other options than the ones given to her, and that she'll always value the freedom to pursue them.

    Due to her unfortunate walk in life, she doesn't know how to properly deal with others. She's likely to default to a situation from which she can manipulate them whenever possible, either as a self-defence mechanism or a simple lack of knowing any better.

    Whether or not she gets to open up, and how this option might change her, will rely heavily on the situation and on her company, as her more social side is a blank page right now. It can be written onto with beautiful script, or ripped out and burned to ashes.​

  • Acacia was born into an unimportant family of factory workers in 18th century London. For most, this alone was enough to determine their entire life as one of poverty. Acacia's case was a bit different, although she started off like most other kids, and was forced to work in the factories from the moment she could talk. She struggled to reach adulthood with all of her body still intact, seeing more than one of the other children get their fingers crushed between the mechanisms they were meant to polish. She even lost a sibling to a factory incident, having witnessed him getting crushed by one of the many machines they were supposed to crawl under to retrieve items that fell of the belts. Acacia's story started to diverge from this path when people realised she was exceptionally beautiful, even underneath the layer of dirt and grime. This beauty truly started to show itself when she reached adulthood. It was also noticed by George Granville Leveson-Gower, a wealthy aristocrat that eventually decided to marry her.

    After having spent most of her life in poverty, Acacia was happy to indulge in all the pleasantries that marrying into a wealthy family brought her. She was also quick to forget her 'humble' roots, and didn't exactly care about what others thought about her behaviour. After all, she knew fully well she was only desired for her beauty, and that there was no such thing as 'love' between her and her husband. All things considered, she was a pretty bad person to work for. Her husband didn't seem to care at first, but his attitude started to change when she still hadn't given him an heir after three years of marriage. What little happiness there was within their mutual understanding of each-others purpose quickly deteriorated.

    That's when Acacia started to look into ways to sustain herself, should the worst eventually come to pass. She started to hire expensive teachers in an attempt to catch up to the years of education she lacked, she started taking fencing lessons, and she even got her hands on a pistol, albeit through some rather unsavoury means. The latter turned into a self-fulfilling prophecy, as her husband eventually spotted the weapon, and used it to accuse her of attempted murder. The one thing he hadn't accounted for, was that she had already promised some of his staff to share in his wealth if they were to testify against him. Eventually, he was the on arrested for attempted murder, and she was the one to remain free.

    There was one issue. Her husband made it so that his brother would become the legal owner of all his possessions. While George was locked away behind bars, Acacia was forced out onto the street. Her family didn't want anything to do with her, as they feared repercussions from George's family. To make matters worse, the servants she paid off were furious, as they too were quickly fired, without gaining anything she promised them. With nothing left other than the items she could carry, and the dress she was wearing, she roamed the streets of London. She eventually ran into someone that gave her two options. She could give him all she owned, or she could die on the spot. She decided to go for the third option, and shot the robber instead, as the fool clearly didn't expect someone with her appearance to carry a loaded pistol.

    To her surprise, the sound attracted some of the nearby cops, who promptly recognized the robber as part of a gang they'd been trying to catch for a long time. There was an even bigger reason for surprise when it turned out there was a pretty high bounty on this robber's head. For quite a while, the cops debated whether or not such a bounty could be given to a woman, but they eventually handed it over. With that, Acacia had suddenly found herself a new purpose. Using the same trick, she was able to catch a few more robbers. However, she soon enough made the mistake of executing a nobody, someone that wouldn't have deserved the death penalty by any means.

    This didn't humour the cops. In fact, they decided her actions had to stop, and made it very clear that they wouldn't reward her for anything else. They even went a step further, and warned her that any new deaths caused by her would be treated as murder. While this should've discouraged her, it didn't. She had earned enough money with her previous kills to sustain herself for quite a while, and she'd gotten a taste for what she was doing. No longer was her life at the mercy of the big industrial machines, the lives of others were now at her mercy.

    She slowly started to expand her scope. She traced down rumours of abuse, corruption, theft, and other crimes to their suspects, and delivered their punishments on the spot. Public opinion on her actions was heavily split between support and fear, as some saw her as a vigilante, while others saw her as just another criminal. Even among the cops, she eventually managed to obtain a few supporters, which significantly aided her in her ability to slip under the radar and avoid getting caught.

    Sadly enough, her ways eventually caught up to her. She got increasingly less careful, both in delivering her judgement and in deciding whom to deliver it to. It wasn't long before her operation was in shambles, as she'd gone too far, too many times. This still didn't stop. It only drove her to carry some extra pistols, as they were a pain to reload, and to carry rapier and dagger as additional weapons at all times. She also found new 'creative' ways to obtain her daily needs, and whatever else she might need. She slowly became the very type of person she would hunt down.

    This realization hit her all of a sudden, after ending the life of a young cop in a shoot-out with two investigators sent to arrest her. To make matters worse, she'd been hit in the leg, and would be unable to escape. She'd either be sent to prison for the rest of her life, or she'd be executed. Neither of those were options she'd want to live with, and thus she decided to deliver her final punishment, this time upon herself.

    She soon realized she'd been wrong, and that her final judgement wasn't hers to make. After spending a multiple years trapped in second layer, she eventually entered the first layer of the Underworld, where she somehow ended up with the SRO.​

    • Abuse (verbally abusing her staff)
    • Anger / Wrath (hunting down supposed criminals)
    • Deceit / Lying (telling herself and others whatever lies suit her current needs)
    • Corrupting others (inspiring some of the cops and public to emphasize with her)
    • Judging others (hunting down supposed criminals)
    • Narcissism / Pride (considering herself to be worthy to judge other's lives)
    • Murder / Homicide (hunting down supposed criminals)
    • Stealing (procuring whatever she needs through any means)
    • Trafficking (dealing with criminals/smugglers)
    • Suicide (ending it all by judging herself)

  • N/A​

  • Colour code:

    Weapons and items :
    • N/A
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@Elvario My apologies for the wait, your sheet is accepted!

Also, I'll soon be updating the "Library" section with some new info for you all to take in, on the "Layers" of the underworld, information on Mortality in the underworld, and an amendment to the "weight penalty" section in the Contracts tab, for those of high weight (or working low-rank contracts)

Please, if you have any burning questions about this world or it's workings, feel free to ask, and I will do my best to answer your questions!