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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Accidental Pyromaniac
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. Multiple posts per week
  5. 1-3 posts per week
  6. One post per week
Online Availability
Depends on how crazy my life is at any given moment, but I'm usually online- at least for OOC purposes- at least once a day.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Medieval Fantasy, SciFi, Modern/Superhero, Dystopian
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IC: Click Here!
Characters: Click Here!
OOC: Click Here!

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ASA, or the American Superhuman Association, is a government-operated group designated to keep order and peace in the comminities across America. Your duty is to protect all citizens, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or species. Good luck.

It is now 2064, in the not-so-distant future. Life is flourishing. Technology has advanced by leaps and bounds. But growth comes with plenty of bumps in the road. Twenty years back, in 2044, an experimental chemical plant was attacked by terrorists. This incident would end up being a global issue. Gasses and liquids that escaped the destroyed building tainted both the air and the water, and many believed that it would spell the end of the world, as the chemicals soon spread worldwide.

To the world's surprise, however, most people weren't affected. It was only after a few weeks that some people started noticing...changes.

And thus, the first superhumans were discovered.

Most of them developed minor changes. Colorful skin and hair, scales, a third eye. Things that simply tainted their humanity, but didn't keep them from living their life as normal humans. Others gained abilities, simple or great.

It was from these 'others' that the first teams of superheroes and villains arose. Of course, the public was thrown into a panic despite the good that could be achieved by such abilities. Strict laws began to fall upon the newly-introduced superhumans, and soon they were so restricted that most of them weren't even allowed to use the powers that the spill had given them. They were discriminated against, regulated, and kept on watch.

People were afraid that it would continue...as cleanup was impossible, and babies were starting to be born with mutations and powers. Superhumans were here to stay.

Twenty years later, things had barely gotten any better. Superhumans had started to retaliate, many of them turning to crime and terrorism to keep themselves alive. That's why ASA was formed....and that's where your character comes in. Your characters will be part of the newly-designated ASA, a small group of superhumans with good powers and varying backgrounds, tasked with keeping the peace and fighting against crime....both petty and international. Under the watchful eye of three older, world-renouned heroes, this team will grow to be the protectors of America- and, perhaps, the world. Some of them volunteered. Others didn't have a choice. Which one are you?

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Once a small town, Cliffside, Michigan has grown to become a bustling metropolis. Incidentally, it is also the place of the fabled chemical plant accident- the very ground on which the origins of superhumans lay. This city is the superhuman hub of the world, where people of all sorts reside.

It's stationed in a vast forest near a huge lake and a towering mountain, making it the perfect spot for both tourist attractions and resources. In the center of the city, a huge skyscraper towers above the rest of the buildings. It's a government building, containing a state-of-the-art hospital, kitchen, dormitories, and even a prison. This is where ASA was started, and where your characters will live for the next few decades of their lives.

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When superhumans started to get out of hand, the American government came up with a system to keep the laws as fair as possible...and a way to categorize the power level of those who were affected by the chemical spill. As the numbers increase, so does the rarity and power level of each Rank.

★RANK 1★
Rank 1 superhumans are barely able to be considered superhumans. They were merely given a minor physical mutation, with little to no physical benefit and no special abilities. Things like purple skin, naturally green hair, some fur, or an extra eye would fall into this category. Rank 1s are not regulated or kept on watch. They may live their lives as normal human beings.

★RANK 2★
Rank 2 superhumans have a minor physical mutation with the possibility of using it for harm, and/or a minor power. Being able to lift cups or remotes with your mind, but not heavy things, or having claws, horns, or an extra arm or two falls into this category. They're kept on watch, but minimally. Few extra laws should apply.

★RANK 3★
Rank 3 superhumans have a major physical mutation with benefits or a usable power, but not usually both. This would be people with wings, for example, or individuals with advanced pyrokinesis or telekinesis. They are kept on watch and restricted in the use of their powers. Rank 3s have to wear dog tags that outline their powers and name. Several extra laws apply.

★RANK 4★
Rank 4 superhumans have a major physical mutation and/or a major power- usually both. These are people with the ability to shapeshift, who have very destructive powers, or who have, say....a reconstructed body that can smash through walls with their fingers. They are heavily watched and must check with an officer of the law every six months. Like Rank 3s, they must wear dog tags at all times. All extra laws apply.

★RANK 5★
Rank 5 superhumans are the most powerful and rarest of them all. They have multiple destructive powers, and/or a physical mutation to the point that they are no longer recognized as a human. Rank 5s usually can't control their powers, nor can they learn to. All Rank 5s are gathered and kept in offshore, underwater solitary prisons where they spend their lives in isolation from humanity in an effort to keep both them and the rest of the world safe. Should any escape, they are hunted down, and, if possible, terminated.

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These are not negotiations- they are rules. I know people don't like them, but if there's going to be any semblance of order in this thing, we need at least a few.
-Third person, past tense only.
-We would like everyone to post at least once every ten days.
-This is a semi-advanced roleplay! We wish for a minimum of three well-thought-out paragraphs for each character.
-You may have two characters. No more.
-NPCs will be majorly controlled by myself and @Cicatrix.
-There will be no aliens or magic in this roleplay, and there will also be no dice rolling. All characters will receive their powers and/or mutations from the chemical accident.
-You may not play a villain (at least...not yet...). All characters will be part of ASA at first, so no one feels like a loner and we can have one plot going at once. That doesn't mean they can't have a background of crime, though! Characters can be former vigilantes, criminals, or even just normal citizens that volunteered.
-We will not chase you. If you want to be part of this roleplay, we expect you to keep us updated if you are going away for a while.
-If you drop after your character is introduced, they will become NPCs and @Cicatrix and I reserve the right to use them as we please to keep the roleplay going- even killing them, if that's what we have to do. Three rounds with no word or action from you will result in us taking your character over (keep in mind that this applies to people who don't say ANYTHING. If you let us know you'll be gone for a while or you have to drop, we will collaborate with you to figure out what to do with your character while you're gone).
-The character age range for this roleplay is 15-25. Any characters above that age range belong to myself and @Cicatrix, and will be used as NPCs.
-Romance is allowed, however, smuts are not. If you want to do that with characters, adhere to Iwaku rules and take it to PMs.
-We require a character image. It may be a real photograph or realistic 3-D art....but no anime!
-DO NOT OOC chatter in the IC.
-You may put BBcode in your IC posts- in fact, a small header for your posts is required. It should contain your character's image and their name at the very least.
-Show us your interest by posting down below and confirming that you wish to be a part of this. It is first-come, first-serve, and we have room for around 6 players.
-There is a uniform BBcoded character sheet. You may personalize it with images and colors, but you have to use the template and basic code provided. If you need help with the code, feel free to ask me!
-Before posting a character in the Character Thread, send it in a single group PM to @Cicatrix and me. Once it is accepted and fitted into the uniform CS code, you may post it in the Character Thread.

Thanks to @darkflames13 for the code templates!
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I'm still here
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Character Thread is up

The two example characters (Allison and Slate) are NPCs that I will be using to propel the plot forward. I will be playing as a different character, who is not finished yet. Feel free to include mentions of Allison and Slate (and the rest of the old team) in your character's bio, if that's something you feel would be interesting.
Still here!
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Here, though I have to admit I forgot about this for a while. Where's the rules on what our heroes are allowed to do?
Here, though I have to admit I forgot about this for a while. Where's the rules on what our heroes are allowed to do?
I'm afraid I'm not sure what you mean. Can you elaborate on your question?
Character sheets.
If you mean in regards to powers, choose either Rank 3 or 4 and base powers and mutations off of the power limits listed there.

The character sheet examples and thread can be found by clicking the "characters" link on the top of the page.
About that. The second one is impossible to read.
About that. The second one is impossible to read.
Ah, crap. I figured that might be a problem. I'll change the font color soon.
Also, you show completed sheets. What does an incomplete character sheet look like? That's what I'm asking for. You've got artsy sheets there, but with everything so polished it's hard to find anything to start off from.

Also, debating if I have something. My character was sort of a combination of your two example characters: a genius who built a mechanized angel-themed battle suit. With genius inventor AND angel-appearance character taken, it leaves me wondering if there's even a point using my original idea.
Also, you show completed sheets. What does an incomplete character sheet look like? That's what I'm asking for. You've got artsy sheets there, but with everything so polished it's hard to find anything to start off from.

Also, debating if I have something. My character was sort of a combination of your two example characters: a genius who built a mechanized angel-themed battle suit. With genius inventor AND angel-appearance character taken, it leaves me wondering if there's even a point using my original idea.
Incomplete character sheets are just like the completed ones, just plain white backgrounds with black text and blank placeholder images. The plain text sheet is a template for if you don't want to mess with the code and just toss me colors and images and information for me to input it.

Hm. That's tough, honestly. I mean, it might be kinda cool to have a combination of the two in the younger gen, but on the other hand you might not feel appreciated if my NPCs are similar to your character. In the end, it's up to you to decide.
But there IS no blank text sheet. That's what I'm saying.

...Feel like we're not on the same page.

Do have other characters, but they're from a world where they're kind of overpowered. Juggernauts with steel muscles, energy-based speedsters, a sonic songbird who's not really mine to use, warriors with impenetrable skin (but who are unfortunately from another planet) and even flat-out gods. These guys wouldn't fit in well here. But my bionic angel character is just a badass; a girl so tough that even without her armor she's a threat. Someone determined enough to fight a titan with her bare hands if she has to. Her desire for vengeance has turned her into an unstoppable killing machine, and joining this superhero agency could be the one thing keeping her from losing her humanity altogether.

Plus, she's a character I've used as far back as three years ago, so I'm not exactly copying from you.
There is a blank text sheet, under both "basic sheet" and "raw code". To see the blank, CODED sheet, you have to copy paste the "raw code" text and either preview it or post it in your code lab test thread.

Speedster and juggernauts could work, they'd likely be Rank 4 but they'd work. Besides, I'm not accusing you of copying me, nor do I mind if you make that character. It's completely up to you, like I said.
I didn't see a part labeled blank sheet. Tired. I'll look for it tomorrow. While I'm doing that, I'll also think about what kind of character I should go with...
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I'm afraid I'll have to pass on this, but good luck!
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Oh! I couldn't see the words on the background where the basic sheet was. I just saw the picture.
Quick question for my bio, how long has the ASA been around and is it possible that the government picked up some of the mutated individuals early on?

For a bit of background, my character is exactly 20 so they were only a couple of months old when the spill happened.
Quick question for my bio, how long has the ASA been around and is it possible that the government picked up some of the mutated individuals early on?

For a bit of background, my character is exactly 20 so they were only a couple of months old when the spill happened.
ASA will have just formed the day the IC starts. So, it's brand new.
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