• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Socially Awkward Penguin
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
late. [well... most of my partners seem to think so anyways] ... it varys, best to just check with me ^_^
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Douche
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Slice of Life is my favorites, but I also love fandom based* and country based rps. I'm open to trying most things, but there are a couple that I won't do.

*I'm not interested in fandoms I don't know and I am not interested in playing canon characters. I only play OCs.
Out-of-Character || {The Quibbler ... You are Here}
Character Index || {The Great Hall =>}
In-Character || {<= The Daily Prophet}
Discord || {*The Ministry of Magic*}

  • Maybe it's your first year, maybe it's not, either way a welcome is in due order. Hogwarts has been peaceful for many, many years now… almost as though it has been too peaceful. Now though, it seems as though something a bit more than simply sinister may be lurking in the shadows of the old wizarding school. Two groups of students seem to be hiding something… but what?

    Well, what if that something happened to be the difference between good and evil. Four brave students opted to re-instate Dumbledore's army… but this time they referred to themselves as the Knights of Hogwarts, considering the four who founded it knew of Dumbledore, being descendants of a Potter, Weasley, Longbottom and Malfoy, but they never actually knew the brilliant Wizard the same way their grandparents and others of their family had. The Knights of Hogwarts are obviously the good side of this mess, they were able to re-open the Chamber of Secrets which is where they train. The evil side, whose members are known as DIPs, Death-Eaters in Progress, don't exactly have a name for their crew. But, just like old times the students on this side have turned to their 'dark lords' … who happen to also be four students at the school ... or well, more like three with the last getting ordered about. One the Grand-Child of the late Bellatrix Lestrange and her still living and locked away husband Rodolphus Lestrange, one the Grand-Child of Lord Voldemort, one the Great-Great Grandchild of Gellert Grindelwald and lastly their 'pet'; the Grand-Child of Peter Pettigrew. While neither of them is their direct predecessor, they are just as vile as their grandparents.

    All characters are OC's … Characters are in the generation of/as the grandchildren of the cannon's, but not the children of/or the cannon's themselves. By Cannon I am referring to Harry/Ron/Hermione/Luna/Malfoy/Etc, not James/Lily/Albus/Rose/Hugo/etc, they would be the parents. The do not have to be related to a canon character, they can be completely original as well ^^. I highly recommend checking the suggested pairs tab in the CI though if you are in fact looking to be a grandchild+ of a cannon.

  • >> If you have a question, Ask!!! I promise I don't bite <3

    >> No Godmodding [or powerplaying ... magic is involved, but everyone has a chance to roleplay fairly]. Every character has their flaws. As a side note ;; Please build relationships of all kinds, not just romance! It makes the characters more believable.

    >> Please use proper spelling, grammar, and try to put some content into your posts. I shouldn't see any one-liners. Indulge in detail! (in other words, please try to write at least a small paragraph per character)

    >> Please use fade-to-blacks and timeskips as necessary [... it's really, really, reallyyyyyyy not the rp for it though ... so keep in mind the occasion]. We don't need to know the details on your characters overly intimate moments, mentioning and acknowledging something is fine, but stay away from explicits.

    >> You cannot be your own love interest... sorry.

    >> There is no character limit, just keep them all active. Please try to keep a balance between older and younger characters.

    >> You must stay active. Please message myself, @Felilla or @~Dark Disney~ if something comes up... we're flexible and understanding... just let us know what's going on.

    8. Your characters need to be accepted before you can RP. As a side-note, only felilla, dark disney and myself will rp the staff. They are NPC and we all respond in similar ways [the majority of class time will probably end up being timeskipped anyhow].

    9. Have Fun! If you don't have fun then there's no point to RP!

  • You may find these useful (:

    >> Several of these links have other links within them that are probably useful ... especially the links pertaining to Pottermore/Wizarding World Online.

    >> What Does Your Wand Mean ;; breaks down some of the Ollivander's woods and cores. Also provides a link to a more expansive list of woods.

    >>>>> Wand Wood ;; Yet another resource to finding wand woods

    >>>>> Wand Cores ;; One more wand resource for you. This time; cores.

    >> List of Creatures ;; You'll be able to find information about any of the magical [and some non-magical] creatures within the links of this list. It's bound to be really useful for the pet section if you want to know what something is before you give it to your character. *Hint: if it's not on this list it's probably a real creature*

    >> Being a Prefect

    >> Astoundingly Head Boy/Girl

    >> Wizarding Careers 101

    >> Hogwarts only serves the UK and Ireland ;; Have you ever wondered about the rest of the world?

    >> Electronic-less times call for cool measures ;; Maybe you've played some of these before.

    >> Anyone else find they only seem to get Dumbledore on these blasted cards?

    >> Cool & Quirky shops of the Wizarding World

    >> QUIDDITCH! ;; only the best sport ever created. You will very well have to scroll down for the list of the British-Irish League Participants FYI.

    >> A complete list of spells from A-Z

    >> Every potion ever created within the wizarding world from A-Z

    >> Every Herbologist's Dream Reference ;; Every known plant from A-Z.


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  • Leaders ;; Luca Gold, Astoria Malfoy, Nicole Potter & Jason Weasley

    Current Members ;; [includes incoming 1st years]

    Member [house, year || patronus status [Yes {Y}, No {N}, Somewhat {S}] .. patronus]

    Campbell Adler [R, 3 || S .. Diricawl]
    Farida Ali [G, 3 || S .. Imperial Butterfly]
    Nathaniel Asgard [G, 5 || Y .. Pelican]
    Avis Barten [G, 1 || N .. Iberian Lynx]
    Timothy Bell [R, 5 || Y .. Savannah Monitor]
    Florence Black [R, 1 || N .. Augurey]
    Jennifer Bledgerwood [R, 2 || N .. Crup]
    Oleysia Campbell [G, 2 || N .. Female Lion Cub]
    Hannah Elder [G, 7 || S .. Swan]
    Loren Del Falco [R, 6 || S .. Small School of Blue Tang]
    Arrow Ford [G, 6 || Y .. Bald Eagle]
    Asher Ford [G, 4 || N .. Macaw]
    Jenna Gold [G, 2 || S .. Great Dane]
    Halina Goldstein [R, 4 || S .. Mini Donkey]
    Stevie-Kate Gold [G, 5 || S .. Moose]
    Adam Harris [G, 3 || S .. Phoenix]
    Winter Kaplan-Carre [G, 2 || N .. Crane]
    Berry Knightley [G, 5 || Y .. Dalmatian]
    Coleman Listly [R, 7 || Y .. Crup]
    Eyerusalem Macar [R, 6 || Y .. Skunk]
    **Astoria Malfoy [S, 7 || S .. Otter || working secretly as a double agent to benefit the DiPs]
    Kayson Matthews [G, 7 || Y .. Wombat]
    Eleanor McGonagall [G, 4 || Y .. Large, Maine Coon]
    Paige Minett [R, 1 || N .. lamb]
    Sonnet Morgan [G, 6 || Y .. Naked Mole Rat]
    Olympia Mulligan [G, 3 || Y .. Rabbit]
    Bertram Noct [R, 6 || S .. Bull]
    Astrid Nurse [R, 2 || N .. Arctic Wolf]
    Oona Parker [G, 5 || Y .. Butterflies]
    Kolton Pettigrew [R, 4 || N .. Zebra]
    Clarissa Potter [G, 1 || N .. Knarl]
    Euphemia Potter [G, 4 || Y .. Doe]
    Havelock Rose-Weasley [G, 4 || S .. Lion]
    Maddox Snow [R, 3 || N .. Jaguar]
    Eulalie Triece [G, 3 || Y .. Ring-Tailed Lemur]
    Celestia Weasley [R, 6 || Y .. Weasel]
    **Jason Weasley [G, 7 || Y .. Pair of Chipmunks]
    Marley Weasley [G, 4 || N .. Siberian Tiger]
    Nicholas Weasley [G, 5 || Y .. Barn Owl]
    Ezra Weasley-Lang [R, 6 || Y .. Bernese Mountain Dog]

    Eventual Members ;; [anyone who joins after the current school year]

    Member [house, current year .. joining year || eventual patronus]

    August Babbling [R, 1 .. ~4 || Giant Goldfish]
    Jackson Gerard [R, 4 .. 6 || Polar Bear]
    Tabitha Hubble [G, 1 .. 3/4 || 3 Canaries]
    Roman Le Blanc [R, 2 .. ~3 || Gopher]
    Edwin Perault-Barnes [G, 2 .. 5 || Stallion]
    Ronald Wiggan [G, 1 .. 5 || Rosy Boa]

  • These students may lean more towards one side or the other, but they don't belong to [or possibly know about] either group.

    Name [house, year]

    Wonder Abiliene [G, 6]
    Leesie Adler [R, 7]
    Nana Akatsuki [R, 4 || could be swayed either way]
    Deacon Baker IV [G, 7]
    Archimedes Beery-Phloros [R, 1 || more easily swayed toward KoH]
    Hosanna Bell [R, 3]
    Caden Cafiero [R, 7 || could be swayed either way]
    Cressida Clark [R, 4]
    Chance Durbrooke [R, 1]
    Candice Elder [G, 3]
    Trexton Erning [G, 2]
    Terrence Finnigan [G, 7]
    Ryan Goldstein [R, 6]
    Beatrix Gordon [G, 7]
    Dashiell Gordon [G, 4]
    Ellison Gordon [G, 5]
    William Greystone [R, 2]
    Sebastian Hook [G, 7]
    Arianna Hu [R, 7 || could be swayed either way]
    Ivar Hughes [G, 5]
    Montague Iblemen [G, 3]
    Billie Ise [R, 5 || could be swayed either way]
    Coco Knightley [R, 7]
    Kramer Lang [G, 3]
    Veronica Listly [R, 1]
    Nebula Liu [R, 2]
    Ryker Locke [G, 4]
    Ainsley Malfoy [R, 5]
    Chase McElroy [R, 4]
    Paul Nicholas II [G, 6]
    Peter Nurse [G, 6 || more easily swayed toward KoH]
    Arthur Ollivander [R, 5]
    Dominick Ollivander [R, 1]
    George Ollivander [R, 1]
    Clarence Pipetto [R, 3]
    Gatsby Plummet [R, 2]
    Carnegie Redwind [G, 1]
    Hereswith Riddle [R, 1 || could be swayed either way]
    Kane Riddle [R, 5 || could be swayed either way]
    Merrigan Scamander [R, 5 || could be swayed either way]
    Kara Sims [G, 5]
    Lyle Teller [G, 2 || more easily swayed toward KoH]
    Zariah Uzun [G, 6]
    Isamaria Villa Salse [G, 2]
    Lancelot Wood [G, 4]
    Mars Wood [G, 1]

  • Leaders ;; Zarina Grindelwald, Lymiria Lestrange-Riddle, Nicodemus Pettigrew & Wright Riddle

    Current Members ;; [includes incoming 1st years]

    Member [house, year]

    **Zarina Grindelwald [R, 7]
    **Lymiria Lestrange-Riddle [S, 7]
    **Nicodemus Pettigrew [R, 7 || eventually works as a double-agent for the DiPs]
    Astoria Malfoy [S, 7 || working as a double-agent for the DiPs]
    **Wright Riddle [S, 7]
    Lea Sims [G, 7]
    Carson Silva [R, 7]

    Eventual Members ;; [anyone who joins after the current school year]

    Member [house, current year .. joining year]

    Azaiah Xler [G, 6 .. 7]

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@Esmeralda Blackheart @WitchesRayvyn ... don't know if this is something either of you still like, but both of you had joined a harry potter rp of mine many many moons ago (:
... I've also been involved in this type of rp with all of you before if you would care to join :3
Thanks for remembering me! Unfortunately I'm not very active anymore due to job and life stuff. I wish you luck though!