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Wayfinder Academy: Forward to Disaster

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Celir smiled at the inside garden, looking around. She thought it was neat, she hadn't ever actually seen so many plants inside before. She turned her head to stare at them, listening to Culver just enough to note what he was saying. Her eyes caught on a beautiful tree with pale purple blossoms, small as mice feet. It stood right beside a door. She hesitated before turning to look back at Culver, just in time to catch Auroks question. Her eyes glanced back over at the tree more than the door before she decided to just walk over and look at it. Her footsteps were quieter than they ever had been as she approached the most beautiful tree she had ever seen. She lightly brushed her fingertips along its thin trunk. She turned to look back at the group.

"I think I'll use this room, if no-one else prefers it?" She asked. Her hand still rested on the treee's trunk.
Mirella seemed almost in a trance. She was fascinated by the powerful magic pumping through her veins; it was as if she'd been awakened from an age-long slumber. She must have had this inner strength all her life, but she never noticed it until just now. She flexed her fingers, feeling a pleasant tingle rush up her arms. She subconsciously recorded the familiar's information, completely absorbed by the newfound vigor within her very soul.

She had to try this out. The essence was demanding to be unleashed. She recalled Seoni's wisdom, but she was a little concerned what would happen if she didn't get it out.
Mirella realized she would need a bit of assistance fairly soon – before something snapped.
"There are only a few-" He was cut off by the sudden shift in scenery. Zaigou looked up at the painting. He vaguely remembered the room he was in now. The days had blurred together, but surely he'd spent at least two weeks with the woman, learning the finer arts of the rogue. He took in a deep breath, looking over Merisiel once more, a little more sad. Injured, and without aid, he expected he knew what had happened to her. There was a cold anger building up inside of him as he turned away from the painting. He would not let something like that happen again. He would find a way to keep it from happening.

The others, it appeared had gone through similar experiences, some looked as defeated by their own experiences as he had felt. Zaigou was no stranger to loss, but the loss of someone who you spent extended periods of time with was a painful one, and it affected him quite substantially. He walked quietly after the others, mind deeply focused on his plans. He knew the easiest way would be to simply not get caught, but there was more that he needed to do. Firstly acquire training in the use of a Composite Longbow, as well as a Falcata. He hadn't been taught those in his time with Merisiel, and he knew they would help him exceedingly. He knew from old books he'd read about the merits of the Falcata, and he was sure there were some around who could teach him in it's use. The Composite Longbow had the power and range he desired to keep himself from facing immediate dangers.

Shaking his head of such thoughts for now, he found the group had been pointed towards rooms, and the man leading them was explaining who all worked and lived there. Zaigou considered the number of people living there to be extremely small in his opinion, which gave him pause for concern. Why were there so few there? He didn't remember hearing anything bad about the school, but that didn't necessarily mean anything. Suddenly he heard Celir claiming her room, in her own way. He approached her through the group and shook his head at her. "I don't see why anyone would object you know, he said they were all the same after all." He told his friend, though keeping his hear towards the group. He wanted to make sure he didn't miss anything important that was being discussed.

Sure enough, the man mentioned that he was the Wizards familiar, and someone, Aurok he believed the Half-Orc's name was, called him on it. It was true, not even Zaigou knew anything about human familiars. The closest thing he could think of would be a Homunculus, but Homunculi were tiny things, and he was clearly not. Beyond that even, Homunculi weren't capable of speaking, so even if Babar had used a size altering spell on the man, it didn't seem likely. Overall, he found himself quite curious about the situation, although he expected that it was likely just a misunderstanding brought about from poor wording.
Ayala looked around the garden looking around at the the pretty trees, flowers and bushes she stopped looking around as she watched Celir go over to a purple flowered tree next to a door and asked to have it. " I say go for it I don't see why not." she told the half elf as she walked up to her. :If you dont mind me being your neighbor I will take the one over there." she pointed off to the left to a door that was a dark cherry mahogany color with vibrant blue bushes on each side of the door.
Culver nods his head, offering a personable smile, "You are quite correct. The sentient races cannot be bound as familiars in the traditional sense. In some ways, a 'familiar' is simply a being called upon to aid a wizard - or some sorcerers - in the arcane arts. Since our dear Professor lacks hands and thumbs, it is somewhat of a requirement that his 'familiar' does." After a pause, the nobly-dressed man grins, "However, you are astute enough to know that the term means more than that? You are correct: I am not human." With a flourish, the man bows, "Many apologies for the deception."

He rises from the bow, opening his eyes to reveal they have turned an entirely gold color. Culver gestures at the door, and a concave disk floats slowly into the room. It glows a faint blue, and is large enough to hold five decently-sized boxes, each with a name. "You'll find each to be a care package addressed to you. Things to make the rooms feel more like home for your stay, and a little bit of spending money. The others..." He gestures at a few packages with familiar names on them: Harsk, Lini, Kyra, Seoni, Sajan, Merisiel. "...Are from folks you met not long, and an eternity ago. They should help you perform the duties you'll be expected to for the Society."

Starting gold and equipment: For this game, each of you will be starting with 200 gold in supplies. Any leftover is retained as spending money.

You are free to choose what are in the packages for your rooms, and how they got to you (or who they're from). The 'adventuring gear', weapons or armor are from your 'class tutor'.

As usual, here's a handy link! http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final

You'll probably want to take a look at 'armor' and 'weapons', but the blue box on the right is where you'll find the best stuff.

Note for Koene: as a Sorceress, armor hampers the movements of your spells, so it's not good to wear it!
Celir turned and glances at Zaigou as he approached. She smiled at him and his words before pausing as she noticed something was a little off. She walked over to him and bumper her shoulder against his and let herself linger next to him. It may have just been the recent thins they had undergone, or maybe it was something else entirely. But she hovered close, letting her shoulder rest against his. Silver eyes turned to regard Ayala and she let her smile stay on her lips.

"Of course I wouldn't mind having you as a neighbor." She reassured. She said even as smirk played across her lips. "You and Zaigou will make wonderful neighbors" She said, although no longer looking at her friend, giving him the clear hint that he was going to be in the room on the other side of her ''less he spoke up.
Her eyes traveled back over to Culver, just in time to see his eyes flash gold.

"If you aren't human, then what are you?" She asked without thinking, curiosity brimming. Her eyes went to the discuss as she waited for him to say something. When she had left the village her family had been in a bit of a rough spot and she hadn't expected a package from them. But lo' and behold, there was one addressed to her with a return address of her home village. She blinked and hesitated, not knowing if it was okay to just grab the boxes or if there was something that had to be done first.

She looked over at Aurok, Mirella and Xavien. She hadn't gotten to speak with the other elf or the gnome much yet. Her head tilted some. They were going to be doing a lot of things together, hopefully she'd pick up more about them on the way. And even if Aurok was big and scary, he seemed really nice, and a goofball with his earlier entrance. She turned away and grinned at the memory. The half-orc spinning entrance wouldn't be a memory she forgot anytime soon. She bumped her shoulder again Zaigou's again. He was already stuck with her and she had a feeling she'd be getting along marvelously with Ayala.
Curious about the man she to wanted to know what he was if he was not human. Ayala walked over to her box and went to stick it in her room to open it later right now it was time to be social and get to know each other. She decided she would get to know Zaigou, then get to know the gnome Aurok a bit more. She walked over towards Celir and Zaigou " Hey." she waved with a smile at the both of them, " Did you open your boxes yet or are you saving that part for later?" she asked figuring it was a decent enough conversation starter least for now.
Mirella took a deep breath and shook out her hair. Maybe if she ignored the magic power for a while, it would get itself under control.

Looking around the beautiful garden, a twisting vine with blood-red flowers caught her attention. It seemed to grow straight into the stones and shimmered in the sunshine. She brushed her hand against a petal, releasing a puff of sweet perfume into the air. She smiled gently to herself and whispered, "Marvelous!"
She took her packages from the pile and went back to the vine. "Absolutely marvelous!" She opened the door to the room, though with a little difficulty; the wood had expanded in the midday heat, making it stick. A convenient desk near the door provided a nice spot for the boxes while she leaned around the corner and declared, "If there are no objections, I shall take this as my residence."
Culver stands there, his eyes opening wide... or that's how it appears at first. In truth, the bright gold light of his eyes began to spread, until it covered his entire body. It vanished in an instant, leaving a bizarre floating device. It resembles a whirling mechanical model of a planetary system. Its sun, moons, and planets are crafted of tiny glowing jewels whose color shifts with the harbinger's mood. Electric arcs and sparks of magical essence dance between its whirling pieces. The entire thing glows with a golden light when Culver's voice emits from it, with bells echoing in the background of the speech: "Since you have asked. I am a Harbinger. A herald and assistant of the forces of the Heavens. While on the Material Plane, it is my goal to advise mortals on how best to serve the causes of order and light."

"I admired Icarus Babar's dedication and skill, and willingly chose to serve as his familiar. While at first my concern was to guide his soul towards salvation, he had given me a gift few other Harbingers receive: autonomy. We have become more than master and familiar in that time, and I consider him a good friend." There's a musical chuckle from the archon, "He refers to the act as 'humanizing' me. I think he was surprised an archon could act in the way I do."
Foom, most of that info went right over Aurok's head. He hadn't seen anything, anyone?, like him before and didn't know anything about Harbinger's or archons but he gathered the importance of the situation. Aurok nodded his head at the floating entity, intrigued but not pressing any more personal questions at Culver "Thank you Culver" he said as he took the packages and carried them into a room that wasn't yet spoken for.

Going to the bed he set the packages down on them and opened one of the packages. Inside this one was a quarter staff, a sai, and a backpack with some necessary adventuring gear kept in a backpack and some extra clothes. In the other package were two books. One was a book with drawings and diagrams of the humanoid body, subtle lines and swirls flowed along the figures as they posed in stances and forms with some words scrawled next to them. The other book was blank, and with it came a an ink pen, a well of ink, and some brushes. There were also some small paper packets of dried tea leaves, the aroma invoking memories he wasn't sure he really had. When he leafed through one of the books again a little piece of paper slipped from between some pages. Aurok picked up the little piece of paper, on it was was familiar handwriting. A mountain is composed of tiny grains of earth. The ocean is made up of tiny drops of water. Even so, life is but an endless series of little details, actions, speeches, and thoughts. And the consequences whether good or bad of even the least of them are far-reaching. Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest act. This is the secret of success.

Aurok remembered as he read this, a wall in the monastery. It was covered with a big mountain with an ocean crashing against the bottom. It had been done in a style to where a mistake would cause the colors to mix together and mess up the image the painter had been striving for.

He set the piece of paper aside next to the book of forms and picked up a packet of dried leaves and brought it to his face to inhale the smell "Hm...". He sat on the floor in thoughtful silence.
Seeing as Celir and Zaigou were distracted with each other an whatever they were talking about Ayala decided she would go back to her room and open up her boxes then make her room a bit more homey feeling it. Once she had gotten back into her room she picked up one of the boxes and sat down and opened the first box, that was from Lini inside was some clothing she paused she really did miss the druid and the wolves. Taking the clothes out of the box she held them up and smiled they were pretty not fancy or anything but nice, she looked back in the box and noticed something shiny she reached inside the giant box and pulled out a scythe. Staring at it in aww Ayala just sat there for a few moments admiring the weapon she then layed it next to the folded up clothes and dug inside the box and pulled out what looked like Rosewood Armor, it was very beautiful she then set that along side the rest of the stuff that came out of the box before it she then went to work on the next box.
As she walked over the the second box the name on it said it was from Karina she tilted her head to the side with her arms folded, "well that's strange." she said aloud to her self. Ayala had no idea her childhood friend knew she needed anything hell she didn't even know what she needed, not to mention she hasn't talked with her since she left for this place. Curious as she was of how her friend managed to send her a box full of things she decided she would send her a letter later once she got fully settled in. She then opened the box to find all sorts of things inside, having no idea where to start she figured she would pull everything out and lay it all out then put things were they belonged. Pulling the first thing that was on top Ayala held out what looked like to be a hammock she set it aside near the scythe and clothes from the first box. By the time she had everything out of the second box her bedroom floor barely had room for her to have a decent walk way from were she was sitting to her bedroom door.
Receiving no answer from the others, she turned her attention to the room.
It was simpler than she was used to: a small bed with a coarse blanket, dyed many years ago and fading; the wooden desk, old and slightly wobbly, and a squeaky chair that she dare not sit on for fear of breaking it; a dingy window that even at this hour barely lit the room; and a splintered side-table bearing a platter of bread and cheese. What caught her attention, though, was a third box hidden under the bed, apparently left by the previous tenant. She took her two boxes, dusted off the third, and set them all on the bed. As she sat beside them, a disturbingly loud creak sent her back to her feet. "Intolerable!"
Exasperated, she tossed everything on the floor and had at it.
First, the box from home. She wasn't expecting much of anything, so she was surprised to find a tea set, complete with her favorite flavor, a lamp and candles, and a beautiful broach. There was a note from her brother wishing her well. Mirella hastily wiped away a tear, hoping he hadn't gotten in trouble with their parents for this. She attached the broach to her shirt and carefully arranged everything in a neat pile.
Now the box from Seoni. As she unwrapped it, she swore she felt something moving inside. A muffled chirping got her heart pounding – had her mentor sent her a pet? Really? For her? A flurry of yellow feathers shot out of the box and started flapping around the ceiling, chirping happily. "Oh!" An open cage sat at the bottom, next to several bags of birdseed. "Oh, birdie, come back!" The canary landed on the windowsill and pecked at the glass. Mirella tried to grab hold of the little thing, but it was too clever for that – it began to hop around the room, from chair to desk to bed and so on. Tripping over the boxes, she hastily slammed the door to her room to keep it from escaping. How strange she must seem to her party-members!
Unsure what to do about the little bird, she decided to look in the curious third box. Inside, she found a backpack, canteen, and a very dangerous-looking dagger. None of those helped the current situation much.

She looked around at the chaos of her new home. Utterly exhausted, she flopped down on the bed, cringing at the loud creak. She tossed off her satchel, removed her jewelry, and closed her eyes. "Hoy! What a day…"
"Ah. Culver. You've decided to revert to your natural form for a little while." A young human states from the door, looking towards the archon. His body is physically fit, especially considering the comfortable wizard's robes he wears. His hair is a red-brown, like the dying vestiges of a fire. His orange eyes possess a bizarre radiance, and his well-formed face give him a respectable aura. He bows formally to the room, introducing himself in a chivalric manner, "I am Cinna Volcari. Professor Babar's apprentice. It is an absolute pleasure to greet all of my arcane superior's other students."

"Ah! Cinna. A pleasant surprise indeed," states Culver in his bizarre tingling voice, "I hardly ever see you out of the library. I'd like to assume that you're visiting just to do that... alas, I suspect I know better."

"Astute of you," Cinna admits, "I do apologize for not coming by more often." He gives the archon a sympathic, honest look. "It's simply my studies... well, it takes a lot of work to become a true arcanist. I'm not a student of the Academy proper, so I can't make use of the Chronicle Portraits." The youth raises his hands, "Not that there's anything bad about doing so, of course. I'm envious of you all. A connection to a famous Pathfinder is a truly wondrous thing... and in that spirit, I'd like to present another student." The young wizard steps to the side, "Since the door had been locked, I went ahead and went over today's... curriculum with her. She should be on par with everyone else." He bows, his robes billowing slightly, "May I present Mirra Virinthal to you all? Mirra, these are your new classmates. You will be free to choose a room, as well."
Though by her name it was easy to ascertain the student was female. Her clothes would have kept that a secret. She was wearing dark red robes that looked like they had the same thread count as a potato sack. The robes were uneven and it looked like she had sewn them together while using tongs to hold the needle. This girl was clearly no seamstress. Her hat however, seemed to be made of a much finer material. It actually looked quite soft. The hat's brim however was large in size, comically so in fact. The brim passed even her shoulders in width, even if only by a few inches. It wouldn't be to much to assume it was a gift.

After she had been introduced and been told to choose a room she lifted her arm, using it to hold up the brim of her hat so that she may see those who were before her. Though not intentionally, this also allowed her face to become visible, which was covered in dirt in many places, as if she had been rolling around in soil not hours earlier. Her eyes were a light brown. Her hair was long dark chocolate and matted down in a lot of areas. Her hair was quite long, extending just past half her back, it looked like the kind of hair that would play in the wind if it weren't tangled in itself. If she wasn't wearing her hat, she would have looked like a common farmer, pulled straight off a field. The corners of her lips seemed to be lightly turned downward, but it didn't seem like a frown, more like she was examining each and every person in her vision very carefully. "It is good to meet you all." Her voice seemed slightly unnatural, as if she were trying to speak more formally than she normally would.
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Celir had been reaching for her own boxes as the new student came in. She went to her room and set the boxes down, looking around at the room. It wasn't the fanciest but it was nicer than the pallet she had, had at home. There was actually a desk! The brunette smiled at the room before curiosity pulling her towards the new girl. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before she walked up to the girl and held her hand out with a friendly smile in place.

"Hello, my name is Celir, welcome to class." She grinned. Curiosity burned at the half elf. Was Mirra a human, or maybe a half elf like Zaigou and herself? What class had the girl chosen to pursue? Then her mind wandered back to the still unopened boxes now sitting on the bed of her room. She wanted to know what was in them to. The half elf tilted her head, friendly smile still in place as her hair moved with the motion of her head. "What path did you choose to take?" She asked, giving in to ask at least one question.
An archon, that made sense Zaigou mused. Extraplanar beings could serve as familiars, however uncommon it was. He listened quietly as he examined his boxes, lifting them tentatively, gauging what could be inside them based on their weight. Shrugging his shoulders, he turned to the new person, looked her over briefly, and then took the room on the opposite wall from Celir, tossing the boxes on his bed and opening them up. Inside were the tools of his trade, in the case of his old trainer, a set of Thieves Tools, of the highest quality he had ever seen. There were also a pair of dice and a New Deck of Cards. A few basic things for travel, a bedroll, a blanket, a compass, and some rather fine looking rope that was considerably lighter than he would have suspected when he was looking it over. There was also a shortbow and a handful of arrows, and a note that read

"Well, your vanishing act certainly surprised the soldiers, gave me a chance to make my escape. Don't know where you are now, but good luck"

Zaigou smiled seeing that she had been alright, although thinking about it, he felt kind of silly. Had she died, she wouldn't have been able to send the package anyway.

Now he turned his attention to the package from home. Quickly he popped it open. Inside he found enough dry food to last him a bit over a week, a waterskin, and something that really drew his attention. There was a blade sitting at the bottom of the box. Lifting it up gently, he smiled, suddenly remembering why he had wanted a Falcata. In his youth he'd been trained in their use. Years upon years ago it had been that he had been trained, and over the years he had forgotten that he'd even learned. Now taking the blade in his hands, he recognised the familiar weight of it. He recalled exactly how to wield it. It was a magnificent blade and he was happy to have it with him. In the bottom of the box was also a small bag of coins, and another note from his family that he read quickly, putting it in his pocket immediately after. He sheathed the sword and returned to the hallway to see if he'd missed anything.
This was definitely not what she was used to.
The fire in her veins made it impossible to relax, and every movement released a slight, barely audible squeak from the bedframe. The little bird seemed to have calmed down, thankfully, and simply twittered now and then. She'd have to think of a name for it – something dignified, and yet fitting to a flying puff of feathers. Certainly something to ponder.
Loud, unfamiliar voices from outside were the last straw, however. She abruptly sat up, straightened her hair, reapplied her jewelry, and shot out of bed. This was no time for resting! The elf gathered up the various packages, replacing their contents with care, and shoved them under the bed. The canary seemed happy enough to sit on the platter nipping crumbs, so she let it be.

Mirella was surprised to see the new student when she flung open the door. For a moment, she thought it was one of the gardeners, until the young man introduced her. The girl seemed a bit of a tomboy, with hand-me-down clothes and little regard for her appearance. Obviously from lesser blood. That fact didn't seem to deter her, though.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Virinthal. I am Mirella Aisne Treharne. I hope you are successful in your studies."
She bowed her head and smiled charmingly.

Being charismatic didn't necessarily mean being an angel.
He was done meditating for now, he didn't even realize he had started, but now the sounds and the sights of the world around him came back to his senses. Aurok heard a new voice and people introducing themselves, maybe it was a teacher coming to introduce themselves. The bag of tea was still in his hand and he set it down on the bed next to the tea set that came along with it. Opening the door, he almost had to duck his head, he stepped out of the doorway to get a look at who it was. It was two sombodies, one was a man and the other was what sounded like to be a new student. He picked up her name as everyone greeted her. Before saying anything he looked her over and decided she may be some kind of spell caster. "Hello, I am Aurok."
Mirra seemed to be surprised as a hand was extended toward her. She blinked at it for a moment before she switched the arm that was holding up the brim of her hat, allowing the her to extend her compatible hand. She smiled brightly toward Celir even as her eyes wandered to everyone who was introducing themselves, forcing herself to make mental notes as each one spoke, stopping in surprise for a second on Aurok. As her eyes returned toward the girl directly in front of her she spoke. "I am following in the footsteps of Ezren, to become a Wizard."

As she finished her sentence she noticed Zaigou walking out of his room, clearly there were more students that she hadn't seen yet, but extending the introductions any longer she felt would be a pointless exercise. She wasn't sure what the proper thing to do in a social situation like this would be, so as she removed her hand from Celir's she spoke. "I'm looking forward to our studies." She hoped that saying this would punctuate and conclude the greetings. She didn't want to keep people from settling in. Despite the fact she still didn't know what every one was quite yet, but she would find out in time. Right now she was just trying to get out of the spotlight.
Celir smiled and inclined her head.

"It's nice to meet you." She repeated. She had heard Mirella come up to them and thus, she decided that she'd leave the other magic user in the elf's hands. She flashed another smile at the girl and went to walk back towards her room. Her silver eyes focused on Zaigou for a moment. She wanted to ask him what he had received, but decided to let him linger among the group so she herself could go see what she had received.

Ducking into the door, the half elf made a beeline for the bed and the boxes, after of course; making sure the door was utterly secure. After all, it would be quite embarrassing for anyone to see just how excited she was over this. She leaped lightly on the bed, not minding the quiet creak it gave one bit. A goofy grin lit her face. She had a bed. She sat on one of her legs and let the other dangle off of the side, swinging it around some as she pulled the first box over to her. She felt like a kid at Christmas.

When she opened the box, she nearly teared up. Her family had gone through a lot of effort, she could tell already. Twenty-five sheets of parchment where rolled with care and tied with a small piece of twine. A vial of glowing ink and a new ink pen where nestled within the parchment. She took the fiery colored glowing ink out from the paper and stared at it with wonder. Where had her poor family gotten this? How did they afford it? (Fire Ink) After another moment of staring at it, she tucked it back into the parchment and set the little bundle aside.
The next thing she brought out was the largest. A grin lit her face. Her bed roll and her huge winter blanket, the very ones she had slept with the night before she left her home had been folded in the box. She threw the bedclothes near the top of the bed.

She peered back into the box and a huge smile lit her face as she bit her lip down on a delighted squeal. She pulled the two bars of chocolate that had been sitting beneath her blanket out of the box. She bit her lip as she tried not to jump in place like a little girl. She loved chocolate. How her family had gotten this in their village, she had no clue. She set it down on the bed next to her, but not close enough to make it melt.

A huge grin was spread across her face as she peered back into the box for the next surprise. The next thing she pulled out was wooden ball. She turned the hollow five inch ball over in her hands as her fingers traced the flowery carvings with her finger, her brother must've made it for her. He had always had a way with wood. She turned and leaned over the bed and threw it at the floor, wondering if it would bounce like some of the ones he had made did. To her surprised delight, it did indeed come bouncing back at her...it had also managed to leave a light red mark in the shape of a flower on her forehead. This time, delighted giggles did burst from her lips. She set it down next to the chocolate as she pulled several sheets of parchment covered in drawings from her nephews and nieces, although her smile changed from excited delight, it changed into something warm and soft as she flickered through the drawings before setting them down next to her.

Going back to the box, the girl pulled out a 2 pound bag of marbles with a grin. They were the ones her dad had bought her long ago when he was teaching her the game. She reached in and randomly pulled out a sparkly silver colored shooter, it had been her favorite one. She placed it back in the bag before she set it to the side. There wasn't much left in the box now, a soap bar wrapped in parchment was the next to leave the square prison.

Celir reached for the last thing in the box, a piece of parchment folded into an envelope. She unfolded it with care before something dropped into her lap. She blinked but let her eyes scan over the note in its entirety before a quiet gasp left her lips and her eyes shot down to look at the somewhat crude pendant in her lap. It was the one her real, elf, mother had given her dad a long time ago. She picked it up and turned the smooth stone over in her hand. The oval was a shimmery silver colored stone that almost resembled a Tiger Eye. A small symbol was carved on it. Neither her father nor anyone else in her village had ever known what the symbol met. But Celir had always thought it was pretty. Her dad had never taken it off. To her own knowledge, it had thought it was buried with him, yet there it rested in the palm of her hand. The stone had a small hole drilled in the top of it where the black cord was threaded through. Celir wiped at her eye, a couple drops had leaked from the corner of her silver orbs, and looked away from eh stone as she slung it onto her neck silently. She'd shorten the band later so it wouldn't fall off. After that she'd ask Zaigou to tie it around her neck tight enough so there'd be no chance of it ever falling off. A finger reached up and stroked at the stone.

The Half elf cleared her throat, even though there was no one in the room with her but empty space. She put the empty box on the floor next to her bed before she pulled the next box over to her. She bit at her lip as she began to open it. The first thing she pulled from its depths was a lamp and five containers of lamp oil. Next was the fanciest back pack she had ever seen. And after that she pulled out a rather long note. She set the backpack in her lap and opened it up with a smile. The note began with warm greetings before it almost jumped into an explanation of the things in the box. Silver orbs glanced from the note to the backpack.

Now one of the first things you'll see is a Masterwork Backpack and a lamp she let herself skim the description of the items before she leaned over to reach for the was called, the survival kit. She opened the kit up and double checked to make sure everything was there, as per instruction. The flint, steel, mess kit, two water skins, a utility knife, a couple of simple maps and a mess kit (which composed of simple dishes, enough for one to eat with, made from wood, it looked like the old dwarf had made them himself). She went back to the list and nodded, as if the old dwarf was there talking to her. Next should be two bear traps and fishing tackle. You remember that old saying? The fishing one, well, this is me hoping that you'll always be able to feed yourself. The half elf laughed quietly as she pulled the two bear traps and the fishing tackle from the box. She looked around; the stuff was beginning to push her off of the bed. She shifted closer to the edge before she just pushed her hands into the box, not reading the note for a warning this time. She regretted it as she hissed lightly, quickly pulling her hand back out as she actually turned to peer into the depths. She blinked then another grin lit her face. It was a long sword! She pulled the sword out and into her hands with a grin. The old dwarf had preferred his crossbow, but Celir had preferred a more direct approach to fighting. She looked back at her note.

Aye, I know you like to hash and slash at you're opponents, so I sent you your blade. Now, don't get all giggly yet, girl. There's also a switchblade in there, just in case. You'll also notice I sent you a short bow and twenty arrows. Celir's eyebrow raised, she didn't not like bows, she found them useful, but she wasn't always the most patient. I know the look you're giving this note, girl, it's just in case, now cut that out. Celir laughed, she could almost imagine the near growl that usually accompanied those words. Now, the next thing you should find is a suit of leather armor. It's fairly light weight while still giving you a nice extra protective layer. Celir leaned forward and pulled the armor out and onto the bed next to her. She left it folded, deciding to examine it after the box was empty. Next she pulled out fifty feet of hemp rope and an iron pot. Inside the pot was enough trail rations for five days. The last thing she pulled out was a suit of clothes, Harask called them a 'proper explorer's outfit'. She set them aside to look at later, next to her armor.

With a smile at the now full bed of things. She turned her eyes back to the note and let herself read the rest of the old dwarf's note. In the back of her mind, she noted that the old dwarf's handwriting was much better than her step mother's. One of the last things in the note told Celir that the dwarf had given her 18 gold pieces and five silver pieces, money that she had apparently 'earned' from the furs from her kills from the time she had spent with him.
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