Wanted in Melgarde

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I am... Who am I?
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Sci-fi, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller, Modern, Fandoms

Welcome to the City of Melgarde! The capital of the glorious Empire of Galwor, founded two centuries ago and having served the role of the capital for the last 70 years.

The City of Melgarde has seen many changes and expansion over the 200 years since its creation. Starting out as a small, land based city, it quickly attracted many due to the proclamation that this will be the "City of the Future". And in fact, it has seen one of the biggest scientific changes in the world, serving as the first city to possess a residential area that was not based in the land, but rather managed to be secured safely in the air. Until then, the largest objects that have remained in the air were some of the militant-based airships.

This advancement caused Melgarde to start growing in population, and size, at an incredible rate, and with the building of new neighbourhoods now also possible in the skies, the potential for expansion seemed endless. While many of the other countries desired to learn the secret, it had barely gone even out of the reach of Melgarde, keeping the city's status as the beacon of scientific advancement permanently above all the others.
The allure of the city, however, would not see any kind of limit. Not only would scientists, businessmen and politicians move to Melgarde, but also criminals, thieves and low lives of all kinds. People from any kind of background sought to find their place in Melgarde, the city that promised it all, while keeping the biggest secret to itself.

And now, as the city is months away from its 200 year anniversary celebrations, it feels as though things could not be any better for the residents. The police are always on alert, the industry is booming, airships always come and go, and most importantly, the population of Melgarde keeps on rising.

But those that live in the shadows of the city, the ones who steal and break the laws, have started hearing rumours. Something that may be missed at the top. Someone who potentially managed to do the unthinkable and steal, before hiding away, something incredibly valuable to the founding family of the city, the Melgardes. And now, the police are committing quick raids on any place that might hide away any sort of criminal, in attempts to reclaim that which was stolen.

Will you find your way to this stolen treasure and claim it as your own? Will you simply look to survive? Or will you attempt to escape before your fate is sealed at the hands of the Melgarde Police? The time is at hand for you to seek what fate truly waits for you.

Welcome to the OOC of Wanted in Melgarde!

As you may have surmised from the details given, this is meant to be a Steampunk Fantasy roleplay, which will revolve around a group of criminals, from different backgrounds, that end up working together. To what goal is to be determined, since multiple rumours may roam in the alleys and hideouts.
Now, onto all the details you best know about the roleplay, starting with the rules!


  • Be respectful towards one another. If you have any issues with another member, let me know, and don't let it ruin the experience for everyone with bad blood.​
  • I don't believe I need to state it, but don't go and control others or write things as if they are certain when it comes to other player characters. Under this same rule, don't go controlling every NPC if the GM didn't allow it.​
  • Should it come to it, you aren't allowed to just kill off another player's character. Talk about the situation OOC first, see if you can decide yourselves how to resolve things. If you can't determine anything, the GM will come and try to help. But you don't get to just decide "Alright, they're dead now" on your own, ever.
    Side note - While NPC's are more acceptable to kill and won't require a dice roll for those types of actions, I will state that if the NPC wasn't made by you, then you best ask first the person who made the NPC. You never know what kind of plans the players have for NPC's, after all.​

  • Most interactions won't require it, but a dice roll will be required for skills that have come from your character's criminal background. Sometimes it will determine success or failure, sometimes it will determine what you get. Everyone will roll dice for those actions, even myself (the GM). So anything could happen when you utilize one of your criminal skills.​
  • No "Jack of all Trades" types. While it's possible for characters to have 'dabbled' in various areas, no one will be allowed to have expertise or vast knowledge in everything. If you didn't focus in any capacity on it, your skill in it will be basic.​
  • It's a setting of the criminal world of Melgarde. There can be brutal scenes that are more of the bloody and gore-filled type. With that said, I won't allow something explicit that will be sexual in nature. Mentions are allowed, but keep it at that.​
  • Start off with 1 character. That is the maximum for the beginning. If the GM feels that you could handle more than one, or if you feel you could handle more than one, without hindering things, then it can be discussed. However, I won't let it be discussed until I see the roleplay having stable activity, and having lived for at least a couple of months.
    Also, no characters under 18. For plot reasons, they will simply not work.​
  • The roleplay will be open for signups until there are 4-5 members, not including myself. It also won't be "First come, First served", but rather who the GM feel would fit.​
  • The GM has the final say. I will always be open to hearing everyone out, but I have the final call.​

~About Melgarde and the world~

More Details will be added as the world is explored

  • The knowledge of the world around varies between people. But one thing everyone who went through Melgarde agree on: The technology in Melgarde appears superior in practically every way.

    Those who come from other nations of the world, be it to attempt espionage, establish trade or just a desire to move to a wonder of the world that is Melgarde, will often have remarks and be at awe at the sight that is Melgarde. While most of the city possesses things that can be found around the rest of the world, they appear to be either in greater quantities, better quality, and sometimes, both. This makes Melgarde be an incredible representation of what the world could aspire to become.

    There are three major nations worthwhile noting:

    The first is The Empire of Galwor. Among the three nations, Galwor is the most balanced of the nations, with a good focus into its military, political and economic capabilities, making it appear as the current dominant power in the world.
    This is also where Melgarde sits. While some dare claim Melgarde is effectively its own, small yet advanced nation, the Empire has always laid a claim for Melgarde, as it stands in its territory, and the rulers of Melgarde never denied this.

    The second nation is the Alliance of Porves, which is considered to be the powerhouse when it comes to economic prowess, making it feel unrivaled when it comes to anything that involves money. It's also the nation that tries to keep all three nations at peace the most.

    Finally, there is the Elfien Republic. It stands as the militant top in the world, managing to keep itself innovative and ahead of all the other countries. It has been that despite the nation's title as a 'republic', it was effectively a dictatorship for over a century now, only keeping the Republic in the name as a ruse.
  • Aside from the prestige and fame that Melgarde has gained over the two centuries of its existence, there are a couple of things worth noting about the "Beacon of the Future".

    The population of Melgarde uses a currency named "Cred". It is the internationally accepted currency, and while the Empire of Galwor has its own currency, it is not accepted in Melgarde. There have been numerous speculations as to why, and attempts to change this, but so far nothing has come of this.
    While Creds are internationally accepted, in Melgarde they took securing Creds a step further by using a smart card ("Flate") to store them on. Those cards are then locked, via a biological signature, to each individual. It means that buying things with physical Creds in Melgarde will normally be frowned upon and may raise suspicion, but it won't be impossible, depending on where one does their purchasing. It is, of course, possible to store Creds on the Flate, but it can be a lengthy process, depending on the amount of Creds.
    Side note: As about an estimate, you could get a simple meal for 10 creds, and a night at an inn for about 50.

    The second thing worth noting is the transportation in the city. While there is public transportation in the form of airship buses and people can own their own private airships, they cannot actually enter the inner streets of any of the city districts. There are multiple, small airship ports on the outskirts of each district, and those are consistently expanded to ensure there is space for the ever-growing population of Melgarde.
    As a small sidenote, private airships are expensive. The more luxurious they are, the more they'll cost, and of course, even the cheapest options can come as a cost that will feel as though you may as well be selling a limb for it.
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    The Lower Districts, aka the "Poor" districts, are the districts that sit connected to the ground. They are the base of Melgarde, and while they served as the beginning of the city, they are now viewed as the lowest place you can get to in the city, both figuratively and literally. This is where those who cannot afford to live in the floating districts will be found, or those who do more of the manual type of work will reside.
    It is also worth noting that the lower districts not only have airship ports, but also access to land vehicles via roads. While not commonly seen around most of Melgarde, some may still use vehicles like those as a method of transporting goods from other cities. It is considered to be the cheapest transportation option at current times.

    There are also rumours that many brutes for hire come from this district, but it is unknown to the authorities where they would normally hang. They have narrowed it down to 3 local pubs, but without valid information to go on, the police have not yet attempted to raid any of the pubs.
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    The districts where the air is filth and the rich get richer. While lacking in living spaces, these districts are where many that reside in Melgarde find their occupations. With many factories providing work for the masses, it is considered to be the main work environment for Melgarde. There are also numerous pubs and offices around these districts, offering up places for the workers to find some relief or private spaces for themselves.

    These districts are the ones where the security seems to shift the most. It seems somewhat impossible to predict the police's movements in the Industrial district, as though people keep paying the police to move away at a moment's notice.
  • *As Depicted in the picture at the top*​

    The Floating Districts, or the "Future Districts", are often considered the most prestigious districts for the wide public. While there are the even higher 'Upper Districts' in Melgarde, the Floating Districts are the first, fresh air experience that everyone can access and see the incredible sight of the mysterious floating neighbourhoods in the skies. These districts have markets, living houses and buildings, business offices, banks and even some parks.

    It is also often suspected that these districts are the ones where most criminals take their residence in, as they find it easier to hide in the masses of the civilians, or disguise themselves as one.
  • To be Discovered~

~Character Sheet~
Regarding the Character sheet, an explanation as to how the skills and Traits will work is in order.

The Scale for skills is: Basic < Mediocre < Average < Good < Excellent < Master
The higher your skill expertise is, the more likely you'll be to succeed in executing skill-related activities, and the better the results will be.
Basic will mean you will need to roll a 19 or 20 to
The Threshold for success goes down by 3 on the dice with each expertise. Mediocre will require 16 at the lowest.. Average is 13, Good is 10, Excellent is 7 and Master is 4.

You are allowed one of the following 2 set ups:
A) 1 Master Skill, 2 Good Skills, 2 Average/Mediocre
B) 2 Excellent Skills, 1 Good, 2 Average/Mediocre.
Anything that is Basic should not be written down. It means you have basic knowledge of it, and you'll likely have the most difficulty utilizing.
And finally, the skills won't be covering every action you do. Only those the GM tells you to roll for. Sometimes the GM can decide that your skill is good enough to not require a roll.

Note: Skills can improve as you utilize them. They won't stay static.

The defining bits of a person. Those can influence how well of a result people get from their skill. They can essentially give a mod to the results of -2 up to +2. As you write your traits, use your judgement, or consult me, as to which skill/s it could affect, and by how much. Mind you, some traits could be beneficial for one skill but hinder another. And only up to 2 skills can be affected by each trait.

I will provide an example here as to how they will influence a skill roll result.

Lets say, Thief A has rolled a 14 on an attempt to pickpocket an unsuspecting lady. His skill is Average, so it's a success. Only after determining the success or failure does the mod from his trait come into play. He has a "Slippery fingers" trait, which gives him a -1 to his pickpocketing. So he is successful in pickpocketing the lady, but due to his slippery fingers, he leaves several golden coins in the lady's pocket which he attempted to grab. He doesn't leave empty handed, but he leaves with 5 less Cred than he attempted to gain.


"Insert Quote here"

[SLIDE=Basic Into]


[FONT=Marcellus][B]Age & Date of Birth:[/FONT][/B]

[FONT=Marcellus][B]Age Appearance:[/FONT][/B]



[FONT=Marcellus][B]Appearance details[/FONT]:[/B]
(Any further details we should know about the appearance of your character? Scars, Tattoos, anything that may slightly differ from the appearance provided?)

[SLIDE=Personality and History]
(Whats your character like? What makes them... well, them?)
(At least 1 paragraph)

(Every Criminal has some kind of story as to how they got there. Straightforward or not, something got them into this life, and I want to hear it!)
(2 Paragraphs minimum)

(List a few things they like at dislike! At least 3 of each.)

(What's their greatest fear? Is it a fear of grates?)
(At least 2)

(Whats their goal? Even criminals have goals. Survival counts as a goal too.)
(At least 1)

[SLIDE=Skills and Traits]
(What skills does your criminal possess?)
(5 skills total, at the beginning)

(What kind of traits define your criminal?)

(Parents, Siblings, Children?)
Name | Age | Relation

(Got a gang you're close to? They're as close as you can get to friends in this world.)

(Anyone else you know but dont fit family or friends, drop em here.)
Down here you put any and all tools your character is carrying around on them. Try to not overcumber them.
(None of the initial tools will give any sort of benefits.)

(Should be straight forward, as long as you got one.)

If you can't carry it and it isn't a tool, then drop it here.

Now, without further ado, the roleplay is now open!
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So question;
Is the cast from one specific location? I assumed through the text, that you wanted us all to be from the lower part of Melgrade? Or was I reading into that?
Secondly, I do plan to still have the character with the prosthetic, but I planned for the accident to be a industrial one with a machine? Just wanted to make sure I am reading everything right before I make Oleander and making a fool out of myself.
So question;
Is the cast from one specific location? I assumed through the text, that you wanted us all to be from the lower part of Melgrade? Or was I reading into that?
Secondly, I do plan to still have the character with the prosthetic, but I planned for the accident to be a industrial one with a machine? Just wanted to make sure I am reading everything right before I make Oleander and making a fool out of myself.
The cast can come from any part of Melgarde. Just because each area has a stereotype doesn't mean it has to be followed.
And accidents with machines can always happen. Technology may be more advanced, but that doesn't mean everything is now perfect.
  • Useful
Reactions: TheUnworthy
So question;
Is the cast from one specific location? I assumed through the text, that you wanted us all to be from the lower part of Melgrade? Or was I reading into that?
Secondly, I do plan to still have the character with the prosthetic, but I planned for the accident to be a industrial one with a machine? Just wanted to make sure I am reading everything right before I make Oleander and making a fool out of myself.
The cast can come from any part of Melgarde. Just because each area has a stereotype doesn't mean it has to be followed.
And accidents with machines can always happen. Technology may be more advanced, but that doesn't mean everything is now perfect.
That reminds me, you said you had information about prosthetics? That also a question for the lower class, how expensive is medical care anyway? Honestly, I am considering making him a former industrial worker who went broke because of medical expenses and of course the stigma that came with his prosthetic - maybe people stopped hiring him for work afterward?

Edit- Sorry For all the Questions
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That reminds me, you said you had information about prosthetics? That also a question for the lower class, how expensive is medical care anyway? Honestly, I am considering making him a former industrial worker who went broke because of medical expenses and of course the stigma that came with his prosthetic - maybe people stopped hiring him for work afterward?
Right, so the situation with prosthetics would be like this:
First off, getting a prosthetic can vary in cost. The operation to get one is one that is known worldwide, so the variables are how experienced the doctor is and how good the prosthetic is.
Now, as for the stigma that comes with it. It won't stop people from hiring him, but they won't people with prosthetics for every job. People will give them easier jobs, but at the same time ones that will pay less. And if someone got into an accident, then the company is technically responsible for paying for the operation, so that could help, but if they do help then they don't have to keep employed afterwards.
Its a messy life for the people with prosthetics in this world.
That reminds me, you said you had information about prosthetics? That also a question for the lower class, how expensive is medical care anyway? Honestly, I am considering making him a former industrial worker who went broke because of medical expenses and of course the stigma that came with his prosthetic - maybe people stopped hiring him for work afterward?
Right, so the situation with prosthetics would be like this:
First off, getting a prosthetic can vary in cost. The operation to get one is one that is known worldwide, so the variables are how experienced the doctor is and how good the prosthetic is.
Now, as for the stigma that comes with it. It won't stop people from hiring him, but they won't people with prosthetics for every job. People will give them easier jobs, but at the same time ones that will pay less. And if someone got into an accident, then the company is technically responsible for paying for the operation, so that could help, but if they do help then they don't have to keep employed afterwards.
Its a messy life for the people with prosthetics in this world.

So, how does that look in Melgrade? The stigma. As an individual who is disabled in the real world, and applying real world applications, I have known people who haven't received workers comp for a long time. Some jobs won't even pay for workers comp and sometimes lengthy legal battle ensue. Other real world applications are the lack of actual accommodations for those with physical and mental disabilities as well, i.e. no implementations of sensory friendly hours or ramps that people with wheelchairs cannot actually utilize or access. So, when you say a person in this world's life isn't pleasant? What are we saying? So I can accurately portray Melgrade in my History and what not and Oleander's attitude to his situation.

Thanks so much for working with me. I just want to make sure that I have everything sorted. You have been extremely helpful and I really appreciate it.
So, how does that look in Melgrade? The stigma. As an individual who is disabled in the real world, and applying real world applications, I have known people who haven't received workers comp for a long time. Some jobs won't even pay for workers comp and sometimes lengthy legal battle ensue. Other real world applications are the lack of actual accommodations for those with physical and mental disabilities as well, i.e. no implementations of sensory friendly hours or ramps that people with wheelchairs cannot actually utilize or access. So, when you say a person in this world's life isn't pleasant? What are we saying? So I can accurately portray Melgrade in my History and what not and Oleander's attitude to his situation.

Thanks so much for working with me. I just want to make sure that I have everything sorted. You have been extremely helpful and I really appreciate it.
Okay, so the stigma will be "We believe you CAN work, but not as well as you used to". Melgarde, specifically, will be mostly accessible for anyone. The area where there will be accessibility issues are the Industrial districts, and that would feel rather purposeful.
Anywhere else, for living purposes, those with prosthetics would be treated the same as anyone else. Only time there might be a reason to consider things is if they have a stump and not a working replacement limb as a prosthetic.
And for wheelchairs and the such, they dont have issues. There is accessibility for those in Melgarde through the same science that makes airships float, albeit in a much smaller scale.

And* regarding comp: If you got a prosthetic, then you got comp. Its either Creds or a Prosthetic. Then they'll be let go either way, as "The company clearly mistreated the employee and he should find employmwnt in a better place".
  • Thank You
Reactions: TheUnworthy
I appreciate you answering all these questions for me. You have been so helpful and I appreciate you working with me to answer them all. You have been so amazing to work with.
I am going to be working on a different character instead of this one so I apologize that I just made you go through all of that questioning, but that sounds kind of pleasant in comparison to its real world perspective.
I appreciate you answering all these questions for me. You have been so helpful and I appreciate you working with me to answer them all. You have been so amazing to work with.
I am going to be working on a different character instead of this one so I apologize that I just made you go through all of that questioning, but that sounds kind of pleasant in comparison to its real world perspective.
Yeah, I get what you mean. And I need to thank you for the questions too, they helped develop the world some more!
Sorry for the delay, had some unexpected work opportunities come up but I do have a concept for a character in mind! Essentially from a wealthy/reputable so likely coming from the upper or floating districts if possible.
Sorry for the delay, had some unexpected work opportunities come up but I do have a concept for a character in mind! Essentially from a wealthy/reputable so likely coming from the upper or floating districts if possible.
Upper districts won't be possible at this time, but floating is a sure!
  • Thank You
Reactions: marcy
Oo! I just wanted to post here to say I'm super interested (steampunk is one of my absolute favorite genres) and to check that this wasn't super dead or anything before I started on a character sheet, but I have a char in mind!!