Walrus's Bubble Lab

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* the devil's humble contractor
Original poster
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
Romance, Slice of Life, Fantasy

Music Player:

 [div="float: left; border-radius: 8px; width: 32px; height: 32px; box-shadow: 0 0 2px 1px #c0c0c0;"][div="opacity: 0.2; width: 32px; height: 32px; overflow: hidden;"] [div="position: absolute; top: -134px; left: 0;"] [media=youtube]-wqH1kGe-Xg[/media] [/div] [/div] [/div]

Circle BB Code (Center):

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Reorganized Bubble Lab:
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  • Love
Reactions: Akashi and junebug



General Information

Rei Arias
(Ray, Arr-Ee-Us)






Sexual Orientation:






Body Type:

Personality/Daily Life


Rei is a lighthearted individual, who is also annoying persistent. He's almost never seen without either a large cheek puffed up to indicate a pout, or a large smile. He tends to have a very carefree mood, although in return he tends to be very restless. If he finds a system unjust he's more than willing to make a full blown unnecessary argument. In a way he's shameless, in a joking sort of mood he enjoys flirting with whoever is around him.

When he goes about flirting he tends to lower his voice, deepening it, and slowly closing the space. In which ends up with a slap on his face or a cheerful smile as he rolls on the floor red faced and laughing, he just can't look someone in the face for too long especially at such a close distance. It isn't very difficult to make him smile. He's similar to a bomb just waiting to be set off, and he has a difficult time being serious when the time comes. Being the airhead he is, he also has difficulties with 'digesting' information quickly.


- Sunshine
- Summer
- The Beach
- Tea
- Sunflowers
- Yellow
- Dogs
- Upbeat Music

- Rain
- Cold Days
- Bitter Chocolate
- Dark Colors
- Being Alone
- Being 'Seen Through'
- Insects


- Baseball
- Magic Tricks
- Practicing his Pick Up Lines in the Mirror



Rei was spoiled. Unlike most of the children in the school, he hadn't any dramatic backstory or had any issues blending in with the crowd. Although as a kid he had issues with his grades and struggled with being compared to his older brother.. Later he was blessed with a littler sister but he doesn't have a stable relationship with her, she being the only person Rei refuses to get along with. After all in the rich over powering family he had it shouldn't have been a problem, independence was encouraged more than not. The only reason his parents still haven't divorced was honestly because it wasn't like they had the time to start a trial, much less court another. The money they brought together allowed a lifestyle that they both enjoyed. Currently he has a littler sister, a father, and a mother. His staff were more of a family then his blood family was. Often Rei's father would force Rei to attend business meetings as a kid, in which Rei didn't mind since at that time he was allowed to test out his lines and his tricks.

The time in which he found out his powers was one of mere coincidence.

He had been in an argument with his sister in which he had shoved his sister back, singeing her clothes. That had been strike one for the blonde. Strike two was when Rei was stretching to get ready to run to the next base. In which he unconsciously built up friction in his shoes to run swiftly, which ended up with him crashing into a fence, nose flowing freely with blood. Along with massive group of confused individuals. They lost that game. Strike two. He didn't need a strike three before an invitation to a 'hero' school opened up for him, in which Rei gleefully took it. After all, how long did he consider until his family drove him crazy. The answer was, not very long. The ironic thing was that he didn't even see them that frequently and he had been at the tip of insanity.

Power's and Abilities


Powers and abilities:
Electricity Manipulation
Currently he's only limited to running at a fast pace for a short amount of time, and to the point where he can't control it. When he increases his speed he tends to overestimate the dosage which caused him to jerk forward taking a few seconds to stabilize himself, along with the world spinning which took him an additional few seconds.

He's also able to generate a very small amount of electricity into his palm, although when enraged it seemed to spark all over his body. On the other hand, when Rei becomes enraged it's most likely after he fuses out that he'll collapse.

Both abilities extremely tire him out after all the adrenaline had come and gone.

Abnormal Features


Abnormal feature:
When using his powers, or when he unconsciously triggers his powers, his eyes turn a bright golden color. Otherwise he'd seem like a normal flirtatious teenager.

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Park Byeong-Su


Role - Second Lead Actor
Location - Namjangyu Film Studio Testing

His alarm clock rang out, displaying the time of five am. He really should have been living in his own apartment at the age of twenty four but technically he was his siblings legal guardian. It couldn't be helped. It was either share his living space or have the uncomfortable feeling that his siblings were living by themselves. The second-oldest among his siblings was a sixteen-year old and he didn't exactly trust the second oldest sibling to get the rest of his brothers and sisters to school on time. Besides he didn't want his brother, Ki-Young to have the same high school life that he had as a teenager. His mornings were normally the same. Byeong-Su would start the day with a cup of old 'hot' chocolate before taking a brisk shower to become fully alert. He'd clothe himself in a black suit with a blue tie. He skipped brushing his hair, he was fully aware that his hair would be too irritating to tame this early in the morning. Throughout the morning he'd wake up his siblings and usher them to the breakfast table to pick up their toast to-go before he'd have to shove them out the door giving them the usual 'don't follow strangers' drill. Before returning his attention back to the script, of course he'd rehearsed it in front of the mirror practicing his pronunciations and expressions.

Byeong-Su continued reading as he continued to fill his bag with necessities. It wasn't a newly fresh pressed idea but who was he to judge. It'd end up all the same for him, sometimes he liked to critique his character finding amusement in how the protagonist always twisted the second leads feelings. The script was in clean condition, the only thing that tainted the paper was the yellow highlighter that slashed through his characters name. He set his script into his bag snatching his sunglasses and setting them on his head, while at the very same time he flipped open his small binder. His manager had it sent over for the day, pink and blue tabs poking out of it. Byeong-Su was quite relieved that he didn't have to manage the scheduling and the important e-mails from the fan mail. He was already great at multi-tasking but handling that and memorizing the script, all the while keeping up his modeling would be too overwhelming for one man.

He exited the house at a fast pace, his bag slung over his shoulder as he entered his midnight colored car. He glanced at the clock, six fifty. Byeong-Su smirked knowing that he was on schedule he started the car. He knew that one little peak at social media before he headed off couldn't disrupt his schedule too badly. Flipping through his phone chuckling as he read some of the 'ridiculous' rumors. Did other people really have time to read these to the point where they were so main spread? No matter to him, to each his own. He turned off his phone, the world didn't need him for an hour of driving.

Park Byeong-Su was late by five minutes how scandalous. He mentally scolded himself, why couldn't he wait to check social media until he had arrived? He let out a long sigh, knowing his luck there would be a late arrival. Maybe he should've spent the time checking out the neighboring businesses first. He'd heard that a new candy shop had opened up although he was a bit concerned about being found out. Perhaps he'd invite one of his co-workers or his siblings to accompany him. Although on the other hand he could also deal with the fact that he was wearing a suit instead of a normal t-shirt, he simply didn't find it appropriate to arrive at work at anything less.


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General Information

Kiyoshi Arakawa

Yoshi, Ara, Kiyo



Sexual Orientation:

"T-This is a private thing you know!
Of course that doesn't mean I don't have one."




Hair Color:


Eye Color:
Dark Chocolate





Piercings, tattoos, scars:
He has a small scar on the back of his hand in a diagonal fashion along with a large scar around the left of his waist. Additionally he has a black lotus tattoo imprinted on his left shoulder.

Personality/Daily Life


Kiyoshi is big on pride. He doesn't like asking others for help although it isn't because his ego is large. He simply doesn't want to trouble other folks with problems that are his own issues. Kiyoshi is also very hesitant when it comes to matters of violence or a situation in which people want him to pick a side. He gets flustered easily and it's not very hard to read him, this frustrates him especially when he wants to win at luck games or doesn't want to give away his thoughts. Even when he's upset he doesn't make his true thoughts known and sometimes even subconsciously he tends to speak vaguely when he's not in the mood for explanations.

Kiyoshi tends to act in a civil, polite manner when interacting with other people and tries his best to make everyone happy. Although there comes times where he can be an airhead, walking to a certain destination and wonder why he walked there in the first place. He has a habit of murmuring when deep in thought and pouts when he's teased or tricked. He's the type of individual to watch while others bicker in attempt to calm them down but have no affect. He's sensitive and because of this it isn't hard to make him smile.

- The Sound of Bells
- Small Fluffy Mammals
- The Scent of Rain
- Painting
- Wind
- Running
- Tea

- Horse Back Riding
- The Color Red
- Transportation (Boat, Cart, Etc)
- Confrontations
- Sour Foods

- He'll meet the people and consequences from his past
- He'll be forgotten
- He'll lose the place he calls home
- Bears
- Slimy Things
- Riding Horses



Kiyoshi Arakawa was the second son of the second wife to Reimi Arakawa. To his father Kiyoshi was seen as an extra to replace his older brother if he was defeated in the war. Long since Kiyoshi was born, his father waged a war against a neighboring village in order to defend his pride and dragged in his family along with the other residents of the community. Kiyoshi's mother shielded Kiyoshi from the world, forbidding him to have any contact with any other of his siblings. She feared Kiyoshi would leave her and change his ideals. In return Kiyoshi converted into a quiet child who spent his time playing with the calligraphy ink to replicate what he saw through his small world. Most of them were renovated from books that his father had given him in hopes he would become of more use to the war. Alas his happiness was short termed. His brother fell in battle and Kiyoshi was next to fight the meaningless battle. His mother cried and sobbed and begged them not to take her son. Kiyoshi noticed one thing though, her eyes. Fake. He had been around his mother for the longest while, her eyes crinkled. At that moment, Kiyoshi knew that when he fought the battle he'd be fighting as the head of the family, and that he realized was the true goal of his mother.

Kiyoshi lost himself in that battlefield.

Only fourteen when he was sent into war, he was shoved into battle without any proper training. He only had a spear that his brother had used in previous battle mounting a horse. As soon as Kiyoshi had mounted the horse he had a sick feeling boiling in his mouth as he eventually puked. He quickly dismounted and continued vomiting in the corner of the camp. Do or die, he quickly got the hang of using the spear. Used to tirelessly doing flips in his room he often ran around to chase a ball after throwing it himself. He wasn't prepared for what was to come.

He raised his arm and plunged it into the enemy.

The sickening crunch as his 'allies' ran over the fallen foe. Kiyoshi froze, although they had won the battle there was still more to come. Kiyoshi survived the one year war by using his vigorous speed but after awhile he became numb to the blood stained battlefield. Even after he returned he refused to talk to anyone, lingering around his 'home'. He signed papers, sent patrols and listened to the complaints of the village but didn't wear a smile on his face. Soon enough he left. He couldn't get the sight of war out of his mind. The blood, the sickening scent, the yelling. Often he would wake up in the night or simply be kept until he passed out. Sometimes he gaze at his reflection in the water and curse his height although it's his small demeanor that rescued him.

Soon enough he faced one of the siblings that had been on the other side. He was yelling about his father and had recognized the former leader as he threw his fists before drawing a sword. Kiyoshi had no motivation to move and instead let the enemy bury the sword deep into his waist. The foe was no younger than he, but had terrible coordination. As his sight began to blur he quickly hid from the enemy. Why was he running? Is this what he wanted? Didn't he want to die? A shadow stood in front of the wounded male as Kiyoshi slowly looked up. "What do you truly want, Arakawa?" The voice said, who soon Kiyoshi would find out was Master Liao. Perhaps what drew Master Liao to Kiyoshi was his previous status but honestly the question pesters Kiyoshi to this day. Kiyoshi considered the question for a few seconds before spitting out,

"I want to live."

Before he slumped unconsciously. As soon as he came to, he was in a room and soon joined in with the rest of the zodiacs representing, 'The Rabbit'. He's been with Master Liao for ten long years and doesn't regret joining. He refuses to tell anyone of his past and how he came to meet Master Liao.

Warrior Details


Warrior Details
Leader of the Arakawa Clan (Former) - Until the Age of 15
Warrior Student - Age 15+
(Paints on the Side) - Age 17+


Airbending -
>>Pressurizes Air to Send a Gust Forward
>>Can Create a Whirlwind
>> Can Create a Small Vacuum
>> Uses it to Pad His Footing (Quiet but a bit noisy starting out)
>>Within a certain radius he can detect objects/organisms

+ He can move quickly and more freely in the air
+ He can determine the direction of the wind and the amount of gust blowing
- Sometimes they send him spiraling backwards
- If he uses his skills in large quantities in a short amount of time his sight spins and in return he vomits

Martial Art:
Sojutsu, Taido


His Brother's Spear



The Rat

The Ox


The Tiger

The Dragon

The Snake

The Horse

The Goat

The Monkey

The Rooster


The Dog

The Pig


Theme Song:

Yoon Shi Yoon

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Kiyoshi Arakawa
Location - The Tea House
As he became seated he exhaled a long sigh as he attempted to become more relaxed before hearing the mission details. As he took a long sip of tea he closed his eyes enjoying the taste. Jeong's tea was as always, extremely delicious as he enjoyed inhaling the scent. As Liao began to go over the details the rabbit zodiac couldn't help but tense up at the mention of the 'Chil Sung Pa'. It wasn't shocking to hear that as always they'd be their obstacle, but yet the name always made him antsy. He furrowed his brows gripping on the cup tightly. The buddy system made sense to Kiyoshi, after all it was better to group in pairs so they didn't attract a lot of attention but yet had enough reinforcements to fend off any troubling folks.

Hearing that Jeong and he were in the first pairing threw him off as he resisted spitting tea into the air. What made him choke on the lovely tea was the fact that he were to be in charge. He opened his mouth to protest before securely shutting it. He knew better than to protest the situation with Master Liao. He just hoped his master knew what he was doing by putting him in charge in case communications shut down. The antsy cowardly representative, he regarded bitterly. His thoughts were displayed on his face, he knew as he tried to keep a straight face. No matter what, he couldn't help but furrow his eyebrows. He silently envied the pig representative and the horse representative. They were able to wander about although overall the task was a tedious one filled with cold winds. It wasn't like he disliked the silver tongued snake, he just disliked the fact that he was easy to read and about a good chunk of the time he spent around the snake representative his face was an unhealthy color of red.

He was tempted to send a 'help' message with his eyes to the dog representative but voted against it. If anything, he should have practice in being in charge. He diverted his gaze to the tea floating in the cup, he had no objections. Under his breath he muttered,

"Now don't leave me behind, Jeong."

Knowing the silver tongued individual it was highly likely that Jeong would get distracted by someTHING or someONE.


No One In Particular

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General Information



Zero, 082, 'Blast Expert'




American - Chinese


Explosives Expert


He can manipulate the temperature of a person or object by touching it, whenever it be by his elbow, foot, or hands. Although for a majority of the time he can only make things hotter, when triggering this ability his body responds by supplying his body with an excessive amount of the opposite temperature depending on the time he spends cooling or heating the object/person.



082 is pretty average body wise. He doesn't work out as often as he should but he never seems to be getting flabby either. Most occasions he's paler than he really should be from the lack of time he spends with outdoor activities preferring to stay indoors testing out his gadgets. This is of course unless he travels to an extremely hot climate, as much as he enjoys it there he most commonly became sunburned. Height wise he stands at 5'8". To him his height is neither a burden nor a merit. On the other hand his weight ranges from 146-158lbs depending on whenever he feels like eating.


His eyes are a coffee brown, which are mostly round in shape. While he stubbornly fashions his hair in an upward fashion. Although for the most part he allows it to spike up, black in color. While his face is identifiable as a square shape.

He has burn marks all over his back although it's quite faded at this point.

Personality/Daily Life


Good Traits
Efficient ✩ Trustworthy ✩ Sensitive ✩ Vigilant ✩ Organized
Although he doesn't seem like it, when he's well aware of his own screw up he makes it up in his own 'sweet' way. When set on a task he is determined to fulfill it and always gets the job done. If a secret were to pass from a different individual's lips you'd never hear it from 082's lips. When the male lashes out, it's never physically. He has a crooked way of showing his fondness for certain individual's, he puts a lot of effort into whatever he does. On the other hand, being the perfectionist he is if it's not a good quality he'd never pass it off. If you tell him a piece of information he regards important he'll do his out most to treasure that trust you bestowed upon him, although similar to the secrets you tell him the words would never pass from his lips.

Bad Traits
Hot Headed ✩ Stubborn ✩ Sarcastic ✩ Sharp Tongued ✩ Thrill Seeker
Ironically his personality is similar to a ticking bomb which is extremely complicated and unpredictable. 082 has no patience whatsoever when it comes to stupidity and doesn't hesitate to tell the offender that. He also has no patience when it comes to mind games and often retorts offensive comments with his own sarcasm lathered come backs. When immersed in one of his project he often forgets to eat and for the most part refuses to part from his 'precious work'. Whenever in the field he becomes extremely competitive, the numbered individual tends to push himself to the limit to see how far he could push himself, along with the enemy wanting to see which one of them 'burst' first.

✩ Puzzles
✩ Competition
✩ Independent Work
✩ Working With his Hands
✩ Labels
✩ Heat


✩ Humanity
✩ Needles
✩ The Cold
✩ Running


✩ Reading Instruction Manuals/Engineering Manuals
(Must include intricate pictures or he gets bored.)
✩ Dismantle/Rebuilding Practice
✩ Tinkering

Extra Data

✩ Faceclaim: Joseph Vincent

✩ 082 is the son of a minor painting thief and was later traded his kin for a priceless painting

✩ 082 for a majority of the time always smells of gunpowder

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Kiyoshi Arakawa
Travel Clothing - Sleepwear
Location - Who Knows (End point: Monastery)
When packing, Kiyoshi knew to if possible he should fit the bare minimum. It'd be quite irritating to lug around a large amount of weight especially if they had to depart shortly. The rabbit representative was not too ecstatic about the cold. When temperatures tended to drop, the wind was more than reluctant to work with him. It had more of a want to be free than to listen to him. He was still quite skeptical about this whole trip in general, but what was he to do? It wouldn't do to be alone in the house because of his selfish needs. He temporarily peeked out of his room to ask if the rat representative needed any assistance or such. Although he perused at a comfortable distance, he did his best to try not to disturb her. The midnight haired individual couldn't help but to check in on the quiet representative. He was thankful that she had gotten paired up with Hiro if not anyone else.

On the other hand, that brought him to the thought of his own partner. Kiyoshi knew he could handle the sly silver tongued individual... At least that's what he thought. When he resumed packing his mind eventually drifted into any warding techniques for when he had to sleep in the same room. He considered wearing strong scents to fend off the being. It was all partially a joke in his mind, the keyword being partially. It was tough packing, especially since he had to consider the additional weight the cold provided and what outfits would benefit his movement.

When they had set off the first thing Kiyoshi did was curse his fate. It was an undeniable fact that the rabbit felt sick whenever riding on the stallion. When riding he turned an unhealthy shade of pale, he just focused on not letting his breakfast rise above his stomach. When Hiroki had called his name he immediately perked up before struggling to keep on his horse. He let out a long sigh before giving a soft smile, "I suppose it would be impossible to ride side by side. I assume it's only appropriate for me to be ahead." Kiyoshi continued cautiously. He scratched at his cheek before letting out another deeper sigh. He was doing a sorry job already, once again he mentally cursed his lack of confidence to do this job correctly. Then again if he didn't believe in himself who would? Definitely not the rest of the zodiacs.

Once they put their travel on pause, Kiyoshi warily looked around before entering the building. He didn't eat dinner in fears that his stomach would churn once more. Once he entered the bedroom though, it was a whole different story. Thankfully Jeong hadn't thought to make any lewd comments. Usually during the night time Kiyoshi simply dressed in something comfortable in case he wished to roam the hallways in the middle of the night. It was out of pure habit nowadays. He thought to change into his summer clothing that he packed specifically for sleeping but was skeptical about changing. After a few moments of consideration he waited until Jeong's breathing became more steady before he changed.

The next morning he woke up bright and early in order to both get dressed, and for the sake of keeping himself in routine. After awhile he debated whenever to wake his partner up, taking moments to stare at the silver tongued individual's face. Another decision he struggled with, once he woke up the peaceful morning would be dispersed. He pulled up the futon before shaking the other awake. "I do not know how you could sleep through the morning." Kiyoshi remarked. At the next statements that passed out of the snakes lips, Kiyoshi took a moment to bite his lip before sighing. He ignored the warmth that immediately came to his face, "I-If I were to kiss you then you'd never let me live that down." Kiyoshi said before he retreated back to his bag in order to finish packing.

The rest of the travel went without a trouble. Kiyoshi although didn't enjoy the cold he focused on the white breath that emerged from his lips. It was amusing in a way, in his village snow never fell from the skies. Only the calming sounds of rain came from above. Once they reached their destination Kiyoshi had automatically gotten off from the horse, relieved to be getting off the gentle being. He inhaled before explaining their 'disguise' as Master Liao had said managing not to stutter although he had tensed up sometime throughout his explanation. After he finished, Jeong had somehow crept behind him.

He turned his attention to the seeming leader of the monks as he studied whoever had gathered to meet them. It wouldn't do to underestimate them, after all. It had been this long and it hadn't been stolen throughout the chaotic times. "We'll be in your care." He finished giving a friendly smile, he scratched at his cheek. Kiyoshi wondered if he would be blamed if he hid behind Jeong at this point. Kiyoshi spun around, cheeks reddened as he frowned. "J-Jeong. For goodness sake. I-It really isn't any of my business who you take interest in. Just make sure not to get too distracted." Kiyoshi said in a hushed tone. The midnight haired individual brushed aside the last comment the snake representative made, forcing down the heat from his face.


@DarkiusHeavenstein - Jeong-Jin Tang (The Snake)
@DarkiusHeavenstein - Hiroki Nakano (The Dog, 'Hiro')
@Rose305 - XsPing (The Rat)

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Room 4
Innocent Worker, Anyone in Room 4

Picture above + Cargo Pants

Ever since he had been relocated to the new building, he has had no idea of what to do with himself. He was tempted to set the strange ridiculous books on fire to see how long it would take for them to burn. On the other hand he assumed the workers in the building wouldn't appreciate it. 082 was pretty surprised most of the books were so dull, although the picture books made him laugh because of the level of simplicity. He assumed someone put them there as a joke. He really hoped they did it for a laugh and not because they underestimated his own level of intelligent. During his stay, it was amusing to him to create scenarios to test the workers that walked through the door. Some were purely on accident, such as reorganizing his system which to others looks like piles of ripped pages, sketches, and parts all over the place. He attempted to rebuild the CD player but he had forgotten to write down the schematics. Quickly enough he dismissed it into the small pile of parts which he so happened to create it not too far from the door.

0825762 wasn't too familiar with his new name. Whenever in the field he'd simply be addressed as, 'soldier', or 'private'. It simply depended on how long he stayed in one area, and at the moment he was growing extremely uncomfortable with the lack of peace around the area. He was itching to blow something up. He wondered if he could get his hands on some gunpowder... He shoved the thought away as he heard the door crash against the metal scrap pile as he turned around, currently sitting in the chair put against the desk. He looked slightly irritated as he spat, "Doesn't anyone knock first here?! When are ya imbeciles gonna learn that you're disrupting my stashes!" If someone had the know how that 0825762 did with parts, they'd know that they were organized by the ID number of parts. Although on the other hand, he didn't know what most parts identified as he simply referenced his knowledge with the parts to build a bomb. He was slowly learning how to build other things, but was frustrated at how useless some of them were as soon as he completed the construction.

The woman shivered before she frowned at the male. "I fully apologize, but you're needed in room 4 in 27 minutes." The explosive expert let out an irritated sigh before turning around to stare at the metal he was currently in the process of rebuilding. It was currently a mess, especially since he couldn't find his screwdriver anywhere. He began fiddling with the gadget attempting to place piece by piece together as the woman began once more to speak again. "Excuse m-" 0825762 let out a sigh before interrupting, "Yeah, yeah. I heard you. I ain't deaf. Shut the door on the way out." After a few moments he heard the door shut as he stood up to pile the parts once more before he glanced up at the clock. He despised being late despite his rebellious attitude. After all, you don't get an extra 2 minutes when defusing a bomb. When those minutes are up, the ending is highly predictable and as exciting as it was to have five seconds left he didn't have a death wish. 0825762 wondered what the authorities wanted with him now. Perhaps they'd let him out into the wild? Most likely not, he after all wasn't 'normal'.

The male got up to look in the small mirror that had been placed on the inside of the closet. This object was entirely new to him. It was strange for him to have a mirror anywhere around him. That and the fact that he didn't give a damn about his appearances so he didn't want one anyways. He placed a hand on the mirror and took a deep breath. Currently dressed in a white, slightly tainted t-shirt along with cargo shorts he soon enough dressed himself in a comfortable blue sweatshirt that seemed to have a cartoon character. He wouldn't question it. He took one of the more exposing pieces of clothing that was too bright for his eyes and used a scrap of sharp metal to rip it into a few more pieces. He set it aside for further purposes as he begun to loop it into the sharp pieces of metal.

He preferred this to sitting around and reading the sad excuses for books that they filed on his shelf. Perhaps one night he'd see how easy it was to slip out the door to the outside world. On the other hand he didn't know why he'd even consider it, 0825762 already hated fellow soldiers and they were trained. He wondered what stupidity he'd meet if he met 'normal citizens'. 0825762 shook his head. He didn't even want to imagine it. He slipped on his usual worn out boots, they were getting old and frayed. He wondered if the facility would supply him with new ones, or if he was going to once again get a size too big for him. He wouldn't dare walk around in his socks, that was just asking for someone to point at him and snicker. His cargo pants were too baggy without them as he carefully tucked his pants into his boots.

He glanced once more at the clock, giving him time to actually find the room in the sorry excuse for a building. He was frustrated with himself all because he had forgotten to ask the dimwit worker as to where the room actually was. 0825762 decided the best alternative would be to simply wander around until he caught sight of a sign or something. The only good thing about the place was the labels put on the doors. He exited his room shutting the door behind him. He fiddled with the pieces of cloth, weaving them together. After he finished he simply undid the knot and started anew once more.

As he entered the room he looked blankly straight ahead. These were new faces, and he was pondering whenever he had to actually associate any names with the individuals. He then he frowned. If it was going to be a 'how are you feeling today' meeting then he was going to go insane. He has had enough of the building as it is. How ironic for the government to screw them up and throw them out of the army and then supply them with people who questioned his mental state. At least the battlefield provided him with excitement, after all he only had the duties of clean up. He scratched at his cheek, "082..." 0825762 paused, he hadn't taken the time to memorize his numbers. More like he didn't care to. He only saw the corner of the sheet before he threw it in the 'nonsense' book pile. It was ridiculous to him how long it was, although he couldn't exactly estimate the number of other soldiers in the program. If anyone had similar numbers then so be it. If the people in the room were qualified to even see him he assumed that they were smart enough to figure out who the hell he was.

0825762 disliked having useless numbers in his mind.They just floated around until they became stored and popped out at the most inconvenient times. He started once more, "082 is present. If I was called to this room to talk about the weather or for the purpose of getting to know you folks... Then you would've been better off sending me an essay." He stated with a frown. If he was made aware that this was for the sake of a mission he wouldn't add attitude, but for someone to summon him to a room without telling him the purpose... It gave him a motive to question the people standing in the room. He wasn't born into the army just to screw around and get all 'buddy buddy' with other people. He didn't like the looks of them, not at all.​
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.Save the Elements.






Air Elemental


William has blonde hair that get's a lighter color as the color move's towards the tips. He has a thin figure with shimmering sea blue eyes. His height stands at 5'4".
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The girl eagerly sat near the entrance of the shrine. On a normal day it would be abandoned, and in this sense she was correct. After all the temperature was quite cold for the season and yet she still felt warm inside. She had invited her two friends to help her host the festival. After all she hated to admit it but Akio was correct in saying that it was way too large for just the two of them. Of course they had signed up many folks to attend booths but they had work of their own that they had to apply. Meri had always looked forward to the small festivals in which people would be extremely happy that the New Year was approaching. She also took pride in watching small white tinted clouds appear as she exhaled. When she first took up being a shrine maiden everyone thought it was odd due to the horns sticking out of her messy brown hair at the moment. Now she was trying to adapt to the feeling that people had actually found her 'attractive'. Then again at the moment her mind was only focused on helping around the temple, it wasn't like Akio made it any easier. Akio wasn't like any other guardian, she had more than one- Every so often they'd switch shifts. It also depended on their own schedule. They had their own gigs after all. She still missed having so many around though.

Although it was winter, the fox spirit had no regards for the cold. As usually he had dressed himself in black attire. He pitied the shrine maiden who had to wear the color of red and the color of purity. The shrine was mildly close to civilization if you didn't mind going through way too much forestry for his liking. Then again from the top of the shrine he could spot the calming glimmers of the city streets which were quite narrow. That was why their friends had to take a train, he hadn't seen Romeo in awhile although Cora he could understand. She already was preoccupied with her mother. She was quite the cutie if you didn't mind that she couldn't speak her mind. He also pitied her, not being able to scream or gather attention without extra things or materials. He flicked his ears back and forth as walked down the stairs.

"I thought you were busy with festival preparations, m'lady."

He lightly teased her as her eyes widened. She gave him a genuinely sad look as he flinched.​




General Information

Lucinda Asakawa

Lucy, Miss Asakawa, Lulu
"I... Suppose Lulu is a strange name for someone like... Erm..."




Sexual Orientation:

School Year:
Second Year

Role in club:
Lucinda takes care of most of the paperwork and keeps track of all appointments. She assists with questions from time to time. She finds herself chasing down the "ever so reliable" president for most of the day. Most of the time if she can't find her, she resorts to contacting the vice president-

Either way it's quite a hassle.

Common Attire:
Lucinda is quite the stickler for her appearance and is most commonly seen with a ribbon in her hair. Most commonly she's never seen wearing comfortable clothing such as sweatshirts, or sweat pants. Although if she wears a skirt she makes sure to wear shorts- she's learned her lesson.

Sayuri Muranushi from Working!!!

Theme Song:

Personality/Daily Life


Lucinda tends to murmur a lot, with a lot of thoughts cluttering her brain most of the time words slip out. Although she's a very dedicated individual she tends to find herself wimping out at the worst possible moment. Although she lacks a lot of courage she makes up for it with her determination. Most occasions this comes at the cost of her sleep- Which means she isn't quite the star student in class. She will not relent without accomplishing what she came to do, although she knows that one day her pride will be her downfall.

Despite her passive personality when it comes to work she doesn't enjoy working with other people. Although she may feel all gooey inside seeing couples and feels relief for other people- It doesn't mean she enjoys working with them. Due to her independent personality when it comes to group projects she tends to be distant and cold when others tend to criticize what she does.

♡ Coffee
♡ Mochi
♡ Rainy Days
♡ Cheesy Romance Manga

♡ Technology
♡ 'Hide and Seek'
♡ Group Projects
♡ Math



"Head held up dear."
"Your not smiling enough."
"How could Maria give birth to such a thing?"

Lucinda. The oldest child of the unfortunate Asakawa family. In the first place she had a single mother as a parental figure. Maria;her mother, eventually ran away abandoning Lucinda and her younger brother. At the age of eight she was separated from her younger brother as her mother's siblings refused to take on them both. Up to modern day she has not spoke or typed a single word- much less was allowed to communicate with her brother. Afterwards she was passed from her aunt, to another, to finally her uncle before she could finally call a place "home". At the age of twelve the household she finally settled in wasn't one of poverty and her uncle doted on her but she felt like a nuisance when he finally got a girlfriend. They seemed to try to reach out to her but the looks on their faces were of pure pity rather then love.





| . . P E N D I N G . . |

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The Second Floor >> Garden in front of Lover's club

Keita Assarragi -

"Thanks so much Asakawa! Later then!"

Lucinda abruptly jolted up as her classmate shoved her shoulder playfully. As she rose her chair squeaked loudly throughout the almost empty classroom. She rubbed her eye, afterwards flicking a stray hair out of her face. She laid her forehead back on the desk in an aspirated manner. She allowed her thoughts to catch up as she closed her eyes. Thanks? For what? What'd she agree to? Lucinda frowned slightly before sitting up once more and gathering her things. Although she repeated this manner day to day she couldn't say that the lack of sleep didn't make up her work. Last night she was filling up the agenda book- She let out an agonized groan as she looked up at the clock. Lucinda had to get the book in the slot pronto. Lucinda thought for once she was going to be able to stay awake for a single class period. As she was exiting she glanced at the board- A ginormous arrow that was impossible to miss was pointing downwards at the stack of paper. Written in a color purple was the note

'Make sure to drop this off!'

Lucinda faltered before giving in- slipping a pen in her mouth and taking the box making sure the papers didn't slip off the top. Despite the lack of sleep she didn't regret joining the club- There was nothing that beat what they did even if other's strongly disagreed. As she passed through the bustling hallway she hummed a tune that seemed to have wedged itself into her mind. She bumped into a tall brunet who narrowed his eyes at her and scoffed. Ah. The ever so reckless scholar. No matter what he did he could never get in the top five. He had been ranked sixth place in his studies- Also known as her upperclassmen.

"Watch where your going. I know I'm irresistible but respect my space!"

He said in a cocky manner before walking away. She watched as he walked away. Lucinda didn't know what drove a man to act like that, she wouldn't question it if it didn't interfere with her day to day life. She set the box aside before picking up the papers that were scattered about in his departure. As she walked in a teacher had run up to the door before turning her attention to Lucinda.

"Wait you're apart of the..."

Lucinda tapped her foot in an impatient manner as she stared at her shoes handing the box and papers over to the teacher. Why the teacher hadn't put the papers into the box- she'd never know.

"Lover's... Club... Right?"

The teacher said in a confused tone. No matter how many years passed it seems none of the teacher's had gotten used to the concept. Also no matter how many times she had turned in papers the teacher's couldn't remember her face. She assumed that was for the better, after all she was mildly new at the concept. She smiled in a polite manner before responding,

"Yes. Why?"

"That young man just turned in a form for his friend, but some information is blank and he's missing a signature."

Lucinda's eyes sparkled as the teacher handed her the piece of paper. These were the moments she treasured, she wondered what passionate freshmen had wanted to join them in their strange conquest of-

'Keita Assarragi'

Lucinda froze. Her smile dropped as she uncomfortably took a deep breath. The rumored delinquent wanted to join... She never would have guessed but... Perhaps he wasn't as bad as the rumors said? After all she knew how it was to have rumors turned against you- How they took advantage of you. She had seen him once or twice, she could've sworn he was new to her class. At this moment she wished she had paid more attention in class- This wasn't the first time she thought of this and she was well aware of this. He nodded in acknowledgement before giving a small dip of a bow before walking off. Perhaps she would find him later.... After she went home... Maybe she'd put it off until tomorrow. She bit her lip before furrowing her brow with a new resolve. She would get this done and over with and have something to report to Nakamura.

It didn't take long before she found him- She was used to running around the building and the game of 'search' as much as she hated it. She asked about Assarragi's whereabouts eventually she was directed to a lone male, he was taller and overall extremely Intimidating. It took a couple breaths before she asked in a calm tone,

"Excuse me, you're Assarragi... Cor...Rect?"

She uncomfortably rubbed her thumb over the sheet before approaching him. A bit curious as to what he was doing around a pair of stray kittens she tensed up. Perhaps he was going to bully them? Perhaps he was worse then the rumors claimed? She shook her head, no one was that cruel. Lucinda had to remember that rumors didn't define the person themselves- As much as the rumors seemed to match up so far.

"You seemed to have messed up your form..."

Under her breath she muttered,

"I don't know how'd you go about doing that..."

She turned the sheet over before showing off the sheet to the other male- At a strangely far distance. She was starting to regret this.
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Garden in front of Lover's club >> The Lover's Club

Keita Assarragi -

At that moment Lucinda brushed off any consideration that Assaragi was a potential member. He wasn't like the rumors said, no. That didn't mean he had the right to taunt what she put her well earned time into. She furrowed her brow,

"Ha ha. Funny. If only it was that easy. Have you had the chance to fall in love yet?"

She asked before aligning her eye sight with his before flinching, afterwards she immediately looked downwards back at the kittens.


As Assaragi mentioned animals being great judges of character she froze.

"I don't doubt that you're not a bad person, I just haven't had enough time to make a fair judgement if you're necessarily good either."

She muttered under her breath. Lucinda quickly covered up her mouth before frowning. She opened her mouth to apologize but just as quickly shut it. She rubbed her eye in a sleepily manner, she found it ironic that she knew his name but he didn't know hers. She was slightly tempted to check out his file but decided against it, she had enough information stuffed into her mind. Lucinda calmly and gently stuck her hand out to the mother cat, the cat immediately tensed up and moved closer to her young. Lucinda took a slight moment to look at her hand before answering his question,

"I guess you could say that. The people there are a bit... Eccentric, but they care for other people and most of them put effort to make other people happy. Time is such a precious thing you should know."

A fond smile came upon her face before her expression returned to normal. She flinched as she heard the familiar voice of the president- The wonderfully bold president. Once Nakamura had said her piece she didn't even wait for a response before promptly shutting the window. Lucinda's mouth fell open before turning her attention to Assaragi and standing up.

"I- Urm. Why don't you find out for yourself? Ho-How about it? Helping us out for the day."

She nervously smiled before taking a step back. As Lucinda said this she turned around and slipped the binder out of her bag, with a focus she finally relaxed as she began to walk towards the room. She had to check in with Kurosawa for a daily update on their funds so she could send the report to the office. For once she wasn't too busy. Perhaps she could finally take the time to finally get some down time with her date. Coffee, and her romance stash. She stopped and looked back to see if Assaragi was following before she entered the room,

"Good afternoon."

Lucinda peered curiously at the two photos placed together before glancing warily at Suzaya. She couldn't figure him out, two sides of the coin. One side she considered distasteful the other mildly useful. She shook her head, she couldn't think of him as a statistic. On the other hand she was amazed at a majority of his strange behavior. Well at least strange in her eyes.
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-♥ Kyoya, Naomi ♥-

-♥ 16 ♥-


-♥ Female ♥-

Nationality and Mother Tongue:

-♥ Japanese-Chinese ; Chinese ♥-

Physical Description:

-♥ Currently stuck at 5'3", Naomi also has long dark brown hair in which she takes great care in brushing every morning. It's normally then pinned back by any hair clip she could find that morning, whether in a fashion of a wing, or a bunny. She seems to have a variety of hair clips along with other beauty products.

-♥ Her attire consists of mainly her red scarf and whatever mood she was in that morning- That and whatever is approved by her grandmother when she's heading out the door.

Sensitive Cheerful Awkward Perfectionist
Naomi tends to break out in tears more easily than most- Well at least when she's around more of her trusted friends. She finds it hard to conceal her emotions especially her disdain. She finds herself subconsciously placing borders around herself in order to maintain "order" in her world. Naomi also seems to be quite picky when it came to her artwork. Although she dislikes scrapping a majority of her work, it's the process she runs into in order to find "the one". She dislikes a tense atmosphere and most occasions she tries to free the quiet atmosphere by joking around- Which ends in her simply embarrassing herself. Naomi takes great pride in making sure that her friends are content. Even if she has to go out of her way to do it. On the other hand when there's too much emotional traffic within herself, she could "shut down" remaining cold and quiet.

Often growing up she'd constantly attempt to please both sides of her spectrum. She had to balance the Chinese traditions her grandmother had wanted done perfectly, while also balancing the moral obligations placed by living in Japan due to her father's side of the family. In her home there was always something going on. Living in the same house with a older sister, a littler brother, a set of parents, and a grandmother- There was always something to be cleaned, something to be done, in this household there was always a battle to be fought. They all knew who was truly the boss of the household though, and that was Naomi's grandmother. As soon as Naomi's older sister hit the age of 18 she abandoned all hopes Naomi's grandmother had for her and left. With her older sister gone, Naomi's grandmother's eyes fell upon her to fill the gap that her older sister had left behind. From the age of 13 she was closely watched and restricted. Occasionally she could catch a break during a family outing at a restaurant, but after her sister her grandmother didn't want to tempt fate once more.

As years progressed, Naomi had grown to resent her older sister especially because of the letters that came in once a month, each message written with great generality. Her life wasn't all that bad though, she enjoyed spoiling her brother the best she could, and her parents tended to be more lenient on her because of her grandmother's attitude. If she kept her grades up she was rewarded with things like paint brushes and new calligraphy brushes. Painting was one of the very few things that her grandmother had allowed due to "keeping the traditions" alive. So with great pride she joined the Art Club and grew to love the members as time progressed. Naomi believes that the Music Club are self centered individuals who make a racket and think it's "art".

Likes and Dislikes:
- Likes:

Sunny Days, Landscape, Mochi, Moon Cake, Lantern Lights, Bunnies

- Dislikes:

Slackers, Deserters, Slithery Creatures, Horror Films, Banana Flavor


Flower Arrangement, Painting, Calligraphy, Reading

The One from the Music Club You dislike the most:
-♥ TBD
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Ying Yue Fēng

-Ying Yue Fēng

- Yue

- 22

Zodiac Family:
- Rabbit



- Chinese; American

Physical Description:
Most commonly, her relatives would compare herself to her father. She's been told that she has his emerald eyes and his brown hair, although it is observed that when she's upset her eyes convert to her mothers dark brown eyes. Ying Yue's hair is long in length which she takes a ridiculously long amount of time to brush. When she was younger her hair was more of a lighter brown but it darkened throughout time. She inherited her mother's height and stopped growing at 5'4". Her figure is slim, and her posture is very straight. Rarely is she seen slouching.

Clothing Style/ Preferences:
When it came to formal events she couldn't escape being dolled up by the aunts and grandmothers of the family. At these events she would wear a elegant flowing dress that restricted most of her movement. No matter what occasion though, Ying Yue always has a floral accessory in her hair. Nowadays she could get away with outfits such as this. She tends to be on the more modest side and wear her usual outfit, a pink flowing dress at home. In public depending on the weather, she enjoys wearing large knitted sweaters and other comfortable yet fashionable pieces of clothing. No matter what though, her clothes always cover below her waist.

Birthmarks/ Tattoos/ Markings:
- Above her hip she has a rabbit insignia burnt into her skin


Polite Reserved Impatient Honest Fussy
Ying Yue tends to be on more of the polite spectrum. In front of strangers and acquaintances nowadays, she most likely seems reserved. On the other hand she can be very motherly, fussing over minor injuries and freaking out over a little nose bleed. When it comes to other people, she speaks honestly but she's very skilled at dodging sensitive topics. On the other side of the spectrum, she can appeal to her more childish side. Despite her polite reserved manner, she tends to be stubborn and impatient rather than sit it out. When comfortable she seems to be more excitable, finding joy in the littlest things.

Biography: What's their history? Do they like their family? Is this quest too much of a trouble?
Ying Yue had a pretty ignorant childhood. She was born to a father who placed optimism as a key component in life, and a mother who felt like she was taking care of two children. Her father was a grand photographer who made a decent profit off of gathering sponsors to go on trips to desolate areas where most wouldn't dare tread. He would sometimes take Ying Yue on his journeys to more calmer areas, encouraging her to take a deep breath and be fearless. Despite her fathers advice she found it more and more difficult to constantly have to blend in school, she was known as "the new girl" or "the foreigner". Eventually her mother put her foot down and decided that the trips they took would be reduced down to once a summer, seeing the strain that it was putting on her daughter. Although if the whole family were to be honest, they simply wanted a place to call home.

Peace didn't last in this household though. By the age of 7 she started to get into trouble. She had been sent home by "smuggling animals" into the classroom. Ying Yue herself started to become frightened. After that incident along with many others she avoided all art tools entirely. Soon enough her parents begun to notice but another incident confirmed their suspicions. Her mother sat Ying Yue at a table despite her fathers protests about his little girl being normal- Hoping that she was normal, but fate wasn't that generous. After her power's were discovered it wasn't long before her mother became ill. Afterwards their lifestyle began to plummet. Her father's attempts to maintain a happy positive attitude was putting extreme strain on himself and he became scared to leave the house.

With her father's photography job on pause and with no college degree, he resorted to working a low paying job so the Fēng family began to struggle financially. Eventually they plunged into debt due to the medical bills stacking up and were found by the members of the Rabbit clan. Her father was given a choice, either give in by giving them full custody of Ying Yue, or suffer by shark loan hands. Of course the family chose the first option, although reluctantly.

Bonus Scenes: 1) The Past , 2) Too Much

Weapon of Choice:
All art mediums, her favorite is the calligraphy pen
(It deals dagger damage)

Ability/ Power:
Artistic Charms
This ability allows Ying Yue to draw an object and let it pop off the page. She also has the ability, with a Chinese character, to boost a personality trait, reduce pain, etc.

→ It tends to lose shape and power after dosed with water
→ It's hard to use this ability with discretion, as her eye color changes when in use
→ This ability is useless without a medium to draw with
→ She cannot draw people

(Clones are out of the question)


Scenic Views, Plum Blossoms, Caramel, Koi Fish + Goldfish, Jackfruit

Enclosed Spaces, Dancing, Liars, Durian

Reading, Photography, Painting, Archery

Betrayal, Snakes, Thunder

Ying Yue has a very strong relationship with her father and makes it a habit to blow a large sum of money on postcards. Although at the moment her mother refuses to speak to her.

Theme Song:

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Ying Yue Fēng
The Rabbit
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ying Yue spent a majority of the way recalling the last meeting, she was having a slight problem remembering some of the faces. Absent minded she tugged at her hair, it was much shorter back then. Every six years she got the chance to lay back and spoil herself for a little while- Until the meeting started and they left as soon as they came. She memorized most of them not by name, but by title. It was a habit she had grown accustomed to over the years.

She was pulled back to earth when the pilot yelled, "IT'S TIME TO GET OFF MISSUS." At that comment she flinched before murmuring a thank you. Finally she took a moment to notice her surroundings. Tightly clutching the box that she decided to bring with her, an offering of sorts to the host. At the moment Ying Yue was sort of regretting it from taking a large look at the luxurious items around them. She was mildly tempted to chuck it overboard and watch it float away... On the other hand she wanted to refrain from being scolded when in the presence of a different clan. For once she wasn't dolled up, her hair was in a manageable ponytail with a flower scrunchie. Although her attire was formal, it was easier to move around than usual. The length of her dress was above her knees.

She reached out to an individual, "Excuse me where is the captain's-" but they happened to speed right by. Ying Yue tried once more but once again was brushed off. She could partially blame it on the volume of her voice. She let out a heavy sigh eventually giving up on the idea of figuring out the location by asking someone.

Lucinda Asakawa
| The Secretary || Location: The Villa |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It took a little convincing on her part in order to get her uncle to allow her to attend the trip. On the other hand she suspected it was simply her uncle teasing her this being that it wasn't unusual for her to request to leave the home for awhile. In the morning she had stopped by Akemi's house, she had quietly greeted his mother before slipping a bottle of sunscreen on the table leaving a note inscribed, 'You've been blocked!' before deciding against it. She ripped it off and asked his mother to make sure he wasn't without the sunscreen. Lucinda debated waiting for the male, after all it took a lot out of her to stick with him especially when Akiyama had turned the corner prepared to charge his friend. Even as her legs sort of shook she faithfully exited the home and looked down at her phone. Opening up the messenger and tapping on Akemi's icon she tapped: 'I'll wait for you."

After getting off the bus Lucinda tugged her light blue sweatshirt down, it was larger than her gray running shorts but stopped just above her knees. She was equipped with a backpack with a relatively cute design, a winged egg key chain along with a key chain shaped like a Sakura flower. Personally she was glad to venture into the beach especially with her club mates. When they were around she could swear her mouth goes sore because she can't help but smile. Underneath was a polka-doted pastel pink two piece swimsuit she put on, the design was ruffly and more on the cutesy side with a wide white ribbon on the top. Lucinda was more used to going swimming and simply sitting on the beach due to her lack of siblings.

She fashioned her hair in the usual style, placing her sunglasses carefully on top of her head. Lucinda was slightly shy but tried to imagine everyone as little children running around- That should've probably calmed her heart, right? She found it much more appropriate to have her swimsuit ready to go rather than spend time getting dressed- Lucinda found that that strategy took forever. At the sight of the villa her mouth came slightly open, it was an amazing sight. Especially with the beach directly in front of it. Lucinda quickly unpacked her things- Which amazingly didn't take very long, as she made progress downstairs. Uncomfortably she scratched at her cheek, she didn't know where she wanted to start. Perhaps she'd do the logical thing and start at the meeting point.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Akemi Watanabe x INSERT TAG
Nina Monsa x INSERT TAG


Hayate Kurotama x INSERT TAG

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{ Name }

General Information

Full Name:
[include their title, first name, and surname]​

[what do people usually call them, besides their actual name?]​

[male, female, androgynous, etc.]​

[how old are they?]​

[options: human, elf, dwarf, orc]​

[who are they attracted to?]​

[where does your character come from?]​

[give a written description here]​

Personal Attributes

[please use paragraph-form here]​

[how did they get where they are now?]​

[what are they good at? these should be mostly physical attributes, not just personality strengths]​

[what do they suck at? again, physical weaknesses preferred over personality flaws]​

Magic & Equipment

[what magic do they possess, if any? please list strengths and weaknesses as well]​

Weapon of Choice:
[if they had to choose, what would their weapon be?]​

BB Code I found - Credits to Kimberlyn
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Akiyama, Haru☆






Haru grew up in a safe environment with his grandmother. Well as safe as it could get. When his mother died his father sold the house and decided to move in with Haru's grandmother. Most night's Haru's father wouldn't come home and when he did he'd be drunk and smelt like perfume. This was much to his grandmother's dismay. Haru still came to love his father- It's all he's ever known as "parenting" other than the love provided by his grandmother. The lifestyle and lesson he was taught included the following, "Value family over everyone or everything else." Haru has a hard time disobeying the wishes of his father despite the lack of adoration he should of felt from his fatherly figure. His older brother despite his "cool mature" facade displayed when it came to his younger brother- Haru grew up at his brother's mercy. His brother liked to treat Haru as some sort of doll.

Some days Haru found himself with nothing else to wear the rest of his clothes dirtied or hidden away- Dressed up in a tuxedo to school instead of his proper uniform. Other days he'd have paint and dirt smudged all over his clothes and face on a school morning. Due to the many interceptions created by his brother, Haru was seen as the "less superior" brother and was compared to him numerous times.

Honest || Laid Back || Calm || Sarcastic
Haru is a pretty reserved male. He chooses his words carefully, but a majority of the time they come out pretty sarcastic. He has a pretty calm demeanor except for a large amount of times he sticks out his tongue before making an exit. Haru can be pretty careless at times, rather than fight back he'd endure the punches and simply brush off the incident. On the other hand a "bad" trait he picked up as a child was the need to make other's happy. Haru doesn't know how to properly handle someone who cries but when they're upset he's relentless with even stupid techniques to turn the frown upside down. He can be quite the "captain obvious" at times in order to process things himself. Despite his lack of motivation he can pick up on a mood fairly quickly. On the other hand when he strongly desires something... He can be quite determined.

Theme Song:


☆ He owns a small abnormally fluffy dog named Nyoki
☆ His best friends are pillows and his 3DS
☆ He likes stickers

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