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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster

Hey everyone, I am here to propose the start of a hopefully long-term Walking Dead Roleplay. I hope to create a plot good enough to keep every participant engaged. Like the show, I envision drama, death, glory - mimicking what makes The Walking Dead TV Series so great and vast.

This roleplay will take place in an alternate reality, none of the characters from the show or comic will make an appearance. As roleplayers we will create our own diverse cast which will implement an amazing story with character dynamics.

The story will start in Houston, Texas. Houston is one of the largest cities in the world and it's very racially diverse - opportunities to see very different OCs and NPCs. Our characters would jump
In six weeks after the collapse of the government and all other major world contributors (similar to when Rick awoke from his comma in the first episode).

The idea is to create a realistic roleplay that everyone can enjoy. I want to create real character conflict and relationships.

How does this sound? Any questions? Any ideas?

Thanks for your interest :)
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If you're one of those weirdo's that is watching when I post on threads for my interest, come join this.
Im interested and up for this. If youll have me.
@Mars Walker

Here is a basic Character Sheet to get you guys thinking/working on something. Be creative, do whatever you'd like with the CS - fancy it up if you must, I don't mind.

You can be brief or very descriptive. Either way, your character(s) will be debuted later. You are welcome/encouraged to use an image for your character's appearance. Face claims are allowed. Please DO NOT use anime, cartoon or art - let's stick to pictures of humans for now.

When making your character, try to keep things realistic. Think about yourself, how orthodox/unorthodox things are for you. Not everyone is a badass teacher who can wield a sledge hammer and kill walkers without blinking. That's just not happening.

The world is vast, people are common. They have jobs at whataburger, at CVS and at offices. I'm not saying "be boring", I just don't want to see a cast of Marine Samurai.

Thanks guys! I'll begin working on the OOC and link you all when it's up.

Character Sheet


Date of Birth (& age):
Place of Birth:

Physical Description

Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Detailed Physical Description (if image is not provided):
Typical Clothing/Equiptment (include weapons):


Past Occupations:

Additional Notes:​
Super interested and filling the sheet out now!:heart:
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Is there still a spot open? I am pretty interested in this ^^
1000% interested if you didn't shut down interest checks yet.

Edit: Also a question; is there a age group you have in mind for the RP? I'd be interested in making someone on a bit of the younger side, though if you'd prefer no children were in the RP that's fine.
1000% interested if you didn't shut down interest checks yet.

Edit: Also a question; is there a age group you have in mind for the RP? I'd be interested in making someone on a bit of the younger side, though if you'd prefer no children were in the RP that's fine.

There's still plenty of space. Younger characters are more than Welcome.
Hey there! I just wanted to say that I've been looking for a similar idea for a roleplay! I just binge watched the last season of the walking dead, and would love to join this! I'm not sure how many slots are unfilled, but I have an idea of having two siblings (a small child and their older brother.) Just wanted to say that I was interested, haha ^^;