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Insecure Idiot
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
The middle of the night
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
Fantasy ,Yaoi, Romance, Supernatural, Fandom, Medieval ;
I'm Alive!
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

Also I have no idea how to post gifs​

After a rather long hiatus i've returned and I've decided to revive my roleplay search.​
I'm an animal lover.
Currently I have four dogs and four cats that I could ramble about for hours.
I've been roleplaying since elementary school. (I'm in my twenties now.)
I like to think I've improved over the years.
I've also suffered from depression since elementary school and went through dark times.
I'm doing much better since starting antidepressants.
In that vein: Whether we're RP partners or not if you ever need to vent about things I'm here to listen.

I'm going to be a bit blunt here so we don't waste each others time.

If interested in an RP please PM me

I like to get to know my RP partners. So don't be afraid to message me just to chat.

I'm limiting myself to around three RP partners because I think I'll get overwhelmed otherwise.

If you're new to roleplaying i'm probably not the partner for you. I'm a terrible teacher.

I consider my self a semi-lit to literate roleplayer

If you can't post at least three paragraphs on average, we probably wont be a good fit. I prefer quality over quantity and I'm not asking for a novel, just a bit to go off of.

That being said I tend to match my partners in length.

I'm perfectly fine with doubling.

I play both male and female characters (Plus a handful not as easily defined)

Please feel free to contribute to the plot and throw in your own twists. It isn't nearly as fun otherwise.

Expect replies at least twice a week. (Hopefully more but I make no promises.)

I only roleplay over PM. For some reason forum roleplays don't hold much appeal anymore.

If i'm going to be gone for awhile need a break or I lose interest in an RP, I'll do my best to let you know. Please do the same

It should probably be noted I use my phone to RP since it's my only source of reliable internet. This might result in the occasional typo or auto correct mistake.
Also sometimes colored text gets wonky.

Put your favorite Disney princess in the title of your PM so I know you've read this far.

Random note 1: I make a lot of sets for characters on Polyvore. I'll probably link them if they're relevant.
Random Note 2: As far as character face claims go I generally prefer real people but there are exceptions

If Any other questions go ahead and ask.

I'm pretty open to most kinks. These are the exceptions.

Toilet play

Now On To The Fun Things

Reverse Harem
Alright..Usually I hate the reverse harem genre because the heroine has as much personality as wet cardboard but I had this dream that could be a fun roleplay with a little tweaking. This is what I've come up with so far.

The granddaughter(s) (Or grandsons if you prefer). of a wealthy aristocrat/business woman are called to stay at her manor while she's away for the fall.
One of her side ventures is renting out the manor in the summer months, providing those who can afford it with every luxury and the chance to be waited on hand and foot by the handsome butlers that work/live there. (I imagine around five of them but that can be decided later.)
Charming the clientele is easy and has become rather boring. The main characters however present a challenge. They've dealt with enough pretty words and fake smiles to last a lifetime. Winning their hearts would be no easy feat.

Side notes: I imagined the butlers having supernatural powers. (My brain is a strange place, full of a mishmash of anime plots...) but that's optional and those can be worked out later if we so chose.

Real or anime pictures are fine by me.

Ghost x Reincarnated Lover

(This explanation is a bit jumbled so I apologize.
*MC= main character

100 years ago there were two lovers. (like any other romance.) But the girl (or guy) caught the eye of someone else and so a love triangle began. This third person is mentally unstable and doesn't take rejection very well. As such, they kill the lover in a twisted attempt to have the main character to themselves. As you can imagine this fails so they kill the main character as well. Fast forward to the present and the MC has been reincarnated and history starts to repeat itself.
The way I was figuring it, MC is off to college somewhere and is renting the house that they and the lover used to live in. Two weeks or so after this persons 18th birthday they start seeing and or feeling strange things, (weird dreams, cold spots all that jazz) and eventually starts to see the lovers ghost clearly and unravel there past but then somewhere along, the third wheel comes in once again and can also see Ghost. (I've also done a version where the ghost regained corporeal form, which was fun.)

For this, I'd prefer to play the one reincarnated

Death takes no prisoners. Or does he?

Modern or Victorian setting

Hades x Human/supernatural being.

When a God or Goddess is no longer worshipped they begin to lose their power and eventually the spark that gives them life and so it was that all the Gods of old faded from existence. All but one, for who among the living does not believe in Death?

Hades spent centuries alone after the loss of his beloved Persephone. Loneliness has a way of eating at somebody, slowly chipping away until they can no longer stand it.
Unable to bear it any longer Hades decides to find another bride. The task however proves to be more difficult than anticipated. After all people aren't particularly keen on kidnapping in any age and hearts seem to be much harder to woo.
Alternate Spin: A human or Supernatural being dies/somehow stumbles into the underworld. Something about them intrigues Hades and he finds himself unwilling to let them cross over or leave.

How I Love to Hate You:

Character A and Character B attend one of the premier schools of the arts in the nation. Their focus is primarily on singing and musical studies. They've been competing against each other since they were children, always working to outdo one another. Over the years this rivalry has only intensified. What happens when Character B scores a major scholarship or record deal and can't resist taunting Character A? Will the tension between the two take an unexpected turn and reveal their true feelings or will it only deepen the rift between them?

Alternately: Character A and Character B are forced to work together on stage.

Or both characters have achieved fame and crossed paths again later in life.

*Also doesn't necessarily have to be an Arts school...or even a school at all. Could easily be changed to a workplace or other setting.

*= level of craving
Only really interested in the plots above right now.
Stalker x Victim*****
Kidnapper x Kidnapped*****
God/dess x human*****
Siblings best friend/significant other**
Step Siblings***

Also feel free to suggest any of your ideas.
I'm kind of craving something cute and fluff filled.
I prefer things set in the universe rather than based around canon characters.

I don't have plots for these per-se but OCs and vague ideas.

The Black Jewels Trilogy
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Reactions: Dreams_of_Dusk
Plots have been updated.
Plots + pairings updated.
Still looking.
Pairings/plots updated.
Still looking.
Still looking.
Your 'Reverse Harem' and 'Hate To Love You' both appeal to me. I would PM you, but it's difficult to start conversation from my phone and I will be without my laptop for several more days
Still looking
Still looking
Still looking
Still looking
Still looking
Still looking
Still looking.