• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


my skeleton helps me walk
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. Multiple posts per week
  5. 1-3 posts per week
  6. One post per week
  7. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
All the time
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
High and dark Fantasy, Sci-fi, Medieval, Dystopia and Horror
  • Ay how you dooin? I'm the friendly(?) neighborhood Viking of legal age out looking for some long-term roleplay's to occupy my thoughts with, you may call me Maal. I'm always around one way or another (I get email alerts and am always near one of my devices) and I am a versatile writer. I can produce small posts or large posts depending on what I feel is needed in order to say what I want to say. I've been writing/role playing for over a decade.

    Writing is a passion and hobby of mine and I enjoy deeper, complex stories that have had some love put into them. I am more than happy to follow suit, so to speak, if you've already planned for certain events to happen in a certain order in your plotline (I have plot lines like that myself) but I am capable of creating plot lines with my partners from scratch, provided I'm not doing the entirety of the work in that regard.

    My primary main characters are usually female and my secondary main characters are usually males and I like to have them both bopping around in the rp. I prefer MxF as I've had MxM and FxF requests shoved in my face and down my throat so relentlessly in my Gaia Online phase that I just dread them and lose all motivation to write. However, that does not mean that these pairings are off the table. If characters grow in that direction over time then I'm perfectly fine with it, I just don't want the sole focus of the rp to be hinged on the sexual orientation of its pairings; if you are willing to provide me with a MxF pairing then I will accommodate your pairing request. Feel free to ask me any questions or shoot me a conversation. Thanks for reading!

  • An adult but I don't want to be
    Active for OOC chatter

  • Has a Discord but I will not give it out until the rp starts.
    Favorite Genres: Horror • Fantasy • Dark themes • Fables • Fairy Tales • Sci-fi
    Disliked Genres: • Slice of Life • School anything • Most modern themes
    Plays any gender
    Plays multiple characters
    Uses PM's or Threads or Discord for mediums
    ✓ This means I have a plot and or idea for that particular item it's next to. No symbol = no plot/ideas
    Strike through any plot or fandom means I'm not looking for partners for it

Last edited:
  • Like
Reactions: Briar
A b o u t

Ay how you dooin? I'm the friendly(?) neighborhood viking out looking for some long-term roleplay's to occupy my thoughts with, you may call me Maal or Maalefic. I am a versatile writer, I can produce small posts or large posts depending on what I feel is needed in order to say what I want to say, and I am capable of working with less skillful writers or very skillful writers. I've been writing/role playing for over a decade.
Writing is a passion and hobby of my and I enjoy deeper, complex stories that have had some love put into them. I am more than happy to follow suit, so to speak, if you've already planned for certain events to happen in a certain order in your plot line (I have plot lines like that myself) but I am capable of creating plot lines with my partners from scratch, provided I'm not doing the entirety of the work in that regard. My primary main characters are usually females and males are usually the second main. I don't expect romance from my partners, I prefer for characters to go with whomever they do naturally as the story progresses, and if it doesn't happen it won't decrease my interest in the least but if you'd prefer to hash out the romances at the start that's fine...but please don't rush it.
I try to be a 50/50 sort of person, but I am known to shoulder a ton more characters/plot progressing responsibilities than my partners in roleplays and I am ok with that. If I envision an idea for my post that requires NPC's to make the interaction happen to flavor the story then I will make these characters on the fly. They may be one off's or they may reoccur if it makes for good content.
If there's any questions you have, feel free to ask them here or shoot me a conversation. Thanks for reading!
TL;DR facts*
  • Over 18 and you should be too
  • Very active for OOC chatter and loves it
  • Has Discord
  • Likes Horror • Suspense • Fantasy • Dark themes • Fandoms • Tragedy
  • Plays any gender. Plays NPCs and supporting characters.
  • PM's or Threads or Discord for mediums
  • (¤¤¤) This means I have a plot and or idea for that particular item it's next to. No symbol = no plot/ideas

S o m e ‖ P l o t s

M o r d e n t

The 13 year wake of the War of Roses has left the dragon lands of D'rakonos scarred in the defeat of the usurper Aaeon. Queen Rosamun and her new King continue to rule over their barren and lifeless region in an era of peace and prosperity. Johan Oraii, the King of Lions, sits the proud seat of his kingdom; wifeless and adored by his people... however, he is swiftly loosing his mind to a creeping madness that his court hides from the people. His daughter the Princess of Oraii has dedicated herself to The Mother's Embrace in preparation to become Queen, however a husband must be chosen to wed her and must be a man worthy of the throne. The usurpers daughter, Arkaea still remains a prisoner of war behind the borders of Oraii and serves the Princess and King hand and foot, but something whispers to her in the darkness and she waits for an opportunity to break free of the Oraii. Across the world the King in the Desert, newly crowned, has great aspirations for his people who live in exile in the Wastelands - banished by a previous King of Oraii for terrible crimes, and he sets his sights on Oraii's lands to achieve his purpose through any means necessary. In an attempt to open trade routes the Desert King sets sail for Oraii and her champion King while something sinister is stirring in core of the world. A fell wind has befallen the land and with it brings the cold kiss of death. (Seeking someone to play the desert king)

Taking place either in alternate modern times or any earlier era of preference a woman emerges from unknown origins, arrested on behalf of several brutal killings of men, women, and young adolescent's. But the woman in question is dazed and lost, neither speaking nor communicating with the people around her. As a result, she is placed into an institution where she draws the undivided attention of a (woman or man) (priest, exorcist, supernatural hunter...ect) who is dumbstruck by her case. But the killings continue inside of the institution...and there seems to be something truly biblical happening.

A story of witches, forgotten gods and creatures of the night, and those that would hunt them or embrace their darkness in a town that seems truly damned in victorian or medieval times. (Loose idea right now, I have no solid plot thought out yet.)

Wanting to do something gritty and cynical in a time either after Batman, with Nightwing taking the mantle, or during the beginning of Batman's career or some turbulent time between. Following the lives of a couple oc's living in the city and documenting their choices in life that either take them down the road of heroes or crashing and burning into villains while interacting with both each other and with various other canons that influence their decisions. Almost kinda like the Telltale series but with a lot of other elements as well.

O ʀ ɪ ɢ ɪ ɴ ᴀ ʟ s

Angels & Demons
Fairy Tales
Horror & Thriller
Vampires & Werewolves
Wild West
Witchcraft...and much more

F a n d o m s

Alien & Predator Universe (¤¤¤)
Bioshock Games
Castlevania Games
Conan the Barbarian (2011)
DC Universe (
DC Arkham Games
Dishonored Games
Far Cry 3 (¤¤¤)
Game of Thrones
Targaryen AU (
God of War Series
Handmaids Tale
Legend Of the Seeker (The Sword of Truth)
Legend of Zelda Series (¤¤¤)
Star Trek 09 & Into Darkness
Snow White and the Huntsman & Winter's War
Sucker Punch
The Purge

E x p e c t a t i o n s

• If a fandom is not listed feel free to ask me about it. I might be familiar with it.

• If I don't see a reply to the rp, or receive any messages from my partner with any kind of explanation for why they haven't replied, after a week or so I will assume that I've been ditched and send the rp to the graveyard.

• Please OOC with me somewhat frequently. It does not have to be every day. I know I like to have days where I don't have to focus on getting something done and I'm sure that you do as well. As long as we ooc enough to keep the plot going and get answers to questions than im good.

• I ask for descriptive posts that are at least two paragraphs in response. Please, let me know when and if you message me if you are wanting short posts or long posts so I know how to adjust myself. I will not respond to one liners in a rp.

• Play all genders (not just one) and be willing to play supporting characters and NPCs as needed. I will take character requests so long as you do the same for me (and not tell me you can't play any character that I ask you to play for me after I agree to play one for you).

• PM requests, please.

Star Trek with 2 x OC?
A b o u t

Ay how you dooin? I'm the friendly(?) neighborhood viking out looking for some long-term roleplay's to occupy my thoughts with, you may call me Maal or Maalefic. I am a versatile writer, I can produce small posts or large posts depending on what I feel is needed in order to say what I want to say, and I am capable of working with less skillful writers or very skillful writers. I've been writing/role playing for over a decade.
Writing is a passion and hobby of my and I enjoy deeper, complex stories that have had some love put into them. I am more than happy to follow suit, so to speak, if you've already planned for certain events to happen in a certain order in your plot line (I have plot lines like that myself) but I am capable of creating plot lines with my partners from scratch, provided I'm not doing the entirety of the work in that regard. My primary main characters are usually females and males are usually the second main. I don't expect romance from my partners, I prefer for characters to go with whomever they do naturally as the story progresses, and if it doesn't happen it won't decrease my interest in the least but if you'd prefer to hash out the romances at the start that's fine...but please don't rush it.
I try to be a 50/50 sort of person, but I am known to shoulder a ton more characters/plot progressing responsibilities than my partners in roleplays and I am ok with that. If I envision an idea for my post that requires NPC's to make the interaction happen to flavor the story then I will make these characters on the fly. They may be one off's or they may reoccur if it makes for good content.
If there's any questions you have, feel free to ask them here or shoot me a conversation. Thanks for reading!
TL;DR facts*
  • Over 18 and you should be too
  • Very active for OOC chatter and loves it
  • Has Discord
  • Likes Horror • Suspense • Fantasy • Dark themes • Fandoms • Tragedy
  • Plays any gender. Plays NPCs and supporting characters.
  • PM's or Threads or Discord for mediums
  • (¤¤¤) This means I have a plot and or idea for that particular item it's next to. No symbol = no plot/ideas

S o m e ‖ P l o t s

M o r d e n t

The 13 year wake of the War of Roses has left the dragon lands of D'rakonos scarred in the defeat of the usurper Aaeon. Queen Rosamun and her new King continue to rule over their barren and lifeless region in an era of peace and prosperity. Johan Oraii, the King of Lions, sits the proud seat of his kingdom; wifeless and adored by his people... however, he is swiftly loosing his mind to a creeping madness that his court hides from the people. His daughter the Princess of Oraii has dedicated herself to The Mother's Embrace in preparation to become Queen, however a husband must be chosen to wed her and must be a man worthy of the throne. The usurpers daughter, Arkaea still remains a prisoner of war behind the borders of Oraii and serves the Princess and King hand and foot, but something whispers to her in the darkness and she waits for an opportunity to break free of the Oraii. Across the world the King in the Desert, newly crowned, has great aspirations for his people who live in exile in the Wastelands - banished by a previous King of Oraii for terrible crimes, and he sets his sights on Oraii's lands to achieve his purpose through any means necessary. In an attempt to open trade routes the Desert King sets sail for Oraii and her champion King while something sinister is stirring in core of the world. A fell wind has befallen the land and with it brings the cold kiss of death. (Seeking someone to play the desert king)

Taking place either in alternate modern times or any earlier era of preference a woman emerges from unknown origins, arrested on behalf of several brutal killings of men, women, and young adolescent's. But the woman in question is dazed and lost, neither speaking nor communicating with the people around her. As a result, she is placed into an institution where she draws the undivided attention of a (woman or man) (priest, exorcist, supernatural hunter...ect) who is dumbstruck by her case. But the killings continue inside of the institution...and there seems to be something truly biblical happening.

A story of witches, forgotten gods and creatures of the night, and those that would hunt them or embrace their darkness in a town that seems truly damned in victorian or medieval times. (Loose idea right now, I have no solid plot thought out yet.)

Wanting to do something gritty and cynical in a time either after Batman, with Nightwing taking the mantle, or during the beginning of Batman's career or some turbulent time between. Following the lives of a couple oc's living in the city and documenting their choices in life that either take them down the road of heroes or crashing and burning into villains while interacting with both each other and with various other canons that influence their decisions. Almost kinda like the Telltale series but with a lot of other elements as well.

O ʀ ɪ ɢ ɪ ɴ ᴀ ʟ s

Angels & Demons
Fairy Tales
Horror & Thriller
Vampires & Werewolves
Wild West
Witchcraft...and much more

F a n d o m s

Alien & Predator Universe (¤¤¤)
Bioshock Games
Castlevania Games
Conan the Barbarian (2011)
DC Universe (
DC Arkham Games
Dishonored Games
Far Cry 3 (¤¤¤)
Game of Thrones
Targaryen AU (
God of War Series
Handmaids Tale
Legend Of the Seeker (The Sword of Truth)
Legend of Zelda Series (¤¤¤)
Star Trek 09 & Into Darkness
Snow White and the Huntsman & Winter's War
Sucker Punch
The Purge

E x p e c t a t i o n s

• If a fandom is not listed feel free to ask me about it. I might be familiar with it.

• If I don't see a reply to the rp, or receive any messages from my partner with any kind of explanation for why they haven't replied, after a week or so I will assume that I've been ditched and send the rp to the graveyard.

• Please OOC with me somewhat frequently. It does not have to be every day. I know I like to have days where I don't have to focus on getting something done and I'm sure that you do as well. As long as we ooc enough to keep the plot going and get answers to questions than im good.

• I ask for descriptive posts that are at least two paragraphs in response. Please, let me know when and if you message me if you are wanting short posts or long posts so I know how to adjust myself. I will not respond to one liners in a rp.

• Play all genders (not just one) and be willing to play supporting characters and NPCs as needed. I will take character requests so long as you do the same for me (and not tell me you can't play any character that I ask you to play for me after I agree to play one for you).

• PM requests, please.

Star Trek with 2 x OC?

Do you have a plot line?
A b o u t

Ay how you dooin? I'm the friendly(?) neighborhood viking out looking for some long-term roleplay's to occupy my thoughts with, you may call me Maal or Maalefic. I am a versatile writer, I can produce small posts or large posts depending on what I feel is needed in order to say what I want to say, and I am capable of working with less skillful writers or very skillful writers. I've been writing/role playing for over a decade.
Writing is a passion and hobby of my and I enjoy deeper, complex stories that have had some love put into them. I am more than happy to follow suit, so to speak, if you've already planned for certain events to happen in a certain order in your plot line (I have plot lines like that myself) but I am capable of creating plot lines with my partners from scratch, provided I'm not doing the entirety of the work in that regard. My primary main characters are usually females and males are usually the second main. I don't expect romance from my partners, I prefer for characters to go with whomever they do naturally as the story progresses, and if it doesn't happen it won't decrease my interest in the least but if you'd prefer to hash out the romances at the start that's fine...but please don't rush it.
I try to be a 50/50 sort of person, but I am known to shoulder a ton more characters/plot progressing responsibilities than my partners in roleplays and I am ok with that. If I envision an idea for my post that requires NPC's to make the interaction happen to flavor the story then I will make these characters on the fly. They may be one off's or they may reoccur if it makes for good content.
If there's any questions you have, feel free to ask them here or shoot me a conversation. Thanks for reading!
TL;DR facts*
  • Over 18 and you should be too
  • Very active for OOC chatter and loves it
  • Has Discord
  • Likes Horror • Suspense • Fantasy • Dark themes • Fandoms • Tragedy
  • Plays any gender. Plays NPCs and supporting characters.
  • PM's or Threads or Discord for mediums
  • (¤¤¤) This means I have a plot and or idea for that particular item it's next to. No symbol = no plot/ideas

S o m e ‖ P l o t s

M o r d e n t

The 13 year wake of the War of Roses has left the dragon lands of D'rakonos scarred in the defeat of the usurper Aaeon. Queen Rosamun and her new King continue to rule over their barren and lifeless region in an era of peace and prosperity. Johan Oraii, the King of Lions, sits the proud seat of his kingdom; wifeless and adored by his people... however, he is swiftly loosing his mind to a creeping madness that his court hides from the people. His daughter the Princess of Oraii has dedicated herself to The Mother's Embrace in preparation to become Queen, however a husband must be chosen to wed her and must be a man worthy of the throne. The usurpers daughter, Arkaea still remains a prisoner of war behind the borders of Oraii and serves the Princess and King hand and foot, but something whispers to her in the darkness and she waits for an opportunity to break free of the Oraii. Across the world the King in the Desert, newly crowned, has great aspirations for his people who live in exile in the Wastelands - banished by a previous King of Oraii for terrible crimes, and he sets his sights on Oraii's lands to achieve his purpose through any means necessary. In an attempt to open trade routes the Desert King sets sail for Oraii and her champion King while something sinister is stirring in core of the world. A fell wind has befallen the land and with it brings the cold kiss of death. (Seeking someone to play the desert king)

Taking place either in alternate modern times or any earlier era of preference a woman emerges from unknown origins, arrested on behalf of several brutal killings of men, women, and young adolescent's. But the woman in question is dazed and lost, neither speaking nor communicating with the people around her. As a result, she is placed into an institution where she draws the undivided attention of a (woman or man) (priest, exorcist, supernatural hunter...ect) who is dumbstruck by her case. But the killings continue inside of the institution...and there seems to be something truly biblical happening.

A story of witches, forgotten gods and creatures of the night, and those that would hunt them or embrace their darkness in a town that seems truly damned in victorian or medieval times. (Loose idea right now, I have no solid plot thought out yet.)

Wanting to do something gritty and cynical in a time either after Batman, with Nightwing taking the mantle, or during the beginning of Batman's career or some turbulent time between. Following the lives of a couple oc's living in the city and documenting their choices in life that either take them down the road of heroes or crashing and burning into villains while interacting with both each other and with various other canons that influence their decisions. Almost kinda like the Telltale series but with a lot of other elements as well.

O ʀ ɪ ɢ ɪ ɴ ᴀ ʟ s

Angels & Demons
Fairy Tales
Horror & Thriller
Vampires & Werewolves
Wild West
Witchcraft...and much more

F a n d o m s

Alien & Predator Universe (¤¤¤)
Bioshock Games
Castlevania Games
Conan the Barbarian (2011)
DC Universe (
DC Arkham Games
Dishonored Games
Far Cry 3 (¤¤¤)
Game of Thrones
Targaryen AU (
God of War Series
Handmaids Tale
Legend Of the Seeker (The Sword of Truth)
Legend of Zelda Series (¤¤¤)
Star Trek 09 & Into Darkness
Snow White and the Huntsman & Winter's War
Sucker Punch
The Purge

E x p e c t a t i o n s

• If a fandom is not listed feel free to ask me about it. I might be familiar with it.

• If I don't see a reply to the rp, or receive any messages from my partner with any kind of explanation for why they haven't replied, after a week or so I will assume that I've been ditched and send the rp to the graveyard.

• Please OOC with me somewhat frequently. It does not have to be every day. I know I like to have days where I don't have to focus on getting something done and I'm sure that you do as well. As long as we ooc enough to keep the plot going and get answers to questions than im good.

• I ask for descriptive posts that are at least two paragraphs in response. Please, let me know when and if you message me if you are wanting short posts or long posts so I know how to adjust myself. I will not respond to one liners in a rp.

• Play all genders (not just one) and be willing to play supporting characters and NPCs as needed. I will take character requests so long as you do the same for me (and not tell me you can't play any character that I ask you to play for me after I agree to play one for you).

• PM requests, please.

Star Trek with 2 x OC?

Do you have a plot line?

I have a few to offer.

Discuss in PM?
-Updated the thread
Added another plot
Still looking
Seeking partner for the Children of the Nyt plot <3
Still looking
Still looking for a few partners *edited thread for coding issues
I'm new here so I'm unsure if I have the ability to pm you yet. I'd be interested in writing a Castlevania roleplay with you. I tend to do doubles with oc x canon. I'm incredibly active and nothing tends to bother me writing content wise.
I'm new here so I'm unsure if I have the ability to pm you yet. I'd be interested in writing a Castlevania roleplay with you. I tend to do doubles with oc x canon. I'm incredibly active and nothing tends to bother me writing content wise.

Iwaku doesn't lock anyone out of starting conversations, new or not.
I've been trying start a new conversation with you but it has been showing I need to select a destination, but no drop down. It might be an error on my end.
I've been trying start a new conversation with you but it has been showing I need to select a destination, but no drop down. It might be an error on my end.

I think if you just click ok on that box without using the dropdown it will allow you to do it. Im not sure the reason for that prompt myself. If it still wont work ill shoot you a pm.
Still looking for more rps
-fixed some coding issues
Still looking
*thread edited
Revamped the plots a little bit
Still on the hunt