Two Times, One Sword (Closed)

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Jiro's eyes went wide at the sight of the demon "I must say Yori your family is quite strange." he looked on as heavy gusts of wind came from the beast's wings. "But I-" Jiro tried to give protest but stilled his tongue. A fist among family, no matter how odd, was no place for an outsider to but in. "Very well stay safe my friend." Jrio ran back to the house.

Yoko appeared next to Yori with her blade drawn "You will not fight alone I will defend where I can. I am yours to command." her eyes went from brown to fire red.
"It's alright." Yori whispered to Yoko, though he knew that he didn't sound all that convincing. He didn't know why PaxCorp had sent his sister back in time, and hoped that it wouldn't have to come down to fighting at all.

The demon android's wings fluttered so fast while descending that the gusts of wind could topple over an average man, but Yori's weighted feet acted like stabilizers, heavy with the same Paxton alloy that made up all of his sister's body. After landing, her entire body remained spanned outward, menacing. At the short distance she was now, it was easier to tell that she taller than Yori, with a height of approximately 7 and a half feet. Presumably, she could make herself even taller, in the rare case she was outmatched in terms of height. Yori remembered that she used height as a weapon, favoring an aggressive highlander Jodan-gamae style of combat combined with claw reach and free-form joint maneuverability.


"Hello, brother~" Her voice was sing song and sweet, thought it was betrayed by her appearance and stance.
"My sister, it has been a long time." Yori responded mournfully. "Why now; why has he sent you?"
"I'm hurt that you would think that I wouldn't want to see you on my accord, but when I learnt about what happened, I knew I could convince our father to be the one to bring you back."
"What do you mean?"
"You're the first person confirmed to travel across the fourth dimension, the very first time traveler!" she squealed.
"Ayako ("design-child"), I..."
"To think that you finally managed to best me at something~"
"I was plucked from our time. None of it was by my accord."
"Oh?" Ayako sounded like she was pouting, though she couldn't express it, having metal tendril-looking things spewing from where a mouth should be. "Maybe that's why I found it difficult to navigate the eddies of the fourth dimensional plane from the unstable wormhole you left. You weren't wrong when you said it has been a long time. I calculated that it took me approximately 75.25 years for me to be here, with you." The last word was seething in new scorn. "Now I see that you've come to disappoint me once again."
"It's a difficult habit to break, considering that you always had such high standards." Yori quipped.
Ayako robotic eyes rolled exactly like slot machine wheels. "You look strange, with those caveman clothes you have on. I miss seeing you dressed like a cop; it was at least cuter. You've already interacted with the locals, and you look like you haven't even aged a day. It doesn't surprise me that you'd get chummy already."
"I'm going to fix the damage I've caused by being here."
"I'm going to fix all this, not you. Although, not having a way to return to my time is really a monkey wrench in my original plan. You know your friend, the one you sent away before I landed? All that did was spare him a couple more minutes. You know I have super parabolic senses. Every local you've come in contact with must be purged from the timeline."

She always bested him in a fight. Out of the thousands of sparring matches in virtual reality space, Ayako had dominated as the clear winner each time. While Yori had become well trained in Pax Style, Ayako had attained a higher level of it. As an android, it was said that she was incapable of making mistakes.

"What then?" Yori rebuked. "You don't know the mission we must complete to actually save the timeline. You'll be stuck here, without purpose, not knowing the extent to which you have failed your own design."
"You're bluffing. You're not that important, but the butterfly effect is notorious for bringing out unexpected results. It's going to be a pain, but I can wait a thousand years in a secluded cave until I'm in the right time again."
"I might not be important, but he is."
"Hmmm. I doubt it."
"He's the only one that can defeat the greater threat at hand."
Ayako's eyes glowed bright red. "You know it isn't wise to try and provoke me, brother, because I can defeat anything that a caveman can."
"It's the truth."
"Tell me what this greater threat is and I'll kill it also."
"I know you well, sister, which is why I won't. You won't kill the greater threat, because he'll seduce you just like our power hungry father has. You could follow Paxton's mission exactly, but that'd boring."
"You're right about some things, but I'm not one to be seduced." Ayako mused. "Your friend, though, is he really that good in a fight? This mission might be fun after all."
"I won't allow you to fight him. He doesn't know our ways in which we fight. It'd be stacked from the start."
"You only cripple yourself with your held concept of honor. I will fight him, and if he puts up a good enough fight, I might spare his life despite the risk to the timeline. Then, I'll find this 'greater threat' and see what fun I can squeeze out of it before I figure out how to get back to our time."
"Nice plan. Too bad it doesn't take into account that you're going to lose your fight against me."

Yori drew his sword in a split instant and held it in a ready stance. Ayoko raised her the back of his large claw hands to her 'mouth', shaking her head erratically, animating her robotic fit of simulated exaggerated laughter. "I don't feel like playing with you anymore, toy. I got bored at around the 1001st fight."

Ayako was in effect only spewing out a stream of thousands of numbers at an incredible rate perceived only as rapid gibberish, made manifest by super-powered radio wave transmitters that attacked the circuitry of Yori's body, but Yoko could feel with Yori that effect that this command was having on his body, even though Yoko wouldn't be able to understand why. All of his electronic components struggled to remain active against the codes meant to disable him directly. It was an extremely cheap tactic to hack into personal body systems, but highly effective.

"It looks like some of the code wasn't used, and you're still standing. Why is that, Yori?"
I have Yoko by my side. She gives me strength that you can't detect.
"Many of my working components had to be stripped from my body to keep me alive from another fight."
"So not only are you a toy, you're a broken toy. Begone!"

Before Yori could respond, he was shot by an unknown blast shot from the end of one of Ayako's metal claws. He felt the same unknown sensation he felt during that unknown space between his world and this one. He presumed his body was still corrupted by time particle residue, and that the burst excited them to form a separate pocket of time around him, to suspend him just outside the prime material plane. He was stuck now, and could only helplessly watch as Ayako flew fast and made a beeline straight towards the Ieyoshi manor, for Jiro.
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"Yori!" Yoko shouted and ran over to him. "Yori whats wrong?" she reached out for him but her hand phased through him. Like Yori she could only watch as the monster rushed for her brother.

Jiro watched from the second story of his home as the confrontation between Yori and his sister went array.

"She's coming..." Jiro whispered. This was no longer Yori's fight. "You will not touch my home foul demon." Jiro pushed away from the window and down to the first floor.

Above the backdoor leading to the lake was a Yumi (an asymmetrical Japanese bow) and two steel tipped bamboo arrows. Jiro took the bow, flung the door sliding door open, and drew an arrow. "My name is Jiro Shingen, and you trespassing on privet property. Leave now or I will shoot!" he bellowed. Ayako showed no signs of stopping. The swordsman took a deep breath in as drew back further on the bow, he aimed right for Ayako's head. *Whoosh* The arrow left the string with great speed, sailing right for its mark. *Tink* The arrow struck its mark, right in the center of Ayako's head, but it simply bounced off. Quickly, Jiro drew the second arrow, but it was to late the beast was already on top of him. She struck the fighting stance of what appeared to be a bandit, ready to strike and kill. The bow was wrapped around Jiro's back as he drew his white sword. "Foolish girl I will give you one last chance to leave this place with out bloodshed." he wasn't sure if this thing could even be classified as a woman.
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She thought about engaging in advanced tactics right away at the person foolish enough to shoot sticks at her, but she hadn't had any fun yet. Her claw hands were like scythes as she flew fast above Yori's head, striking like a vicious harpie and leaving little room for retaliation for a swordsman she assumed could only basically fight from the ground. She assumed also that any basic parry would be useless as her long claws were of such length they could still reach around and claw at her foe. Her wings continued to flutter at a speed that caused gusts of strong winds that battered the young warrior, and after a time calculated to simply wear the warrior down with drive-by style attacks, she landed, causing the earth to rumble with her hidden weight, from the strong metal alloy that made her very person.

Her claws started to rotate at several rotations per second, and striking at Yori using their height differential as an advantage as she struck at him with 'high ground' attacks. If she was allowed to consistently punish him like this and force him only to defend, the battle itself would wear him down. "Is this all you have, barbarian?"

Meanwhile, Yori screamed at the top of his lungs, with knowledge that Ayako was merely toying with him, not bringing out any of her futuristic weaponry. Perhaps she was deciding between ways to torture him.
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Jrio grunted under the various small cuts the creature landed on his sides and back "Such power and from a machine no less." When Ayako came after the swordsman with her heavy attacks it was like getting hit by a run away bolder, he had to use both arms just to brace against the attacks. "Enough!" Jiro pushed back on one of the claws. "Hmph!" A large rock pillar shot out of the ground as Jiro plunged his sword downward. The pillar interrupted Ayako's sting of attacks, but it started to quickly crumble. Using the wind generated by Ayako's wings the samurai leaped into the air making it just behind his attacker. "You would do your best not to mock me silly girl!" he came down with a hard strike to one of her wing joints.

The joint buzzed and began to smoke, but there was only a shallow cut in it. Jiro dropped back down to the ground the wind slowing his fall just before he hit the ground. He looked up to a now confused Ayako trying to keep her balance in the air with a damaged wing. Jiro reset his stance with a smirk on his face.
The large rock pillar technique had been a great trick to Ayako, but only pleased her because it defied her expectation that this fight would've been a slaughter and that Yori had let this place get to his head. The purity of the surroundings around her was not unnoticed, but she felt that Yori had been spoiled by all this stuff. The unforgiving landscape of the future better suited Yori to toughen him up, but here, here he could be defeated by warriors with a much lower tech level, somehow, and have many of his metal components removed as a result. Not even with his technology could Yori possibly escape the time stasis she placed him in; there he would simply fade away. Without his metal components, Yori was just a man, a weak and foolish man. This fighter, however, had some surprises at least, and even managed to damage her weakest component, her wings. She had to recognize that this fighter was smart in searching for her weaknesses, in spite of being pushed into a corner. Her damaged wings retreated into her metal back, where they were immersed in a biogel liquid designed to regenerate them. Her positronic brain felt giddy as she started to calculate against what should be impossible.

"My brother Yori thought very highly of you, warrior. Though that doesn't count for much, now that he's dead. HA HA HA"

Her claws started to radiate reddish green; to Jiro it might be a fire based attack of some sort, but Yori knew it for what it was. She was generating intense microwave radiation designed to cook a man from the inside. In a short time, Jiro would feel sick.
It was getting hot, but something was different about this heat. It felt like the heat was coming from within his own body. "It's getting hot, I have to do something." his eyes darted over to Yori's body. A cold chill ran down Jiro's spine as he focused on Yori's life less body "No!" he whispered. "By my sword I will see you dead!" he yelled at Ayako. The temperature continued to rise "Is she able to wield spirit energy?" he said looking at her claws. His mind began to get foggy "The...lake..." he raised his sword and pointed it at the lake, then to Ayako.

The lake began to churn and swirl, Jrio dropped to one knee as Ayako made her advance. "How disappointing it would seem you are not the warrior my brother spoke about, but then again that isn't surprising." she smirked. One of herclaws now at Jiro's neck "To easy." her eyes went wide with killing lust. The samurai looked to her with a grin "I'm... not so... sure." the ground began to shake under their feet. Ayako turned to see a huge torrent of water coming straight for the both of them. The torrent came crashing into the android with enough force to knock her back a few yards making the heat stop. Jiro rose from his spot as the water returned to the lake, but he didn't stop there. "Rah!" he thrust his sword into the ground and swung it up upwards, sending a wide tremor toward Ayako. It opened as sharp jagged rocks came at the still recovering cyborg.
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The spirit looked around, confused. It was the voice of Yori; she didn't understand. When that strange glowing projectile struck Yori, it was as though his entire spirit essence had been obliterated from existence. Where was Yori? In a place, beyond space and time, beyond the spiritual plane? She couldn't see him as a spirit anywhere. Everything indicated that his whole being lost all connections to the earth.
I'm still connected to you. You must pull me back into reality.
What about the goddess Amaratsu? she thought. She was much more powerful than she was as a temple priestess. This was a task of an overwhelmingly cosmic order.
Amaratsu has joined the two planes together at this point, but it must be you to set me free.
She still didn't understand, but believed this was Yori, and was not just her thoughts. It still spooked her a bit to think that there were spirits, and then there were those like Yori beyond the spiritual plane.

Bzztt... bzzzt...

The android convulsed and the sharp sound of sparks crackled the air around her, kneeling and observing the sharp jagged rocks that were coming towards her; her circuits were close to overloading from the sudden water pressure inflicted upon her systems. Each fail safe strained to keep it all in place, trying desperately to get over continuous errors. Her metal arms rose at the last instant, firing green energy blasts, disintegrating the opposing projectiles. Hideous, erratic laughter burst from her speakers, like violent hiccups, constantly interrupted as systems tried to hold in her fleeting consciousness.

Overkill Mode Engaged. High level ordinance command required. Bypassing. Personality Matrix Shutdown: Failed.

New wings shot out from her back and she leaped a high parabolic arc towards Yori with such force that it left a broken crater from where she was. She formed the pose of the Angel of Death, as all of her metal limbs fanned out symmetrically to match her wingspan. Rocket launchers jutted out from all of her sides, and a steady stream of focused energy formed at her mouth.
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Yoko sat cross legged in mid air "I mean its just finding another spirit right?". She had never attempted to channel in spirit form "Well here goes." she closed her eyes and began to focus. "I call to the spiritual plain- ah." she flinched back in pain. A loud wave of feedback crept into the back of her mind, it echoed with her own voice. "Gotta push through it." he rubbed her head. Yoko took her sat down again and focused "I call to the beings of the plain between plains." she waited for a sign. A few moments passed then a low voice came to the back of her mind "What it is priestess?" it growled. "There is a soul there that has been wrongfully placed there, and I wish you to release him back to the land of the living." Yoko's voice as calm but stern.

"We know of the soul you speak of... but we may not help you or him." the voice explained.

"What do you mean? Please he shouldn't be there!" a knot formed in her stomach.

"We neutral beings, to save him would mean siding with one plain over the other."

"Then what can I do?"

There was quiet moment then it spoke "We can channel your energy into him, but after that it's up to him to return back to his body."

"Thank you."

A small white dot appeared in her mind "Focus" said the voice.

Yoko's body began to glow as she focused on the dot.


"Something big is coming, I have to move away from the manor." Jiro dashed quickly, as far as he could, to one side of Ayako. "FIRE!" She screamed. *Foosh!* The launchers on both of her shoulders fired their rounds straight at Jiro. The were quickly closing the gap "Rokkushirudo!" the samurai slashed into the ground and a huge chunk of earth swung out of the ground. The rockets collided with stone and violently exploded sending Jiro flying to the ground. "FFFFFFOO...OOL ITS GGG..OING T T TO TAKE MO MORE THEN TH A A AT!" Ayako yelled, she systems still trying to repair. "Beam cannon ready to fire." her system notified. Choppy laughter blared from her speakers as the green light focused into a sharp beam. It swept across the field heading straight for Jiro. "Ah!" the swordsman managed to roll out of the way, but not before the edge of the beam cut into a good half inch into his arm. Fire erupted from the burnt trail the attack left in the ground "What power is this?" Jiro gripped his sword tightly, "I have no choice I have do it." he whispered to himself. He took a deep breath in and thrust the entirety of his blade into the ground "Aianabaria!" Large iron pillars surrounded Jrio and encapsulated him in an iron box.

Inside the box Jiro began to focus his energy "I call upon the spirits of the Shingen family. Here my plea and give me the power to vanquish the evil that plagues our home." he prayed
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We already have given you the power, honorable one. Through the Goddess Stone, we have sent a future samurai to your time. Do you not believe in him?

Jiro held his words, not able to reconcile with seeing the lifeless body he saw of Yori, and the searing pain in his arm.

Fear not. He isn't slain. The demon's cheap attack will not hold him astray. She banished him to a place outside time, but he will return. Your sister guides his way back home...

Yoko focused on the dot, and like a growing egg it grew until it flashed in a sudden bright white light that blinded her. To her bewilderment, she was lead through a portal that lead directly inside the iron box where Jiro was incapsulated. Yori passed though the portal in front of her, floating midair a few inches off the ground with eyes closed like an undead specter, arms upright, glowing in a bright red fire surrounding him. He slowly descended and landed without a sound.

When Yori opened his eyes, he knew he had about the same confused look as he saw on Jiro's face. It would take too long to explain tachyons and how they were hit from Ayako's specialized, unblockable blast, not him, and how it triggered a wormhole mini-pocket in space that suspended him in Shrodinger's Paradox and all that other techno babble. Besides, he couldn't explain the other half in it involving Jiro's sister and her channeling ability, and the acts of goddesses.

"Looks like I'm late for the party." said Yori suddenly, trying to ease the tension, though it was a poor way to do so. Movie quotes sometimes worked in his time. "Sorry about keeping you waiting. Tell you what. Once we kick my sister's ass back to the future age, I'm mixing you a stiff drink."

The iron box resounded with strong, thunderous waves of impacts of a flurry of rockets and laser beams; the only reason the laser beams weren't focused to a singular beam that could cut it was because Ayako found more delight in the random destruction, arising from a still recovering malfunction of her systems that simulated blood lust. Yori unsheathed his sword again; the same red spiritual fire focused around his legs as he crouched, ready to leap high into the air.

"Whenever you're ready, lower the gates. We attack together, as one sword!"
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"Lets do this." Jiro sheathed his sword and brought both hands up in a fighting stance. "On my mark. Three." his hands stared to glow a faint white. "Two." he reared back with both fists, the light grew stronger. "One." *Foosh!* Jiro's hand tore through the air as it made impact with front iron wall. *BOOM! FOOSH!* The iron wall shot towards Ayako with great speed "GO!" Jiro unsheathed his blade and dashed right behind the wall with Yori leaping over head.

"What!" Ayako didn't have time to focus on all the threats coming her way. She stopped the wall with great easy, but it was quickly split into as Jiro popped out from between it. Ayako's systems couldn't keep up with Jiro's speed. *Screeeeach!" The white blade pierced the girls right cheek and sank in as Jiro sailed past her through the air. He landed behind her and spun around to face his enemy.

"I Impossible!" Ayako's eyes rolled around in her head. "N O O O O warrior haaaaassss every landed su u u uch a hittttt!" her head spun around to face Jiro, then her body followed. She began to march toward him, laser charging, "WHAT PoWer DO O O O YOU POSSess!" she demanded.

"A power a machine could never understand!" He sank his sword into the ground, leaving cracks where it bite into the terrain, sending a rock pillar rocketing skywards underneath her. *Crunch* The pillar sent her spiraling into the air, she was all Yori's now.
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In desperation, Ayako launched several razor sharp metal disks from her sides as she spun; each timed so that each flew directly at her two threats. She could believe that two fighters still remained, but her sensors couldn't lie. It picked up Yori, who she had blasted into oblivion with a tachyon pulse, and banish him to a place outside of time itself, but there he was flying towards her with an energy she couldn't understand. Yori pulled out his pistol and fired at the whirling blades that were directly heading for Jiro, causing them to lose speed and negating their spin.

Idiot brother, there are still blades just for you. It'll be a clean enough cut to make a fine trophy out of your head!

Fire based energy erupted from Yori's body like a geyser, deflecting the projectiles harmlessly, except for one. Ayako saw with horror as she tried to regain balance with her external thrusters that Yori's blade was being super-heated, and that the one that wasn't deflected was spinning at the end of it. This blade was instead gaining speed as the end of the blade bored out on a tiny hole at the center of the metal disc. With a mid-air axial spin, Yori flung the metal disk back at his android sister, where it sank itself right into her torso. She looked down at herself in disbelief at the sound the hot metal disk searing at her metal body. It was with such heat that it was actually starting to melt her.


It was Yori's true wild card in any situation: a Tactical Ordinance charge, able to destruct with enough devastation to level a building. He deflected Ayako's claw attacks by instinct, because while Ayako's attack patterns could be infinite with how many claw she had and how they could bend, losing to her so much in simulations caused him to discover that even she had predictable attack patterns, ending his parries with a quick stab through her head. With a burning fist of metal, Yori punched the explosive deep into Ayako's chest cavity through the opening the saw blade had caused, and hurled her body away before the charge exploded.
"U U Unbelievable..." Ayako whispered.

The shock wave of the bomb knocked Jiro back a couple of feet, and Yori hurtling to the ground. *Thump* Yori's body hit the ground hard as he left a small crater where he landed. Chunks of molten metal rained down over the landscape "Is it over?" Jiro said kneeling. "B b b b brother." Ayako's voice was faded. A flaming torso struggled over to Yori out of the wreckage "TOTal S yssteeMe faiLLLLiure.... I Don't W AAANt Toooo Diii...iiiie...". Her glowing red eyes faded as she reached out to Yori, then the heap fell to to the ground. "May the spirits give her peace." Jiro pray. Yori gave him a strange look "Everyone deserves to find peace Yori, even those with wicked spirits." he nodded. Jiro collapsed to the ground out of exhaustion.​

Yori's fleshy hand clasped Ayako's hand tightly while he lay still prone on the ground, just before the red light of her eyes faded. His eyes clenched shut, thinking over what Jiro had said. He had given him the strange look because he didn't expect mercy to be contained in his words.

"I've always dreamed I would win over you." Yori whispered, when Jiro had collapsed, "but this wasn't a simulation."

He refused to look at the carnage he inflicted on his sister. She was all machine, but they had the same father. She was the closest to family that Yori would ever have, a competitor in that foolish quest to gain a father's love. Ayako had always won. Yori was but a failed experiment, a tree boy brother that had to always take second place in everything. They stopped knowing each other when Yori had defected to join the police force to protect the innocent that he once helped terrorize by helping PaxCorp with their missions: a ronin transformed into a samurai. Ayako couldn't know what skills he had acquired outside of PaxCorp, and Yori could never find out what caused her to act so callously. She was once a rational being, who ended fights quickly and efficiently without complaint. Her installed personality matrix changed all that. It was his fault for not staying and guiding that personality towards the right path. His father John Paxton had corrupted her and seduced her with high living and endless excitement, satisfying blood-lusty cravings and encouraging evil acts.

"If I stayed, if I had been a better brother to you, then you wouldn't be dead. You were artificial intelligence, but you were life. We were the same, created for a purpose. I defied that purpose, but I left you behind chained to serve our shogun, our father. Those chains were why I won. I must survive."

Yori crawled closer towards Ayako's face and put his hands over her artificial eyelids, which were surprisingly soft, made out of a simpler plastic, closing them over the red lenses.

"I love you, sister."

With that, Yori got up slowly and lifted the collapsed Jiro from the ground, and back to the Ieyoshi Manor to place him on a bed so that he could recover.
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Gin's Hide Out


"The match is over my lord." A mechanical voice sounded, "The female golem has been defeated."

"Thank you Yang you may go." Gin waved him on.

"Yes my lord." the tin warrior bowed.

Gin's eyes quickly darted from side to side, then a fiendish grin grew on his face "Actually Yang... retrieve the body. Our family is about to grow a little bigger."

The Battle Ground

Night fall, only the full moon illuminated the wreckage of the day's battle.

*Thip Thip Thip* His footsteps were surprisingly faint and quick.

He stared at the lifeless body before him "Why does the master have interest in such a weak thing?" He knelt down beside her "You are quiet a pretty thing, perhaps that's why?" Yang ran his fingers over one of her cheeks. He leaned down to her ear "Don't worry the master will fix you up." his voice high pitched and wispy. He picked up what was left of her body and broke into an incredible run. "We'll be there by morning my sweet." he grinned.

The Steel Smithy
Ayako's broken body laid a still on a cold slab of steel.

"The damages her body has sustained are to great we can't repair her, I'm sorry my lord." A smaller metal working golem reported.

"Then build her a new one, and keep it as close to her current style as possible. You have five hours do not disappoint me." Gin growled.

Time passed with dropping of hammers ushering in a new life. Akayo's original design was scrapped as a new body began to take shape. "She is complete my lord. We took your guidelines and stuck to them as closely as possible, were able to transfer her head and right arm without incident. We hope you are pleased." the golem bowed. "She just requires the final step."

"Good work, open the roof hatch." The Shogun ordered.

*CACHUNK! Click click click* A section of the roof opened to reveal a pitch black sky. Gin unsheathed his sword and made a deep cut into his hand, then placed a bloody mark over Ayako's new face. His sword shot to the sky, and started to glow black. The night sky became cloudy and ruff "Welcome to your new home my daughter." He swung with great force right over the top of Ayako. *BZZZZZZRT!* A black blot of lighting struck the lifeless body with a huge force. The was nothing but silence, then "UUUUUUUUUHHHHH!" Ayako took a huge gasp. Her mid section rose off the table and then back down with a thud. "Running systems check... new hardware found... calibrating... calibrating... calibration complete. Warning! Warning! Body type unknown unable to find drivers, manual teachings required. Continuing systems check... Check complete all systems nominal welcome back Miss Ayako." her internal systems sounded.

Gin smirked.
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"Where is... my body?"

She took a look at her hand, her eyes in curiosity. She moved to stand, trying to orient herself to the strangeness. The metal itself felt different, like a unique material, like the Paxton Alloy of the future. Though it may be considered primitive by future standards, there was a signature of craftsmanship with her new components. A tingling sensation shot down her spinal cord as she sensed her tail weapon and her back stingers. When she looked into the mirror, she couldn't recognize herself, though she liked what she saw. The clothes fascinated her; it surpassed what passed for fashion in night clubs. The ornate detached sleeves and large front zipper covering her mouth was totally jang; the slightly more subtle dark blue hair and skin made her look more - human. John Paxton, her father, never wanted her appear human. There had always been a distinction between herself and Yori, her brother. Yori was designed as an experiment to see how much machine could be put into a man. It was always Pax philosophy there was only so much humanity you could put into a machine. She caught the image of the dark shogun in the full mirror, but didn't act surprised. Instead, she turned towards him slowly.

"Do I have you to thank for this? Do you like what you see?"
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Gin smiled for a moment under his mask, then frowned "Yes I am responsible for giving you your life back." he slowly walk to her. "Do you know why you lost to two of the most weakest beings in this plain of existence?" he gripped her shoulder.

"Because I was unaware of the power the one from this time-" Ayako tried to explain.

"No because you are weak. Your pride lead to arrogance which lead to your weakness." he tightened his grip with a growl, "and no creation of mine will be weak." he released. "As for your new body you'll find it to be much different then that... uh clunky trash heap you were used to. The doctor will inform you of the changes." he nodded to the golem behind beside her.

"Yes thank you my lord." he bowed. "Miss Ayako your original compensates were very hard to work with so we had to certain... liberties." he pointed to her. "We salvaged what we could from your original body, and we had to craft around your interface. However, we were able to salvage you head, obviously, and your right arm. Modifications were made in order fit your arm into your body aka its more like a scythe. Also, your tendrils are now tucked under the roof of your mouth, your systems will learn how to control them over time." he explained.

"Basically Ayako we traded your artillery for speed and precision." Gin interrupted. "Watching your battle with Jiro you looked like an enraged cow." he chuckled. "Yang will teach you how to use your new body efficiently, and here" he tossed her a rag, "Wipe the blood of your face." he ordered. "Any questions you have direct toward Yang, dismissed." he walked out of the smithy.

Yang squinted "Come with me." he hissed and stared walking. "We're going to the ring."
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Ayako didn't move to reject the man's strong grip or his condescending attitude. She hadn't used Pax Style during her last battle, because she thought it would be easy. It was pride that led to her demise, and ignoring her brother's words as mere wishful thinking when he said the warrior from this time was strong. When the mysterious warlord that gave her life mentioned the removal of her artillery, she felt empty, hollow. Those big guns were what made her fearsome; it was Yori that was used as special ops. She was designed as a WMD, a weapon of mass destruction. If you wanted to extract information covertly without enemy notice, you used Yori. If you wanted to wipe a base from the face of the planet, you used Ayako. Efficiency was a nuisance concept to her, but she would abide by it to please her shogun father Paxton as a sign of continued allegiance to him.

She also didn't like it that Gin called her previous body 'trashy'; it was an attack of who she was. What was a cow, anyway? She was an android, and only looked female, but her positronic brain could register that if she was female, she would have taken grave offense to this, and feel defiled. He did save her life. For now, she would call it even. If this new relationship didn't pan out the way she wanted it to, she could always - take liberties of her own with him. It was hard to tell how strong he was, however. Clearly this was a lord that commanded respect. He knew all of her weapons; there were no wild card devices she could use to acquire an unfair edge over him. In time, I'll come to know your weaknesses.

She wiped the blood off her face with the rag, though she didn't know whose blood it was. She followed Yang when he started walking. The Ring itself wasn't what she expected. Being an underground ring, it looked like a fight club, except without the fancy lights. There was a large array of burning candles along the walls, but not enough to illuminate very much. It was dark, and her eyes couldn't activate night vision like they used to; a result of the fiddling done to her. The ground was of dirt and bone; not the sterile training simulations she was used to. There were several large doors that bordered the perimeter of the ring, and above the tall walls, there was simple wire frames that extended to the ceiling. She swore she could see spectators in that deep darkness, though it was only by brief glimpses of light reflected off their surfaces.

"It all depends on your performance now, and how well you understand my instructions." Yang said. "If you die again, it'll be your own damn fault. The Master has no use for dead weight."
Yang counted on that if she didn't listen and died, it was a plus for him, and if she was too eager to listen and started to win, he'd lace in a falsehood that would lead to her death. Either way, this... distraction would be out of his way.
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"Lesson one: You have two parts to your body that you need to sync with, your tail and you main body." he snapped his fingers. Three gold golems walked out of separate doorways and entered the ring. "Just concentrate, after you get this down adapting to other weapons should be no problem. Thats what you were built for anyway." he shrugged. The golems rushed at Ayako claws drawn.
The golems had charged towards her in a equilateral triangle formation. She took the optimal angle, rolling just under the swipe of one of the golems and gaining advantage by having all of them at one side. The golems were quick to reorganize, however, and moved forward in an enclosing formation. Ayako took this as her chance, running up the wall and striking directly at the lead golem's head while in midair. With her tail impaled into the golems head, she swung the golem body around to bash back the other golems.

One golem tried to 'cut into' her swing rotation, which Ayako took as an opportunity to cut open with her razor sharp scythe arm, knocking down the other golem in the meantime with the weight on her tail. By the time the final golem got up from being knocked down, it was a one on one fight. Ayako simply smirked. When the golem charged, she faked out a strike with her main tail, leading the golem into her subsequent, lethal strike to the torso, cutting it open with such force that you could hear the shearing of metal.