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Xenotrix Metamorph

Original poster
Humanity's history is best described as a cautionary tale. It is rife with despair, misery, and tragedy. Wars have been waged for petty and selfish gain. Entire cultures eradicated in a single fell swoop. Populations left barren, condemned to death by conflict or famine. In my time, my near countless centuries among men, I have seen all manner of atrocity committed. I have committed many myself at the behest of my masters. Even with the very sands of my homeland soaked with blood, I know there is goodness in humanity. Though I have seldom seen it, I know it exists. This knowledge is all that gives me hope for the world I share with these creatures of Earth, formed in the image of my creator. Here, I exist. Ever to serve. I am here, trapped in the confines of this small insignificant object, a lamp of unassuming quality. For my next master to free me, and utter the two words that have both built and razed civilizations. Two words that have left billions without and granted billions to singular men of lesser value. "I wish..."

So the concept of this story revolves around a genie. A powerful entity with the ability to alter and shape reality at will, but doomed to serve lesser beings for eternity. This character will be played by me, and the story will consist of a small cast of characters and a batch of antagonists that seek to utilize the genie for terrible things. I am currently open to playing in a past era or the modern era, depending on what players would prefer. The story would also begin with the players, or player, seeking the lamp or happening upon it, with antagonists seeking it. The primary conflict would be between the players and the antagonists, though considering the nature of the concept, player vs. player could also be done in some small ways.

If people express interest, I will work on additional details, including character sheets and such. If not, it doesn't matter, right? lol Anyway, feel free to post or PM if you are interested or have questions. ^_^
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Some interest.