Transported to another world to overthrow the monarchy?!

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Holy Terror
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Isekai - the (overused) trope in Japanese fiction where an ordinary high-schooler is transported to a fantasy world with video game mechanics. If the character is a boy, they become super OP and gather a harem. If the character is a girl, they accidentally screw up the otome plot and gather a harem.

Or, since I'm making this RP, there are neither video game mechanics, nor high schoolers. There might yet be a harem, or two or seven.

Instead, the player characters are university students who are transported to a stereotypical western fantasy world, thanks to the work of an extremely recently deceased warlock. They must put away their interdepartment rivalries (I'm looking right at you, philosophy and physics majors) to figure out what's so important that this old man killed himself in order to summon all-knowing magical heroes from another world.

Hint: It involves a guillotine. Or two. Or seven.

We'll have:
  • Knights
  • Castles
  • Dragons
  • Princesses
  • Cookies
  • Romantic horse-drawn carriage rides
  • Monsters that look suspiciously like demons
  • Monsters that look suspiciously like capitalists
  • Assassination attempts
  • Students struggling without internet
  • Medieval boy bands
  • Rivers of noble blood staining the cobblestones red as the people burn down the palace
I could be interested. Sounds like a pretty cool idea, and I'm always down for fantasy stuff.
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You have my attention, color me intrigued
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This sounds like it could be hilarious.

Also, the vote needs a third option, brilliant trainwreck.
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This sounds like it could be hilarious.

Also, the vote needs a third option, brilliant trainwreck.
That I agree with, brilliant train wreck waiting to happen and I'm here for it XD
I'm glad you all seem interested! I've been reading a lot of isekai manga since work has slowed down, and I'm particularly inspired by Common Sense of a Duke's Daughter, and The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes.

My hope is that having the player characters come from a university will give people a chance to write in pre-existing friendship with other, and provide an in-character reason to have so much specialized knowledge in a smallish group of characters.

And of course everyone will have magic powers of some sort, I'm not going to skimp on that.
I think I'd like to play a character who is focussed on fashion. Not in the sense of a barbie who only cares about looks, but as in (historical) construction of garments, aiming to become a seamstress/designer
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Sounds like someone who might be a history major, or perhaps has an interest in material design/engineering!
I have no idea how universities work, we don't need them here except for specialist areas (medical, psychology, stuff like that) so I'll just believe you on that
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What country are you from, out of curiosity? I'd be happy to give you a description of how a typical American university works.
I know the basics, it's kinda hard to navigate the interwebs without picking some stuff up haha but the exact details on what kinds of directions a person could choose for major/minors etc befuddles me
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I am tempted to write up an accountancy major so that she can introduce the isekai to the wonders of double-entry bookkeeping and completely reshape their economies. I mean, that shit pretty much sparked the Renaissance by facilitating the use of promissory notes and financing.

Or would that be too geeky for this?
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@Ariel That is the PERFECT amount of geek.

@Olissa If it helps you any, I specifically had a place called Virginia Commonwealth University in mind when I was thinking what our fictional university would be like. Maybe looking at what a real life American university offers will help?

I'm so bad at explaining things OTL
Yes. I love comedic subversive fantasy-modern mashups.
I'm Canadian but I think Canadian universities are pretty similar to American ones just much cheaper?
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I'd give this a go
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I'm deeply intrigued! I've also been reading a lot of those "I died and respawned into a different environment" sort of manga.
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Great! This is plenty enough people to start an RP wither. Would you all prefer our OOC conversations to be on Iwaku, or in a Discord server?
Doesn't matter either way to me, I'm available on both
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I'm pretty bad with Discord so I'd prefer here.
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I am ok with either
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