Totes Meer Schatz [Dead Sea Treasure - M- Pirates of the Caribbean]

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Sir Salty

Big Daddy of Internet Culture
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Speculative Fiction, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Horror
I know I know. Pirates of the Caribbean with a German title. But, I mean there are plenty of European ports out there, even in Germany. So its Pirates of the Caribbean inspired, in Germany, in Europe. Using other mythological creatures along the way.

While I don't have a full blown idea for a plot. I'm thinking of three factions.

The German Navy, clearly trying to stop these foul pirates

The Pirates, clearly trying to evade the German Navy

Treasure Hunters, now you're saying wait pirates are treasure hunters. Well I'm thinking these treasure hunters are different. They are actually paid by a occupation, who tells them to seek out historical treasures and bring them back to museums who pay them. Because exploring the ancient relics would and could prove to be dangerous.

I'm thinking, four people in each faction. I'll probably provide all the leaders for each faction, just to move along the plot.

And I know they are seeking a treasure. With no name right now. The German Navy is suppose to capture the pirates and hang them. Thus they go looking for the treasure to ambush the pirates.

The Pirates are evading the German Navy and sneak to get the treasure from under their nose

And the Treasure Hunters merely are getting caught up in the situation and have to fight survive.

Meanwhile, everyone is dealing with mythological beings of the sea, and of the German cities, etc.

I'm thinking a grand adventure, high sea stakes, not high sea stakes, sword battles, romance, no romance, rum, lots of rum, and just shenanigans.
I'm interested!
If this takes off i'd love to be involved.

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