Totalitarianism Takeover

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Prob 10:00PM-2:30PM UTC (not my time zone, hidden my time zone for "safety"... yk)
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
Romance, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern, 80's,
Hello fellow humans. Hope you people are having a evening that you would call good! I have a roleplay for y'all to enjoy along side me, but first, just some things that I would like to list as "rules", but in fact I just would like to see them in the roleplay, no pressure applied. The ones with * next to them are however rules ;)

-At least a paragraph or long sentence per response (can turn from long and it can be shorted though the roleplay was we continue on, just not too much)*
-Some character gaps and building, get to know them during the roleplay and not all knowing before said roleplay*
-Some human people this one please, they can have tails, ears, but not too much please*
-Some background people would be nice! I will be doing some as the roleplay continues, along with my OC of course
-Update me on what's happening over there. It doesn't have to be super specific, but just lemme know you are going to respond soon, just caught up in someone, it happens to me all of the time, Mom is a bitch and school kicks my ass, so I get it... maybe not for work though
-OOC talking during and pre roleplay! I care about my partner more than the roleplay. If you are not feeling comfy with the roleplay, we could always change it, I won't EVER say no, but I might ask why

And that's that! Now... onto one of my favorite roleplay ideas ever!

Totalitarianism Takeover

The year is 2150 and the world is still figuring it's shit out, and with all new powerful country in charge. its not helping. The Ministry of Crowvok (Cr-oh-vo-k) started in Northeastern Russia in 2050, and slowly begin to spread throughout Russia. Once it had taken over most of Russia, it began to take over partnering countries as well, such as Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Türkiye, Ukraine, Belarus, Finland, Sweden, Norway, and the Korea's. Around the year of 2145 a small democracy, Samovar (Sam-oh-var) was formed in a small part of Crowvok, and all around where people heard it. Soon it began to grow so popular, that there started to be groups in popular places where Samovarians would meet undisclosed. With enough time, around the year 2150, the Samovarians decided the Crowvok needed to be brought down, so they could take it by small part each and everytime, starting with building apartments, to recruit people as well, but it wouldn't be easy. With stupid laws almost everyday and people that were to suspicious would be taken away, and never seen again, so they had to act small and fast. OC A (preferably mine) was given a task of taking over an Apartment building and than report to Samovar when it was taken over. With OC A living in Room 2, next to OC B (you) that lived in Room 1, they become neighbors. With the landlord being suspicious, going into peoples rooms when away, and having camera's in everyone's rooms (by law), OC A needs to be really careful not to slip up and follow the rules, and not get distracted by anything, while still trying to get people to Samovar's side. OC B catches an eye for OC A and falls in love with them, dropping subtle hints and what not, not knowing they were distracting him of important work. Will the two fall in love together, or will OC A be to busy help taking over the country?
Hi! I like the idea you have going on here! It gives me strong vibes of Soviet Russia and the Iron curtain around the Eastern Block from way back when. I would totally be up for writing this idea with you if you are still looking for partners. Just a quick question: which genders are we going for? What do you prefer to write?
Hiya! I have a character in mind I could use for this and I'd love to write with you!
Just wondering though, are you alright with nb x m or does it absolutely have to be f x m?