Toko Aida Military Academy

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"It seems we have a problem with hearing. You will PRESENT your HALLPASS, cadet." Fennel's ears laid flat against his angular skull while his dark gaze remained cold and hard. He could tell by the tone of her voice that the "fight or flight" instinct had momentarily taken over, and that it had been the former reaction thanks to the squared stance she possessed. It was, in his opinion, the only response that could be regarded as correct.
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( 'fight or flight' Heh, more like 'punch or kick')

"I don't have one," Seyn replied, waiting a moment for the ringing in her sensitive ears to stop.
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"Err, I'm not sure if I should provide you with that information," Seyn said hesitantly, "Your tone suggests that I would be betraying them to severe punishment and I'm afraid I can't do that."
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Location: D-Wing, Class 14

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What was left of the class was nearly at the shuttle hanger by now, which was not saying much as it was only a short walk away. Here Ms. O paused to do a quick head count and she realized that she was short a couple students. She was about to do a more focused head count just incase she missed someone and to figure out who she was actually missing when she heard something from down the hall.
"Found one." She sighed before turning to her class and telling them not to move from the shuttle hanger door where they were all milling around, before she jogged off. Having recognized the voice and having a pretty good idea of who was the target it did not take long to locate the pair. Rounding the corner she brought herself to a quick but, dignified walk and she approached Mister Fennel and Seyn, it wouldn't do to appear to concerned.
"Mister Fennel." She called in a loud clear voice once she was within twenty feet of the pair. "This one's mine." now level with the pair she positioned herself just infront of her student, not completely blocking her from sight but, enough to be taken as a distinctly defensive pose.
"I'm sure she was trying to locate the class after Lt. Samael detained her." Her voice was clipped and formal but, she kept her face relaxed and her eyes shinning with their usual mischeif.
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Location: D-Wing, Class 14

"Miss Oltonzernta." Fennel stood a full head taller than Miss O, but it didn't appear to phase her in the slightest. He always respected that about her, regardless of how often they ended up butting heads. "I would have hoped that you kept better track of your students than you did your lesson plan. I intended to return her to her proper class when she didn't have a HALL PASS... but of course I never got that far, because this insubordinate Cadet decided to protect her poor little teacher from big mean Fennel." You could have caught the sarcasm in a glass. The smirk alone was goading enough.

"Samael, huh? Another one of yours, Fiona?"
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Though her smile stayed in place her eyebrows slowly rose until they were in danger of disappearing off her face the longer Fennel talked. "I thank you for your, touching concern. It is always nice to hear you taking wayward students under your tender wing." the sarcasm was so thick in the air, stemming from both parties, that it was a wonder they weren't both choking on it.
"And no Lt. Samael is not one of mine. He is my class's new Proctor. You may have seen him, human male, tallish fellow, a bit taller than the rank on his coat." Fennel tended had to have a talent for sniffing out those who were either new or those he could butt heads with. Probably one of the reasons he had been one of the first teachers Ms. O had encountered.
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Location: D-Wing, Class 14
A feral grin had taken the place of the mocking smirk that had covered Fennel's face a mere moment before. He snorted quietly in distaste. "Class proctor, huh? One of yours," He added with finality. "Fiona Oltonzernta strikes again. Turning a wild Cadet loose, and inflicting an egotistical Lieutenant on the whole station-- as if we didn't have enough of those already."

His paws released from his sides and came across his chest, folding there comfortably as he observed the pair. "So? You must have received the 'Welcome Packet' for this year from the Directors too then, if you've got yourself and your students running around the station outside of your second bed-- I mean, classroom."
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Seyn looked from one teacher to another and began to laugh her deep laugh. "I suppose I needn't have worried," She grinned, "It seems Ms. Oltozernta can stand on her own against you, sir." She was very amused at the looks these to adults were giving each other and the earlier events of today were all but forgotten.
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"Not at all," Seyn said cheerfully, "My furry hide does appreciate being saved as it can get very cold without it." Her tail waved lazily, enjoying her bettered mood.
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Fennel began to growl low in his throat, minus the menacing red which had crept into his vision earlier. Miss Oltonzerta stopped him short however, when he began to move past her. He gave a derisive snort in response and gave a quick shake of his head. "So this is the future, huh Fiona? You flygirls and boys are always cocky. Just make sure she knows how to park the thing."

He leaned above Miss Oltonzerta's shoulder and gave the Cadet a very trademarked 'Haldred Fennel' glare of challenge-- the unblinking kind. "The REAL guts are all in my class anyway."
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"I'll have you know," Seyn purred smugly, her own challenge in her blue eyes, "No race on this side of the universe has more guts than a Kronset, sir. Besides, your students look more like frightened kits during their first storm." She grinned at the class of trembling younglings, who seemed to all go several shades paler, not to mention other colors, as they waited for their instructor's reply.
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Rolling her eyes she thought to herself, not true I have only fallen a couple of times in the classroom, which was not true but, she liked to think it was so. Smirking just a bit Ms. O could see that Haldred had had just about enough with the cheeky cadet so she decided that it was time to break things up.
"Alright Seyn, that's enough, off to the hanger with ya. It's down the hall to the left, you will see the rest of the class by the entrance, make sure that nobody is touching anything till I get there. I will be along shortly." She waited a little bit to give Seyn enough time to be out of ear shot before she said "Yup, cocky but, that is what gives them spirit. A little confidense never hurt anybody." She was much more relaxed now her weight shifted onto one foot, arms crossed in front of her chest.
"Although that one will need to learn how to pick her fights a little more carefully." Her voice was thoughtful as though thinking something over but, after a second she turned her dark gaze back to Mister Fennel, the hint of a chuckle in her eyes.
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Seyn was a bit disappointed that she didn't get to finish her talk with the officer, but she jogged obediently to the hanger. He had spirit that she admired. She hoped very much that she would have one of his classes today.
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D-wing, opposite direction as the rest of the class

OK, this time I bit off more than I could chew.

Samael gratefully put the heavy console down on a seemingly ancient wheeled cart he found in a storage area not 60 meters from the classroom door. He began to push the cart down the corridor, toward the lift that he had seen on the map he now carried in his pocket.

Tell me, Admiral, why is it you decided to use the hanger farthest from the first year classrooms? According to his calculations, Samael would move the massive piece of equipment almost half a kilometer, which was, in his opinion, too far to move anything in a space station.

As he finally reached the lift door, he activated the display that would call the lift to his location.

Now, as soon as I get this thing put back in the ship, I need to find a terminal. I want to know more about what I'm actually supposed to be doing here...
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Location: D-Wing, Class 14

Haldred considered Fiona for a brief moment, wondering if she may have been taking another swipe at him, then smirked in return when he decided she wasn't-- not really anyway. "At last, a little appreciation... sorta." His face became serious for a moment. "Warn me though, before you send that one over to me when the class period's over. The strongheaded ones always need extra training." He turned slowly to return his classroom, but glanced over his shoulder.

"And don't let the directors catch you taking them out, Fiona. They may send you another nastygram," The grin on Fennel's face was clearly discernible, even if he didn't turn around all the way. "GET YOUR CHINS OFF THE FLOOR AND STOP GAWKING, PLASMA BAIT!! HAVE ANY OF YOU COSMONAUTS THOUGHT OF ANY QUESTIONS, OR ARE WE GOING TO KEEP TRYING TO DISCOVER THE HIGHER MEANING OF BLINKING?!"

Location: E Shuttle Bay, Departures
Yrinky fidgeted anxiously, waiting with the rest of the students in the hangar bay. She kept casting nervous glances over to the corridor Miss O had disappeared down, clasping her stalks in front of her and shifting from root to root as she had seen Seyn do earlier. She considered her roots for a moment as she mimicked Seyn, but decided that it didn't really have the same effect, so she settled for staying still for the moment. She was only able to stay like that for a moment before her mandibles parted open again and she began swaying in earnest, watching the corridor expectingly.
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Seyn jogged easily out of the corridor, slowing to a walk as she padded over to join the class. Her sack was once again slung over her shoulder as she spotted Yrinky and approached the green alien. "Looking for something?" She asked, bearing a grin.
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Location: E Shuttle Bay, Departures

Yrinky automatically raised her stalks in greeting upon spotting Seyn, delighted at finding a familiar face. "Tall-one! You have returned!" Yrinky waddled over to Seyn, meeting her halfway and looking up at her with curious eyes. "What did that hoo-man want, Tall-one? He seemed like he was testing you... I did not know we already had a test! Do you think he will test me too? ... I do not know if I am ready for tests!"
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