Toko Aida Military Academy

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Samael immediately decided that this Mister Fennel had potential, if he could be brought down to size. I'll deal with you later, pup, I have a class to be late for.

Dropping his smile, he let a slight chill enter his voice. "Of course, Mister Fennel. I look forward to it." At this he turned about and left the room.

Turning back down the hall, he took sure steps toward the room he was actually supposed to be in.

Reaching the door, he pushed it open, and stepped inside. He quickly took a mental inventory of the class. Nine students, a small class, but that was perhaps a good thing for an introduction to flight. At least, he hoped so. He hadn't flown anything in a while, and he hoped the craft available in this hear and now worked enough like his old schooner that he wouldn't look like a total idiot.

As his eyes passed over the room, he noticed the instructor, an impossibly young-looking person to be teaching an introductory flying course, why she looks like she only graduated herself last week, and then something that caused to stop.

"What in the name of all that could ever be holy is a control panel doing. On. That. Desk?" He said, biting off the end of each syllable, fighting hard not to smile. He looked around at the now shocked faced of most of the cadets. Taking a further step in, he turned his back to the cadets to face the instructor. "Well, Ma'am? Why is that there?" Gesturing sharply toward the desk. Hoping to make up for the fun lost in the last class, he winked and mouthed "play along" so only she could see it. Oh yes indeed, this should be a fun one.
"It was donated," Seyn interupted him, "Out of the goodness of the Academy's heart, they felt we should be given the best equipment they could provide to help us learn." Her tail twitched in amusement at this new arrival. She felt no intimidation for the techinically superior officer. Ranks were not something commonly understood among the Kronsets, more like a student moving up a level in school. Basically almost like titles given to a noble. The understanding of the power held in each rank was there, just not the sub-concious desire to make them seem more than just another person. All in all, her people managed to reduce high-ranking officers like the Supreme General to the level of a classroom teacher. Someone to be listened to, but not neccessarily respected or feared.
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Samael stood stock still, his face contorting in amusement, desperately holding back laughter.

"Donated?" He barely managed. He would have continued, but he feared he'd break down before he could get another syllable out. He bit both lips shut, looking for all the world like an overgrown schoolboy in on a dirty joke.

Better to let the teacher field this one... I hope.
"Yes," Seyn went on, smothering her own laughter, "You see, they've come to the recent conclusion that education of their students is top priority. Even now they're down in the docks, using monkey wrenches to disassemble the ships so we can take a closer look at what makes them tick. After that, they'll let us choose a ship to fly so we can get see how far we get before we crash. After all, they say paws-on experience is worth more than the trillions of dollars that go into each one of their ships."
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"All? Hm maybe if we are quick." Ms. O said with a wink to the over excited student. At least there were some people who were excited, prehaps she could get everyone to play along more as the class progressed. Hearing the yelling she cocked her head towards the door with a small frown before letting out a deep sigh.
"That my dear students is the manifestation of evil that lives next door, although he likes to be called Mister Fennel." By the tone of her voice it was obvious she did not care much for the senior teacher. She actually almost jumped when someone pushed their way into her room, he was deffinently not a student, but, she recalled someone telling her about proctors being assigned out. Yay a babysitter, as if her higher ups weren't looking over her shoulder enough. But, after a few moments Ms. O decided that she could learn to like this guy as he immediatly inquired as to why she had a control panel on her desk. Joining with the guys struggle to control a rising flood of laughter she gave him a wide eyed innocent look and interjected after Seyn.
"It is true, and when I commented to Admiral Thranin how we were so short on proper examples for model control panels, why he went right down to his own ship and pulled this out himself." A this point Ms. O wondered how the class was holding together so well, most had their faces squashed into their hands, or whatever they supstatuted in for hands, desperately trying to hide giggles and smirks. She was thoroughly enjoying this, and who was it that had said humor was gone in the military. Well it was probably Mister Fennel, but, at this point Ms. O did not care what that sour faced officer thought. Just barely holding herself together she leaned back onto her desk watching to see how Seyn would react.
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"Sir, like this, Sir?" Seyn asked, leaving her desk and doing a handstand. She slowly leaned her weight on her left paw, bringing up her right on in a mock salute. "Sir, I think your form still needs a bit of work, sir," She said critically, "It's not nearly as silly as mine, sir." With a heave, she righted herself and gave a slight bow. "Sir, are you more enlightened now, sir?" She quipped.
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The other cadets broke into nervous applause.

Samael allowed himself a smile, and shook his head, relaxing his stance.

Well, there goes any chance of pulling off the mean officer thing.

"Alright then, I think you've proven your point. Now perhaps I can prove mine. Cadet Seyn, could you please tell me the necessary velocity to perform a perfect 90 degree turn in zero gravity? Or tell me what type of round does a TC-86 Ship-Mounted canon fire? Or perhaps you could name the proper manufacture year, make, and catalog number of the standard fighter used in His Magesty's Ship Falcon, the carrier that decimated the occupying forces on Mars in 3046, March 3. Or at least tell why that particular fighter type is pertinent to this course?"

God, I hope at least one of those stumps her, I don't know how much else I know.
Pendleton snapped out of his daze from Mrs. O's answer to his question just in time to realize that everyone was now looking at someone new in the class. He turned, trying to act as if he had been paying attention all along.
He mentally scolded himself,
I would be dead if there had been something serious happening...

"-Or tell me what type of round does a TC-86 Ship-Mounted canon fire? Or perhaps you could name the proper manufacture year, make, and catalog number of the standard fighter used in His Majesty's Ship Falcon, the carrier that decimated the occupying forces on Mars in 3046, March 3. Or at least tell why that particular fighter type is pertinent to this course?"

Hold on, were they having a pop quiz? What the heck was happening? Why did he faze out? Dammit, his medication's side effects were getting worse and worse. The only thing that made him feel better was the fact that he knew at least half of those answers, and believed that he could B.S his way past the other.
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"Well, I could tell you how not to drive a levitating go-chart on a stormy day with no seat-belts," Seyn offered, "Or maybe I could tell you the proper way to engage in a pillow battle commenced in zero gravity while surrounded by enemies?"
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"Flying may be an art, and in fact, for the best pilots it certainly is. But first you must master the science that is it's base, or at least some of it. Otherwise, you'll crash and burn without ever knowing how you did it. Please take a seat."

He looked around the class once more.

"My name is Lt. Samael, but as I said before, you should, for your own good, call me sir. One day some of you will be officers, and will have to ask the same. Believe me, it gets old fast." This time it only took about 5 seconds. "I'm going to be the proctor for this course. That means I will be assisting your instructor with the teaching portion, as well as reporting to the Admiral on how well the course is being taught, and learned. That means that, yes, I can assign homework."

He looked directly at the feline cadet who had so readily shown off.

"I will make it a little easier on you, as this was your first mistake of the semester. For every question I have to answer for you out of those I listed, you will return to me by the end of the week a four page report on the answer, including a source page. It will only be part of your grade if Ms. O decides it will, however, if I am disappointed, you'll need to explain to the Admiral, or perhaps the admissions board, why you should not be sent back to your home world with your term uncompleted."

He let that idea linger in the air a few moments, then began to look around again.

"Now, can anyone answer any of those questions for Cadet Seyn?"
Pendleton raises his hand, hoping he had heard all of the Lieutenant's questions.
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Seeing only one hand up, Sam turned to its owner.

"Can you actually answer, or are you just airing out your uniform?"
"Will you give me the answer before I do the four page report or will I have to look it up?" Seyn interrupted. Now she looked curious, not intending to sound like she was being smart. "But wouldn't that be like telling a kit to look up a word in the dictionary when they ask how to spell it?" She wondered, frowning, "Are the pages front and back? Isn't the most important part of flying not the science or the art, but the feeling? Isn't that what made creatures of every world learn the science? So that they could feel flight?" She felt a mountain of questions pile up in her head, clamering to be answered.
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"I'll give you enough to make your assignment possible, but not easy. And if I were you, I'd calm down and learn the most important part of flying human-made craft: Fly with a buddy. You seem to have a fellow Cadet willing to help you out. As of the rest of your questions, I'm certain they'll be answered soon enough. Cadet Pendleton, do you have an answer?"
Pendleton lowers his arm sharply.

"I have an answer, and am airing out my uniform, sir! It's a bit musky in here, sir!"

He coughs, removing his medicine bottle and taking a drink before continuing.

"Sir, a TC-86 Ship-Mounted cannon fires Armor Piercing or Shrapnel 86-caliber rounds, Sir. His Majesty's Fighter was created in..."

He pauses, trying to remember.

"3... 042, sir. The fighter uses a custom build, fitted for space combat, sir. It's catalog number is 1.. 195-ahem, hem..."

He trails off, quickly moving to the last question he heard.

"This fighter is pertinent in this course for it's ease of use and use of basic flight controls, sir."
He had no idea if he was right or not, he had skimmed the material and was going off of what sounded right.
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"Three out of four, not bad. Though you are only about half-right on that last one. It is true that the fighter is pertinent because of it's ease of use and basic controls. What you failed to mention is that this year's exams will in fact take place in well-maintained C-1195's. Cadet Pendleton, I am honestly impressed. Now, for one last chance, is there anyone here who can, in fact, tell me what the necessary velocity is to make a perfect 90 degree turn. I'll give you a hint, it's on page 4 of 'Introductory flight, from air to space', which should listed on your terminal."

I'm way too easy on these kids.
Sayen was frustrated with the Lt. Samuel for not answering the more important questions pressing against her skull. She messaged her temples, comforted by the feeling. With a huff, she sat back down and reached for her bag. She pulled out a worn notepad and a pencil, now ignoring the superior officer. She hadn't really meant to show-off, it wasn't in her nature to be like that. She just wanted these people to loosen up. How could they possibly enjoy learning if they were so tense?

Seyn flipped through the pages in the notepad, passing pictures and long paragraphs on subjects of every kind, written in her own language as well as English. She reached a fresh page and began to write down the many ideas swarming in her head. She hardly noticed as she jumped from English to Kronsetian and back. She also wrote down one or two of the questions the man had asked her, curious herself.
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Pendleton gave an exasperated sigh of relief, leaning into his desk to steady himself. 3/4 for making things up, not bad. He looked around, like hell he was going to answer again. He however, did like the captain more than his current teacher. Facts, data, real information! He found it so much easier to know what was going to happen instead of "feel" what was going to happen. And besides, Lieutenant was a position he wanted to be in before he died.
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"I still don't think that little facts like that will fly a ship," Seyn muttered, absent-mindly, "Numbers and names don't mean anything to gravity, or the lack of it. Just knowing everything about how something works, doesn't mean you can use it. That's why my cousin made me fly his inventions. He always say he never had the head for it." She continued to sketch a drawing of the control panel on the desk, as if she'd never spoken.
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"Numbers and names don't mean anything to gravity."
Pendleton almost put his head in his hands, clearly she had never heard of F = Gm1m2/r2.
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