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A new group of teens moved to Esteria City. Most of their parents happen to know each other and felt that the city was in need of heroes. While their kids were finally ready to experience teamwork, and the friendships. Some know each other some have never met. Can these heroes come together and live up to their Parents names? Are the Titans North just as good or better than the original Teen Titans?

1) Iwaku Rules Apply
2) No schoodlypooping Take that to a PM/other thread dont do it here all ages are welcome
3) No OOC in the IC plz (Is making a thread now)
4) Character death is a thing usually by inactivity or if the RPer allows must PM the RPer first
5) Beware of mild swearing
7) The Original Titans are NP
If you interested and are having issues with an OC PM me

;Parody glance behind her seeing her father give a toothy grin. Her mother gave a slow nod. Taking a breath she looked back forward staring at the T-shaped tower just like the one her parents grew up in. She would become part of a team a group she didn&amp;amp;amp;amp;#039;t yet really know that well. Nothing could prepare her for who was in the building or what trouble she and her possibly new friends might face.
Parody walked and placed her hand on the access pad on the door. Which Uncle Victor had installed it read her DNA and the doors soon slid open. Parody stepped through and one more looked to wave goodbye to her family. They would check in with the others after about 2 weeks.
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Name: Mei-Mei
Age: 14
Parents: Jinx and Bart/Flash
Personality: she come off cold and mean but she can also be sweet and caring when she wants to be

Mei-Mei just finished claiming her room.she walks out into the hallway and spots a shadow. Mei-Mei decides to walk in the opposite direction of the shadow and into the lobby where she bumps into someone.
Name: Miyuki
Age: 17
Parents: Rose and Malchior
Bio: Part of the new "Titans North". A hard worker and intelligent, she can complete basically any task given to her very quickly. She is socially awkward and a bit of a push-over when it comes to her friends. She is very powerful but rarely has to use any sort of powers for anything. She is almost always reading in a secluded spot. Not much else is known about her.

"....". Miyuki watches as a young girl glances at her, then heads in another direction. 'how odd.....'. She shakes her head with a sigh and walks back to her room, the room at the end of the hall on the right. She sits on her bed and pulls out a book. 'Since I don't have anything super important I finally have time to read.' She grins and takes the bookmark out from between the pages and begins reading. ".....ergh..." Miyuki groans. 'I cant focus on my book....I'm too curious about the other people coming to the tower.....'. she lets out a sigh. '...it couldnt hurt to check it out....'. She walks out of her room and stands at the end of the hallway that leads to the lobby, watching the new people.
Parody stumbles back when someone crashed into her. Quickly she received her hood that almost fell off. Taking a moment to clam herself form the sudden crash and new sense of another's emotion she gave a smile abit bigger than her mother's but smaller than her father. "Um hi. I'm Parody." She spoke with a hint of excitement in her voice but not enough to allow her emotions to create chaos on the first day.

She then glanced at someone new who she sensed join the lobby and gave her best friendly smile. Something her dad had been working on with her.

@Ikiyo @KarverNevermore
Miyuki gave a tiny, gentle smile. '....Heh....powerful....Yet...A little odd...'. She looked away and sighed. "......Hello there..". Miyuki looked up at the two others in the room. "....I'm....Miyuki." Her voice was calm and soothing, yet had a secretive undertone. Her eyes seemed to be made of pink steel, solid and stoic but seeming to have the faintest shine. She had seemed to have a cold air about her that made those who came too close nervous.
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It took Parody a moment after the new girl spoke then she gave a smile. Then felt alright to remove her hood realizing the new girl was a familiar face. "Hey" She replied and moved a bit closer after glancing at the other person in the lobby. "Sorry I was a bit late. Blame dad." She said after a moment.

She knew Miyuki a little bit from when their mothers usually got together. Their dad's didn't seem to get along she didn't know much on why other than her mom seeming to avoid some thing of her past. It was something she had picked up by the emotions off of her parents when the name Malchior was ever mentioned.

"What's your thoughts on taking a step to follow a bit of our parent's foot steps?" Parody asked it was a question that she had been wondering for herself a few days now. She also wondered who would have to step up and become the new team's leader.
Miyuki sighed. "....Im not sure....but it is nice to see you again Parody...". Miyuki didn't want to be like her parents, or anyone for that matter. She believed herself to be stronger and much more able then her parents. "....whatever happens, ill still be able to hand it....". She looked around. "....I dont see the others who were supposed to be joining us...". She pulls something out of her pocket and hands it to Parody. "...Here. Use this to call anyone else who has one, for help or whatever...". She turned and began to walk to the entrance to the basement of the tower. "..I've got to check on Tsuki....i'm sure ill see you later...". With those words, she disappeared into the basement to check on Tsuki, her pet bakeneko, who also guarded Miyuki's most valuable and precious possession: Her Hoshi-no-Tama.

Hoshi no tama

"Kitsunebi on New Year's Night under the Enoki Tree near Ōji" in the One Hundred Famous Views of Edo by Hiroshige. Each fox has a kitsunebi floating close to their face.
Depictions of kitsune or their possessed victims may feature round or onion-shaped white balls known as hoshi no tama (ほしのたま?, star balls). Tales describe these as glowing with kitsunebi. Some stories identify them as magical jewels or pearls. When not in human form or possessing a human, a kitsune keeps the ball in its mouth or carries it on its tail.[14] Jewels are a common symbol of Inari, and representations of sacred Inari foxes without them are rare.
One belief is that when a kitsune changes shape, its hoshi no tama holds a portion of its magical power. Another tradition is that the pearl represents the kitsune's soul; the kitsune will die if separated from it for long. Those who obtain the ball may be able to extract a promise from the kitsune to help them in exchange for its return. For example, a 12th-century tale describes a man using a fox's hoshi no tama to secure a favor:
"Confound you!" snapped the fox. "Give me back my ball!" The man ignored its pleas till finally it said tearfully, "All right, you've got the ball, but you don't know how to keep it. It won't be any good to you. For me, it's a terrible loss. I tell you, if you don't give it back, I'll be your enemy forever. If you do give it back though, I'll stick to you like a protector god."
The fox later saves his life by leading him past a band of armed robbers.
Parody keep her smile kind of like her dad always did. Which in this case was still from her excitement that she was starting to find harder and harder to control. "You too." She replied and then nodded about being able to handle whatever happened. "I believe the same thing." There was much on her mind and many troubles that she knew could await them and just like her friend she felt they could be dealt with and like her mother by dealt with she saw it as to be done alone.

She took the communicator one very similar to her parent's why they didn't give her one she knew was because Uncle Vicor and Uncle Richard had placed enough in the tower. She placed it on her belt next to the cell phone she had from her parent's. Keeping in touch was a strange concern from them probably because of the lack of parent figures as kids.

"Yeah you will. And I'm going to find myself a room." She replied not only did she need to pick a room but it wouldn't be long before she would have to meditate. She never could control her emotions as well as her mother. The first place she headed was out of the lobby to the hallway. She didn't care if the other girl would follow or if she could be waiting for someone else. As she walked she her eyes wondered looking to see what rooms may begin claimed ahead of time. Soon she found some stairs and began to walk up them once she cleared two flights she was on the roof. The breeze was nice they weren't near the ocean but the tower did seem to be part of a large lake on an isolated part of land from the city. She closed her eyes knowing her room would have to be close to the roof.

Soon she was sitting lotus style eyes closed. The world seemed on hold a new place full of tranquility. Her excitement finally calming down once more she was in control of her powers and emotions. For now anyways how long had she been up here? She didn't know nor really cared. It probably was just a few minutes right? She walked back down the first flight and finally went to a room one that was slightly dark but not as dark as her parent's room. She had asked once and her dad said to keep her mother happy. No more on the subject came up. She liked the walls for they were already an aqua blue on the back and door wall. The other two were purple. Feeling a bit at home she allowed her bags to appear and start placing books up in some shelves.

Her small smile was replaced with a look of content as she exited the room. She expected to see at least one maybe two more new people around. She walked downstairs and noticed a boy. He had dirt blond hair blue eyes his had a medium muscular shape. His outfit was a black shirt that seemed to have a mix of Superman and Wonderwoman's symbols on it. A rope was attached to his belt loop.


"Uh Hey, there you one of the other uh... Going to be Titan's North?" He asked trying to break the ice. He saw her nod. "Um yeah, I can take you to find the others." She spoke and he moved from where he leaned against a door frame to follow her. "I'm Parody. Raven and Garfield's daughter." She said casually as they walked. "I'm Conner and Cassie's son. I'll be going by Steel." He said not giving away his actual name. Parody didn't seem to ask more just continue to search for some others. Even one of the others she saw in the lobby.

".....". Miyuki sat on a small, vintage looking couch and distractedly stroked her bakeneko's ears. "......You know, Tsuki....I just can't help but get strange vibes from some of the other people....". Tsuki let out a rumbling purr. "I think you shouldn't trust them.....Except...Maybe Parody...". Miyuki nodded. He was right. "...Yes....I agree. I'll have to be heading back up now....See you later Tsuki...". Tsuki nodded and jumped off of her lap. Miyuki stood up and walked back upstairs, quietly watching the others.
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The two walked farther down the hall. Soon Parody spotted Miyuki coming back from downstairs. She then waved and glanced to see if Steel had continued to follow behind her. "This is um Steel. He says he's Conner and Cassie's son." She spoke allowed then paused a moment taking a breath. 'But I haven't met him before even though our parents are pretty good friends.' She thought and tried to possibly do the telepathic link her mom could do sometimes with Miyuki. She wasn't sure who else she could comment this to just yet. For all Paroday knew she was just over thinking it and giving into more of her emotions than she should.

Steel looked to see who Parody seemed to be talking to. "Um hi..." He said not sure really what to say he was kind of hoping to not see anyone else until later. Maybe when it would seem everyone had arrived in the lobby or something.

@Ikiyo @Others
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Miyuki nodded. "Hello there.....". Her voice as smooth as silk. Her icy aura was so thick you could almost touch it. "....I'm Miyuki....It's lovely to meet you...". Miyuki locked eyes with Parody for a moment, before slowly blinking. '...Yes...I can tell...'. Miyuki looked up, and spoke, her voice soft, but her eyes gleaming like molten, pink lava. " Steel.....I must ask one favor of you...". She kept eye contact with him, her aura flaring. "...Do not.....Enter....The basement...".
Steel listened and was silent. He didn't show much of a real expression. "Alright?" He spoke an eyebrow raised. Hearing her comment he gave a curious look for a moment but shrugged. "Alright, I'll try and keep that in mind." He stated. Parody turned toward Steel a moment. "You also should never go into the room just before the stairs toward the roof." Her voice suddenly sounded dark and a bit demonic for a moment. "Got it?" She then asked and smirked at the look he soon gave. "Good. Alright now let's see if anyone else may be around. Hopefully, there won't be any trouble before we can get to know each other." Her voice was back to being monotone as if nothing happened.

Steel seemed to now feel a bit nervous but nodded at the two. "Okay, two places I can't go ever got it." His hands were raised then he placed it to his side. He then began to walk after Parody mentioned trying to see the others. He wasn't sure he would enjoy his new home.

Parody glanced at Miyuki a smirk appeared on her lips for a moment then she began to follow behind.

@Ikiyo @Others
Miyuki chuckled to herself. 'Hehe.....he seems nervous...maybe ill mess with him a bit...'. A tiny, malicious grin wove across her lips before fading into a calm, neutral expression. She followed Parody and Steel slowly, making sure to keep a bit of distance. She knew Parody would probably reprimand her for messing with Steel if she found out. Small wisps of light pink energy flowed from her eyes as the whites of her eyes turned pitch black. '....Hehehe....How about something a bit scary hm?...'.She knew that steel was already nervous, so she created an illusion of a horrifying creature standing in front of him, that only he could see.
Parody wasn't right on Steel's back but walked ahead of Miyuki. She could sense some kind of strong energy start to come off of Miyuki but was use to this being she knew a little about her friend's powers. Only because they had hung out before joining the team. Steel paused walking farther and soon felt something bump into his back. Who it was Parody she hadn't noticed him stop for she was lost in her own thoughts for a moment about meeting the others they hadn't yet seen. "Hey, why'd you stop?" She asked him after a moment of gathering herself once more. Her voice a bit annoyed yet calm.

Steel was quiet a few moments more staring ahead at the creature he saw. He was sure he'd never seen anything like it before. If it was from earth, another dimension or even a planet was unclear to him. "Uh... Do you see that?" He asked in a whisper. "See what?" Pardoy replied. She moved to see and then had a glare about like her mothers when every Raven was annoyed by a green channeling. "No I don't see anything," she replied her tone had irritation in it. "Let's just keep moving." She stated and moved to go ahead of Steel.

Steel shook his head and took a few steps more but the image didn't vanish. Finally, he stopped again not daring to move another step. Why would the kid of Superboy and Wondergirl be scared? Probably because he had literally never seen anything like it. The stories he heard of Tamerain had him question enough creatures as it was so not knowing where this thing was from or why Pardoy seemed to not see it worried him. it was possible he wouldn't have any way of taking the thing down if it was hostil.
Miyuki wasnt amused. She wanted him TERRIFIED. Miyuki decided to step her game up and make it seem hostile, and even as far as to use his own deep, personal fears against him. She looked up, covering up her behavior, and sighed impatiently. ".......What is the hold up?....". That when she struck. She intensified the illusion to a point so horrific, that if he had been a regular human his brain would have shut down due to an innability to survive such stimulation. She wanted him to feel fear. It was as if something in her blood, her soul, her entire existence pulling her to make him feel utter terror.
"Not you too." He commented simply. Next, his hands made fists as he swore the thing just made a threatening screech. Although he didn't speak fear was defiantly radiating off of him. He took in the image he felt it was time to describe. "So you guys really don't see the faceless monster? With who knows what it's supposed to be a part of and definitely has claws?" He moved trying to dodge and swore he was just scratched by the thing. "Ahhhh" He shouted and punched a wall probably thinking it was the creature.

Parody stopped once more not because no one seemed to follow but by a strong fear she sensed from behind her. "Steel what's wrong?" She asked turning she was trying to ignore the part of her wanting to hear him scream louder. It wanted to make him fear for his life and enjoyed the feel of torment radiating off of him. Walking back she saw a nice new dent in the wall. "Steel there is literally nothing there." She stated and began to allow her hands to glow a dark black slowly the wall seemed to bend back. By the time it was fixed Steel seemed to move off trying to defend himself from some invisible creature he seemed to scream about. She thought he described something similar to slender man or something. Finally, she looked at Miyuki. "Do you see anything?" she asked not at the time taking notice in the change of eye color.

@Anyone (guys your welcome to join in maybe stop Steel from destroying the tower?)
Miyuki relished the feeling that his terror gave her. It was as if something breathed new life into her, rejuvenated her. She knew it was wrong, and that she shouldn't be tormenting him so, but she couldn't seem to stop. "I don't see a thing....". Miyuki said calmly. "Maybe he is swatting at a bug?...". She grins after Parody turns around. She continues making the illusion worse and worse, adding more and more small details, just little things to make it even worse.
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