Time for the next generation of Avengers (Avengers/Marvel next gen rp) sign ups

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Fluff lord
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
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  1. No Preferences
The world will always need heroes as such it's not too surprising that the kids and apprentices of the countless heroes and villains of this world are continuing to carry on the mantle of their families.
A group has been formed from some of the heroes. The New Avengers. Or more accurately the Avengers in training as they're still learning about being the avengers while mastering their abilities. Which can be difficult for some.
However they will have to deal with their teammates, while they might be even close friends with others various events will occur to cause rifts they'll have to fix in order to try to remain a team.
Hopefully they'll manage to step up to the plate to deal with the world's villains while juggling their personal problems and secrets alongside it.

This rp is about a group if new avengers made out of the children or apprentices of various heroes or villains of the marvel universe. They'll have to work together and bond over various missions as the danger their foes pose will grow overtime. They will have to mature and grow as people over the course of various events ranging from dealing with street level villains to infighting to having to deal with threats to the world itself. Also various reveals and revelations on their teammates and themselves will cause more issues. so it gonna be chaotic.

You can have a child/apprentice of any hero or villain but only one hero/villain a person unless discussed with the other person before.
They shouldn't be too op, they're still kinda learning to be heroes and how to use their powers. They will become stronger overtime tho :)
Have fun
Try to include everyone.
For character twists we can either openly discuss them or dm eachother, whatever your preference is.

The Team
Richard Whitman aka The Goblin Knight (cyberelite2k)
Mark Carter aka The Crimson Cowl (cyberelite2k)
Avery Whitmore aka Midnight (WickedWitch)
Miles Winifred Lopez aka Kitsune (WickedWitch)

Emily Hawkins aka Iron Maiden (Ariel)
Tasha aka Fang (Camleen)
Allen Kenny aka Lightspeed (TravisBM)
Christian Stone aka The Stranger (TheSly)

fc here

Hero identity:

Costume here

Mentor (if any):


(history can be saved for when discussing the plots that occur)
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Name: Richard Whitman
Nicknames: Biter, Slasher, Brit
Hero identity: Goblin Knight
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Asexual Heteroromantic
Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: Dylan O'Brien

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Family: Dane Whitman (the black Knight)
Mentor (if any): Trained his father alongside various street brawlers. Also has been mentored by Psylocke

He's an extraordinarily skilled swordsman and martial artist capable of fighting toe to toe with superhumans regularly with his odd mix of styles and frankly bar brawl like moves helping through unpredictability.
Due to being forcibly injected with the goblin formula he's been granted enhanced strength (enough to throw a car at times), durability and a weak healing factor.
He is also a skilled technician.
Wields the Ebony Blade which while weakened is still very strong being able to cut through most defences when energised more.
A mechanical kite shield with a glider mode built in alongside a magnet like attachment that attracts it to his gloves.
....Also any object around him during most fights become a weapon such as tires, chairs or a few times passing by cars (through tackling)

-Quite chaotic often doing things due to it seeming fun.
-Has a habit of getting mad at small things.
-It's hard to tell he's related to his dad.
-Give him a game and he'll beat it quite well.
-Has a thick English accent.
-His mask is often on him at all times.
-Despite his aggressive nature he's quite sweet and polite with his friends.
-Will fight for your sake, even if you don't want him to.
-Can't focus easily, he often looks around constantly.
-"fuck the plan, I'm just going to hit something".
-Is decently intelligent despite first looks.
-Will throw a chair at someone for stealing his food.
-Has once flipped a moving car after tackling it with his shield, he hates remembering it due to how dumb it was and the injuries he got
-Always has a hoodie, 'it's nice ok'.
-Can't have anything spicy, just trust him on that, seriously.
-Has never cared for flirting .
-Don't let him touch a car, it'll somehow catch fire.
-Will often be found sleeping in odd places.
-Very foul mouth.
-"this knight is about to kick those teeth in, bring it on ya fucks"
Name: Mark Carter
Nicknames: Computer guy, Droney, Hacks
Hero identity: The Crimson Cowl
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual Biromantic
Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: Dylan Minnette

Family: The previous Crimson Cowl is his parent but was raised by Linda Carter (The Night Nurse)
Mentor (if any): Despite not being a fan of combat has been trained in unarmed combat by Taskmaster through a old favor to the nurse

Powers/Skills: Mark is a highly skilled and frankly scarily competent hacker capable of hacking into most devices even from cities away as long as a teammate has some sort of tech on hand.
To enhance his hacking capabilities he's a technopath being able to control technology and even cause it to increase in strength.
Also surprisingly strong And durable (unsure of suit or natural)
Has red energy blasters in his gloves and oddly his mask, apparently despite his costume looking fabric like some tech like the blasters are built into it for unpredictability.
His computers at his base of operations in the young avengers base, these are one of the two ways he does research, communication and hacking.
A few drones with tasers attached.

-Despite being quite tall and menacing in costume is frankly sweet as hell.
-He will frankly be super interested in everyone, they're all so cool.
-He's a Elective Mute often communicating through sign language, gestures or a writing tablet alongside a text to speech voice over comms.
-He loves dogs, especially Saint Bernards, dreams of having one.
-Doesn't like to fight often acting as a tech guy or general support.
-Rarely seen eating with food in front of him either being left or simply disappearing in a blink.
-Doesn't like visible electricity, not lightning but faulty wires, no one knows why.
-A big fan of a variety of music, you can hear songs ranging from Toxic to Funky Town to Welcome to the jungle playing in his room
-He will hug you even if you don't want one, everyone needs one.
-Can be commonly seen mimicking people he's talking to or nearby, things like gestures and body language, he thinks it could make them like him more.
-He's a damn super cinnamon roll who doesn't hold grudges or have many negative opinions on others.
-If asked about Night Nurse or Taskmaster he'll write the world of them.
-*multiple cameras turn to you as he happily waves, always happy to see a friend*
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Uhhh, if this is still open I kind of want to join, here are my peeps.


(Face-claim | Jakara Mitchell..?)

Name | Avery Whitmore

Nicknames | Ave

Hero identity | Midnight

Age | 18

Gender | Female

Pronouns | She/Her

Sexuality | Asexual


Family | Descendent of the Harkness (Agatha) bloodline

Mentor | Was formerly taught and raised by Doctor Strange before her inevitable decision to become a hero

Powers/Skills |
Energy Manipulation: Avery is able to shape her dark and mystical energy into tangible forms and utilize it in various ways, though this ability is fairly weak and only lasts for mere seconds at the least.

Energy Absorption: Avery can absorb few forms of mystical or physical energy, removing it from the source (such as a person or object), and using it to temporal power/charge up her own magic. Unfortunately Avery has little to no control over this ability, and in high stress situations she can become a dangerous power vacuum, absorbing any and all magic in the area. To subdue the deadly nature of this ability, Avery has to wear a special charm to keep it from becoming too largely scaled.

Energy Bolts: Avery is capable of firing/launching incredibly strong bolts of purple mystical energy from her hands, the vice of this ability that it usually causes lots of damage and takes more energy to continually create.

Gear | Energy gloves that allow for her to manifest her dark and erratic magic into a more useful and less uncontrollable form.

Headcanons |
★ Looks up to the former generation of Avengers, but sees flaws in certain ideals
★ Has a bad habit of getting lost in her thoughts oftenly in times where her attention is of dire need
★ Her favorite animals are Ravens and Pigeons
★ Doesn't completely or entirely trust the government, something that sometimes puts her in uncomfortable situations
★ Is snarky first thing in the morning, but becomes more muted towards the afternoon
★ While not completely eager to insert herself into social interactions, is pretty conversive in most one on one conversations
★ Is severely allergic to shellfish


(Face-claim | Kentaro Sakaguchi)

Name | Miles Winifred Lopez

Nicknames | Win/Kit

Hero identity | Kitsune

Age | 19

Gender | Male

Pronouns | He/Him

Sexuality | Pansexual


Family | Maya Lopez (Alias | Echo/Phoenix)

Mentor | N/A, self-taught

Powers/Skills |
Photographic Reflexes: Similar to his mother, Kit has the ability to perfectly replicate/duplicate any physical activity or movement, but differs in the way that he can only learn in face-to-face combat and can only duplicate/replicate temporarily.

Adept Dual-Wielder: Kit is incredibly skilled in dual-wielded blades, one of the few skills he has been able to retain and uses oftenly in battle.

Semi-Adept Acrobat: A quite useful skill that he has somewhat successfully taught himself, Kit is fairly adept in many forms of gymnastics and acrobatics but is unable to retain the adeptness for too long and has to constantly re-teach himself.

Gear | Two black blade Katanas

Headcanons |
❅ Is incredibly lactose-intolerant
❅ Thinks hero work is pretty boring, but wants to master his abilities,
something he is unable to do on his own
❅ Not the best at leading, though initially something of a lone wolf, prefers taking orders rather then giving them
❅ A bit of an aggressive clean-freak, despises people imposing on his space
❅ Thinks foxes are pretty cool, which is how he decided on his hero name/costume
❅ Has an orange tabby cat named 'Yako'
❅ Has an unhealthy dependence on sugar and coffee
❅ Secretly thinks Loki is pretty cool, but will swear on life that he doesn't

Tell me if there's anything I should edit, add, or omit.
Im happy this got aresponse and hell yeah its open, they look really cool
ill add them to the list when i wake up more
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Reactions: WickedWitch

Name: Emily Hawkins
Hero identity: Iron Maiden
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her


Family: Robert and Cindy Hawkins (parents); Tom Hawkins (brother)
Mentor (if any): Harold "Happy" Hogan

The Iron Maiden armour is essentially a reverse engineered copy of Iron Man's Mark VII armour, which grants Lyra the powers of -
Flight (Mach 0.8, approx. 600 mph)
Superhuman strength (approx. 20 tons military press)
Superhuman reflexes
Superhuman durability
Energy conversion recharge
Life support and environmental protection
Fire suppression system

Genius-level intellect - While perhaps not quite at Stark's level, Emily is quite brilliant in her own right and has developed some insights into repulsor tech that would impress the man himself.
Master Engineer - As demonstrated by her ability to reverse-engineer the Iron Man suit, working almost on her own and on a limited budget, Emily's an excellent builder and maker.
Basic martial arts - While no great shakes in the fighting department, Emily has taken some lessons in kickboxing and judo to improve her chances close-in.
Flying - Emily has spent many hours learning to control the Iron Maiden suit in flight, and become reasonably proficient at it.
Languages - aside from her native English, Emily speaks French, German and Japanese at varying levels of fluency.

Bracelet-style smartwatch that plugs into the Iron Maiden's control system and can control most of its functions remotely via Wi-Fi Direct. Also functions as lifesign monitor and fitness tracker.
Earring - connects with suit to authenticate wearer, initiate startup sequence and activate donning procedure.
Smart contacts - allow HUD to display even when helmet isn't worn.

Emily Hawkins was a young and brilliant postgrad student at the University of Cambridge, where she was pursuing her PhD in particle mechanics, specialising in muon engineering. This naturally got her interested in Tony Stark's research on repulsors, but because his work was owned by Stark Industries she was unable to assess most of it. In frustration, she tracked down every available piece of data on Iron Man's repulsor technology and began to reverse engineer it. This quest became an obsession for her, and she eventually built - not just a working replica of the repulsor - but a reasonable copy of the arc reactor that powered the Iron Man armour.
At this point the nature of her quest changed. She already had enough to catapult her into the bleeding edge of scientific research, but she wanted more. She would not rest until she had made herself a working model of the Iron Man armour, to prove that she was the engineering equal of the genius who had built the original.

- Hails from Sheffield, and is a classic Northern lass. Tough, stubborn, laconic, not prone to showing emotion, but has a very dark, dry sense of humour and will give you the shirt off her back without a word.
- Speaks with a heavy, well-nigh incomprehensible Yorkshire drawl. She's fully capable of dialing it back and making herself understood, she just usually doesn't bother. If it means enough to you, you'll figure it out.
- Puts Henderson's Relish on just about anything. Chips, pie, mash, ice cream....
- Becomes borderline non-functional without a steady supply of hot, strong tea, preferably Yorkshire Gold. Made with properly boiling water from a kettle, none of this microwaved shite. She'll use her dam' unibeam if she needs to. Just a wee drop a milk, thanks.
ooo she looks cool. plus yay another brit character i think accepted
ok so while we wait for mor emaybe should i make a plotting thread or a discord server for it
Plotting/OOC thread please.
Hello. i think i might be interested in this. are you only allowing OC characters?

Name: Tasha (Real name unknown)
Nicknames: X-37, Angry Girl, Shrimp
Hero identity: Fang (temporary)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5'4"

Family: None Known
Mentors: Highly trained underworld assassins and mercenaries. Then various Avengers staff.

Source of innate powers is the activated 'X Gene'.
Heightened senses: All of her 5 senses are extraordinarily strong. She can match most animals who have certain specialized senses.
Advanced healing: Tasha's body has a hyper regeneration abilities. She is highly resistant to poisons and other toxins. She, of course, isn't invincible. But she has always gotten up (eventually) from any wounds she has ever sustained.
She was born with 2 claws (housed in her forearms) in each hand, and a single claw that extends from each of her feet.

Highly advanced in hand to hand combat, multiple forms.
Very competent in most common weapons, both melee and firearms.
Is fluent in English, Russian, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Hindi and Spanish.
Very intelligent, good with strategic thinking.
Expert in human anatomy.
Gear: Her claws were sharpened and coated in Adamantium.

-Was 'born' in a laboratory funded and ran by various H.Y.D.R.A. agencies.
-Is usually the 'quiet one' in a crowd.
-Enjoys spicy foods.
-Loves My Little Pony.
-Doesn't know anything of her origins.
-Was liberated by the Avengers (even though she tried to kill them at the time) during a raid on a H.Y.D.R.A. laboratory.
-Has had major depression (understandably) and at one time practiced self harm.
-Has been linked (usually by circumstantial evidence) to at least 51 murders (51 known) all over the world.
-Was given the name 'Tasha' by S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Senyaka (Tasha is the name of the Agent's favorite Forgotten Realms character).
-Doesn't sleep laying down.
-When she is first brought in, she will be wearing standard S.H.I.E.L.D. agent uniform. For lack of something better.
-Most all of the information available about her from S.H.I.E.L.D. is considered classified. All that would be known is that she is a young girl working as a S.H.I.E.L.D. on a probationary basis. She isn't even addressed as 'Agent', they simply use the codename they came up with for her: Fang.
-Has been trained to infiltrate any number of groups or cultures without seeming out of place, but is emotionally and socially stunted herself.
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accepted ill put it on the list when i feel a bit better
And now I'm excited to get this started lol

"Pleasure to meet ya. My name is Allen Kenny, and it's my pleasure to be signed onto your program."

-"Lightspeed Kenny"- Old nickname his friends used before his powers kicked in.
-"A blue blur"- Description of a journalist seeing him run.
-"That...uh...one guy. Ya know the one in spandex, and the mask, and runs really fast." -One civilian trying to explain to the cops who tied up the criminals.

Hero identity:
"Hello there. Did someone call for a Lightspeed Rescue? Oh, sorry it's part of my thing to announce that when on scene."

"My...never liked answering this question the moment I hit past thirty. But this coming week i'll be a grand forty years into life. If only my speed could slow down my aging a bit...wait can it?"

"On planet Earth I think i'm considered male for sure. But then again in like a different universe I might be something else. Hmmm...questions for later."

"Oh right. The kids do indeed do that these days. Well just he/him will work just fine I think. But i'm fine with anything."


"Well my mother and father are still doing pretty well for themselves. Got a nice little dog Pomeranian named Champ, and sometimes I think he has more speed in him than I do. Me and my ex...wife are kinda in a safer space then we have been before. So about the average for family I think."

Mentor (if any):
"Never really had a in-person mentor for the old hero business ya know. Only had shows, news reports, and old comics to base a bunch of myself off of. And those were more than enough really to know what kinda man I wanted to become. After all if you don't have a mentor, then strive to become the one you wish you had."

"Well when it comes to speed i'm pretty quick. Also serving as an officer of the law gave it's own benefits as well. That salary was killer though."
-Super-Enhanced Speed: Allen's speed has been given a major boost after an event that caused himself to become more electrically charged. This boon has allowed him to move faster than the untrained eye can typically keep up with, yet has grown due to his usage. Currently his known benchmark max is reaching speeds of Mach 2.7 when pushed heavily. But it takes far too much energy to run that fast consistently.
-Mimicry: By stimulating his brain with different electrical pulses, Allen can force it to retain more information that it logically should. For example when conversing with someone in a different language he can mimic their speech pattern in a rapid time frame to better be able to understand and translate himself like a natural speaker. Though all things in moderation should be done, as he remembers not being able to speak anything but Klingon for a full week.
-Police Training: With a good twenty years of experience on the force he's learned how to mitigate damages, empathize with civilian and criminal alike, and moves to defend himself just in case his powers should ever fail him. Moved at quicker speeds than people can react is nice, but without some basis of tactical knowledge someone can be overwhelmed severely.

"Ah well only really got two of those I can carry legally right now. My belt is a nice pet project I was able to get help on commissions, and well my gun is just nice to have. Feel safe and what not. Also it's fun making the guys at the range jealous."
-Electrical Arc: A personal piece of equipment that is able to store much of the rampant energy inside of himself. Based off the principles of electrical circuits, he revolves the energy in a nice synergy to allow for his power to not simply burst through all at once, but in measured amounts needed to perform his actions. It's also a symbol of the trust he installed into his friend after telling him the truth behind himself. Knowing that sometimes the police can't always get there in time, but with an extra boost he certainly could.
-Josiah: The name of his gun that has gotten a bit of a re-working to keep up with his abilities. It still functions much akin to a normal firearm, but his friend managed to tune it in a fashion that it can also work alongside his belt. Giving a ranged option for the times when even his hand might be a bit too much out of reach. Never had to do anything lethal so far, as mainly it's just a highly more efficient stun gun.

-Always goes running with his dog, and wonders if maybe his powers are leaking with how fast they run.
-Still works with the force every now and again, but is considering retirement to focus on hero duties.
-Still has no knowledge on what gave him his powers.
-Quotes cheesy lines during combat, but even worse when outside of it.
-Likes to mentor people where he can.
-Will fake a knee injury whenever someone is trying to force him to do something. Said injury has been healed for fifteen years.
-Has his own little jazz group that meets up just to pay nearly every Saturday.
-Somehow manages to be almost late to events despite his ability.
-Has that comic book like ability to never be found out, even when the evidence is obvious somehow.
Everyone still with us? I'm excited to RP with all you!
I am, just trying to think of any plot ideas