Thistles In The Alchemy [Original Story Art Gallery]

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Thistles In The Alchemy
A story about a Princess and her Alchemist





When a human girl saved, and nursed back to health the Tyrannical Rat king,
he knew what must be done. He'd reward her with his heart, and with a throne.

Obi and Eva_first meeting_PNG.png

However! The steps to getting her, approve difficult.
He sought the help of his Alchemist. Who refused at first.
Telling his King how wrong this is. On many levels. With kidnapping being the worst!
He'd would hear none of this. The king was taping back into his primal rat nature.
What a rat wants! He takes!

Obi Ratty the proposition commission.png This wasn't just lust, he had truly fallen for this human.
In the end The Alchemist gave him what he wanted. He had no other choice, or else!
Though he felt such guilt, knowing harm the had just put this woman in.

Obi Ratty the potion commission.png

The Alchemist was unaware of what King knew of her. Naturally, as if he would ever tell.
Under her care during those days, he saw her disdain towards her own kind.
Such a strange creature she was to him, a honest delight. A bitter sweet treat for his senses.
She DID! processed a rat's soul. He'd make her see it. She was made for a better world, his.
It did start off awkward. Understandable. He left without saying goodbye or Thank you.
Then to see him again, realizing he used magic on you. To drag down into his world!
He didn't understand why she was angry with him.
Any other woman would be so quick to accpet his offer of marriage.

He tried to apologize, but it was not something he was use too. She lightly forgive him.
She had nowhere else to go. She had to remain with him.
And she'd rather stay with a person she had some history with, even if that person did kidnap her.

Over time his court was left in awe! They notice how their King pulled back a little, letting her call the shots. Wanting her to feel comfortable with him, and idea of being a queen.


Slowly but surely She was starting to see what it was, he saw in her, in herself. Nor did he ever push her.
He wanted her come to realization herself. And was finally coming around to idea of being a queen, HIS! queen.

Truth betold this human female wasn't so pure either.
Together these two became a lovely dictatorial couple.
They both had taught and give each other different perspectives
They ruled equally the two had never found such happiness, till now.
Who said villains can't find love?

a princess was born.

"SHE HAS MY EYES!" Obsidian exclaimed with pure joy.

baby born.png

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With the birth of their daughter, the two agreed to down play their dictator rule over all. Fearing she could be used as political fodder. As their little Thistle had become their only weakness (besides their own love for each other) Thistle was now his heir, so had to rise her as such. She need to learn about war, political, how to hold a sword properly, how to a rule a kingdom. But she was still a princess, a lady. She still needed to learn how to be fierce lady, like her mother.
It seems Obi/Eva did something right. Despite their goals and views in life, their daughter came out better then her own parents. She had little to no friends though, both from them low-key enabling her, and in fear she would be eaten alive. Since many dislike the idea of a hybrid princess. (Thankfully Obi saw to that, ones who dare speak ill of his child, poor or noble or like, went ' missing' )
Upon demand by the King himself, He made Ratty one of her main tutors. And dew to her lack of friends, it didn't take long for Thistle latch upon him. Always wanting his attention.

[ Ratty, our Social Introvert. And the kingdom's Alchemist. Stricken with the stutters. But a soft-spoken man, and rarely, if ever will he rise his voice. (though there have been times) He doesn't speak much about himself. And prefers to leave his past, in the past. He's considered a mystery among other rats. He is very protective and faithful to his princess. His one, and only, true friend in the entire kingdom. ]

As the years went on, their friendship grew together. By the simplest of things, as most friendships do. These two had a history, he always honest with her, and never lied. He was a true friend. Not just a teacher. She never could find this between her own peers. She knew how they all disliked her, for many and obviously reasons, and only put up a front to please her father.

Thistle saw how the court would ridicule Ratty and he just burst it off. (She could see the tired hurt behind his eyes.) Or those times Ratty would over her suitors talk behind her back. And kept it himself. He knew Thistle must already knew, but kept to herself, as well, like a trooper, but he knew one day she would snap and would breakdown and he would be their waiting. Friends listen. Friends help.

It had become apparent to them both, deeper feelings has risen between them. They kept this knowledge to themselves, being in denial, thinking it was one sided on their parts. Scared of the dangers that could follow behind them.

Ratty didn't wish to rune what he already had with his princess. Nor did Thistle wanted rejection, just in case she read him wrongly. OH HOW EMBARRASSED SHE WOULD FEEL! She would never be able to speak to him again.
And given their stations in life, neither could pursue the other.
Sadly, two had to continued to play dumb, to their own feelings, wants, and needs. But with each growing day they spent together, it was becoming harder to hide it, it was only the matter of time....

CHARACTER MUSES.OBI copy.pngratty inspired.png