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  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Anytime, I have no life.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Douche
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Transgender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, romance, slice of life, anti-hero stories, "you're our only hope", fandom non-canons, soft scifi, transhumanism, magical girls, horror, suspense / mystery, detective noir, fractured fairytales

A thriller story by @IceQueen and @Pahn

IC Thread Link


Name: Maryam Jindal


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Super, super gay.

Appearance:Indian-American nationality, 5'9, athletic build, short black hair, light brown eyes. Often seen wearing jeans + tanktop, never seen wearing skirts or dresses. She rarely goes anywhere without her leather jacket and pilot sunglasses. Wears a small silver ring around her left thumb.

Occupation: FBI Special Agent, Violent Crimes force

Bio: Maryam Jindal was born right here in Seattle. Her father was a decorated FBI special agent, but she didn't know this until she was much older. Still, he was her hero and everything he taught her from basketball to standing up to bullies are amongst her best memories of him. Her little family settled in America in the late seventies, and they seemed to be all alone in the new world. Maryam was a brilliant little girl, always excelling in her classes but she had a bad habit of getting into fights with older kids, bullies she said, that would go after her precious friends.

This little girl had big dreams: becoming a cop. She took on some sports throughout middle school and high school, earning herself a scholarship to attend college. While she did okay with grades in most classes, she excelled in most social sciences and graduated from a criminology major with honors. Even more ambitious yet, she joined the force, Seattle Police Department, and not even five years later she was recruited by the FBI. Her time in the SPD had confirmed in her eyes that she was meant to do this kind of job and she would dedicate her life to it. It came as no surprise when she finally admitted to her parents and friends that she was gay, her last boyfriend being a one week thing back in high school.

Now that she's been with the FBI for almost four years, she's finally where she always wanted to be: violent crimes.

Hexcode: #B6E

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Kaden Lavender Arbor

Astro, Nova, Space Head, Daydreamer, Lavender



She's straight, supposedly. It's a big lie.

Kaden is around 5'4" with not seemingly obvious muscular build. She dyes her hair often and it's currently in a rage of vibrant greens and blue's. She wears casual clothing outside of work like nice t shirts and jeans. While in the lab or at work she tends to wear nicer slacks and blouses or a full on lab suit depending on the type of work she's doing. She will always clip or tie her hair back, no matter how ridiculous looking, when working on a victim. When going out Kaden will wear nice dresses and the usual get up, but other than that she detests such formalities.

Forensic Anthropologist working with the FBI. Her lab is the Seattle Baltimor Institute of Anthropology


Kaden wasn't most girls growing up. Instead of dolls she decided she wanted guns and dirt. She was the kind of kid you couldn't let go for a second or she would dig up an earth worm to try and cut apart. As expected Kaden didn't have many female friends at all. She liked to play with the boys, but not all the boys liked to play with her.

It's a well known fact that what brought her into the specifics of anthropology and violent crime was her parents. Her mother turned up dead in her car at age 12, just old enough for the woman to know what death meant. Her father abandoned her shortly after that, more like he gave up on trying to raise a child. After a few years child protective services gave her up to her Auntie, who convinced her to go into science. Her Aunt Madeline taught her how to defend herself and keep her head up. It's been years since her mothers unsolved murder, her father is currently in jail. Kaden sees a FBI appointed therapist weekly ever since she almost beat one of her lab mates up with a femur. As far as social life goes Kaden still finds it hard to get in touch with people. Due to her devotion of science she can sometimes find interpersonal relations hard, mostly when it comes to romantic feelings. She has a tenancy to bottle herself up into one little hole and not tell anyone about it. Regardless she has always considered herself the norm in dating, never considering women as an option.





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I posted the bio! :3
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I'm a terrible person and didn't realize it had been one month already.

I'm so sorry Icey, I'm the worst partner ever T__T

I'll have the IC up in the next few days my luv
  • Thank You
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YAAAAH I posted the IC :D
Sweet! I'll get something up within a few days
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reviving this from ze dead D:
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