WORLD SHOWCASE The World of Two-Sun

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Original poster
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
No man rules alone, or so the saying goes. This was true on the planet of Two-sun as well. No man ruled alone, no man could be an island of himself. Not even the mighty mages with control of the elements could command without the help of an army. Men charismatic enough to control the support of an army were rare, they crowned themselves King. Mages needed less charisma as their power inspired loyalty, those who collected an army crowned themselves Prabhu, for they were lords higher than kings.

The first purely magical country was not a kingdom, but a democracy. The Democratic Republic of Magi created a large and powerful kingdom, uncontestable by other kingdom on the planet. Their armies of enchanted automata and Mage shock troops inspired horror in all who opposed them and survived. Soon enough, the armies of their enemies had their spirits broken, no one was able to face them, and there was peace for a time.

A son of a woman soldier from a defeated kingdom and a mage shock trooper of Magi came from these conflicts. He saw the world from his mother's eyes, their powerful king were being humbled by unorganized rabble with very little political structure. But he saw something else too, something in his self. He could be a powerful king. He then set off teaching himself his magic, his power growing, until one day, he summoned a great number of great and powerful creatures. Fearsome monsters that marched forth, two commands, kill any non magic user they see, and decree that he, Albert Crown, was the new king to all those who could use magic. The war between him and the Magi was great, all the other kingdoms only sitting on the sidelines, hoping to survive their earthrending conflict. Soon, both sides called a ceasefire, the Magi called for peace. Albert could be king in his captured territory and would be considered a country, but would allow the other countries live in peace unless they struck first.

And so it came, one man, one kingdom, where he ruled alone. His monsters patrolling the land as peacekeepers and public servants to any magic citizens who wish to join his kingdom.