CHARP LOGS The Witches of Windlewick - Charp Series Logs

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

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Zarko Straadi

Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Sci-fi, fantasy, magical, modern, Steampunk
  • @Diana:
    Today at 6:18 PM
  • @Diana:
    This is a modern setting where supernatural things are not normal to the known world, but this is a Witchs Only party, so who cares? TIME TO GET LIIIIIT oh and find your a familiar if you haven't bonded to one before!
    Today at 6:18 PM
  • @Diana:
    My charps are ALWAYS newbie friendly, so if you ever get confused, lost, or need some help I am in the Main Chat or you can ping me on the Discord's #charp-discuss channel. Don't worry about making typos or mistakes! We're just here to have some fun.
    Today at 6:18 PM
  • @Diana:
    PRO TIP: Type short, type fast. Keep posts to 10 sentences or less, because a wall of text is hard to read when things are moving quickly. You could get left behind and miss details!
    Today at 6:19 PM
  • @Diana:
    HELPFUL: Write your character name in the first sentence of your posts so we know who is playing who. You can use color bbcode to help your posts stand out as well!
    Today at 6:19 PM
  • @Diana:
    Game Master posts appear in this bright bold yellow for ease of seeing. Pay attention to those, because they are guiding the direction of the plot and might contain important details!
    Today at 6:19 PM
  • @Diana:
    (◉,◉) (◉◇◉) (⊙,◉) (⊙◇◉)
    Today at 6:22 PM
  • @Diana:
    It's been seven years since the last time the portal to the magical realm had opened, and this year's Witch's Ball was sure to be the most bangin' one yet! Witches young and old have come to see if this is the year they will finally get their familiar! Although some are hoping maybe they can make an exchange... Either way, the moon is full, the night is warm, there's enough brew going around to get a whole city drunk. Time to party!
    Today at 6:44 PM
  • @CarnelianUndead:
    Porter Hart was in Australia with his dastardly relationship wrecking familiar to send the hound back to where it came from. Using the last of his cash he'd flown from the U.S. all the way – having to buy a seat for his 'dog' as well but it would be worth it. He was average and lanky with ears that stuck out too far from his partially shaved head, a short wheat-colored mohawk sticking up in the middle like a badly trimmed hedgerow. The dog was just as lanky as its owner and was a soft caramel color.
    Today at 7:02 PM
  • @LuckycoolHawk9:
    Oliver had heard of a party in the woods. He loved parties, even if everyone thought he was too wild. He was excited to meet new people and so what if the party had weird things? These were obviously just like theatrics and stuff....
    Today at 7:06 PM
  • @Diana:
    Matilda Deadwyler was a great witch and a great witch deserved a great familiar. But seven years ago when the portal to the magical realm opened and she tossed her name out into the ether... she got the the most useless round boi that any witch had ever seen. The rain frog could croak and look surly and that was about it. She planned to chuck him right back through the portal, and hopefully be sent something a little more functional.
    Today at 7:06 PM
  • @daird:
    Rebecca Salter comes in, looking dead on her feet... and the rest of her, too. The undead necromancer sidles up towards Peter, her own familiar, a zombified black cat named Schrodinger, trailing behind her. "Hey, Pete. Long time, no see."
    Today at 7:07 PM
  • @Mittens83:
    In the corner of the room, a small blue flash flickered before a barely larger being dusted off their robes. Lloyd adjusted his wide hat and green eyes looked around the room, squinting at the smell of a dog nearby as his tail flicked. This year had to be the year!
    Today at 7:10 PM
  • @CarnelianUndead:
    Honestly! Holding the Witch's Ball in the Australian Outback was absolutely bonkers! But the damn dog was happy. [I'm sorry you're mad, Porter but it's not my fault you cheated.] "I didn't cheat!" Porter seethed for the hundreth time. Then he realized someone was possibly talking to him. "Oh! Rebecca, right? Nice to see you again. It's Porter by the way. It's nice out here, isn't it? Are you returning your familiar too?" He gestured towards the cat and then scowled down at the damn dog. "He's going back or into a garbage disposal."
    Today at 7:15 PM
  • @daird:
    "Nope, Schrody's staying with me." Rebecca smiled. "I'm just here to have a good time with fellow witches. Why, your guy giving you trouble?"
    Today at 7:19 PM
  • @Diana:
    "Darlings, darlings, if this is your first time to the Ball, please have a listen!" called out one hella old witch in full garb, complete with witch's hat. "Procedure for familiar bonding is simple. Scribe your name on the parchment with a drop of your blood, roll it up, seal it with wax, and then toss it into the magic portal! If there is a familiar waiting for you it will bring your scroll back. Please do NOT submit your name a second time, if your scroll is still through the portal, you simply have to wait it out possibly until the next ball! We don't want a repeat of 1782!"
    Today at 7:20 PM
  • @Mittens83:
    Llyod had been keeping his eye on the dog until the old witch's voice caused him to jumped. With full determination he hopped up on a nearby chair and placed his forepaws on the table, scanning for the nearest piece of paper. "I swear. If i have to wait until the next ball...." he muttered
    Today at 7:25 PM
  • @Diana:
    "If you are here to RETURN a familiar," she gave a world weary sigh at this, "we really hope you reconsider and try to make your bond work. Seven years really isn't that long. But if you MUST, simply send your familiar back into the portal with your name inscribed scroll, then wait to see if something new comes through. Again DO NOT send through more than one scroll with your name it on! DO NOT."
    Today at 7:26 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "If you want a guaranteed demonic familiar, just pay one hundred dollars and use this portal right over here! Guaranteed able to speak and understand English, and has will have opposable thumbs!" an old man witch called out from his spot beside a more unstable-looking portal of his own make. He was almost entirely hair and robes.
    Today at 7:26 PM
  • @daird:
    Rebecca shook her head at the salesman. "Ugh. Next thing you know, he'll be hawking used brooms."
    Today at 7:27 PM
  • @CarnelianUndead:
    "You know, when we were kids it was fine. Pranks and mayhem. A boy and his dog, right? But I'm not a kid anymore and he's a fucking demon and he doesn't fit into the garbage disposal.." Porter grumbled. "You lucked out with your familiar, you know. But I'm done with familiars! No more! Henry is going into the portal!" [It's so boring! I don't want to and you can't make me!] The hound familiar barked and then using his better strength he jerked his leash loose and escaped into the crowd!
    Today at 7:27 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Guaranteed a more submissive demon, you'll never find!" the old man shouted. "And best of all, you don't have to give up your chance on the main portal!"
    Today at 7:28 PM
  • @AnxiousEnby:
    Fawn Aspen would hide in a corner, not wanting to be seen. He wasn't a witch and he couldn't do magic, he shouldn't of really been here at all but his curiosity got the better of him. As his name implied, the teenager was a deer but his horns were barely something to be proud of, small stubs.
    Today at 7:29 PM
  • @Diana:
    "In some cases a familiar may come through a portal without a scroll, this familiar could bond with a witch if it chooses, but only if it goes back through the portal and finds your scroll or if you hand it a scroll directly! We cannot stress enough that it is a poor, terrible, awful idea should you end up with multiple familiars!"
    Today at 7:31 PM
  • @Dawn:
    Jove really couldn't tell you why he was in Australia. These days, Jove really couldn't explain why he did anything other than saying it was "for the story," and not without a stupid grin on his lips. Emil had called him reckless just about twice a year and that tradition was still going strong. "So what happens if we DO throw in two?" he spoke up, hands tucked into the pockets of his oversized hoodie. He looked just about as pale as a ghost, dark circles around his eyes. But that was also pretty par for the course for Jovian Dega. "I'm asking for a friend." Smirk.
    Today at 7:32 PM
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    Joana Sharleston was heard shouting from slightly far away, "Oi, I'm on my way!". A storm of dust could be seen on the horizon, accompanied by the distant yelp of, "OWW CACTUS!"
    Today at 7:33 PM
  • @Diana:
    "Jove, you know damn well a witch can't handle multiple familiars and then we end up with giant chickens raising hell across villages and wizards trying to overthrow governments! Not to mention the damned DRAGON ERA." shouted the old witch. "Just DON'T!"
    Today at 7:34 PM
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    Amelie listened to the lecture looking thoroughly unimpressed. She'd heard it all before of course, back when she was ten. The year she got no familiar, the debacle of which she has yet to hear the end.
    Today at 7:34 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Don't be a pussy!" the old man shouted, then wheeze-laughed, showing off more teeth missing than not. "Hundred bucks! One free-range, organic, thumb-having, english-speaking, submissive demon!" He started to ring a few bells to try to get attention.
    Today at 7:35 PM
  • @Mittens83:
    The small cat familiar hopped fully on the table, standing on his back legs and pointed his oak staff toward the owner of the dog. "OI. Get your familiar under control!" As best as he tried, he hid his worry behind a scowl, bending down to grasp at a few scrolls in case he needed to make a break for it.
    Today at 7:36 PM
  • @AnxiousEnby:
    The deer boy decided to walk into the clearing, bored of staring at people from the small corner he placed himself in. He felt his ears flicker in excitement because he had never been to an event like this before. For Fawn, this was an adventure.
    Today at 7:36 PM
  • @Dawn:
    "Easy now, you old bat~" Jove laughed, "I was just asking! Even if I can handle a lot more than you think." Somehow, they probably weren't talking about the same thing anymore. "I'm still not interested. I'm just here for the booze."
    Today at 7:37 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Guaranteed not to cause a dragon era!"
    Today at 7:38 PM
  • @LuckycoolHawk9:
    Oliver looked happily. He wrote his name in red marker on two pieces of paper and threw it in the portal. " This s a fun game.:
    Today at 7:38 PM
  • @CarnelianUndead:
    "You you pillow humping shit-eating asshat!" Porter bellowed as the hound barreled along at breakneck speed having decided that being free on earth was better than going back to the plane of familiars! He got fussed at by a small cat familiar in a silly hat and he made a very rude gesture at it before careening off after his dog. Between the dog and the mohawk wearing young man, people were shoved and pushed and shouted at as Porter struggled through the crowd. "So help me goddess! I will hex your damn ears off!"
    Today at 7:39 PM
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    Joana, realizing her name was too similar in appearance to another person nearby, opted to go by Sharlie instead, a slight variation on her last name. She finally made it to the event, looking around with starry eyes. Finally- a familiar! She'd be a proper witch at last. She looked for someone to give directions and saw everyone grabbing parchment and throwing them as scrolls into something wobbly. Just a name huh?
    Today at 7:39 PM
  • @Diana:
    The old witch had about enough of the heckling but at least tried to make a last statement. "And finally, do not under any circumstances try to get a nonsense discount familiar! You can't BUY yourself the perfect familiar, they CHOOSE you. The only thing you will get bound with by a peddler is a magical genital disease!"
    Today at 7:39 PM
  • @Diana:
    FWOOSH. No one was actually guarding or babysitting the portal, so really the witch could've been preaching to a bunch of drunk idiots. Oliver's double offering went through and for now. Nothing came out.
    Today at 7:40 PM
  • @Dawn:
    "Nice," Jove snickered, draping an arm around Oliver's shoulders. "This guy appreciates science."
    Today at 7:41 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "I RESENT THAT, YOU OLD BAT!" The old man finally charged at the witch. "My familiars are premium! You had one yourself that you loved for years before you killed it!"
    Today at 7:41 PM
  • @daird:
    Rebecca looked up at the mayhem. "Twenty bucks on Granny!"
    Today at 7:42 PM
  • @Dawn:
    "You know, I was going to try to convince someone to throw their name in twice, but you made it easy for me, friend." He would have done it himself, except he hadn't been shackled to a familiar yet and he wasn't about to start. Just look at Porter over there, making an ass of himself!
    Today at 7:43 PM
  • @AnxiousEnby:
    The deer boy watched some familiars walk around, tempted to crouch down and pet one but he didn't want to cause any trouble. Fawn decided to throw some purple bottle with green liquid into the portal, just thinking it was fun and games. He was inspired by Oliver to do so.
    Today at 7:43 PM
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    Sharlie rolled the scroll up with her legal name, sealed it, and tossed it into the portal. She looked for the nearest witch, and walked up to Amelie. "Ay, you a witch then? What can you do?", she asked, fairly curious and genuine in her question.
    Today at 7:43 PM
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    Amelieraised an eybrow ever so slightly as she noticed the deer therianthrope. Of course the puns that came to mind could never be used: Oh deer! My deer boy! and so on. Oh well. She gave a moment's attention to the "used familiar salesman." His portal didn't look terribly trustworthy, so how well could she trust any familiar it might produce? The guy with the crazy mohawk was already providing a sterling example of the consequences of getting an undesirable one.

    • Like

    Today at 7:43 PM
  • @Diana:
    Matilda Deadwyler, who didn't need the full instructions, had simply scrawled her name out on a scroll with her feather quill, added her drop of blood and then tied the scroll to her round grump frog. As she approached the portal, she wound up her arm and chucked the useless jerk far into the portal, hopefully to never be seen again.
    Today at 7:43 PM
  • @Diana:
    Fawn's purple bottle of liquid made a lovely poof of smoke mist out of the portal. Nothing came out.
    Today at 7:44 PM
  • @Mittens83:
    Poking a sharp claw into his left forearm, Llyod drew some blood and scribbled his name down in it as best a familiar could under the pressure of a loose dog and frankly too many others around. Rolling it up and sealing it just right; he quickly made a few jumps closer to the portal and threw the parchment in.
    Today at 7:45 PM
  • @AnxiousEnby:
    Fawn would feel his tail swaying in excitement, blue orbs sparkling in amazement at the lovely poof of smoke. The dear boy scratched at the base of his right ungrown antler, getting closer to the portal. He felt wanted by the portal, wanting so badly to touch it.
    Today at 7:46 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "My familiars are legitimate! My portal is targetted to find only the best! I'm sorry you couldn't handle falling in love with one!" the old man accused in a booming voice.
    Today at 7:46 PM
  • @LuckycoolHawk9:
    " I like doing things that people say not to do. It makes me happy. I'm Oliver by the way."
    Today at 7:46 PM
  • @daird:
    Rebecca watched as none of the familiars seemed to be responding to anything thrown through the portal. "Hmm. That's odd we aren't getting anyone listening."
    Today at 7:47 PM
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    Amelie was pulled from her thoughts by someone addressing her. "Oh, I'm not a witch, I'm an astrologer, but they only serve American beer at the Astrologers' Ball and you don't get a familiar, you just get a piece of paper with some sky object's name written on it, and all the good ones are taken. I got NCG-1171 last time. Boring," she said in a deadpan Welsh accent. "Of course I'm a witch, aren't you?" Do they allow non-witches to come to these things? she wondered.
    Today at 7:48 PM
  • @LuckycoolHawk9:
    Oliver tilted his head.
    Today at 7:49 PM
  • @LuckycoolHawk9:
    ' Astrologers are those people who study the star right?"
    Today at 7:50 PM
  • @Diana:
    That old witch wasn't going to argue with a crazy old man (at least not right now, she wasn't near hammered enough). Meanwhile, a few young teen witches tossed in their scrolls. Almost instantly one scroll was returned with the cutest mouse anyone had ever seen. The others didn't get theirs yet, but they weren't worried. Sometimes it took all night before a familiar came out.
    Today at 7:50 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    The old man huffed, then stormed back to his portal to man it. "Premium demonic familiars! So good an old crone will ruin her marriage over it!" he boomed.
    Today at 7:51 PM
  • @CarnelianUndead:
    Henry was dashing here and there, the iron in his collar made sure that he couldn't change back to his natural winged form. The hound hit Jove in the back of the knees -hard-. [Jove! Uncollar me! Quick! Before Porter's noodle arms tries to throw me into the portal!]
    Today at 7:51 PM
  • @Diana:
    Matilda Deadwyler didn't mind the wait. It was a party after all. She'd wandered over to one of the big cauldrons of Witch's Brew and poured herself a steaming mug to sip. This party was already getting wild and no one had even brought out the mushrooms yet!
    Today at 7:52 PM
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    Must be Dumb Question Day, Amelie thought. "Bit like saying a computer is a device for counting pebbles, but yeah," she said, deciding to to drip too much sarcasm on the guy. He wasn't bad looking, actually.
    Today at 7:52 PM
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    "Oh yep, I'm a witch, a bit new though! See, I got a staff," Sharlie indicated her oak staff, a tower motif carved into the top, "It can do things like.. this." She pointed it at the ground, causing small rocks to float. Then, poof, the rocks were on a nearby table and the beers from it floated in their place. "Cool, yeah?" She noticed Amelie had moved onwards and probably didn't notice the neat trick. Hmph, she'll be impressed when the familiar arrives.
    Today at 7:53 PM
  • @Dawn:
    "I mean, same," Jove replied, grinning at Oliver. "Olly okay with you? I'm Jove. Want to go see what else we can fuck up?" He looked sickly, but somehow still full of chaotic energy bordering on a devilish sort of playfulness. Jove clearly liked to cause trouble. Oh but here came a mortal, talking about the stars. "--!" He was about to address her too when he went down like a...well like a sickly warlock. "Henry, what makes you think I'm gonna help your fuzzy ass out after the time you bit my date at the last stupid Familiar's Day?" Jove grumbled from his spot on the ground, nose to nose with the dog familiar.
    Today at 7:54 PM
  • @daird:
    Rebecca headed over to the food table. She didn't need to eat, per se, but she enjoyed the taste. Selecting a salad, which wilted immediately due to the presence of ambient death magic around her, she took a look at the floating brews. "Not bad, kid," she commented to the other witch.
    Today at 7:54 PM
  • @LuckycoolHawk9:
    " You can use your computer to count pebbles?" He asked. He got bored and wonder back to the portal putting his hand through it for funsies.
    Today at 7:55 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "The last person who got a familiar from my portal got an adorable familiar with a human-like form who possessed powerful blood magic and was completely submissive and protective of her master! The time before that, my wife left me for her familiar and started saying I was a con-artist!" The old man was persistent.
    Today at 7:55 PM
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    Then Amelie turned back to the girl who had addressed her before. "I'm best at alchemy and making magical items, and ceremonial magic workings. You?" Then the girl did her thing. "Telekinesis, not bad.
    Today at 7:55 PM
  • @Diana:
    "Did they even pretend to try and do some sort of magical security this year?" Matilda remarked out loud. Was she the only one that noticed some human mortal had wandered in, as well as a a boy with antlers? Not that magical creatures weren't allowed to attend, but the mortal was a problem!
    Today at 7:56 PM
  • @CarnelianUndead:
    [He was gross and you know it, Jove!] Henry barked and then turned up the cute puppy eyes to eleven and groveled and flopped and rolled, his floppy hound ears and floppy hound face making him look extra cute! [Please!]
    Today at 7:57 PM
  • @Diana:
    Oliver's hand felt real tinglie, then it felt almost like something was tugging on it from the otherside. He soon found that he could not pull his hand back out.
    Today at 7:57 PM
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    Sharlie was slightly peeved. "Ah it's not telekinesis, it's levitation, and space swapping... oh can you show me something you've made?"
    Today at 7:58 PM
  • @AnxiousEnby:
    The supernatural creature touched the portal with curiosity, eyes entranced by its beauty.
    Today at 7:58 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "HEY YOU OLD BAG! WIFE! SOME IDIOT STUCK HIS HAND IN YOUR PORTAL! Looks like it won't come out! THIS WOULDN'T HAPPEN WITH MY PORTALS!" The old man barked in laughter, then took a long drink of his beer.
    Today at 7:58 PM
  • @LuckycoolHawk9:
    Oliver found that he wanted to go in, especially if there was something pulling him in. He stepped even more into the porta,l.
    Today at 7:58 PM
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    Then Amelie turned toward the lady running the show. "Oi! Does it help if you inscribe your name in sigil form, or write it in Ogham?"
    Today at 7:59 PM
  • @Dawn:
    "Yes, but he had a big-- ....Stop looking at me like that." If Jove was weak to anything other than alcohol and shameless flirting, it was cute sad eyes. It's how his older brother got his way - the eyes thing, not the flirting. Ew. "Stop that this instant, Henry. I am impervious to your begging."
    Today at 7:59 PM
  • @Mittens83:
    Llyod had kept his attention on the portal,determined to obtain his own familiar! Tapping his small furry foot and crossing his arms, he quickly became parched. Sighing and looking for the dog who was now preoccupied....attacking someone, Llyod made his way to the bar to order a glass of wine. This would calm his nerves for sure.
    Today at 8:00 PM
  • @Diana:
    SNATCH! Before someone could bat an eye Oliver popped right through the portal into the magical realm. Being just a normal human and not a magical creature, it was quite disorienting and all he could see was rainbow sparkles and mist! A purple potion bottle floated by and clonked him on the head.
    Today at 8:00 PM
  • @daird:
    "Still, it's impressive." Rebecca walked over. "You've got talent, to be able to levitate those drinks without spilling them. If you want, I could use an apprentice." The undead gave what she thought was a warm smile, but on her, it probably just looked creepy.
    Today at 8:02 PM
  • @AnxiousEnby:
    Fawn watched Oliver slip through the portal well more like he was snatched threw, tilting his head in curiosity.
    Today at 8:02 PM
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    Sharlie wondered about the portal, where it might lead. Must be some strange familiar-world, with loads of cool cats and bats. Amazing!
    Today at 8:02 PM
  • @LuckycoolHawk9:
    Oliver tilted his head and did what any normal person would do when clonked on the head with a bottlle. He sneezed.
    Today at 8:03 PM
  • @CarnelianUndead:
    Henry whined and put his big paws over his snoot and made sad dog noises! [Pleaseeeeee. I didn't do anything wrong! You have to believe me! Porter cheated on his boyfriend and he's furious that I told the truth!]
    Today at 8:03 PM
  • @Diana:
    After his sneeze, Oliver came shooting out of the portal. Somehow there was a scroll with a name in his hand. More perplexingly, that same name was now tattooed up his arm in purple ink. The name was Sharlie's full and beautiful handwritten script.
    Today at 8:04 PM
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    While she waited for the lady's answer, she turned back to the girl. "Alright," she said, and pulled an ornate silver hand-mirror from her belt. It was wrought in complicated Art Nouveau swirls and delicate etched traceries with patterns of Ogham lines and clusters of Sumerian cunieform tucked in amongst the geometric complexity. "It's got a dimensioinally transcendental cockpit inside, and it flies. It's how I got here. Not going to activate it in here with two portals going though, just in case."
    Today at 8:04 PM
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    "AAAAH THAT IS SO COOL! You're a right proper designer huh! Even my stepmother couldn't make something this.. this NIFTY!"
    Today at 8:06 PM
  • @Dawn:
    Jove sighed, sitting up and crossing his legs, reaching out with both hands to ruffle up Henry's fur. "That's a shit thing to do, yeah. But is that really any of your business to go meddling in?" He paused for a moment, seemingly in a deep thought... "Nah, what am I saying? I'd totally fucking meddle! Nice work, but you should have played more mind games with him first. It's funnier that way."
    Today at 8:06 PM
  • @Diana:
    The old witch "running the show" was already drunk, unfortunately and not answering the right questions to the right people. "Well o'corse I tried it out, who doesn't want a sex demon as a familiar for fuck's sake," she spat out. "But then I got the crotch crickets and it all went down hill from there!"
    Today at 8:06 PM
  • @LuckycoolHawk9:
    Oliver shrugged." Who's Sharlie?" He asked when he came out of the portal.
    Today at 8:06 PM
  • @Dawn:
    "Whoa wait. Sex demon as a familiar?" .... "Go onnnnn."
    Today at 8:07 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Oh look at that! Someone got a shitty mortal human familiar!" the old man boomed as he pointed to Oliver. "Get a premium familiar and don't deal with the random whimsy of a wild portal! Even if you get a sex demon, it only gets crotch crickets if its master is unfaithful!"
    Today at 8:08 PM
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    Honing into her name, Sharlie looked around for the person who said it. "Ello? Someone knows me around here?"
    Today at 8:08 PM
  • @daird:
    "Ewww..." Rebecca turned away from the crone, she'd volunteer to host next go round. Couldn't do worse. When the magic mirror was brought out, she whistled. "Well, damn. A transportational mirror? Could you bring it over here, I would love to see it."
    Today at 8:08 PM
  • @AnxiousEnby:
    The talk of a sex demon as a familiar caught his attention, speaking for the first time "a sex demon?" His French accent strong.
    Today at 8:08 PM
  • @Mittens83:
    Llyod spat out the small mouthful of wine at the old witch's confession, throughly glad he hadn't previous wound up with a master like that before!
    Today at 8:09 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Oh yes, if you get lucky with my portal, you could get your very own sex demon!" the old man asserted. "Completely loyal, english-speaking, and capable of great magic!" the old man assured. "Only one hundred US dollars or equivalent!"
    Today at 8:09 PM
  • @LuckycoolHawk9:
    " Hi, I just sneezed myself out from stumbling into the portal and your name is on my arm."
    Today at 8:10 PM
  • @CarnelianUndead:
    [Jove! Focus! Take the collar off me!] Henry whined again, his floppy hound ears standing at attention to listen for Porter still trying to find him!
    Today at 8:10 PM
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Thanks," Amelie said, deciding that the girl was cute, and she liked her. Then the old witch replied...but... "Wot mate?" Maybe I should give Used Familiar Guy another look, she thought, but do I really want a familiar with thumbs? What would that be? Raccoon? Primate?
    Today at 8:10 PM
  • @Diana:
    Ribbit.Ribbit. Almost unnoticed a round boi frog came hoping out of the portal, a scroll tied around his neck. For whom does the frog croak?
    Today at 8:11 PM
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    Someone else seemed to take an interest in Amelie's mirror, so she headed over to let her have a look. "You get a familiar from this place yet?"
    Today at 8:12 PM
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    "That's odd. Oh! You're the one who walked into the portal! Wait.. oh.", Sharlie frowned, "You're not a cute critter."
    Today at 8:12 PM
  • @LuckycoolHawk9:
    " I mean, I got two dogs at home if you like cute little critters," he replied back to her wit a smile. He looked over at the frog and look at the paper curiously.
    Today at 8:14 PM
  • @Dawn:
    Jove was pretty sure not all demons had 'crotch crickets' considering how many he'd summoned for reasons best left unsaid. Sounds like the old bat just had bad luck! But now he was seriously reconsidering this familiar thing. He hadn't realized there were actual useful options. No, not for that, even if he was a bit of a slut, but real, powerful familiars that would expand his powers rather than stifle them... But it was still... It was still a risk. Henry snapped him out of his thoughts. "Fine. Porter's a turd anyway." Splaying his fingers out over the familiar's collar, he muttered the words, "Open this collar with a click, Porter Hart has a small dick." He dusted off his hands as the collar fell away and he climbed to his feet. "Right. Now I'm going gambling. Try not to eat me if you're about to go full psycho?"
    Today at 8:14 PM
  • @AnxiousEnby:
    The deer boy would get bored, yeeting himself into the portal to see what would happen.
    Today at 8:15 PM
  • @Diana:
    On the scroll was not a name, as was expected. Instead, it was a poem. Broken is the pact of night, twice the paper was not right. A fool becomes the witch's blight, now thy doom you all must fight. With the message delivered the round boi bounced off into the evening.
    Today at 8:17 PM
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    A human as a familiar. Well, at least it had opposable thumbs. It could carry more than say, a mouse, or even a cat. Good for luggage. Probably not great for impressing people. Hm. "So what do I call ya, and do you need to be fed or something? I've never had a familiar, so I hope you can brief me on the basics."
    Today at 8:18 PM
  • @daird:
    Rebecca looks up to see the deer centaur head off into the portal. "Um... did anybody else see that?"
    Today at 8:18 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Get a humanoid demonic familiar! One hundred dollars, guaranteed obedient and guaranteed capable! One hundred percent success rate, if you're not a cheating bitch, and you get your familiar within minutes!" the old man shouted.
    Today at 8:18 PM
  • @CarnelianUndead:
    Porter was certain someone was bad-mouthing him somewhere. His ears itched. Henry however licked Jove's with lots and lots of dog slobber. [Thanks Jove! You're a great friend!] The dog familiar was now less of a dog, more of a four-legged dragon, and his soft caramel color would shift towards a jeweled red. The canine dragon batted his wings and rose into the air.
    Today at 8:19 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    The old man frowned as he spotted Henry, then shook his head and pointed. "Guaranteed not to free itself and cause mortal havoc!" he added.
    Today at 8:21 PM
  • @Diana:
    Fawn was a magical creature and as such he could see clearly what was on the other side of the portal. Another party! But on this side was familiars of all types, hanging out, having a good time, getting drunk... except there was one hitch. One very big demon looked reeeeeaaaaal pissed off and seemed to be preparing a small group of fellow demons to come through the portal. He gruffed about the broken rules of the familiar pact.
    Today at 8:22 PM
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Aye," Amelie replied. Jumping through a portal into Annwn just sounded like an utterly rubbish idea, yet people were doing it left and right, like drunken frat kids diving into a swimming pool.
    Today at 8:22 PM
  • @AnxiousEnby:
    Fawn looked around and saw what was happening, jumping back threw the portal "there is some pissed off demon ready to kill us all on the other side of the portal, he is going to walk threw" he warned
    Today at 8:24 PM
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    You know what, Amelie thought, maybe I'll give Used Familiar Guy a try, what with the way everyone's messing with the official portal... "Pardon me, mate, how exactly do you go about 'guaranteeing' a particular type of familiar?
    Today at 8:24 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    The old man brightened as Amelie approached. "You give me a hundred dollars or equivalent, and then you get to toss your blood scroll in. Easy!"
    Today at 8:25 PM
  • @LuckycoolHawk9:
    " Oh, there's a pretyt poem on here. It says ' Broken is the pact of night, twice the paper was not right. A fool becomes the witch's blight, now thy doom, you all must fight." Also, I'm good with food for now. I'm Oliver."
    Today at 8:25 PM
  • @Diana:
    "What...?" Matilda heard the Fawn's warning, but like many of the witches she was well on her way to being smashed on witch's brew. She might have even partook in a magic mushroom or two. Of course, before she could remark on his warning, she glanced down and saw the round boi frog and promptly screamed in horror.
    Today at 8:25 PM
  • @Mittens83:
    Llyod's ears perked from under his large hat when the deer spoke, setting his glass down he glanced around to see if anyone else had heard them. He had a bad feeling about this...
    Today at 8:26 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    The old man nodded. "And it sounds like idiots on the wild portal have doomed us all, so you'll want a powerful protector, of course!"
    Today at 8:26 PM
  • @Dawn:
    "Well what the hell. You look way cooler like that, Henry!" Jove shook his head as he strolled off toward the portal. He summoned parchment and a nice silver inked fountain pen into his hands and he signed his name. "Like my skin mid-December," he murmured and the ink instantly dried. He rolled up the parchment, singed it closed with his thumb, and tossed it into the portal.
    Today at 8:27 PM
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "That's not what I meant," Amelie replied. "I mean, how do you determine what comes out of your portal?"
    Today at 8:27 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    The old man blinked at her. "Easy. I aim it!" He grinned broadly.
    Today at 8:27 PM
  • @Diana:
    Right on Fawn's heels, the biggest, reddest, meanest horn demon anyone had ever seen had to squeeze his way through the portal. During the process a scroll had stuck to one of his horns. He was too mad to care though. "WHO DARES BREAKS THE PACT OF THE MAGICAL REALMS. SEND YOUR CHAMPION, OR ALL SHALL MEET THE WRATH OF THESE HANDS."
    Today at 8:29 PM
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "And what do I get to do to you if you're offering a load of old cobblers?" Amelie said.
    Today at 8:29 PM
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    "So then, Oliver. If you're my familiar, you must be magical in some way. Can you teleport, perhaps turn invisible, fly, talk with your mind?", Sharlie eyed up Oliver and scrutinized his eyes, maybe he could see the future, that would be real cool!
    Today at 8:29 PM
  • @daird:
    Rebecca's eyebrows popped up at the warning. "Are... are you sure, Miss?" she asked Fawn. "If it is, we're all in grave danger." A little necromantic energy gathered in the undead's palms.
    Today at 8:30 PM
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Oh bugger-all," Amelie said, her voice still deadpan. "Wasn't me, I'm not even using that portal," she said.
    Today at 8:30 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "You won't, but if you have a legitimate reason to be unhappy, you get a full refund." He glanced worriedly at the giant demon. "Get yours now before that big guy notices us, so we can run the hell away, would you?"
    Today at 8:31 PM
  • @Dawn:
    Jove's gaze slowwwwly panned up the demon's body to his angry face. "I mean. You're not what I was expecting, but I'm down if you are?" Fire crackled at his fingertips in an instant.
    Today at 8:31 PM
  • @AnxiousEnby:
    He felt his ears twitch, miss? Fawn was a little offended, snorting lightly as he bit his lip "I'm sure"
    Today at 8:32 PM
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    Suddenly, a demon! "Oh wow whose familiar is that! Must be from that weird old man, I figured he was a swindler, guess he's legit!"
    Today at 8:32 PM
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Well, here goes nothing," Amelie muttered to herself. She'd never been good at Theurgy, having failed even the simplest of all Evocation Compact spells, the summoning of a familiar at the Witches' Ball seven years ago. Seven more years getting criticized for a second failure didn't sound fun at all. She pulled out a parchment watermarked with alchemical symbols, arcane sigils at each corner, and a circle of Enochian script surrounding an open space. She pricked the palm of her hand with a sigil-inscribed bronze stylus, then used it to inscribe her name in Ogham script into the prepared space. "Hope you take Pound Sterling," she said, handing over the bank notes and tossing her parchment through.
    Today at 8:32 PM
  • @LuckycoolHawk9:
    Oliver offered a shrug. " I don't know abou any of that. Maye I can, I was pretty good..." he replied, pausing. " The demon has a paper on his horn.
    Today at 8:32 PM
  • @CarnelianUndead:
    Henry saw the demon popping out of the familiar's portal and promptly started barking except he was in his proper form and his barks were more like short random roars of challenge at the demon! [Back! Back foul beast! I will protect these mortals!] Somewhere Porter screamed in fear! "Be careful, Henry!"
    Today at 8:33 PM
  • @Diana:
    "Lord one of ye damned morons already damned us all again! I TOLD you-" "SILENCE AGATHA. I HAVE NOT TIME FOR AN EXWIFE. WHERE IS THE CHOSEN CHAMPION. IS IT YOU, LITTLE PUNK?" He reached his meaty hand to grab at Jove! ...and then just full on tossed him at the barking dragon. "BRING ME THE FOOL THAT BROKE THE PACT." The scroll on his horn was still stuck there.
    Today at 8:34 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Wonderful," the old man said and pocketed it, then snapped his fingers in front of the portal. A puff of orange smoke, and a demon emerged. He was slender and short, but had beautiful horns and vivid red skin. His tail seemed a little limp, and he held a plastic pitchfork, but he looked convincing... and confused. Amelie's name on his skin was covered by clothes that looked more suited to a british school than hell.
    Today at 8:35 PM
  • @daird:
    "Alright, then." Rebecca stood up, pointing a finger that had been rotted clear down to the bone at the demon. "You think you can frighten me? Death quivers at my presence, why should I fear you?!"
    Today at 8:35 PM
  • @Mittens83:
    Llyod slinked off the bartop, hoping to remain hiddwn between legs. If needed he could easily portal out...but he still needed his familiar.
    Today at 8:35 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    Eric looked around, pale brown eyes wide, only to spot the giant demon. "Oh my god," he breathed as he started to shake.
    Today at 8:36 PM
  • @Diana:
    "I AM WHERE THE DEAD END UP," shouted the demon at the Rebecca. He then made sure to establish dominance by stomping his hoofed feet hard enough the shake the ground and spat a huge wave of fire from his nostrils!
    Today at 8:37 PM
  • @Dawn:
    "Excuse you, I'm not l--" Yeeted like a fucking empty soda can. Jove did not approve and he cursed up a storm as he tumbled with Henry along the ground, knocking down several people. "Hey dipstick. You have a scroll on your dumb face. That means you belong to one of us," he groaned, getting back to his feet.
    Today at 8:37 PM
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Wha?" Amelie said, "That quick?" She pulled out a scrying glass and examined the slender demon through it. If he turned out to be an illusion or some other sort of monkeyshine, Used Familiar Guy was about to find out what an Alchemist meant by a clever retort!
    Today at 8:37 PM
  • @AnxiousEnby:
    The deer boy would look at the demon, ears lowering in fear because he may have accidentally done something to break the pact up. The guilt was all over Fawns face.
    Today at 8:38 PM
  • @daird:
    Rebecca took a step back, but she remained undeterred. "You haven't claimed me yet, hellspawn," she muttered.
    Today at 8:39 PM
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    Everyone was panicking and confronting the demon. Which would only mean.. Oh my! Fire! Sharlie yeeted herself out of the way by using her staff to levitate during a sideways jump. "Oi Oliver, get out of the way! You may not be a cat, but I don't want my familiar toasted!"
    Today at 8:39 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    While the slender demon was clearly frightened, Eric certainly had human blood... though much of it was a dollar store Halloween costume. "Give it a name, and it will be completely thrall to you," the old man explained. "Just use the new name to give orders, and it will comply." The old man was already packing, glancing up at the large new demonic arrival that was threatening doom.
    Today at 8:40 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "W-what!?" Eric looked back. "My name is Eric...!" he said, his voice catching before he stepped back, away from the giant angry demon. "I... I... I was supposed to be giving kids candy at the library...!" Despite his protests, his dollar-store horns fell off as curled horns started to grow in and his skin tone became more orange. "I... I...!" He felt something strange happening inside of him, and he seemed to grow taller as his spine lengthened and bones began to shift.
    Today at 8:42 PM
  • @CarnelianUndead:
    The draconic pupper tried to make the landing less horrible but he and Jove still the dirt pretty hard! He stood behind Jove and barked furiously at the demon some more! Porter was there behind his familiar with a hand on his back and his own hands crackling with magical energy. What he lacked in looks he made up for in raw magical energy! "You did NOT just hurt my dog!"
    Today at 8:43 PM
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Oi!" Amelie said, grabbing the salesman by the collar. "Speaking of breaking compacts!" He'd magically abducted some poor human...and now what?
    Today at 8:43 PM
  • @Diana:
    "THERE'S NOTHING ON MY FACE," bellowed the giant demon. He couldn't see what was stuck to his own horns and his arms were just short enough he couldn't reach the tips of them. Angered even more now he snatched up Rebecca and full handed threw her at Porter. That seemed to be his power move. "GIVE ME THE FOOL OR I SHALL RAIN BLOOD UPON THIS NIGHT."
    Today at 8:44 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    The old man yelped before he pointed. "It's the spawn of a demon and a human! See, the proximity to the wild portal is causing it to take on its parent's form!"
    Today at 8:45 PM
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Give me back my money and my parchment, and I won't make a spagyric out of you!" Amelie said.
    Today at 8:45 PM
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    "Yo Ollie, mind if I call you Ollie? Do you know this thing? From your visit to the portal world?"
    Today at 8:46 PM
  • @daird:
    Rebecca stood up, proceeding to help Porter to his feet. "You alright?"
    Today at 8:46 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "You have to try the familiar out before you can get a refund!" the old man howled, "They all come out like this! It's not a human!"
    Today at 8:46 PM
  • @LuckycoolHawk9:
    Oliver would look over at him. " Mr. Demon, sir, would you like a snickers bar?" He asked, the fool, approaching the demon with a Snickers bar.
    Today at 8:46 PM
  • @AnxiousEnby:
    Fawn would step on a twig, gulping when attention was on him. He would probably die tonight. The deer creature tried to run off, knowing he had been caught for fucking things up/
    Today at 8:47 PM
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    Amelie glanced worriedly over at the big demon. His presence was growing more worrisome. "You! Little girl!" she called out to the girl with the levitation ability. "Use your power to get the paper off the demon's horns, would you? Find out whose name is on it!"
    Today at 8:47 PM
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    Oliver began to offer the demon a snickers bar. In terms of familiarity, that seemed like a maybe. Who was she kidding, she had to save that idiot familiar from a demon. She could swap objects. What if.. aha! She'd swap the snickers with several beers and get the demon drunk.. If it took the bait.
    Today at 8:48 PM
  • @Diana:
    Meanwhile Matilda was sitting under a buffet table drunk as hell and tripping on mushrooms, clutching her old familiar as the party was a whirlwind of chaos. The frog was indeed not her familiar anymore, because he hadn't returned with her scroll, but she was kind of glad he was back regardless. He was an awful familiar, but really the best frog.
    Today at 8:49 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    Eric continued to transform, until he took the form of a female demon hound, clothes shredded by new spikes and ridges and rough scales across his body. A six foot tail whipped along behind his body, ended in a blade, and six horns grew from his head as he snarled and shook his head, snorting as he stood on all fours.
    Today at 8:49 PM
  • @CarnelianUndead:
    "Hello again, Rebecca." Porter groaned as he'd just had a grown-ass woman thrown atop him! He had went -splat- on the ground and was flailing around very weakly. Henry licked his face and whined.
    Today at 8:49 PM
  • @Dawn:
    Jove quickly side-stepped Rebecca soaring toward him and let Porter take the entire hit. "Okay. You won't believe me so I'll just have to prove it." Jove was concocting a plan to use a glitter bomb to distract the demon when Olly did it for him. Conversation about Snickers Bars in full swing, Jove crept around to the side of the demon and leapt up onto his back! He was pretty weak, but he had practice in climbing tall people, shimmying up the demon's back and grunting as he stretched his arm out to try and grab the scroll on that horn. He nearly slipped and grabbed onto the horn to anchor himself.
    Today at 8:49 PM
  • @daird:
    "We got to stop meeting like this. I mean, I've heard of sweeping boys off their feet, but..."
    Today at 8:50 PM
  • @Mittens83:
    Llyod stepped out from behind the sea of legs, holding his staff up towards the demon's face. A large green flame would appear infront of the demons face, an illusion, but hopefully distracting enough. "Someone get it!" He called out
    Today at 8:50 PM
  • @Diana:
    As per party law, you never turned down a Snickers or a Drink if you were a demon. So he reached his giant hand down to take Oliver's offerings only to have Jove on his back. "YYAAAARGH! YOU AGAIN! DAMN YOUR CHAMPION, GET OFF!" He struggled to grasp at Jove with his short arms, and he stumbled around nearly stomping on poor Fawn and Llyod in the process.
    Today at 8:52 PM
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Right, fine," Amelie said to the salesman. But before she could emit any mockery, 'Eric' changed. "Oooh. Well alright then. I guess 'humanoid' isn't too important. Your name is Wepwawet," she said naming the being after an ancient Egyptian jackal-headed god, the Opener of the Ways.
    Today at 8:52 PM
  • @CarnelianUndead:
    "Hah hah hah." Porter laughed weakly at Rebecca and pushed Henry gently away from his face. The gangly and awkward young man stared at the chaos and the demon and everything else and just petted Henry's head. "It's the same every year isn't it?"
    Today at 8:52 PM
  • @AnxiousEnby:
    Fawn jumped out the way just in time, not getting stomped on. He did however get trapped in some sort of magic snare, the wire cutting into his foot which caused him to cry out in pain.
    Today at 8:53 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    Eric threw back his head and howled, and Amelie's name glowed brighter on his flank. His tail whipped the air, and he turned to look at her with glowing orange eyes with black sclera.
    Today at 8:53 PM
  • @Mittens83:
    "You'd better hurry up! Some people are going to get killed!" The little angry cat called to the one who jumped on the demon, one paw holding his hat to his head.
    Today at 8:54 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    The old man hurriedly resumed packing up, unwilling to leave behind something as unsafe as a portal, even in fleeing for his own drunken life.
    Today at 8:54 PM
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    Amelie raised an eyebrow. "Wepwawet, tell me why you emerge from his portal looking like a human."
    Today at 8:55 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    Eric stared at her, then opened his mouth. A moment later, knowledge entered Amelie's mind. Eric was a crossbreed, mostly human with a drop of demon blood that came from a mother who left him behind. The knowledge also included that his human name was Eric, and he was a trans man.
    Today at 8:56 PM
  • @Dawn:
    Jove scrambled his way up onto the demon's shoulders and snatched that scroll up with an "aha!" He wobbled and threw an arm around the demon's head to steady himself while he looked the scroll over. "Please don't be my name. This guy sucks. All he's got is his looks."
    Today at 8:57 PM
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    Amelie nodded, mouth slightly agape. "Are you OK with this? I mean...this is probably not the kind of transition you had in mind..."
    Today at 8:58 PM
  • @daird:
    Rebecca started conjuring a shroud of necrotic energy. Anything that passed through it, whether organic on nonliving, would rapidly age and deteriorate. "I've seen worse. Remember the basilisk incident in '99?"
    Today at 8:59 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    More knowledge entered Amelie's mind—right now was a dangerous time to worry about such things. It sent an image of the large belligerent demon, and then Eric's tail wrapped around Amelie and lifted her up onto his back. Harsh spines, ridges, and scales threatened to scrape her up, but Eric held her on and began to dash towards the forest, ready to escape.
    Today at 9:00 PM
  • @Diana:
    The snare that caught Fawn, snatched him right off into the magical realm. What befalls the boy? Who knows. Perhaps Fawn is now marked as a familiar. Maybe a demon was hungry.
    Today at 9:00 PM
  • @Diana:
    The scroll Jove plucked off the bucking demon's head read: Nobody wants to work with Jove. FINALLY with that painful revelation, the demon managed to throw Jove off him. Jove landed on the buffet table.
    Today at 9:02 PM
  • @The Mood is Write:
    By the time Jove hit the buffet table, the old man and all of his equipment (plus several kegs he stole) were gone.
    59 minutes ago
  • @CarnelianUndead:
    "I was four but I remember my parents talking about it." Porter was perfectly fine sitting down. He was pretty sure he had a concussion. Again. So he was just gonna sit still.
    59 minutes ago
  • @Diana:
    Something heavy landed on Matilda's table and it nearly cracked under the weight. Being still high as fuck, she screamed and scampered out to save her and her frog's life!
    58 minutes ago
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Aye, right, good idea," Amelie said. At least that implied that her new familiar didn't hate her guts, didn't it? "Once we're clear of that manky portal, I'll arrange us some faster transportation."
    58 minutes ago
  • @The Mood is Write:
    Except... the further they went from the 'wild portal' as the old man called it, the more Eric began to return to a human shape, and the more he stumbled and became confused.
    58 minutes ago
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "OW! OW! OW!" Amelie cried, but then the spines and edgy scales started to shrink away. "Wait, what?"
    56 minutes ago
  • @Dawn:
    Jove lay there like dessert, sighing as he read the scroll's contents and nodding in agreement. It was for the best. He worked best solo and all the familiars just weren't up to snuff for his liking. However, his ego was just a little bruised anyway and he was already trying to think of a word that rhymed with 'hemorrhoids' to curse that demon with.
    56 minutes ago
  • @LuckycoolHawk9:
    Oliver considered for a moment. " Why is i important to know who broke the pact?"
    53 minutes ago
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "W-what...!?" Eric had a human throat again, and collapsed under Amelie's weight, human, hornless, tailless.
    53 minutes ago
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    Sharlie wasn't exactly a master of fighting. But her vampiric foster mother always said, maybe help people sometimes. And that saying rung in her head, along with a deep appreciation for parties. She pointed her tower staff at a few synthetic plates under the demon and levitated them upwards. "Hey, have you tried the cake, because I heard the cake is really good!", she shouted loudly. No demon would crash a party they were welcomed in, she hoped.
    52 minutes ago
  • @Diana:
    Now the demon was properly and truly able to rain terror down amongst the witches! He had his mighty hands in the air ready to smash - then paused at the floating Sharlie. "CAKE? RIDDLED WITH WITCH'S HERBS AND POTIONS NO DOUBT AND COULD GET A DEMON THREE KINDS OF HUNG OVER THE NEXT DAY!"
    51 minutes ago
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    "That sounds fun then! As long as you're careful with the tables, I'm sure we can accommodate ya!"
    50 minutes ago
  • @Mittens83:
    "You're saying a demon as big as yourself can't handle it?!" Llyod called up, smirking
    49 minutes ago
  • @Diana:
    "HEY NOW...!" Shouted out Matilda, round grump frog in her hand. "We always bring the best buffet, you giant red... dildo! Listen to the little witch, she doesn't want her new dumbass human familiar to die!" Clearly, despite being a very great and powerful witch, she was very very intoxicated.
    48 minutes ago
  • @Dawn:
    "Knowledge of sitting comfortably lost to the voids, motherfucker enjoy your new hemorrhoids~" He'd pointed his finger at the demon and cast the spell, since the big oaf was so distracted. Then he sighed again and rolled over, putting his back to the chaos. "Maybe Emil was right. I should try this 'being nice' thing once in a while..." He kinda wanted a cute familiar now, thinking about it. A fluffy one would be nice. He'd have to carry a lint roller everywhere, but it'd be worth it, right?
    48 minutes ago
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Greaaaaat," Amelie said, "I have a 'familiar' who's just some poor normal guy except when bathed in eldrich portal energy." She looked over at the demon, but it looked like others had things well enough in hand. Better than she would be able to do, anyway.
    48 minutes ago
  • @daird:
    "And do try the barbecue platter, it's amazing!" Maybe the way to get this brute to calm down was through his stomach- gluttony was one of the seven deadlies, after all.
    48 minutes ago
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Why are you... sitting on me?" Eric asked, nude, dirty, confused, and out of breath.
    47 minutes ago
  • @Diana:
    "I CAN HANDLE ANYTHI-" The demon paused, leaned down and eyed Oliver real hard after the witch's revelation. "IT WAS YOU. A TINY PUNY MORTAL HUMAN? THEN PACT STILL- guurrmp." Something growled. Gurgled. The demon's face twisted up and his legs went wonky. Jove's spell definitely hit home.
    46 minutes ago
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Sorry," Amelie said, getting off. Well, not getting off getting off--it was only then that she noticed he was naked.
    45 minutes ago
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Where... where am I?" he asked as he slowly got up, then covered his very obvious femaleness with his hands as he felt bile rise in his throat at being seen nude. He looked around, tears in his eyes. "Clothes, clothes, clothes..." he muttered as he tried to find his. "Oh my god, you... what did you do...!?" He sounded ready to cry.
    44 minutes ago
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Uh..." Amelie said, moving to interpose herself between Eric and the witches. "Your other form--other other form, decided to cart me off. Whoa! Easy! Sorry, here, uh," she said, taking off her cloak and handing it over.
    42 minutes ago
  • @The Mood is Write:
    Eric took it and wrapped up in it. "Other form...!? W-what... My costume?" More confusion. Her name was still on his hip. "What's happening...!? Why's there... who the hell is that...!?" He pointed to the large demon.
    41 minutes ago
  • @LuckycoolHawk9:
    " I mean.... I'm not exactly mortal....." Oliver trailed off.
    40 minutes ago
  • @daird:
    Rebecca smiled as the demon was struck by Jove's... unusual curse. And I thought I was a pain in the ass...
    40 minutes ago
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    The demon must've been absolutely famished with all that rumbling. Sharlie doubled her efforts to make his experience pleasant. She swapped the plates with several dishes of barbeque platter and let them descend slowly towards the demon's contorted face. "BBQ! Try it, it's delicious!"
    39 minutes ago
  • @Dawn:
    Jove rolled back over, plucking up some fruit from a bowl beside him to much on. He watched his spell doing him proud, watched the utter chaos that was this silly holiday, popping strawberries and grapes into his mouth, propped up on an elbow on his side. "Plot twist!" he playfully gasped when Olly confessed to not being mortal after all.
    39 minutes ago
  • @Diana:
    Being real butthurt at the moment the demon wailed. "I'LL HAVE MY VENGEANCE ONE DAY, JOVE. LET IT BE KNOWN! YOU WILL RUE THIS DAY YOU CURSED A DEMON." Stomp back to the portal he squeezed his massive body through with a POP. Leaving the witch's party in shambles. By all things considering, it wasn't the worst thing to happen at a witch's ball by far.
    37 minutes ago
  • @Dawn:
    "Yeah yeah. Says you and the five other demons I've crossed," Jove sighed, waving off the current demon like he was old news already.
    36 minutes ago
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    Amelie sighed. " have a bit of demon blood, inherited from a rubbish mother, and you take a rather badass demon form when you're bathed in the energies of a dimensional portal. This wanker of a wizard used that, I guess, to yank you through a portal and make it look like you were my daemon familiar. Oh, and I'm a witch, a real witch, and so are most of the people here. I know that sounds like a load of old cobblers, but," she hiked a thumb at the demon as he stomped back toward the portal.
    36 minutes ago
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    Amelie said all this as matter-of-factly as one might describe a day at a used car lot.
    36 minutes ago
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    Aw, the demon just on and left. Better than a crashed party, at least.
    34 minutes ago
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Demons aren't real...?" Eric didn't sound convinced, more like... about to cry.
    34 minutes ago
  • @daird:
    "Well, that was interesting." Rebecca sighed, the undead taking a seat at an unoccupied table. "Anybody know who that bastard was?"
    34 minutes ago
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    "Hungry, I suppose?"
    33 minutes ago
  • @Diana:
    "Did-HIC-did anything else come through the portal while that old dildo was causing up a ruckus?" Matilda asked with a hiccup, stuffing her frog in her pocket as she did a quick survey of the damages. A lot of witches were now stumbling out of their own hiding places, out from under tables, and trees, or pocket dimensions, all a little rattled, most still down to party now that the danger was gone.
    33 minutes ago
  • @daird:
    "No, just him. But he was more than enough."
    32 minutes ago
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Uh...well they are...don't cry!" Amelie said, awkwardly patting Eric on the shoulder. "Look, uh, I'm sure you don't actually count as a familiar, what with you being human and all. I've got more parchment," she said, ruffling elbow-deep in a tiny handbag, then coming out with a roll far too large to fit inside. "I'll get you home, alright? But for now, I need to get a bloody familiar!"
    31 minutes ago
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Please? I just want to go home," Eric murmured, then scratched at his hip, where her name was still glowing, though not as brightly.
    30 minutes ago
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Will do, just gimme a sec," she said, taking her stylus and inscribing her name in blood on the other parchment. "Good thing I always bring a spare," she said, and tossed the parchment through.
    27 minutes ago
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "W-what...?" He stared at the parchment, then backed away. "That... that's the thing that I touched that brought me here..." he muttered, eyes wide.
    25 minutes ago
  • @LuckycoolHawk9:
    Oliver waved goodbye to the demon.
    24 minutes ago
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    "Oliver! Get yourself over here, I have your first task!"
    24 minutes ago
  • @Dawn:
    "Oi. Porter Hart." Jove bounced a grape off the back of the young man's head. "Did you really cheat on your lover?"
    23 minutes ago
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Yeah," Amelie replied. "Sorry about that. This manky old git said I would get a familiar that way. It's kinda technical. I didn't know he'd bring some innocent human through."
    23 minutes ago
  • @daird:
    "Just make sure you send him home," Rebecca commented. "The last guy I teleported with that spell apparently ended up in Zimbabwe."
    21 minutes ago
  • @Diana:
    The portal was still active at least for now, but the edges were dimming, hinting that soon it would closed for another seven years. With the big demon out of the way, witches that hadn't a chance to toss in their scrolls yet were making quick work of running up to the portal and throwing them in. Less so were ones trying to exchange familiars.
    21 minutes ago
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    While she waited for a response from the portal, Amelie turned back to Eric. "So, uh...where do you live, anyway?"
    20 minutes ago
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "I... Why would he do that...?" Eric bit his lip, then looked at the portal, and then again to Amelie. "Um... I'm from Oneida," he said quietly.
    19 minutes ago
  • @LuckycoolHawk9:
    Oliver looked to see if any animals had come through for him.
    19 minutes ago
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Oneida? Isn't that a brand of margarine or something? Is that in the States?" Amelie replied.
    19 minutes ago
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    Sharlie chowed down on a slice of cake, amusing herself with half of her magic repertoire, levitating crumbs into her mouth. The cake was exquisite.. for being in the middle of the Australian Outback.
    18 minutes ago
  • @CarnelianUndead:
    "Oh goddess, not you too, Jove!" Porter groaned and rolled his eyes upwards. Henry watched the exchange quietly. "I did not cheat on my boyfriend!" His face was red and he looked upset at both the dog and the man. He had forgotten! "I didn't cheat. I wouldn't. Why would I? Who else the fuck would want me with this whole situation?" He gestured to himself in despair.
    18 minutes ago
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Get your PREMIUM DEMONIC FAMILIAR! Guaranteed demonic, guaranteed to know English, guaranteed to have thumbs, and guaranteed to not try to kill dumbasses without their master's orders!" an familiar old coot shouted from a new location. "All contracts guaranteed for the lifetime of either you or the demon! One hundred united states dollars or equivalent, and guaranteed to have cool powers!"
    17 minutes ago
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "It's... It's in New York," Eric murmured.
    17 minutes ago
  • @Dawn:
    Well that was a curious response. Jove cocked an eyebrow, his icy gray eyes lifting to Henry. "So what makes you think he cheated?" he asked, twirling a stick of strawberry licorice between his fingers and then taking a bite.
    16 minutes ago
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "He came back?!" Amelie said, turning toward him with a scowl. "OI! You!" She reached into her tiny handbag, and when her hand came back out its opening had to stretch to allow--as promised--a round glass retort, containing bubbling translucent blue fluid--to emerge in her grip. "Tell you what: you can keep the bloody money, just set this poor guy free and send him home. Otherwise..." she said, hefting the retort.
    13 minutes ago
  • @The Mood is Write:
    The old man looked over at her. "Only you can release your familiar," he said as he pushed half-moon spectacles up his long, droopy nose. "What, don't you know how familiars work?"
    13 minutes ago
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "So I have to throw him back through your portal and trust you not to have him end up on the arse-end of Mars? You're kidding, right? This, she aid, gesturing at Eric, "Is not how familiars work!"
    11 minutes ago
  • @CarnelianUndead:
    [I saw him kiss another man! A friend!] "But I didn't! I'm not lying! And I would fucking remember!" Porter shrieked at Henry who cowered a bit at the yelling and laid back down and covered his snoot with his paws.
    10 minutes ago
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    And so, Sharlie accepted Oliver into her life, the human familiar apparently compelled to untold years of service. She called her vampiric stepmother. "Hey, I got my familiar. Yeah. Oliver. I call him Ollie. Uh huh. Good party! Oh right, he's a.. human. Yep. Hahaha yeah see you at home!"
    9 minutes ago
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Pretty much that's how you do it. I just aim at where he came from, a public library in new york, and he goes back, probably forgetting all of this." The old man nodded. "That's how familiars work, you know."
    8 minutes ago
  • @Dawn:
    Still chewing on the licorice, Jove looked between warlock and familiar and sighed, rolllllling his eyes skyward. "Alright, clearly something is not adding up here. Let's go back into town and talk this out over some choice seafood. That's not a request by the way." He rolled off of the table and landed on his feet, dusting himself off and pulling out the shard of glass from the candy dish he'd broken when he'd fallen on it. "I need a stiff drink after what just transpired here."
    7 minutes ago
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "I don't know what'll happen if I try to put you in an extradimensional space," Amelie said to Eric. "You're in the Australian Outback right now, and I don't know how I'm going to get you a bloody plane ticket. So your choice: Mr. Con Artist there, or being stuck with me until I find out how to get you home."
    6 minutes ago
  • @Mittens83:
    Llyod had made his way back to his wine, eager to buzz his mind before his 'master' called him back. At least the demon didn't wreck anything too badly.
    4 minutes ago
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    As she spoke, Amelie got out another parchment, and wrote on it, in case Eric decided to try to risk the con man's portal.
    4 minutes ago
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "It's just a damned portal," the man muttered, opening a portal to where Eric had come from. Through it, one could see confused children looking around.
    4 minutes ago
  • @LuckycoolHawk9:
    Oliver looked at her. " Can we stop at my house to pick my dogs Barry, Sara, Kara, Tommy and Ruby?"
    4 minutes ago
  • @CarnelianUndead:
    "Fine. Let's go get some real alcohol. All this witch shit just gives me a terrible headache. I need whiskey." [And I'd like a gin.] And so dog and his boy went with Jove off into the evening for drinking and probably more mayhem.
    3 minutes ago
  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Um... I... I don't get it," Eric murmured, "This... can't be real..."
    3 minutes ago
  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "You take this, jump through that, and go back to your normal life--I hope. Or you stay with me and find out how deep the rabbit hole goes."
    3 minutes ago
  • @A Life of Cinn:
    "You have dogs?? Right! You do! Yes, hold on gotta call mum", and she called her mother again. "He's got DOGS! Can we keep dogs? I want dogs!"
    2 minutes ago
  • @The Mood is Write:
    The drunk old man rolled his eyes, then shoved Eric through, where he reappeared in a haze of orange smoke, causing the children to exclaim in wonder before he, still wearing Amelie's cloak, confusedly and hurriedly began to hand out candy.
    1 minute ago
  • @Diana:
    At the end of the night many witches finally got to meet their familiar for the first time. Though many never got their scroll back at all. That was the way of things, and those witches would always be able to come back in seven years, hopefully to get their familiar then. When the portal faded and partied out witches were stumbling about trying to get the bearings to go home, a round boi frog burped up a scroll. It's scrawled named written with a feather quill. Matilda Deadwyler.
    1 minute ago
  • @Diana:
    "Aw, hell." exclaimed Matilda.
    1 minute ago
  • @Diana:
    THE END.

  • @Diana:

    Today at 12:25 PM

  • @Diana:
    This setting is a modern world where most people have no idea supernatural exists in secret. Witches at a witch college are having an illegal keg party. It's social fun!

    Today at 12:26 PM

  • @Diana:
    IMPORTANT: Type fast, type brief. We only have three hours to play! If you take too long to write, you'll miss out. If you type too much, people can't skim your post fast enough. Keep it to 10 sentences or less. Don't worry about typos!

    Today at 12:27 PM

  • @Diana:
    HOT TIP: Write your character's name in the first sentence of each post. You can also make use of bbcode color to help differentiate your posts from others.

    Today at 12:28 PM

  • @Diana:
    Game Master posts are in this bright bold yellow. Pay attention to those, because they're helping guide the story and giving you hints on what to do next.

    Today at 12:28 PM

  • @Diana:
    My roleplays are ALWAYS newbie friendly! Don't worry about mistakes or getting lost. I am in the main chat if you need any help!

    Today at 12:29 PM

  • @Diana:
    (◉,◉) (◉◇◉) (⊙,◉) (⊙◇◉)

    Today at 12:29 PM

  • @Diana:
    It's midnight at the collage and all through the halls, not a witch was stirring, not even familiars with claws. But down in the basement well below the school, a bunch of young witch's have grog in a big pool. One drink of this brew and you'll soar to new heights, but enough of this nonsense, time to party on all night!

    Today at 12:58 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Do we have to?" Amelie said as her roommate dragged her by the hand down to the catacombs for the big party. "Come oooooon!" her roommate replied. "It'll be fun. You know, fun?" Amelie rolled her eyes. At least she had a good book in her handbag of holding.

    Today at 1:05 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "I brought the cookies," the old lady from the library announced as she arrived. She didn't look like she brought the cookies, but anyone who knew Judith knew that she always had cookies, especially when it seemed like she didn't. Nobody even knew what she practiced, but she worked in the library, wasn't a professor, and liked attending parties as the Bringer Of Cookies. It didn't hurt that when a party got busted before, she whipped out a glowing excuse to be there—the students were going to find a way to party anyway, someone should be on their side to make sure the party was safe.

    Today at 1:06 PM

  • @CarnelianUndead:
    After not being able to yeet his familiar back into the pit which it came, Porter Hart had carried on mostly like normal. His familiar was still insisting that he'd cheated on his boyfriend but Porter had given up trying to say differently; in fact he was almost starting to believe it himself. It was a strange feeling, being unsure of your own actions. So at the promise of a party he had gone for drinking and forgetting. Which was where he was, sipping grog out of a plastic cup before it melted it. He was lanky and tall with a messy blond mohawk and a nose ring and his dragon-dog familiar was not in evidence.

    Today at 1:08 PM

  • @Diana:
    Who ever planned this party did a banging good job. There were black lights set up everywhere, party shrooms, and bottomless belly dances- wait. Who signed off on that? Put your pants back on!

    Today at 1:10 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    Judith carried herself over to the snack table and frowned. "There isn't nearly enough space here for the cookies," she muttered, then shoved an array of veggies almost off the table before she started pulling huge platters piled high with cookies from who-knew-where. She had not one of these, but four, and placed each on the table without reserve. There were all sorts, and the only thing absent were peanut butter recipes. The plastic table sagged a little by the time she finished.

    Today at 1:10 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    Amelie noticed a familiar face (though not a familiar face from the Familiar farce in Australia--the guy with the dragon-dog familiar, though the latter was not present, apparently. "Oi," she said to Porter, "things working out any better with you and your familiar?"

    Today at 1:16 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Eh? What's this in my coat?" Judith asked suddenly. Her voice, mostly drowned out by the music, held surprise. She removed her cardigan and shook it out, only for a young librarian assistant to fall out. "Oh! Eric! What were you doing in there?"

    Today at 1:19 PM

  • @Diana:
    For some musty old catacombs under the school, everything smelled delightfully sweet and spicy. Incense sticks were burning at random corners, along with lovely scented candles. One of the students had set up a DJ booth where they were currently spinning some remixes of dance songs. They're not very skilled, but most of the party attendees were already sloshed and didn't care.

    Today at 1:20 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    Eric groaned from the floor. His head throbbed, and he looked up to spot Judith. "What...?" He looked around, and quickly realized this was a party. "Oh... Hnn..." He gripped his head and slowly got up. "Miss Judith? Where... is this?"

    Today at 1:20 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    Amelie heard a thump and thought it might just be somebody passing out, when she heard the name 'Eric,' glanced over, and did a double-take. It couldn't possibly be a coincidence, could it? "Speaking of familiars...excuse me a sec," she said, then headed over to Eric. "I'm sure I'm the last person you'd want to see, but welcome to Windlewick School of Witchcraft," she deadpanned.

    Today at 1:26 PM

  • @CarnelianUndead:
    "Oh! Hello again Amelie," Porter said with a wave of the cup. "And no, which is why he's staying in my room. Oh, look." Porter watched the librarian shake the new assistant out of her cardigan. "That's new." He said and downed the rest of the grog and went back for more because well, it wasn't the grog that was the problem. It was just the world around him. Magic brought more trouble than it was worth most of the time.

    Today at 1:28 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    Eric blinked, then looked at the source of the familiar voice, eyes wide. "Amelie?" he greeted, unsure how he remembered her name now of all times. "Um... so... before wasn't a dream?" He looked like a deer in headlights.

    Today at 1:29 PM

  • @Diana:
    "Who is ready for a SPEEEEEELLL BAAAATTLLLEEEEEE!" Shouted a young man wearing nothing but a kilt, a vest, and some heavy fur boots. "STEP UP, STEP UP! LET'S SEE WHO IS THE GREATEST SPELLCASTER OF ALL!" He marched across a long table, waving around a baguette. No one bothered to tell him that wasn't his wand.

    Today at 1:30 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Oh, you two have met?" Judith asked. "Eric moved here recently and has been working at the mundane library. I go there sometimes... But Eric, how did you get into my coat? It's not suitable for people."

    Today at 1:30 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Nope. But hey, at least you said 'dream' instead of 'nightmare.' Are you OK?" Amelie replied.'

    Today at 1:31 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "I... yeah. I... wasn't expecting to meet again, especially in... a strange party." He flinched at the sudden shout and stared at the young man with the baguette, eyes wide.

    Today at 1:31 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    Amelie glanced over at the source of the shout. "Don't worry, he's harmless as long as we're not in the Alchemy lab." She positioned herself so she could keep an eye on him and any "spell battles" out of the corner of her eye. "You might wanna be ready to turn away when he gets knocked on his arse. He's pretty sure to be wearing that kilt properly."

    Today at 1:38 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Ew," Eric said before he could think. "I... I mean, I'll keep that in mind."

    Today at 1:39 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Maybe a cookie would help him calm down about the spell battles, nobody likes those these days anyway." Judith grabbed several of the guy's favorite cookies and walked over to the drunken witch boy. "Sweetie, come down, don't you want a cookie?"

    Today at 1:40 PM

  • @Diana:
    Proper indeed, as their host in a kilt wasn't shy about kicking his legs up and showing off his never valley. "OY! I'LL START US OFF WITH A DISPLAY MOST IMPRESSIVE!" He flourished his baguette and recited a spell. Of course, anyone who knew their spells could immediately tell her said the last few words wrong. His creature of the deep came out more like crocodile of the damned.

    Today at 1:42 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    Amelie rolled her eyes. Sure, the guy liked to go around in a kilt all the time, but he couldn't get his Old Gaelic incantations right to save his life. Thank Goddess he's not using ancient Egyptian, or he might have gotten Ammit the Devourer to show up, she thought.

    Today at 1:49 PM

  • @Astaroth:
    Despite what some people might have believed, Solomon wouldn't have been at this party at all if it weren't for his meddling cousin and her idea that he studied too much and her highly irresponsible use of potions in his tea. As it was, the young wizard was under the influence of something much more dangerous than alcohol---but blessedly Margo had the forethought to glamour his green eyes to blue and his spiky blond hair to black before dumping him into the deep end and letting him swim free. He made a pit stop at the grog pool to toss back a gobletful, then locked eyes on the nearest person. "I'm really sorry about this," he said, before grasping them by the chin and leaning in to plant a very spicy kiss (with just a hint of tongue) on his hapless captive.

    Today at 1:59 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    Amelie turned back to Eric. "So, uh...welcome back to the world of magic and mystery, I guess."

    Today at 2:01 PM

  • @CarnelianUndead:
    So our hapless captive definitely was Porter Hart with his stupid mohawk and gangly limbs and his sulkiness because he was practically standing guard over the grog at this point with all the refilling of his cup he was doing. He was still... so mad. "What?" He managed to splutter, confusion on his face before he was kissed! Once the kiss was over, Porter totally reared back and punched towards the guy. Straight in the face! "The hell?"

    Today at 2:04 PM

  • @Diana:
    "WHOOOOOOOOOOF!" Went the guy in the kilt amongst a bunch of whoops and hollers over the kiss-n-punch. So distracted by these shenanigans was he and other party goers, that no one seemed to notice the pool of grog was beginning to boil.

    Today at 2:07 PM

  • @Astaroth:
    Solomon was socked right in the face. Understandably so. Clutching at his nose, he grabbed onto the closest thing to keep from falling over---which also happened to be Porter's arm. "I'm sorry! I was Com--" Compelled, was what he was trying to say, but his throat closed up in the middle of the word and it turned into a wheezing cough. Goddammit, Margo!

    Today at 2:08 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "This... this seems uh... pretty wild," Eric managed as he watched a punch and more dancing and... so damn much. "No uh... demons this time?" he asked after a moment.

    Today at 2:09 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Nah. As long as Ammit the Devourer hasn't started answering to Old Gaelic, we'll be fine. You want some gr..." that's when Amelie noticed that the grog was bubbling in a way that it really shouldn't. So either someone had spiked it with Aqua Regia, or Fergus MacDingus had actually managed to cast some kind of spell using a loaf of bread as a wand and a botched incantation.

    Today at 2:14 PM

  • @CarnelianUndead:
    What if his boyfriend saw?! ... Ex-boyfriend. Ex. Porter made an exasperated noise. This was why no one believed him that he wasn't a cheater! He debated shaking the strange young man a bit but changed his mind. "... I spilled my drink. Get me another one and we'll call it even with the liberties you just took." He huffed and shoved the empty plastic cup at Solomon with a pouty expression. There was grog all down his shirt and pants, bright green and staining. "Well, I never liked this shirt anyway."

    Today at 2:14 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Why is uh... the punch boiling?" Eric asked as he followed her gaze.

    Today at 2:16 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Harris!" Judith called with a laugh, "Come have a few cookies!" She held a cookie up to him, one that looked bigger than any of the ones she'd grabbed from the tray. She didn't know if she even got his name right!

    Today at 2:17 PM

  • @Astaroth:
    "It's not a bad look." The words fell out of his mouth all on their own. Solomon winced, cursing inwardly, and then turned toward the grog pool... only to notice the roiling surface. "Maybe something other than punch!" He took a step back, tugging Porter with him to a respectful distance.

    Today at 2:18 PM

  • @Astaroth:

    Today at 2:19 PM

  • @Diana:
    Just as Solomon and Porter backed away, a very large, very green, very croc-esque nose peeped out from the boiling grog -- and snorted fire -- which incidentally also caught the entire grog pool on fire.

    Today at 2:21 PM

  • @CarnelianUndead:
    "Yes, because bright green stains are always in fashion!" Porter huffed and then tried to shake off Solomon only to stare at the boiling grog. "Huh... Well, that is a thing, isn't it?" He stepped back with Solomon just in time to see the nose and "... Oh balls. Would you look at that?! What a mess! Oi! You ass-face two-bit lizard! I was drinking that!"

    Today at 2:22 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "That's grog. The punch happened next to it. And grog isn't supposed to boil." Amelie said. "Come on, let's get some distance," she said, taking Eric's hand to lead him away from the grog bowl. "Oh no, you didn't..." she said at the sight of the crocodilian nose.

    Today at 2:22 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "What the..." Eric scooted away from the grog quickly with Amelie, eyes wide.

    Today at 2:29 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    Fwoosh! The sound of fire caught Judith's ears, and she looked over at the grog. "Oh dear, not this again," she muttered. "Crocodile of the Damned, do you want some cookies?" she asked as she moved nearer, but not near enough that it could reach her easily as she made her offering.

    Today at 2:30 PM

  • @Astaroth:
    Apparently Solomon had gotten away with that one, at least, but more pressing at the moment than Margo's *poisoning* him was the fire-breathing crocodile clambering out of the grog. He'd arrived too late to connect the dots to the baguette-waving drunkard's botched spellwork, but he knew better than to get too close to it. That was an incredibly rare specimen--and not particularly friendly, either. He held up a hand, fingers poised to snap. "Anybody bring a pet to the party by any chance?"

    Today at 2:32 PM

  • @Diana:
    The mega-sized jaw now out of the firepit of grog open and snapped shut so quickly it echoed throughout the underground basements and over the terrible DJ music. If there was a plate of cookies, there were long gone into it's stomach now. "Oh shit! Uh, hold on, I got this!" Shouted the kilt-wearing idiot with a baguette. He tried reciting a different spell, and needless to say, it too was a bit garbled. He was beyond drunk, what did anyone expect.

    Today at 2:33 PM

  • @CarnelianUndead:
    "No! Henry is grounded!" Porter shouted, not even thinking that this -stranger- wouldn't know who Henry was! "And I don't have my wand or my spell book and why oh why is all the grog gonnnnnne?" He was so mad! "I'm going to punch it in its stupid reptile face!" Porter stomped forward, rolling up his sleeves! He managed to thump it square on it's snoot. "Get out of the drink! You bargain-bin reject!"

    Today at 2:37 PM

  • @Diana:
    The crocodile opened it's jaws wider and wider, wide enough to swallow up Porter whole, And even moved forward to do just that!

    Today at 2:46 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    Judith shoved Porter away from the croc with a sigh. "Enough of that!" She waited for its jaws to snap shut before she wrapped her cardigan around its snout. Their closing strength was immense, but opening strength? Not so much!

    Today at 2:49 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    Eric grabbed at Amelie and started toward the door, eyes wide with some good old-fashioned fear.

    Today at 2:50 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Woooaah. Bad idea," Amelie said. "Excuse me," she said to Eric, "I need to try something before Porter gets eaten. She stepped a bit closer toward the scene of the action, but still staying back out of reach. "A'a Ammit, A sia..." bugger, what's 'your?'' Forgot, hope it's not too important. " en ma'at. Uh...[coughcough] en hetep..." Then the creature surged out of the...well, whatever it was coming through, and revealed itself to be a proper crocodile rather than the patchwork Egyptian soul-eating deity she'd thought it might be. But then, those Egyptian gods had a way of shape-shifting a lot. And I didn't even think about Sokar...

    Today at 2:50 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    When Eric grabbed her and started to pull her away, Amelie said, "Yeah, good idea."

    Today at 2:51 PM

  • @Astaroth:
    "Be careful you idiot!" This guy was evidently a lot drunker than Solomon had realized! With a snap of his fingers, he teleported Porter across the room just as Judith shoved him away. He wasn't on his best game and so Porter ended up crashing into the refreshments table and knocking cookies everywhere. "Ah, fuck. Sorry! Are you alright?" Another snap and Solomon was next to him, checking to see if the man was injured.

    Today at 2:53 PM

  • @Diana:
    Once the croc was out of the burning grog pool in all it's glory, ping~! The kilt-wearing witch's second spell went off, giving the crocodile one swell party hat. It was about the size of a moose and very quick about snatching up things for dinner. Someone's dog familiar vanished into it's mouth.

    Today at 2:55 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    Judith sighed and jumped onto its head, wrapping her arms tight around its snout. "Someone prepare a banishment spell!" she called.

    Today at 2:56 PM

  • @Diana:
    The sweater was too weak to hold it's jowels shut. Yarn went everywhere.

    Today at 2:56 PM

  • @CarnelianUndead:
    Porter had been woman-handled and then spell-handled and then man-handled! "I could have fought it!" The mohawk wearing idiot shouted from his prone position in the middle of a pile of spilled cookies. "I wanted to fiiiiiight it. Or let it eat me. Fuck." Porter just slumped into the cookies with an entirely inappropriate sigh. "Good job with the party hat, Mister kilt!" Porter shouted and then ate a cookie because it seemed reasonable at the moment. "That thing is huge. Also, it's legs are too long. It's noooot right. I don't think it's really a crocodile."

    Today at 2:57 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    The sweater reformed on Judith, too attached to her to simply die. Such was the way of witchery.

    Today at 2:57 PM

  • @Astaroth:
    Reassured that Porter was fine, Solomon stood up and snapped a glowing golden rope into his hands. "You're not in any condition to fight. Stay put!" Raising his voice, he called to the rest of partygoers circling the crocodile, "Don't hurt it! It's an endangered species!"

    Today at 3:03 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    Amelie turned to Eric as she followed him toward the door. "Um, Eric, I might be able to activate your demon form in a pinch, but I don't want to do it without your permission. I'm pretty rubbish at the kind of magic needed for dealing with entities like this, but your demon form is actually pretty badass."

    Today at 3:06 PM

  • @CarnelianUndead:
    "You're an endangered species." Porter grumbled and stood back because well, he was unable to do what he was told. Ever. He wobbled a bit. The grog was really hitting him now. "I so want to punch it... " He said. "Rude."

    Today at 3:07 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    Judith grunted as she kept her grip, then looked around, "Solomon! Get everyone out of here!" she called, "Then teleport me out once everyone else is safe!"

    Today at 3:09 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Um! Demon form...!" Eric stared. "What demon form?" he asked quietly.

    Today at 3:10 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "You have a demon form," Amelie said. "I guess you don't remember what happens when you're it it? Short version, it's a lot bigger than you are, which is how you ended up, you know, at the Witches' Ball." She didn't want to say 'naked' in hopes that anyone who might overhear wouldn't give Eric any grief later.

    58 minutes ago

  • @Diana:
    The croc seemed to think Solomon was playing a game of... well. Eat the person closest to it. Bouncing strangely on it's damned legs, it began to circle Solomon the way he was circling it. Swishing it's mighty tail and knocking the daylights out of anyone that was dumb enough to get in the way. Kilt-guy's table got upturned and he went flying across the room to land on the DJ's setup, which then triggered some incredibly disturbing goth music that sounded hellish indeed.

    58 minutes ago

  • @The Mood is Write:
    Well, at least it wasn't eating people, with Judith wrapped around its snout! Arms and legs both gripped the thing's jaw to keep it shut. "Hurry, Solomon!" she urged.

    55 minutes ago

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Oh..." Eric stared at the thing. "Um... Maybe for now just get people out of the room and close the door for now...?"

    55 minutes ago

  • @Astaroth:
    Solomon panicked for a moment upon hearing his name, but he might have known Judith would see through his glamour. At least he could count on the librarian not to go to the press. He was about to follow her orders when the crocodile started to stalk him. "Fuck!" he swore, tossing the glowing rope toward it. The strand of magic wrapped around the crocodile's snout, the glow brightening as it tightened and the croc's scales began to sizzle and crackle as it strained against the bindings. Grabbing Porter, he backed towards the door. "Everyone *move!*"

    55 minutes ago

  • @Diana:
    That croc started trying to buck Judith off like it was some sort of wild horse! Once that rope went around it's snoot, it went even more buck-wild and shot off through the room and down one of the catacombs halls, not caring a bit if it drug Solomon after it.

    54 minutes ago

  • @CarnelianUndead:
    Of course Solomon had one hand on Porter when the croc had taken off so that meant that Porter was now part of the party streamer that was flowing after the rampaging Damned prehistoric beasty. Porter was very surprised by this and by the fact that it was -Solomon- under that dark hair and who had kissed him. Life was weird. He wished he could have more grog but instead he was torn between laughter and yelling. "Let go!"

    48 minutes ago

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Silent night, darknest night, stop this silly creature's flight!" Judith chanted, aiming to disable its legs as she held on tight.

    46 minutes ago

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Right," Amelie said. "I'd only do it if we got backed into a corner and had no other choice, but I wanted to ask first, before we got in that situation." Though Judith and the other guy--Solomon, she called him?--didn't exactly have things in hand, they both seemed more capable at dealing with giant long-legged crocodiles than she was. "Maybe a sleep elixir..." she said to herself. Ducking behind a pillar with Eric, she knelt and started reaching into her handbag of holding, pulling out exotic glassware and vials of various substances that should not have been able to fit inside. She conjured a flame for her burner, then started measuring, mixing, and boiling...

    44 minutes ago

  • @Astaroth:
    "I can't, it'll eat Judith!" Solomon shouted back. "You let go!" He pulled harder on the rope of magic, causing it to crackle louder.

    43 minutes ago

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "What are you doing?" Eric asked, eyes wide.

    43 minutes ago

  • @CarnelianUndead:
    "It's going to eat -you-! Dummy!" Porter shouted, trying to shake Solomon off the rope but failing. Instead all he managed to do was accidentally let go and go flying backwards into a wall a crunching thud noise before slumping to the ground, completely out of it.

    39 minutes ago

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Making a sleep elixir. No guarantees it'll work on a Crocodile of the Damned," Amelie said, "but I'm a lot better at this than combat magic and the whole summoning, banishing, and working with Entities thing. I'm sorry you keep getting dragged into this."

    39 minutes ago

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Oh... That... that's smart," Eric muttered. "I... I'll try to get people out of here. Which way will get people to safety, do you think?"

    35 minutes ago

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Down that hallway and to the right, there's a spiral staircase that leads up to the school...if it's going deosil instead of changes, clockwise, send people up if it's going clockwise. I don't know where it goes if it's going counter-clockwise, sorry, I'm new here." Amelie poured her finished product into a bulbous flask of thick glass and firmly put a stopper in. Then she set the flask on the burner to evaporate the fluid into a gas.

    31 minutes ago

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "What?" It didn't make sense, but he repeated the directions, then hurried to the party and began to try to get people going.

    24 minutes ago

  • @Diana:
    The massive croc could've made Porter's dreams come true had the man not let go. For her skuttled all the way back towards the burning pool of grog with Judith on his back and Solomon on a rope.

    23 minutes ago

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Wish me luck," Amelie said as she headed off in search of the crocodile. "Heeeer crocky crocky crocky..." she said, heading off in to the direction she'd seen it go, holding her flask by the neck in one hand, her flying-mirror in the other. Just as she reached the wrecked party room, she saw the beast emerge from the hallway it had ran down, with Judith still holding on for dear life, and Solomon in tow. "Aqua Noctis," she said, holding up the flask, hoping the two witches would understand what she had, and the crocodile wouldn't, so they could hold their breath if she needed to use it. But then, maybe it was just trying to get back where it came from?

    18 minutes ago

  • @The Mood is Write:
    Judith hurriedly jumped off and grabbed at Solomon. "Banishment spell!" She urged. "Croc night croc flight, return to your home tonight!" Then, she held her breath.

    18 minutes ago

  • @Astaroth:
    Like Judith, Solomon held his breath, letting go of the rope and putting an arm around the witch as he scrambled to clear the area.

    15 minutes ago

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    Amelie threw her flask at the stone floor near the crocodile's nose. The glass shattered, releasing a cloud of evaporated sleeping potion.

    15 minutes ago

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    Like the others, she held her breath and backed away.

    14 minutes ago

  • @Diana:
    With Judith's spell, the grog fueled flames leapt ever higher, opening up a portal to where the croc belonged. Then with Amelie's potion, the sleeping fog quickly put the beast to sleep before it could skuttle through. A shadow slipped out of the portal. But just a shadow. Nothing to worry about.

    14 minutes ago

  • @The Mood is Write:
    With the spells p

    13 minutes ago

  • @The Mood is Write:
    Pull, the croc went through.

    12 minutes ago

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Whew!" Judith sighed. "Let's clean up before the other faculty show up."

    12 minutes ago

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "What was that?" Amelie said, a hint of nervousness in her voice at the sight of the shadow slipping through the portal before the beast was pulled back through to wherever it came from. "We should make MacDingus do the work, it's his mess. Give him a Haste spell if you have to..."

    11 minutes ago

  • @Astaroth:
    "Has anyone seen Porter?" asked Solomon, running a hand through his glamour-darkened hair and looking around with concern. "He fell. Shit. I'd better go find him. ...Someone tell Drusilla about her dog."

    8 minutes ago

  • @Diana:
    "Dude," said the kilted party host. "This party was LIT." And indeed, with all that fire, the party was very lit. And with Judith's help, no one on the higher faculty ever discovered something went down. ..but now hidden in the shadows of the college, something lurked. And waited. THE END FOR NOW.

  • @Diana:
    You are a student or faculty member at the Windlewick College for Witches and Wizards and it's time for a spring fling party! This is a magical modern fantasy setting.

    Today at 9:34 AM

  • @Diana:
    KEEP IT SHORT, WRITE IT FAST! Long posts mean details can be missed, and taking too long to write means you might miss action! Try to keep posts to 10 sentences or less and don't take longer than 5 minutes to post.

    Today at 9:34 AM

  • @Diana:
    Write your CHARACTER NAME with every post so we know who is playing who! You can make use of colorful bbcode to help differentiate your posts from others.

    Today at 9:35 AM

  • @Diana:
    My roleplays are always NEWBIE FRIENDLY! Don't worry about making mistakes. If you ever get confused I'm in the main chat room to help point you in the right direction!

    Today at 9:35 AM

  • @Diana:
    Finally, Game Master Posts are in this bright bold yellow. Pay attention to those because they are guiding the story and hinting at what you should do next.

    Today at 9:35 AM

  • @Diana:
    (◉,◉) (◉◇◉) (⊙,◉) (⊙◇◉)

    Today at 9:35 AM

  • @Diana:
    It's a beautiful spring day and the Windlewick Spring Fling Ball is underway! The theme of this adults only part is SNAKES AND DEMONS because... spring snakes? Who knows! The party planning committee likes to get creative. The main party is held out in the courtyard garden where the bushes, trees and flowers are all beautifully bloomed. It's dusk, so the sky is a lovely gradient of oranges, pinks, and purples. Fireflies are starting to appear. There are cardboard cutouts of demons and snakes setup everywhere, some with hastily painted party hats on.

    Today at 10:46 AM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    Millicent looked up from a bubbling retort at the sound of a voice. "What?" It took her brain a moment to pull itself loose from her work and gather that Mr. Conway, the Sigil Magic instructor who was leaning in through the door to her laboratory had said, 'Are you coming?' "The Ball," he said. "Snakes and Demons?" That would explain his red satin robe and the Baphomet mask he now had pulled up to sit on the top of his head. "Mmm," Millicent replied. She looked back at the retort with a hint of a scowl. The precipitate at the bottom was stubbornly ash-gray instead of pure white...again. "Come onnnnnnn, live a little! No students, no responsibilities, just a night of harmless fun! Windlewick is good at parties, you know." Millicent raised an eyebrow. "Didn't they summon an extradimensional crocodile at that palaver the students had awhile back?" "Well yes, but..." Conway said, realizing he wasn't going to win that argument. "Have you ever even been to one of our parties? Boldly go where no Ms. Messerli has gone before?" Well I suppose he's got me there, Millicent thought. Perhaps a bit of frivolity might be worth exploring precisely because it was not the sort of thing she would normally do. "Very well, I will be right down. Give me a moment to dispose of this," she said, turning off the burner.

    Today at 11:12 AM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    Why was he here?

    Today at 11:15 AM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    Eric stared around at the party decor and groaned quietly to himself. This shit again. Why? WHY? He groaned softly and tried to find a quiet corner. He wasn't even sure how he showed up this time, but... he at least hadn't been in the middle of anything but a nap, this time.

    Today at 11:16 AM

  • @Diana:
    Speaking of interdimensional alligators, there seemed to be a gator at THIS party too, but he is just a normal gator and was invited. Presently he was hanging out in a pool and wearing a party hat as well. There was a sign next to him that said "chicken nugz only pls."

    Today at 11:18 AM

  • @Mglo:
    "Hell yeah snakes and demons for adults!" Dyssa said as she entered the courtyard, "I know what sexy demons look like but sexy snakes?! Bring it on!" She chugged from a recently opened bottle in her hand. Her nails were painted black and claw-like and she wore rings on every finger. She obviously cut her own hair because it was a choppy, wild and uneven mass of red hair.

    Today at 11:30 AM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    A short while later, Millicent drifted into the courtyard. She didn't have a costume, but she wore an emerald green gown with a corset scaled with the shells of iridescent-green jewel beetles, the closest thing she had to something resembling a snake (she had nothing remotely demon-like in her wardrobe). Feeling a bit more like an observing naturalist than an actual party-goer, she spotted a young man she hadn't seen before in a corner looking distinctly like he didn't want to be there. Before she could head his way, Amelie hurried into the courtyard looking a little more disheveled than usual. Amelie looked around, spotted him, and quickly went to him. "Eric? I...had a feeling. I guess we're still sorta connected. You alright mate?"

    Today at 11:33 AM

  • @Diana:
    Anyone looking for sexy snakes were pleased to find that is a Sexy Snake Pool setup! Of course, all the snakes are just harmless corn snakes also wearing tiny hats, but it's the thought that counts.

    Today at 11:34 AM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    Eric blinked in surprise at the sudden approach, then offered a little wave. "I... I guess. This time I was napping when I ended up here..." He absently rubbed at his arm. "Um... You alright?"

    Today at 11:35 AM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Me?" Amelie said. "Yeah, fine. I'm almost used to this place," she deadpanned. Ironically, the getup he'd had on when she'd first seen him would have been perfect for this shindig. "Sorry you keep getting dragged into our world of magic and wonder," she said. There might be plenty of Normals who would be delighted, but Eric didn't seem to be one of them. "I think this party's supposed to be for the teachers." So far no one was shouting "YOU THERE! GET OUT!" but Amelie had not failed to notice the presence of Ms. Messerli, her favorite teacher, of her favorite class, and also her hardest. In short, the one teacher she wanted least to annoy. "You want to get out of this place, or stay and watch the farce?"

    Today at 11:45 AM

  • @Diana:
    The teachers certainly didn't care what students showed up, as long as they were the adult students! Now that the sun had set, the garden candlelights flamed to life. Casting lovely flickering shadows and an ambience of sinister romance. The music for the evening was a lot of violin and strings. The snakes love it.

    Today at 11:48 AM

  • @Mglo:
    The snakes were cute but not the sexy her wild imagination had spiraled to. With a shrug she stepped away from the Sexy Snake Pool, taking off her jacket to reveal a skintight snakeskin-like shirt with randomly placed cutouts. The combat pants and boots didn't match as the shirt had taken all her attention span to put her efforts into. "Let's dance bitches!" Dyssa screamed at no one in particular and then began an incantation that was supposed to summon an Aurora Borealis in the sky except the ingredients had mixed and battered a little in her pants pockets and she'd uttered an "oh shit" somewhere in between the vocal spell as her drink had spilled. The result of her conjuring began to develop into a not Aurora Borealis in the sky.

    Today at 11:48 AM

  • @Diana:
    The "Not" Aurora Borealis became a cloud of rainbow sherbet and landed on the alligator pool. The gator that is only supposed to eat chicken nuggets was now having a delicious aurora sherbet. Someone nearby shrugged. It'll be fine?

    Today at 11:51 AM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Um. Usually if I stay at the party, I get to go home, so..."

    Today at 11:53 AM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    A massive sherbet dropped into a pool nearby, and Eric yelped in surprise as he got splashed. "Ah!" And then he noticed the gator. "AAH!!" He jumped very nearly into Amelie's arms.

    Today at 11:54 AM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    Millicent gave a subtle lopsided grin at Dyssa's antics, and their effects. The other teacher certainly seemed to belong. Millicent herself? Well, party spells and dancing were decidedly not her area of expertise, so she drifted to the edge of the courtyard under a tree from whence she could observe the others.

    Today at 11:55 AM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Wha--oh," Amelie said, catching Eric by instinct. Is this weird? she thought, suddenly and unexpectedly having a guy in her arms. "Don't worry, those are just regular sherbet-eating crocodiles," she said. "They had Elvis flamingos for New Year's."

    Today at 11:58 AM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "I guess we could dance or something," Amelie said. "If you want."

    Today at 12:01 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    Eric felt like he and Amelie had become Shaggy and Scooby with this pose, but it felt... weirdly safer?

    Today at 12:02 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    He didn't understand, but whatever. A dance? Sure. "Y... yeah... I doubt I could dance with... any of the old people here."

    Today at 12:02 PM

  • @Diana:
    By this time in the party, a good deal of the elder students and faculty had partaken in the party-punch, which was definitely heavily spiked. Smoke machines had kicked in to give the party a cool smoky fog vibe to go along with all the candles and fireflies. The effect was trippy, neat, but also paranoia inducing... Some of those shadows off the demon cardboard cutouts almost looked alive!

    Today at 12:08 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "I sorta meant with me," Amelie said, "but hey, Ms. Messerli isn't old," she said, hiking her head toward the Alchemy professor. Who was probably also the least approachable woman in the room, and Amelie couldn't really imagine Eric summoning the courage much less the interest. But then, he'd eliminated Amelie herself from consideration pretty hardcore. She had to will herself not to feel insulted. The poor guy probably didn't need any girl-drama in addition to being yoinked into Magic Party School against his will.

    Today at 12:10 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    He blinked. "I... I meant I would dance with you," he corrected, face bright red. "Just um... I'm not a good dancer? I haven't done it before..."

    Today at 12:14 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "That's a relief," Amelie said. "Me neither. No one's gonna see us in all this smoke anyway," she said, feeling a little jolt as she took his hand to lead him out to the dance floor...well, center of the courtyard. The fact of the matter was...she did feel a connection to him. Sometimes she would feel a hint of happiness or sadness or some other emotion, like a feeling whispered into her ear. It took her awhile to figure out that they were coming from him. And, unlike a lot of the guys around here, he wasn't in a constant state of drunkenly trying to get into her pants, or those of any other girl or boy they could get within 'seducing' range of.

    Today at 12:25 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    Eric nodded and let her lead the way, then listened to the music a bit and watch around to see what other people were doing. He was going to screw up, he was sure, but he'd at least try. After all, Amelie was there for him and he wanted to have fun with her, even if he didn't like parties.

    Today at 12:27 PM

  • @Diana:
    There was a strange smell in the air, something akin to the heavy scent of roses trying to mask rotten eggs. But with many people now getting jiggy on the dance floor, who cared! The fog and smoke swirled around, strangely as if it had a purpose and destination. It even almost felt solid and warm when it brushed against an ankle or calf here and there.

    Today at 12:29 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Ah!" Eric jerked his leg away from whatever he felt. "Something touched me..." he said, his tone worried as he looked around to try to spot it.

    Today at 12:31 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    Millicent watched Amelie take the young man out to the dancing area and fade into silhouettes as they became enveloped in the mist. Amelie wasn't technically an adult yet, but she was one of the more mature students in the school and...well, if she had permitted herself to have biases, the girl would be a 'teacher's pet.' She wasn't a troublemaker at any rate, so Millicent decided to overlook the one-year deficit in her age, and let her enjoy the festivities untroubled. Well, I suppose I should...join in, she thought, heading out to the dance floor to a relatively Dyssa-adjacent space. Not being a dancer, she limited herself to swaying in time with the music. "Having fun yet, Professor?" she said.

    Today at 12:36 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Wha?" Amelie said. "Really, Windlewick, Really?" Somebody tell me how a flubbed Aurora Charm conjures a Mist Groper or whatever, she thought. Why can't I have just. one. dance. without some bonkers existential crisis coming along to ruin it? "Weird stuff happens here all the time," she said. "Maybe it'll go away or bug somebody else."

    Today at 12:41 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "I... I hope so. I don't really like... being grabbed at random. It makes my heart go nuts..." He scratched the back of his neck and swallowed awkwardly. "Someone's wearing a lot of perfume, too... I... Sorry, I'm complaining a lot. Um. How do you... dance?"

    Today at 12:47 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Uh..." Amelie said, "somethingsomething move to the music? I dunno, I could tell you how to make the White Stone of Alchemy, but I coudln't tell you how to do the hustle if my life depended on it. But hey, I can't critique you either, so there's that." Amelie started trying to follow her own advice, resulting in some rather awkward dance moves. Thankfully, none of her fellow students seemed to notice her presence, much less activate Point And Laugh mode.

    Today at 12:57 PM

  • @Mglo:
    Dyssa had been dancing wildly on her own for a while. That punch had really taken if up a notch and turned the cute gathering into a banger. Heck, even her accidental sherbet had been better than anything else she'd tried to cook up in the kitchen. "Hell yeah!" she replied before taking note of the speaker. "Oh snap, Millicent you naughty girl! Glad to see you joining one of these shindigs. Whole faculty worries about some mold growing on you instead of that stuff you got in your madwoman lab or whatever," Dyssa flailed making a dance out of waving some fog away from her face.

    Today at 12:57 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    Eric tried to mimic her moves, but... he was worse than she was. This was his first time dancing like this. "Is this how you do it?" He was _so_ not on beat.

    Today at 1:00 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "...Well, theoretically motion is supposed to be entrained to the rhythm, but I don't give a fuck if you don't," Amelie said. "I dunno, have fun? I think that's supposed to be the utility function of parties, but I'm the girl that's normally in the library instead. I'm...actually enjoying this, if that means anything."

    Today at 1:06 PM

  • @Diana:
    Quite suddenly the gator full of aurora sherbet let out a huge BEEEELLLCH. For a startled second a few people were reminded of the last Windlewick party, but the party gator settled back down in his pool. What everyone failed to notice was several of the cardboard demon cutouts were no longer in the places where they were originally set. In fact, several shadowy cardboard demons were now swaying and swishing along with the foggy mist.

    Today at 1:06 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "It is... kind of fun. Libraries are good, too. I work at one." Eric nodded, then paused and squinted. "Hey um... no, nevermind. They're probably just enchanted to do that..."

    Today at 1:08 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Mold?" Millicent said. "The faculty needn't worry about that. I do take care of my hygiene. Wait--did someone cast an animation charm?" she said, noticing movement from one of the demon cutouts.

    Today at 1:09 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "I SENSE DEMONS!" an old an shrieked—wait, wasn't he the same fucker who led to Amelie summoning Eric as her familiar!? "DEEEEMONS!"

    Today at 1:10 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    *old man

    Today at 1:10 PM

  • @Mglo:
    "Listen, I botched the Aurora charm so I'm not gonna judge someone for doing some paper puppet show during a sexy snakes and demons party" Dyssa continued her motions but then heard the shouting. "Oh, did someone invite some demons? Better be some sexy ass mofos amirite?!" Dyssa went for a high five but then remembered she was talking to Millicent who seemed like a more low-energy person. "OH!" she pulled a leather bound bottle from her waist belt and handed it to her, "have some party punch! That'll fix ya"

    Today at 1:14 PM

  • @Diana:
    There were absolutely NO demons here -- no one actually said out loud, but one might get the impression that all the wiggling shadows had stopped their fog dancing and tried to look as uninteresting as possible. There certainly wasn't a couple surrounding the courtyard's water fountain and trying to tamper with anything.

    Today at 1:15 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "Deeeemon smell!" The old man charged through the crowd and the fog and then sniffed Eric, earning a girlish shriek.

    Today at 1:15 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "That's cool," Amelie said in a deadpan voice; but she meant it. "Yeah. Enchanted. Gotta be." Then she heard a familiar voice shouting about demons. "No. nononononono. We are not going to have demons, and the snakes are going to stay in their pool where they belong. I am going to have this dance with a nice, cute guy and no demons or eldrich gods or angry djinn or wormholes to dimensions of primordial Chaos or any of that shit is going to ruin this for me, because fuuuuuuck you, Windlewick. Did I say that out loud? Shit."

    Today at 1:19 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    The old man stared at Amelie, then at Eric, who he grasped in his knobby hands, then cackled. "Oh! The familiar! I'm glad you two are getting along!" He cackled again, then started to wander off. He wasn't even faculty. "Anyone wanna open a portal!?" he crowed, clearly drunk.

    Today at 1:21 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    Eric stumbled away from the old man and clung tight to Amelie. "Is he gone?" he asked after a moment, then... "Did... you really mean it?"

    Today at 1:22 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Demons are well-known to have barbed penises, so no," Millicent replied. "Fix me?" she said, taking the bottle but giving it a skeptical look.

    Today at 1:24 PM

  • @Diana:
    Thank goodness, no one was paying attention anymore. Once the coast was clear, the shadowy figures that were absolutely NOT dumbing a barrel of some suspicious potion into the garden's courtyard fountain, continued their dastardly business. The water turned a disturbing putrid orange before it slowly faded away into more of that rose-rotten-egg scent.

    Today at 1:28 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "That one doesn't!" the old man cackled as he drunkenly pointed out Eric, only to pause. "Eugh! Who shat themselves!?"

    Today at 1:29 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "NO!" Amelie replied to the old man's proposal. "Piss off, go bob for sherbet in the crocodile pool," she said, then turned back to Eric. "Mean what? Yeah, I really want that git to piss off, especially since he basically fucked your life up. Sorry mate, I guess you probably hate seeing me, right? Oi, feezus jucking christ, who farted?"

    Today at 1:30 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "I... No, I don't ha... Oh god, that smell...!" He covered his nose with a groan. "Let... let's get out of here...!" he urged as he held his nose.

    Today at 1:31 PM

  • @Mglo:
    "Yeah, give it a chug," Dyssa continued to dance, "dang, what a bummer about the barbed penis tho..." The smell suddenly hit her nose and Dyssa gaged. She'd attended some stank parties because that's inevitable in a crowd but this one had to take the prize. "Well I'l be, that's some rank shit going around. Wanna go find out who's to blame? Could be some sweet blackmail material if you ask me."

    Today at 1:33 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Blackmail?" Millicent said. That thought hadn't even remotely occurred to her. Chimpanzee astronauts eat radioactive bananas in space! Out of the blue, like that. "Yes. I suppose we should."

    Today at 1:39 PM

  • @Diana:
    With their dirty deed done dirt cheap, the wiggly cardboard cutout demons had fog-fled back to their respective places. But was it all just a stinky prank to wreck an otherwise great party, or was it something more sinister?

    Today at 1:43 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    Eric took Amelie by the hand and started towards an area that seemed away from the fog, where maybe they could find some clearer area.

    Today at 1:44 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Bloody hell. Yeah, let's go," Amelie said. "If the forces of primordial Chaos want to ass-rape this party, I don't want to be here. So yeah," she said, leading Eric toward the nearest exit. "I hope you don't hate seeing me. 'Cause I...uh...kinda like seeing you."

    Today at 1:46 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "I... I don't hate seeing you," he managed to say this time, cheeks red as he led the way.

    Today at 1:46 PM

  • @Mglo:
    "Atta girl! Let's go!" Dyssa sniffed the air and pointed to the direction that delivered the strongest whiff. "Barbed wired ding dongs! We're the faculty investigators of the day~ Move it numbnuts we're walking here!" she said shoving aside someone trying to flee the smell.

    Today at 1:49 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    Eric yelped and fell over as someone shoved him. "Ow!"

    Today at 1:50 PM

  • @Diana:
    Other than that strange stench of roses over rotten eggs, the strange presence seemed to have faded away from the party... except for odd sooty foot prints leading away from the courtyard...

    Today at 2:03 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Whoa. Are you alright?" Amelie said, helping Eric back to his feet. She held back from offering a riposte to whoever had knocked Eric down, because whatever they were saying about barbed-wired dingdongs made absolutely no sense--and wasn't that Professor Dyssa?--besides, there were better things to do at the moment, such as get away from that awful stank, and maybe keep Eric from hating to see her.

    Today at 2:04 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Right," Millicent said, drawing her wand, and heading toward what seemed to be the center of the disturbance. What? she thought, when Dyssa seemed to be talking to someone else, but the mist prevented recognition of whoever or whatever Dyssa had run into.

    Today at 2:10 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    Eric groaned and accepted her help. "Thanks... I'm fine, just... geez, this is a weird party." He sighed and shook his head.

    Today at 2:10 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Yeah, well you weren't here for the one where they had the koalas with heads of Terrence McKenna talking about mushroom trips, so yeah."

    Today at 2:14 PM

  • @The Mood is Write:
    "The what?" he asked, confused as hell.

    Today at 2:21 PM

  • @Mglo:
    Dyssa stood by the courtyard fountain, hands akimbo, and said "nothing off about the water except for the smell. Don't recognize the spell tho. What do you reckon Millicent? Can't be your typical prank cause there are no dumb high schoolers here. Plus, we'd know the spell wouldn't we? maybe." Dyssa reached down and pinched the surface of the water before rubbing her fingers together. "Hmmm, interesting texture."

    Today at 2:22 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "It's Windlewick," Amelie said, her voice as level as ever. "I think there's some inherent property of this place that makes sense-making impossible. What's worked for me best so far is, just be in the moment and find the beauty in it. And right now that's...kinda you. For me, anyway. Sorry. I know that...for never asked for any of this. I dunno. You're kinda...I don't fit in here for reasons that probably wouldn't make sense to you, make me."

    Today at 2:36 PM

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "Hydrogen sulfide," Millicent said. " that roses? Five-fold symmetry...the archetype of humanity...integration of spiritual consciousness and the material realm, the disruption of stagnant order,...more synchronicity than spell, I think," she said, casting a glance in the direction of the two fleeing youngsters. "Things seemed to have worked out for the time being," she said, giving the other teacher a smile. "Don't you think?"

    49 minutes ago

  • @Mglo:
    "A stinking party is not so bad considering Windlewick's history I agree," she nodded with a smile and wiped her fingers on her pant leg. "Although," she stood and took a few steps to the side, "look at that. Looks like soot. Definitely not a human foot print I'd say," Dyssa smiled slyly, "could be a sexy barbed wired ding dong demon."

    17 minutes ago

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    "For a certain value of sexy," Millicent said. "But I'll take that over the cockatrice infestation we got when the Greek and Sumerian frat houses held their party competition for Solstice!"

    11 minutes ago

  • @Zarko Straadi:
    For once, a party took place at Windlewick College for Witches and Wizards without threatening to reduce all life to gibbering madness or unleash a horde of ice cream trucks operated by the Justified Ancients of Mu-Mu, and all who came left with their sanity intact. Well, if their sanity had been intact upon arrival. Not making any promises on behalf of a certain portal-wielding old man. But...just whose sooty footprints were those, anyway, and what might happen if they should come back? What, were you expecting some kind of boring happy ending? Please. This is Windlewick.
Last edited:
  • Like
Reactions: jyxhp and Diana

  • Diana:
    You are a student or faculty member at the Windlewick College for Witches and Wizards and you're probably sneaking out to the woods for nothing good.

    Today at 11:09 AM

  • Diana:
    KEEP IT SHORT, WRITE IT FAST! Long posts mean details can be missed, and taking too long to write means you might miss action! Try to keep posts to 10 sentences or less and don't take longer than 5 minutes to post.

    Today at 11:10 AM

  • Diana:
    Write your CHARACTER NAME with every post so we know who is playing who! You can make use of colorful bbcode to help differentiate your posts from others.

    Today at 11:10 AM

  • Diana:
    Game Master Posts are in this bright bold yellow. Pay attention to those because they are guiding the story and hinting at what you should do next.

    Today at 11:10 AM

  • Diana:
    My roleplays are always NEWBIE FRIENDLY! Don't worry about making mistakes. If you ever get confused I'm in the main chat room to help point you in the right direction!

    Today at 11:11 AM

  • Diana:
    (◉,◉) (◉◇◉) (⊙,◉) (⊙◇◉)

    Today at 11:11 AM

  • Diana:
    Deep in the WOODS OF WOE a very not-sanctioned party is underway, where a few witches and wizards are already drawing up a summoning circle as someone else is mixing up a big batch of some nasty alcoholic brew in a big cauldron. Of course if you like BORING parties, there is one in the College's courtyard...

    Today at 12:52 PM

  • littlekreen:
    Sacrabolds were drawn to witches and the college placed next to the woods of woe were no exception. They lived there as a community of hermits as there were only a few normal kobolds far more terrified to go outside. A very large shrine was kept there, and kept safe, with a wrath of spells transduced through ranged ammunition. In that end the party had drawn the independent notice of half a dozen sacrabolds, all ignorant of each other, until an unconscious consensus stopped them at the fringes. Faint squinting eye-shine came in the distance of brush as they patiently waited. If they had any clothes at all it was scavenged from the aftermath of these parties.

    Today at 1:01 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    "COME AND GET IT! Get your very own date! Twenty bucks for a summon!" a crazy old fucker shrieked, then laughed. "Get your summon date scroll! Guaranteeeeeed these have jobs and are non-aggressive towards the summoner!" He cackled.

    Today at 1:07 PM

  • Diana:
    There are no chaperones at the WOODS OF WOE super secret illegal party, and thus no one to make that crazy old man stop selling shadey ass shit to stupid drunk college witches! Oh no!

    Today at 1:16 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Amelie double-checked the stopper on another flask before putting it into her handbag of holding. Best to be prepared for anything. Given her druthers, she would have went to the "boring" ritual with the other nerds. But...this was Windlewick, and she'd learned the hard way that group Workings here had a way of going off the rails in ways that ranged from hilarious (for certain values of "hilarious") to dangerous. Furthermore, group Workings, especially when summoning anything was involved, were the thing she was most rubbish at. The other Good Students all had Familiars and collections of egregores and tulpas, when she could hardly manage a half-decent Evocation.

    Today at 1:20 PM

  • littlekreen:
    A stealthy kobold sortie slunk toward the noise of yelling under the cover of forest darkness. The scroll did sound interesting and one took a mental inventory of how many hooves they had in their pockets. The purple kobold stepped quietly through the brush and started removing strings of tethered hooves, eighty total, from a set of cargo shorts. A little pile left nearby, reached into a different shorts pocket, and removed a scroll. slinking away to study their booty.

    Today at 1:24 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    But...something on the Weird-to-Horrible Spectrum was sure to happen at the other occasion, and maybe she'd be needed? Speaking of Familiars... Amelie pushed that thought aside. Eric would be happier wherever he was, and the last thing she wanted to do was accidentally drag him into something like this with a stray bit of intention. Reaching the 'super secret' party that everyone knew about, she groaned at the sound of a familiar voice. "Really? You can't just summon someone to be a date. Ever hear of something called consent?"

    Today at 1:30 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    "Come and get your dates! Summon a date, and you may even get lucky tonight after the ritual!" the old man bellowed, holding various summon scrolls. "Your date could be a millionaire, eager to woo you!" He paused as he heard Amelie, then scoffed. "These spells rely on someone wanting to hitch a ride on them, girly. You think someone who really didn't want to be summoned could be brought? No, girl, your familiar wanted it." He grinned. "Where is he, anyway? Oh, and glad you survived this far~"

    Today at 1:32 PM

  • Diana:
    "Oh we can SURELY summon a date too!" shouted one of the witches helping with the summoning circle, who completely missed that old man is also selling summons. "But today we're just summoning some... BUCKWILD ASS Y'ALL!" A chorus of drunk laughter rang out.

    Today at 1:32 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    "Get your dates! Got millionaires and billionaires! Got ferocious beasts eager to bend the knee! Got princes and even dragons! All eager to be your date! Even a couple demons have signed on!"

    Today at 1:34 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    "The most recent eager lover is a member of the good neighbors! Exciting!" He cackled. Even ballsy as he was, he knew to not say outright.

    Today at 1:35 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Um, no he didn't. He was terrified." Amelie replied. Not that she expected to be able to persuade the old man to stop what he was doing. But maybe she could stop him from having a customer base? But now that she thought about it, maybe consent was why she didn't (quite) have a Familiar, much less any egregores or tulpas. Yeeting some supernatural being from wherever it lived and trying to get it to do her bidding didn't quite sit right, deep down. And the ones that did come eagerly...well, more often than not they had agendas of their own that weren't always compatible with their summoners' well-being. Hence the need for protective Circles, wards, lists of True Names and all the rest.

    Today at 1:42 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    The old man glanced towards Amelie. "Unconscious desire is still desire, now are you going to go for it or not?" He grinned at her as he indicated the...

    Today at 1:44 PM

  • littlekreen:
    The flow of magic was a natural thing that had its particular currents and flows. Though as an independence of six sacrabold all thinking they alone started casting from the scroll on the ground nearby it was from the underside of magic. A river of the ley stopping for a moment to flow uphill to fill a sudden lake before resuming its course. Nature tended a dislike for tampering with rules unless it was curious but sacrabold were a curious creature.

    Today at 1:44 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    Oh no, was that an oversized gumball machine with summon scrolls!?

    Today at 1:44 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    Those scrolls didn't look like they were being properly contained, either... And was that a ferret inside the machine?

    Today at 1:46 PM

  • Diana:
    The BIG summon circle drawn out by the party hosts was complete. Made with salts, precious stones, and offerings of cheap canned beers and homebrew jars. Eagerly a few of the witches and wizards got into position to do their chanting! It sounded like a hodge podge of ancient texts and modern slang, definitely not school sanctioned styles of magic. But it's a Buckwild Moon in the middle of summer, what could possibly go wrong?

    Today at 1:48 PM

  • The Mood is Write:

    Today at 1:49 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    The ferret! It had a date summon scroll, stolen obviously, and was running towards the big circle! Worse, the cords of other summon scroll were wrapped around its body and limbs!

    Today at 1:50 PM

  • The Mood is Write:

    Today at 1:50 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    "WHAT!? Oh no..." The old man and his comically-sized gumball machine full of summon scrolls vanished with a 'pop!'

    Today at 1:51 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Amelie rolled her eyes at the other witch's reply. "Greeeeaaat. I can think of at least three different interpretations of 'buckwild ass' that don't involve eager hotties hoping for a date from this crowd. Hopefully we'll just get a donkey that thinks it's a rodeo bull, because the others are worse." Whyyyyy did I come here? she thought. Then she turned back to the old man. "So you're really going to try to convince me that Eric had an 'unconscious desire' to be yoinked into--UUUUUGH" she said, when the ferret rattling around in the bubblegum machine full of summoning scrolls resulted in the sort of disaster one might expect.

    Today at 1:51 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    <There's witches! Amelie! Maybe she's there!> Why was Benjamin's voice in Amelie's head?

    Today at 1:56 PM

  • Diana:
    Basically anyone with wits saw it coming. The ferret, with dozens upon dozens of scrolls trailing after it, stuck to it's little legs, landed on the created summoning circle just as the ground of witches and wizards had just given the FINISHING TOUCHES to their impressive slash-n'-dash ritual. A loud harp sound - beautiful really - filled the Woods of Woe with an enchanting melody! Actually, it didn't sound that ominous at all! Surely it would be-- PLOOOOOOOOF! Purple and pink plumes of smoke obscured everyone's visions. Once the smoke clear - everyone looked on in horror at the faces of dozens upon dozens of BUCKWILD TODDLERS. Summoned. DEMON. Toddlers.

    Today at 1:57 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    Demon toddlers, human toddlers, dragon toddlers, even ones that looked like Elon Musk and the late Steve Jobs! And...

    Today at 1:58 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    A baby half-ferret, half-Benjamin.

    Today at 1:58 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    <I have hands! Thumbs! Amelie must have helped! Amelie! Thank you!> The half-Benjamin-Ferret then paused. <Why can't I talk? What's that squeaking?> He was squeaking.

    Today at 1:59 PM

  • littlekreen:
    The Sacrabold completed their casting as magic went to mayhem blinking and unsure of what happened. As the rest fled the other that paid hooves for the non-functional spell went to get his due. A purple sacrabold appeared from the bushes and headed toward the conflagration of smoke and music. They spoke english just fine, formally even, though not all had names so the ambiguous pitched accent called out loudly, "Might I ask what you hedgies have been doing in my forest?!"

    Today at 2:06 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    (( Replace Benjamin with Eric, I'm a fuckwit, mixing up my own characters. ))

    Today at 2:07 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "See what I mean?" Amelie said. Wha? she thought, hearing a voice in her head. No. I refuse to go insane. Then she noticed one of the creatures, disturbingly half-ferret, half Eric, was staring at her intently with pleading eyes. "Oh goddess, no!" Greeaaaat, now how am I going to tell him to 'calm down, everything's going to be OK'? And is that even Eric, or some kind of demon-toddler shapeshifter? "Uh...I don't know yet," she replied. "You're sort of half ferret now, and you're talking to me telepathically. So, uh..." think of a good question... "Can you tell me something that happened the last time we met?"

    Today at 2:13 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    Eric toddled over to her, arms outstretched as he began to whimper and cry. <Amewie...!> he whined, then clung to her. <I got turned into a _ferret_...!>

    Today at 2:16 PM

  • Diana:
    This was NO the sort of hot party this particular group of college students were after. Instead of summoning some super cuties, toddlers were now running loose in every direction and OH NO THEY'RE GETTING INTO THE BOOZE CAULDRON. Witches and wizards were scattering everywhere trying to head off disaster and gather up the kids! "Oh god! What do we DO with them?! Can we send them back where they came from?!"

    Today at 2:17 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    The fae toddler in particular was troubling, since he kept trying to flip up skirts and demand people give him their names or other things as tribute.

    Today at 2:21 PM

  • littlekreen:
    The purple horned kobold in cargo shorts ignored the sudden avalanche of children. Instead headed off to the transmute and higher witch that ought to know better. The sacrabold jabbed at Amelie with one claw nubbin and a disappointed eye, "are you sure you're actually witches, ma'am? I bought one of the scrolls and it didn't work. Then this. "

    Today at 2:25 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Uh...uh...sorry but..." Amelie sputtered. "Piss off, I've got Oil of Iron in here," she said to the fae, reaching threateningly into her handbag. 'Oil of Iron' was an oil that embodied the Platonic essence of iron, made from that metal by a complex set of alchemical processes. Since iron was basically fae kryptonite, she hoped her threat would be enough to run him off.

    Today at 2:25 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    The fae toddler giggled and grabbed the sacrabold. "Pawty!" it encouraged as he started to dance, trying to draw in the creature.

    Today at 2:28 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Amelie jolted at the unexpected clawed touch, and turned--a kobold? "I had nothing to do with this summoning circle, or that manky old git with the scrolls. I dunno, they're witches, but they're...just know, focused."

    Today at 2:29 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    Eric could only stare, and he clung tighter to Amelie, trembling. "At least it's not a demon a-army... or a crazy crocodile..." he managed, and he _almost_ had himself convinced.

    Today at 2:29 PM

  • littlekreen:
    He turned to the fae toddler asking for a name but softened at the tone. He grinned at the kobold with his black teeth, "I don't usually dance with food or give it names but a party is a good excuse to have fun."

    Today at 2:30 PM

  • littlekreen:
    The sacrabold made a gyrating dance but still replies to amelie, "well it could be worse i suppose. The 'old git' can't keep the hooves unless the scroll works!"

    Today at 2:32 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    To Amelie's relief, the fae toddler's attention was fickle, so she was able to turn back to Eric. She gave a sigh of relief when he gave her an answer that was close enough for government work. "Do you remember what happened just before you were turned into a ferret?" she asked. While she had an idea of how she might get him back to his proper human form, she didn't want to risk it if there might be a more straightforward and certain way to undo...whatever had happened to him. Transmorgrification of sapient beings was postgrad work.

    Today at 2:34 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Uh huh...I'll rememeber that," Amelie said, giving the sacrabold a respectful nod. Next time I need to surprise-befuddle someone, I'll just say, "You can't keep the hooves unless the scroll works!" she thought.

    Today at 2:35 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    How strange, the Sacrabold couldn't stop dancing as it danced with the fat little fae toddler! How very strange! Others were joining in, and they couldn't stop either.

    Today at 2:37 PM

  • Diana:
    GREAT NOW EVERYONE WAS ENCHANTED DANCING. With great frustration, those that weren't totally smashed were attempting to dance their way through setting up a YEETING circle to get rid of all the toddlers. This was not easy to do while doing the boot scoot boogie.

    Today at 2:39 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    Eric shook his head. "I don't remember, I just... it was after the lizard party and I was getting back finally to work when someone started screeching at me and calling me a thief, and all I remember was... was an inverted bob haircut and brown hair...!" A Karen.

    Today at 2:39 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Did you see a wand, or hear any words, like an incantation?" Amelie asked.

    Today at 2:42 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    "She said... something about my manager?" he said.

    Today at 2:43 PM

  • littlekreen:
    The sacrabold continues dancing with a feral grin staying close enough to the fae toddler he could bite if he had to. It wasn't proper to bite fae without permission as long you didn't swallow. Eating fae food made other complications. The muscular kobold bet on his endurance saying to the two, "and who would be your master, almost-food?"

    Today at 2:47 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    "I dunno! I was told there would be wine, women, and song!" He laughed. "Being small has its perks!" He sounded strangely mature for being a toddler... was the toddler army _really_ toddlers, or just beings made into toddlers?

    Today at 2:48 PM

  • Diana:
    Through trial and tribulation, the yeeting circle was prepared... but now they needed new offerings to make the ritual work! "HEY! Who has the right kind of offerings for dispelling toddlers?! We used up all the beers on the summon!"

    Today at 2:56 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Did you have a subconscious desire to be turned into a ferret and come back to Windlwick?" Amelie said. "Nevermind that., without something like a particular spell, there's no way to come up with a counterspell. But I do have a way that might work to get you back to your human form." She reached into her Handbag and pulled out a large silver hand-mirror crafted with Art Nouveau swirls inscribed with sigils and Sumerian cuneiform. "This has an extradimensional cockpit--let's just say, it works on something that includes portal magic. When you were next to that old man's portal, turned into a demon form. So, I'm thinking, maybe if I open it here, you can turn into your demon form, and maybe we can GTFO, this is a flying-mirror, and then when you get out and I close it, maybe you'll turn back into your human form because your transformation broke the spell. But...maybe we should go find Ms. Messerli?"

    Today at 2:57 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    The more she explained, the more confused he became. "I... I'd like to find this Ms Messerli," he said quietly. "It-it's not that I doubt you, it's just that I'm really really confused and... and maybe she could help with... all this...?" He indicated the chaos in the background, eyes a little wild.

    Today at 2:59 PM

  • The Mood is Write:
    The fae toddler laughed and flipped up another skirt in passing. "Try an aging spell!" he crooned as he smacked a male witch's bottom with a whoop of excitement. "Come on, aren't you lot supposed to be witches? Be glad I'm in a good mood! Bring me some of that alcohol of yours!" He laughed as he danced around, inviting others to join... and the more that joined, the more couldn't stop dancing.

    Today at 3:01 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Yeah, let's get out of here," Amelie said, scooping Eric up and running for the trail leading back to the school. She wasn't more than a dozen steps along the tree-shaded trail when a silhouette loomed out of the swirling Moon-lit mist. Amelie skidded to a stop. "Ms. Messerly?"

    Today at 3:11 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "What is the nature of the disaster...this time?" Millicent said with a raised eyebrow.

    59 minutes ago

  • littlekreen:
    The sacrabold made a dark laugh and reached into his back pocket and made a hip thrust while dancing to remove a small humanoid skull. He tossed it over to the one requiring an offering and called over, "There's more than one way to rid yourself of unwanted dancers, hedgie!"

    58 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Uh...they tried to summon 'Buckwild ass' and summoned buckwild demon toddlers instead, thanks to that old sellspell guy with the janky spells having a ferret in a bubblegum machine of 'date summons.'" Amelie said. Really, in any other place on Earth, that would have sounded like utter babbling insanity. "Also--Eric!" she said, holding him out toward the teacher Lion King-style.

    55 minutes ago

  • The Mood is Write:
    "Please help, Miss!" Eric pleaded, though it came out as a series of ferret squeaks.

    53 minutes ago

  • The Mood is Write:
    The fae laughed. "Ha, but what fun is it to stop dancing?" He juggled the skull, finding delight in it, and the sacrabold was freed of the dancing geas. The fae toddler seemed very happy to dance with the skull, but he hadn't released others yet as he started to float about while dancing.

    51 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    "Can we just sacrifice these gobos?" asked one witch. Another shrugged. They agreed that probably wouldn't be a good idea, and instead considered the strange toddler fae's comments! "Lets sacrifice the cauldron of booze! Anything to not get caught by the administrator!" And thus the circle of witches and wizards tried their chanting again!

    48 minutes ago

  • The Mood is Write:
    The fae toddler began to meddle with their chanting, making the dancers say different words—making them perform an aging spell that targeted the toddlers as he made the toddlers dance into the circle, then went in as well. Well... once that was done, they had a bunch of demons, rich folks, confused folks, and a fae prince making them all dance as he laughed.

    45 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Also, it looked like there was some kind of 'make everybody dance' thing going around," Amelie continued, "but I dunno, they were all drunk out of their skulls, so maybe they were just joining in? It seemed weird, but, Windlewick, and also:" she said, hefting Eric a little for emphasis.

    45 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Oh, and he has a demon form that manifests in the presence of portal magic," Amelie added. I. Refuse. To go. Insane, she thought. No, seriously, I mean it.

    43 minutes ago

  • The Mood is Write:
    Eric continued to make ferret noises. Since he wasn't with the other summoned toddlers, he wasn't even made into an adult!

    42 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Millicent drew her wand and used it to sense the magical currents flowing around the young man. "I remember you from the last party...but you're not a student here," she said. "You have a connection to Amelie...hmm, I see." With her other hand, she reached into a pocket and pulled out something that looked like a pocket watch when she popped it open to inspect...whatever readouts the device provided her. "Were you..." she said, then noted that he could only make ferret noises, "Do you know what happened just before he came here?"

    35 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Amelie bit her lip. "He didn't hear any incantation or anything. He was just stuck at work getting yelled at by some alpha-Karen." Millicent raised her eyebrow. "So, a highly-unpleasant yet boringly mundane situation then?" Amelie nodded. "And you said there was a ferret in the 'bubblegum machine?' This is, the technical term is Vortex tenebrarum intentio, a 'chaotic intention vortex.' The ferret is the synchronistic chaogenic--the element of meaningful coincidence combined with the unexpected--the center of the web," she explained. "Please set Eric down. Eric, please stay still. I am going to help you."

    25 minutes ago

  • The Mood is Write:
    Eric remained still and closed his eyes as he awaited what might happen next. It was _very_ hard not to fidget! Very, very hard.

    21 minutes ago

  • littlekreen:
    The kobold continued to dance waiting to see if the mages solved the dancing before he started biting the fae. He danced toward the circle and started dancing them in a firm grip a bit further away.

    17 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Millicent began making intricate gestures of her wand as she walked around Eric. Suddenly, the "toddler" element of the overlapping spells was swept away in a burst of fae magic. Millicent grabbed her wand with both hands and strained to hold it still against the surge of magical currents. When it passed, Eric shifted toward his adult form...but still something needed to be ferreted out. She resumed her spellcasting, then said, "Ferret distractio creantis, amovi te ac liberavi!" A flash of magical force struck, and the ferret seemed to peel-split out of Eric, then with a squeak, it took off back toward the wreckage of the bubblegum machine. Eric remained, in his own form.

    15 minutes ago

  • The Mood is Write:
    The fae had long-since released the kobold, but as he flew in his adult form, he kept dancing and kept all enthralled similarly dancing as he laughed. "Amuse me and I'll free you!" he urged.

    13 minutes ago

  • The Mood is Write:
    When Eric opened his eyes, he blinked. He was... naked again.

    12 minutes ago

  • The Mood is Write:
    He hurriedly covered his taco with a shout of alarm.

    12 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    HURRAY! These poor summons were no longer trapped as toddlers! ...a shame everyone was still trapped by the fae's dance magic. Or was it a shame? With everyone age appropriate and down to party the night away, the dancing was no longer a curse to plague them all, but some hella good times! AND NO ONE WAS CAUGHT BREAKING THE RULES. .... or were they. FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON WITCHES OF WINDLEWICK!
  • Load more messages?
  • Diana:
    Today at 12:47 PM​
  • Diana:

  • Diana:
    This is a modern supernatural setting with witches and beastlies and all around good magic college fun! We all know you're here to party.
    Today at 12:48 PM​
  • Diana:
    TYPE FAST, TYPE BRIEF! This is a real time roleplay, so you don't want to be too slow or too wordy. Try to keep posts to 10 sentences or less so nobody misses out on action or details!
    Today at 12:49 PM​
  • Diana:
    HOT TIP: Write your character name in every post. That way we know what character you're playing - especially if you're playing multiples! You can also use bbcode color to help your posts stand out.
    Today at 12:49 PM​
  • Diana:
    Game Master and Narration posts appear in this bright bold yellow. Pay attention to those because they are guiding you to what to do next in the story.
    Today at 12:49 PM​
  • Diana:
    My roleplays are always NEWBIE FRIENDLY! If you get confused or have any questions I'm in the main chat room to help!
    Today at 12:50 PM​
  • Diana:
    (◉,◉) (◉◇◉) (⊙,◉) (⊙◇◉)
    Today at 12:50 PM​
  • Diana:
    It's the BUCKWILD MOON and the Windlewick College of Witchcraft is hosting it's annual BONFIRE CIRCLE on the campus grounds. There's a lovely buffet of food, a bubbling cauldron of non-alcoholic punch. Professors and chaperones, and it's sure to be a nice wholesome event. ...of course for those looking for something a little more interesting, there is a whispered rumor to walk down the path into the WOODS OF WOE where a few students have setup a bonfire of their own...
    Today at 12:53 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    Today at 12:54 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    Amelie made her way down the forest path, tension in her steps. Ideally, she could have went to the regular Bonfire Circle. But of course, all the hushed whispers were about the other one being held in the aptly-named Woods of Woe. This being Windlewick, disaster was sure to ensue. Which made for a perfectly good reason to avoid it like the plague. But then...Eric tended to be dragged into these things for some reason, and what would happen to him if she wasn't there?
    Today at 12:59 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Bonfires were nice and all, and the food was good, there was even punch! It was a beautiful night for a bonfire and Zhell was more than ready to have a good time. It was all in wholesome good fun, but, of course, there were always those rumors that circulated about... other kinds of fun. She had heard of the infamous Woods of Woe, and it was awfully tempting. She stood at a crossroads, looking at the path that led to the more secretive bonfire. Did she stay here where it was more cheery and just have a good time... or take a chance? Hesitation sure was a mood killer and she stood in the middle of the path alone, debating.
    Today at 1:08 PM​
  • Diana:
    "WOOOO KEG PARTYYYYY," howl a dude staggering past Zhell with a bigass sack over his shoulder. "Shut up, Todd! We're trying to be discreet!" hissed his nerdy looking companion with an arm full of what looked like giant mushrooms. They skuttled past down on the path deep into the Woods of Woe.
    Today at 1:12 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    Hearing the voices approaching from behind her, Amelie ducked off of the path and hid behind a tree. The last thing she wanted was to be "escorted" to the party by a couple horny (and probably drunk, handsy, or both) dudebros.
    Today at 1:16 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Some dude shuffled past, shouting about a keg and now Zhell's interest was captured for the moment. Is that why this party was so much more secret and hidden? The main bonfire had punch, but the Woods of Woe had alcohol and mushrooms. Okay, now she was curious. Tagging along behind these two, she followed them to their private bonfire.
    Today at 1:16 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    Once the guys were past, Amelie stepped out, only to almost bump into another young witch. Zell? Something like that, she'd seen her around, but didn't know her. "Uh, hi," she said in a deadpan voice.
    Today at 1:21 PM​
  • rissa:
    Cordelia didn't care for parties, but she had lost a bet when her cauldron had mysteriously imploded during third period. So not only did she need to make up her potion, but she had to meet her gaggle of friends in the Woods of Woe. She regretted not paying closer attention; she was surely sabotaged, but ah, perhaps a night out would be good for her. Invisible as she continued down the path, Corde cringed at the loud howls, but stopped in her tracks when she heard a monotone voice say a greeting. "Uh... Hi?" She replied, before remembering she was invisible and no one could see her.
    Today at 1:23 PM​
  • Diana:
    As expected the "secret" party out in the Woods of Woe was a hot mess of the College's wildest party witches and wizards. The bonfire was no neat and tidy circle of carefully selected wood - NAY! It was a hodgepodge of bullshit that nobody had any business burning out in the middle of the woods. A couple of witches were throwing in herbs and other tidbits to get the flames to change colors. The dudebros (Todd and Nerd Guy) were setting up their sack of goods and giant mushrooms over where a bunch of kegs and barrels were currently being tapped of their liquid brews. Todd took off his shirt immediately. No one was impressed. "WHO WANTS A DRINK OF OUR MUSHROOM MASH? IT'LL MAKE YOU SEE HELL'S SECRET LAYER!" yelled Todd.
    Today at 1:24 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Well, it seemed as though Zhell wasn't the only one curious about the secret keg party in the woods. She jolted in surprise at a fellow witch that almost bumped right into her. "Oh-!" She clutched a hand to her chest, "I didn't see you there, sorry. Are you also going to the Woods of Woe?" She could have swore she heard someone else, but didn't see anything. Though, she supposed it could have been anything and even coming from the crowd up ahead as the dude from earlier was shouting about his mushroom mash. Well that just sounded gross.
    Today at 1:27 PM​
  • rissa:
    Cordelia fled the awkward interaction, face aflame with embarrassment, and nearly toppled over someone already far too drunk at the entrance of the wood. The first thing she noticed was the smell, the awful combination of different scented incense and herbs that simply did NOT coalesce. It took her a moment to realize what they were attempted, and so with a little swish of her wand, spoke a spell under her breath that turned the flames green. Too bad she didn't know a spell to make it smell better though. She tiptoed over to Todd and his nerdy friend, eyeing the kegs and the crates full of illegal substances. Perhaps she should turn all of these in. Or perhaps... As Todd filled another mug of their mysterious Mushroom Mash, Corde stole the thing right from his palm. Perhaps this secret layer of Hell would help her research paper on hidden realms. She took a hesitant sip, waiting for the worst.
    Today at 1:32 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Well...sortof..." Amelie stammered, her voice flat, lacking all of the enthusiasm one might expect of a party school student sneaking off to a "secret" keg party/summoning ritual/incipient fiasco. "Wha?" she said in response to a disembodied voice she thought she heard, followed by running footsteps with no apparent feet to make them.
    Today at 1:35 PM​
  • Diana:
    Upon drinking the Mushroom Mash, at first it seemed nothing of note was to happen. Other than maybe a gurling stomach and the foul taste of ass. Then with a strange shimmer, bit by bit by bit Cordelia found large bulky forms appearing around the party. Buff, horny (as in twirled horns), red as sin, DEMONS were just... hanging out all over the place. Some were talking. Some were eyeing
    a human here or there, literally sizing them up with a ruler. And one in a chef's hat was helping to toss ingredients into a hellish looking cauldron. It seemed there was more than one party going down in the Woods of Woe, and somebody was about to be Demon Dinner. A shame only Cordelia could see it! And Todd.

    Today at 1:41 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Zhell was glad that she wasn't the only one hesitant about all this. She probably should have just stayed up at the regular party and had a nice calm evening with punch and food and campfire stories. Looking to her new... friend? Acquaintance? Partner in uncertainty? She asked, "Do you think we should join them? I'm sure how I feel about drinking mushrooms..."
    Today at 1:45 PM​
  • rissa:
    Concentration dropped on her invisibility spell, Cordelia stood off to the side of the circle in complete and utter devastated awe. Todd was right. Todd was right. That alone felt wrong, and yet here she was with an awful taste in her mouth that wouldn't go away as she stared dubiously at the band of demons that encircled her fellow students. "Um." She said aloud, before realizing not many were in earshot. She looked between Todd and the nearest horned demon before choosing the latter to interact with. She pulled a notebook from her robes and walked up to him hesitantly. "I have a research paper due and, um, well I was wondering... Would you like to be interviewed?"
    Today at 1:56 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    Amelie gave the girl a smirk. "Here, drinking anything without a Potionmaker's Mark is a crapshoot. Most of the time being
    turned into a chinchilla or getting medusa hair wears off after awhile, but I think Siona Macallister still has scale-dandruff. I'm Amelie."
    Today at 1:56 PM​
  • Diana:
    That demon looked COMPLTELY surprised that anyone could actually see him. "We got a problem, boss." He declared, catching the attention of the chef at the demon's cauldron. The chef just gestured to the pot. "Aight... You get three questions before you get in the pot." Said the demon, plucking Cordelia up by the back of her shirt. As far as the rest of the party was concerned, the poor girl was somehow being floated and dangled by nothing. And they were either too drunk, or too high to think anything strange about it. ...Except Todd, whose dumb face indicated he wasn't prepared for this sort of problem!
    Today at 2:02 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    "Zhell," she answered back, offering a hand, "And you got a point there! I was just curious what was going on here. I don't really want to spend my night as a chinchilla." That would have been the worst. Imagine the shedding. Imagine how long it would take to walk aaaaall the way back to the college grounds with those tiny little legs! No thanks! There was a huge part of her that was curious, however, to see just what this brew might do to the others. She didn't have to wait long before one of the party guests was seemingly being held up by... something. "Uh-" she pointed, "That's not right! We should help her, right?" Of course, she didn't yet move from her spot, having actually no idea what in the hell she was really witnessing here.
    Today at 2:08 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    "I have a baaad feeling about this," Amelie said when she saw a girl she hadn't noticed before suddenly get levitated into the air. Her flailing limbs and the look on her face said she wasn't doing it herself or acting as a willing participant. Amelie's eyes narrowed. Upon closer observation, she could see that the girl's shirt was pulled tight and bunched up; so, a grab by an invisible being, rather than telekinesis. "Okaaay...." She reached elbow deep into a tiny handbag until she finally fished something out, a vial of shimmering powder. She poured some of it into the palm of her other hand, then blew it at the invisible form. The Powder of Magic Detection was meant to locate and trace subtle magical fields and currents. But now it defined the form of an otherwise invisible, towering, glowering demon as a constellation of bright pink and purple stars of glitter.
    Today at 2:17 PM​
  • rissa:
    "Wait, why do I have to go IN the pot? Wait, never mind don't count that as one of my three questions. Erm. Okay, question number one, what's it like being-- achoo!" Cordelia got a face full of powder that tickled her nose, made her sneeze, and threatened the sip of Mushroom Mash to come back up. She glanced over, well down and over, since she was being held aloft and realized that someone had noticed her. "Oh thank the Crone! This guy-- demon --says I have three questions before I go into the cauldron."
    Today at 2:21 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    "What is it with this place and demons, anyway?" Amelie said, then turned to the demon. "Look, just let the girl go and go back where you came from, alright? Nobody's even started a botched summoning ritual yet."
    Today at 2:26 PM​
  • Diana:
    The demon holding Cordelia ALSO sneezed with all this damn glittery powder everywhere, and when HE sneezed it sounded like a beast of the underworld had crawled up and vomited out his guts. The entire bonfire party - students AND the invisible demons were now all looking at Cordelia. The demon dropped her and waved his meaty arms as if the glitter was only caught on the wind. "YoooUUUuu seeEeee nooOOothiiIInng." It attempted to whisper. Some of the other demons were now approaching with big giant demon clubs - might as well knock out the ones that could see them. On Amelia's declaration that no summoning had happened, suddenly Todd and his Nerd Friend were real busy gathering up their giant mushrooms and Mush Mash.
    Today at 2:28 PM​
  • rissa:
    Cordelia held up her hands, palms facing forward, towards the oncoming demons. With those clubs, made of gods-know-what, they truly looked demonic. "Hey now, c'mon, we-we're all here for a party, right? Let's um, let's have some fun! I bet you guys don't get to leave Hell all that often-- why um, why not go back with a good tale to tell, huh?"
    Today at 2:34 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Zhell could not believe her eyes. She was standing here now, staring down the metaphorical barrel at a massive demon that had this poor girl in its clutches who was shouting about it wanting to throw her into the cauldron! Well. At least it dropped her when it sneezed, but that somehow made it even worse! They were surrounded by a LOT of demons, all wielding clubs and looking very angry. Zhell took several steps back. The girl that had been captured was trying to appeal to them and she stepped in with an attempt to help out. "Yeah! That's a great idea! We can all just calm down and have a great time together tonight, can't we? No one needs to get clubbed or go into a cauldron! We could uh... get you some punch? ....or there's a keg here. Anybody thirsty?"
    Today at 2:38 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    Amelie grabbed Cordelia's arm and pulled her away. "Waitwait, did you say 'cauldron?'" *Ahem* "I uh, bet nobody ever told you about Todd and Iolo's Mystical Mushroom Mash down in the Eighth Circle! There's nothing like it to make a demon insanely powerful!" she said, pointing toward the hastily-gathering nerds. Hoping of course, that it would do nothing of the sort, except make them trip balls.
    Today at 2:39 PM​
  • Diana:
    Todd and his nerd friend froze, being called out on the spot and now apparently the focal point for all these demon with clubs. "Uuuuh, I don't actually know how it'll affect demons, cause y'know they already from hell and if-" his friend elbowed him hard to get him to shut up." shudduptoddjustgivethemthemash" he blurted out in a rush. ONE of the demons snatched up some of the mash from the two dudebros and swallowed it mug and all. "TASTES LIKE BALTHLAZAR'S ASS!" Balthlazar happened to be here too and didn't appreciate the comment. But several other demons seemed to be okay with this offer of free Mash until the chef chimed in. "The 'ell am I supposed to boil for the Buckwild Moon, then?! We need a mortal to release the great master from his bindings!"
    Today at 2:44 PM​
  • rissa:
    There was a swell of emotions within Corde. She tried not to let out a laugh on poor Balthazar's behalf, but it was quite funny. Until she realized WHY they were stirring up the cauldron. She whispered to Amelie and Zhell, though Todd and his buddy were in earshot too. "Do you think ANYTHING mortal would count? Maybe we could get them a rabbit or something... and maybe that'll cause the unbinding ritual to fail..."
    Today at 2:47 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    So far, maaaaaybe the offering was helping keep them distracted, but these demons were demanding a mortal sacrifice. With Cordelia's suggestion, Zhell pointed off to the woods. "I think there might be some fireflies hanging around out here. I think I heard a frog out there, too."
    Today at 2:52 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Uh, you must be new here," Amelie said. "Here, summong spells don't just fail, they go weird. I saw a guy summon a minor crocodile deity with a baguette as his wand," she said. "Does anybody know a good banishing spell? Theurgy is not my strong suit."
    Today at 2:52 PM​
  • rissa:
    Cordelia was not new, but she was a goody-two shoes who'd never strayed farther than two chapters ahead of their required reading. Magic was magic, after all, and the scar over her eyebrow stood as a testament to that reality. "Erm, not really. Illusion and conjuration magics are my niche." She looked over to Zhell, "What about you?"
    Today at 2:55 PM​
  • Diana:
    Amelie wasn't wrong, because that Mush Mash was doing something real janky to all the demons that were drinking it. Any of them that were still invisible in this realm were popping into view, causing the whole crew of drunk and high bonfire goers to erupt into screaming chaos. It's always a damn problem when a gang of demons show up! Todd stood there nodding with a deep sigh. "Man, I told you they shouldn't be drinking it - Now they're all going to bl-UNFF" Lolo, the Nerd Guy friend promptly socked Todd so hard in the gut, the bigger fellow fell over. ...What was about to happen with these demons?! Thankfully they'd all forgotten their sacrifice for the time being!
    Today at 2:57 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Patting her clothes as if she was searching for some magic that she did not possess, Zhell answered, "I once banished a moth from my windowsill with a flyswatter, does that count?" Somehow she didn't feel like that was helpful at all! It was chaos all over and Todd had been about to say something before the nerd was knocking him down with a blow to the gut. "Hey!" she protested, "What was the for! He's an idiot, but there's no reason to lay him out!" This nerd sure had SPUNK! She knelt down to Todd on the ground. "Jeez, are you still with us?"
    55 minutes ago​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Hasty departure sounds like a really good strategy," Amelie said. "I'll try to provide some distraction," she said, reaching into her handbag again, and coming out with a small flask that flickered with prismatic light. "EVERYBODY OUT, NOW!" she shouted, throwing it down. The flask shattered, spraying Elixir of Auroras in all directions, which quickly vaporized into swirling colorful sheets of light.
    46 minutes ago​
  • rissa:
    "Good idea," Cordelia whispered, producing her wand and casting illusions of students scattering amongst the auroras. If the demons were to follow them, then at least a few would chase hollow trails. She ran as fast as she could, though unfortunately, it wasn't very fast, not when she kept tripping over exposed roots and half-drunken keg enjoyers. Her knee bit into the rocky earth hard and she glanced behind her, wondering what she had tripped over this time. It was ANOTHER guy, completely black out drunk. She grabbed him by the collar and started pulling him away, though he weight at least a ton. "Ugh! Help me tow this lug back!"
    42 minutes ago​
  • Diana:
    People ran! They scattered! And as they did so, suddenly something akin to the sound of someone squealing out the air in a balloon went SKREEII--EEE-EE--eeee-EEEE POP!! One of the giant, buff, red demons had blown up as around as a ball and just POPPED! Horns, hooves, fingers, and black ooze went flying in every direction! It smelled like Jägermeister, and now all of those giant demons were ALSO screaming and panicking! Lolo flippin BOLTED, leaving behind Todd and the ladies at the mercy of chaos.
    38 minutes ago​
  • Lyrikai:
    Any other night, Zhell would have happily tried to help this poor idiot Todd, but it was everyone for themselves right now! The stench reminiscent of a jagerbomb filled the air as demons were becoming ACTUAL bombs, and she wasn't sticking around for that! "Sorry," he called quickly to the guy on the ground before bolting.
    31 minutes ago​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    As much as "Exploding Jaegerdemons" sounded like a great name for a band to play at the next Witches' Ball, Amelie definitely wasn't planning on sticking around to hear the new skreee-pop sound. She ran to Cordelia. "Come on, le'ts go!" she said. "He won't end up smelling any worse than he would have otherwise after a party!"
    27 minutes ago​
  • rissa:
    Cordelia wasn't used to feeling guilty, but that's exactly how she felt as she took off after Amelie. One foot after the other, slowly but surely escaping the awful scent of jager-viscera. Every now and then she had to stop and breathe. She wasn't cut out for running. "Magic was invented so we didn't have to run," Corde wheezed out between breaths, still seeing stars as she huffed after Zhell and Amelie. "WHY oh WHY didn't I grab my broom! Are they still chasing us?" Corde called out to those in front of her, too scared to look back.
    15 minutes ago​
  • Diana:
    Those witches fled the scene of the crime. Behind them they could hear the agonizing screams of demons as they SCREEEEEEEeEEeeEEEEEee-POP POP POP. One right after another. Jaegerblood covering the wooden bonfire area in black goop and dosing out the fire with a smokey, smelly HIIIISSSSSSS. By the time they (and several others) ran into the school-chaperoned party, a lot of the professors and guests were looking VERY confused. A putrid STANK FOG appeared to be following them out of the woods. Not dangerous, but oh god did it smell of the secret 8th level of hell.
    10 minutes ago​
  • rissa:
    Out of breath, twigs popping out of her usually manicured hair, and dirt scuffed on her palms and robes, Cordelia shuffled her way over to Professor Windle. Between wheezes, she simply said, "S-sorry Professor, but I simply CANNOT write the essay on secret realms. After tonight, I-I think I may just drop the class. I'm not sure if Secret Magical History is worth the stench or the emotional trauma."
    6 minutes ago​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    Amelie stopped with her, huffing. "Yeah...I didn't want to...use my...traveling mirror....where there might be...dimensional nonsense...going on..." she said between gasps. That's when she saw the other students from the bonfire she wished she'd gone to instead. ...And Ms. Messerli. The Potions master raised an eyebrow, delicately fanning her nose with a white-gloved hand. Amelie's face turned to pleading innocence.
    "I didn't cause this...I swear!"
    6 minutes ago​
  • Lyrikai:
    Zhell ran until she reached the proper bonfire all full of teachers and students that had a much more pleasant time this evening. The moment she entered the area, she slowed to a walk. Stepping up to the punch bowl, she helped herself to a drink and plastered an innocent smile onto her face as she tried to ignore the nasty god awful scent that followed behind them. "Hi," she said to the other students, "Lovely night we're having, huh?"
    6 minutes ago​
  • Diana:
    Needless to say there were going to be CONSEQUENCES for all the students that attended the ILLEGAL BONFIRE on the Buckwild Moon. And unfortunately for them, they were easily rooted out due to the stench that seemed to follow them for the next three days like a terrible smelly curse. ...all except for Todd. Todd never made it back to the campus, or at least no one has seen him. What the hell did his buddy Lolo do? Where is Todd?! MYSTERY TO BE SOLVED IN ANOTHER.... WITCHES OF WINDLEWICK.
    2 minutes ago​
  • Diana:
  • OMG
  • Haha
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