The Weight of the Crown | Kingdom Building Interest Check/OOC

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Elle Joyner

Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
Online Availability
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Writing Levels
  1. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Political intrigue, fantasy, futuristic, sci fi lite, superheroes, historical fiction, alternate universes. Smittings of romance, but only as side plot.
GENRE: Low Fantasy/Medieval || LEVEL: Advanced Detailed || WRITING: Bi-monthly | Three Paragraph Min.
SECONDARY GENRE: World Building || TONE: Suspenseful, Dramatic || SCALE: 6-8 Players

"Canst thou, O partial sleep, give thy repose,
To the wet sea-boy in an hour so rude,
And in the calmest and most stillest night,
With all appliances and means to boot,
Deny it to a king? Then happy low, lie down!
Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown"
The land of Ellemar has never existed entirely at peace. With her kingdoms stretched out across the land, and all of them vying for controlling power, the threads of unanimity have been slowly unraveling over time. The realization of such ambitions has only ever been a dream, until now.

King Barenthorn's imminent demise has opened the door for a political shift in power among the remaining kingdoms. With no heir and an antiquated council unqualified to rule, the Thornwild throne is up for grabs. Securing said throne would inevitably open up controlling power of Ellemar and for some of the potentates, war seems an inevitable outcome… For others, it is a welcome one.

Whatever the catalyst, conflict is at the center of each kingdom's motivation, and their rulers will stop at nothing to achieve their conquest, some at the expense of their own people.

This is not a typical roleplay. Before I get into why, I'd like to explain that this is still a fairly new concept that I have only attempted twice before, and it may take some time to work out the kinks - so I do ask for the same level of patience and understanding that I will afford you all.

That said - the idea I have for this is essentially a roleplay system that is not dictated by a GM, but instead run by the players. This doesn't mean, of course, free-for-all chaos. Basically the concept would involve building the plot around your own 'nations'. You will design the kingdoms (one per player) and then determine where and how these kingdoms fit into the overarching storyline, while making connections with other players in order to fill in smaller underarching plots. My job - apart from creating a kingdom of my own to work with - will be essentially to ensure things run smoothly, but otherwise, I'll have a very back-burner approach to GMing.

My intention is for this to feel more like a group project than coming into an already established plot and working off of my ideas. I want to give you the freedom of movement to create parts of a storyline, instead of just playing one character and fitting them in to a pre-worked concept.

Apart from Thornwild, I would like to include between 6-8 kingdoms. Essentially the CS will not feature one character, but an entire kingdom - including the description of the kingdom, its culture, creed/religious system, geography and important locations, prevalent history, the army or military system, climate, demographics, monarchy, its motivation for securing Thornwild, and any underlying conflicts or rumors. As well, you will also create at least five (though more are encouraged) key characters and one main PC, if you so desire.

The kingdom applications will be reviewed and I will pick the best from the bunch. From there we will, as a group, begin plotting out connections with other kingdoms (allies/enemies/etc.) Not everyone will get the opportunity to play the kingdom they make - this isn't because I don't adore you all or think you're incredibly talented - but I want to ensure there aren't too many cooks in the kitchen, and see to it that everything meshes cohesively.

Because of the nature of this roleplay, the creation/planning process is expected to take some time. I don't imagine the roleplay will start for a good while (I'm shooting for early May) - but I do ask that you adhere to the deadline for the Kingdom Sheets, to avoid loss of interest.

Note: As previously stated, you WILL have the opportunity to make a playable character within the constraints of your kingdom, but this does not negate you from utilizing the other characters involved. Also note that these characters are to serve as a driving force for the plot and should not be used as vehicles for pre-planned motives. Romance is acceptable, yes... but it is not the overarching goal of the RP. No character-by-character plotting should be done prior to the RP so as to avoid confusion where the general storyline is concerned. If it happens within the RP, naturally, then great - but it must happen post-plotting. It wouldn't make sense, after all, for someone to plan an affair between their king and another kingdom's scullery maid if that same scullery maid has a preplanned relationship with your knight in shining armor.

As always... if you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask! Until the Discord is created, this thread will serve as the OOC. You may also PM/DM me with questions if you prefer. Kingdom Sheets and Rules can be found HERE.

Fantasy nation intrigue has always been my favorite brand of roleplay. Consider me interested.

Not everyone will get the opportunity to play the kingdom they make - this isn't because I don't adore you all or think you're incredibly talented - but I want to ensure there aren't too many cooks in the kitchen, and see to it that everything meshes cohesively.

wdym exactly?

Not everyone will get the opportunity to play the kingdom they make - this isn't because I don't adore you all or think you're incredibly talented - but I want to ensure there aren't too many cooks in the kitchen, and see to it that everything meshes cohesively.

wdym exactly?

TLDR; I can't pick everyone if 20 people reply to the interest check LOL
  • OMG
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we're gunna pretend i didn't entirely misread that

edit: wotc lookin spiffy as always 👀
we're gunna pretend i didn't entirely misread that

edit: wotc lookin spiffy as always 👀

Haha - I definitely wrote it way too early in the morning! And thanks <3
Ooh, this is very interesting!
Hell yeah, I'm interested!
@ze_kraken , @Jamaicanbobslayer , @Mobley Eats , @Bone2pick , @Effervescent and anyone else interested in these shenanigans! I'm hugely bored as all my other rps have slowed down quite a bit so I'm thinking we could potentially start this sooner - this of course is dependant on your ability to finish your sheets which I in no.way wanna impede or rush. Lemme know if you think shortening the deadline to next wednesday is too outrageous!
I probably could finish everything by Wednesday. But I'd feel better about my final product if I had until next weekend. I'm currently working on a piece of recent kingdom history that is shaping up to be somewhat lengthy.
I probably could finish everything by Wednesday. But I'd feel better about my final product if I had until next weekend. I'm currently working on a piece of recent kingdom history that is shaping up to be somewhat lengthy.

That's a fair compromise - Let's say the 18th is the deadline, then. I'm prolly gonna send out the Discord soon tho, cause I'm impatient and wanna start plotting and everything I've seen so far has enough promise that I don't think we'll see anyone denied LOL
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If you've still got space I'd love to join. I've been playing a ton of Mount and Blade so im riding a high on Kingdom builders and medieval times. lol
To anyone interested. CS is still open for joining but do know that the deadline has been shifted to the 18th of April! :)
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