The Underground City (Bioshock/Ribofunk Inspired) (1920s)

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B I O S H O C K : F E R V O R

Welcome to my Bioshock, Ribofunk, and 1920s roleplay interest check!

  • The concept of this roleplay is to have a group of characters explore the city of Fervor, an underground city underneath late 1920s America. Along the way, they'll discover secrets about the city, while trying to find a way to resolve, or explore their own dilemmas created by the roleplayer and the GM. The dilemmas will contain difficult moral choices, as well as themes on bio-engineering.


  • womenssubwaycar.jpg

    On March 13th, 1929, a group of passengers aboard a subway train stopped at a lighthouse completely inside the metro. From the train's interior, the passengers heard the song, Bye Bye Blackbird by Gene Austin come to a dim, as the train's operator told the group, "Thank you for your patronage. Don't forget your belongings and watch your step when exiting the subway." Outside the train's windows, the passengers spotted the lone, lighted lighthouse, and believed the place their destination. After all, the train's sign located above the central door read Lighthouse in bright neon red colors. Behind the train, pitch black darkness consumed the visibility of the passengers, leaving only the lighthouse as the single luminary and welcoming source. With no where else to go, one passenger, a woman, headed towards the lighthouse.

  • The roleplay follows the history of the United States, with a few deviations. The great depression of 1929 resulted in complete economic collapse in the United States. As a result, many citizens of the U.S. turned to anarchy, leading to a rise in gangs and a decline in government protection. Without a central and government backed currency, chaos ensued in the states. Those who wanted to survive either joined gangs, headed to the borders, or fled underground; hoping to find a place of refuge.

    The second difference is that John W. Davis won both the 1924 and 1928 elections; integrating socialist policies and intense regulation of businesses borrowing some inspirations from Karl Marx's communist manifesto. This led to many corporations being owned by government officials, provoking business leaders to demand for government reform, or the impeachment of John W. Davis. However, some business tycoons simply disappeared, and many people believed the government secretly eliminated those individuals.

    During Calvin Coolidge's temporary presidency after the death of Warren G. Harding in 1923, he engaged in a multitude of scandals that benefited the Ford family's financial endeavors and hindered labor unions to the Ford business. As the Ford scandal surfaced, many turned to demanding policies in the regulation of companies and the investigation of private government ventures. Only one candidate, John W. Davis fit the bill.

    One final note, after the scandals surfaced, the Ford company disappeared completely, and the projects that Coolidge funded were never released to the public.


  • The setting will take place in the underground city of Fervor, which uses Art Deco architecture, similar to the buildings of Rapture, but with underground themes, such as caravans, caves, lakes, lava, mines, and much, much more. For genres, expect horror, ribofunk (basically bio-engineering and DNA splicing), and dark humor. You can also include other themes and genres depending on how your character interacts with others, as the genres I've listed are just the basic premise, tone, and setting for the roleplay.

    Art Deco Architecture Example

  • All roleplayers will create one main character, a passenger on the train. As the roleplay progresses, I'll allow roleplayers to create other characters, if they can handle the workload. For now, all NPCs will be played by the GM.

    For the roleplayers' main character, they'll be able to flesh out anything about their history and personality as long as it makes sense in the 1900s America setting. The minimum age is 20 and the oldest age is 50 for characters. More details will be given, when I flesh out the character sheet. Do note, that your characters will obtain Plasmids (essentially biological spells) and Gene Tonics (Passive spells) early on in the roleplay, but not at the start of the roleplay.

  • I have mechanics set in place for the RP; however, they will not detract from the free-form style. This is not a number-crunching RP; however, I expect attempts at realistically portraying your powers. I'll give rough estimates later on how this works.

    Regarding Bioshock mechanics such as Little Sisters, Big Daddies, Adam, Plasmids, Sky Gliding, etc., I will bring these into the RP but with different backstories and appearances, as it'll spoil the story if I introduce some mechanics fully. Therefore, I'll only introduce stuff it's necessary to understand the plot, or if it's part of the character sheets, such as Plasmids.
  • 1. Follow the Iwakuroleplay guidelines.
    2. Post at least once a week.
    3. Please write at least two paragraphs and no more than five paragraphs, so there's some substance, but it's not overbearing.
    4. Be respectful towards others and remember to include others in the RP.
    5. When coding, please make sure the text isn't too small, and the background doesn't distract from the post. Just show me a preview of your coded post, or feel free to not use codes at all.
    6. My word is law.
    7. I will add new rules, and some rules may be subject to change according to majority opinion.
    8. Intermediate level or greater for grammar and comprehension.

  • A small disclaimer, this RP isn't for the faint of heart, as there'll be heavy, intense scenes of horror and gore. You might not initially feel terrified due to the RP's start; however, I'm still placing this warning, since it'll get dark at some point. If you have questions, concerns, or comments about the roleplay, please list them down here. I've chosen to hide a majority of the plot, mainly to keep the story a secret, leaving it up to the characters to locate the pieces in the RP that make up the story.

    I'm hoping to get at least three other interested roleplayers, and I'll have a soft cap of seven roleplayers, where I'll then decide to either close it or allow others to join. Please do note, that this group RP won't be big, as I wish to interact and flesh out stories for all the characters involved in the roleplay. If anyone wants to help with Co-GMing, or helping me flesh out ideas, let me know too, and I'll send you a DM.

    Lastly, you do not need previous knowledge of Bioshock games/lore/books to roleplay. If this RP interests you, would you kindly post a reply in this thread.

  • I will set these up, if this roleplay gains enough interest.

    Character Sheets
    Out-of-Character Chat Thread
    In-Character Main Thread
    Information Journal (Lore)

You do not need previous knowledge of Bioshock games/lore/books to roleplay. If this RP interests you, would you kindly post a reply in this thread.

Thank you for reading my interest check.[/hr]
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helloooo~ i'd be interested !
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I love the idea as well! I think its fascinating and you have done good work on it! I think I can create a very interesting character for this and one that would trump some expectations.
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"Eric Langly, Eric Langly... A name those wretched people should know. Instead, they are impressed by those damn body altering plasmids. Those slaves, don't they understand that the future is a mechanical one? Have they simply ignored what technology has done to the human life? We created more efficient ways to kill people, to transport goods, and have revolutionized science. Those blasted drugs do nothing that technology could not already accomplish... I'll make them know. I'll show them."

Just a taste of what I would be going for hope it would fit into the world and would be a fun character to have!
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"Eric Langly, Eric Langly... A name those wretched people should know. Instead, they are impressed by those damn body altering plasmids. Those slaves, don't they understand that the future is a mechanical one? Have they simply ignored what technology has done to the human life? We created more efficient ways to kill people, to transport goods, and have revolutionized science. Those blasted drugs do nothing that technology could not already accomplish... I'll make them know. I'll show them."

Just a taste of what I would be going for hope it would fit into the world and would be a fun character to have!

Yeah, it's a nice reaction to what they may see in the city. Although, I'll need some more information on the character to fully understand what's going on with the dialogue you've posted in your comment. Currently, I'm waiting on one more roleplayer to express interest before posting the character sheets, but you're free to talk about your character in a DM with me.
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@oerba @Mocha Kitty @TheDevil'sGame

Thank you all for your interest. I'm setting up the character sign up sheets, and the lore threads at the moment. They should be finished by the weekend, or at least the character sign ups. I'll mention you all, if they are finished earlier.

To anyone else interested in the RP, I have a cap of about seven roleplayers, so I'm accepting four more.
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quick question: are the characters going to have real life faceclaims?
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My boy Coolidge ;-;
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quick question: are the characters going to have real life faceclaims?

I prefer real life faceclaims, but if you wish to use 2d drawing claims, make sure they're realistic and not anime (I only say this because Bioshock isn't an anime fandom). If you do not wish to use faceclaims, you can always just put a description.

My boy Coolidge ;-;

Yes, I've managed to make a great president into a terrible one. He's basically Nixon, lol.
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Lodging my interest
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