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Mundane Monster

The most uninspiring of monsters
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
Fantasy, Modern Fantasy, Animal based, Scifi, Modern, Horror, Comedy, Slice of life.

Episode 2
Amusement Parks Are Fun

I don't want to join a club. You don't want to join a club. But we have to, so let's make it fun and write about the many places we go.
Please join the Travel Writers Club

Upon entering the room you find a deflated Tanuki costume lying on the ground and a girl with a bright--almost creepy- smile plastered onto her face. The corner of her mouth seems to be twitching a bit and you might wonder how long she'd been holding that facial expression, when suddenly she leans forward, and somersaults over the table and lands in a kneeling position in front of you with her arms spread wide as if catching some invisible sky baby.

"Welcome to the Travel Writers Club! We won't be staying in here for long, cause a knew amusement park has opened and I think we should break the ice by going there!" The girl then pauses and groans. "I meant to say my name first. Damn it! Well..I'm Hatanabe Mitsuko. Or you can call me President. Or fearless leader. Also you can use that cabinet over there for your stuff--"Mitsuko paused to point at a rickety cabinet in the corner of the room. "And we can get going! There's a bus that heads over there and I'll tell you guys about how to be a travel writer on the way to the amusement park, okay?"

@Princess Poisoned Rose @beautie @Banana-senpai @EternalInfinity
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Surprised by the girl's jump, Tomoki winced and stiffened into a defensive stance. Despite both of his hands being occupied by bags he looked legitimately ready to hit someone, just in front of the little girl and only witnessed by a tanuki costume. He blinked at her for a moment, confused by her expression.

"Ah!" he spoke and relaxed after her explanation. He even rested the stiffly formal Tokyo speech he used all the time. "That was shocking! Are you the club leader? I'm Nakamura. But you can call me 'Tomo' if you like, since I'll be part of your club and everyone calls me that." Tomoki chuckled a bit and looked around, spotting the Tanuki costume again. "Great costume, by the way. Sorry if I hugged you so suddenly. I didn't know you're a girl." He added shyly and gave a small apologetic bow.

He walked in the rather empty room, surveying the surroundings. "I don't know much about travel writing. Nor about traveling and writing separately. Will we put up a blog or something?" Tomoki gently opened the cabinet, fearing that he might accidentally break it as he had done to the one in his classroom. "Or are we under the newspaper club?"

After putting his school bag in the empty broom closet, he straightened up so suddenly. "Pres-chan!*" He called out and slammed the door of the closet excitedly. "How about I tour the club in my hometown sometime?" He bobbed up to Mitsuko and went on, never lacking in wild gestures and animated expressions to match what he was saying, "not today but, we could maybe see the castle! The tower! USJ! Eat at Dootonburi! That sort of thing! But yeah, today, amusement park. I even brought a camera and some snacks!" He showed her the small black camera bag strapped to his wrist and the paper bag in his other hand.

"Here comes someone else now!" He turned to the door and this time joined Mitsuko in welcoming the newcomer with the flamboyant sky-baby-catching pose.

*(Pres-chan = kai-chan instead of kaichou)
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Upon entering the room, Tadao was happily greeted by both the club's President and another club member. He was initially caught off guard by their welcoming pose, but decided to do what they were doing. For all he knew, the sky-baby-catching pose may have been a sort of initiation. The club President introduced herself and immediately told him to get ready to leave. It seems she had already made plans for them to go to an amusement park.

He put his bag in the designated cabinet, and was ready to go.​

"Well then, I'm ready to go! I'm Tadao by the way, pleasure to meet you all!"
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The blond hair girl opened the door when she seen her best friend on the ground in her famed 'sky-baby' pose. "Oh Mitsuko, it is just me." She smiled rolling her eyes. Emiri put her bag down on the floor and looked at the two newest members. "Is this all then?" She looked over the two guys in the club room. "Well I am Kondo, Emiri you can call me Emi if you wish, I am the Vice president." She picked up her friend from the floor. "I do not know if there will be more coming." She shrugged before looking at the door expectantly, then shaking her head her blond moving with the motion.
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[BCOLOR=transparent]"I can't believed you join that club"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]A young schoolgirl with her blond hair in a ponytail softly giggled at the thought of her friend joining a club that involves going around places and writing about them. She knew Oshiro was the type to be cool and strong, but for someone like him to join a class that involves writing, she knew he was a poetic, but she never knew he was that type of person in the inside. Or maybe he joined in order to find more girls his age.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Knock it off Aiko."[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] Oshiro sighed as he endured Aiko's teasing for him joining the Travel Writing Club. [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]"It was the only club that garnered my attention at the fair. Perhaps it would be worth my time."[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] He grinned softly. Aiko grinned and giggled to herself.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Just like with the chess and guitar club?" Aiko sneered. Oshiro gave a intense glare to Aiko, who knew about his glare when he would be teased by her and only her.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Anyways, even if the other two clubs didn't work out in my favor, I did learn some new things from those clubs, so maybe I can use them for this club in some way."[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] He smiled. Knowing what his intentions are to using those new things he's learned.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I'm sure you will use them quite nicely Oshiro. Would've been nice if you joined the art club. That way, we can hang out more." She flirted with him in a cute fashion. Gently patting his firm shoulders [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Heh, you know me Aiko, creating crafts and arts isn't my style."[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] He gave a chuckle and a wink back at her. She smiled with her eyes as she enjoyed teasing her close friend.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Looks like this is the room. 7C right?" She asked Oshiro. taking a peek inside of the room before hiding back to Oshiro "Anyways, I better head off to the art club. I'll talk to you later Oshiro." She winked back before jogging in the hallways. Oshiro smirked and waved back to her as she left his sights. He took a quick peek inside of the room, there were already a few members talking and why not. With a quick sigh, he walked in with his "Not caring" attitude.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It seems there weren't too many people inside, making this his smallest club he's been in. Two young girls, and flamboyant boy, and a pretty chill person. Listening to the girl's instructions, he put his backpack inside one of the cabinets. While he did seemed fine with the small amount of students in the club, he was a bit disappointed there wasn't many girls here to talk to. He gave a quick wave to the people to let him know he was here.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Raizo, Oshiro. I suppose you may have heard my name quite around here since i'm the more popular type with the girls. Nice to meet you all."[/BCOLOR]
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As she met the members of the club, Mitsuko began making mental notes. Like...Don't surprise Nakamura Tomoki cause it kind of looked like he was about to end her existence for a second there. But she also made the note that he was a country bumpkin according to his dialect. When she'd first met him, she hadn't been able to tell because it was kind of hard to hear in the Tanuki suit but she'd appreciated his energy and seemingly happy go lucky attitude. He would be great at giving their writings a positive spin.

"Ah don't worry about that!" She chirped waving a way his apology and watched him explore the room. "I'll explain travel writing when we get on the bus and everyone is with us. But no, no we are not under the newspaper club. The school news is unbiased and a major snooze fest. Travel writers put positive spins on places to boosts their popularity. We try to give them a good rep, so that other people can enjoy those places as well. And seeing your home town would be awesome! Maybe we can do it in a few weeks?" Mitsuko quickly scribbled down the idea on a piece of paper before taping said paper to the wall. At the mention of a camera and snacks, Mitsuko clapped her hands in excitement--mainly because she forgot to bring snacks and was glad for the unprecedented back up. She got even more elated when Tomo-kun joined her in her welcome pose, as another boy entered.

"Nice to meet you Tadao-kun!" Mitsuko greeted, her grin spreading even wider when he too, joined in the welcome pose. She rembered that unlike most people who had witnessed her as the Tanuki, he had approached her quite confidently. She was sure he would be a great asset to the club.

As the three crouched in the welcome position, Mitsuko wondered if she should make that a future tradition...hen again maybe not because her legs were starting to fall asleep and her foot was getting all tingle and "Aaaaahhhh PINS AND NEEDLES PINS AND NEEDLES!!!" Fortunately the door opened and in came Emiri-chan to rescue her. Mitsuko sighed in relief as Emiri helped her up and she turned to the two guys, "You guys should stand up too, I'm not sure if remaining in that position for too long is healthy." She laughed sheepishly. "Also, this is Kondo Emiri, my good friend and vice president of the club!"

At the vice presidents comment about their members, Mitsuko pouted a bit. "Aw I was expecting a bigger turn out...I spent a lot of time in that Tanuki suit, passing out fliers and chasing people down." She mumbled, but quickly cheered up as the door opened one more and another guy entered. She gave her welcome and 'get ready to go' spiel once more before stopping abruptly and squinting at him. "...HEY YOU'RE THE GUY WHO KICKED ME!" She accused, pouting and hiding behind Emiri a bit. "I had to miss 30 minutes of valuable PR time to clean the shoe dirt off of Mr. Tanuki's head that day! Hmph! Although I suppose you joining the club is a good enough compensation." She said, cheerful once more. "Well it looks like everyone who's interested is here, so let's get going! A bus is coming to the bus stop in front of the school entrance and we need to be on it in fifteen minutes!" She didn't respond to his claim about being popular, although she didn't doubt that he was, she just wasn't interested in any guy who wasn't her hero and future husband, the school counselor Mr. Higuchi. (Granted he didn't know that he was her future husband or that she was in love with him but he'd find out soon enough.)

@Princess Poisoned Rose @Banana-senpai @Hemofnoize @EternalInfinity @beautie
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For the first time in his three years in Tokyo, Tomoki finally belonged somewhere. And unlike the cold chrome of most parts of the city (not counting Akiba, that's for sure), he finally found a jolly group of people to be with. His class adviser would be relieved, but that wasn't in his mind.

"Tadao-san! Welcome!" Tomoki gave a bow. The other boy seemed to be an athlete of sorts with a cool sense of style, based on his physique. "I'm Nakamura! Or...that Tomo, since that's how people seem to remember me." He chuckled shyly. Perhaps it was his reputation of sitting in nearly all the clubs at least once or that he was known as the senior who always shared food, but some students seemed to recognize him.

When Emiri walked in and greeted Mitsuko, Tomoki did a double take. He hesitated as she introduced herself. Tomoki straightened up quickly when Emiri looked at him and Tadao and he bounced on his heels nervously. He wasn't sure where his voice went, but he was absolutely smitten. After Mitsuko also introduced Emiri, Tomoki gathered his wits. "N-nakamura! I'm Nakamura of 3-A! Wait, you didn't need to know that." He blurted without thinking. "You can call me To...mo..." he added, although he wasn't sure he was ready to be on first name basis suddenly. Emiri must be the returnee or something from Italy some of his classmates were talking about.

The last member to come was someone Tomoki knew somehow. They might have been classmates once, but he can't remember. "Oshiro-kun, what a surprise!" He greeted brightly. "We're in the same year!" His classmates wouldn't stop talking about Raizo, it was impossible not to know him whether or not they were classmates. "Nakamura, by the way." He gave Raizo a quick bow.

After Mitsuko's briefing, Tomoki gave her a salute and a cheerful "Yes, Pres-chan!". He took a few steps from the door, yelped and rushed back inside. He hurriedly got his bag from the closet, took out his phone and put his bag back gently, careful not to topple the other bags. He slammed the closet door without noticing and when he was out of the room, the door gave up and hung on one hinge.

Finally, on the bus, he didn't step in until he saw everyone and made sure they were all seated. It was his nature to look after people so he pretended to be role playing as a conductor and welcomed them with a smile and enthusiastic gestures. He sat at the frontmost left row and took a quick picture of everyone in the bus.
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Thankfully the bus wasn't crowded so Mitsuko and the rest of the club were able to sit together. Mitsuko snickered as Tomoki pretended to be the conductor then grinned wide when he took a picture of all of them. He was already on the right track of being a travel writer, because he was taking pictures. She just hoped he was a good photographer. She made a mental note to ask him about that later, but for now, she was to make good on her promise to enlighten the club on their new duty as travel writers.

"Travel writing is--Wait crap--I was supposed to ask you guys what travel writing was then give the answer..." She grumbled for a moment and rummaged through her bag and when she came up empty, she shot Emiri a panicked look. "Emiri-chan where are my note cards?! Or did I never make them..." But just as she said that, her trusty vice prez handed her the bright neon note cards that she had made in case Mitsuko forgot hers (or never made them). "I owe you one!" The president whispered with a grin then cleared her throat.

"What is travel writing? Travel writing is a way of life! It's an outlet for stress! It's a way to help your community! As a travel writer, you'll visit places, have fun, find out it's secrets and meet the people there! Then you write about them in the best and brightest way possible! Like--like for example this bus!! This bus is awesome! It's clean and it smells nice and the driver is super friendly and drives smoothly and safely!" She paused for a second to scurry up to the front and ask for the driver's name, before scurrying back to her group. "So in this example, as travel writers, we'd write great things about Kousuke-san and his bus! Then we'd take a few photos of him and the bus and wrap it all together as a nice article that will encourage people to take the bus more! So you see, we bring people together and help them! And that's what we'll be doing at this new amusement park!" Just as she finished her speech, the bus pulled to a gentle stop as they arrived at the amusement park.

The group got off of the bus and stood in front of the entrance to the park, which displayed a sign reading "Fizzy Fun Land". "So, travel writers! First on our list is to experience the location, so where should we head first or should we have one of the parks famous fizzy soda milkshakes?!" Mitsuko asked, excited.
Emiri smiled at Hana. This was her closest friend in the whole school because she was brave enough to talk to her and see that she wasn't like everyone said. Sure Emi had plenty of admirers and 'friends' but none of them topped Hana. She looked behind her when Hana pointed to the guy who just walked in. He introduced himself as Oshiro and she was unimpressed with him, to say the least. Shaking her head she turned to the other boy in the room. He was cute someone she could see a possibility of dating.

He introduced himself as Nakamura, Tomo. She found his stuttering completely adorable. She grabbed her bag from the floor and walked out. "Hey Tomo, you can sit with me on the bus." She called out catching up with him smiling warmly at him. She sat next to him in the very front of the bus taking out her rather expensive camera and journal. She snapped a few picture of everyone and one of Tomo next her. Emi showed him the pictures a piece of her hair falling in her face and she huffed it away. "Here you go Hana-chan. You know I always have a copy." she handed over the cards.

She smiled at Hana as she was going through her speech and began to write furiously in her journal. She was always one to take an extreme amount of detailed notes. She hopped off of the bus waving to the driver politely as she did so. Emi stood just outside of the bus waiting for Tomo to get off of the bus.

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It seems his welcome has been very mixed. It seems the person in that Tanuki outfit was that girl yelling at him, which seems to be the president of the club too. Well it's not his fault she charged at him ready to attack him. He had to defend himself instead of running away, that is his man creed. "Well, you did try to charge at me, I had no choice but to defend myself. Perhaps next time you should approach people in a proper way instead of scaring them, maybe you'll have more club members than just this small group here." The harsh burn that came out from Oshiro's mouth might make everyone hate his guts at this point. Not that it matters to him at the least. The president is annoying, the vice president is just uninteresting and the white hair kid...well, who knows what he is thinking. The whole group seems almost stupid in his point of view. He almost regrets joining this club because of the people here. Maybe he should've taken up Aiko's deal in the first place and join the art club.

Although he might've made a very bad first impression to almost everyone, there was this other person that seemed to have greeted him very nicely to him. He might've not responded to his harsh words yet, but he'll learn to be careful around him. It seems his name was Nakamura and he greeted him with a bow. It seems he was the only one that gained a little bit of respect from Oshiro, even though he's a dude. "A pleasure to meet you." He responded back to Nakamura's introduction in a calm yet positive way. He was aware of him since there has been numerous girls he's hanged out with that complimented on him and his wacky yet positive energy. After the whole awkward situation has blew, he went on ahead and exited the school, pulling up his hood and buttoning up his coat, to hide himself from the girls in the school.

Inside the bus, Oshiro took one of the empty seat available to him and put his backpack beside of him, having no interest with other people wanting to sit by him. He listened to the president ramble on about the club itself. He stared at the front while the vice president took pictures of the whole small, petty group in the bus. After she was done, he rested his head on the window and went to sleep, well tried to, the president's loud voice kept him awake all this time. It seems the club focuses on writing some positive information about a certain area and perhaps publishing them as an article somewhere online. So this club is only there to write good stuff about a place and publish it online for others to see? What have I gotten myself into? He sighed under his breathe and waited until they arrived at his destination.

...Fizzy Fun Land

It hasn't been that long since Oshiro visited the park in a while. He visited this place about six times with different girls or a group of girls. I'm sure the others don't care about his life story, but he didn't intend on staying with the group for long, maybe he wanted to go out and get some alone time with himself so he didn't have to bear listening to them or hang out with a beautiful girl, but on the other hand, i'm sure she'll want him to stay with the group and discuss things about the park, which didn't interest him in the slightest. Regardless, he'll stay with them for the time being and see where this leads before making his decision. But he won't leave the park, he may be a jerk, but he doesn't go back on his word. He waited to see what the others wanted to do here in the amusement park.

Tadao enjoyed trips to the Fizzy Fun Land greatly. The atmosphere was always electric, and lively. It's been a while since he'd last visited the park though. Kendo club kept him insanely busy until recently when he decided to quit.

"What's a fizzy soda milk shake? It sounds interesting!"

The possibilities of what a fizzy soda milk shake would look like where flooding Tadao's mind. Could it be a carbonated milk shake that had soda added into it? Or maybe it was fizzy shake milk soda? What? The ideas weren't making sense in Tadao's mind, but they were pretty nice. They certainly didn't exist last time he was here, so he was pretty intrigued.

"Yeah, I call for checking that out first. We can check out the rides after."

Tadao turned to his new peers, smiled, and sheepishly asked....

"So who's buying? Kinda' left my wallet at the club room. I'll pay you back and that's a promise."

He forgot to take his wallet out of his bag. Only after having boarded the bus had the thought of his wallet crossed his mind.
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Buzzing with excitement, Tomoki was impressed as always at the many theme parks in Tokyo. He was certain he hadn't been to Fizzy Fun Land as he had initially hoped to go there for the first time with his crush from years ago.

He shook the thought off his head and focused on Emiri who was seated next to him. He could swear his heart stopped for a moment when she addressed him by nickname. Everyone else called him "Tomo-kun" or "Tomo-chan" if they were friendly. He might have frozen a little when she took a picture of him but he had laughed it off with self-deprecating humor.

He listened intently to Mitsuko, carefully recording the events on his own camera. He chuckled a little, watching her. Mitsuko's confidence and initiative were fascinating to Tomoki, feeling more fired up by her spirit.

He observed the members during the bus ride. He guessed by Oshiro's demeanor that he had interests that were much different from the purpose of the club. Tadao seemed to be ready for anything...or everything. They were an interesting bunch and like Emiri, he sat back down and took notes about the members, adding a doodle to substitute pictures that he thought of adding later. He then excused himself from Emiri for a moment to talk to the bus driver as Mitsuko suggested.

Having never been to Fizzy Fun Land, Tomoki had a lot of questions which the talkative bus driver didn't seem to mind. Every so often, the man launched a "back in my day" tale and Tomoki listened gladly, recording some of the stories and information about the theme park.

Fizzy Fun Land was an average theme park with its branding and colors everywhere. Refreshments and small stalls with souvenirs were the first things to greet them past the entrance, which Tomoki recorded too. They could get a whiff of the food in nearby snack bars.

Tomoki beamed at Emiri as he got off the bus, making an elaborate bow of thanks. He slid close to take a picture of the whole group before the proceeded.

"Looks like it's a good day to be here!" Tomoki said to the group. "It's not as crowded as I expected so we can probably move freely." He opened the map and stood between Emiri and Oshiro. "I haven't been here so I'm not sure where to go and what to do first. Where to, Pres-chan?"

"So, travel writers! First on our list is to experience the location, so where should we head first or should we have one of the parks famous fizzy soda milkshakes?!" Mitsuko announced to the group.

"What's a fizzy soda milkshake? It sounds interesting!" Tadao spoke up.

"No idea, sounds good!" Tomoki found the stall where the special refreshments were sold. "So guys? Let's go?"

"Yeah, I call for checking that out first. We can check out the rides after." Tadao replied and then added, "So who's buying? Kinda' left my wallet at the club room. I'll pay you back and that's a promise."

"I'll do it!" Tomoki volunteered. "I think I'm the eldest, so there's that." He chuckled. He turned to Oshiro. "Oshiro-kun, you seem familiar with the place though. Any suggestions after the milkshakes?"