The Strumpet Inn OOC

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Hey! How is everyone today?

Are there any characters free to interact with Julian?
Hey! How is everyone today?

Are there any characters free to interact with Julian?
My character, Lady, is free. She isn't quite at the Inn yet, just traveling there if that would be fine. If not, she'll be there soon haha
My character, Lady, is free. She isn't quite at the Inn yet, just traveling there if that would be fine. If not, she'll be there soon haha
I'd love to RP with you! I'll post after she arrives. How does that sound?
I'd love to RP with you! I'll post after she arrives. How does that sound?
Sounds good! I don't want to move ahead of people though, not sure if we are all taking turns or posting when available.
@Panne @Luna_Gillian


Actually Rodent should be free. I'mma postie up something tonight hopefully then k?
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I will add the post flow order on the first post of the OOC. :)
@Cel Hey~hey^^

So like I think still open? This is from the CHK:

I'm looking for at minimum SIX people to start with. It will be an open RP, so people can join us as we go along.

But like Boo thinks that it's best to wait for 'Chi to confirm tho ^^
Work in progress! Another character to come!

Name: Zilyana "Sal" Kelleth
Age: roughly 340 years young
Gender: Female
Race: Tree Elf
Occupation: Magician/Con Artist
Personality: Zilyana is a very outgoing and charming young woman. She loves to joke around with people, and is always willing to lend her ear to a story. She loves to have fun, and use her magic to aid in that endeavor. Sal, unfortunately for some, also loves gems and precious metals. She adorns herself in many of her own creations, of which many have questionable origins. She likes to keep her cute and innocent facade up, while stealing from the unfortunate few who fall for her charms.
Bio: Zilyana was born to elf parents, or so she assumes (she is an elf, after all), but raised by some moderately civilized goblin-folk.They taught her early to steal, and she perfected the art into something other than pillaging and thieving. When the generations that raised her passed away, she left the goblin clan, and made her life in a human city, acting as a fortune teller to raise money. She became very good at cheating people out of their money. She was eventually ran out of the city, after stealing from a well respected nobleman of the neighboring town. Since then, she has made her home at the inn, taking the few odd jobs here and there, all while cheating newcomers of their hard earned gold.
What's in your bag:
Well, until GM returns, this is what I've been working on, on and off. I've been following this RP for a few days now and have been thinking about joining. I have more to her, just like to wait until I know it's alright with GM~^^

Amira (Uh-Mere-Uh) "Mira" Cantrell

Appears to be in her early twenties.


A miscellaneous mercenary and enchantress.


What's in your bag:


My secret identity is that of a galoot which is drunken.
@Luna_Gillian no I feels ya. The twins are up. Imma edit my post so its not so reliant on Veda and more open.

@Cel I say put up what's ya gots regardless of GM return. Boo been doing this since she was 14. I loves ya 'Chi but Boo seen so many GMs disappear for no reason. Post it, Cel. Better to beg forgiveness and all that. I'm not a bitch really but I seen this before.
@Luna_Gillian no I feels ya. The twins are up. Imma edit my post so its not so reliant on Veda and more open.

@Cel I say put up what's ya gots regardless of GM return. Boo been doing this since she was 14. I loves ya 'Chi but Boo seen so many GMs disappear for no reason. Post it, Cel. Better to beg forgiveness and all that. I'm not a bitch really but I seen this before.

Yea I'm thinking of just continuing on too if other people decide to keep going on. I mean, it seems so fun and since the Inn is just a home base plenty can continue on without it.

We are all here and put effort into our characters so it seems like a waste of time not to continue.
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