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Legens Legentis

Deus Ex Machina
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, & Romance

"Oh, you're new here, aren't you? Not many folk wind up in this old town, willingly, that is..."

"Hmm? This is Keresberg. I'm sorry your car broke down, but you can stay here for as long as necessary."

"Hehe, I also happen to run the local inn. I have a room set up for you already, free of charge!"

"But before you get settled in, you need to make a promise. Don't go outside at night."

"Bad things happen to people who go outside at night."


"Enjoy your stay!"


Welcome to Keresberg, a quiet and peaceful town that always opens its arms to visitors. You won't find it on any map, nor will you ever hear about it from outsiders, but don't let that startle you. There are many worse things to be startled of. Everyone here tends to get along, and rarely will you see an unhappy face around in Keresberg. The unhappy ones are the first to go. There might not be much to see, but the generous denizens are always pleased to befriend oncoming strangers.

Well, things used to be peaceful, until one particular stranger waltzed into town by mistake one night. With his broken-down car sitting in the driveway of the inn, no trace of any cellphone reception, and intimidating geographical barriers, the stranger was practically trapped. All are trapped here. The locals were noticeably curious as to whom this fellow was, and things started to go downhill from there. They had taken a liking to this stranger. In fact, they never wanted him to leave.

Everyone in Keresberg has a dark secret that they wish to remain buried. Something unusual about the town itself binds them here, causing the denizens to become obsessive with their new 'friend'. They plot against each other endlessly, hoping to win the stranger's affections, and to find a way to keep him trapped. Only the latest victim of Keresberg can unlock the mystery behind its strange occurrences.

Only the locals can divert him from the shocking truth.



1. Hark, for the GM's word is law. As is Iwaku's, for that matter.
2. Other than the protagonist, there are no male characters.
3. All of the town's citizens must meet the standard definition of a 'yandere', or lovesick psychopath.
4. No bullying or harassment of thy fellow players.
5. The protagonist ought to take the role of 'detective' in the context of the story.
6. No god-modding.
7. Never be hesitant to offer suggestions or ask questions.
8. The 'optional' placed in the available roles section means that you are permitted to choose your own career path for your character. Keep in mind, it would be preferable if you ask for permission on whichever career you have selected for the 'optional' as I'd like to keep it consistent with the story.


Character Sheet:

Physical Appearance:


Available Roles:

1. Protagonist @Chris_Reaper
2. Innkeeper (me)
3. Clothes Store Owner @Neko_Green
4. Librarian @Ning_Yue
5. Nurse
6. Farmer
7. Carpenter
8. Stargazer/Astronomer
9. Antique Dealer
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Should I post my CS here?
Name: May Livingstein

Age: 28

Height: 5' 5"

Weight: 115

Physical Appearance: [spoili]

Occupation: Clothes Store Owner

Personality: May is a conceited business owner who enjoys making herself and others look good. She will gladly help anyone look their best out of pity. May may appear serious and solemn, but she can be a flirt. As when she finds someone she finds a liking too, May will go after them like a huntress.

Bio: May Livingstein was born in the town as were her parents. It was a close-knit community and everyone knew everyone. She played a few of the other children who were in the town, but barely anyone else came to the town. She was homeschool and taught by her parents to spin clothes and fabrics. May was quite good at it and when she inherited her parent's wealth at their suspicious death she used the fund to start her store where she spun and sold her own clothes.

She did have a falling out later on in her early 20s with the town's [insert] due to a fight they had. May's shop didn't make as much money as she expected since the town is so small. She now spins clothes for fun and goes to tea parties with other towns peoples and especially with her best friend [insert].
Name: Damian Alvarado

Age: 31

Height: 6'1

Weight: 185 lbs.
Physical Appearance:

Occupation: Army Captain (O-3)

Personality: Damian is the consummate cynic and pessimist. He almost is always looking on the dark side of situations and almost always expecting the worst...people are always guilty till proven innocent in his eyes. He has a snarky and sardonic sense of humor that he mainly uses as a defense mechanism to mask his plethora of insecurities and an ever present inferiority complex.

Bio: Damian Alvarado was born to low income parents in the slums of Spanish Harlem, New York. From an early age he learned he would pretty much have to fend for himself, as his parents were almost never around. At the age of eight, he was taken by child protective services and raised by his alcoholic uncle.

Despite his questionable surroundings, Damian was determined not to fall into the depravity his relatives seemed to be mired in. He studied and did quite well in school, eventually graduating with a 3.4 GPA. A day after he received his diploma, he enlisted in the Army...and he has never looked back. Serving a few years as an enlisted man, he earned a degree with the military and entered O.T.S. and became an Army Officer. He jumped around various fields until he settled on an M.P. He now is in command of a small platoon on his base an a O-3 Captain.
May I reserve the Librarian please? I shall post the character sheet when I'm more awake.
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