- The Seventh-Order Institute - Magical Academy (Original)

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Unknown Cryptid
Original poster
What this RP Is About:
This is an original take on the classic magic school trope, with some worldbuilding and slice-of-life on the side! Oh, and monsters. Lots of monsters.

The Setting & Plot:
The Seventh-Order Institute has... a rocky reputation. Some say it's a school specifically designed for villains. Some say the professors are amassing a cult of unsavory n'er-do-wells to overthrow the world. Others say the only students who go here are are outcasts and monsters. But what The Seventh-Order actually is, is a magical academy dedicated to learning any style and class of magic students have ever wished to - with one noteworthy difference to almost any other school. Knowledge is freely given, censorship is considered a form of control to be frowned upon, and there are no consequences for dabbling in dangerous lessons except for what you bring upon yourself in stupidity or weakness.

And that's in the clause you sign when you enroll, which waives all responsibility of your own actions and choices from the institute. You're on your own.

Want to learn to summon demons? There are books, professors and classes on it. How about opening portals to different planes of existence? There are books, professors and classes on that, too. Do curses fascinate you more than healing and salves? No one will judge you for studying and specializing in curse mastery. But if your ambition oversteps your ability and you die? You brought it on yourself. Unleash a monster on a small town, and they come for you with fire and steel? Figure it out. You are the master of your own fate, consequence, and extent of your knowledge. Take your time, learn slow, don't bite off more than you can chew, and enjoy the freedom to study and practice what you want. The chains of morality and social rule will not touch, judge, or condemn you here... unless a force from outside the Institute comes for you, instead.

Student & Professor Roles:
  • There are no limits on how many students join, or which classes they take. Go wild with that! If more than one student likes a certain type of class - hey, you have someone to actively respond to in the RP and some friendships already ready to go! This is the best part.
  • Professor roles will need reviewed to keep from making duplicates. There are no limits on what kind of professors you want to play a part for, but if two things are too similar, it will need reworked. This is to keep roles fair and clean.
    • Example: Herbology Professor and Apothecary Professor would be too similar. One or the other, whichever one is claimed first, would claim that role.
  • Extracurricular fun stuff is also allowed in terms of Professors. Authello and Amin are both co-workers/brothers that maintain the Theater department - so if your character likes things in relation to instruments, go for that, too. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
  • This is mostly slice-of-life, so there's no huge plot to worry about.... Y E T.
General Rules & Etiquette:
  • There is no set schedule for classes, as that would be too restrictive for a roleplay flow. Just try to keep it in a reasonable realistic sense when writing scenes with each other and try not to jump around too much so those who are still back in a class scene have time to wrap it up and then things won't get split. Especially when involving a student and a professor's interaction before a scene closes.
  • I don't know how big this RP will get. So for now, I'll say that with 4 people, please wait for all 4 people to take a turn posting before responding with your next post.
  • If one person doesn't respond in 2 days, then you may post again. Group RPs are a little more fast-paced and need more dedicated responses to keep such a big flow of users moving without losing interest or forgetting what's going on. (I myself am guilty of the forgetfulness.)
  • If we get big - 5-8 people - then I will allow smaller posts in between normal big ones. This is because if a professor asks a student a question, it would only take maybe 2-3 sentences for the student to respond, and that would make flow a lot easier anyway. Other than that, please try to wait!
  • Sometimes conversations between two characters will fall behind due to everyone taking a turn to post. If you quote who you're answering, please just spoiler the quoted post so that it keeps things neat and tidy.
  • Obligatory: Follow all of Iwaku's rules of standards. Don't be a jerk to anyone, don't bash, harass, or hound anyone for anything... and please don't hound someone to post a response. This is why I have the 2-day rule out in the open. Some folks just get busy. Or lose interest! Hey, it happens.

The Role Compendium:
I will update this periodically with any new characters and roles that people want to play. For now, I'll just toss in my own as an example.

Authello - Theater Professor (Stage Crew)
Artwork is commissioned by Enneky for my novel covers.
Age: He doesn't like to talk about it.
Race: Faerie
Personality: Calm, quiet, and contemplative. He'd be the Sad Mask of the pair of brothers, but he's always caring and willing to help out anyone struggling with something, especially stage fright. He's mysterious and is very skilled at dodging questions. Fae are tricky, and he is no exception - cunning double meanings and cryptic messages are his forte, but they're rarely malicious. He tends to have a soft spot for those he sees potential in who hold themselves back out of fear, and has a very supportive, encouraging way to speak to bring out the best in his students. He doesn't talk about the private lessons he can teach, and they tend to be more dangerous as faerie magic generally is. He'll tutor if asked - but the trick is, you have to know what he's offering already. Somehow.
Classes: Stage Crew I and II, Illusory Magic for Performance Enhancements I, II, and III.
Private Classes: Hmm...
History: Nobody knows, and don't bother asking. Nobody even knows their last names. The extent of their magic is unknown, and so is most of their temperament. All anyone does know is that he and his brother were somehow approached by the Institute, and asked if they would be willing to teach a bunch of mischievous students magic. They were too free spirited to be bogged down by a traditional classroom, and took over the Theater, which no one was really willing to argue about. And technically, they aren't even employed here. Both Authello and Amin are free to go whenever they please - keeping faeries in bottles is a bad move. All anyone's current guess is, is that they have fun doing what they're doing, so they stay. That's about it.
Other: Has a soft, warm voice, and a very posh accent - exactly the same as his twin.

Amin - Theater Professor (Performance Arts)
Artwork is commissioned by Enneky for my novel covers.
Age: Good luck. He doesn't talk about it either.
Race: Faerie
Personality: Flamboyant, borderling obnoxious, the actual Jester of the two of them, and would definitely be the Laughing Mask. Amin is loud, sometimes rude, and isn't afraid to roast a student the way he would a heckler while on stage. But he's just a teaser - for the most part, Amin cares as much about his students as Authello does. He also maintains his personal secrets, but is more inclined to tell you that a little more bluntly. He has a deep love for how performances bring out reactions in other people, even if all of it isn't real. Illusions were something he'd come up with himself to incorporate into the Institute's plays and musicals, and as far as anyone knows, those illusions are exactly why the school is renowned for its public shows with its students as the stars. He tends to come off as the more friendly of the two due to his boisterous, and always-smiling personality, but... something tends to feel slightly off sometimes about that.
Classes: Illusory Magic for Performance Enhancements I, II, and III, Acting I and II, Changing Faces I, and II.
History: Nobody knows, and don't bother asking. Nobody even knows their last names. The extent of their magic is unknown, and so is most of their temperament. All anyone does know is that he and his brother were somehow approached by the Institute, and asked if they would be willing to teach a bunch of mischievous students magic. They were too free spirited to be bogged down by a traditional classroom, and took over the Theater, which no one was really willing to argue about. And technically, they aren't even employed here. Both Authello and Amin are free to go whenever they please - keeping faeries in bottles is a bad move. All anyone's current guess is, is that they have fun doing what they're doing, so they stay. That's about it.
Other: Has a soft, warm voice, and a very posh accent - exactly the same as his twin.

Ivy Lee - Student
No art, I need to draw her...
Age: 25
Race: Human
Description: Generally wears the same gothy clothes as she always does. Ripped up jeans, a baggy black hoodie, and wears a dragonfly pin on the shaved-styled side of her otherwise long, black hair. Her skin is unusually pale and sickly, and her eyes are a metallic blue-green, smeared in just a little too much eyeliner.
Personality: Quiet artist who usually spends her off-time in her sketchbook with her ink pens. Doesn't have too many friends, given she'd only just enrolled, but isn't necessarily anti-social. Just shy. She likes reading old dusty books, scouring for secrets, and takes pride in that she's usually unnoticed, so hears everything about everyone. And never uses any of it. Knows more than she lets on. Some of her favorite things are the simplest ones - a cup of hot tea in a big sitting window, watching the rain, or listening to music on full blast on her haedphones, loafing on the bed. Her pet weasel is her best friend, and is usually found nestled in her hood, until she starts hopping around Ivy's shoulders. Or chewing her hair.
Class Interests: Hedge witchery, poisons, curses, and summoning. She joins Theater for the Stage Crew, but she's not much of a Spotlight kind of girl, as she prefers the painting and work in the background for her skills and hobbies. And for the illusion lessons.
History: Ivy had a nasty past with her family, and eventually just ran off. No one knows she's here in the Institute, and no one needs to know, as far as she's concerned. Whatever she left behind is in the past. What she wants now is to make her life better. But her interests were a little more on the darker side, and she's currently at a war with herself as to whether or not her own intentions are good-willed, or vengeful.
Other: Secret crush on a professor. Shh.
Colour me interested. It's been years since I've done forum roleplay so I may be a wee bit rusty. But this sounds like something right up my ally. I'll probably end up playing a human who doesn't want to be, focusing on shapeshifting and the creepier side of nature magic (can I eat things to gain versions of their powers, or something like that.)
Sounds interesting. I'd like to know more about the extent of the creative liberties we can take when crafting a character and their lore. Going by a few small details, is it a safe assumption the school is essentially a haven for unorthodox knowledge seekers from all times and places?
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It look's interesting!
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Did the IC for this launch already?
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Color me interested!
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@Jester Any updates on if you'll be running this?
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There's quite a few folks interested now. :D I think I'll hook up an OOC thread, and an official start thread here over the weekend for those still ready to go. :)
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Sounds interesting. I'd like to know more about the extent of the creative liberties we can take when crafting a character and their lore. Going by a few small details, is it a safe assumption the school is essentially a haven for unorthodox knowledge seekers from all times and places?
There's no age restriction, like a normal college. Humans and fantasy races are both welcome - just obviously god-moding since everyone would be there to learn. Other than that, yeah, it's an unorthodox private institution that reviews each application to join to make sure no one gets accepted that's just there to start shit to the general public about what goes on inside. A good way to look at it, is a more menacing Hogwarts lol.
Im looking forwards to this
Hey this still open? I got some ideas for a character, and this does sound like it could be fun.