The Secret Wilomore Society

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terrified to be known, desperate to be understood
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
romance. angst. drama. modern. fantasy. supernatural. adventure. crime. period pieces.

The Secret Wilomore Society
Billie Eilish - No Time To Die


Dear ____,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I know you must have many questions. Do not fret, I assure you I plan to answer all of them. Or all that I can, once we meet. Or if we should meet, of course, that all is determined by the decision you make after reading this letter. But first I have a few questions of my own to ask you. Questions that you should ask yourself.

Have you ever felt out of place? Different? As if there is something about you that is not normal? And no, I am not speaking of a simple personality trait, or weird family. I am writing about the abilities you possess. Call them what you will: supernatural, mutation, or magic. Nevertheless, they are there and if you did not know it before, you do now. This letter is only sent to those who have them.

With the ability you carry, you can do many things. Great things. Or nothing at all, I suppose. This letter was sent to you with the clear intention of inviting you into something bigger. And that bigger thing is the Wilomore Society; a secret society made to investigate and fight other mysterious forces who use their abilities for the lesser good - or evil, if you will, from the shadows.

Before you crumple this letter, we are not some simple and cliche vigilante group performing acts of heroism in spandex, oh no. And we certainly do not make you put yourself in danger every day without good reason — this is for the greater good.

We take care of our own. Meaning you will be paid a hefty salary, and your needs will be provided for. Debt? Family issues? Health? Everything and anything; we will be there to help you with it.

If you are not willing to get involved with this, then there is nothing to worry about. You may toss this letter aside now and all your knowledge of the Wilomore Society may go with it. But if you are interested, then on the first of August, we will be waiting for you at 806 Acorn Street.

--- Charlotte Wilomore

The Wilomore Society

The Wilomore society was founded during the late 1600s in London, by the noble Wilomore family, and was created with the simple purpose of "fighting fire with fire". The Wilomores were a gifted family with a set of unique abilities, all of which were used against those who utilized their own for ill will and evil. Of course, the Wilomores did all this from the shadows for if they did not, they would be persecuted and ostracized by society — being called witches and demons and other cruel names.

The stronger they grew, the more they expanded and helped others like them. Welcoming many into their group and assembling a large team of gifted individuals. As they grew in number, they began to develop new bases: the first, in New York, which extended to Buffalo; the second, Casablanca; and the third, Tokyo. Though the larger they grew, and the more power they attained, the more discontent and disagreement reared their heads.

The conflict reached the tipping point when they began working with the government in the 1920s in exchange for more supplies, wealth, comrades, and power. The goal of their establishment had gotten lost with the interests of the government, and more and more members were asked to do cruel things to people who stood little chance against them. Things began to crumble from then on.

Finally, in the 1960s, one of their members went mad and brought about great harm. As a result, the entire Wilomore society was forced to shut down. Most of the members were arrested or scattered. Many, if not all, hit rock bottom. Anyone who showed any sign of extraordinary abilities was taken in by authorities, be it a child or an adult.

However, there is a remaining member of the Wilomore family. A young woman, Charlotte Wilomore.

Charlotte Wilomore

Charlotte Jane Wilomore, known as Charlie to close companions, is the only remaining Wilomore... but not the only remaining member of the Wilmore society.

Charlotte was ten years old when her parents passed away and she was put in the custody of their house's butler, Jeremy Wada, and house caretaker, Anne Wilde. When she was fourteen, she started doing rogue work; the same type of work that she read her family used to do, including her parents from the shadows. When she was sixteen, she brought back the Secret Wilomore Society and brought in more members.

To the public, she is simply a socialite; an orphan to the highly esteemed Wilomore family, and heiress to their green company and the Wilomore foundation. She is a famous novelist, poet, and fashion designer. Her true work is hidden from them all.

The society has been running for nine years since its rebirth, and Charlotte has decided to recruit more members, inviting the potential recruits to her home and headquarters; the Wilomore Foundation on 806 Acorn Street, New York City, New York.

The Secret Wilomore Society may be small, but Charlotte has every intention of restoring it to its former glory.

The World

The year is 2022, set in New York City, New York where the base of the Secret Wilomore Society and WilomoreCorps, the American multinational conglomerate financing the society, is rooted. The headquarters are at Wilomore Tower.

It is also a city where many and all kinds of people pass through, including those with extraordinary abilities. Fifteen percent of the human population is born with these abilities, and there is no other way to retrieve them but to simply find them. After all, the existence of these people has been kept secret for years. Centuries before, they were thought of as demons or witches or some otherworldly being when they displayed these inhuman natural abilities. Now, in the current day, if one is seen with these abilities, the government is called and they are taken away. What happens to them after is unknown, and usually covered up.


1. This is the interest check and will be closed and archived after gaining enough players. The OOC will take place on the Discord. If you'd like to participate, COMMENT INTEREST IN THIS THREAD. I am looking for players that write in third person, past or present tense, intermediate writing, and can push out 2-3 paragraphs minimum a post.

2. All Iwaku rules apply. Please follow them through, thank you.

3. Respect me as the GM, my co-GM @Jenamos, and the rules we put in place. On that note, respect every other player too. Treat people as you would like to be treated. Ill behavior OOC can and will get you removed, as well as if you drag that behavior into IC.

4. No god-modding, power play, and Mary/Gary Sues. Please ask permission before making a major move against another character or in the story in general.

5. Sex scenes must be put in spoilers, blurred, or taken to PMs. Anything that may be triggering must have a warning beforehand, be put in spoilers, or be blurred.

6. Realistic face claims only.

7. You play up to 10 characters, all have to be 18+.

8. I am very flexible with posting speed, I myself am slow. But If you're going to disappear indefinitely or no longer feel up to the roleplay, please let me know.

9. Once your character is accepted, I will react with a "Nice Execution!".



comment your interest here
This seems really cool! Mind if I hop on board?
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Is there room for one more? 🥺
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Hello! I am very interested. Is there still room for one more player?
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: MaryGold
I think this is great!~ I'll definitely take a spot.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: MaryGold
Still looking for more?