CHARACTER the rissa reserve

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Human | Nubian | Female | Seventeen​

Regal. Impulsive. Witty. Zealous.

While Teja has a good head on her shoulders and is self-driven and self-motivated, she still has the temperament and emotional volatility of a teenager (kind and courteous but with a curt, despotic tongue when rightfully angered). Refined behavior is expected at court and in the eyes of the masses, and fervent prayers for the Good Father's eternal protection are given whenever home in Ubasa, but alone in her quarters, on the training fields, or along deserted paths between cities, the wildness in Teja-Soueriosi is released, an untamed flame burning bright.

Growing up in the shadow of her siblings and the domineering might of Nubian beliefs, Teja-Soueriosi is nothing more than an average princess among the might and majesty of her family. Even her baby sister, poised and fashioned for the throne, has more grace in her pinky finger than Teja could ever muster. This hasn't made her bitter towards her family, however, as her fondness for them only pushes her to be better. More effective. Useful.

A little over six years ago, when she convinced her mother and father to allow her a rasp, she spent nearly an entire season with a renowned breeder, learning the ins and outs of their habits and tendencies, until finally, nearing the end of the season, she helped Sabou'a hatch.

Knowing that it is her duty in life to help the Nubian Empire thrive and potentially lead one of her great cities, Teja has spent many years traveling when she can, to learn as much about her people and the lands that they share.

Despite training in the bow, sword and shield, and spear since she was old enough to wield them, Teja is competent, but painfully so. She's consistently average with everything she attempts, given enough attention and training, but finds herself unable to truly excel at anything.

This poor fortune ends with her ability to ride and train Sabou'a, the rasp she absolutely begged her parents for at the age of eleven. When mounted, her average weapons training are elevated to something greater, and with six years of training under their belt, Teja and Sabou'a are a menace to ne'er do wells and her loyal guardsmen alike.

Like her rasp, Teja-Soueriosi is an equally strong swimmer, climber, and runner, her endurance well honed due to the desire to prove herself, pushing herself to become the very best she can be.

Feistier than your average rasp, Sabou'a is territorial of Teja-Soueriosi and only relents to her loyal guard. Otherwise, most are incapable (and smart enough not to tread too close) of escaping the lightning-fast swish of his spiked tail. He stands at a massive 18.7 hands tall and though most of his scales blend in well with the Nubian landscape, Sabou'a has a wash of dark turquoise scales along the ridge of his back and tail. He's capable of carrying two additional persons or 1 armored person in addition to Teja, though he'll often buck extra's off when it's time to swim.
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Human | Female | Mid-twenties​


Arete doesn't know much. About herself. About the world. About life outside of Sehzade Bayezid's inner court. She opened her eyes and feasted, choked on the orgia of opulence and nothing has changed in the years since she first shut them. The Prince of Promise, Arete had grown up calling him. Son of Gold, Sun of Gold, little Arete would cry, carrying over a tankard half the size of herself, Prince of Promise, Prince of Plenty! Arete couldn't tell you when Pleonektein Prince became more accurate. Lavish desires encircled her every waking hour, men and women bleeding golden avarice from every pore and orifice. Arete had seen enough. She closed her eyes against the extravagance, against the petulant thirst, but the aureate court would never release an ornamentation. So she ate in the opulence, danced in the opulence, served the opulence on golden platters heavier than god for the corpulent desires of Sehzade Bayezid's inner court.

  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
  • What a TWIST
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Deinian | Female | 27 | Self Proclaimed Queen​

has always been
a magnetic quality
to the half-pale
Skaggi Unfrid

Skaggi is her father's daughter.

Her mother's joy.

The Ölmur tribes pride.

Many believed Skaggi to be born for war; for conquering— perhaps they should have seen the signs; the growing strength both in her body and those that followed behind her, the trail of defeated in her wake, her dark hazel eyes hungering for more. Not for herself, no, but for all the peoples of Dein. Her brothers and sisters of ice and snow. They deserved better.

They deserved more.

And she would deliver it unto them.

Skaggi was born amidst a terrible late-winter storm, one that nearly strangled the life right out of Dein. She, along with a few others born in the same season, survived, thanks to the Ölmur tribe pulling their dwindling resources together. The few that lasted into their childhood were heralded as the future's good fortune, as the tribe's pride and joy, and they were well tested throughout their later years, to ensure they lived up to their expectations; for they would one day lead the Elder tribe.

When Skaggi was thirteen and on a hunt with her father and a few others, tragedy in the form of the Winter Stag struck. Though the beast was eventually killed, gutted, and skinned, Skjorrad Unfrid lost a hand in the process. The one he used to swing his hammer in the forge. It took some time getting used to, but as an elder of the tribe he was not without merit and spent the remainder of his life passing down secrets and tools of the trade to anyone willing to spend the sweat, blood, and tears before his ancestral forge. Skaggi understands the basics of forging, she grew up in the warmth of her father's forge, helping out where she could. And perhaps her life would have turned out differently, had she decided to take up her father's mantle. But she didn't. The day Skjorrad lost his hand was the day Skaggi decided she would become the Ölmur tribe's greatest warrior. She would defend her people with life and limb, just as her father had. And though he left this world some years ago now, his words still ring true in her heart,

"The cattle will die, Skaggi, just as I, for all men have mortal lives; but remember, my child, remember this good and clear: words of praise upon honorable deeds will never perish, nor will a name of honor and integrity."


Skaggi prefers to dual wield two small hand-axes, enjoying the daze of battle, the heightened emotions, the slowing of time as your life hung between life and death.

She is a formidable warrior, though there is a small, dubious reason for this. Skaggi is excellent at distraction, at trash talking, at subjugating fear within the minds of her enemies. Her voice was always enough to make them stagger, to second guess their footing, to doubt their instincts. And when they did, she'd strike with staggering blows, her half-pale strength unmistakable.

Ever since she was a child, Skaggi has been fascinated with her projection, despite her father's worry that she would not receive it, due to her being half Pale and half Iqinile. Her projection prowess is deceptively strong, capable of entering the minds of her entire band of 20+ loyalists at once with relative ease, if not a bit of mental fatigue after the fact. She has stretched the bounds of her projection over the years, doubling, if not tripling the distance of her projection compared to average users of the skill. At this point in her life, it is as natural as breathing and has trained both facial expressions and physical reactions to reduce the obviousness of her frequent projection-communication.


— Despite Skaggi's incredible strength, her mother continues to be stronger and even more durable than she. She is well known and well respected within the Ölmur tribe, if only for her absolute strength, tenacity, and being the wife of Skjorrad Unfrid.

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  • Nice Execution!
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