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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Name: Sana Hirai

Nickname: Sa-chan

Rank: Genin

Organization: Republican Military

"It's true that you achieve what you work hard for, not what you dream about – but who can say that dreams don't shape your goals and the path to them in the first place?"

  • Bloodline: None

    Chakra Nature:
    Lightning Release

    Gender: Female

    Age and date of birth: 16, June the 7th

    Age Appearance: Teens

    Sexuality: Unexplored

  • zkKyjeO.jpg

    Note: Her hair is shorter, falling just below her shoulders. On missions, she wears it pinned up in a simple bun or chignon or somesuch.

    Length and build: 172 centimeters. Fit with compact muscles.

    Weight: 68 kilograms.

    Favourite weather and season: Lightly snowing and Winter.

    Scars and tattoos:

    Currently, Sana has:
    • None

  • Personality:
    Dutiful. Ambitious. Determined. Focused. Practical. Hard-working. Efficient. Distantly polite. Loyal. Cautious. Workaholic. Straightforward. Formal. Prone to envy. Unsympathetic.

    On the surface, Sana is a polite to friendly person, but she doesn't form connections easily, and is indifferent to most people. Outside her family, she has never been close enough to anyone to call them a friend. Her cousins were enough for her, and so she never really learned how to form relationships where the family-bond wasn't present. She spent her time at the academy mostly to herself, focusing on training. She's not at all shy, though, and while willing to speak out, she isn't particularly bold either. However, when she does form a bond, it tends to last. Despite knowing rationally that it's an easily exploitable weakness, she's fiercely loyal to those scant few people she's genuinely close to.

    A core characteristic of Sana is how very goal-oriented and efficient she is. She's been noted to be dutiful, hard-working, and ambitious. While she is determined to better herself, that doesn't stop her from being cautious, envious, or even afraid of those above her. She has no problem obeying her superiors, but she's not keen to connect with them or confide in them for those problems she considers private. Sana's only expectation for her future team-leader and team-mates is that they will be able to cooperate, be civil, and trust each other on a professional level, but doesn't see it as a necessity that they 'click' on a personal level. As such, she tends to be curt and distant in the presence of superiors.

    Though she's watchful, and has a pretty good memory for the little details, she isn't as good at connecting the dots into a clear, large picture. For example, she can spend a long time with a person, but still feel indecisive as to what sort of character they have. She may possess several pieces of information, but hesitate (or be outright unable) to draw firm conclusions if some pieces of the puzzle are missing. And in the case of noticing a trap, her first instinct would be to immediately dismantle it, and she'd have to actively restrain herself to consider whether leaving it in place might be more beneficial. All in all, Sana is fairly straightforward. Though she has a strong desire to advance in ranks, she has no clue how she could lead a team (or even more intimidating, several teams), but hopes that working as a follower will give her clues on how to eventually be a leader herself.​

    • Cold weather.
    • The outdoors.
    • Shaved ice.
    • Training.
    • Spicy curry.

    • Overbearing heat.
    • Strong perfumes.
    • Pocketless trousers and jackets.
    • Small spaces.
    • Disrespect.
    • Disappointing her father.
    • Dishonoring her mother's memory.
    • Being unable to protect those dear to her.
    • Death of a family member.
    • Become a competent shinobi, be successful on missions, advance in ranks.
    • Join the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist.

  • Backstory:

    Sana's parents had her relatively late, since they were both a part of the military, and her mother needed permission before a long-term absence. As it was, Sana was born to Nariko in 460, several months after the start of the Great Shinobi War. As such, she was nurtured by her mother for perhaps half-a-year. Then, her mother returned to active duty, while Sana was handed to Amaya, Nariko's younger sister, who was also pregnant at the time. Sana was mainly raised by her aunt and uncle during her early years, but she did get to interact with her parents whenever they were able to return home.

    However, her mother was killed during the final battle of the Great War, and her father returned a changed man. He was withdrawn, yet determined to raise his daughter right. He still performed his job as a military man, despite how disgusting he often found work beneath the subsequent tyrants to be. Kaien personally never dared to join any uprisings until his daughter was older; he did eventually help deposit both the fourth and fifth Mizukage. He joined the Swords of Truth soon afterwards, desiring to push for a stronger military for the Republic, which he saw as the dawn of something good for Kirigakure.

    As for Sana, she had not understood for a long time what it meant that her mother would never return. She barely had any memories of Nariko, and though she saw how deeply affected her aunt was by the tragedy, she didn't quite understand. She did miss her mother at several points in her life, but she quickly rationalized her death as the oft inevitable part of duty. Her grief and disappointment at the lack of a mother were never particularly strong. Besides, her father never mentioned his pain, and after the first two years or so, neither did her aunt. All in all, raised as she was by her father, aunt, and uncle, Sana lived a relatively normal and content life.

    Sana was most strongly influenced by her father, though, and adopted his ideology. Kaien always drilled into her the need to be strong enough to protect herself. He often trained her himself, whenever he had the time, from as early as she was able to remember. Besides the scant few pictures of her mother, and even rarer memories of her, the only memento Sana had of her was the katana Nariko had had commissioned during the Great War. As such, Sana became interested in kenjutsu from an early age, which she chose as the first thing she'd try to master.

    Her aunt and uncle, in contrast to her father, were much less militant, and often cautioned her of the dangers of active duty. Ironically, spending time with them and experiencing the warmth and safety of a civilian life (but also their wariness and fear of ever-present dangers) only fueled Sana's desire to follow her parents' footsteps and become a shinobi. She took the training under her father seriously, and excelled in the Military Academy. She was found capable of molding chakra – not a surprise when both her parents had been able to – and entered Shinobi Academy. Sana graduated without a problem, and has been set to work at the barracks until her assignment to a team was finalized.​

  • Family:

    | Nariko Hirai |
    Sana's deceased mother. Nariko died at 29 years old in service during the final battle of the Great War. Sana barely has any memories of her, but rarely misses her. She has long since come to terms with her death. However, the thoughts of whether her mother would be proud of her is one of the things that drives her in her pursuits.​

    | Kaien Hirai |
    Sana's father, currently 47 years old. A military man and a member of the Swords of Truth. He has trained Sana since an early age, and has been a strong inspiration for her to become a shinobi. The person Sana most respects so far, though they are pretty cold and formal to each other - mainly because Kaien has been more detached and strict ever since his wife's death. However, they do care for each other strongly - they just don't show it in a mushy or cuddly manner.​

    Other Relatives:
    • Amaya Kasai, Sana's aunt (her mother's sister). Currently 36 years old. Amaya has served as Sana's surrogate mother since before her first years, since Nariko had to return to active duty as soon as she could due to the war. Her aunt has also often watched over her after Sana's death, helping Kaien take care of her when he couldn't. Sana has a very warm relationship with Amaya.​
    • Mizuki Kasai, Sana's uncle (Amaya's husband). Currently 40 years old. He is another of Sana's guardians, so she is very close to him. More nurturing but also more laidback than her father, Sana loves him, but tends to dismiss his worries over her becoming a shinobi.​
    • Seren Kasai. Currently 15 years old. Sana's honorary sister. They grew up together, and are close friends – despite not having much in common.​
    • Yoru Kasai. Currently 11 years old. Sana's honorary brother. This solemn boy is secretly her favourite cousin.​
    • Yuma Kasai. Currently 11 years old. Sana's honorary brother. The younger, mischievous twin often drives her crazy, but Sana is also strongly protective of him.​
    • Kirari Kasai. Currently 5 years old. Sana's honorary sister. The darling of the Kasai family, though Sana hasn't managed to connect with her as well as she has with her other cousins. A rather spoilt child.​

    None outside her family.


    Other People:
    Sana has a few acquaintances, but none she is close to.

  • Name of Weapon or Item: General Shinobi tools.

    Description: Kunai, shuriken, wire, tags, and some smoke bombs. The general equipment of a shinobi operating in the field.



    Name of Weapon or Item: Spirit Vessel, Child of Moon (aka Spiritkeeper)

    Description: A katana forged from Chakra Metal which used to belong to her mother. Its handle and sheath are white coloured.

    Author/original source unclear

  • Skills/Abilities
    • Good kenjutsu. Sana's swordsmanship outshines most genin.​
    • Practiced chakra control. Admirably effective for a genin.​
    • Promising at ninjutsu. She's been able to learn it pretty fast so far.​
    • Slightly above average at taijutsu. Not nearly as noteworthy as her kenjutsu. If disarmed, Sana will be able to hold off for a while against the average genin, but her priority will certainly be to retreive her weapon.​
    • Slightly above average at using ninja tools. Still needs a lot of practice.​
    • Slightly above average strength. Constantly wielding a sword does that. However, some focused training would do her a lot of good.​
    • Average at genjutsu. Not really her forte, but she can manage some basic stuff with it. Sana will need a lot of practice if she ever wants to pick up more genjutsu techniques.​
    • Other physical attributes (speed, stamina, agility...) are average. Definitely needs more training.​

    Special Traits
    • Average chakra reserves.
    • Ambidextrous. Though born left-handed, she's been taught to use both hands, and can use them interchangeably for any activity equally well.​
    • Keen hearing. She has trained in the art of blindfolded fighting long enough that obstructing her vision doesn't inhibit her capabilities nearly as much as one might expect.​
    • Instinctive. Intricate schemes are not at all Sana's forte, but she's good at spotting moment-to-moment weaknesses and taking advantage of them. She will follow a plan if presented with it, but is also adaptive enough that she'll be able to find her own solution – even if a relatively simple one – should it fail.​

  • Body Flicker Technique. A high-speed (out of combat) movement technique. Rank D.

    Temporary Paralysis Technique. Causes a target or targets to be physically immobilized. Rank D.

    Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique. A genjutsu which induces visions of the target or targets' greatest fear. Rank D.

    Manipulated Shuriken Technique. Attaches a string to a shuriken and throws it, making it possible to alter its path after it was thrown. Rank D.

    Chakra Flow. The user coats a weapon or tool in lightning chakra, causing it to vibrate. This sharpens it and gives it a numbing property. Rank C.

    Chakra Shockwave Slash. The user rapidly slashes with a sword, creating a strong force of chakra, sending shockwaves in all directions up to 5 meters. The shockwaves are capable of damaging multiple opponents in quick succession. Rank C.

    - Custom Techniques outline -

    Name of Technique:

    Type of Jutsu:



    Nature Type:




The sheet looks great!

The few matters that I feel should be adjusted is the skills/traits department.

  1. There are a lot of 'slightly above average' skills. I think it is better if they are just made to average. For there isn't anything poor to counterbalance it.
  2. Promising at ninjutsu. She's been able to learn it pretty fast so far.
    This honestly seems more a trait than a skill.
  3. Keen hearing. She has trained in the art of blindfolded fighting long enough that obstructing her vision doesn't inhibit her capabilities nearly as much as one might expect.
    I would recommend rewording this. For the reduction of one's vision is going to be a still pain in the ass. It is because if you can't see who your allies, it will become really difficult to function. In a rowdy situation - such as most fights, large urban centre etc - it will still affect her efficiency.
  • Thank You
Reactions: SilverPaw
Edited, looks better?
  • Like
Reactions: Gerontis
It does, @SilverPaw. You got my approval. Only one more and it is good to be posted in the accepted thread.
@SilverPaw I also approve your cs. You may post in the cs bin
  • Thank You
Reactions: SilverPaw


(Appearance note: The mustache and beard will come at a later age. Currently he won't have them.)

Cyrus Saemund



Saemund Hunters
Kumogakure Shinobi Corp

"With my Tíðar ancestors watching, I will make the Saemund name shine in the larger world."

  • Bloodline:
    Saemund, Tíðar Blooflaoi

    Chakra Nature:
    Mud Release (Affinity) - (Advanced Chakra Nature made from Water and Earth)
    Water Release (Only knows techniques for Water at current time)


    Age and date of birth:
    16, born January 461

    Age Appearance:


  • Length and build:
    1.88m tall, skinny


    Favourite weather and season:
    Stormy, Winter

    Scars and tattoos:
    Currently, Cyrus has:
    • An Honourary tattoo on his upper left chest, signifying he is a proud member of the Saemund Hunters. His tattoo is in the shape of a wolf with an arrow through the head, marking his trial hunt.
    • A scar across his right arm, from one of his many hunts with the Saemund Hunters.

  • Personality:
    Looking at Cyrus, those who don't know him will see a man who is respectable towards others, friendly and somewhat more welcoming of strangers than his father is. This friendliness will always be accompanied by some curiosity from Cyrus, who was slowly exposed more and more to the outside world.

    However, what people won't immediately see are Cyrus's insecurities. They come in several forms, including what is expected of him as the son of the current Hofou, and being one of the Saemund representatives to go serve in a militant force outside of their clan. Those insecurities cause him to doubt much of what he says, which in turn can make him take back things he said quickly if he feels they may have been inappropriate.
    Another thing that isn't clear to many is his own thoughts of his father. Cyrus believes with all his heart that his father Havarr always means well when it comes to the Saemund, but that there is much he could do to make a significant difference. Much that Havarr isn't doing because he still looks to the past rather than the future.

    • Fighting of any type, regardless if he participates or not.
    • Eating Fish. He enjoys the texture of fish most of all.
    • Hunting. It gets his energy high.
    • Learning about other cultures.
    • Writing poems about Raekjur and Elfar.
    • Spending time with others.

    • Fishing. It tends to be too quiet for his liking.
    • Being alone.
    • Consistently make mistakes when speaking.
    • Tattoos.

    • Losing either of his parents.
    • Being left completely alone somewhere unknown.
    • Be a disappointment to the Saemund.

    • To become one of the Saemund Hendurs.
    • To prove to his father, and to himself, that is a capable heir.

  • Backstory:
    Born in the Saemund capital, Heim, during the first year of the Great War, Cyrus actually didn't experience much disturbance in his early years. While his father was mostly away to participate in some naval battles in the war, his mother took good care of him, along with his uncle and aunt. It wasn't until the end of the war, at the year of 464, that his father Havarr finally started taking a more active role in Cyrus's life.

    From the age of 5, Havarr started making sure that Cyrus got training in two weapons he considered to be of importance. A bow, and a hand axe. While Cyrus appeared to be decent with a bow as he trained, he showed more promise when it came to the handaxe. However, their surprise came when Cyrus appeared to show signs of being capable of moulding chakra. While Havarr knew little of what to do, his mother Shelia had some idea, as her own mother was a shinobi, and suggested they find someone to mentor him in the usage of chakra. Havarr disagreed at first, insisting they focus on Cyrus's training to serve as part of the Saemund military. While Cyrus himself was curious about his chakra, he did little to show his curiosity to his father, fearing it would cause Havarr to be disappointed.

    The years went by, and by the time he was 12, Cyrus had already managed to pass a Saemund Hunters trial. While it brought great pride to Havarr, Cyrus finally spoke to his father about wanting to try and explore his chakra capabilities, as neither of his younger siblings showed any signs of it. Havarr appeared disappointed at first that his eldest appeared to still have his mind set on something he did not understand, but he reached out to the Sanosuke, eventually arranging for Cyrus to learn some of the basic Chakra techniques under a Sanosuke tutorage.

    During the two years Cyrus spent learning how to utilize his chakra, he also got to experience the Sanosuke culture better, and also improved his Chonobi by quite a bit, to the point where he barely had any accent when he spoke with other Sanosuke. While he hadn't made any notable connections to any particular person in the Sanosuke, he had come to appreciate the Saemund's brethren more, and it brought up a desire to learn about other cultures too. At the age of 14, he returned home, with Havarr welcoming him with open arms and attempting to start getting him more involved in the Saemund political field. While this allowed Cyrus to learn more about the Saemund, it also started putting pressure on him.

    At the age of 16, Cyrus saw first hand what fighting in a war is like, when he took part, alongside his father, in the civil war of the Lightning. It was harsh, and the reality he saw was cruel and unforgiving. But due to his training with the Hunters, he understood nature will always be unforgiving to those who did not know how to fight back, how to survive. He watched many of his comrades die, including a couple of his own personal friends, during the Battle of Yongai. Once the civil war ended, Cyrus approached his father and made another request. To go and serve in the Lightning, where he would be capable of learning more and honing his chakra better, so that he would be able to provide better aid to any future chakra users in the clan, and so he would learn more of the world. While initially hesitant, Havarr would send a request to the new leadership of Kumogakure to let Cyrus join the Shinobi Corp. Cyrus would watch his father head off once more, while he remained in the Lightning with his uncle, who would be watching over him, until it was time for Cyrus to be approved and start serving in the Kumogakure Shinobi Corps.

  • Family:

    |Shelia Daelis-Saemund | Alive, 40

    |Havarr Saemund, Tíðar Blooflaoi | Alive, 42

    • Alfer Saemund | Male, 13, Alive
    • Leiza Saemund | Female, 11, Alive



    Other People:

  • Name of Weapon or Item:
    Short Bow
    A standard, single piece shortbow, 1.2m long.

    Name of Weapon or Item:
    Hand Axe
    An average hand axe.

    Name of Weapon or Item:
    Shinobi kit
    Kunai, shuriken, smoke bombs, explosive tags.

  • Skills/Abilities
    • Cyrus possesses good strength for his age, thanks to his training with the Saemund hunters.
    • He has good skills with the hand axe, as it was always his preferred weapon over the years of service with the hunters.
    • Cyrus Knows Tunga, Chonobi and Taika writing, understanding and conversing. He has almost no accent when speaking Chonobi or Taika.
    • His proficiency with the bow is average, thanks to his training with the hunters,but it is not more due to a lack of interest.
    • His current skill in Ninjutsu is average, due to his desire to learn more, but lack of time to train.
    • His Control over his Chakra is average.
    • His proficiency with Taijutsu and the shinobi tools is pretty poor when compared to his skill with the hand axe.
    • Cyrus isn't very agile, believing focus on strength will be more beneficial.


    Special Traits
    • Cyrus possesses average chakra reserves
    • Learning new languages always came to him with ease, to the point where he has a better grasp of both Chonobi and Taika than his parents.
    • He is tenacious to a fault, especially when it comes to fighting. Cyrus will always aim to see a battle won, and have a hard time coming to a halt before the enemy has been brought down.

  • Water Release: Water Trumpet
    Water Release: Mouth Shot



(Appearance note: The mustache and beard will come at a later age. Currently he won't have them.)

Cyrus Saemund



Saemund Hunters
Kumogakure Shinobi Corp

"With my Tíðar ancestors watching, I will make the Saemund name shine in the larger world."

  • Bloodline:
    Saemund, Tíðar Blooflaoi

    Chakra Nature:
    Mud Release (Affinity) - (Advanced Chakra Nature made from Water and Earth)
    Water Release (Only knows techniques for Water at current time)


    Age and date of birth:
    16, born January 461

    Age Appearance:


  • Length and build:
    1.88m tall, skinny


    Favourite weather and season:
    Stormy, Winter

    Scars and tattoos:
    Currently, Cyrus has:
    • An Honourary tattoo on his upper left chest, signifying he is a proud member of the Saemund Hunters. His tattoo is in the shape of a wolf with an arrow through the head, marking his trial hunt.
    • A scar across his right arm, from one of his many hunts with the Saemund Hunters.

  • Personality:
    Looking at Cyrus, those who don't know him will see a man who is respectable towards others, friendly and somewhat more welcoming of strangers than his father is. This friendliness will always be accompanied by some curiosity from Cyrus, who was slowly exposed more and more to the outside world.

    However, what people won't immediately see are Cyrus's insecurities. They come in several forms, including what is expected of him as the son of the current Hofou, and being one of the Saemund representatives to go serve in a militant force outside of their clan. Those insecurities cause him to doubt much of what he says, which in turn can make him take back things he said quickly if he feels they may have been inappropriate.
    Another thing that isn't clear to many is his own thoughts of his father. Cyrus believes with all his heart that his father Havarr always means well when it comes to the Saemund, but that there is much he could do to make a significant difference. Much that Havarr isn't doing because he still looks to the past rather than the future.

    • Fighting of any type, regardless if he participates or not.
    • Eating Fish. He enjoys the texture of fish most of all.
    • Hunting. It gets his energy high.
    • Learning about other cultures.
    • Writing poems about Raekjur and Elfar.
    • Spending time with others.

    • Fishing. It tends to be too quiet for his liking.
    • Being alone.
    • Consistently make mistakes when speaking.
    • Tattoos.

    • Losing either of his parents.
    • Being left completely alone somewhere unknown.
    • Be a disappointment to the Saemund.

    • To become one of the Saemund Hendurs.
    • To prove to his father, and to himself, that is a capable heir.

  • Backstory:
    Born in the Saemund capital, Heim, during the first year of the Great War, Cyrus actually didn't experience much disturbance in his early years. While his father was mostly away to participate in some naval battles in the war, his mother took good care of him, along with his uncle and aunt. It wasn't until the end of the war, at the year of 464, that his father Havarr finally started taking a more active role in Cyrus's life.

    From the age of 5, Havarr started making sure that Cyrus got training in two weapons he considered to be of importance. A bow, and a hand axe. While Cyrus appeared to be decent with a bow as he trained, he showed more promise when it came to the handaxe. However, their surprise came when Cyrus appeared to show signs of being capable of moulding chakra. While Havarr knew little of what to do, his mother Shelia had some idea, as her own mother was a shinobi, and suggested they find someone to mentor him in the usage of chakra. Havarr disagreed at first, insisting they focus on Cyrus's training to serve as part of the Saemund military. While Cyrus himself was curious about his chakra, he did little to show his curiosity to his father, fearing it would cause Havarr to be disappointed.

    The years went by, and by the time he was 12, Cyrus had already managed to pass a Saemund Hunters trial. While it brought great pride to Havarr, Cyrus finally spoke to his father about wanting to try and explore his chakra capabilities, as neither of his younger siblings showed any signs of it. Havarr appeared disappointed at first that his eldest appeared to still have his mind set on something he did not understand, but he reached out to the Sanosuke, eventually arranging for Cyrus to learn some of the basic Chakra techniques under a Sanosuke tutorage.

    During the two years Cyrus spent learning how to utilize his chakra, he also got to experience the Sanosuke culture better, and also improved his Chonobi by quite a bit, to the point where he barely had any accent when he spoke with other Sanosuke. While he hadn't made any notable connections to any particular person in the Sanosuke, he had come to appreciate the Saemund's brethren more, and it brought up a desire to learn about other cultures too. At the age of 14, he returned home, with Havarr welcoming him with open arms and attempting to start getting him more involved in the Saemund political field. While this allowed Cyrus to learn more about the Saemund, it also started putting pressure on him.

    At the age of 16, Cyrus saw first hand what fighting in a war is like, when he took part, alongside his father, in the civil war of the Lightning. It was harsh, and the reality he saw was cruel and unforgiving. But due to his training with the Hunters, he understood nature will always be unforgiving to those who did not know how to fight back, how to survive. He watched many of his comrades die, including a couple of his own personal friends, during the Battle of Yongai. Once the civil war ended, Cyrus approached his father and made another request. To go and serve in the Lightning, where he would be capable of learning more and honing his chakra better, so that he would be able to provide better aid to any future chakra users in the clan, and so he would learn more of the world. While initially hesitant, Havarr would send a request to the new leadership of Kumogakure to let Cyrus join the Shinobi Corp. Cyrus would watch his father head off once more, while he remained in the Lightning with his uncle, who would be watching over him, until it was time for Cyrus to be approved and start serving in the Kumogakure Shinobi Corps.

  • Family:

    |Shelia Daelis-Saemund | Alive, 40

    |Havarr Saemund, Tíðar Blooflaoi | Alive, 42

    • Alfer Saemund | Male, 13, Alive
    • Leiza Saemund | Female, 11, Alive



    Other People:

  • Name of Weapon or Item:
    Short Bow
    A standard, single piece shortbow, 1.2m long.

    Name of Weapon or Item:
    Hand Axe
    An average hand axe.

    Name of Weapon or Item:
    Shinobi kit
    Kunai, shuriken, smoke bombs, explosive tags.

  • Skills/Abilities
    • Cyrus possesses good strength for his age, thanks to his training with the Saemund hunters.
    • He has good skills with the hand axe, as it was always his preferred weapon over the years of service with the hunters.
    • Cyrus Knows Tunga, Chonobi and Taika writing, understanding and conversing. He has almost no accent when speaking Chonobi or Taika.
    • His proficiency with the bow is average, thanks to his training with the hunters,but it is not more due to a lack of interest.
    • His current skill in Ninjutsu is average, due to his desire to learn more, but lack of time to train.
    • His Control over his Chakra is average.
    • His proficiency with Taijutsu and the shinobi tools is pretty poor when compared to his skill with the hand axe.
    • Cyrus isn't very agile, believing focus on strength will be more beneficial.


    Special Traits
    • Cyrus possesses average chakra reserves
    • Learning new languages always came to him with ease, to the point where he has a better grasp of both Chonobi and Taika than his parents.
    • He is tenacious to a fault, especially when it comes to fighting. Cyrus will always aim to see a battle won, and have a hard time coming to a halt before the enemy has been brought down.

  • Water Release: Water Trumpet
    Water Release: Mouth Shot

Accepted by me.


(Appearance note: The mustache and beard will come at a later age. Currently he won't have them.)

Cyrus Saemund



Saemund Hunters
Kumogakure Shinobi Corp

"With my Tíðar ancestors watching, I will make the Saemund name shine in the larger world."

  • Bloodline:
    Saemund, Tíðar Blooflaoi

    Chakra Nature:
    Mud Release (Affinity) - (Advanced Chakra Nature made from Water and Earth)
    Water Release (Only knows techniques for Water at current time)


    Age and date of birth:
    16, born January 461

    Age Appearance:


  • Length and build:
    1.88m tall, skinny


    Favourite weather and season:
    Stormy, Winter

    Scars and tattoos:
    Currently, Cyrus has:
    • An Honourary tattoo on his upper left chest, signifying he is a proud member of the Saemund Hunters. His tattoo is in the shape of a wolf with an arrow through the head, marking his trial hunt.
    • A scar across his right arm, from one of his many hunts with the Saemund Hunters.

  • Personality:
    Looking at Cyrus, those who don't know him will see a man who is respectable towards others, friendly and somewhat more welcoming of strangers than his father is. This friendliness will always be accompanied by some curiosity from Cyrus, who was slowly exposed more and more to the outside world.

    However, what people won't immediately see are Cyrus's insecurities. They come in several forms, including what is expected of him as the son of the current Hofou, and being one of the Saemund representatives to go serve in a militant force outside of their clan. Those insecurities cause him to doubt much of what he says, which in turn can make him take back things he said quickly if he feels they may have been inappropriate.
    Another thing that isn't clear to many is his own thoughts of his father. Cyrus believes with all his heart that his father Havarr always means well when it comes to the Saemund, but that there is much he could do to make a significant difference. Much that Havarr isn't doing because he still looks to the past rather than the future.

    • Fighting of any type, regardless if he participates or not.
    • Eating Fish. He enjoys the texture of fish most of all.
    • Hunting. It gets his energy high.
    • Learning about other cultures.
    • Writing poems about Raekjur and Elfar.
    • Spending time with others.

    • Fishing. It tends to be too quiet for his liking.
    • Being alone.
    • Consistently make mistakes when speaking.
    • Tattoos.

    • Losing either of his parents.
    • Being left completely alone somewhere unknown.
    • Be a disappointment to the Saemund.

    • To become one of the Saemund Hendurs.
    • To prove to his father, and to himself, that is a capable heir.

  • Backstory:
    Born in the Saemund capital, Heim, during the first year of the Great War, Cyrus actually didn't experience much disturbance in his early years. While his father was mostly away to participate in some naval battles in the war, his mother took good care of him, along with his uncle and aunt. It wasn't until the end of the war, at the year of 464, that his father Havarr finally started taking a more active role in Cyrus's life.

    From the age of 5, Havarr started making sure that Cyrus got training in two weapons he considered to be of importance. A bow, and a hand axe. While Cyrus appeared to be decent with a bow as he trained, he showed more promise when it came to the handaxe. However, their surprise came when Cyrus appeared to show signs of being capable of moulding chakra. While Havarr knew little of what to do, his mother Shelia had some idea, as her own mother was a shinobi, and suggested they find someone to mentor him in the usage of chakra. Havarr disagreed at first, insisting they focus on Cyrus's training to serve as part of the Saemund military. While Cyrus himself was curious about his chakra, he did little to show his curiosity to his father, fearing it would cause Havarr to be disappointed.

    The years went by, and by the time he was 12, Cyrus had already managed to pass a Saemund Hunters trial. While it brought great pride to Havarr, Cyrus finally spoke to his father about wanting to try and explore his chakra capabilities, as neither of his younger siblings showed any signs of it. Havarr appeared disappointed at first that his eldest appeared to still have his mind set on something he did not understand, but he reached out to the Sanosuke, eventually arranging for Cyrus to learn some of the basic Chakra techniques under a Sanosuke tutorage.

    During the two years Cyrus spent learning how to utilize his chakra, he also got to experience the Sanosuke culture better, and also improved his Chonobi by quite a bit, to the point where he barely had any accent when he spoke with other Sanosuke. While he hadn't made any notable connections to any particular person in the Sanosuke, he had come to appreciate the Saemund's brethren more, and it brought up a desire to learn about other cultures too. At the age of 14, he returned home, with Havarr welcoming him with open arms and attempting to start getting him more involved in the Saemund political field. While this allowed Cyrus to learn more about the Saemund, it also started putting pressure on him.

    At the age of 16, Cyrus saw first hand what fighting in a war is like, when he took part, alongside his father, in the civil war of the Lightning. It was harsh, and the reality he saw was cruel and unforgiving. But due to his training with the Hunters, he understood nature will always be unforgiving to those who did not know how to fight back, how to survive. He watched many of his comrades die, including a couple of his own personal friends, during the Battle of Yongai. Once the civil war ended, Cyrus approached his father and made another request. To go and serve in the Lightning, where he would be capable of learning more and honing his chakra better, so that he would be able to provide better aid to any future chakra users in the clan, and so he would learn more of the world. While initially hesitant, Havarr would send a request to the new leadership of Kumogakure to let Cyrus join the Shinobi Corp. Cyrus would watch his father head off once more, while he remained in the Lightning with his uncle, who would be watching over him, until it was time for Cyrus to be approved and start serving in the Kumogakure Shinobi Corps.

  • Family:

    |Shelia Daelis-Saemund | Alive, 40

    |Havarr Saemund, Tíðar Blooflaoi | Alive, 42

    • Alfer Saemund | Male, 13, Alive
    • Leiza Saemund | Female, 11, Alive



    Other People:

  • Name of Weapon or Item:
    Short Bow
    A standard, single piece shortbow, 1.2m long.

    Name of Weapon or Item:
    Hand Axe
    An average hand axe.

    Name of Weapon or Item:
    Shinobi kit
    Kunai, shuriken, smoke bombs, explosive tags.

  • Skills/Abilities
    • Cyrus possesses good strength for his age, thanks to his training with the Saemund hunters.
    • He has good skills with the hand axe, as it was always his preferred weapon over the years of service with the hunters.
    • Cyrus Knows Tunga, Chonobi and Taika writing, understanding and conversing. He has almost no accent when speaking Chonobi or Taika.
    • His proficiency with the bow is average, thanks to his training with the hunters,but it is not more due to a lack of interest.
    • His current skill in Ninjutsu is average, due to his desire to learn more, but lack of time to train.
    • His Control over his Chakra is average.
    • His proficiency with Taijutsu and the shinobi tools is pretty poor when compared to his skill with the hand axe.
    • Cyrus isn't very agile, believing focus on strength will be more beneficial.


    Special Traits
    • Cyrus possesses average chakra reserves
    • Learning new languages always came to him with ease, to the point where he has a better grasp of both Chonobi and Taika than his parents.
    • He is tenacious to a fault, especially when it comes to fighting. Cyrus will always aim to see a battle won, and have a hard time coming to a halt before the enemy has been brought down.

  • Water Release: Water Trumpet
    Water Release: Mouth Shot

I also accept
I finished my ANBU for the Republic of Water. I must state that I have contacted both Nim, the current dictator of the Republic, as the GM team for it.
I have yet to adjust some parts as I am working with Frostedcamel in regards to Miyoshi-Kukiko's relationship. But I have decided to post it so that the bulk of her character sheet can be reviewed. Thus be aware that some matters may be subject of change. But I will be sure to inform the GM team of it when those changes occur.

Yuki Miyoshi

Hanakotoba, often by her parents.
Her codename or 'nickname' in the ANBU is; Enaga.

Before her entry into the ANBU; Specialised-Jounin.

Republican Military,
Yuki Clan,
ANBU of the Republic.

" Not seeing is a flower."

In Japan, flowers can be used to represent imagination, beauty, and sometimes politeness. In this case, the idiom means, "Reality cannot compete with imagination."

  • Bloodline:
    Yuki Clan.
    Chakra Nature:
    Ice Release (Affinity),
    Water Release (Secondary),
    Wind Release (Tertiary)
    Age and date of birth:
    She was born in the year 454, on the 6th of January.
    Age Appearance:
    Young adult.
    Not confirmed - flails, as the writer doesn't know herself yet!

  • unknown.png
    Length and build:Miyoshi's length is around 5ft 6 / 170cm. She sports an athletic build.
    Miyoshi weighs around
    Favourite weather and season:
    Winter and snow - she is a Yuki, is there any other answer correct this?~

    Scars and tattoos:
    Currently, Miyoshi has:
    • Various small scars on her arms and hands; this due to intensive training and combat experience.
    • A scar that travels from her shoulder to down her back, in a diagonal fashion; though Miyoshi is unwilling to talk about it.
    • Has a scar on her left leg; from a mission, hunting a missing-nin.

  • Personality:
    Miyoshi tends to be described as either distant or shy. It is likely because Miyoshi often tends to appear timid; not eager to talk excitedly or to prefer to observe situations before indulging herself. More often than not, this has allowed Miyoshi to stay out of trouble or gain the spotlight - which has both its ups and downs. Furthermore, Miyoshi tends to dislike being complimented, for she is often unsure how to respond to them while appreciating that someone notices her talents or feats.
    Ironically, Miyoshi is the kind of person to not dance around the bush. She addresses problems as they are. Sugarcoating and making things seem milder or worse isn't something that Miyoshi accepts from herself or others. Despite being more of an introvert, her tongue isn't less sharp for it. It is most often clear when Miyoshi gives her opinion; rarely ever holding in regards how her words will impact the other person.

    But Miyoshi is quite curious. She entertains herself often with learning pieces of information, that usually have no value to her profession or missions. Such as that the Bara (rose) blooms in May. Bits and pieces of flowers, music and culture tend to be something Miyoshi searches out in her free time.
    She has become capable of playing various musical instruments herself. A talent that she would have wanted to explore and turn into her vocation, if it weren't for the fact being a kunoichi seemed to provide a steadier income than a musician.

    • Miyoshi likes flowers and learning about fauna.
    • Learning and playing musical instruments - regardless of culture or region.
    • She tends to like spicy food.
    • Poems and literature are also something Miyoshi tend to enjoy; despite knowing she is terrible at composing poems herself.

    • Sweet food.
    • Arrogant people, that can't back their words or boasts up with deeds.
    • Failures that can impact her or her family.
    • Rowdy people or situations.
    • Being looked down upon by others.
    • To become a failure in the eyes of her family.
    • To die a futile death.
    • To master various instruments.
    • To become better at composing poems.

  • Backstory:
    Miyoshi's origins are humble. Growing up in a family that struggled like many others to pay the rent and obtain much wealth, Miyoshi learned humility from a young age. And what it meant to work for your gains. Unlike some other Yuki family, Miyoshi's family had 'simple' vocations. Her father was a woodworker and her mother a weaver. Both professions that were in demand but didn't cause a large stream of wealth into their purses. However, neither Miyoshi nor her direct family was unhappy with their financial situation. There were, after all, other concerns that demanded their focus.
    One of those problems was the fact that they were frequently mistaken for the more successful Yuki family within Kirigakure. It took a long time before their peers accepted Miyoshi's parents, and it was understood that they weren't the same. Even then, Miyoshi's parents were careful not to attract too much attention to themselves or their children.

    As a child, Miyoshi was silent and easily content. Unlike her two older brothers, Miyoshi was content playing by herself. More often than not, she was easily overlooked by her parents because of her quiet nature.
    Growing up, Miyoshi started to show signs of the Ice release. At first, Miyoshi's mother was horrified and tried to hide it from all - fearing that Miyoshi would be 'recruited' into the shinobi corp.
    Eventually, word would spread of the silent child that seemed to bring winter indoors - even on warm, enjoyable summer days. This development started to push people away from Miyoshi - out of fear or not wanting to be confronted with an uncomfortable situation. Causing Miyoshi to become shy, at first, and later starting her disdain for her Ice release abilities.
    The recruiters from the Shinobi Academy of Kirigakure did eventually show up. Piqued by the rumours that went around, they investigated how efficient Miyoshi's talent was to use and learn active chakra moulding. The result was well enough that the recruiters wanted Miyoshi to enrol into the Academy.

    The start of Miyoshi's time in the Academy wasn't either fun for her or showing any satisfactory progress. Her ability caused her peers being afraid of her - or like most, not liking to stay a prolonged time around her, due to the constant cold. Only enforcing Miyoshi's disdain for her ice release but also giving cause for her determination. For the young girl imagined that if she were accounted as one of the best of her class, others would like and praise her.
    As her grades would rise, the opposite of the girl's desire occurred. Teachers would become pleased with the girl's achievements. Her peers? They called Miyoshi a teacher's pet, arrogant and 'cold'. Emotionally distraught, Miyoshi was thus left without friends and for a good while not having anyone who truly understood her - as none of her direct family possessed the ice release.
    A change started to take shape when Miyoshi began to get closer to Kukiko Yuki. The older Yuki seemed distant, at first, but proved to be an ideal idol for Miyoshi. For it was one of the first that seemed to understand Miyoshi's troubles truly. Allowing Miyoshi to feel more at peace and allowing herself to get through the Academy; even despite how she was treated.

    Graduating from the Academy, Miyoshi's career would then take a faster pace. For it was in 468 that Miyoshi was placed in Team Akayi; the turbulent aftermath of the Great War. The unrest that followed from the peace treaty saw a good number of Water shinobi turn missing-nin; either disappointed with their country or deciding that becoming mercenary was more profitable. It was then decided that a few teams of regular shinobi - regardless of their team's composition - would be aiding the hunter-nin in their tasks to deal with missing-nin.
    By the time that Miyoshi had obtained the rank of chuunin, in the year of 470, the girl had eighteen confirmed kills. A number that would only increase as Team Akayi continued their tasks; with even more fervour.
    In 474, during the Shoji Occupation, Miyoshi and her team were tasked to continue their task of hunting missing-nin. In utter secret, the team were tracking a dangerous B-ranked missing-nin. Thinking that they could launch an ambush on their quarry, the team got surprised; for it turned out that the missing-nin was well aware of the team's intentions. A fierce skirmish broke out that saw Miyoshi losing two team-members; a peer and her jounin-squad leader.
    This turn of events saw Miyoshi briefly out of practice - requiring to recuperate from her wounds as loss of a mentor and team member.
    Only a year later, in 475 did Miyoshi start again. She was approached by the Intelligence Division, to join their ranks. However, Miyoshi respectfully declined. She desired to return to her fieldwork and, hopefully, hunting down the missing-nin that had destroyed her first team.
    After some small assignments, Miyoshi was allowed to head out on a solo hunt. The target was the same man who had taken out her team; Omura Toshikazu. The hunt didn't go easy, but Miyoshi was determined to obtain her revenge, regardless if she would pay dearly for it. In the end? Miyoshi managed to carry out her revenge, dishing it out as cold as she could.
    Returning to Kirigakure, she would receive a promotion to Specialised-Jounin.

    For a while, Miyoshi continued in various teams as a specialised-jounin. Her assignments varied but continued to serve in the best interest of the nation; even if it meant to risk allies to obtain the desired results.
    The constant stream of achievements and feats for her rank and doing caused Miyoshi to be offered to join the ANBU ranks. After some consideration, Miyoshi joined the ranks of ANBU somewhere in the year 476.

  • Family:


    | Michiru Yuki |

    Michiru is a calm and friendly woman, often engaging in gossiping with the neighbours. She is a native from Kirigakure and has seen various turbulent events, which has caused her to grow cautious of politics and what may come from them. Towards most individuals, she is warm and friendly. Miyoshi's relation with her mother is quite cordial and stable; the two seem to both prefer some peace and tranquillity, which is rare with a household that has two rowdy boys.

    | Subaru Yuki |

    Miyoshi's father is a man that can be described as 'stern but trying to be righteous'. He values discipline and determination, often appaled by deeds that are of opposite natures. Yet, in less formal situations, Subaru can be warm and even show a softer side. His relation with Miyoshi is caring and warm; although he doesn't approve her decision becoming a kunoichi - due to the risks, it carries with it.

    • Yorikane Yuki; three years older than Miyoshi.
    • Reizo Yuki; one year older than Miyoshi.

    The brothers of Miyoshi are older than her and quite rowdier. Her oldest brother works in the city guard; attempting to become a captain as he is just a sergeant. The other brother currently is working on a commercial vessel, which often ventures between various Republican cities. Though Miyoshi and her brothers are having a healthy relationship, they have grown more apart; due to different lives but also having attitudes that don't always seem compatible.


    ANBU are allowed to have friends?!


    Other People:

    Kukiko Yuki is the person that Miyoshi idolised back during her time in the Academy. As Miyoshi's family was more humble than the other known Yuki family, Kukiko stood out for Miyoshi; mainly due to the older woman's abilities and having succeeded the Academy before Miyoshi.
    Miyoshi views the older Yuki with the utmost respect and care; despite not being able to interact that much with each other; due to the difference stations and ranks.

    Other Yuki;
    Miyoshi is mostly polite towards other Yuki. She has gained a curiosity towards them but hasn't done anything to become known to them. Recent events have, however, mortified Miyoshi; such as the Yuki falling from the previously established regime. Not to mention the sinking of Junyo, which has made Miyoshi warier of the wealthier side of the clan.

  • latest
    Name of Weapon or Item:
    Republican ANBU Gear
    Miyoshi is geared up, often, in the Republican ANBU style. This provides protective gear and various items that are common among the Republican ANBU. This gear is often replaced by other attires when the mission and situation call for it.


    Name of Weapon or Item:

    Republican ANBU Tanto
    A tanto received upon Miyoshi's entry into the Republican ANBU. The tanto is made of good quality steel but lacks any other properties that would make it unique.


    Name of Weapon or Item:
    Republican ANBU Tanto
    Prepared small scrolls that Miyoshi, often, prepares when venturing on a mission. Using little chakra to unleash a prepared Exploding wave, Miyoshi uses for a variety of tactics and strategies.
    Usually, Miyoshi has four prepared scrolls on her when she sets out on a mission.

  • Skills/Abilities

    Miyoshi is a kunoichi orientated on tracking and sensory abilities. Her chakra control is advanced, allowing her to use jutsu quite efficiently despite her chakra reserves being average. She is highly competent in tracking; even aside from her various jutsu being able to search (or hunt down) most quarries.
    Her mastery of Silent Killing is advanced enough to give her a decisive edge when it comes down to ambushing her prey(s). It may not be on the level of a master, but it has allowed her already several times to take on dangerous foes head-on.
    Miyoshi's skill in close-ranged combat is of high level as well. Her taijutsu and weapon mastery seem to be her forte; allowing her to fight and assault opponents, disabling their ability to cast any jutsu that require hand signs. Her stamina and reflexes are on a high level to allow her to fight prolonged amount of times against most foes.

    Miyoshi's is somewhat adequate in the usage of various other fields. Her knowledge and ability to deal with genjutsu resolve around her experience, yet it will not allow her to fight a real genjutsu user head-on without some preparation. The only advantage is her chakra control, allowing her to tap out of the most basic genjutsu at a quick pace - if she can recognise them.
    Her ability to use barrier ninjutsu depends on her Ice release ninjutsu. While somewhat knowledgeable about barrier ninjutsu, it is safe to say that Miyoshi isn't an expert on the matter.

    Miyoshi has gained enough experience and skill in observation to figure most people out, whether they are truthful or not. This skill does require her to observe and know the person enough though - [/i]it isn't just a glance, poof and she knows if you lie about eating that piece of the pie.[/i]
    Miyoshi's training in the ANBU allowed her to a variety of skills such as lipreading, faking her accent and breaking the code of foreign operatives.


    Special Traits

    Miyoshi's chakra reserves are average at most. Her efficient and advanced chakra control allows her to use ninjutsu without exhausting her reserves rapidly. Her knowledge regarding some fields of jutsu has made Miyoshi a troublesome foe; that is willing to take advantage of her foe's weakness ruthlessly.
    Her time as being part of a hunter-team has bloodied and hardened Miyoshi. Forced to deal with death, Miyoshi has become a woman that isn't easily fazed or breaks to either an enemy or a dangerous situation.

    Aware of her limitations and abilities, Miyoshi is an operative that tends to plan and stalk her prey. Only to then strike and take her quarry out without a hint of mercy, intending to take her foes out cold without too many risks to herself - if she can create such circumstances.

  • Miyoshi has mastered the Academy Jutsu, upon graduating the Academy.

    Miyoshi's Ice Release Techniques:

    Ice Prison Technique;
    The technique doesn't mean that the ice instantly imprisons a foe. Upon the moment that the technique hits the target, it will start to encumber and imprison the victim slowly. It can be fought and repelled in various methods that revolve around increasing one's temperature or casting a shielding of chakra around themselves.

    Crystal Ice Wall Technique;
    The size depends on the amount of chakra and time Miyoshi invest into the said technique. She can't conjure a wall of ice instantly nor able to completely freeze and imprison enemies without some time and hefty use of chakra.

    Swallow Snow Storm
    Kill Ice Spears;
    Miyoshi is able to conjure spikes of ice to impale her victims. This is a dangerous technique in enclosed spaces, where her foes are limited in escaping the technique. Miyoshi isn't, however, able to create the spikes that fast it always ensures a critical hit. It requires a fair amount of chakra and can prohibit her mobility as well; seeing a room filled with ice spikes doesn't provide the most kind of space to walk freely.
    More often than not, Miyoshi uses a smaller scale of the technique to create an ice spike as a make-shift weapon.

    Name of Technique:
    Ice Release: Sprouting Senbon
    Type of Jutsu:
    Ninjutsu, Shurikenjutsu
    Nature Type:
    Ice Release
    The user molds the ice chakra to create senbon formed by ice. It can be used as makeshift lockpicks but it's easy to break. What makes it versatile is that when it impacts, the senbon freezes over the area around it, making it somewhat numb.
    It's weak enough that wind, fire and earth techniques can render the senbon useless quickly, shattering or melting it.

    Name of Technique:
    Ice Release: Hiding in the Snow
    Type of Jutsu:
    Nature Type:
    Ice Release
    Hiding in the Snow is a technique similar to Hiding in the Mist. It casts up a strong storm of snow that keeps rotating in the same area repeatedly. The area gets colder and more material becomes present for ice release techniques to be used, as well as making it 'biting cold' for anyone who isn't prepared for the harsh temperature brought by the technique. Fire techniques used inside are slightly weaker than usual.
    Not only is the amount of snow limited, but it's also much easier to melt than it is to replace, so fire techniques are ideal to get rid of the disadvantage created by the technique.

    Miyoshi's Water Release Techniques:

    Crimson Mist Barrier Technique
    Water Whip Technique
    Water Clone Technique
    Water Prison Technique
    Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave Technique
    Water Shark Bullet Technique

    Miyoshi's Wind Release Techniques;

    Gale Palm Technique
    Great Breakthrough Technique
    Wind Cutter Technique

    Miyoshi's Sensory Techniques;

    Sensing Technique;
    Miyoshi is an experience sensory user. She can use her sensory technique to scan a wide radius of roughly 2 kilometres / 6500 ft. However, she can distinguish and learn about one's chakra signature better; the closer she gets.
    At a range of 1 kilometre / 3250 ft, she can lock on a target's chakra signature as being able to 'read' more information - such as whether it is a humanoid or more animalistic chakra.
    At ranges and closer from 200 meters / 650 ft, Miyoshi has the ability to latch on and focus upon them; until they start to venture beyond 1500 meters / roughly 5000 ft.

    Name of Technique:
    Ice Release: True Snow Fall
    Type of Jutsu:
    Sensory Jutsu
    Up to a radius of roughly 400 meters / 1300 ft.
    Nature Type:
    Ice Release
    Dog - Boar - Bird - Dragon -
    Miyoshi focused and needs to be stationary. Moulding and focusing chakra, she will eventually release a large amount of chakra into the air - allowing her to form dark clouds, from which it will snow.
    The snow will be harmless, but upon contact, it will relay information to Miyoshi. The more snow one comes into contact with, the more information Miyoshi is able to deduce from their chakra signature. Ranging from their affinities to their current pool of chakra reserves.
    The sudden formation of dark clouds will likely alert anyone observant enough. It is also a given that something is off when it starts to snow in the middle of any other season than winter, wouldn't you think?~

    Name of Technique:
    Water Release: Reading Water Technique
    Type of Jutsu:
    Miyoshi needs to be in range, but every Reading Water can sense up to an accurate scope of 50 meters / 164 ft.
    Nature Type:
    Water Release
    Dog - Bird - Rat - Ram - Serpent.
    Miyoshi affects some water or any substance that has a large amount of water in it - save it for living creatures. As long as the affected water stays in her sensory range, she can focus on it and on large amounts of distance able to sense who or what is present; as if they were that close to Miyoshi herself.
    She can also toggle the technique to eavesdrop on her victims or relay messages.
    Miyoshi is required to use her sensory technique to tap on the affected water. The technique, however, is dispelled whenever something or someone drinks the water. When Miyoshi desires to eavesdrops or use the technique to relay messages, the distance can interfere; the more distance, the more delay and inference she will suffer.

    Name :

    Miyoshi's Shima Enaga's.
    The English name of these birds? Long-tailed Tit. Yeah, I didn't make the name either.
    Bird; Shima Enaga.
    Most Enaga are around one or two years old, having been trained to aid Miyoshi in various activities.
    This species has been described as a tiny (at only 13–15 cm in length, including its 7–9 cm tail), round-bodied tit with a short, stubby bill and a very long, narrow tail
    Unique Traits:
    They are quite stealth, certainly during the winter, where even the most observant people might easily overlook them.
    The Enaga's are quite energetic and are swift in aerial manoeuvres.
    They are able to follow and stalk an individual, able to take advantage of flying to keep track of their quarry. Using their song or chakra signature, they can indicate Miyoshi where her target is at - if she is close enough to hear or sense them.
    These small birds were being raised and trained by Summoner Establishments. Falling first in love with the bird's appearance, Miyoshi soon enough was more allured by the possibility of deploying these clever minions for her objectives.

I finished my ANBU for the Republic of Water. I must state that I have contacted both Nim, the current dictator of the Republic, as the GM team for it.
I have yet to adjust some parts as I am working with Frostedcamel in regards to Miyoshi-Kukiko's relationship. But I have decided to post it so that the bulk of her character sheet can be reviewed. Thus be aware that some matters may be subject of change. But I will be sure to inform the GM team of it when those changes occur.

Yuki Miyoshi

Hanakotoba, often by her parents.
Her codename or 'nickname' in the ANBU is; Enaga.

Before her entry into the ANBU; Specialised-Jounin.

Republican Military,
Yuki Clan,
ANBU of the Republic.

" Not seeing is a flower."

In Japan, flowers can be used to represent imagination, beauty, and sometimes politeness. In this case, the idiom means, "Reality cannot compete with imagination."

  • Bloodline:
    Yuki Clan.
    Chakra Nature:
    Ice Release (Affinity),
    Water Release (Secondary),
    Wind Release (Tertiary)
    Age and date of birth:
    She was born in the year 454, on the 6th of January.
    Age Appearance:
    Young adult.
    Not confirmed - flails, as the writer doesn't know herself yet!

  • unknown.png
    Length and build:Miyoshi's length is around 5ft 6 / 170cm. She sports an athletic build.
    Miyoshi weighs around
    Favourite weather and season:
    Winter and snow - she is a Yuki, is there any other answer correct this?~

    Scars and tattoos:
    Currently, Miyoshi has:
    • Various small scars on her arms and hands; this due to intensive training and combat experience.
    • A scar that travels from her shoulder to down her back, in a diagonal fashion; though Miyoshi is unwilling to talk about it.
    • Has a scar on her left leg; from a mission, hunting a missing-nin.

  • Personality:
    Miyoshi tends to be described as either distant or shy. It is likely because Miyoshi often tends to appear timid; not eager to talk excitedly or to prefer to observe situations before indulging herself. More often than not, this has allowed Miyoshi to stay out of trouble or gain the spotlight - which has both its ups and downs. Furthermore, Miyoshi tends to dislike being complimented, for she is often unsure how to respond to them while appreciating that someone notices her talents or feats.
    Ironically, Miyoshi is the kind of person to not dance around the bush. She addresses problems as they are. Sugarcoating and making things seem milder or worse isn't something that Miyoshi accepts from herself or others. Despite being more of an introvert, her tongue isn't less sharp for it. It is most often clear when Miyoshi gives her opinion; rarely ever holding in regards how her words will impact the other person.

    But Miyoshi is quite curious. She entertains herself often with learning pieces of information, that usually have no value to her profession or missions. Such as that the Bara (rose) blooms in May. Bits and pieces of flowers, music and culture tend to be something Miyoshi searches out in her free time.
    She has become capable of playing various musical instruments herself. A talent that she would have wanted to explore and turn into her vocation, if it weren't for the fact being a kunoichi seemed to provide a steadier income than a musician.

    • Miyoshi likes flowers and learning about fauna.
    • Learning and playing musical instruments - regardless of culture or region.
    • She tends to like spicy food.
    • Poems and literature are also something Miyoshi tend to enjoy; despite knowing she is terrible at composing poems herself.

    • Sweet food.
    • Arrogant people, that can't back their words or boasts up with deeds.
    • Failures that can impact her or her family.
    • Rowdy people or situations.
    • Being looked down upon by others.
    • To become a failure in the eyes of her family.
    • To die a futile death.
    • To master various instruments.
    • To become better at composing poems.

  • Backstory:
    Miyoshi's origins are humble. Growing up in a family that struggled like many others to pay the rent and obtain much wealth, Miyoshi learned humility from a young age. And what it meant to work for your gains. Unlike some other Yuki family, Miyoshi's family had 'simple' vocations. Her father was a woodworker and her mother a weaver. Both professions that were in demand but didn't cause a large stream of wealth into their purses. However, neither Miyoshi nor her direct family was unhappy with their financial situation. There were, after all, other concerns that demanded their focus.
    One of those problems was the fact that they were frequently mistaken for the more successful Yuki family within Kirigakure. It took a long time before their peers accepted Miyoshi's parents, and it was understood that they weren't the same. Even then, Miyoshi's parents were careful not to attract too much attention to themselves or their children.

    As a child, Miyoshi was silent and easily content. Unlike her two older brothers, Miyoshi was content playing by herself. More often than not, she was easily overlooked by her parents because of her quiet nature.
    Growing up, Miyoshi started to show signs of the Ice release. At first, Miyoshi's mother was horrified and tried to hide it from all - fearing that Miyoshi would be 'recruited' into the shinobi corp.
    Eventually, word would spread of the silent child that seemed to bring winter indoors - even on warm, enjoyable summer days. This development started to push people away from Miyoshi - out of fear or not wanting to be confronted with an uncomfortable situation. Causing Miyoshi to become shy, at first, and later starting her disdain for her Ice release abilities.
    The recruiters from the Shinobi Academy of Kirigakure did eventually show up. Piqued by the rumours that went around, they investigated how efficient Miyoshi's talent was to use and learn active chakra moulding. The result was well enough that the recruiters wanted Miyoshi to enrol into the Academy.

    The start of Miyoshi's time in the Academy wasn't either fun for her or showing any satisfactory progress. Her ability caused her peers being afraid of her - or like most, not liking to stay a prolonged time around her, due to the constant cold. Only enforcing Miyoshi's disdain for her ice release but also giving cause for her determination. For the young girl imagined that if she were accounted as one of the best of her class, others would like and praise her.
    As her grades would rise, the opposite of the girl's desire occurred. Teachers would become pleased with the girl's achievements. Her peers? They called Miyoshi a teacher's pet, arrogant and 'cold'. Emotionally distraught, Miyoshi was thus left without friends and for a good while not having anyone who truly understood her - as none of her direct family possessed the ice release.
    A change started to take shape when Miyoshi began to get closer to Kukiko Yuki. The older Yuki seemed distant, at first, but proved to be an ideal idol for Miyoshi. For it was one of the first that seemed to understand Miyoshi's troubles truly. Allowing Miyoshi to feel more at peace and allowing herself to get through the Academy; even despite how she was treated.

    Graduating from the Academy, Miyoshi's career would then take a faster pace. For it was in 468 that Miyoshi was placed in Team Akayi; the turbulent aftermath of the Great War. The unrest that followed from the peace treaty saw a good number of Water shinobi turn missing-nin; either disappointed with their country or deciding that becoming mercenary was more profitable. It was then decided that a few teams of regular shinobi - regardless of their team's composition - would be aiding the hunter-nin in their tasks to deal with missing-nin.
    By the time that Miyoshi had obtained the rank of chuunin, in the year of 470, the girl had eighteen confirmed kills. A number that would only increase as Team Akayi continued their tasks; with even more fervour.
    In 474, during the Shoji Occupation, Miyoshi and her team were tasked to continue their task of hunting missing-nin. In utter secret, the team were tracking a dangerous B-ranked missing-nin. Thinking that they could launch an ambush on their quarry, the team got surprised; for it turned out that the missing-nin was well aware of the team's intentions. A fierce skirmish broke out that saw Miyoshi losing two team-members; a peer and her jounin-squad leader.
    This turn of events saw Miyoshi briefly out of practice - requiring to recuperate from her wounds as loss of a mentor and team member.
    Only a year later, in 475 did Miyoshi start again. She was approached by the Intelligence Division, to join their ranks. However, Miyoshi respectfully declined. She desired to return to her fieldwork and, hopefully, hunting down the missing-nin that had destroyed her first team.
    After some small assignments, Miyoshi was allowed to head out on a solo hunt. The target was the same man who had taken out her team; Omura Toshikazu. The hunt didn't go easy, but Miyoshi was determined to obtain her revenge, regardless if she would pay dearly for it. In the end? Miyoshi managed to carry out her revenge, dishing it out as cold as she could.
    Returning to Kirigakure, she would receive a promotion to Specialised-Jounin.

    For a while, Miyoshi continued in various teams as a specialised-jounin. Her assignments varied but continued to serve in the best interest of the nation; even if it meant to risk allies to obtain the desired results.
    The constant stream of achievements and feats for her rank and doing caused Miyoshi to be offered to join the ANBU ranks. After some consideration, Miyoshi joined the ranks of ANBU somewhere in the year 476.

  • Family:


    | Michiru Yuki |

    Michiru is a calm and friendly woman, often engaging in gossiping with the neighbours. She is a native from Kirigakure and has seen various turbulent events, which has caused her to grow cautious of politics and what may come from them. Towards most individuals, she is warm and friendly. Miyoshi's relation with her mother is quite cordial and stable; the two seem to both prefer some peace and tranquillity, which is rare with a household that has two rowdy boys.

    | Subaru Yuki |

    Miyoshi's father is a man that can be described as 'stern but trying to be righteous'. He values discipline and determination, often appaled by deeds that are of opposite natures. Yet, in less formal situations, Subaru can be warm and even show a softer side. His relation with Miyoshi is caring and warm; although he doesn't approve her decision becoming a kunoichi - due to the risks, it carries with it.

    • Yorikane Yuki; three years older than Miyoshi.
    • Reizo Yuki; one year older than Miyoshi.

    The brothers of Miyoshi are older than her and quite rowdier. Her oldest brother works in the city guard; attempting to become a captain as he is just a sergeant. The other brother currently is working on a commercial vessel, which often ventures between various Republican cities. Though Miyoshi and her brothers are having a healthy relationship, they have grown more apart; due to different lives but also having attitudes that don't always seem compatible.


    ANBU are allowed to have friends?!


    Other People:

    Kukiko Yuki is the person that Miyoshi idolised back during her time in the Academy. As Miyoshi's family was more humble than the other known Yuki family, Kukiko stood out for Miyoshi; mainly due to the older woman's abilities and having succeeded the Academy before Miyoshi.
    Miyoshi views the older Yuki with the utmost respect and care; despite not being able to interact that much with each other; due to the difference stations and ranks.

    Other Yuki;
    Miyoshi is mostly polite towards other Yuki. She has gained a curiosity towards them but hasn't done anything to become known to them. Recent events have, however, mortified Miyoshi; such as the Yuki falling from the previously established regime. Not to mention the sinking of Junyo, which has made Miyoshi warier of the wealthier side of the clan.

  • latest
    Name of Weapon or Item:
    Republican ANBU Gear
    Miyoshi is geared up, often, in the Republican ANBU style. This provides protective gear and various items that are common among the Republican ANBU. This gear is often replaced by other attires when the mission and situation call for it.


    Name of Weapon or Item:

    Republican ANBU Tanto
    A tanto received upon Miyoshi's entry into the Republican ANBU. The tanto is made of good quality steel but lacks any other properties that would make it unique.


    Name of Weapon or Item:
    Republican ANBU Tanto
    Prepared small scrolls that Miyoshi, often, prepares when venturing on a mission. Using little chakra to unleash a prepared Exploding wave, Miyoshi uses for a variety of tactics and strategies.
    Usually, Miyoshi has four prepared scrolls on her when she sets out on a mission.

  • Skills/Abilities

    Miyoshi is a kunoichi orientated on tracking and sensory abilities. Her chakra control is advanced, allowing her to use jutsu quite efficiently despite her chakra reserves being average. She is highly competent in tracking; even aside from her various jutsu being able to search (or hunt down) most quarries.
    Her mastery of Silent Killing is advanced enough to give her a decisive edge when it comes down to ambushing her prey(s). It may not be on the level of a master, but it has allowed her already several times to take on dangerous foes head-on.
    Miyoshi's skill in close-ranged combat is of high level as well. Her taijutsu and weapon mastery seem to be her forte; allowing her to fight and assault opponents, disabling their ability to cast any jutsu that require hand signs. Her stamina and reflexes are on a high level to allow her to fight prolonged amount of times against most foes.

    Miyoshi's is somewhat adequate in the usage of various other fields. Her knowledge and ability to deal with genjutsu resolve around her experience, yet it will not allow her to fight a real genjutsu user head-on without some preparation. The only advantage is her chakra control, allowing her to tap out of the most basic genjutsu at a quick pace - if she can recognise them.
    Her ability to use barrier ninjutsu depends on her Ice release ninjutsu. While somewhat knowledgeable about barrier ninjutsu, it is safe to say that Miyoshi isn't an expert on the matter.

    Miyoshi has gained enough experience and skill in observation to figure most people out, whether they are truthful or not. This skill does require her to observe and know the person enough though - [/i]it isn't just a glance, poof and she knows if you lie about eating that piece of the pie.[/i]
    Miyoshi's training in the ANBU allowed her to a variety of skills such as lipreading, faking her accent and breaking the code of foreign operatives.


    Special Traits

    Miyoshi's chakra reserves are average at most. Her efficient and advanced chakra control allows her to use ninjutsu without exhausting her reserves rapidly. Her knowledge regarding some fields of jutsu has made Miyoshi a troublesome foe; that is willing to take advantage of her foe's weakness ruthlessly.
    Her time as being part of a hunter-team has bloodied and hardened Miyoshi. Forced to deal with death, Miyoshi has become a woman that isn't easily fazed or breaks to either an enemy or a dangerous situation.

    Aware of her limitations and abilities, Miyoshi is an operative that tends to plan and stalk her prey. Only to then strike and take her quarry out without a hint of mercy, intending to take her foes out cold without too many risks to herself - if she can create such circumstances.

  • Miyoshi has mastered the Academy Jutsu, upon graduating the Academy.

    Miyoshi's Ice Release Techniques:

    Ice Prison Technique;
    The technique doesn't mean that the ice instantly imprisons a foe. Upon the moment that the technique hits the target, it will start to encumber and imprison the victim slowly. It can be fought and repelled in various methods that revolve around increasing one's temperature or casting a shielding of chakra around themselves.

    Crystal Ice Wall Technique;
    The size depends on the amount of chakra and time Miyoshi invest into the said technique. She can't conjure a wall of ice instantly nor able to completely freeze and imprison enemies without some time and hefty use of chakra.

    Swallow Snow Storm
    Kill Ice Spears;
    Miyoshi is able to conjure spikes of ice to impale her victims. This is a dangerous technique in enclosed spaces, where her foes are limited in escaping the technique. Miyoshi isn't, however, able to create the spikes that fast it always ensures a critical hit. It requires a fair amount of chakra and can prohibit her mobility as well; seeing a room filled with ice spikes doesn't provide the most kind of space to walk freely.
    More often than not, Miyoshi uses a smaller scale of the technique to create an ice spike as a make-shift weapon.

    Name of Technique:
    Ice Release: Sprouting Senbon
    Type of Jutsu:
    Ninjutsu, Shurikenjutsu
    Nature Type:
    Ice Release
    The user molds the ice chakra to create senbon formed by ice. It can be used as makeshift lockpicks but it's easy to break. What makes it versatile is that when it impacts, the senbon freezes over the area around it, making it somewhat numb.
    It's weak enough that wind, fire and earth techniques can render the senbon useless quickly, shattering or melting it.

    Name of Technique:
    Ice Release: Hiding in the Snow
    Type of Jutsu:
    Nature Type:
    Ice Release
    Hiding in the Snow is a technique similar to Hiding in the Mist. It casts up a strong storm of snow that keeps rotating in the same area repeatedly. The area gets colder and more material becomes present for ice release techniques to be used, as well as making it 'biting cold' for anyone who isn't prepared for the harsh temperature brought by the technique. Fire techniques used inside are slightly weaker than usual.
    Not only is the amount of snow limited, but it's also much easier to melt than it is to replace, so fire techniques are ideal to get rid of the disadvantage created by the technique.

    Miyoshi's Water Release Techniques:

    Crimson Mist Barrier Technique
    Water Whip Technique
    Water Clone Technique
    Water Prison Technique
    Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave Technique
    Water Shark Bullet Technique

    Miyoshi's Wind Release Techniques;

    Gale Palm Technique
    Great Breakthrough Technique
    Wind Cutter Technique

    Miyoshi's Sensory Techniques;

    Sensing Technique;
    Miyoshi is an experience sensory user. She can use her sensory technique to scan a wide radius of roughly 2 kilometres / 6500 ft. However, she can distinguish and learn about one's chakra signature better; the closer she gets.
    At a range of 1 kilometre / 3250 ft, she can lock on a target's chakra signature as being able to 'read' more information - such as whether it is a humanoid or more animalistic chakra.
    At ranges and closer from 200 meters / 650 ft, Miyoshi has the ability to latch on and focus upon them; until they start to venture beyond 1500 meters / roughly 5000 ft.

    Name of Technique:
    Ice Release: True Snow Fall
    Type of Jutsu:
    Sensory Jutsu
    Up to a radius of roughly 400 meters / 1300 ft.
    Nature Type:
    Ice Release
    Dog - Boar - Bird - Dragon -
    Miyoshi focused and needs to be stationary. Moulding and focusing chakra, she will eventually release a large amount of chakra into the air - allowing her to form dark clouds, from which it will snow.
    The snow will be harmless, but upon contact, it will relay information to Miyoshi. The more snow one comes into contact with, the more information Miyoshi is able to deduce from their chakra signature. Ranging from their affinities to their current pool of chakra reserves.
    The sudden formation of dark clouds will likely alert anyone observant enough. It is also a given that something is off when it starts to snow in the middle of any other season than winter, wouldn't you think?~

    Name of Technique:
    Water Release: Reading Water Technique
    Type of Jutsu:
    Miyoshi needs to be in range, but every Reading Water can sense up to an accurate scope of 50 meters / 164 ft.
    Nature Type:
    Water Release
    Dog - Bird - Rat - Ram - Serpent.
    Miyoshi affects some water or any substance that has a large amount of water in it - save it for living creatures. As long as the affected water stays in her sensory range, she can focus on it and on large amounts of distance able to sense who or what is present; as if they were that close to Miyoshi herself.
    She can also toggle the technique to eavesdrop on her victims or relay messages.
    Miyoshi is required to use her sensory technique to tap on the affected water. The technique, however, is dispelled whenever something or someone drinks the water. When Miyoshi desires to eavesdrops or use the technique to relay messages, the distance can interfere; the more distance, the more delay and inference she will suffer.

    Name :

    Miyoshi's Shima Enaga's.
    The English name of these birds? Long-tailed Tit. Yeah, I didn't make the name either.
    Bird; Shima Enaga.
    Most Enaga are around one or two years old, having been trained to aid Miyoshi in various activities.
    This species has been described as a tiny (at only 13–15 cm in length, including its 7–9 cm tail), round-bodied tit with a short, stubby bill and a very long, narrow tail
    Unique Traits:
    They are quite stealth, certainly during the winter, where even the most observant people might easily overlook them.
    The Enaga's are quite energetic and are swift in aerial manoeuvres.
    They are able to follow and stalk an individual, able to take advantage of flying to keep track of their quarry. Using their song or chakra signature, they can indicate Miyoshi where her target is at - if she is close enough to hear or sense them.
    These small birds were being raised and trained by Summoner Establishments. Falling first in love with the bird's appearance, Miyoshi soon enough was more allured by the possibility of deploying these clever minions for her objectives.

After discussing it in the dark depths of the GM reviewing chat, you receive an approval from me.
Hello hello, I got this little thing here for you good people. Don't mind the potentially awful aesthetics, kind of a nightmare to have it work sometimes. If there are random edits it's because of that or because of some typo.


Alsanna Shirafuji

Shinsetsuna Ishi - The Kind Doctor


Water Republic

"A lot of the world's problems would be solved if there was just a little more of me around. Or at the very least, they would be made more exciting."

  • Bloodline:
    Half is obscured and of Sayyadian origin. The other is composed of non-shinobi nobodies.

    Chakra Nature:
    Lightning (Affinity)


    Age and date of birth:
    Born the 9th​ of March, 460 – Making her 16 years old

    Age Appearance:
    Young adult

    Unclear, will have to expand on this when the character's out there.

  • Length and build:
    155 cm or just over 5 feet. Her build is lithe and lacking in muscle mass.

    42 kg or 92 lbs.

    Favourite weather and season:
    Cloudy evenings of fall.

    Scars and tattoos:
    Currently none!

  • Personality:
    Dr. Yoshimura's conclusion after 11 therapy sessions with Alsanna Shirafuji during her detention as a ward of the new Republic, February 476.
    Sessions 1, 2 and 3 initially commence with the superficial. Shirafuji maintains a laid back posture with a smile and says what she's 'expected' to say to a psychologist. Characteristics of deception were quickly found out and her endeavour as a chameleon quickly sheds. Little effort is made to hide her true nature, being one far more cynical than she initially sells. Coupled with a sardonic sense of humour and venomous sarcasm, I'm led to believe this patient suffers from a degree of narcissism as her discourse rarely considers other people's position or input.

    Sessions 4 to 7 will invalidate my previous assessment. Self-contempt and the veneer of sarcasm to conceal her true emotions have become evident to me. Attempts to maintain her appearances and records of her efforts that resemble sycophant-like behaviour indicate a desire to appeal to certain crowds. While I'm still on the fence as to what drive this bizarrely inflated ego of her's, I'm led to determine she is more of a misanthrope than anything else. She will frequently deflect more unpleasant questions with snarky quips or even direct insults to my person by using sometimes outlandish references.
    In tandem with this discovery, I sought to explore this bizarre role she plays as the 'Kind Doctor' and what use she had as a trained shinobi. There is an obsession over what she practices that I can't quite put my finger on. The medical nature of it just happens to be the puzzle that captivates her, but the why eludes me. Nonetheless, the drive she holds for whatever keeps her mind busy is something I've rarely seen in people, even overachieving shinobi. What I've pieced together so far is her relationship with her father has had a direct influence in the formative years that created this.

    Sessions 8 to 10 gave me a far more tired and displeased patient. An inordinate amount of bottled frustration and anger were present in her eyes and gestures. There were no outbursts, but the language employed suggest that a deep hatred gnaws in her, but of what? I am uncertain. I had first assumed it was of her parental figures, or even herself. I feel like I am wrong, her self-contempt seems to only extend to far and nothing leads credence to this assessment, because of the central role her father holds to her being while she herself sees far too many as below her.

    Session 11 brings about a conclusion to my exchanges with Alsanna Shirafuji. I've no reason to diagnose her of any severe mental disorder. She is, however, prone to a lack of regard for others and places her own ambitions and/or curiosities over the wellbeing of her fellow humans. Another bright mind, burned by an ambition I've yet to fully grasp. Supervision is strongly advised should she be allowed to operate into the system or society as a whole.

    Subtle little tunes
    Birbs, and other creatures that fly
    Abnormalities in nature
    Parasols, even umbrellas
    Puzzles and convoluted systems
    Beautiful things, and looking beautiful
    Being underestimated

    Being Invaded
    Bleeding hearts
    Vacuous individuals
    Anything too 'Artsy'
    Sandals, and by extension, feet


    Being lobotomized
    Becoming a drone

    Make Bijuu and Shinobi-dominant clans obsolete
    Ceaselessly learn and test new theories
    Create something truly beautiful

  • Backstory:
    Hirizu Snow Path Clinic and Emergency Hospital
    Attributed Physician:
    Kirio Tengai
    Assisting Staff: Fukuo Tengai, Miruko Hie
    Time of Birth: 5:22 AM
    Child's Weight: 2.1 kg

    March 9, 460, 7:46. Mother arrives five hours ago with accompanying female of unknown relation. Contractions had begun and the hospital hadn't yet been overwhelmed by growing casualties. The birthing process was difficult, but no fatalities. Child is female and of relatively good health although with a below-average weight is to supervise. The mother has not yet made contact with the child and remains under ward care. -Dr. Kirio Tengai

    March 9, 460, 9:02 AM. Mother has awaken and female escort is missing. Documents found identify her as [REDACTED] of Sayyadian origin. Three quarters of an hour was dedicated by staff to convince her to hold her child. Current government bodies remain inaccessible due to ongoing crisis. Nurse Hie is seeking the wet nurse for any eventuality. No name has been given for the child, perhaps of Akinian tradition? -Dr. Kirio Tengai

    March 10, 460, 2:35 PM. [REDACTED] has attempted to depart twice, expressing a desire to return home. It is against policy to let a new mother leave in her state as well as without her child. More attempts are being made to contact relatives or known associates. -Nurse Miruko Hie

    March 12, 460, 8:40 AM. The father, Geniri Shirafuji, arrived and displayed varying degrees of hostility to staff. It took an hour to talk him down and another with the child's mother to avert any potential issues. The mother confirmed him as a father. Soon after, she has been classified as missing after a shift change between Nurse Fujino and Nurse Tengai. Authorities have been notified but little can be done. The father has agreed to taking in the child after conferring a name, the hospital is now discharged of all liabilities. -Dr. Kirio Tengai

    I, Dr. Kirio Tengai of the Hirizu Clinic, certify the proper delivery and discharge of Alsanna Shirafuji with her father, Geniri Shirafuji, on March 10, 460, at 7:50 AM.


    Fuzou Shinobi and Internal Security Council​
    Written by: Daisuke Ikiri
    Officers on Site: Goukan Sakamoto, Daisuke Ikiri
    Date: July 14, 465
    Time of disturbance: 9:54 PM
    Time of conclusion/report: 4:49 AM (+1 Day)
    Notifier of disturbance: Neighbour

    Description of events:
    Report of excessive yelling during the night. Caution is exercised in the lower district as per our training. Officer Sakamoto initiates contact by knocking at the door, the husband male partner answers calmly and identifies himself as Genichi Shirafuji. Altercation begins with the female partner, Suzuya Ayamon, hurls a pot at Mr. Shirafuji but strikes me on the shoulder. Minimal harm is made, but immediate intervention occurs to subdue the violent individual.

    Mr. Shirafuji pleads for her case as a simple misunderstanding. Officer Sakamoto denies leniency but I opt to let them explain themselves. Ms. Ayamon is calmed and Sakamoto hears them out while I investigate the interior of the small home. Many objects and furniture are damaged to varying degrees. A single female child is found in the yard alone. I go to question and ensure she is well but consistently stares at the window to the living room. She is later identified as Alsanna Shirafuji, Mr. Shirafuji's daughter of another partner.

    Transcript of exchange:
    Figure 2.3. Witness Alsanna Shirafuji, staring at the window before interrogation.
    Ikiri: What are you doing out here? What's your name, hun?Alsanna: Watching them.
    Ikiri: Isn't it a bit cold? Wouldn't you want to go back inside with them?
    Alsanna: It gets too hot when she gets angry at him. Kinda like when someone pulls on your face too long, it feels so hot on the cheeks.
    Ikiri: Do they pull on your face?
    Alsanna: No. She just screams.
    Ikiri: At you?
    Alsanna: No. She doesn't look at me. 'Cause I'm not her girl. She wants her own girl but my dad can't give any.
    Ikiri: She's angry at your dad because he can't give her a girl like you?
    Alsanna: Yeah, or a boy, I dunno. I wanna help my dad. He's very happy with her. He hurts for her a lot. I hurt. It makes me angry.
    Ikiri: (Unable to find an answer, I keep quiet)
    Alsanna: It's starting to rain. I hate the rain. Going back inside.

    The transcript from Officer Sakamoto can be found in the annexes. A thorough interrogation of neighbours that sought to give their piece was conducted until the early morning, transcripts also found in the annexes. No further actions were taken as it was assessed that no one was in any danger.

    Chuunin Officer Daisuke Ikiri

    Oh my dear Alsanna, or how we all liked to call her, Ally. The perfect little student I could have among all these troubled but brilliant youths from the lower districts. Polite, always clean with beautiful clothes, willing to help at any moment, etc. I'll miss her, but I'm so happy I got to be her teacher during her general education phase. I have so many anecdotes to share, but I'll pick a couple that really struck me.

    The first would have to be how happy and curious she was about my wedding. Gosh, I would have loved to have her attend it, but it just couldn't be. At only nine, she was so curious of everything to look forward to as an adult. About my husband and if he was healthy, treated me well, and all that. I can only imagine life at home mustn't be the best for her. I'm sure one day a bright soul such as her would make something wonderful of herself.
    When I feel the baby kick in my tummy, I'm constantly reminded of her. Always so intrigued by how it happened, how I'm feeling, and what I'd do with my baby. More than once, I'll admit, I let her press her ear to my abdomen. It sounds
    weird. I suppose, in a way, I'm hoping I get a child like Ally. At least a curious and thoughtful.The second thing I remember is how she'd always take strolls after classes with her parasol, whether it was rainy or sunny. Always stopping at the strangest of places. Questionable streets that'd be dangerous at later times to more elegant areas where wealthier families roosted. To finally end at a park where she'd frequently feed flocks of birds. She just watched and admired these places. And I couldn't help but follow her a couple of times to see what this peculiar soul was doing. The way she absorbed her entourage, the innocent gaze, I just had to immortalize it. Just as I do with every one of my students, I make a painting of them. And Ally, with her beautiful kimono and pensive, blue eyes were exactly the perfect image I needed to commemorate her.

    I hope we meet again soon, Ally. Maybe you'll get to meet my little tot one of these days, and you could even be friends.

    With love,
    Miss Aya Kurotsuchi, your first year teacher!



    Here I was, indulging in homemade Kirigakure spring tea, and I'm informed by a very reliable source of HER return. Yes, folks, you know who I'm talking about and I can say with gusto that I was just as surprised as you were. Tea has only so much merit next to a local myth walking among us. The Shinsetsuna Ishi has once again blessed the lower Fuzou area with a miraculous delivery of a birth gone terribly wrong!
    Locals report a masked a short, masked being marching from the heavens above, down to their dingy and minuscule abode. The house doctor had failed to properly perform a C-section, leaving little hope for the mother and the unborn child, my source claims. And then, she came. The masked entity. With a mere gesture, all those present were ordered to depart from the premises, with the house doctor following suit without question.

    One hour. Two hours. Three ... And the door opened once more, with the cries of a newly born child echoing throughout the neighbourhood. The mother, left in a partial daze, recalls very little, but is left healthy just like the child. Before authorities could even be informed of what was going on, the masked saviour was gone! It has become somewhat of an unspoken rule among the people to never utter a word of the Shinsetsuna Ishi until she is finished. And to this day, no shinobi or authority figure have been able to catch her. It wouldn't be too surprising with entire communities collectively working to cover your tracks! I for one am absolutely for the preservation of this mysterious entity. The sea only knows how many of our children we lose to the tides of life.
    This is the fourteenth recorded act made by the Shinsetsuna Ishi this year, and her acts of benevolence do not just extend to births but also to ailing newborns with little hope for survival as well as mothers left mangled by the perils of giving life.
    As usual, you can all count on me to keep tabs on this special individual. I maintain my stalwart vow to getting an exclusive with this elusive life-giver, and do my part in making this world a safer and happier one.

    Written by Syo Hayatashi
    Edited by Misaki Tomura


    Page 12 - Ongoing Fuzou Investigations, Warning to Nighttime Drifters

    The Fuzou Shinobi and Internal Security Council urges all Fuzou residents to exercise caution after the increased disappearance of female citizens in the area. They were last seen in the Shanty Town area of Lower Fuzou for the majority of cases, with over half of them found murdered, mostly burned after what experts suggest may have been muggings of some kind with stab wounds still visible on their abdomens.

    -The Daily Wave's Evening Watch

    Fuzou Shinobi & Maritime Academy
    Name: Alsanna Shirafuji
    Age: 13
    Year: Final

    Physical Conditioning:32/100
    Teacher: Gozobura Shin
    Frequently absent and rarely invests herself. Will find opportunities to slack off with peers. A great shinobi is one in peak physical form!

    Smithing & Design Workshop: 100/100 - With honours
    Teacher: Kazumi XaoPai
    I'd grade you a 100/100 in being a total pain in the noggin as well, which is to say you are always a thrill to have in my class. Persistently asking questions and crafting your own little things. Many of which I believe you should expand upon and presence to the Internal Council. You are, however, reckless to the point of having three of your peers mildly injured and I'm left to wonder how far you'd go without my supervision. Still, I'll penalize you with a suspension and not your grade, because I'm not THAT kind of teacher. Cheers, Alsanna.

    Navigation & Survival: 56/100
    Teacher: Mikasa Tengai
    Student displays limited interest in field work while clearly capable of understanding the core notions of this class. Leads to sub-par results and a frequent distraction to the class when the sporadic mood kicks in. Get a grip Miss Shirafuji! This is your future that's at stake!

    Basic Ninjutsu Arts: 45/100
    Teacher: Ganryu Sonozaki
    You clearly understand the theory behind it all. But your chakra control is sub-par. Added to this, your affinities appear to be some of the rare types to be barely compatible with the moulding of chakra into actual ninjutsu. Your clone jutsu is just fine because of this, as it relies on your Yin chakra. But using substitution or even transformation put greater strain on you than most. Don't give up! Anyone with chakra can do it! It'll just be more difficult. You have the mind for it! I'm rooting for you!

    Medical arts and first aid: 95/100
    Teacher: Deng XaoPai
    There was nothing to teach you in terms of theory, medicinal plants or anatomy. You've taken this as a passion and I see it. The only blemish is your incapability to form even the most basic of healing ninjutsu. While it is an art reserved for the advanced users, even the lower shinobi are capable of very minor usage of it. But your unique chakra affinity appears to not respond to this endeavour. For that, I cannot give you a full grade.

    Final Grade: 67/100
    Verdict: Fail - Possibility for a second attempt next year

    You have so much potential. Your mind is clearly better than your peers', and I'd even say my own in some respects. There are times you'll ace tests without a care in the world, others you'll fail as if you are barely literate. This isn't by chance, this is purposeful. Are you happy here? But you seem to excel in workshops. Unfortunately, they don't weigh as much as other disciplines. I'm left to wonder, why do you wish to become a Shinobi?

    [The Following is an excerpt Interview with Tokubetsu Jounin Sanjuichi Himura]

    Mugshot of Shirafuji right after capture, 475
    [...] It took a few years, yes. Shinsetsuna Ishi, or now we know her name as Alsanna Shirafuji, had remained elusive for a variety of reasons. The biggest being that nobody in Fuzou wanted her found in the first place. Why would ya' want someone who saves your wives and children from death without dispensing a single coin? And with so many people dying from the incessant civil conflicts, we didn't have the time for this. Nonetheless, this was illegal practice and we had reasons to suspect Shirafuji to be associated with other cases.

    Had we had proper resources, this case would have been concluded earlier, but a mysterious figure saving lives wasn't exactly at the top of the council's priorities. It wasn't until a disconcerting amount of people smuggled themselves into the country with their pregnant lovers to hopefully be 'blessed' by Shirafuji that this was finally taken seriously, especially with growing civil unrest prompting paranoia from the higher ups. There, I had the resources needed to properly locate her in spite of local backlash.

    [He takes a sip of his water]

    So, an Akinian couple had been tagged by one of my sniffers, and without fault, they would be visited by the doctor. We pursued, briefly lost her but the mask been flung off and we had her scent too. It was only a matter of time before we found her hole.

    [He goes on to use more specific gestures to illustrate the raid]

    It was the basement of an abandoned fish treatment building the she lurked. A whole shop of tools, chemicals and masks. Not just the Shinsetsuna Ishi's mask. We knew she was just some kid, and that led us to drop our guards to a degree. There were no casualties, no. But there could have been if I didn't have the backup. The various drugs she had concocted down there as well as that very strange umbrella, or parasol I'm not sure, she always dragged around made capture very difficult. Nonetheless, I had managed to disarm her before that parasol-turned-whip of her's could harm any of my men.

    She's since remained reserved, answering questions as plainly as possible. Currently, she's being visited by a mental health professional, the type they use for the guys that survived the war.

    [The councilman asks what was found in the basement]

    Apart from various strange and unfinished gadgets, usually variations of military tools, the chemicals were apparently homemade anaesthetics for the most part, though some I'm still not sure, you'd have to ask the professionals.

    [The question of corpses being found stored was brought up]

    There was one corpse, but we've quickly deduced it was one stolen from the local clinic's morgue. We do not know what she did with it yet. But we did find something very ... Different. At first I though it was just a set of small, thin roots, but my field medic colleague pointed out just how much the layout resembled a human body, and more precisely, the nervous system. Yeah, I'm not making this up.

  • Family:

    Unnamed | 32 | No Relationship
    "It's not unheard of to see young people have children, they're at that age and mistakes happen. It's also not uncommon for one of the parents to be scared of the responsibility and seek to leave as soon as possible. But this was the first time I've seen a mother so adamantly seek solitude after this ordeal." -Nurse Hie

    Genichi Shirafuji | 33 | Uncertain
    "Alsanna's a good girl. Every Sunday, without error, she comes over to prepare food and share it with me. Sometimes we'd talk sometimes she won't even look at me. But she's there, despite having little to talk about. I guess I'm getting old. I'm just glad I have my little girl visiting me and Suzuya. A shame she didn't come during her birthday, I had a surprise ready for her." -Genichi Shirafuji

    Father's Girlfriend:
    Suzuya Ayamon | 29 | Troubled
    "Alsanna was always ... Different. It was hard to make a rapport with her, and I definitely tried! I tried to be mommy, but she had always taken issue with that. I was more than happy to take her as my own, since Genichi has, well, I guess we could call them problems. We're still trying, though! One day, hopefully, Alsanna will have a brother or sister to come visit too!" -Suzuya Ayamon


    Academy Students | 14-17 | Distant/Acquaintances
    "Oh, Shirafuji? She was fun, haha! Made bombs out of TP once, completely fried Gozobura's ass. Man, wish we stayed friends, there was always some dumb crap we could do." -Nezu 'The Toad' Goukan

    "Never knew much about her, no. Always polite, saying the right things and never looking awkward. A few girls didn't like her because of her choice of clothes. We're not exactly posh here. But I was never bored with her."
    -Fubuki Sona (Deceased as of 476)

    "Y'know, I thought she'd be the type to party with all the silly things she'd do with the troublemakers, but with me she was surprisingly tame. It was weird. She also never came to outings when offered, even when some insisted. Nor did we ever get to see where she lived. She was weird." -Kaya Goukan

    "Believe it or not, I had a crush on her! She was just nice and fun with everyone. But then she suddenly kind of didn't care anymore. Nothing had really changed, she just suddenly got meaner and made fun of whatever she wanted. An absolute jerk, I say. I didn't really like being around her after that, not many people did." -Joji Shimatsu


    Other People:
    None of Note

  • Name of Weapon or Item:
    The Pretty Parasol

    "I've always liked parasols. Whether it is sunny or cloudy, hot or cold, you usually had good use of them. Unless it was particularly windy. Ugh, how incompetently designed they are in the end, barely factoring in one of the biggest hazards of the outdoors. Luckily, I've not scruples when it comes to crashing the local umbrella and parasol market. Here comes my Pretty Parasol~!

    Getting this functional for not only some windy days but to also smack a bitch or three, I've had to get creative. I've started with thin layers of steel. Small, diamond-shaped sheets that serve as a form of 'scales' that constitute the parasol's surface. One click, and it assembles into one piece, another click, and it is disassembled, the sheets wrapping around the shaft of the parasol to form a more proper cane. Damn was that hard to make work, the sheets weren't exactly very malleable, but I eventually got them thin enough. It did compromise its defensive capabilities, for I would no longer be able to have a portable shield, but in exchange, I got my a light tool that could protect me from more indirect attacks. Good enough.

    The cane itself is stout enough to deflect blades while being solid enough to be lethal on its own. The fact that it has a layer of steel scales actually made me think of the Samehada. To which I tweaked a little as to have these sheets 'stick out' just enough to shred whatever was misfortunate enough to get hit by it. Nasty stuff. Did you ever see what happens when someone gets mauled by a shark? About the same result here.

    At the tip of the parasol and the cane forms I've made a little opening to fire some bomb balls and even to have a blade stick out of it for good measure. If I can't conjure some super abilities like my peers, I may as well be able to have a backup. However a cane sword was a bit much to do, so instead, I've fractioned the cane itself! Combined with the steel scales, I was able to connect it all via a 24 meter long metallic thread and made a surprisingly efficient notched whip. Am I super good with it? Absolutely not. But, I'm dying to take it out for a spin. Hehehe."



    Name of Weapon or Item:

    "I fucking hate sandals. So I got me some boots. Boots with nice, metal talons I can pop out and gouge out a few eyes with. Great for underhanded attacks. Not exactly easy to control however. May need some revisions. Still, the design is something I'm quite proud of. I've always loved any aesthetic that involves birds."

    Literally just boots with talons I don't have a cool image for this.


    Name of Weapon or Item:
    Custom Shinobi gear

    "Birds are cool. I like how they look. I like to make things look nice. So, I made my stuff look a bit more avian. Feather-shaped kunai, talon-like shuriken ... Huh, that's not a whole lot. Maybe I should up my game if I want to look as good as the snowflakes out there."


    Special note: Alsanna's drugs and other funny chemicals have been seized and confiscated! As such, she must either be given them or acquire new means to play underhanded.

  • Skills/Abilities
    Very Good Genjutsu knowledge (Counterbalanced by Ninjutsu weakness, given it's like, 80% of cool powers)
    Good Fuinjutsu/Juinjutsu
    Good Agility and Parasol Technique

    Average Kenjutsu (Whip and Cane Blade)
    Average Chakra Control

    Sub-par Strength
    Low Chakra Pool
    Mediocre Ninjutsu (Very weak potential)


    Special Traits
    Mastery in Neurology and Reproduction:
    When it comes to medicine and knowledge of anatomy, Alsanna easily qualifies for the level of surgeon, with a speciality in the nervous system and reproduction (applicable to other species other than humans). A lot of her abilities revolve around the enemy's or her own nervous system. To this day, she continues to discover new, exciting things about brains and how they can be tinkered.

    Inventor and Engineer: Born out of her fascination for complex mechanisms like the nervous system and necessity due to her innate weakness in the ninja arts, Alsanna has instead dedicated her efforts to bulding her own, unique strengths. Tools such as her Pretty Parasol are a testament of her capabilities, and she wishes to expand even more in that domain.

    Big brain: She's a smart girl. As in, it's possibly the only thing that allows her to stand out among all these scary, big ninjutsu explosion shinobi. Trying not to play this as some sort of cop out like some crappier characters *coughAizencough*.

    Taika is her mother tongue.

  • Name of Technique:
    Hex: Undying
    Type of Jutsu:
    Juinjutsu, Genjutsu, Probably Kinjutsu
    Direct Contact
    Nature Type:
    Index and major fingers stab into the base of the skull, right into the cerebellum.
    "The things I've done to get this little trick going. To be fair, the recent uprising made this far easier than it should've been. Oh well. It was all worth it. The process is rather simple: Insertion of one or more digits into the neck leading to perforation of the cerebellum allows me to 'mark' the now fatally damaged brain. The mark itself holds my chakra, which in turn feeds the body and brain with a genjutsu that suggests the body is 'fine'. The victim's brain is, for the most part, rendered into auto-pilot and will follow a specific order I apply to it. Though this comes with its own boons and ... Inconveniences."

    Conditions: "Playing with the brain is never easy, and there is a method to doing this. The victim must not have been 'dead' for more than three minutes, otherwise the brain will be far too damaged. Additionally, death by brain damage also makes this useless. The strike into the cerebellum is fatal regardless, so the victim doesn't need to be weakened. The idea is that the body is capable of working despite brain damage, and this hex seeks to keep this going while utilizing chakra to maintain the functional parts of the brain working. The undying is essentially 'dead''.""

    Behaviour: "The little studying I could do has led me to believe that once afflicted, they can function indefinitely so long as primary physical needs are met. Other needs that go beyond the basics become unnecessary. They will stick to routine, living out their boring lives, but noticeable sluggishness will be found out eventually. If brought to think critically, they will 'shut down' momentarily. Like little drones clinging to the pre-determined paths. Until ordered to do something else of course, for they'll be compelled by my words as if it were gospel."

    Limits: "The victim's chakra is used to keep them alive when their body should be dead, making usage of any chakra-based technique impossible. Their overall performance will be around 30% to 60% of what it would normally be. Cannot work for interrogations as it compromises the brain. Bummer. An Undying can last up to 30 minutes, though that number is contingent on how fresh they are and how damaged they get during their brief servitude."

    Strengths: "Now the boons are pretty damn cool. The brain now shuts out the pain receptors and keep limbs at their relative maximum potential despite injury. They will ultimately strikein very unpredictable ways. The only way to pre-maturely stop them is to sever their heads or remove all their limbs, which is a difficult feat in itself. No to mention quite messy."

    Weaknesses: "The brain becomes particularly vulnerable to sensory overload, making flashbangs and things of the sort great counters. They are also devoid of any in-depth strategy, making tricking the undying simple. Finally, they tend to easily over-exert themselves and damage their limbs by pushing their limits, making outlasting them possibly the safest strategy."


    Name of Technique:
    Parasol Art: Fiery Leap
    Type of Jutsu:
    Nature Type:
    N/A - Condition: Loaded Parasol
    "Honestly? I've made this thing to look cool and pretty damn classy. I'll be damned if I didn't have awesome and flashy skills to show off with it too."

    Loaded with a ball of explosives, Alsanna is capable of firing the sphere as if the parasol were a cannon ... But that's no technique! Instead of firing it like some basic infantry, she'll instead aim the tip toward the ground before her and fire. Simultaneously, the parasol unfolds to push back against the blast while sponging it too, making Alsanna leap into the air and concentrate the blast's power forward. Very nasty to take this at the face!
    Weakness: Well telegraphed, requires a reload after two uses, with a maximum of 6 explosive balls available at a time. Keeping some distance or having some tough defences will be pretty useful.


    Name of Technique:
    Hex: Cyto-Clone
    Type of Jutsu:
    Clone Technique, Curse Technique
    Nature Type:
    Ram -> Kai (Can have a delay between the two)
    "No matter how shit times may be, we as living beings have an imperative to multiply. It's honestly kind of baffling what can sometimes come out of us. One may be the perfect combination of our progenitors, or ... Well, not everyone can be blessed in this world."

    A simple Seal applied onto any living being via the means of projectiles or direct contact from Alsanna. Flesh doesn't need to be touch, any item that is closely bound to the body works too (barring weapons). A circular cursed seal is placed onto the victim and is left dormant until the hand seals are performed. From there, the seal dilates as if opening itself like an orifice, birthing 'clone' of the cursed. Minimal chakra is consumed from the victim and no pain is felt. The result is sometimes a perfect replica in appearance, but often it will have more undesirable mutations, although they'll almost always be functional. Afterward, the seal is broken.

    The Cyto-Clone is incapable of independent thought and cannot utilize acquired skills of the progenitor unlike the Undying. They are obedient to basic orders and will utilize the most direct means to accomplish their goal. Unlike most clones, they will not be dispatched by simple damage and must be dismembered like an Undying. When dispatched, they will take about five minutes to 'melt' into dark sludge which in turn hardens into ash and dirt.

    Weakness: Preventive measures can be more basic curse-removal if performed before Alsanna activates it. The Cyto-Clones are devoid of intelligence beyond that of a rabid animal. They also lack the ability to push their limit like the Undying, making them generally more manageable.

    Special note: Alsanna can apply a maximum of 2 to herself, and they will consistently come out malformed to a certain degree.


    Name of Technique:
    Hex: The Hidden Lock
    Type of Jutsu:
    Nature Type:
    Specific pattern - Kai
    "I may have been caught, but the watchdogs have yet to sniff out my hidden stash. Not that they'd gain much from it, it's just a bunch of bombs. And I'm sure they've read enough adventure novels to know where a stash of explosives would lead if intruded, hehe."

    A very distinct rune created by Alsanna resembling a crude feather of a peacock. The use of it comes from the ability shinobi wield to essentially carve and draw with chakra laced finger tips, although directly carving it somewhere will work too. Drawing this rune will serve as a gateway for a small number of explosives to slip out, activated by any sort of active chakra in contact with it. Once the explosives pass out of the rune, they are made to explode. They aren't much stronger than paper bombs, but multiple exploding at once can be a threat!

    Weakness: The same way you'd deal with most explosives in this world. Would require incapacitation to be properly carved on an unwilling victim.


    Name of Technique:
    Hex: Placebo
    Type of Jutsu:
    Juinjutsu, Genjutsu
    Contact - All five fingers upon one's head, each digit leaving a small 'print'.
    Nature Type:
    "The human brain is a magical thing, even more so than our ability to conjure fireballs and lightning storms with our wills. I can trick someone into thinking a tomato is a potato, that dying is a soothing and pleasant experience, that their chronic pain is actually getting better thanks to essential oils. Although, I've found that physical pain isn't the only thing this neat trick can soothe."

    A Genjutsu that seeking to force the brain into a specific state. The major use of this ability involves forcing the victim to enter a specific state of mind best fit for their survival and increase their overall odds of living. It is essentially a placebo effect, and the main tool used by Alsanna to keep many women from dying during difficult labours. It is also used to as literally borrowed time for the fatally wounded, as it also helps them disconnect from the pain. Note: It does not remove pain receptors, but it can effectively dull out chronic pains to a certain degree. This brain trickery can extend to more mundane things such as emphasizing specific tastes and overall improving quality of life.
    Alsanna frequently applies this to herself for motivation or to root out some specific thoughts, for physical pain isn't the only thing this trick can soothe.

  • Name :
    Minervan Owls: Aristides and Pholks

    Bird; Barn Owl
    Around 7 years old.
    30-40 cm
    Unique Traits:
    Besides their peculiar colouring, Minervan Owls tend to be quite elusive in spite of their plumage. They are considered to be clever, perhaps even more so than humans in some regards and, like many summons, are capable of speech.
    One can 'record' what it observes, feels and hears. This can then be shared to its caretaker, under the form of vivid memories.
    One can 'hold' any number of memories and facts shared by a human caretaker, and forever keep it until they wish to have it shared again. A sort of 'bank of memories and knowledge'.
    They are ill equipped for any sort of stealthy scouting or advanced recon. They instead serve as better sentries or passive watchers of large areas.
    Transformation Jutsu
    No combat field capabilities beyond concealment.
    It is a mystery as to why or how Alsanna contracted these two creatures. They are said to be attracted to those with a particular hunger for knowledge. There will often be one stationed near her father's home, forever watchful, while the other is never too far from its master, lurking under the guise of another creature or even an object.
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Hello hello, I got this little thing here for you good people. Don't mind the potentially awful aesthetics, kind of a nightmare to have it work sometimes. If there are random edits it's because of that or because of some typo.


Alsanna Shirafuji

Shinsetsuna Ishi - The Kind Doctor


Water Republic

"A lot of the world's problems would be solved if there was just a little more of me around. Or at the very least, they would be made more exciting."

  • Bloodline:
    Half is obscured and of Sayyadian origin. The other is composed of non-shinobi nobodies.

    Chakra Nature:
    Lightning (Affinity)


    Age and date of birth:
    Born the 9th​ of March, 460 – Making her 16 years old

    Age Appearance:
    Young adult

    Unclear, will have to expand on this when the character's out there.

  • Length and build:
    155 cm or just over 5 feet. Her build is lithe and lacking in muscle mass.

    42 kg or 92 lbs.

    Favourite weather and season:
    Cloudy evenings of fall.

    Scars and tattoos:
    Currently none!

  • Personality:
    Dr. Yoshimura's conclusion after 11 therapy sessions with Alsanna Shirafuji during her detention as a ward of the new Republic, February 476.
    Sessions 1, 2 and 3 initially commence with the superficial. Shirafuji maintains a laid back posture with a smile and says what she's 'expected' to say to a psychologist. Characteristics of deception were quickly found out and her endeavour as a chameleon quickly sheds. Little effort is made to hide her true nature, being one far more cynical than she initially sells. Coupled with a sardonic sense of humour and venomous sarcasm, I'm led to believe this patient suffers from a degree of narcissism as her discourse rarely considers other people's position or input.

    Sessions 4 to 7 will invalidate my previous assessment. Self-contempt and the veneer of sarcasm to conceal her true emotions have become evident to me. Attempts to maintain her appearances and records of her efforts that resemble sycophant-like behaviour indicate a desire to appeal to certain crowds. While I'm still on the fence as to what drive this bizarrely inflated ego of her's, I'm led to determine she is more of a misanthrope than anything else. She will frequently deflect more unpleasant questions with snarky quips or even direct insults to my person by using sometimes outlandish references.
    In tandem with this discovery, I sought to explore this bizarre role she plays as the 'Kind Doctor' and what use she had as a trained shinobi. There is an obsession over what she practices that I can't quite put my finger on. The medical nature of it just happens to be the puzzle that captivates her, but the why eludes me. Nonetheless, the drive she holds for whatever keeps her mind busy is something I've rarely seen in people, even overachieving shinobi. What I've pieced together so far is her relationship with her father has had a direct influence in the formative years that created this.

    Sessions 8 to 10 gave me a far more tired and displeased patient. An inordinate amount of bottled frustration and anger were present in her eyes and gestures. There were no outbursts, but the language employed suggest that a deep hatred gnaws in her, but of what? I am uncertain. I had first assumed it was of her parental figures, or even herself. I feel like I am wrong, her self-contempt seems to only extend to far and nothing leads credence to this assessment, because of the central role her father holds to her being while she herself sees far too many as below her.

    Session 11 brings about a conclusion to my exchanges with Alsanna Shirafuji. I've no reason to diagnose her of any severe mental disorder. She is, however, prone to a lack of regard for others and places her own ambitions and/or curiosities over the wellbeing of her fellow humans. Another bright mind, burned by an ambition I've yet to fully grasp. Supervision is strongly advised should she be allowed to operate into the system or society as a whole.

    Subtle little tunes
    Birbs, and other creatures that fly
    Abnormalities in nature
    Parasols, even umbrellas
    Puzzles and convoluted systems
    Beautiful things, and looking beautiful
    Being underestimated

    Being Invaded
    Bleeding hearts
    Vacuous individuals
    Anything too 'Artsy'
    Sandals, and by extension, feet


    Being lobotomized
    Becoming a drone

    Make Bijuu and Shinobi-dominant clans obsolete
    Ceaselessly learn and test new theories
    Create something truly beautiful

  • Backstory:
    Hirizu Snow Path Clinic and Emergency Hospital
    Attributed Physician:
    Kirio Tengai
    Assisting Staff: Fukuo Tengai, Miruko Hie
    Time of Birth: 5:22 AM
    Child's Weight: 2.1 kg

    March 9, 460, 7:46. Mother arrives five hours ago with accompanying female of unknown relation. Contractions had begun and the hospital hadn't yet been overwhelmed by growing casualties. The birthing process was difficult, but no fatalities. Child is female and of relatively good health although with a below-average weight is to supervise. The mother has not yet made contact with the child and remains under ward care. -Dr. Kirio Tengai

    March 9, 460, 9:02 AM. Mother has awaken and female escort is missing. Documents found identify her as [REDACTED] of Sayyadian origin. Three quarters of an hour was dedicated by staff to convince her to hold her child. Current government bodies remain inaccessible due to ongoing crisis. Nurse Hie is seeking the wet nurse for any eventuality. No name has been given for the child, perhaps of Akinian tradition? -Dr. Kirio Tengai

    March 10, 460, 2:35 PM. [REDACTED] has attempted to depart twice, expressing a desire to return home. It is against policy to let a new mother leave in her state as well as without her child. More attempts are being made to contact relatives or known associates. -Nurse Miruko Hie

    March 12, 460, 8:40 AM. The father, Geniri Shirafuji, arrived and displayed varying degrees of hostility to staff. It took an hour to talk him down and another with the child's mother to avert any potential issues. The mother confirmed him as a father. Soon after, she has been classified as missing after a shift change between Nurse Fujino and Nurse Tengai. Authorities have been notified but little can be done. The father has agreed to taking in the child after conferring a name, the hospital is now discharged of all liabilities. -Dr. Kirio Tengai

    I, Dr. Kirio Tengai of the Hirizu Clinic, certify the proper delivery and discharge of Alsanna Shirafuji with her father, Geniri Shirafuji, on March 10, 460, at 7:50 AM.


    Fuzou Shinobi and Internal Security Council​
    Written by: Daisuke Ikiri
    Officers on Site: Goukan Sakamoto, Daisuke Ikiri
    Date: July 14, 465
    Time of disturbance: 9:54 PM
    Time of conclusion/report: 4:49 AM (+1 Day)
    Notifier of disturbance: Neighbour

    Description of events:
    Report of excessive yelling during the night. Caution is exercised in the lower district as per our training. Officer Sakamoto initiates contact by knocking at the door, the husband male partner answers calmly and identifies himself as Genichi Shirafuji. Altercation begins with the female partner, Suzuya Ayamon, hurls a pot at Mr. Shirafuji but strikes me on the shoulder. Minimal harm is made, but immediate intervention occurs to subdue the violent individual.

    Mr. Shirafuji pleads for her case as a simple misunderstanding. Officer Sakamoto denies leniency but I opt to let them explain themselves. Ms. Ayamon is calmed and Sakamoto hears them out while I investigate the interior of the small home. Many objects and furniture are damaged to varying degrees. A single female child is found in the yard alone. I go to question and ensure she is well but consistently stares at the window to the living room. She is later identified as Alsanna Shirafuji, Mr. Shirafuji's daughter of another partner.

    Transcript of exchange:
    Figure 2.3. Witness Alsanna Shirafuji, staring at the window before interrogation.
    Ikiri: What are you doing out here? What's your name, hun?Alsanna: Watching them.
    Ikiri: Isn't it a bit cold? Wouldn't you want to go back inside with them?
    Alsanna: It gets too hot when she gets angry at him. Kinda like when someone pulls on your face too long, it feels so hot on the cheeks.
    Ikiri: Do they pull on your face?
    Alsanna: No. She just screams.
    Ikiri: At you?
    Alsanna: No. She doesn't look at me. 'Cause I'm not her girl. She wants her own girl but my dad can't give any.
    Ikiri: She's angry at your dad because he can't give her a girl like you?
    Alsanna: Yeah, or a boy, I dunno. I wanna help my dad. He's very happy with her. He hurts for her a lot. I hurt. It makes me angry.
    Ikiri: (Unable to find an answer, I keep quiet)
    Alsanna: It's starting to rain. I hate the rain. Going back inside.

    The transcript from Officer Sakamoto can be found in the annexes. A thorough interrogation of neighbours that sought to give their piece was conducted until the early morning, transcripts also found in the annexes. No further actions were taken as it was assessed that no one was in any danger.

    Chuunin Officer Daisuke Ikiri

    Oh my dear Alsanna, or how we all liked to call her, Ally. The perfect little student I could have among all these troubled but brilliant youths from the lower districts. Polite, always clean with beautiful clothes, willing to help at any moment, etc. I'll miss her, but I'm so happy I got to be her teacher during her general education phase. I have so many anecdotes to share, but I'll pick a couple that really struck me.

    The first would have to be how happy and curious she was about my wedding. Gosh, I would have loved to have her attend it, but it just couldn't be. At only nine, she was so curious of everything to look forward to as an adult. About my husband and if he was healthy, treated me well, and all that. I can only imagine life at home mustn't be the best for her. I'm sure one day a bright soul such as her would make something wonderful of herself.
    When I feel the baby kick in my tummy, I'm constantly reminded of her. Always so intrigued by how it happened, how I'm feeling, and what I'd do with my baby. More than once, I'll admit, I let her press her ear to my abdomen. It sounds
    weird. I suppose, in a way, I'm hoping I get a child like Ally. At least a curious and thoughtful.The second thing I remember is how she'd always take strolls after classes with her parasol, whether it was rainy or sunny. Always stopping at the strangest of places. Questionable streets that'd be dangerous at later times to more elegant areas where wealthier families roosted. To finally end at a park where she'd frequently feed flocks of birds. She just watched and admired these places. And I couldn't help but follow her a couple of times to see what this peculiar soul was doing. The way she absorbed her entourage, the innocent gaze, I just had to immortalize it. Just as I do with every one of my students, I make a painting of them. And Ally, with her beautiful kimono and pensive, blue eyes were exactly the perfect image I needed to commemorate her.

    I hope we meet again soon, Ally. Maybe you'll get to meet my little tot one of these days, and you could even be friends.

    With love,
    Miss Aya Kurotsuchi, your first year teacher!



    Here I was, indulging in homemade Kirigakure spring tea, and I'm informed by a very reliable source of HER return. Yes, folks, you know who I'm talking about and I can say with gusto that I was just as surprised as you were. Tea has only so much merit next to a local myth walking among us. The Shinsetsuna Ishi has once again blessed the lower Fuzou area with a miraculous delivery of a birth gone terribly wrong!
    Locals report a masked a short, masked being marching from the heavens above, down to their dingy and minuscule abode. The house doctor had failed to properly perform a C-section, leaving little hope for the mother and the unborn child, my source claims. And then, she came. The masked entity. With a mere gesture, all those present were ordered to depart from the premises, with the house doctor following suit without question.

    One hour. Two hours. Three ... And the door opened once more, with the cries of a newly born child echoing throughout the neighbourhood. The mother, left in a partial daze, recalls very little, but is left healthy just like the child. Before authorities could even be informed of what was going on, the masked saviour was gone! It has become somewhat of an unspoken rule among the people to never utter a word of the Shinsetsuna Ishi until she is finished. And to this day, no shinobi or authority figure have been able to catch her. It wouldn't be too surprising with entire communities collectively working to cover your tracks! I for one am absolutely for the preservation of this mysterious entity. The sea only knows how many of our children we lose to the tides of life.
    This is the fourteenth recorded act made by the Shinsetsuna Ishi this year, and her acts of benevolence do not just extend to births but also to ailing newborns with little hope for survival as well as mothers left mangled by the perils of giving life.
    As usual, you can all count on me to keep tabs on this special individual. I maintain my stalwart vow to getting an exclusive with this elusive life-giver, and do my part in making this world a safer and happier one.

    Written by Syo Hayatashi
    Edited by Misaki Tomura


    Page 12 - Ongoing Fuzou Investigations, Warning to Nighttime Drifters

    The Fuzou Shinobi and Internal Security Council urges all Fuzou residents to exercise caution after the increased disappearance of female citizens in the area. They were last seen in the Shanty Town area of Lower Fuzou for the majority of cases, with over half of them found murdered, mostly burned after what experts suggest may have been muggings of some kind with stab wounds still visible on their abdomens.

    -The Daily Wave's Evening Watch

    Fuzou Shinobi & Maritime Academy
    Name: Alsanna Shirafuji
    Age: 13
    Year: Final

    Physical Conditioning:32/100
    Teacher: Gozobura Shin
    Frequently absent and rarely invests herself. Will find opportunities to slack off with peers. A great shinobi is one in peak physical form!

    Smithing & Design Workshop: 100/100 - With honours
    Teacher: Kazumi XaoPai
    I'd grade you a 100/100 in being a total pain in the noggin as well, which is to say you are always a thrill to have in my class. Persistently asking questions and crafting your own little things. Many of which I believe you should expand upon and presence to the Internal Council. You are, however, reckless to the point of having three of your peers mildly injured and I'm left to wonder how far you'd go without my supervision. Still, I'll penalize you with a suspension and not your grade, because I'm not THAT kind of teacher. Cheers, Alsanna.

    Navigation & Survival: 56/100
    Teacher: Mikasa Tengai
    Student displays limited interest in field work while clearly capable of understanding the core notions of this class. Leads to sub-par results and a frequent distraction to the class when the sporadic mood kicks in. Get a grip Miss Shirafuji! This is your future that's at stake!

    Basic Ninjutsu Arts: 45/100
    Teacher: Ganryu Sonozaki
    You clearly understand the theory behind it all. But your chakra control is sub-par. Added to this, your affinities appear to be some of the rare types to be barely compatible with the moulding of chakra into actual ninjutsu. Your clone jutsu is just fine because of this, as it relies on your Yin chakra. But using substitution or even transformation put greater strain on you than most. Don't give up! Anyone with chakra can do it! It'll just be more difficult. You have the mind for it! I'm rooting for you!

    Medical arts and first aid: 95/100
    Teacher: Deng XaoPai
    There was nothing to teach you in terms of theory, medicinal plants or anatomy. You've taken this as a passion and I see it. The only blemish is your incapability to form even the most basic of healing ninjutsu. While it is an art reserved for the advanced users, even the lower shinobi are capable of very minor usage of it. But your unique chakra affinity appears to not respond to this endeavour. For that, I cannot give you a full grade.

    Final Grade: 67/100
    Verdict: Fail - Possibility for a second attempt next year

    You have so much potential. Your mind is clearly better than your peers', and I'd even say my own in some respects. There are times you'll ace tests without a care in the world, others you'll fail as if you are barely literate. This isn't by chance, this is purposeful. Are you happy here? But you seem to excel in workshops. Unfortunately, they don't weigh as much as other disciplines. I'm left to wonder, why do you wish to become a Shinobi?

    [The Following is an excerpt Interview with Tokubetsu Jounin Sanjuichi Himura]

    Mugshot of Shirafuji right after capture, 475
    [...] It took a few years, yes. Shinsetsuna Ishi, or now we know her name as Alsanna Shirafuji, had remained elusive for a variety of reasons. The biggest being that nobody in Fuzou wanted her found in the first place. Why would ya' want someone who saves your wives and children from death without dispensing a single coin? And with so many people dying from the incessant civil conflicts, we didn't have the time for this. Nonetheless, this was illegal practice and we had reasons to suspect Shirafuji to be associated with other cases.

    Had we had proper resources, this case would have been concluded earlier, but a mysterious figure saving lives wasn't exactly at the top of the council's priorities. It wasn't until a disconcerting amount of people smuggled themselves into the country with their pregnant lovers to hopefully be 'blessed' by Shirafuji that this was finally taken seriously, especially with growing civil unrest prompting paranoia from the higher ups. There, I had the resources needed to properly locate her in spite of local backlash.

    [He takes a sip of his water]

    So, an Akinian couple had been tagged by one of my sniffers, and without fault, they would be visited by the doctor. We pursued, briefly lost her but the mask been flung off and we had her scent too. It was only a matter of time before we found her hole.

    [He goes on to use more specific gestures to illustrate the raid]

    It was the basement of an abandoned fish treatment building the she lurked. A whole shop of tools, chemicals and masks. Not just the Shinsetsuna Ishi's mask. We knew she was just some kid, and that led us to drop our guards to a degree. There were no casualties, no. But there could have been if I didn't have the backup. The various drugs she had concocted down there as well as that very strange umbrella, or parasol I'm not sure, she always dragged around made capture very difficult. Nonetheless, I had managed to disarm her before that parasol-turned-whip of her's could harm any of my men.

    She's since remained reserved, answering questions as plainly as possible. Currently, she's being visited by a mental health professional, the type they use for the guys that survived the war.

    [The councilman asks what was found in the basement]

    Apart from various strange and unfinished gadgets, usually variations of military tools, the chemicals were apparently homemade anaesthetics for the most part, though some I'm still not sure, you'd have to ask the professionals.

    [The question of corpses being found stored was brought up]

    There was one corpse, but we've quickly deduced it was one stolen from the local clinic's morgue. We do not know what she did with it yet. But we did find something very ... Different. At first I though it was just a set of small, thin roots, but my field medic colleague pointed out just how much the layout resembled a human body, and more precisely, the nervous system. Yeah, I'm not making this up.

  • Family:

    Unnamed | 32 | No Relationship
    "It's not unheard of to see young people have children, they're at that age and mistakes happen. It's also not uncommon for one of the parents to be scared of the responsibility and seek to leave as soon as possible. But this was the first time I've seen a mother so adamantly seek solitude after this ordeal." -Nurse Hie

    Genichi Shirafuji | 33 | Uncertain
    "Alsanna's a good girl. Every Sunday, without error, she comes over to prepare food and share it with me. Sometimes we'd talk sometimes she won't even look at me. But she's there, despite having little to talk about. I guess I'm getting old. I'm just glad I have my little girl visiting me and Suzuya. A shame she didn't come during her birthday, I had a surprise ready for her." -Genichi Shirafuji

    Father's Girlfriend:
    Suzuya Ayamon | 29 | Troubled
    "Alsanna was always ... Different. It was hard to make a rapport with her, and I definitely tried! I tried to be mommy, but she had always taken issue with that. I was more than happy to take her as my own, since Genichi has, well, I guess we could call them problems. We're still trying, though! One day, hopefully, Alsanna will have a brother or sister to come visit too!" -Suzuya Ayamon


    Academy Students | 14-17 | Distant/Acquaintances
    "Oh, Shirafuji? She was fun, haha! Made bombs out of TP once, completely fried Gozobura's ass. Man, wish we stayed friends, there was always some dumb crap we could do." -Nezu 'The Toad' Goukan

    "Never knew much about her, no. Always polite, saying the right things and never looking awkward. A few girls didn't like her because of her choice of clothes. We're not exactly posh here. But I was never bored with her."
    -Fubuki Sona (Deceased as of 476)

    "Y'know, I thought she'd be the type to party with all the silly things she'd do with the troublemakers, but with me she was surprisingly tame. It was weird. She also never came to outings when offered, even when some insisted. Nor did we ever get to see where she lived. She was weird." -Kaya Goukan

    "Believe it or not, I had a crush on her! She was just nice and fun with everyone. But then she suddenly kind of didn't care anymore. Nothing had really changed, she just suddenly got meaner and made fun of whatever she wanted. An absolute jerk, I say. I didn't really like being around her after that, not many people did." -Joji Shimatsu


    Other People:
    None of Note

  • Name of Weapon or Item:
    The Pretty Parasol

    "I've always liked parasols. Whether it is sunny or cloudy, hot or cold, you usually had good use of them. Unless it was particularly windy. Ugh, how incompetently designed they are in the end, barely factoring in one of the biggest hazards of the outdoors. Luckily, I've not scruples when it comes to crashing the local umbrella and parasol market. Here comes my Pretty Parasol~!

    Getting this functional for not only some windy days but to also smack a bitch or three, I've had to get creative. I've started with thin layers of steel. Small, diamond-shaped sheets that serve as a form of 'scales' that constitute the parasol's surface. One click, and it assembles into one piece, another click, and it is disassembled, the sheets wrapping around the shaft of the parasol to form a more proper cane. Damn was that hard to make work, the sheets weren't exactly very malleable, but I eventually got them thin enough. It did compromise its defensive capabilities, for I would no longer be able to have a portable shield, but in exchange, I got my a light tool that could protect me from more indirect attacks. Good enough.

    The cane itself is stout enough to deflect blades while being solid enough to be lethal on its own. The fact that it has a layer of steel scales actually made me think of the Samehada. To which I tweaked a little as to have these sheets 'stick out' just enough to shred whatever was misfortunate enough to get hit by it. Nasty stuff. Did you ever see what happens when someone gets mauled by a shark? About the same result here.

    At the tip of the parasol and the cane forms I've made a little opening to fire some bomb balls and even to have a blade stick out of it for good measure. If I can't conjure some super abilities like my peers, I may as well be able to have a backup. However a cane sword was a bit much to do, so instead, I've fractioned the cane itself! Combined with the steel scales, I was able to connect it all via a 24 meter long metallic thread and made a surprisingly efficient notched whip. Am I super good with it? Absolutely not. But, I'm dying to take it out for a spin. Hehehe."



    Name of Weapon or Item:

    "I fucking hate sandals. So I got me some boots. Boots with nice, metal talons I can pop out and gouge out a few eyes with. Great for underhanded attacks. Not exactly easy to control however. May need some revisions. Still, the design is something I'm quite proud of. I've always loved any aesthetic that involves birds."

    Literally just boots with talons I don't have a cool image for this.


    Name of Weapon or Item:
    Custom Shinobi gear

    "Birds are cool. I like how they look. I like to make things look nice. So, I made my stuff look a bit more avian. Feather-shaped kunai, talon-like shuriken ... Huh, that's not a whole lot. Maybe I should up my game if I want to look as good as the snowflakes out there."


    Special note: Alsanna's drugs and other funny chemicals have been seized and confiscated! As such, she must either be given them or acquire new means to play underhanded.

  • Skills/Abilities
    Very Good Genjutsu knowledge (Counterbalanced by Ninjutsu weakness, given it's like, 80% of cool powers)
    Good Fuinjutsu/Juinjutsu
    Good Agility and Parasol Technique

    Average Kenjutsu (Whip and Cane Blade)
    Average Chakra Control

    Sub-par Strength
    Low Chakra Pool
    Mediocre Ninjutsu (Very weak potential)


    Special Traits
    Mastery in Neurology and Reproduction:
    When it comes to medicine and knowledge of anatomy, Alsanna easily qualifies for the level of surgeon, with a speciality in the nervous system and reproduction (applicable to other species other than humans). A lot of her abilities revolve around the enemy's or her own nervous system. To this day, she continues to discover new, exciting things about brains and how they can be tinkered.

    Inventor and Engineer: Born out of her fascination for complex mechanisms like the nervous system and necessity due to her innate weakness in the ninja arts, Alsanna has instead dedicated her efforts to bulding her own, unique strengths. Tools such as her Pretty Parasol are a testament of her capabilities, and she wishes to expand even more in that domain.

    Big brain: She's a smart girl. As in, it's possibly the only thing that allows her to stand out among all these scary, big ninjutsu explosion shinobi. Trying not to play this as some sort of cop out like some crappier characters *coughAizencough*.

    Taika is her mother tongue, Chonobi notions and a strong understanding were acquired via her not-so-pleasant medical ventures. Her position toward scientific endeavours and knowledge gathering have given her a penchant for learning Yakimura, although it remains very basic..

  • Name of Technique:
    Hex: Undying
    Type of Jutsu:
    Juinjutsu, Genjutsu, Probably Kinjutsu
    Direct Contact
    Nature Type:
    Index and major fingers stab into the base of the skull, right into the cerebellum.
    "The things I've done to get this little trick going. To be fair, the recent uprising made this far easier than it should've been. Oh well. It was all worth it. The process is rather simple: Insertion of one or more digits into the neck leading to perforation of the cerebellum allows me to 'mark' the now fatally damaged brain. The mark itself holds my chakra, which in turn feeds the body and brain with a genjutsu that suggests the body is 'fine'. The victim's brain is, for the most part, rendered into auto-pilot and will follow a specific order I apply to it. Though this comes with its own boons and ... Inconveniences."

    Conditions: "Playing with the brain is never easy, and there is a method to doing this. The victim must not have been 'dead' for more than three minutes, otherwise the brain will be far too damaged. Additionally, death by brain damage also makes this useless. The strike into the cerebellum is fatal regardless, so the victim doesn't need to be weakened. The idea is that the body is capable of working despite brain damage, and this hex seeks to keep this going while utilizing chakra to maintain the functional parts of the brain working. The undying is essentially 'dead''.""

    Behaviour: "The little studying I could do has led me to believe that once afflicted, they can function indefinitely so long as primary physical needs are met. Other needs that go beyond the basics become unnecessary. They will stick to routine, living out their boring lives, but noticeable sluggishness will be found out eventually. If brought to think critically, they will 'shut down' momentarily. Like little drones clinging to the pre-determined paths. Until ordered to do something else of course, for they'll be compelled by my words as if it were gospel."

    Limits: "The victim's chakra is used to keep them alive when their body should be dead, making usage of any chakra-based technique impossible. Their overall performance will be around 30% to 60% of what it would normally be. Cannot work for interrogations as it compromises the brain. Bummer. An Undying can last up to 30 minutes, though that number is contingent on how fresh they are and how damaged they get during their brief servitude."

    Strengths: "Now the boons are pretty damn cool. The brain now shuts out the pain receptors and keep limbs at their relative maximum potential despite injury. They will ultimately strikein very unpredictable ways. The only way to pre-maturely stop them is to sever their heads or remove all their limbs, which is a difficult feat in itself. No to mention quite messy."

    Weaknesses: "The brain becomes particularly vulnerable to sensory overload, making flashbangs and things of the sort great counters. They are also devoid of any in-depth strategy, making tricking the undying simple. Finally, they tend to easily over-exert themselves and damage their limbs by pushing their limits, making outlasting them possibly the safest strategy."


    Name of Technique:
    Parasol Art: Fiery Leap
    Type of Jutsu:
    Nature Type:
    N/A - Condition: Loaded Parasol
    "Honestly? I've made this thing to look cool and pretty damn classy. I'll be damned if I didn't have awesome and flashy skills to show off with it too."

    Loaded with a ball of explosives, Alsanna is capable of firing the sphere as if the parasol were a cannon ... But that's no technique! Instead of firing it like some basic infantry, she'll instead aim the tip toward the ground before her and fire. Simultaneously, the parasol unfolds to push back against the blast while sponging it too, making Alsanna leap into the air and concentrate the blast's power forward. Very nasty to take this at the face!
    Weakness: Well telegraphed, requires a reload after two uses, with a maximum of 6 explosive balls available at a time. Keeping some distance or having some tough defences will be pretty useful.


    Name of Technique:
    Hex: Cyto-Clone
    Type of Jutsu:
    Clone Technique, Curse Technique
    Nature Type:
    Ram -> Kai (Can have a delay between the two)
    "No matter how shit times may be, we as living beings have an imperative to multiply. It's honestly kind of baffling what can sometimes come out of us. One may be the perfect combination of our progenitors, or ... Well, not everyone can be blessed in this world."

    A simple Seal applied onto any living being via the means of projectiles or direct contact from Alsanna. Flesh doesn't need to be touch, any item that is closely bound to the body works too (barring weapons). A circular cursed seal is placed onto the victim and is left dormant until the hand seals are performed. From there, the seal dilates as if opening itself like an orifice, birthing 'clone' of the cursed. Minimal chakra is consumed from the victim and no pain is felt. The result is sometimes a perfect replica in appearance, but often it will have more undesirable mutations, although they'll almost always be functional. Afterward, the seal is broken.

    The Cyto-Clone is incapable of independent thought and cannot utilize acquired skills of the progenitor unlike the Undying. They are obedient to basic orders and will utilize the most direct means to accomplish their goal. Unlike most clones, they will not be dispatched by simple damage and must be dismembered like an Undying. When dispatched, they will take about five minutes to 'melt' into dark sludge which in turn hardens into ash and dirt.

    Weakness: Preventive measures can be more basic curse-removal if performed before Alsanna activates it. The Cyto-Clones are devoid of intelligence beyond that of a rabid animal. They also lack the ability to push their limit like the Undying, making them generally more manageable.

    Special note: Alsanna can apply a maximum of 2 to herself, and they will consistently come out malformed to a certain degree.


    Name of Technique:
    Hex: The Hidden Lock
    Type of Jutsu:
    Nature Type:
    Specific pattern - Kai
    "I may have been caught, but the watchdogs have yet to sniff out my hidden stash. Not that they'd gain much from it, it's just a bunch of bombs. And I'm sure they've read enough adventure novels to know where a stash of explosives would lead if intruded, hehe."

    A very distinct rune created by Alsanna resembling a crude feather of a peacock. The use of it comes from the ability shinobi wield to essentially carve and draw with chakra laced finger tips, although directly carving it somewhere will work too. Drawing this rune will serve as a gateway for a small number of explosives to slip out, activated by any sort of active chakra in contact with it. Once the explosives pass out of the rune, they are made to explode. They aren't much stronger than paper bombs, but multiple exploding at once can be a threat!

    Weakness: The same way you'd deal with most explosives in this world. Would require incapacitation to be properly carved on an unwilling victim.


    Name of Technique:
    Hex: Placebo
    Type of Jutsu:
    Juinjutsu, Genjutsu
    Contact - All five fingers upon one's head, each digit leaving a small 'print'.
    Nature Type:
    "The human brain is a magical thing, even more so than our ability to conjure fireballs and lightning storms with our wills. I can trick someone into thinking a tomato is a potato, that dying is a soothing and pleasant experience, that their chronic pain is actually getting better thanks to essential oils. Although, I've found that physical pain isn't the only thing this neat trick can soothe."

    A Genjutsu that seeking to force the brain into a specific state. The major use of this ability involves forcing the victim to enter a specific state of mind best fit for their survival and increase their overall odds of living. It is essentially a placebo effect, and the main tool used by Alsanna to keep many women from dying during difficult labours. It is also used to as literally borrowed time for the fatally wounded, as it also helps them disconnect from the pain. Note: It does not remove pain receptors, but it can effectively dull out chronic pains to a certain degree. This brain trickery can extend to more mundane things such as emphasizing specific tastes and overall improving quality of life.
    Alsanna frequently applies this to herself for motivation or to root out some specific thoughts, for physical pain isn't the only thing this trick can soothe.

  • Name :
    Minervan Owls: Aristides and Pholks

    Bird; Barn Owl
    Around 7 years old.
    30-40 cm
    Unique Traits:
    Besides their peculiar colouring, Minervan Owls tend to be quite elusive in spite of their plumage. They are considered to be clever, perhaps even more so than humans in some regards and, like many summons, are capable of speech.
    One can 'record' what it observes, feels and hears. This can then be shared to its caretaker, under the form of vivid memories.
    One can 'hold' any number of memories and facts shared by a human caretaker, and forever keep it until they wish to have it shared again. A sort of 'bank of memories and knowledge'.
    They are ill equipped for any sort of stealthy scouting or advanced recon. They instead serve as better sentries or passive watchers of large areas.
    Transformation Jutsu
    No combat field capabilities beyond concealment.
    It is a mystery as to why or how Alsanna contracted these two creatures. They are said to be attracted to those with a particular hunger for knowledge. There will often be one stationed near her father's home, forever watchful, while the other is never too far from its master, lurking under the guise of another creature or even an object.
Welcome DeliciousFoodie. Or well, rather: welcome back. x)
Not sure if you do remember me but that is not the point of this reply. I desire to give a response to your CS. It is well written and I certainly like it. There is only one aspect that I desire to see changed - after some discussion with other people;

Taika is her mother tongue, Chonobi notions and a strong understanding were acquired via her not-so-pleasant medical ventures. Her position toward scientific endeavours and knowledge gathering have given her a penchant for learning Yakimura, although it remains very basic..
I think this needs to be changed. I have already spoken with the other GM's regarding this skill and how it could/came to be. If you would just, for now, revert it to Taika, then that would be great.
I am also now in your welcome chat, in case you want to chat further more about this particular change. ^^
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Reactions: DeliciousFood
Hello hello, I got this little thing here for you good people. Don't mind the potentially awful aesthetics, kind of a nightmare to have it work sometimes. If there are random edits it's because of that or because of some typo.


Alsanna Shirafuji

Shinsetsuna Ishi - The Kind Doctor


Water Republic

"A lot of the world's problems would be solved if there was just a little more of me around. Or at the very least, they would be made more exciting."

  • Bloodline:
    Half is obscured and of Sayyadian origin. The other is composed of non-shinobi nobodies.

    Chakra Nature:
    Lightning (Affinity)


    Age and date of birth:
    Born the 9th​ of March, 460 – Making her 16 years old

    Age Appearance:
    Young adult

    Unclear, will have to expand on this when the character's out there.

  • Length and build:
    155 cm or just over 5 feet. Her build is lithe and lacking in muscle mass.

    42 kg or 92 lbs.

    Favourite weather and season:
    Cloudy evenings of fall.

    Scars and tattoos:
    Currently none!

  • Personality:
    Dr. Yoshimura's conclusion after 11 therapy sessions with Alsanna Shirafuji during her detention as a ward of the new Republic, February 476.
    Sessions 1, 2 and 3 initially commence with the superficial. Shirafuji maintains a laid back posture with a smile and says what she's 'expected' to say to a psychologist. Characteristics of deception were quickly found out and her endeavour as a chameleon quickly sheds. Little effort is made to hide her true nature, being one far more cynical than she initially sells. Coupled with a sardonic sense of humour and venomous sarcasm, I'm led to believe this patient suffers from a degree of narcissism as her discourse rarely considers other people's position or input.

    Sessions 4 to 7 will invalidate my previous assessment. Self-contempt and the veneer of sarcasm to conceal her true emotions have become evident to me. Attempts to maintain her appearances and records of her efforts that resemble sycophant-like behaviour indicate a desire to appeal to certain crowds. While I'm still on the fence as to what drive this bizarrely inflated ego of her's, I'm led to determine she is more of a misanthrope than anything else. She will frequently deflect more unpleasant questions with snarky quips or even direct insults to my person by using sometimes outlandish references.
    In tandem with this discovery, I sought to explore this bizarre role she plays as the 'Kind Doctor' and what use she had as a trained shinobi. There is an obsession over what she practices that I can't quite put my finger on. The medical nature of it just happens to be the puzzle that captivates her, but the why eludes me. Nonetheless, the drive she holds for whatever keeps her mind busy is something I've rarely seen in people, even overachieving shinobi. What I've pieced together so far is her relationship with her father has had a direct influence in the formative years that created this.

    Sessions 8 to 10 gave me a far more tired and displeased patient. An inordinate amount of bottled frustration and anger were present in her eyes and gestures. There were no outbursts, but the language employed suggest that a deep hatred gnaws in her, but of what? I am uncertain. I had first assumed it was of her parental figures, or even herself. I feel like I am wrong, her self-contempt seems to only extend to far and nothing leads credence to this assessment, because of the central role her father holds to her being while she herself sees far too many as below her.

    Session 11 brings about a conclusion to my exchanges with Alsanna Shirafuji. I've no reason to diagnose her of any severe mental disorder. She is, however, prone to a lack of regard for others and places her own ambitions and/or curiosities over the wellbeing of her fellow humans. Another bright mind, burned by an ambition I've yet to fully grasp. Supervision is strongly advised should she be allowed to operate into the system or society as a whole.

    Subtle little tunes
    Birbs, and other creatures that fly
    Abnormalities in nature
    Parasols, even umbrellas
    Puzzles and convoluted systems
    Beautiful things, and looking beautiful
    Being underestimated

    Being Invaded
    Bleeding hearts
    Vacuous individuals
    Anything too 'Artsy'
    Sandals, and by extension, feet


    Being lobotomized
    Becoming a drone

    Make Bijuu and Shinobi-dominant clans obsolete
    Ceaselessly learn and test new theories
    Create something truly beautiful

  • Backstory:
    Hirizu Snow Path Clinic and Emergency Hospital
    Attributed Physician:
    Kirio Tengai
    Assisting Staff: Fukuo Tengai, Miruko Hie
    Time of Birth: 5:22 AM
    Child's Weight: 2.1 kg

    March 9, 460, 7:46. Mother arrives five hours ago with accompanying female of unknown relation. Contractions had begun and the hospital hadn't yet been overwhelmed by growing casualties. The birthing process was difficult, but no fatalities. Child is female and of relatively good health although with a below-average weight is to supervise. The mother has not yet made contact with the child and remains under ward care. -Dr. Kirio Tengai

    March 9, 460, 9:02 AM. Mother has awaken and female escort is missing. Documents found identify her as [REDACTED] of Sayyadian origin. Three quarters of an hour was dedicated by staff to convince her to hold her child. Current government bodies remain inaccessible due to ongoing crisis. Nurse Hie is seeking the wet nurse for any eventuality. No name has been given for the child, perhaps of Akinian tradition? -Dr. Kirio Tengai

    March 10, 460, 2:35 PM. [REDACTED] has attempted to depart twice, expressing a desire to return home. It is against policy to let a new mother leave in her state as well as without her child. More attempts are being made to contact relatives or known associates. -Nurse Miruko Hie

    March 12, 460, 8:40 AM. The father, Geniri Shirafuji, arrived and displayed varying degrees of hostility to staff. It took an hour to talk him down and another with the child's mother to avert any potential issues. The mother confirmed him as a father. Soon after, she has been classified as missing after a shift change between Nurse Fujino and Nurse Tengai. Authorities have been notified but little can be done. The father has agreed to taking in the child after conferring a name, the hospital is now discharged of all liabilities. -Dr. Kirio Tengai

    I, Dr. Kirio Tengai of the Hirizu Clinic, certify the proper delivery and discharge of Alsanna Shirafuji with her father, Geniri Shirafuji, on March 10, 460, at 7:50 AM.


    Fuzou Shinobi and Internal Security Council​
    Written by: Daisuke Ikiri
    Officers on Site: Goukan Sakamoto, Daisuke Ikiri
    Date: July 14, 465
    Time of disturbance: 9:54 PM
    Time of conclusion/report: 4:49 AM (+1 Day)
    Notifier of disturbance: Neighbour

    Description of events:
    Report of excessive yelling during the night. Caution is exercised in the lower district as per our training. Officer Sakamoto initiates contact by knocking at the door, the husband male partner answers calmly and identifies himself as Genichi Shirafuji. Altercation begins with the female partner, Suzuya Ayamon, hurls a pot at Mr. Shirafuji but strikes me on the shoulder. Minimal harm is made, but immediate intervention occurs to subdue the violent individual.

    Mr. Shirafuji pleads for her case as a simple misunderstanding. Officer Sakamoto denies leniency but I opt to let them explain themselves. Ms. Ayamon is calmed and Sakamoto hears them out while I investigate the interior of the small home. Many objects and furniture are damaged to varying degrees. A single female child is found in the yard alone. I go to question and ensure she is well but consistently stares at the window to the living room. She is later identified as Alsanna Shirafuji, Mr. Shirafuji's daughter of another partner.

    Transcript of exchange:
    Figure 2.3. Witness Alsanna Shirafuji, staring at the window before interrogation.
    Ikiri: What are you doing out here? What's your name, hun?Alsanna: Watching them.
    Ikiri: Isn't it a bit cold? Wouldn't you want to go back inside with them?
    Alsanna: It gets too hot when she gets angry at him. Kinda like when someone pulls on your face too long, it feels so hot on the cheeks.
    Ikiri: Do they pull on your face?
    Alsanna: No. She just screams.
    Ikiri: At you?
    Alsanna: No. She doesn't look at me. 'Cause I'm not her girl. She wants her own girl but my dad can't give any.
    Ikiri: She's angry at your dad because he can't give her a girl like you?
    Alsanna: Yeah, or a boy, I dunno. I wanna help my dad. He's very happy with her. He hurts for her a lot. I hurt. It makes me angry.
    Ikiri: (Unable to find an answer, I keep quiet)
    Alsanna: It's starting to rain. I hate the rain. Going back inside.

    The transcript from Officer Sakamoto can be found in the annexes. A thorough interrogation of neighbours that sought to give their piece was conducted until the early morning, transcripts also found in the annexes. No further actions were taken as it was assessed that no one was in any danger.

    Chuunin Officer Daisuke Ikiri

    Oh my dear Alsanna, or how we all liked to call her, Ally. The perfect little student I could have among all these troubled but brilliant youths from the lower districts. Polite, always clean with beautiful clothes, willing to help at any moment, etc. I'll miss her, but I'm so happy I got to be her teacher during her general education phase. I have so many anecdotes to share, but I'll pick a couple that really struck me.

    The first would have to be how happy and curious she was about my wedding. Gosh, I would have loved to have her attend it, but it just couldn't be. At only nine, she was so curious of everything to look forward to as an adult. About my husband and if he was healthy, treated me well, and all that. I can only imagine life at home mustn't be the best for her. I'm sure one day a bright soul such as her would make something wonderful of herself.
    When I feel the baby kick in my tummy, I'm constantly reminded of her. Always so intrigued by how it happened, how I'm feeling, and what I'd do with my baby. More than once, I'll admit, I let her press her ear to my abdomen. It sounds
    weird. I suppose, in a way, I'm hoping I get a child like Ally. At least a curious and thoughtful.The second thing I remember is how she'd always take strolls after classes with her parasol, whether it was rainy or sunny. Always stopping at the strangest of places. Questionable streets that'd be dangerous at later times to more elegant areas where wealthier families roosted. To finally end at a park where she'd frequently feed flocks of birds. She just watched and admired these places. And I couldn't help but follow her a couple of times to see what this peculiar soul was doing. The way she absorbed her entourage, the innocent gaze, I just had to immortalize it. Just as I do with every one of my students, I make a painting of them. And Ally, with her beautiful kimono and pensive, blue eyes were exactly the perfect image I needed to commemorate her.

    I hope we meet again soon, Ally. Maybe you'll get to meet my little tot one of these days, and you could even be friends.

    With love,
    Miss Aya Kurotsuchi, your first year teacher!



    Here I was, indulging in homemade Kirigakure spring tea, and I'm informed by a very reliable source of HER return. Yes, folks, you know who I'm talking about and I can say with gusto that I was just as surprised as you were. Tea has only so much merit next to a local myth walking among us. The Shinsetsuna Ishi has once again blessed the lower Fuzou area with a miraculous delivery of a birth gone terribly wrong!
    Locals report a masked a short, masked being marching from the heavens above, down to their dingy and minuscule abode. The house doctor had failed to properly perform a C-section, leaving little hope for the mother and the unborn child, my source claims. And then, she came. The masked entity. With a mere gesture, all those present were ordered to depart from the premises, with the house doctor following suit without question.

    One hour. Two hours. Three ... And the door opened once more, with the cries of a newly born child echoing throughout the neighbourhood. The mother, left in a partial daze, recalls very little, but is left healthy just like the child. Before authorities could even be informed of what was going on, the masked saviour was gone! It has become somewhat of an unspoken rule among the people to never utter a word of the Shinsetsuna Ishi until she is finished. And to this day, no shinobi or authority figure have been able to catch her. It wouldn't be too surprising with entire communities collectively working to cover your tracks! I for one am absolutely for the preservation of this mysterious entity. The sea only knows how many of our children we lose to the tides of life.
    This is the fourteenth recorded act made by the Shinsetsuna Ishi this year, and her acts of benevolence do not just extend to births but also to ailing newborns with little hope for survival as well as mothers left mangled by the perils of giving life.
    As usual, you can all count on me to keep tabs on this special individual. I maintain my stalwart vow to getting an exclusive with this elusive life-giver, and do my part in making this world a safer and happier one.

    Written by Syo Hayatashi
    Edited by Misaki Tomura


    Page 12 - Ongoing Fuzou Investigations, Warning to Nighttime Drifters

    The Fuzou Shinobi and Internal Security Council urges all Fuzou residents to exercise caution after the increased disappearance of female citizens in the area. They were last seen in the Shanty Town area of Lower Fuzou for the majority of cases, with over half of them found murdered, mostly burned after what experts suggest may have been muggings of some kind with stab wounds still visible on their abdomens.

    -The Daily Wave's Evening Watch

    Fuzou Shinobi & Maritime Academy
    Name: Alsanna Shirafuji
    Age: 13
    Year: Final

    Physical Conditioning:32/100
    Teacher: Gozobura Shin
    Frequently absent and rarely invests herself. Will find opportunities to slack off with peers. A great shinobi is one in peak physical form!

    Smithing & Design Workshop: 100/100 - With honours
    Teacher: Kazumi XaoPai
    I'd grade you a 100/100 in being a total pain in the noggin as well, which is to say you are always a thrill to have in my class. Persistently asking questions and crafting your own little things. Many of which I believe you should expand upon and presence to the Internal Council. You are, however, reckless to the point of having three of your peers mildly injured and I'm left to wonder how far you'd go without my supervision. Still, I'll penalize you with a suspension and not your grade, because I'm not THAT kind of teacher. Cheers, Alsanna.

    Navigation & Survival: 56/100
    Teacher: Mikasa Tengai
    Student displays limited interest in field work while clearly capable of understanding the core notions of this class. Leads to sub-par results and a frequent distraction to the class when the sporadic mood kicks in. Get a grip Miss Shirafuji! This is your future that's at stake!

    Basic Ninjutsu Arts: 45/100
    Teacher: Ganryu Sonozaki
    You clearly understand the theory behind it all. But your chakra control is sub-par. Added to this, your affinities appear to be some of the rare types to be barely compatible with the moulding of chakra into actual ninjutsu. Your clone jutsu is just fine because of this, as it relies on your Yin chakra. But using substitution or even transformation put greater strain on you than most. Don't give up! Anyone with chakra can do it! It'll just be more difficult. You have the mind for it! I'm rooting for you!

    Medical arts and first aid: 95/100
    Teacher: Deng XaoPai
    There was nothing to teach you in terms of theory, medicinal plants or anatomy. You've taken this as a passion and I see it. The only blemish is your incapability to form even the most basic of healing ninjutsu. While it is an art reserved for the advanced users, even the lower shinobi are capable of very minor usage of it. But your unique chakra affinity appears to not respond to this endeavour. For that, I cannot give you a full grade.

    Final Grade: 67/100
    Verdict: Fail - Possibility for a second attempt next year

    You have so much potential. Your mind is clearly better than your peers', and I'd even say my own in some respects. There are times you'll ace tests without a care in the world, others you'll fail as if you are barely literate. This isn't by chance, this is purposeful. Are you happy here? But you seem to excel in workshops. Unfortunately, they don't weigh as much as other disciplines. I'm left to wonder, why do you wish to become a Shinobi?

    [The Following is an excerpt Interview with Tokubetsu Jounin Sanjuichi Himura]

    Mugshot of Shirafuji right after capture, 475
    [...] It took a few years, yes. Shinsetsuna Ishi, or now we know her name as Alsanna Shirafuji, had remained elusive for a variety of reasons. The biggest being that nobody in Fuzou wanted her found in the first place. Why would ya' want someone who saves your wives and children from death without dispensing a single coin? And with so many people dying from the incessant civil conflicts, we didn't have the time for this. Nonetheless, this was illegal practice and we had reasons to suspect Shirafuji to be associated with other cases.

    Had we had proper resources, this case would have been concluded earlier, but a mysterious figure saving lives wasn't exactly at the top of the council's priorities. It wasn't until a disconcerting amount of people smuggled themselves into the country with their pregnant lovers to hopefully be 'blessed' by Shirafuji that this was finally taken seriously, especially with growing civil unrest prompting paranoia from the higher ups. There, I had the resources needed to properly locate her in spite of local backlash.

    [He takes a sip of his water]

    So, an Akinian couple had been tagged by one of my sniffers, and without fault, they would be visited by the doctor. We pursued, briefly lost her but the mask been flung off and we had her scent too. It was only a matter of time before we found her hole.

    [He goes on to use more specific gestures to illustrate the raid]

    It was the basement of an abandoned fish treatment building the she lurked. A whole shop of tools, chemicals and masks. Not just the Shinsetsuna Ishi's mask. We knew she was just some kid, and that led us to drop our guards to a degree. There were no casualties, no. But there could have been if I didn't have the backup. The various drugs she had concocted down there as well as that very strange umbrella, or parasol I'm not sure, she always dragged around made capture very difficult. Nonetheless, I had managed to disarm her before that parasol-turned-whip of her's could harm any of my men.

    She's since remained reserved, answering questions as plainly as possible. Currently, she's being visited by a mental health professional, the type they use for the guys that survived the war.

    [The councilman asks what was found in the basement]

    Apart from various strange and unfinished gadgets, usually variations of military tools, the chemicals were apparently homemade anaesthetics for the most part, though some I'm still not sure, you'd have to ask the professionals.

    [The question of corpses being found stored was brought up]

    There was one corpse, but we've quickly deduced it was one stolen from the local clinic's morgue. We do not know what she did with it yet. But we did find something very ... Different. At first I though it was just a set of small, thin roots, but my field medic colleague pointed out just how much the layout resembled a human body, and more precisely, the nervous system. Yeah, I'm not making this up.

  • Family:

    Unnamed | 32 | No Relationship
    "It's not unheard of to see young people have children, they're at that age and mistakes happen. It's also not uncommon for one of the parents to be scared of the responsibility and seek to leave as soon as possible. But this was the first time I've seen a mother so adamantly seek solitude after this ordeal." -Nurse Hie

    Genichi Shirafuji | 33 | Uncertain
    "Alsanna's a good girl. Every Sunday, without error, she comes over to prepare food and share it with me. Sometimes we'd talk sometimes she won't even look at me. But she's there, despite having little to talk about. I guess I'm getting old. I'm just glad I have my little girl visiting me and Suzuya. A shame she didn't come during her birthday, I had a surprise ready for her." -Genichi Shirafuji

    Father's Girlfriend:
    Suzuya Ayamon | 29 | Troubled
    "Alsanna was always ... Different. It was hard to make a rapport with her, and I definitely tried! I tried to be mommy, but she had always taken issue with that. I was more than happy to take her as my own, since Genichi has, well, I guess we could call them problems. We're still trying, though! One day, hopefully, Alsanna will have a brother or sister to come visit too!" -Suzuya Ayamon


    Academy Students | 14-17 | Distant/Acquaintances
    "Oh, Shirafuji? She was fun, haha! Made bombs out of TP once, completely fried Gozobura's ass. Man, wish we stayed friends, there was always some dumb crap we could do." -Nezu 'The Toad' Goukan

    "Never knew much about her, no. Always polite, saying the right things and never looking awkward. A few girls didn't like her because of her choice of clothes. We're not exactly posh here. But I was never bored with her."
    -Fubuki Sona (Deceased as of 476)

    "Y'know, I thought she'd be the type to party with all the silly things she'd do with the troublemakers, but with me she was surprisingly tame. It was weird. She also never came to outings when offered, even when some insisted. Nor did we ever get to see where she lived. She was weird." -Kaya Goukan

    "Believe it or not, I had a crush on her! She was just nice and fun with everyone. But then she suddenly kind of didn't care anymore. Nothing had really changed, she just suddenly got meaner and made fun of whatever she wanted. An absolute jerk, I say. I didn't really like being around her after that, not many people did." -Joji Shimatsu


    Other People:
    None of Note

  • Name of Weapon or Item:
    The Pretty Parasol

    "I've always liked parasols. Whether it is sunny or cloudy, hot or cold, you usually had good use of them. Unless it was particularly windy. Ugh, how incompetently designed they are in the end, barely factoring in one of the biggest hazards of the outdoors. Luckily, I've not scruples when it comes to crashing the local umbrella and parasol market. Here comes my Pretty Parasol~!

    Getting this functional for not only some windy days but to also smack a bitch or three, I've had to get creative. I've started with thin layers of steel. Small, diamond-shaped sheets that serve as a form of 'scales' that constitute the parasol's surface. One click, and it assembles into one piece, another click, and it is disassembled, the sheets wrapping around the shaft of the parasol to form a more proper cane. Damn was that hard to make work, the sheets weren't exactly very malleable, but I eventually got them thin enough. It did compromise its defensive capabilities, for I would no longer be able to have a portable shield, but in exchange, I got my a light tool that could protect me from more indirect attacks. Good enough.

    The cane itself is stout enough to deflect blades while being solid enough to be lethal on its own. The fact that it has a layer of steel scales actually made me think of the Samehada. To which I tweaked a little as to have these sheets 'stick out' just enough to shred whatever was misfortunate enough to get hit by it. Nasty stuff. Did you ever see what happens when someone gets mauled by a shark? About the same result here.

    At the tip of the parasol and the cane forms I've made a little opening to fire some bomb balls and even to have a blade stick out of it for good measure. If I can't conjure some super abilities like my peers, I may as well be able to have a backup. However a cane sword was a bit much to do, so instead, I've fractioned the cane itself! Combined with the steel scales, I was able to connect it all via a 24 meter long metallic thread and made a surprisingly efficient notched whip. Am I super good with it? Absolutely not. But, I'm dying to take it out for a spin. Hehehe."



    Name of Weapon or Item:

    "I fucking hate sandals. So I got me some boots. Boots with nice, metal talons I can pop out and gouge out a few eyes with. Great for underhanded attacks. Not exactly easy to control however. May need some revisions. Still, the design is something I'm quite proud of. I've always loved any aesthetic that involves birds."

    Literally just boots with talons I don't have a cool image for this.


    Name of Weapon or Item:
    Custom Shinobi gear

    "Birds are cool. I like how they look. I like to make things look nice. So, I made my stuff look a bit more avian. Feather-shaped kunai, talon-like shuriken ... Huh, that's not a whole lot. Maybe I should up my game if I want to look as good as the snowflakes out there."


    Special note: Alsanna's drugs and other funny chemicals have been seized and confiscated! As such, she must either be given them or acquire new means to play underhanded.

  • Skills/Abilities
    Very Good Genjutsu knowledge (Counterbalanced by Ninjutsu weakness, given it's like, 80% of cool powers)
    Good Fuinjutsu/Juinjutsu
    Good Agility and Parasol Technique

    Average Kenjutsu (Whip and Cane Blade)
    Average Chakra Control

    Sub-par Strength
    Low Chakra Pool
    Mediocre Ninjutsu (Very weak potential)


    Special Traits
    Mastery in Neurology and Reproduction:
    When it comes to medicine and knowledge of anatomy, Alsanna easily qualifies for the level of surgeon, with a speciality in the nervous system and reproduction (applicable to other species other than humans). A lot of her abilities revolve around the enemy's or her own nervous system. To this day, she continues to discover new, exciting things about brains and how they can be tinkered.

    Inventor and Engineer: Born out of her fascination for complex mechanisms like the nervous system and necessity due to her innate weakness in the ninja arts, Alsanna has instead dedicated her efforts to bulding her own, unique strengths. Tools such as her Pretty Parasol are a testament of her capabilities, and she wishes to expand even more in that domain.

    Big brain: She's a smart girl. As in, it's possibly the only thing that allows her to stand out among all these scary, big ninjutsu explosion shinobi. Trying not to play this as some sort of cop out like some crappier characters *coughAizencough*.

    Taika is her mother tongue.

  • Name of Technique:
    Hex: Undying
    Type of Jutsu:
    Juinjutsu, Genjutsu, Probably Kinjutsu
    Direct Contact
    Nature Type:
    Index and major fingers stab into the base of the skull, right into the cerebellum.
    "The things I've done to get this little trick going. To be fair, the recent uprising made this far easier than it should've been. Oh well. It was all worth it. The process is rather simple: Insertion of one or more digits into the neck leading to perforation of the cerebellum allows me to 'mark' the now fatally damaged brain. The mark itself holds my chakra, which in turn feeds the body and brain with a genjutsu that suggests the body is 'fine'. The victim's brain is, for the most part, rendered into auto-pilot and will follow a specific order I apply to it. Though this comes with its own boons and ... Inconveniences."

    Conditions: "Playing with the brain is never easy, and there is a method to doing this. The victim must not have been 'dead' for more than three minutes, otherwise the brain will be far too damaged. Additionally, death by brain damage also makes this useless. The strike into the cerebellum is fatal regardless, so the victim doesn't need to be weakened. The idea is that the body is capable of working despite brain damage, and this hex seeks to keep this going while utilizing chakra to maintain the functional parts of the brain working. The undying is essentially 'dead''.""

    Behaviour: "The little studying I could do has led me to believe that once afflicted, they can function indefinitely so long as primary physical needs are met. Other needs that go beyond the basics become unnecessary. They will stick to routine, living out their boring lives, but noticeable sluggishness will be found out eventually. If brought to think critically, they will 'shut down' momentarily. Like little drones clinging to the pre-determined paths. Until ordered to do something else of course, for they'll be compelled by my words as if it were gospel."

    Limits: "The victim's chakra is used to keep them alive when their body should be dead, making usage of any chakra-based technique impossible. Their overall performance will be around 30% to 60% of what it would normally be. Cannot work for interrogations as it compromises the brain. Bummer. An Undying can last up to 30 minutes, though that number is contingent on how fresh they are and how damaged they get during their brief servitude."

    Strengths: "Now the boons are pretty damn cool. The brain now shuts out the pain receptors and keep limbs at their relative maximum potential despite injury. They will ultimately strikein very unpredictable ways. The only way to pre-maturely stop them is to sever their heads or remove all their limbs, which is a difficult feat in itself. No to mention quite messy."

    Weaknesses: "The brain becomes particularly vulnerable to sensory overload, making flashbangs and things of the sort great counters. They are also devoid of any in-depth strategy, making tricking the undying simple. Finally, they tend to easily over-exert themselves and damage their limbs by pushing their limits, making outlasting them possibly the safest strategy."


    Name of Technique:
    Parasol Art: Fiery Leap
    Type of Jutsu:
    Nature Type:
    N/A - Condition: Loaded Parasol
    "Honestly? I've made this thing to look cool and pretty damn classy. I'll be damned if I didn't have awesome and flashy skills to show off with it too."

    Loaded with a ball of explosives, Alsanna is capable of firing the sphere as if the parasol were a cannon ... But that's no technique! Instead of firing it like some basic infantry, she'll instead aim the tip toward the ground before her and fire. Simultaneously, the parasol unfolds to push back against the blast while sponging it too, making Alsanna leap into the air and concentrate the blast's power forward. Very nasty to take this at the face!
    Weakness: Well telegraphed, requires a reload after two uses, with a maximum of 6 explosive balls available at a time. Keeping some distance or having some tough defences will be pretty useful.


    Name of Technique:
    Hex: Cyto-Clone
    Type of Jutsu:
    Clone Technique, Curse Technique
    Nature Type:
    Ram -> Kai (Can have a delay between the two)
    "No matter how shit times may be, we as living beings have an imperative to multiply. It's honestly kind of baffling what can sometimes come out of us. One may be the perfect combination of our progenitors, or ... Well, not everyone can be blessed in this world."

    A simple Seal applied onto any living being via the means of projectiles or direct contact from Alsanna. Flesh doesn't need to be touch, any item that is closely bound to the body works too (barring weapons). A circular cursed seal is placed onto the victim and is left dormant until the hand seals are performed. From there, the seal dilates as if opening itself like an orifice, birthing 'clone' of the cursed. Minimal chakra is consumed from the victim and no pain is felt. The result is sometimes a perfect replica in appearance, but often it will have more undesirable mutations, although they'll almost always be functional. Afterward, the seal is broken.

    The Cyto-Clone is incapable of independent thought and cannot utilize acquired skills of the progenitor unlike the Undying. They are obedient to basic orders and will utilize the most direct means to accomplish their goal. Unlike most clones, they will not be dispatched by simple damage and must be dismembered like an Undying. When dispatched, they will take about five minutes to 'melt' into dark sludge which in turn hardens into ash and dirt.

    Weakness: Preventive measures can be more basic curse-removal if performed before Alsanna activates it. The Cyto-Clones are devoid of intelligence beyond that of a rabid animal. They also lack the ability to push their limit like the Undying, making them generally more manageable.

    Special note: Alsanna can apply a maximum of 2 to herself, and they will consistently come out malformed to a certain degree.


    Name of Technique:
    Hex: The Hidden Lock
    Type of Jutsu:
    Nature Type:
    Specific pattern - Kai
    "I may have been caught, but the watchdogs have yet to sniff out my hidden stash. Not that they'd gain much from it, it's just a bunch of bombs. And I'm sure they've read enough adventure novels to know where a stash of explosives would lead if intruded, hehe."

    A very distinct rune created by Alsanna resembling a crude feather of a peacock. The use of it comes from the ability shinobi wield to essentially carve and draw with chakra laced finger tips, although directly carving it somewhere will work too. Drawing this rune will serve as a gateway for a small number of explosives to slip out, activated by any sort of active chakra in contact with it. Once the explosives pass out of the rune, they are made to explode. They aren't much stronger than paper bombs, but multiple exploding at once can be a threat!

    Weakness: The same way you'd deal with most explosives in this world. Would require incapacitation to be properly carved on an unwilling victim.


    Name of Technique:
    Hex: Placebo
    Type of Jutsu:
    Juinjutsu, Genjutsu
    Contact - All five fingers upon one's head, each digit leaving a small 'print'.
    Nature Type:
    "The human brain is a magical thing, even more so than our ability to conjure fireballs and lightning storms with our wills. I can trick someone into thinking a tomato is a potato, that dying is a soothing and pleasant experience, that their chronic pain is actually getting better thanks to essential oils. Although, I've found that physical pain isn't the only thing this neat trick can soothe."

    A Genjutsu that seeking to force the brain into a specific state. The major use of this ability involves forcing the victim to enter a specific state of mind best fit for their survival and increase their overall odds of living. It is essentially a placebo effect, and the main tool used by Alsanna to keep many women from dying during difficult labours. It is also used to as literally borrowed time for the fatally wounded, as it also helps them disconnect from the pain. Note: It does not remove pain receptors, but it can effectively dull out chronic pains to a certain degree. This brain trickery can extend to more mundane things such as emphasizing specific tastes and overall improving quality of life.
    Alsanna frequently applies this to herself for motivation or to root out some specific thoughts, for physical pain isn't the only thing this trick can soothe.

  • Name :
    Minervan Owls: Aristides and Pholks

    Bird; Barn Owl
    Around 7 years old.
    30-40 cm
    Unique Traits:
    Besides their peculiar colouring, Minervan Owls tend to be quite elusive in spite of their plumage. They are considered to be clever, perhaps even more so than humans in some regards and, like many summons, are capable of speech.
    One can 'record' what it observes, feels and hears. This can then be shared to its caretaker, under the form of vivid memories.
    One can 'hold' any number of memories and facts shared by a human caretaker, and forever keep it until they wish to have it shared again. A sort of 'bank of memories and knowledge'.
    They are ill equipped for any sort of stealthy scouting or advanced recon. They instead serve as better sentries or passive watchers of large areas.
    Transformation Jutsu
    No combat field capabilities beyond concealment.
    It is a mystery as to why or how Alsanna contracted these two creatures. They are said to be attracted to those with a particular hunger for knowledge. There will often be one stationed near her father's home, forever watchful, while the other is never too far from its master, lurking under the guise of another creature or even an object.
Approved as the requested change have been applied.
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Hello hello, I got this little thing here for you good people. Don't mind the potentially awful aesthetics, kind of a nightmare to have it work sometimes. If there are random edits it's because of that or because of some typo.


Alsanna Shirafuji

Shinsetsuna Ishi - The Kind Doctor


Water Republic

"A lot of the world's problems would be solved if there was just a little more of me around. Or at the very least, they would be made more exciting."

  • Bloodline:
    Half is obscured and of Sayyadian origin. The other is composed of non-shinobi nobodies.

    Chakra Nature:
    Lightning (Affinity)


    Age and date of birth:
    Born the 9th​ of March, 460 – Making her 16 years old

    Age Appearance:
    Young adult

    Unclear, will have to expand on this when the character's out there.

  • Length and build:
    155 cm or just over 5 feet. Her build is lithe and lacking in muscle mass.

    42 kg or 92 lbs.

    Favourite weather and season:
    Cloudy evenings of fall.

    Scars and tattoos:
    Currently none!

  • Personality:
    Dr. Yoshimura's conclusion after 11 therapy sessions with Alsanna Shirafuji during her detention as a ward of the new Republic, February 476.
    Sessions 1, 2 and 3 initially commence with the superficial. Shirafuji maintains a laid back posture with a smile and says what she's 'expected' to say to a psychologist. Characteristics of deception were quickly found out and her endeavour as a chameleon quickly sheds. Little effort is made to hide her true nature, being one far more cynical than she initially sells. Coupled with a sardonic sense of humour and venomous sarcasm, I'm led to believe this patient suffers from a degree of narcissism as her discourse rarely considers other people's position or input.

    Sessions 4 to 7 will invalidate my previous assessment. Self-contempt and the veneer of sarcasm to conceal her true emotions have become evident to me. Attempts to maintain her appearances and records of her efforts that resemble sycophant-like behaviour indicate a desire to appeal to certain crowds. While I'm still on the fence as to what drive this bizarrely inflated ego of her's, I'm led to determine she is more of a misanthrope than anything else. She will frequently deflect more unpleasant questions with snarky quips or even direct insults to my person by using sometimes outlandish references.
    In tandem with this discovery, I sought to explore this bizarre role she plays as the 'Kind Doctor' and what use she had as a trained shinobi. There is an obsession over what she practices that I can't quite put my finger on. The medical nature of it just happens to be the puzzle that captivates her, but the why eludes me. Nonetheless, the drive she holds for whatever keeps her mind busy is something I've rarely seen in people, even overachieving shinobi. What I've pieced together so far is her relationship with her father has had a direct influence in the formative years that created this.

    Sessions 8 to 10 gave me a far more tired and displeased patient. An inordinate amount of bottled frustration and anger were present in her eyes and gestures. There were no outbursts, but the language employed suggest that a deep hatred gnaws in her, but of what? I am uncertain. I had first assumed it was of her parental figures, or even herself. I feel like I am wrong, her self-contempt seems to only extend to far and nothing leads credence to this assessment, because of the central role her father holds to her being while she herself sees far too many as below her.

    Session 11 brings about a conclusion to my exchanges with Alsanna Shirafuji. I've no reason to diagnose her of any severe mental disorder. She is, however, prone to a lack of regard for others and places her own ambitions and/or curiosities over the wellbeing of her fellow humans. Another bright mind, burned by an ambition I've yet to fully grasp. Supervision is strongly advised should she be allowed to operate into the system or society as a whole.

    Subtle little tunes
    Birbs, and other creatures that fly
    Abnormalities in nature
    Parasols, even umbrellas
    Puzzles and convoluted systems
    Beautiful things, and looking beautiful
    Being underestimated

    Being Invaded
    Bleeding hearts
    Vacuous individuals
    Anything too 'Artsy'
    Sandals, and by extension, feet


    Being lobotomized
    Becoming a drone

    Make Bijuu and Shinobi-dominant clans obsolete
    Ceaselessly learn and test new theories
    Create something truly beautiful

  • Backstory:
    Hirizu Snow Path Clinic and Emergency Hospital
    Attributed Physician:
    Kirio Tengai
    Assisting Staff: Fukuo Tengai, Miruko Hie
    Time of Birth: 5:22 AM
    Child's Weight: 2.1 kg

    March 9, 460, 7:46. Mother arrives five hours ago with accompanying female of unknown relation. Contractions had begun and the hospital hadn't yet been overwhelmed by growing casualties. The birthing process was difficult, but no fatalities. Child is female and of relatively good health although with a below-average weight is to supervise. The mother has not yet made contact with the child and remains under ward care. -Dr. Kirio Tengai

    March 9, 460, 9:02 AM. Mother has awaken and female escort is missing. Documents found identify her as [REDACTED] of Sayyadian origin. Three quarters of an hour was dedicated by staff to convince her to hold her child. Current government bodies remain inaccessible due to ongoing crisis. Nurse Hie is seeking the wet nurse for any eventuality. No name has been given for the child, perhaps of Akinian tradition? -Dr. Kirio Tengai

    March 10, 460, 2:35 PM. [REDACTED] has attempted to depart twice, expressing a desire to return home. It is against policy to let a new mother leave in her state as well as without her child. More attempts are being made to contact relatives or known associates. -Nurse Miruko Hie

    March 12, 460, 8:40 AM. The father, Geniri Shirafuji, arrived and displayed varying degrees of hostility to staff. It took an hour to talk him down and another with the child's mother to avert any potential issues. The mother confirmed him as a father. Soon after, she has been classified as missing after a shift change between Nurse Fujino and Nurse Tengai. Authorities have been notified but little can be done. The father has agreed to taking in the child after conferring a name, the hospital is now discharged of all liabilities. -Dr. Kirio Tengai

    I, Dr. Kirio Tengai of the Hirizu Clinic, certify the proper delivery and discharge of Alsanna Shirafuji with her father, Geniri Shirafuji, on March 10, 460, at 7:50 AM.


    Fuzou Shinobi and Internal Security Council​
    Written by: Daisuke Ikiri
    Officers on Site: Goukan Sakamoto, Daisuke Ikiri
    Date: July 14, 465
    Time of disturbance: 9:54 PM
    Time of conclusion/report: 4:49 AM (+1 Day)
    Notifier of disturbance: Neighbour

    Description of events:
    Report of excessive yelling during the night. Caution is exercised in the lower district as per our training. Officer Sakamoto initiates contact by knocking at the door, the husband male partner answers calmly and identifies himself as Genichi Shirafuji. Altercation begins with the female partner, Suzuya Ayamon, hurls a pot at Mr. Shirafuji but strikes me on the shoulder. Minimal harm is made, but immediate intervention occurs to subdue the violent individual.

    Mr. Shirafuji pleads for her case as a simple misunderstanding. Officer Sakamoto denies leniency but I opt to let them explain themselves. Ms. Ayamon is calmed and Sakamoto hears them out while I investigate the interior of the small home. Many objects and furniture are damaged to varying degrees. A single female child is found in the yard alone. I go to question and ensure she is well but consistently stares at the window to the living room. She is later identified as Alsanna Shirafuji, Mr. Shirafuji's daughter of another partner.

    Transcript of exchange:
    Figure 2.3. Witness Alsanna Shirafuji, staring at the window before interrogation.
    Ikiri: What are you doing out here? What's your name, hun?Alsanna: Watching them.
    Ikiri: Isn't it a bit cold? Wouldn't you want to go back inside with them?
    Alsanna: It gets too hot when she gets angry at him. Kinda like when someone pulls on your face too long, it feels so hot on the cheeks.
    Ikiri: Do they pull on your face?
    Alsanna: No. She just screams.
    Ikiri: At you?
    Alsanna: No. She doesn't look at me. 'Cause I'm not her girl. She wants her own girl but my dad can't give any.
    Ikiri: She's angry at your dad because he can't give her a girl like you?
    Alsanna: Yeah, or a boy, I dunno. I wanna help my dad. He's very happy with her. He hurts for her a lot. I hurt. It makes me angry.
    Ikiri: (Unable to find an answer, I keep quiet)
    Alsanna: It's starting to rain. I hate the rain. Going back inside.

    The transcript from Officer Sakamoto can be found in the annexes. A thorough interrogation of neighbours that sought to give their piece was conducted until the early morning, transcripts also found in the annexes. No further actions were taken as it was assessed that no one was in any danger.

    Chuunin Officer Daisuke Ikiri

    Oh my dear Alsanna, or how we all liked to call her, Ally. The perfect little student I could have among all these troubled but brilliant youths from the lower districts. Polite, always clean with beautiful clothes, willing to help at any moment, etc. I'll miss her, but I'm so happy I got to be her teacher during her general education phase. I have so many anecdotes to share, but I'll pick a couple that really struck me.

    The first would have to be how happy and curious she was about my wedding. Gosh, I would have loved to have her attend it, but it just couldn't be. At only nine, she was so curious of everything to look forward to as an adult. About my husband and if he was healthy, treated me well, and all that. I can only imagine life at home mustn't be the best for her. I'm sure one day a bright soul such as her would make something wonderful of herself.
    When I feel the baby kick in my tummy, I'm constantly reminded of her. Always so intrigued by how it happened, how I'm feeling, and what I'd do with my baby. More than once, I'll admit, I let her press her ear to my abdomen. It sounds
    weird. I suppose, in a way, I'm hoping I get a child like Ally. At least a curious and thoughtful.The second thing I remember is how she'd always take strolls after classes with her parasol, whether it was rainy or sunny. Always stopping at the strangest of places. Questionable streets that'd be dangerous at later times to more elegant areas where wealthier families roosted. To finally end at a park where she'd frequently feed flocks of birds. She just watched and admired these places. And I couldn't help but follow her a couple of times to see what this peculiar soul was doing. The way she absorbed her entourage, the innocent gaze, I just had to immortalize it. Just as I do with every one of my students, I make a painting of them. And Ally, with her beautiful kimono and pensive, blue eyes were exactly the perfect image I needed to commemorate her.

    I hope we meet again soon, Ally. Maybe you'll get to meet my little tot one of these days, and you could even be friends.

    With love,
    Miss Aya Kurotsuchi, your first year teacher!



    Here I was, indulging in homemade Kirigakure spring tea, and I'm informed by a very reliable source of HER return. Yes, folks, you know who I'm talking about and I can say with gusto that I was just as surprised as you were. Tea has only so much merit next to a local myth walking among us. The Shinsetsuna Ishi has once again blessed the lower Fuzou area with a miraculous delivery of a birth gone terribly wrong!
    Locals report a masked a short, masked being marching from the heavens above, down to their dingy and minuscule abode. The house doctor had failed to properly perform a C-section, leaving little hope for the mother and the unborn child, my source claims. And then, she came. The masked entity. With a mere gesture, all those present were ordered to depart from the premises, with the house doctor following suit without question.

    One hour. Two hours. Three ... And the door opened once more, with the cries of a newly born child echoing throughout the neighbourhood. The mother, left in a partial daze, recalls very little, but is left healthy just like the child. Before authorities could even be informed of what was going on, the masked saviour was gone! It has become somewhat of an unspoken rule among the people to never utter a word of the Shinsetsuna Ishi until she is finished. And to this day, no shinobi or authority figure have been able to catch her. It wouldn't be too surprising with entire communities collectively working to cover your tracks! I for one am absolutely for the preservation of this mysterious entity. The sea only knows how many of our children we lose to the tides of life.
    This is the fourteenth recorded act made by the Shinsetsuna Ishi this year, and her acts of benevolence do not just extend to births but also to ailing newborns with little hope for survival as well as mothers left mangled by the perils of giving life.
    As usual, you can all count on me to keep tabs on this special individual. I maintain my stalwart vow to getting an exclusive with this elusive life-giver, and do my part in making this world a safer and happier one.

    Written by Syo Hayatashi
    Edited by Misaki Tomura


    Page 12 - Ongoing Fuzou Investigations, Warning to Nighttime Drifters

    The Fuzou Shinobi and Internal Security Council urges all Fuzou residents to exercise caution after the increased disappearance of female citizens in the area. They were last seen in the Shanty Town area of Lower Fuzou for the majority of cases, with over half of them found murdered, mostly burned after what experts suggest may have been muggings of some kind with stab wounds still visible on their abdomens.

    -The Daily Wave's Evening Watch

    Fuzou Shinobi & Maritime Academy
    Name: Alsanna Shirafuji
    Age: 13
    Year: Final

    Physical Conditioning:32/100
    Teacher: Gozobura Shin
    Frequently absent and rarely invests herself. Will find opportunities to slack off with peers. A great shinobi is one in peak physical form!

    Smithing & Design Workshop: 100/100 - With honours
    Teacher: Kazumi XaoPai
    I'd grade you a 100/100 in being a total pain in the noggin as well, which is to say you are always a thrill to have in my class. Persistently asking questions and crafting your own little things. Many of which I believe you should expand upon and presence to the Internal Council. You are, however, reckless to the point of having three of your peers mildly injured and I'm left to wonder how far you'd go without my supervision. Still, I'll penalize you with a suspension and not your grade, because I'm not THAT kind of teacher. Cheers, Alsanna.

    Navigation & Survival: 56/100
    Teacher: Mikasa Tengai
    Student displays limited interest in field work while clearly capable of understanding the core notions of this class. Leads to sub-par results and a frequent distraction to the class when the sporadic mood kicks in. Get a grip Miss Shirafuji! This is your future that's at stake!

    Basic Ninjutsu Arts: 45/100
    Teacher: Ganryu Sonozaki
    You clearly understand the theory behind it all. But your chakra control is sub-par. Added to this, your affinities appear to be some of the rare types to be barely compatible with the moulding of chakra into actual ninjutsu. Your clone jutsu is just fine because of this, as it relies on your Yin chakra. But using substitution or even transformation put greater strain on you than most. Don't give up! Anyone with chakra can do it! It'll just be more difficult. You have the mind for it! I'm rooting for you!

    Medical arts and first aid: 95/100
    Teacher: Deng XaoPai
    There was nothing to teach you in terms of theory, medicinal plants or anatomy. You've taken this as a passion and I see it. The only blemish is your incapability to form even the most basic of healing ninjutsu. While it is an art reserved for the advanced users, even the lower shinobi are capable of very minor usage of it. But your unique chakra affinity appears to not respond to this endeavour. For that, I cannot give you a full grade.

    Final Grade: 67/100
    Verdict: Fail - Possibility for a second attempt next year

    You have so much potential. Your mind is clearly better than your peers', and I'd even say my own in some respects. There are times you'll ace tests without a care in the world, others you'll fail as if you are barely literate. This isn't by chance, this is purposeful. Are you happy here? But you seem to excel in workshops. Unfortunately, they don't weigh as much as other disciplines. I'm left to wonder, why do you wish to become a Shinobi?

    [The Following is an excerpt Interview with Tokubetsu Jounin Sanjuichi Himura]

    Mugshot of Shirafuji right after capture, 475
    [...] It took a few years, yes. Shinsetsuna Ishi, or now we know her name as Alsanna Shirafuji, had remained elusive for a variety of reasons. The biggest being that nobody in Fuzou wanted her found in the first place. Why would ya' want someone who saves your wives and children from death without dispensing a single coin? And with so many people dying from the incessant civil conflicts, we didn't have the time for this. Nonetheless, this was illegal practice and we had reasons to suspect Shirafuji to be associated with other cases.

    Had we had proper resources, this case would have been concluded earlier, but a mysterious figure saving lives wasn't exactly at the top of the council's priorities. It wasn't until a disconcerting amount of people smuggled themselves into the country with their pregnant lovers to hopefully be 'blessed' by Shirafuji that this was finally taken seriously, especially with growing civil unrest prompting paranoia from the higher ups. There, I had the resources needed to properly locate her in spite of local backlash.

    [He takes a sip of his water]

    So, an Akinian couple had been tagged by one of my sniffers, and without fault, they would be visited by the doctor. We pursued, briefly lost her but the mask been flung off and we had her scent too. It was only a matter of time before we found her hole.

    [He goes on to use more specific gestures to illustrate the raid]

    It was the basement of an abandoned fish treatment building the she lurked. A whole shop of tools, chemicals and masks. Not just the Shinsetsuna Ishi's mask. We knew she was just some kid, and that led us to drop our guards to a degree. There were no casualties, no. But there could have been if I didn't have the backup. The various drugs she had concocted down there as well as that very strange umbrella, or parasol I'm not sure, she always dragged around made capture very difficult. Nonetheless, I had managed to disarm her before that parasol-turned-whip of her's could harm any of my men.

    She's since remained reserved, answering questions as plainly as possible. Currently, she's being visited by a mental health professional, the type they use for the guys that survived the war.

    [The councilman asks what was found in the basement]

    Apart from various strange and unfinished gadgets, usually variations of military tools, the chemicals were apparently homemade anaesthetics for the most part, though some I'm still not sure, you'd have to ask the professionals.

    [The question of corpses being found stored was brought up]

    There was one corpse, but we've quickly deduced it was one stolen from the local clinic's morgue. We do not know what she did with it yet. But we did find something very ... Different. At first I though it was just a set of small, thin roots, but my field medic colleague pointed out just how much the layout resembled a human body, and more precisely, the nervous system. Yeah, I'm not making this up.

  • Family:

    Unnamed | 32 | No Relationship
    "It's not unheard of to see young people have children, they're at that age and mistakes happen. It's also not uncommon for one of the parents to be scared of the responsibility and seek to leave as soon as possible. But this was the first time I've seen a mother so adamantly seek solitude after this ordeal." -Nurse Hie

    Genichi Shirafuji | 33 | Uncertain
    "Alsanna's a good girl. Every Sunday, without error, she comes over to prepare food and share it with me. Sometimes we'd talk sometimes she won't even look at me. But she's there, despite having little to talk about. I guess I'm getting old. I'm just glad I have my little girl visiting me and Suzuya. A shame she didn't come during her birthday, I had a surprise ready for her." -Genichi Shirafuji

    Father's Girlfriend:
    Suzuya Ayamon | 29 | Troubled
    "Alsanna was always ... Different. It was hard to make a rapport with her, and I definitely tried! I tried to be mommy, but she had always taken issue with that. I was more than happy to take her as my own, since Genichi has, well, I guess we could call them problems. We're still trying, though! One day, hopefully, Alsanna will have a brother or sister to come visit too!" -Suzuya Ayamon


    Academy Students | 14-17 | Distant/Acquaintances
    "Oh, Shirafuji? She was fun, haha! Made bombs out of TP once, completely fried Gozobura's ass. Man, wish we stayed friends, there was always some dumb crap we could do." -Nezu 'The Toad' Goukan

    "Never knew much about her, no. Always polite, saying the right things and never looking awkward. A few girls didn't like her because of her choice of clothes. We're not exactly posh here. But I was never bored with her."
    -Fubuki Sona (Deceased as of 476)

    "Y'know, I thought she'd be the type to party with all the silly things she'd do with the troublemakers, but with me she was surprisingly tame. It was weird. She also never came to outings when offered, even when some insisted. Nor did we ever get to see where she lived. She was weird." -Kaya Goukan

    "Believe it or not, I had a crush on her! She was just nice and fun with everyone. But then she suddenly kind of didn't care anymore. Nothing had really changed, she just suddenly got meaner and made fun of whatever she wanted. An absolute jerk, I say. I didn't really like being around her after that, not many people did." -Joji Shimatsu


    Other People:
    None of Note

  • Name of Weapon or Item:
    The Pretty Parasol

    "I've always liked parasols. Whether it is sunny or cloudy, hot or cold, you usually had good use of them. Unless it was particularly windy. Ugh, how incompetently designed they are in the end, barely factoring in one of the biggest hazards of the outdoors. Luckily, I've not scruples when it comes to crashing the local umbrella and parasol market. Here comes my Pretty Parasol~!

    Getting this functional for not only some windy days but to also smack a bitch or three, I've had to get creative. I've started with thin layers of steel. Small, diamond-shaped sheets that serve as a form of 'scales' that constitute the parasol's surface. One click, and it assembles into one piece, another click, and it is disassembled, the sheets wrapping around the shaft of the parasol to form a more proper cane. Damn was that hard to make work, the sheets weren't exactly very malleable, but I eventually got them thin enough. It did compromise its defensive capabilities, for I would no longer be able to have a portable shield, but in exchange, I got my a light tool that could protect me from more indirect attacks. Good enough.

    The cane itself is stout enough to deflect blades while being solid enough to be lethal on its own. The fact that it has a layer of steel scales actually made me think of the Samehada. To which I tweaked a little as to have these sheets 'stick out' just enough to shred whatever was misfortunate enough to get hit by it. Nasty stuff. Did you ever see what happens when someone gets mauled by a shark? About the same result here.

    At the tip of the parasol and the cane forms I've made a little opening to fire some bomb balls and even to have a blade stick out of it for good measure. If I can't conjure some super abilities like my peers, I may as well be able to have a backup. However a cane sword was a bit much to do, so instead, I've fractioned the cane itself! Combined with the steel scales, I was able to connect it all via a 24 meter long metallic thread and made a surprisingly efficient notched whip. Am I super good with it? Absolutely not. But, I'm dying to take it out for a spin. Hehehe."



    Name of Weapon or Item:

    "I fucking hate sandals. So I got me some boots. Boots with nice, metal talons I can pop out and gouge out a few eyes with. Great for underhanded attacks. Not exactly easy to control however. May need some revisions. Still, the design is something I'm quite proud of. I've always loved any aesthetic that involves birds."

    Literally just boots with talons I don't have a cool image for this.


    Name of Weapon or Item:
    Custom Shinobi gear

    "Birds are cool. I like how they look. I like to make things look nice. So, I made my stuff look a bit more avian. Feather-shaped kunai, talon-like shuriken ... Huh, that's not a whole lot. Maybe I should up my game if I want to look as good as the snowflakes out there."


    Special note: Alsanna's drugs and other funny chemicals have been seized and confiscated! As such, she must either be given them or acquire new means to play underhanded.

  • Skills/Abilities
    Very Good Genjutsu knowledge (Counterbalanced by Ninjutsu weakness, given it's like, 80% of cool powers)
    Good Fuinjutsu/Juinjutsu
    Good Agility and Parasol Technique

    Average Kenjutsu (Whip and Cane Blade)
    Average Chakra Control

    Sub-par Strength
    Low Chakra Pool
    Mediocre Ninjutsu (Very weak potential)


    Special Traits
    Mastery in Neurology and Reproduction:
    When it comes to medicine and knowledge of anatomy, Alsanna easily qualifies for the level of surgeon, with a speciality in the nervous system and reproduction (applicable to other species other than humans). A lot of her abilities revolve around the enemy's or her own nervous system. To this day, she continues to discover new, exciting things about brains and how they can be tinkered.

    Inventor and Engineer: Born out of her fascination for complex mechanisms like the nervous system and necessity due to her innate weakness in the ninja arts, Alsanna has instead dedicated her efforts to bulding her own, unique strengths. Tools such as her Pretty Parasol are a testament of her capabilities, and she wishes to expand even more in that domain.

    Big brain: She's a smart girl. As in, it's possibly the only thing that allows her to stand out among all these scary, big ninjutsu explosion shinobi. Trying not to play this as some sort of cop out like some crappier characters *coughAizencough*.

    Taika is her mother tongue.

  • Name of Technique:
    Hex: Undying
    Type of Jutsu:
    Juinjutsu, Genjutsu, Probably Kinjutsu
    Direct Contact
    Nature Type:
    Index and major fingers stab into the base of the skull, right into the cerebellum.
    "The things I've done to get this little trick going. To be fair, the recent uprising made this far easier than it should've been. Oh well. It was all worth it. The process is rather simple: Insertion of one or more digits into the neck leading to perforation of the cerebellum allows me to 'mark' the now fatally damaged brain. The mark itself holds my chakra, which in turn feeds the body and brain with a genjutsu that suggests the body is 'fine'. The victim's brain is, for the most part, rendered into auto-pilot and will follow a specific order I apply to it. Though this comes with its own boons and ... Inconveniences."

    Conditions: "Playing with the brain is never easy, and there is a method to doing this. The victim must not have been 'dead' for more than three minutes, otherwise the brain will be far too damaged. Additionally, death by brain damage also makes this useless. The strike into the cerebellum is fatal regardless, so the victim doesn't need to be weakened. The idea is that the body is capable of working despite brain damage, and this hex seeks to keep this going while utilizing chakra to maintain the functional parts of the brain working. The undying is essentially 'dead''.""

    Behaviour: "The little studying I could do has led me to believe that once afflicted, they can function indefinitely so long as primary physical needs are met. Other needs that go beyond the basics become unnecessary. They will stick to routine, living out their boring lives, but noticeable sluggishness will be found out eventually. If brought to think critically, they will 'shut down' momentarily. Like little drones clinging to the pre-determined paths. Until ordered to do something else of course, for they'll be compelled by my words as if it were gospel."

    Limits: "The victim's chakra is used to keep them alive when their body should be dead, making usage of any chakra-based technique impossible. Their overall performance will be around 30% to 60% of what it would normally be. Cannot work for interrogations as it compromises the brain. Bummer. An Undying can last up to 30 minutes, though that number is contingent on how fresh they are and how damaged they get during their brief servitude."

    Strengths: "Now the boons are pretty damn cool. The brain now shuts out the pain receptors and keep limbs at their relative maximum potential despite injury. They will ultimately strikein very unpredictable ways. The only way to pre-maturely stop them is to sever their heads or remove all their limbs, which is a difficult feat in itself. No to mention quite messy."

    Weaknesses: "The brain becomes particularly vulnerable to sensory overload, making flashbangs and things of the sort great counters. They are also devoid of any in-depth strategy, making tricking the undying simple. Finally, they tend to easily over-exert themselves and damage their limbs by pushing their limits, making outlasting them possibly the safest strategy."


    Name of Technique:
    Parasol Art: Fiery Leap
    Type of Jutsu:
    Nature Type:
    N/A - Condition: Loaded Parasol
    "Honestly? I've made this thing to look cool and pretty damn classy. I'll be damned if I didn't have awesome and flashy skills to show off with it too."

    Loaded with a ball of explosives, Alsanna is capable of firing the sphere as if the parasol were a cannon ... But that's no technique! Instead of firing it like some basic infantry, she'll instead aim the tip toward the ground before her and fire. Simultaneously, the parasol unfolds to push back against the blast while sponging it too, making Alsanna leap into the air and concentrate the blast's power forward. Very nasty to take this at the face!
    Weakness: Well telegraphed, requires a reload after two uses, with a maximum of 6 explosive balls available at a time. Keeping some distance or having some tough defences will be pretty useful.


    Name of Technique:
    Hex: Cyto-Clone
    Type of Jutsu:
    Clone Technique, Curse Technique
    Nature Type:
    Ram -> Kai (Can have a delay between the two)
    "No matter how shit times may be, we as living beings have an imperative to multiply. It's honestly kind of baffling what can sometimes come out of us. One may be the perfect combination of our progenitors, or ... Well, not everyone can be blessed in this world."

    A simple Seal applied onto any living being via the means of projectiles or direct contact from Alsanna. Flesh doesn't need to be touch, any item that is closely bound to the body works too (barring weapons). A circular cursed seal is placed onto the victim and is left dormant until the hand seals are performed. From there, the seal dilates as if opening itself like an orifice, birthing 'clone' of the cursed. Minimal chakra is consumed from the victim and no pain is felt. The result is sometimes a perfect replica in appearance, but often it will have more undesirable mutations, although they'll almost always be functional. Afterward, the seal is broken.

    The Cyto-Clone is incapable of independent thought and cannot utilize acquired skills of the progenitor unlike the Undying. They are obedient to basic orders and will utilize the most direct means to accomplish their goal. Unlike most clones, they will not be dispatched by simple damage and must be dismembered like an Undying. When dispatched, they will take about five minutes to 'melt' into dark sludge which in turn hardens into ash and dirt.

    Weakness: Preventive measures can be more basic curse-removal if performed before Alsanna activates it. The Cyto-Clones are devoid of intelligence beyond that of a rabid animal. They also lack the ability to push their limit like the Undying, making them generally more manageable.

    Special note: Alsanna can apply a maximum of 2 to herself, and they will consistently come out malformed to a certain degree.


    Name of Technique:
    Hex: The Hidden Lock
    Type of Jutsu:
    Nature Type:
    Specific pattern - Kai
    "I may have been caught, but the watchdogs have yet to sniff out my hidden stash. Not that they'd gain much from it, it's just a bunch of bombs. And I'm sure they've read enough adventure novels to know where a stash of explosives would lead if intruded, hehe."

    A very distinct rune created by Alsanna resembling a crude feather of a peacock. The use of it comes from the ability shinobi wield to essentially carve and draw with chakra laced finger tips, although directly carving it somewhere will work too. Drawing this rune will serve as a gateway for a small number of explosives to slip out, activated by any sort of active chakra in contact with it. Once the explosives pass out of the rune, they are made to explode. They aren't much stronger than paper bombs, but multiple exploding at once can be a threat!

    Weakness: The same way you'd deal with most explosives in this world. Would require incapacitation to be properly carved on an unwilling victim.


    Name of Technique:
    Hex: Placebo
    Type of Jutsu:
    Juinjutsu, Genjutsu
    Contact - All five fingers upon one's head, each digit leaving a small 'print'.
    Nature Type:
    "The human brain is a magical thing, even more so than our ability to conjure fireballs and lightning storms with our wills. I can trick someone into thinking a tomato is a potato, that dying is a soothing and pleasant experience, that their chronic pain is actually getting better thanks to essential oils. Although, I've found that physical pain isn't the only thing this neat trick can soothe."

    A Genjutsu that seeking to force the brain into a specific state. The major use of this ability involves forcing the victim to enter a specific state of mind best fit for their survival and increase their overall odds of living. It is essentially a placebo effect, and the main tool used by Alsanna to keep many women from dying during difficult labours. It is also used to as literally borrowed time for the fatally wounded, as it also helps them disconnect from the pain. Note: It does not remove pain receptors, but it can effectively dull out chronic pains to a certain degree. This brain trickery can extend to more mundane things such as emphasizing specific tastes and overall improving quality of life.
    Alsanna frequently applies this to herself for motivation or to root out some specific thoughts, for physical pain isn't the only thing this trick can soothe.

  • Name :
    Minervan Owls: Aristides and Pholks

    Bird; Barn Owl
    Around 7 years old.
    30-40 cm
    Unique Traits:
    Besides their peculiar colouring, Minervan Owls tend to be quite elusive in spite of their plumage. They are considered to be clever, perhaps even more so than humans in some regards and, like many summons, are capable of speech.
    One can 'record' what it observes, feels and hears. This can then be shared to its caretaker, under the form of vivid memories.
    One can 'hold' any number of memories and facts shared by a human caretaker, and forever keep it until they wish to have it shared again. A sort of 'bank of memories and knowledge'.
    They are ill equipped for any sort of stealthy scouting or advanced recon. They instead serve as better sentries or passive watchers of large areas.
    Transformation Jutsu
    No combat field capabilities beyond concealment.
    It is a mystery as to why or how Alsanna contracted these two creatures. They are said to be attracted to those with a particular hunger for knowledge. There will often be one stationed near her father's home, forever watchful, while the other is never too far from its master, lurking under the guise of another creature or even an object.
And here is the second approval, that you required. Please post the accepted sheet into the respective thread! Welcome to the Roleplay Foodie.
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interested if you'll have me ^^
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Name: Kayleen Akechi

Nickname: None yet established

Rank: Genin

Organization: Republic of the Water Country

"Whether our path brightens or darkens grimly, we walk together all the more."


  • Bloodline: Unknown

    Chakra Nature: Water Release

    Gender: Female

    Age and date of birth: Sixteen years old. February 18th, 460

    Age Appearance: Appears eighteen

    Sexuality: Fluid

  • draw-cute-girls-in-my-art-style.jpg
    Length and build: 5'5. Swimmer's build

    Weight: 115 lbs

    Favourite weather and season: Spring showers

    Scars and tattoos:
    Currently, # has:
    • None

  • Personality: Faithful. Honest. Uplifting. Empathetic. Loving. Overthinker. Perfectionist. Overbearing. Courageous. Insecure. Hyper sensitive.

    Much like her mother, Kayleen is a loving source of encouragement for her family. Before things went south for the Oda clan, Kayleen was a bright ball of sunshine that gave her trust away so easily like free candy. The events of the Oda massacre matured her in ways she would not suspect. Her outlook became less dreamy and more cautious and preemptive. Her sunny demeanor, however, only strengthened for the sake of her father and brother's cloudening grief. But instead of carefree rays of bliss, her optimism was now thoughtfully intentioned illumination. Her once endless supply of joyful energy fueled by blind optimism, became now a potentially drainable resource from its heightened expenditure and redefined basis.

    A ride or die. Kayleen treasures the code of her clan and their loyal honor. She can keep a secret into the next life, and dares not to gossip about an ally. However, she expects the same in return or else her support ends completely. She tolerates no excuses for shadiness. She also has a strong distaste for injustices and isn't shy of applying the needed pressure in an interrogative manner. When provoked, Kayleen most often stays calm and rational in order for her emotions to not cloud her decisions - shutting down toxic behavior with grace. She often worries about her brother's festering rage from the murder of his future bride. She can sometimes be overly protective and smothering to him, because of her immense sympathy for him.

    On the downside, Kayleen can overthink things to the point of indecision or delay. She always wants to make the right decision even in the most unpredictable outcomes. Her lack of trust in herself can make her susceptible to bad choices or to be heavily influenced. However, her good judge of character counterbalances these shortfalls with her careful selection of wholesome advisors. She doesn't easily get upset, but when she does it can physically ail her for up to a full day. By nature, she is an energy preserver and makes it a top priority to budget her reserves. When she isn't offering a shoulder to cry on, Kayleen spends her time training or meditating by the closest body of water where she can recharge her chakra.

    • Dancing on the water
    • Singing bowls
    • Rainy days
    • Poké
    • Icicles
    • Sea urchin

    • Dry places
    • Cages
    • Arrogance
    • Litterers
    • Disorder
    • Toads
    • Losing her sense of loyalty
    • Her brother's reckless actions
    • Harm against her family
    • Failing her family's legacy
    • To bloom into an accomplished shinobi
    • & help claim justice for her loved ones

  • Backstory:

    With her father being the well-respected leader of a Great clan within Kirigakure, Kayleen sprouted up into a privileged lifestyle of envied luxury. Their family home itself is a striking landmark inside the capital city of Sekigahara. It is a rather large villa sufficiently guarded with ocean views and a breathtaking flower garden. Gardening was a bonding experience for Kayleen and her father when he was ever home. He has a fondness for flowers to which Kayleen could appreciate, the orchid flowers being her favorite and most nostalgic.

    When her father wasn't available, he'd be in his office or in the meeting room for diplomatic affairs. As a child, she'd eavesdrop outside his door and always seemed to be caught by her mother who would move her along. Kayleen and her mother have always been close, and she quickly caught on to her mother's low tolerance for misbehavior. Her mother's guidance has shaped her into becoming a tough loving and mature young woman. While her mother concerned herself with the upkeep of the family's happiness, Kayleen would be her emotional support behind the scenes to keep things balanced.

    While her mother taught her how to love and behave, her father instilled in her the values of loyalty and self determination. His generosity with the lower Oda clan was a solid example of his contagious loyalty. He'd merge homes with a dependable comrade, Byd Oda who fought alongside him in the Great War irregardless of public opinion. Byd became like an uncle in Kayleen's eyes and she enjoyed his witty company. As for self determination, it was his selfless deeds as the Akechi's leader that supported her own determination to actualize her dreams. His protective nature was passed down to her in which she'd instinctively express when her people are ever troubled.

    As a child, Kayleen was comfortably exposed to an assortment of people which made it easier for her to form connections with others. Social interactions became as easy as a chick learning to fly, especially with the constant engagements from the house servants. Kids her own age were much harder to come by other than the occasional playdates with the children of other important figures. It was one playdate with her mother's good friend from the Otome clan where Kayleen met her future best friend, Ameya. A silly girl who constantly made faces and looked for trouble around every corner. The two bonded over seashells and they never stopped loving each other ever since.

    Kayleen's relationship with her much older brother, Yuuki, is difficult to reflect on. He is much like their stubbornly loyal father, even having the same raven black hair. Growing up, he was always kind hearted and encouraging to Kayleen but was always on the go just like her dad. He always seemed to set a positive example for her and made pleasing their father his utmost priority. Kayleen was ecstatic to learn of Yuuki's engagement with Byd's daughter, Chie. Kayleen was awestruck with Chie's crimson red hair and fiery attitude. She made it her personal mission to get close to her by helping with the wedding arrangements. The joyous time together was abruptly smothered out when the news of Chie and Byd's murder shook Kaylene's family to their core. Yuuki was deeply affected by the loss and cultivated a festering anger within himself that Kayleen had never seen him entertain before.

    The massacre of the Oda clan shattered the entire household of the leading Akechi family. Her father lost a good friend that he would often visit and share war stories with, while her brother lost the love of his life. A part of the Akechi also died that day and Kayleen mourned even more so for the loss of how happy her father and brother use to be. Kayleen struggled to assist her mother to heal the family, because the damage was immense. Even so, Kayleen remains hopeful that she and her family can recover from this great injury and come out stronger than ever imagined. Her only hope is to love harder and dissuade her brother and father from taking a blinding road of vengeance. For this reason, she is willing to take justice into her own hands for the sake of the clan.

  • Family:

    | Horoko Akechi | Loving, Assertive, No bullshit and Peacekeeper.
    Kayleen favors her mother's blue hair and generous personality. Her mother hides her personal sufferings well and Kaylene is always there to call her bluff.

    | Mitsuhide Akechi | Strict, Benevolent, Stubbornly Loyal and Protective of People.
    As leader of the Akechi clan, Kayleen holds her father in high esteem. She admires not only his direction, but his will to uphold the clan's values at all costs.

    • Yuuki Akechi
      Heartbroken Bitter Avenger.
      Kayleen is her brother's keeper. She always needs to know that he's alright and likes to keep an eye on his grumpy self. She misses the way he was before the trauma.

    • Byd Oda
      Outgoing and Terrifying fighter. (deceased)
      Byd was like an adopted uncle in the eyes of Kayleen. He always brought with him a festive demeanor or shock factor that kept her on her toes.
    • Chie Oda
      Hotheaded, Energetic and Inspiring. (deceased)
      Kayleen's anticipated sister-n-law whom she was growing to adore and develop a close bond with. A firecracker of a woman who challenged the status quo.
    • Ameya Otome
      Imaginative, Carefree and Joyous.
      Her childhood friend who kept her sane during her father and brother's inconceivable loss and time of grief. Unbearable laughter sums up their memories.


    Other People: Clan acquaintances

  • Name of Weapon or Item: Deep Sea Summoning Scroll

    Description: A scroll for summoning sea creatures



    Name of Weapon or Item: Dragon Steel Harpoon

    Description: A barbed spear with a significant range for piercing and hooking a target




    Name of Weapon or Item: Dragon Steel Sai Daggers

    Description: Poison tipped daggers for close-range combat and hurling



  • Skills/Abilities

    • Good tracker and observer of her surroundings
    • Her careful observation makes her a good reader of body language
    • Lip reading is a notable skill of hers with consistent application
    • Average chakra control leaning more so toward high


    Special Traits

    • Well-informed and knowledgeable given private tutors of astounding caliber
    • Average chakra reserve leaning more so toward low
    • Empathetically and diplomatically adept
    • Educated on various toxins and poisons, and how to extract them for usage

  • Water Forge Technique
    By gathering water around the user's weapon, it generates a rapidly swirling stream. Once striking with it, it unleashes a strong surge of water to launch a target. C-rank.

    Water Prison Jutsu
    Entraps a target within a sphere of water. C-rank.

    Kuchiyose no Jutsu
    Animal summoning technique (for marine life). C-rank.

    Hiding in Water Technique
    The user fuses with water for invisibility. D-rank.

    Underwater Breathing Technique
    Underwater breathing for a maximum of fifteen minutes. D-rank.

    Beast Human Clone
    A beast imitates the appearance of its human companion. D-rank.

    Octopus Summon: (to operate inside of water prison sphere)
    for inking the water to hinder visibility or to ensnare a target's limb or head for immobilization.


    Eel Summon: (operating within the water sphere)
    for marring, stunning, and potentially lethal shocks.


    Jellyfish Summon: (implemented in water prison jutsu)
    A vast school of jellyfish for a pestering distraction and stings.


Last edited:

Your CS looks great. You have my approval. One more GM approval and you can post your sheet into the approval thread!
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Welcome Luelle. As one of the GM's, I give you the second approval that you require. I hope you'll enjoy your time with us.
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Looking great! You got my approval. As such, you can move the character sheet to the approved character thread!
And welcome ot the RP!
  • Thank You
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Thanks very much! I'm excited to be here 😊