• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Is it possible to request to be teamed up with someone or is it at random? Reason I ask is cuz I know @Akashi and we post around the same speed.
It is more or less random. I will see if I can place you both in the same team as it is should be possible in this situation, with the current teams. It is however normal that it will be sort or less be still randomized or decided which team needs a genin the most.

Edit : Roster Updated.
I have seen that a lot has been posted, and sadly, my current time options do not allow me to make reviews - those will start in a day or two at most.

I also noticed that we have a new Amegakure character, so as the current Amekage, let me welcome you into my village and into the roleplay as well :)

As for all people present here, I want to wish you a pleasant, entertaining and well-spend last evening of the year in the circle of your most liked ones. May the New Year welcomes you the right way, and as a saying in my country says, spend your first day in the new year as awesomely as you can, because the rest of the year will be just like it!

So, to summarize it - Happy New Year´s Eve and a perfect start into the New Year!
Happy new in advance too! Hope that we all can have a great start as well have much fun as long as possible.
Has been a great year in the RP and hope that with those who have joined we all can enjoy another pleasant year together!

  • Love
Reactions: K3l and Pyralithia

Name: Riku|Kyo Sashuro
Nickname/Alias: Ri|Crash
Gender: Male
Age and date of birth: 13, 8/02/463
Age Appearance: 13-14
Sexuality: Bisexual

Parents: Tenchi Sashuro|Father|Alive. Kikyo Sashuro|Mother|Deceased.
Length and build: 5'3
Weight: 116
Favorite weather and season: Sunny day, Summer.


Village: Kumogakure
Birthplace: Kumogakure
Organization: N/A

Clan/Bloodline: Sashuro Clan

Rank: D-Genin

Chakra Nature: Fire


Riku appearance - Tsuna.png
Kyo/KG appearance - tsuna.jpg


Riku: Ri is friendly and kind though awkward when around more than 1 person, or a girl. Hes highly protective of his comrades, even if he doesn't like them. Hes stubborn when it comes to admitting hes wrong or when hes standing up for something. He has a quick temper especially when someone is hurting/making his comrades sad, which often leads to Kyo.

Kyo: Crash hardly ever speaks, and if he does its rarely ever nice. Hes fierce, intimidating, and ruthless to his enemies, and either grumpy or cold to his comrades. Despite this hes just as protective of them as Riku. Very very rarely will he ever show an emotion other than rage or indifference.


Riku was born into the Sashuro Clan known for its powerful, but dangerous Kekkei Genkai. He was raised by his father who is currently the High Leader of the Sashuro Clan. Riku never knew his mother, all his father will tell of her is she died shortly after his birth, he wont speak about her at all.

His father is a stubborn, impatient, and often cold man, especially to his only son. At age 4 Riku started his Ninja training at the constant pushing of his father. It wasnt easy or fun training either, it was harsh and relentless. If Riku messed up or collapsed from exhaustion he was always punished.

Riku really had no free time for himself growing up, he spent his days either studying scrolls and techniques, hining his skills, or training with his father. At age 8 Riku skipped training for the first time. A 5 year old girl in his clan wanted to go to the annual festival but her parents were on a Shinobi mission. Feeling bad for the girl, and relating to her, Riku decided to take Sango to the festival.

But when he returned that night, he faced the wrath of his father. Riku refuses to speak of what happened that night, but he wasnt seem by anybody until a week after. That night, Kyo was created. Kyo is Riku's 2nd personality that only comes out when he's either really pissed, or in serious danger.

At age 10 the dormant Kekkei Genkai within Riku activated for the first time. Unable to control Tamashīnohi at all, Riku got severe burns on his hands and arms leaving many. Since then hes never taken Soururimittā off in fear of losing control again.

Now anytime Riku uses Tamashīnohi he automatically switches to Kyo. Tenchi has put Riku and Kyo through rigorous training to control, and strengthen his KG. At age 11 Riku joined the Academy. Due to his lack of self control, Kyo came out more than he should, often trashing the place when he did. This earned him the nickname "Crash" cux he constantly crashed stuff. Riku doesn't have any friends due to being awkward from his lack of contact with people growing up, and Kyo scaring anybody else off.

Riku graduated from the academy at age 13, he had one of the lowest scores in the class despite his efforts

Theme Song:


Name of Weapon or Item: Soururimittā (Soul Limiter)

Description: These gloves are created specifically to limit the powers of Tamashīnohi in the young members of the Sashuro Clan. These gloves have a secret seal inside of them that makes it so the ability to accumulate Soul Fire in the hands is limited to only half. It prevents members from getting themselves seriously burned.



Name of Weapon or Item: Pouch of Ninja Topls

Description: Kunai, Shuriken, Paper bombs, Flash paper, Wire, ect.



Good Ninjutsu
Average Taijutsu
Bad Genjutsu
Bad Chakra Control
Average Endurance
Average Speed


Special Traits
Bad Reflexes
Average Chakra Pool
Bad Self Control
Good Strength


Kekkei Genkai:

Name of Kekkei Genkai: Tamashīnohi
Clan: Sashuro Clan
Description: Fire Release: Tamashīnohi (Soul Fire) is a rare Kekkei Genkai that only the members of the Sashuro Clan have inherited. This KG lies dormant in its owner till the age of 8-10. Soul Fire gives the user the ability to turn their Chakra into fire and manifest it onto a body part (similar to Chidori, but fire instead of lightning and much less powerful at this stage). The Shashuro Clan has a natural resistance to Soul Fire making them just about the only kind able to handle this KG. Though it can burn their skin if its not kept under control, especially at a young age.

A more advanced stage of this KG is being able to extend the fire from the users body and turning it into a blade or shield.

Kyo is the only one able to use this KG right now. He has very little control over it so he only uses it on his hands.




Custom Jutsu

Name of Technique: Kasai-ken-jutsu
Type of Jutsu: Nin/Taijutsu
Rank: D
Range: Short
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: While using Soul Fire, Kyo accumulates chakra in his hands before punching his opponent.
Weakness: Genjutsu, Clones, Water jutsu.


Name: N/A
Species: N/A

Age: (If applicable)
Size: (Small, medium, large, colossal. The size and strength dictate the chakra cost.)
Unique Traits: (Just like the one for you character. This can mean flight for birds, or swimming for fish.)
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Why no love for Ame? :(
XD sorry but I wasnt sure if his KG fit in with the Rain. Would you like Riku in Amegakure?
I'll make an ame character :)

Nice idea of split personality, but I must already say that I find the custom KG a tad out of the line. It is in my own opinion not really necessary as the KG does simply enhance with it is own way the strength of an user? The problem isn't however that it does that, but that it needs a clear limit. Inhuman strength is already a big no from me as I find that a term that doesn't really fit well. That and I personally have always found that one sounding strange.

A turtle isn't human, so would a turtle have inhuman strength? (no jokes regarding your Cs, but I really find the word inhuman odd.)

''and animalistic senses along with a near impenetrable head''

That also sounds a bit weird. So they will get more or less animalistic senses? Of what animal, as a cat can see much better than a dog, but can't smell or hear that well as the average dog. I think that it also makes little sense that humaniod chakra would give such senses when they would receive a sudden burst of their own chakra source. Same as the impenetrable head, as how can the KG make that happen? Will it turn the skin, hair and material into something else?

Sorry, but all with all, I find the KG not really acceptable as it does some things that are either not acceptable (the inhuman strength) nor has any reason to give something like animalistic senses. Think it is also a bit too OP, but otherwise the idea was nice. Sorry if it might be a bit harsh, but I wasn't sure how to phrase this short review otherwise. :C

Nice idea of split personality, but I must already say that I find the custom KG a tad out of the line. It is in my own opinion not really necessary as the KG does simply enhance with it is own way the strength of an user? The problem isn't however that it does that, but that it needs a clear limit. Inhuman strength is already a big no from me as I find that a term that doesn't really fit well. That and I personally have always found that one sounding strange.

A turtle isn't human, so would a turtle have inhuman strength? (no jokes regarding your Cs, but I really find the word inhuman odd.)

''and animalistic senses along with a near impenetrable head''

That also sounds a bit weird. So they will get more or less animalistic senses? Of what animal, as a cat can see much better than a dog, but can't smell or hear that well as the average dog. I think that it also makes little sense that humaniod chakra would give such senses when they would receive a sudden burst of their own chakra source. Same as the impenetrable head, as how can the KG make that happen? Will it turn the skin, hair and material into something else?

Sorry, but all with all, I find the KG not really acceptable as it does some things that are either not acceptable (the inhuman strength) nor has any reason to give something like animalistic senses. Think it is also a bit too OP, but otherwise the idea was nice. Sorry if it might be a bit harsh, but I wasn't sure how to phrase this short review otherwise. :C
Ive finished with his history and personality, just to let you know =)

Sorry about the "inhuman" I just couldn't think of another word to describe his considerable strength boost, "godly" sounds too OP (and corny lol). As for the animalistic senses, I just used that term because animals have natural heightened senses, but I can change it to enhanced senses. The reason why he has that is due to having so much concentrated chakra in his head, it makes everything enhanced, such as vision, smell, hearing, ect. Same for the near impenetrable head, his skin does not change, its just covered in such a dense chakra that it minimizes most (genin) blows, and deflects non-enhanced weapons. I hope that helps explain it.

Dont worry, your not too harsh, it is a hard to understand KG heh. As for being OP, I don't see it as anymore OP than Byakugan, Storm Release, Scorch Release, ect. Since it has so many weaknesses/dangerous effects, and it only enhances 3 parts. Plus hes only at the genin level of it which isnt very strong at all.

Thank you btw for the split personality compliment=)
Alrighty, time to review. I already saw Alice's and your response to it and this is my review :

I must say that I also can't accept the KG. Chakra that enhances the body wouldn't really work in the way that it would just give animalistic senses. It is humaniod chakra that enhances the body, thus won't give the heightened senses like that of an animal or such. Am glad that you also understand that enhancing the strength to 'inhuman' strength would be going over the top, though a little bit (nothing too much as even the Chakra Enhanced Strength technique is limited in this RP, below Tsunada and Sakura's level) can be possible.

Same it goes for deflecting what you summed up. I must ask to tone it down and then perhaps I can accept it. However, it kind of gives the idea it will be a tank kind of character that will just rolf stomp through attacks and shrug them off like it is nothing. I can't really say I would be fond of seeing such a character/KG appearing as they kind of are a nuisance in my opinion.

That and I don't believe you can really compare it to other KG's who things in a different manner. ;)
(Btw, most dojutsu here are also balanced out with limited ranges and such. I still need to write them down on the OOC, but will do that soon.

I made improvements to my C.S, so it should be better now.
Ah, great to see some improvements. :)

Though still need to comment on a few things, sorry.

1. Would you please put the information and such about your weapons in the section we have coded? It gives a better and nicer view than it is currently.

2. The skills are still too high for a genin. Genins are fresh of the bait graduated recruits. In essence, they aren't anything else but cannon fodder that will be trained to become better.

Here :

Good reflexes
Average speed/agility
Good Genjutsu
Good Ninjutsu
Bad Strength/endurance
Bad Taijutsu
Good swordsmanship

Your current skills. A genin can start with one or even at max two, but as we see there are four good skills. You should tone it down in order to get it accepted. ;)

3. The KG

This kekkei Genkai is a form of ninjutsu which has an affinity to the earth. It allows the user to liken his body to a worm, becoming more flexible and better able to survive serious injury. It also grants the user the ability to attack the enemy with sharpened worm like protrusions from the body, which can extend no further than five feet when used by an amateur. The final stage of this kekkei genkai's development is a full body transformations which gives different affinities to different clan members. The weaknesses of this K.G are that fire or wind style jutsu can easily damage one's body in it's worm like state by drying it out, and it also detracts from the user's physical strength. Another drawback is that the immense chackra required for this K.G causes breakdown in the body of the user. Akihiko's K.G is in it's initial stage of development and so he is barely able to use it.

Interesting KG. The flexible body is no real problem, but I do find it a bit odd that it would give the ability to let the user to extend sharpened extensions from the body. How will they be formed and from what material? Think that if you would remove that then I would likely be more open to give you green light with the KG.

4. Custom techs : I don't mind the custom techs, but hope that you'll play them out with the ranking you gave them. For example, the Phalanx Shell It is effective in protecting against ninjutsu and taijutsu, but it is D ranked. What I want to say with that is that I want to say that you need to keep an eye on the ranking to measure how strong the defense/power of the technique. :)

Hope that my reviews have helped you both a bit further.
Oh My God... This Layooouuuuut

I might die...
I might seriously DIE..

so I'm not good with changes, where is everything?!

what do i do now...

Ezuri: Still in hospital or back in Konoha?

Takeshi: In Kiri

Namine: ready and waiting in Kumo

Natsu: following his sensei

Kazen: running around aimlessy (probably late for a team meeting)

am I forgetting a character?
I think not...

Alrighty, time to review. I already saw Alice's and your response to it and this is my review :

I must say that I also can't accept the KG. Chakra that enhances the body wouldn't really work in the way that it would just give animalistic senses. It is humaniod chakra that enhances the body, thus won't give the heightened senses like that of an animal or such. Am glad that you also understand that enhancing the strength to 'inhuman' strength would be going over the top, though a little bit (nothing too much as even the Chakra Enhanced Strength technique is limited in this RP, below Tsunada and Sakura's level) can be possible.

Same it goes for deflecting what you summed up. I must ask to tone it down and then perhaps I can accept it. However, it kind of gives the idea it will be a tank kind of character that will just rolf stomp through attacks and shrug them off like it is nothing. I can't really say I would be fond of seeing such a character/KG appearing as they kind of are a nuisance in my opinion.

That and I don't believe you can really compare it to other KG's who things in a different manner. ;)
(Btw, most dojutsu here are also balanced out with limited ranges and such. I still need to write them down on the OOC, but will do that soon.

Ah, great to see some improvements. :)

Though still need to comment on a few things, sorry.

1. Would you please put the information and such about your weapons in the section we have coded? It gives a better and nicer view than it is currently.

2. The skills are still too high for a genin. Genins are fresh of the bait graduated recruits. In essence, they aren't anything else but cannon fodder that will be trained to become better.

Here :

Good reflexes
Average speed/agility
Good Genjutsu
Good Ninjutsu
Bad Strength/endurance
Bad Taijutsu
Good swordsmanship

Your current skills. A genin can start with one or even at max two, but as we see there are four good skills. You should tone it down in order to get it accepted. ;)

3. The KG

This kekkei Genkai is a form of ninjutsu which has an affinity to the earth. It allows the user to liken his body to a worm, becoming more flexible and better able to survive serious injury. It also grants the user the ability to attack the enemy with sharpened worm like protrusions from the body, which can extend no further than five feet when used by an amateur. The final stage of this kekkei genkai's development is a full body transformations which gives different affinities to different clan members. The weaknesses of this K.G are that fire or wind style jutsu can easily damage one's body in it's worm like state by drying it out, and it also detracts from the user's physical strength. Another drawback is that the immense chackra required for this K.G causes breakdown in the body of the user. Akihiko's K.G is in it's initial stage of development and so he is barely able to use it.

Interesting KG. The flexible body is no real problem, but I do find it a bit odd that it would give the ability to let the user to extend sharpened extensions from the body. How will they be formed and from what material? Think that if you would remove that then I would likely be more open to give you green light with the KG.

4. Custom techs : I don't mind the custom techs, but hope that you'll play them out with the ranking you gave them. For example, the Phalanx Shell It is effective in protecting against ninjutsu and taijutsu, but it is D ranked. What I want to say with that is that I want to say that you need to keep an eye on the ranking to measure how strong the defense/power of the technique. :)

Hope that my reviews have helped you both a bit further.
I didnt think he would be much of a tank considering the only parts of him that are enhanced are his hands and head, the rest is completely vulnerable. Hmmm.....Let me think on a different KG, I guess the Chakra Enhancement cant really be considered a KG.....

Off Topic: Rofl @Maruki
I didnt think he would be much of a tank considering the only parts of him that are enhanced are his hands and head, the rest is completely vulnerable. Hmmm.....Let me think on a different KG, I guess the Chakra Enhancement cant really be considered a KG.....

Off Topic: Rofl @Maruki
Or go non-KG? ;)
Seriously, KG's are overrated as there are kind of more non-KG characters who are able to kick ass than characters with KG. ;)
The IC coming up soon?