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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Name: Akihiko Ken
Gender: Male
Age and date of birth: 12, 12/10/464
Age Appearance: 13
Sexuality: Asexual

Parents: Akio Ken|Father|Deceased. Anaki Ken|Mother|Dead.
Length and build: 5'4, skinny.
Weight: 100 lbs
Favorite weather and season: Overcast. Winter


Village: Amegakure
Birthplace: Amegakure
Organization: N/A

Clan/Bloodline: Ito Clan

Rank: D - Genin

Chakra Nature: Earth




History: For the most part, Akihiko's family members were more swordsmen than shinobi. They valued the path of the sword and so he learned swordsmanship from early on. His clan was one of the most privileged in his village but they were also one of the most mysterious and so knowledge of their existence was limited to close by clans. This was as the family wanted to keep their swordsmanship skills exclusive and not share with them with other clans. Naturally, Akihiko grew up with an affinity to swordsmanship and mysterious behaviour, but he was constantly depressed and longed for a chance to gain more power and have more of an adventurous life. He hoped that he could escape the shell that was his family and make a name for himself, not as a swordsman, but as a shinobi.
At the tender age of 9 years old, the majority of his family was murdered, including his mother and father. The perpetrator of these murders were never discovered but their was strong suspicion that it was another jealous clan who did it in an attempt to get rid of a more powerful clan. Following this, Akihiko entered into self imposed asylum, refusing to see anyone. He didn't spend his time mourning, but instead preparing himself to enter the academy. This lasted a year before he broke asylum and entered the academy. He graduated after his first attempt and has since then become a rank D genin, continuing his relentless journey to the highest title, to revive his family name and to stamp out his enemies.


Personality: Akihiko is a certifiable recluse. He doesn't enjoy socializing very much with other people and he spends a large amount of his time reading, and when he is not doing that he is practicing his swordplay, to increase his swordsmanship skills. He is classified as a prodigy with a sword and average when it pertains to jutsus. He is slow to wrath and his personality might come off as dark and gloomy, but on rare occasions he is fleetingly happy. These are the times when he remembers the few happy tines with his family. His main motivation for being a shinobi is so he can re-assert his family's skill, with people have slowly began forgetting since their deaths. His people skills are not well developed as he hasn't spent much time socializing with people. Because of this, he frequently misjudges persons' feelings and emotions. This further alienates him from other people and makes him seem strange. He spends most of his nights pondering about his family and what it might be like to have a happy family. Akihiko is peculiar in other ways as well, because he is very compulsive. This means he views the world in a different way than most other people. He bathes with his sandals on, can't stand to see things out of place and strives to get everything right on the first try.


Name of Weapon or Item: Standard Shinobi Apparatus

Description: Kunai, Shuriken, Flash Bomb




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    Name of Weapon or Item: Ito Clan Heirloom

    Description: Simple Metal Sword

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    Average reflexes
    Average speed/agility
    Good Genjutsu
    Average Ninjutsu
    Bad Strength/endurance
    Bad Taijutsu
    Good swordsmanship


    Special Traits

    Good Analysis skills
    Avid researcher
    Very Objective
  • Fluid body movements
  • DN3p4.png

    Kekkei Genkai:

    Name of Kekkei Genkai:
    Wāmurirīsu (worm release)
    Clan: Ito Clan
    This kekkei Genkai is a form of ninjutsu which has an affinity to the earth. It allows the user to liken his body to a worm, becoming more flexible and better able to survive serious injury. The final stage of this kekkei genkai's development is a full body transformations which gives different affinities to different clan members, these affinities can include the development of tails, wings, or other bodily enhancements, though the user doesn't develop more than one of these attributes. The weaknesses of this K.G are that fire or wind style jutsu can easily damage one's body in it's worm like state by drying it out, and it also detracts from the user's physical strength. Another drawback is that the immense chackra required for this K.G causes breakdown in the body of the user. Akihiko's K.G is in it's initial stage of development and so he is barely able to use it.


    Cannon Jutsu

    Mist Servant Jutsu
    Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Jutsu
    Cloud Style Crescent Moon Beheading


    Custom Jutsu
    • Name of Technique: Worm Clone Jutsu
      Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
      Rank: C
      Range: 5 ft
      Nature Type: Earth
      Handseals: Snake, Tiger, Rat
      Description: This jutsu creates two agile clones from worms which the user regurgitates. The clones are skilled swordsmen, but they are easily destroyed if attacked by fire and wind attacks as this dries them out. They are hard to maintain and require good chackra control to keep solid for more than a few minutes.
      Weakness: Fire, Wind, durability, and chakra control.
      Name of Technique: Nisekasoku jutsu (False Acceleration Jutsu)
      Type of Jutsu: Genjutsu
      Rank: D
      Range: Short
      Nature Type: N/A
      Handseals: Rat
      Description: This jutsu changes the flow of chakra in the brain and causes the victim to believe that the user is moving faster than he actually is. This can cause the victim to attack the area they think the user is in before the user actually gets there. This kind of genjutsu can only be cast on one person and a time, and strong willed persons can break through it.
      Weakness: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, strong willed persons.
    • =====================
    • Name of Technique: Phalanx Shell
      Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
      Rank: D
      Range: Short
      Nature Type: Earth
      Handseals: Snake, Rat, Pig
      Description: This jutsu creates a shell of ants around the user. It is effective in protecting against ninjutsu and taijutsu. However, it cannot withstand constant battery or very powerful attacks, and it also takes a bit of time to manifest
      Weakness: Repeated attacks, chakra control, speed

Summons: N/A
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I'm not sure if I can make a custom kekkei genkai or if I have to take a cannon KG. Can someone help me with that.
@Gerontis: Ahh sneaky sneaky~ Unfortunantly I dont think Naname is the kind to take a side if each have good intentions in mind (even if they secretly dont) so shes bound either be neutral or forced into one side (maybe by her father). Knowing this, I think I'll let someone else be the Six Tails Jinchuriki. Thank you tho =)

Name: Sōha Nawagi
Nickname/Alias: N/A
Gender: Male
Age and date of birth: (13) 13 - 04 - 463
Age Appearance: (14- 17)
Sexuality: Heterosexual


Isao Nawagi - Father (Alive)
Ayako Nawagi - Mother (Alive)
Kagura Nawagi - Little Sister (Alive)

Length and Build
5''6 - Athletic Build

130 LBS

Favorite Weather and Season
Rain - Fall

Village: Kirigakure
Birthplace: Kirigakure
Organization: N/A

Clan/Bloodline: N/A

Rank: Genin

Chakra Nature: Water



Age 16-17++



Sōha is not afraid to speak his mind, whether its him being blunt or otherwise. He is the type to avoid unneccessary situations, or trivial matters that would only have him use his energy. He is also very smart, and always speaks based on the situation at hand. Despite that, he is a very kind but charming man, though he doesn't neccessarily show the latter part. It is only occasionally. He is the type to always aim higher, due to his clan, and to preceed the current Mizukage. He never acts without reason, or a good cause. He can seem condescending in some situations, or during a mission if something goes awry, because of a teammate. However, he is an optimist, and would always find a weak spot he could exploit. In other words, he adapts easily to a situation, and able to reasonably say something that may seem harsh or not. During a mission or not.



Sōha Nawagi, the firstborn in a small family. Being the oldest, he has a little sister, Kagura. At a very young age, Sōha was quite interested in the ways of a Shinobi. During bedtime, especially his mother, Ayako used to read or tell the tales about a certain clan, and its accomplishments. His father, Isao had high expectations for his son. However, a strict guidance was not needed, since Sōha already showed a talent for Kenjutsu, and even Ninjutsu. His father, Isao was a Master of the Blade, and would always train him atleast two times a day, or even three. As he grew up, he had become quite interested in the history of the Shinobi world, thus he became a reader. He enjoyed being in the library, and, or to read books.

As time went by, his parents, along with his teacher(s) at the Academy, taught him the basics, however, his mother, Ayako had an affinity for the Water element, which Sōha inherited. During his time at the Academy, showing quite the talent for Kenjutsu, and the ability to understand the teachings quite easily, his mother, taught him everything she could and at the same time, pass some of the techniques based on the Water element down to him. He was cherished by his parents, and he always exceeded their expectations. He also cared for his sister deeply. If anything, he would do anything to protect his baby sister, Kagura.

He graduated from the Academy with excellent marks, but during his last few months in the Academy, his father became quite strict and expected more. His father wanted him to make a name for himself, to be known or be as fierceful as the almost exctinct clan, the Suzu's. Sōha knew what that clan was, and what his father meant. But, Sōha, despite the love for his own parents, wanted to carve his own path, which is what he aimed for, but at the same time, his goal was to become an even better Shinobi than the current Mizukage. Now that he became a full fledged Shinobi, despite being a Genin, he wanted to go out on missions and see what kind of challenges he would stumble upon. His future held many questions, and his tale has just begun.

Theme Song:


Name of Weapon or Item: Small Katana - Ninja Tools

Description: Wakizashi - Kunai - Shuriken - Flash/Tag Bombs





Great Kenjutsu
Average Bukijutsu
Average Ninjutsu
Normal Taijutsu
Bad Genjutsu
Average Strength
Normal Chakra Control
Good Endurance


Special Traits

Good Concentration
Very Observant/Adaptable
Quite Flexible


Kekkei Genkai:

Name of Kekkei Genkai: N/A
Clan: N/A
Description: N/A




Custom Jutsu

Name of Technique: Dragon Blade Combo
Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu
Rank: D
Range: Close Range
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: None

Handed down from his own father, Sōha has used his Wakizashi to learn the ways of the blade, slightly more than Taijutsu. This allows him to do an offensive combo in quick succession. The stance he makes is almost like a dragon, with the tip of the blade pointing towards the opponent, in a downward way. Almost as if the blade is looking down on its opponent in a condescending manner.

Weakness: Long Range Ninjutsu - Long Range Techniques - Genjutsu


Name of Technique: Water Release: Sea Snakes
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu/Taijutsu
Rank: D
Range: Long - Mid Range
Nature Type: Water
Handseals: Yin Water → Snake → Tiger → Snake → Ram → Snake→ Yang Water → Touch (Solid Matter/Surface/Ground)

The name of the technique pretty much describes it. However, this simple technique was passed down by his mother, Ayako. He is able to summon water from a nearby source in order to create upto six creatures made out of water, in the shape of the sea snakes themselves. They shoot out towards the opponent, but is mostly used for a distraction, since they do minimal damage, unless you're hit while being in a closer range, but by all simultaneously. He is also able to dispell this technique before it reaches the opponent or an object. It will splash around the area, or rather, burst to make the perception of the enemy hazy, or to block his view. Again, this is a very tricky technique, and depending on the situation, it can be used in two different ways. The full potential is not fully achieved, but in its current state, it does minimal damage, but if the technique is dispelled before it makes contact, it doesn't do any damage at all.

Weakness: Fire - Earth - Genjutsu - Ninjutsu - Long Range Techniques.



Name: Kogi
Species: Eagle
Age: Unknown
Size: Small
Unique Traits: Extreme Perception - High Speed/Agility - Flight - Reconnaissance - Master Overview - Spotter/Hunter
Jutsu: Summoning Technique

At the age of five, his father brought him to the forest, north of Kirigakure, by one of the many mountains around the Shinobi world. After a few days, a nest filled with the Birds of Prey, the Eagles, was found. His father felt that having a bird such as that as your companion would benefit him in the long haul. An Eagle would be the perfect summoning companion for him. Over the years, Sōha had befriended such a bird, before making a contract. Thus it was given the name, Kogi.
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I'm not sure if I can make a custom kekkei genkai or if I have to take a cannon KG. Can someone help me with that.
You can make a custom KG, but I must place emphasis on that it is balanced as well that it doesn't copy a cannon KG too much. Cause else it wouldn't be of any use if there is already a KG like that.

And now your review :)

1. If he hails from an important clan, I must say that you need to provide a clan sheet (that also will need to be reviewed). This is because if it's an important clan, we will need to the history of it. Else it might be a tad worrisome if he hails from a known clan, but nobody knows of it.

2. Though we allow prodigies, it is kind of more in name than in starting skill. Some even prefer to work hard and then allow themselves to be called prodigies. So you must kind of heavily tune down the skills and traits, cause right now it is like the character is on the level of a high experienced chuunin or higher. See the ranked section for more help. :)

4. Please add the description to the weaponry section. Just placing an image won't give any details regarding the tools and weapons. Else you might stumble on situations where a person will assume it is a simple sword, while you actually have it as a wooden sword. Though I heard getting a wooden sword smashed in your face does hurt.

3. Please link your techniques. That would be great for those who aren't known with the technique or quickly want to see what it does etc. Furthermore, your custom techniques are kind of short. Would you mind to put more detail to it? Just saying that fire or simply say water would be the weakness can be very, very broad. Unless it is a simple technique, like a wave of water, then I can understand it. But please do add more detail and information so that it is clear what it does and how it works.

@Gerontis: Ahh sneaky sneaky~ Unfortunantly I dont think Naname is the kind to take a side if each have good intentions in mind (even if they secretly dont) so shes bound either be neutral or forced into one side (maybe by her father). Knowing this, I think I'll let someone else be the Six Tails Jinchuriki. Thank you tho =)
Well, that is the thing also. It depends largely on what the character would believe who's right and who's wrong. Perhaps the people of the revolution are traitors? Or are the loyalist perhaps nothing more than the lackeys of a tyrant? Ah, the beauty of a civil conflict.

Name: Sōha Suzu
Interesting character, but kind of nigh impossible. The Suzu clan is near excintion as there are only two remaining members. One, Rika Suzu, is the current Mizukage and her son, who is what? Three or a few months old? So, I don't think there would be another Suzu, sorry.

Apart from that the traits and skills are too high. I would recommend to take a look at the ranked section. For example, a genin is a fresh recruit. They can't be good at a lot of things, even though they were heavily trained in their history. This is because else we would have an unbalanced game balance where prodigy characters would be able to kill and smash everything they see without working for it.

The cannon jutsu, like Dragon Bullet, are too advanced for starting genin leveled characters. It is B ranked, which is only becoming available once a character manages to achieve the Chuunin rank. It is because nobody would entrust a recruit with the knowledge of using a strong technique and because they would more than just often lack the skill, experience and understanding of how to use and apply more advanced techniques than C ranked.

Also the custom techniques are a tad too strong for their ranking. Even if they can be that strong on their best level, please rather say how strong and good they are right now. But they will need to be toned down heavily as they are kind of on the B-S rank atm.
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Following what Gero said about creating a custom KG, if you are seeking help in creating a balanced one, let me know as I would be happy to help you with that. Please note though,that a KG is not required, and we have many extraordinarily talented shinobi that do not have one. That being said, if you'd still like to create one, I would still be more than happy to help in whatever way I can.

As for your review:

1. Same as what Gero has stated about the Clan information. If you wish for his clan to be well known, then it would certainly be beneficial if you could create a clan sheet for them so that we could better get to know them. (Once again if you are needing assistance with this just let myself or one of the other GM's know and we can certainly help you out)

2. While I like what you have so far for the character history, it would be nice to see a little more detail in it. If you could flush it out a little more and perhaps add some more information, I think it would certainly help develop your character even more. This may not be a necessity with the other GM's, but it is something that I like to see. A more detailed history often leads to more character development in the future, and better interactions with other player characters.

3. Please follow Gero's suggestion about providing a description for the weapons and tools. It helps us to better understand them, as well as making sure that there is no confusion in the future. Also, I agree with Gero's notes regarding the skills and abilities. Please tone those down a little bit to better reflect a starting genin as they seem a little less balanced than we'd like to see.

4. Same as what Gero asked about linking the techniques, if you would be able to link those for us it would really help. Starting Genin are allowed six techniques, four D-rank, and two C-rank. While it is not required to have that many, I think it might be beneficial for you to perhaps add a sword technique or two. This will help your character show his skills in swordsmanship, and will give you something to build off of in the future.

5. I would like to see more detail in your custom techniques as well. For example, with your worm clone technique, how many clones can he create? We do have a maximum limit of clones that has been established for starting genin, so I would advise you to maybe take a look at that section of the rules so you can get an idea of what you'd like to do with that. If you could flesh out their weaknesses a bit more as well, and explain those a little better, that would be quite helpful as well.

6. I am not entirely certain that I understand this technique: Nisekasoku jutsu (False Acceleration Jutsu)

You have it listed as Ninjutsu, but from what I understand it merely affects the user's perceived speed, not their actual speed. So in that case, it sounds a little more like Genjutsu. Sorry if I have misunderstood what you were meaning, but if you could perhaps elaborate on that a little, it would be greatly appreciated.

Aside from that it is a nice start, and if you need help with anything, please don't hesitate to ask! :)


I am afraid that I will not be able to accept a Suzu character. It has been stated in the past that the Suzu clan was all but wiped out and, as Gero mentioned, there were only two remaining members. My advice would be to perhaps choose another clan or even create one of your own if you'd like. And feel free to ask one of us if you need help with that.

As for the rest of your CS:

1. This is a very minor detail, but I find it a little strange for a 13 year old to be 5'10" and 175lbs. I understand that he may be tall and more built for his age, but that may be a little much. The average height and weight for a male at age 13 would be about 5'3" and anywhere from 90 to 120lbs. I do know that can vary, especially in this kind of universe, but I would recommend maybe lowering that a bit so that it's a little more realistic. Once again, this is a minor point, and more cosmetic than anything, but I do feel it is important enough to mention.

2. Very much what Gero said about toning down the skills and abilites. He is definitely overpowered for a starting genin, and his stats reflect more closely to an experienced chuunin rank. If you have questions on how to better balance them, please don't hesitate to ask, as that is what we are here for.

3. Starting genin are allowed no more than six techniques, four D-rank and two C-ranks, and you currently have seven in total so unfortunately you will have to drop one of them. As Gero stated, the Water Release: Dragon Bullet technique is a B-ranked technique, and as such is not allowed for a starting genin. So if you take that one out then you should have the proper amount of jutsu.

4. For the custom techniques, I have a few issues. The first technique sounds like one that would more accurately be C-ranked, and is actually closer to Ice release than simple Water release. For it to cause frost damage, I would say that it would need to be an ice release technique and thus I cannot accept it as it is. If you can edit it in some way, and perhaps adjust that part, then I would be more than happy to take another look.

As for the second technique, it states in the description that it is an S-ranked technique, though you have it listed as a D-rank. I understand that you do not wish to have your character be able to use it at full power right away, but I cannot accept a starting genin knowing an S-ranked technique, regardless of how weak they start with it. I am okay with you learning the technique later on, after your character has had more experience, and then they can begin using it in a weakened state, but as for right now I am afraid that I cannot accept it for a starting character.

5. For your Summoning, starting genin are only allowed to have small sized ones, so if you wouldn't mind to change that, it would be greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions for me, please don't hesitate to ask and I shall respond as quickly as I can.
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FINALLY AN AME CS! Gero dear play nice and gimme dat genin. XD
@Gerontis , @ChromeHound -

First of all, it's a shame. I really wanted to be a part of the clan, and judging by my conversation with Gerontis on Skype, I thought I could. However, it's fine. I've edited the history, changed a few things. So it's all good there.

As for both the custom jutsu's, I've re-edited them and made them more D-rankish, hopefully they can be accepted now.

As for the traits and abilities. Most of them are now average, except endurance, which is on a "good" level, I hope thats alright. And since my character has been trained in the way of Kenjutsu since a young age, I want him to be quite adept in it, so I was hoping I could atleast keep the Kenjutsu at a "great" level.

As for the height and weight. I was a bit confused, since I pretty much added the height and the weight based on the appearance picture, for when he was older. But I've edited that as well, and changed the height and the weight based on his current age. I hope that is also acceptable.

No worries about the summoning animal. It has been changed to the smaller size, instead of medium.

As for the chakra control. It is at a normal level, since my character is a talented Shinobi, and can understand his situation in many different circumstances, unless there is chaos all around him.

As for High Concentration and Extremely Observant/Adaptable. It is basically because of his keen intellect. He knows when to act, or knows when to shut up, or retreat, give up. In other ways, he is similar to Shikamaru. However, this also depends on the situation honestly.

Anyways, I hope that the abilities/traits has been toned down enough, and my custom jutsu's are more on an acceptable level now than before. Oh and, the Dragon Bullet technique. I've removed it. As per your request, and will probably learn it once he hits Chūnin.

So, take a look at my edited CS. Thank you.
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@Gerontis , @ChromeHound -

First of all, it's a shame. I really wanted to be a part of the clan, and judging by my conversation with Gerontis on Skype, I thought I could. However, it's fine. I've edited the history, changed a few things. So it's all good there.

As for both the custom jutsu's, I've re-edited them and made them more D-rankish, hopefully they can be accepted now.

As for the traits and abilities. Most of them are now average, except endurance, which is on a "good" level, I hope thats alright. And since my character has been trained in the way of Kenjutsu since a young age, I want him to be quite adept in it, so I was hoping I could atleast keep the Kenjutsu at a "great" level.

As for the height and weight. I was a bit confused, since I pretty much added the height and the weight based on the appearance picture, for when he was older. But I've edited that as well, and changed the height and the weight based on his current age. I hope that is also acceptable.

No worries about the summoning animal. It has been changed to the smaller size, instead of medium.

As for the chakra control. It is at a normal level, since my character is a talented Shinobi, and can understand his situation in many different circumstances, unless there is chaos all around him.

As for High Concentration and Extremely Observant/Adaptable. It is basically because of his keen intellect. He knows when to act, or knows when to shut up, or retreat, give up. In other ways, he is similar to Shikamaru. However, this also depends on the situation honestly.

Anyways, I hope that the abilities/traits has been toned down enough, and my custom jutsu's are more on an acceptable level now than before. Oh and, the Dragon Bullet technique. I've removed it. As per your request, and will probably learn it once he hits Chūnin.

So, take a look at my edited CS. Thank you.
Hai! I just saw the CS and the reviews that were made. If you don't mind, I will now react to your change. You did most of the requested work, which is great. ^^
Only I must say that having a talented character doesn't mean that you'll get right on extra advantages or bonuses. For example : Why is your character a prodigy? Cause he can understand some aspects better? What would that make somebody that would have an easy time understanding something he can't learn or understand at all? What I am trying to say is that the term prodigy is here often more used to as what another character thinks of your character. It doesn't allow anything really better as everybody will need to work (hard) to achieve something. Sorry if that came over like I was ranting or such, but really wanted to make that clear. Prodigy or not, everybody starts the same. History is also not a factor to have better traits or skills, cause before you know then everybody will have character that were trained by their parents and turn out to be super duper cool before they even have made it to their twenties. In order to grow strong at a steady and fast rate, it will require lots and lots of work. A lot of collabs/posts where your character trains or is being trained.

With that all having said, I hope it is a bit more clear as I had the idea it wasn't really cleared out. From what I however see now is that it is acceptable, but please do know that his skills are on genin level. So even if his skill is great at kenjutsu, it is for genin scale. If he fights against somebody of chuunin or higher ranked with decent or such skill, it won't be of much use as his experience (due his age and haven't been on many missions) wouldn't be that great. Hope I cleared it a bit out what my thoughts were and that the tips will be handy for the future. ^^
Hai! I just saw the CS and the reviews that were made. If you don't mind, I will now react to your change. You did most of the requested work, which is great. ^^
Only I must say that having a talented character doesn't mean that you'll get right on extra advantages or bonuses. For example : Why is your character a prodigy? Cause he can understand some aspects better? What would that make somebody that would have an easy time understanding something he can't learn or understand at all? What I am trying to say is that the term prodigy is here often more used to as what another character thinks of your character. It doesn't allow anything really better as everybody will need to work (hard) to achieve something. Sorry if that came over like I was ranting or such, but really wanted to make that clear. Prodigy or not, everybody starts the same. History is also not a factor to have better traits or skills, cause before you know then everybody will have character that were trained by their parents and turn out to be super duper cool before they even have made it to their twenties. In order to grow strong at a steady and fast rate, it will require lots and lots of work. A lot of collabs/posts where your character trains or is being trained.

With that all having said, I hope it is a bit more clear as I had the idea it wasn't really cleared out. From what I however see now is that it is acceptable, but please do know that his skills are on genin level. So even if his skill is great at kenjutsu, it is for genin scale. If he fights against somebody of chuunin or higher ranked with decent or such skill, it won't be of much use as his experience (due his age and haven't been on many missions) wouldn't be that great. Hope I cleared it a bit out what my thoughts were and that the tips will be handy for the future. ^^
Indeed. You are right. My character is not a prodigy, nor do I want him to be. I just, learned the ways of Kenjutsu since a young age, and ofc, it is at great level based on his ranking, his age and growth. Right now, it is "great" in a genin level, nothing more nothing less. If I meet a better shinobi in a mission, Chūnin or even another Genin, or anything similar, my character will be bested in what he excels in, if the other latter is better. however, I can change the Kenjutsu to "good" if you want. Anyways, thank you for the input. I appreciate it.

Again, if you guys want me to take my Kenjutsu from "Great" down to "Good", and so I will. It will just give my character more room to grow in said techniques and the likes.
I've now toned down on the special traits. From "High" Concentration to "Good" and from Extremely Observant/Adaptable to "Very". Though take note that these traits/abilities are currently "genin" level, so in that term he is just a very situational/smart Genin. Though he is not a prodigy, like I said before. The "Great" part with Kenjutsu is still the same, and again, if you guys want me to tone that down to "Good" instead, I'll do it.

Again, traits/abilities are are in its genin level.

In any case should I move Kensuke to the accepted dump or what?

[tabs][Tab | Personal Information |]

Name: Kensuke Nimatsu
Nickname/Alias: The Green falcon / Konoha's Green Blade
Gender: Male
Age and date of birth: 3rd of August 455 - 20
Age Appearance: 20
Sexuality: Straight

Takeshi Nimatsu x Miwa Watanabe
Length and build:
1.92m / 6'3
Favorite weather and season:
Sunny weather with a soft breeze in the summer.


Village of Talons

Nimatsu Clan


Chakra Nature:
Wind and fire.




[/tab][Tab | Detailed Information |]

Kensuke is a friendly and calm person. He is a bit introvert and has can be really shy sometimes, but he can overcome that. However, due to experiencing several traumatic events, he has grown hard too. While he might be friendly and helpful in his free time, he is cold and grim towards his foes, fighting them with a mask of steel to protect himself. At the same time, he has grown to have very high expectations of his allies, and will not tolerate slacking off or lack of discipline at all.


Born as second eldest son of Nimatsu Takeshi, leader of the Nimatsu clan, he grew up to be a warrior. While his elder brother Tagashi turned out to be a true prodigy in sojutsu, he develloped a great amount of skill in kenjutsu. Their younger sister Masami shone at kyujutsu. However, after their mother died shortly after the birth of their last child, their father grew silent. Kensuke himself doesn't remember his mother, for he was only 2 years old when she died, but his older brother Tagashi, just like their father, never grew over it. As time went on, Kensuke grew close friends with Shigeru Asakura. Together the two kenjutsu shinobi could face anything... But Tagashi, the prodigy. As Tagashi, enraged by their father's idea to become vassals of the Leaf, and seduced by powerful jutsu, rebelled against their village, he killed Shigeru and humiliated Kensuke in the deepest of his soul. The shy boy, as concluded in the treaty signed by his father, was sent off towards the Leaf as a hostage for the treaty.

Once inside the Leaf the shy shinobi slowly grew and started developping feelings for his new squadmember Matsuri Hyuga. However, as time went on, and as teammates kept dying, the sadness for their deaths transformed into a self-imposed guilt. This guilt, born when he killed his brother together with Matsuri and Zakito Hon, who was like a father to him, grew to its peak during the first war against Sunagakure. Matsuri was captured and tortured, and he saw countless allies die by the hundreds as he desperately tried to free her. Once she returned, she never was quite the same again, for which he blamed himself.

When Matsuri left the village and became a rogue nin, he blamed himself, as he did when the banished Hokage Zakito Hon died while they were on a mission. Unable to relate anymore with the living world, he dragged the corpse back to Konoha and burried it there, under the watchful gaze of Elder Koi, who assumed command over Konoha. Elder Koi, abusing his ties with Konoha as a hostage, failed to control him however, and as the Hon clan captured his sister Masami, murdering his father in the process. Assuming command of his clan, being the next heir, he set out to save his sister, armed with the secret hiden of his clan. Sneaking into the Hon Estate, killing the leader of the Hon clan, and freeing his sister with the help of a mysterious stranger, he left for Konoha once more, leaving his sister in command of his own village. It was during this period however, during the Chuunin exams in Iwagakure, that he finally grew over his self-imposed guilt that had been tearing him apart, thanks to a curious bakeneko that kept haunting him and Lilia Hon.

When Elder Koi's rule ended abruptly in the Land of Rice, he had grown into a capable and strong squadleader, and was promoted to be a Tokubetsu jounin after a mission with Zakito Hon, who he had thought to be dead.

In 474, right before the shinobi arts were outlawed, he departed on a mission into the Land of Iron to find and retrieve Matsuri Hyuga, his old squadmember and youth love. Succesfully tracing her down after a few months of searching, they teamed up to defeat his old sensei, that preyed on both of their lives. Defeating the fake images of his deceased squadmembers and killing his old teacher Crabby-sensei, he tried to befriend Matsuri and make sure she'd return to the village willingly, but was betrayed. Luckily his squadmembers were able to capture her though, and they could return to Konoha with the message of succes, and a heart that was shattered.

After returning home he was reminded by a promise he had made to Samake Samutabi, whom he had encountered during the destruction of the Rice Capital in 474. He had promised her a duel. In January 475 he dueled her, and defeated her. As Samaki drew her last breath after one of the hardest fights in Kensuke's life, he fell to the ground, grievously injured. He spent three months in the hospital, recovering from his injuries. Both mental and physical ones. He met a nurse named Sachiko here, a medical nin in training, who helped him overcome his inner demons of guilt and doubt. Shortly after he left the hospital he met and fell in love with Kaori, a true party animal.

Finally, in January 476, he was promoted to full Jounin and left his Team 4. It had been a wild ride, and he had been given a team of genin to train with lots of grins and well-meant insults as Team 4 departed on a mission without him for the first time in years. Only to be completely wiped out. Crushed by the news of the death of his friends, Kensuke held on for dear life on his tasks as a Jounin to not slip away in his past depressions once more.

Theme Song:
Eh, Nope?

[/tab][Tab | Combat Information |]

Name of Weapon or Item:
Heirloom Katana
One of the two katanas wielded by Shukin Nimatsu, the founder of the clan. They were a gift from the Daimyo of the Land of Iron and are smithed by a legendary mastersmith. The swords are said to be extremely hard to damage and allow for easy storage of the suer's chakra. Kensuke's sword was grievously damaged however, and reforged by another legendary smith, which was a quest on its own.
A slender and long curved blade with a blue handle and saya, sporting a thin white line over the side, a remnant of the damage it once suffered.


Name of Weapon or Item:
Common shinobi tools
Everything you'd possible find on the average shinobi, but this time also including caltrops. For Konoha shinobi this also includes a small wireless communication device.


- Renowned master at Kenjutsu
- Master at Iaijutsu
- Very good at Taijutsu
- Very good Chakra control
- Fairly intelligent
- Quick thinker


Special Traits
- Very tough
- Good endurance and stamina
- Fast recovering


Kekkei Genkai:

Name of Kekkei Genkai:
Igurai - Eagle's eye
Nimatsu Clan
The Igurai is a dojutsu that allows the user to read another person's body language and determine the trajectory of moving objects very fast and precisely. It also allows the user to zoom in with their eyes, just like most birds of prey can. There is no passive or active mode for this dojutsu, it is simply always working. The user can only actively zoom in or out.




Custom Jutsu

Name of Technique: Falcon Blade
Type of Jutsu: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short-Medium
Nature Type: Varies
Handseals: None
Description: The suer coats his sword in nature chakra and unleashes it, sending forth a lethal cutting technique that has different abilities dependant on the chakra nature used with it. Wind chakra allows the jutsu to travel a lot faster, while fire chakra sends forth a flaming cut.
Weakness: It's a one-directional sword cut.


Name of Technique: Falcon Wing
Type of Jutsu: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short-Medium
Nature Type: Varies
Handseals: None
Description: The user coats his sword in nature chakra and unleashes it, sending forth a strong wave that has different abilities dependant on the chakra nature used with it. Wind chakra sends forth a large shockwave, capable of sending people flying, while fire chakra sends forth a large surge of fire.
Weakness: It's a one-directional sword cut.


Name of Technique: Thousand Blades
Type of Jutsu: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short-Medium
Nature Type: Varies
Handseals: None
Description: The user unleashes a great flurry of sword strikes by channeling chakra through his hands and feet. This is an extremely fast jutsu.
Weakness: It requires a great deal of chakra, and while doing this he is slowed down.


Name of Technique: Falcon
Type of Jutsu: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Long
Nature Type: Wind
Handseals: 5
Description: The user gathers a large amount of wind-natured chakra in his blade upon unleashing it fires off a large falcon of pure wind that will actively chase down the opponent. It is made of pure wind and will cut anything it hits and moves at a great speed. By making an additional seal, Kensuke can dismiss the falcon and teleport to its location.
Weakness: This jutsu requires a very large amount of chakra, and the falcon itself can be destroyed easily by fire, after which it will continue flying for a few moments more in a large surge of flames, before exploding.


Name of Technique: Falcon flight
Type of Jutsu: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Long
Nature Type: Wind
Handseals: None
Description: The user performs a normal iaido attack, but boosted with chakra to increase the speed, range and lethality of the attack. this way they can manouvre themselvs while executing this attack to dodge obstacles and chase targets. They can combine this with their other techniques.
Weakness: Despite being able to steer themselves, it's a very linear move. It takes a very long time to train and master, requiring mastery in the Falcon Kenjutsu style and to master one's chakra control up to the peak of one's abilities.


Name of Technique: Mirror Blade
Type of Jutsu: Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Varies
Nature Type: Varies
Handseals: None
Description: The user gathers chakra in his blade and blocks an incoming projectile attack, instantly sealing it inside the sword. The user can then release the object whenever he wants. This projectile attack can be anything, ranging from a chakra technique to a thrown weapon. It cannot however be a person or an object held by a person.
Weakness: Requires a lot of chakra.


Age: (If applicable)
Size: (Small, medium, large, colossal. The size and strength dictate the chakra cost.)
Unique Traits: (Just like the one for you character. This can mean flight for birds, or swimming for fish.)

No summons.
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Hi, I'm already part of the RP, Gero's puppetted this character while I"ve been gone a bit, but seeing as I'm coming back, I want to redo the character sheet and have it regraded.

My Genin's coming up soon as well.

Name: Matsuri Hyuga
Nickname/Alias: The Talentless Hyuga
Gender: Female
Age and date of birth: 19, December 26th
Age Appearance: 19
Sexuality: Straight

Hideyori Katsunori Hyuga
Length and build: 5'10
Weight: 140
Favorite weather and season
Snow; Winter


Village: Hidden Leaf Village
Birthplace: Hyuga Compound
Organization: Dragon Lotus

Clan/Bloodline: Hyuga; Byakugan

Rank: Experience Chunnin
Chakra Nature: N/A




Matsuri is a meek and kind girl, who doesn't want to feel like a burden to those around her. This can cause her to be more than a little reckless if it causes those around her not to be in danger.

She finally has felt she's found her place in the world, and is happy with it. She's willing to defend her niche if necessary, and secretly want to prove to everyone that despite being called talentless, she's not worthless, and has some self esteems issues she's trying to conquer. This is part of the reason she doesn't use any ninja tools or weapons, somewhere, she wants to prove those who called her worthless because of her weak eyes, and trouble learning Gentle fist wrong, so she uses them as her primary weapon, with her own talents in genjutsu thrown in.

Matsuri thinks of herself as a coward, because she's afraid of power. She's afraid of the damage it can cause, but she continues to grow stronger because she's absolutely terrified of being powerless against someone else. Being a prisoner did not help this view any.

Matsuri's also become a bit more of a loner because of her imprisonment, often having flashbacks and episodes. She doesn't want her team mates, or anyone else, to see her vulnerable side, so she has a nasty habit of keeping secrets, and because she can't quite keep her flashbacks a secret, she tries avoiding people. She ironically doesn't want to worry people, which is why she keeps so much to herself. She'd rather take on their burdens than let anyone else take hers, which is also why she doesn't talk much about her home life. In fact, she doesn't talk much about herself at all if she can avoid it.


The unlucky Hyuga, born 4th daughter of the Head of the clan, never seen as anything other than a spare. She had no talent, she wasn't born a branch member, her Byakugan was weak, and she had little chance to be the next Heir to the clan, earning her hate from nearly the entire clan.

Finding herself without talent, Matsuri tried a double portion to be the genius her clan expected her to be, but everything she gained, she had to work extremely hard for, nothing came naturally. Even the basics of gentle fist were hard for her to master, the advanced nature proved impossible, she could not see chakra points, no matter how hard she worked at it.

She felt alone in the world. The only solace she had was books, and so she spent much of her time couped up in her room.

Matsuri's goal was to make her family happy, but it didn't seem possible. She seemed doomed to be the black sheep of the family. To her, it was her world, to honor the Hyuga clan, despite them ignoring her. She wanted to prove she wasn't worthless.

Her life started to change as she passed the academy exam finally, after many attempts, only to find herself almost immediately assigned the chunnin exams, where she managed to make it to the finals, with nothing but Gentle Fist. She desperately fought against her opponent, but lost all the same.

She started to sink into a depression in her hospital bed, that she couldn't do anything right. As she lay there, something happened that changed her world. Somebody cared about her. Literally staggering towards her room, Kensuke, her roommate struggled to pay her a visit. The one thing that went through her head was 'why?'. Matsuri had never had anyone pay her mind.

Then she was announced as a chunnin. She couldn't believe it. Her struggle had still left victorious, even though she felt weak, she was promoted when others weren't. She started to think what could she do to become stronger.

Her real first mission came about, and for once Matsuri was looking forward to helping in it. A mission to the land of Talons, with the Hokage.

On their way there, they were ambushed, and Matsuri felt glad as she managed to push back some of the attackers, finally pushing her weight..... finally of use. Matsuri was starting to feel she belonged, despite getting no more credit in her house. She had found a group of people she could be with.

During the stay at the village, she had noticed that a girl had been kidnapped and was being abused by the same people who had been assailing the village. Feeling she had to do something, she had to help in someway, she ran off, leaving notice to the Hokage through his daughter Kaname that she would be back quickly, her plan was to quickly rush in, and grab the girl. However, her plan didn't go as expected, she was quickly ambushed during the rescue mission. She managed to quickly defeat her opponent, only to be struck across her eye, losing it, and starting to bleed profusely.

Her fight wasn't over though. Kensuke quickly found her..... and his brother found him, Matsuri quickly finding herself on another battlefield. She felt deadly worried for Kensuke, and when he had nearly been struck down, she came to his side, not letting herself lose the first friend she'd ever found. She fought like a lion before being cut down. Kensuke rescued her with a desperate blow to his own brother.

As Matsuri lay bleeding to death, help arrived as she was near death's door. The Hokage noticed her Byakugan was dead, and had a sharingan transplanted onto it.

Though her first mission was a success, and Matsuri found just how much she loved having teammates, her homelife didn't improve, infact it got even worse. Seeing the Sharingan as a dirty eye, they considered her even more of an outcast. Matsuri was hardly even part of the Hyuga family anymore.

At this point, Matsuri started wearing a blindfold, a necessity to keep her sharingan from over extending, and memorizing everything, something that would overload her. Even it being able to see a little bit would trigger this.

During the Nine tails fox's attack, Matsuri helped move civilians out the way of the Fox, and marveled at it's power. For the first time, she was afraid of the power of something. She never wanted it. She saw the destruction, and realized that anyone with power could do that, not just a rampant fox. It made her a bit more nervous about high leveled nin, and of herself. Was this what would happen if she was the talented genius everyone though she was?

The next event to change her life was the war with the sand. She was sent off in a division to attack the Sand. After fighting half a dozen nin on her own, an enemy who took the Hokage's appearance took her by surprise, capturing her. She would be a hostage for the next three weeks, tortured regularly by the man named Kaija, an event that left scars on her mind. She was afraid of getting powerful, but she became absolutely terrified of those stronger than her.

She managed to eventually do what she thought was impossible, see her own chakra points in the darkness of the box they kept her in. She managed to break out when they were off guard, and free the prisoners as her Leaf allies came. With the rest of her team, she managed to defeat Kaija. A very real monster to her. Even in death he wouldn't leave her mind. She suffered flashbacks of being tortured whenever light blinded her.

Matsuri felt she had finally found her place in the world though. Even with the flashbacks haunting her, and her finding herself more reclusive, she didn't find herself to be quite so useless anymore. With training from the Hokage, she managed to create her own first B ranked technique, a chakra shell that managed to take a blast from a big fireball, made by the Third Hokage. Matsuri proudly claimed she didn't have any talent, she didn't need it. She had earned what she had needed.

Shortly afterwards, after the fake death of the Third Hokage, she became a rogue. Matsuri didn't want to have the cursed seal marked on her forehead and found refuge as Dragon himself recruited her into the Dragon Lotus Order. Ever since then she has been on several missions for the mysterious group, training and working in order to show that hard work is more worth than talent. Only then to be hunted down by Team 4, as she went alone after Ushio. Now being brought back to Konoha, she had been placed under ''house arrest''. Eventually, she has been marked with the Cursed mark of the Branch Hyuuga's. Bittered, she started to isolate herself from people she once respected and liked, thinking that they had betrayed her. It took some time and harsh words of Hiron before Matsuri started to understand how selfish she had been acting before she started to make amends with Kensuke Nimatsu.

She started to be less rebellious under the house arrest, starting to release that fighting it when she was too weak to do anything was just escapism. She still dreams of being free, but being less rebellious allowed her to be placed on a normal team again, the first time in years she's fought for anyone but herself.
Theme Song:
(Either a link or a video, optional though)


Name of Weapon or Item: Bells

Description: Just a normal pair of bells strapped to Matsuri's side, which she uses for her genjutsus.



Name of Weapon or Item: Blindfold

Description: A regular blindfold used to prevent too much chakra loss from her sharingan



High Intelligence
High Genjutsu -
Good Taijutsu - combine for Gentaijutsu
Good Speed
Good Sensing (her eyes)
Average Chakra


Special Traits

Very weak Byakugan, can't see chakra points normally.
Suffers PTSD to bright flashes of light.


Kekkei Genkai:

Name of Kekkei Genkai:
Matsuri's byakugan is relatively weak, unable to clearly see chakra points, barely able to see her own. Overuse, or even what most byakugan users consider normal use causes her eye to bleed.

Name of Kekkei Genkai:
Implanted Sharingan. After losing her left Byakugan, a Sharingan was implanted in it's place. Matsuri constantly wears a blindfold over it, because it constantly records information, memorizing details, and causes her to become overloaded with information. Whenever she removes the blindfold to use it, she suffers a brief episode of PTSD because of the flash of light, so she's hesitant to use it.

When she does use this along side her Byakugan, it increases her taijutsu, as she starts to read her opponents movements, and memorize their style, able to predict their movements, to a certain extent. Her experience doesn't make her able to use the sharingan's ability on skilled taijutsu experts.


[a href="http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Gentle_Fist"]Gentle Fist[/a]

[a href="http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Eight_Trigrams_Vacuum_Palm"]Eight Trigrams: Vacuum Palm[/a]

[a href="http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Demonic_Illusion:_Hell_Viewing_Technique"]Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique[/a]

[a href="http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Gentle_Fist_Art_One_Blow_Body"]Gentle Fist Art: One Body Blow[/a]


Custom Jutsu

Name of Technique:
Limited Byakugan
Type of Jutsu:
Kekkei Genkai
Nature Type:
Matsuri activates her Byakugan only slightly, to see past her blindfold. It lets her see as if she didn't have it on, the ability to see a small radius around her as well, though only within 10 feet radius. It can't see detailed or chakra in this mode. It's constant however, as it uses very little chakra.

Name of Technique:

Gentle Fist: Black Widow
Type of Jutsu:
Nature Type:
By inserting her chakra into an opponent during gentle fist using the chakra to cast a genjutsu on the target as well to cause addition damage

The genjutsu tricks the targets muscles into contracting, locking up the target, and causing excruciating pain in the part of the body hit.

Can be broken as a genjutsu. Requires close range contact. Exterior pain greater than the genjutsu's effect can break it.
Name of Technique:
Gentle Fist: Hidden Spider
Type of Jutsu:
Nature Type:
Snake- Rat
A variation of the Gentle Fist: Black Widow, where Matsuri delays the activation of the genjutsu part. When she initially hits, it doesn't feel like anything.


Same weaknesses as Black Widow, and it has a limited range of within a kilometer, as well as a time of 10 minutes, or it fades.
Name of Technique:
Gentle Fist: Chakra Shell: Blessings of the Koei Fish
Type of Jutsu:
Nature Type:
By using Gentle Fist: One Body Art Blow to have chakra stream from every point, Matsuri causes the chakra to compact around her, making a thick shell of chakra. The chakra latches onto nearby chakra, and causes it to flow around her as well in the circulation of the shell.

For practical purposes, this makes large energy based attacks flow around her, allowing Matsuri to wade through almost any wide area attack, as it causes them to slide around her. It only works on jutsu larger than herself.
Anything smaller than her body will punch through. Physical attacks aren't stopped in the least. Any technique that is higher ranked than B will also crash and make the shell be destroyed. She also can't see anything perfectly clear as the technique hampers her eyesight ability with the Byukagan and sharingan.

Name of Technique:
Toll of the Bells
Type of Jutsu:
Nature Type:
By channeling chakra through the bells, Matsuri is able to set up a weak genjutsu on an area on all around. It's a suggestive genjutsu that creates an illusion of the user that will fight an opponent, while masking the real user, the illusion is created by the opponent themselves, it fights as the opponent believes it would, their mind filling in the details. It takes one moment of listening to activate, if chakra is being channelled. It works especially well against Dojutsu user's, as their own minds create stronger illusions of their opponents that are more fluid
A simple kai, or pain will break them out. The effects the user creates aren't masked, such as footprints and smell.


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@Gerontis: Is it okay if I make a 2nd Genin?

Random note: Everytime I see your avatar I think of Aragorn from Lord of the Rings XD

Dawg, bruh. xD
Accepted characters from the other bins can move straight into the accepted thread as long as they confirm to their previous CS. ;)


High intelligence and average chakra reserves are traits pal. Think the links also aren't working. Other than that, post that CS into the bin.


You may make as many characters as you think you can handle. Only when the GM's think you are at your max, due slow posting rate, then another CS might be declined.

And it is actually Aragorn I believe. Or perhaps somebody else? *Insert dramatic sound effect!*


It has my acceptance now as well. You may post it in the char bin.
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Alright. Will do. Now, what team is my Kiri character in?
Alright. Will do. Now, what team is my Kiri character in?
Well, I will see in what team he will placed once the sheet has been posted into the bin.

Dawg, bruh. xD
Accepted characters from the other bins can move straight into the accepted thread as long as they confirm to their previous CS. ;)


High intelligence and average chakra reserves are traits pal. Think the links also aren't working. Other than that, post that CS into the bin.


You may make as many characters as you think you can handle. Only when the GM's think you are at your max, due slow posting rate, then another CS might be declined.

And it is actually Aragorn I believe. Or perhaps somebody else? *Insert dramatic sound effect!*


It has my acceptance now as well. You may post it in the char bin.
Oh cool =D

I knew it! (Its actually Gimli in disguis) lol.

Well, I will see in what team he will placed once the sheet has been posted into the bin.
Is it possible to request to be teamed up with someone or is it at random? Reason I ask is cuz I know @Akashi and we post around the same speed.
Sheet is up in the dump thread. :)