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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


story connoisseur
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, politics, historical fiction, romance

Holy shit. After a hiatus of about a year and a half, I've finally returned to the site! For those of you who don't know me (so probably most of you), I'm Sansa. I used to be a staff member here on Iwaku, but I was diagnosed with bowel disease in the middle of junior year of college ALL while living in a bad situation, and those three things combined totally zapped my time. However, since I left Iwaku I've graduated college, gone into remission (i think?) and moved out. Life is pretty damn sweet. And now that I've got all this free time, I figured, what the hell? I could use a few fun stories in my life.

That being said, I remember how this all works. Let's get to business, shall we?

About Me:

  • Friendly, collaborative writer who loves working with others
  • 23 years old
  • Located in Seattle, so I'm in PST
  • Roleplaying since 2003
  • An absolute slut for older man/younger woman pairings
  • I write in third person past tense (but willing to go present tense if necessary)
  • BFA in creative writing for the entertainment industry
  • Professional storyteller and editor
  • I work from home, so you can expect at least one reply every few days
  • Willing to write NSFW content with other red star members if it fits the story
  • I don't have any no-go content. I'll be willing to consider just about anything if it fits with the plot.
  • I am willing to play either role listed in the pairings below!
What I'm Looking For:
  • Tell me if you're going to drop the roleplay. Don't just disappear without reason. That's rude.
  • No self-insert OC's please
  • Third person past or present tense
  • I would prefer colored dialogue in post replies
  • Fancy formatting is an option; I can make character banners in photoshop, or we can just go plain
  • 18+ for romantic content, 16+ for non-romantic
  • Advanced writing ability (you don't have to be Stephen King, but you should be fluent in English and grammatically aware. I won't reply to you if you don't have decent grammar. I'M SORRY SLDJKA)
  • A few replies per week (could go more or less, depending)
  • NO FIRST PERSON. Period.
Potential Pairings:
  • Knight x Queen - A young princess becomes queen when her father, the king, meets an early death. In the middle of a war where the stakes are high, she finds herself talking to one of her father's foreign guardsmen for comfort, even though there's a language barrier and they can't understand one another.
  • Nun x Criminal - Character A is a devout nun who has been lead to freedom by the faith. Character B is a criminal. She comes to kill the priest who abused her (or a family member) in the past, and Character A is in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  • German x Jew - In the height of WWII, a German citizen (not a Nazi!) puts his life on the line to protect a Jewish girl by hiding her in his home.
  • Teacher x Student - A sleazy older college professor preys on his freshman student after losing a bet against his friends. He doesn't expect to fall in love with her, though. 18+. TAKEN
  • Kidnapper x Victim - A psychopath kidnaps a young woman in attempt to "shape" her into a criminal. 18+.
  • Senator x Prostitute - Late 1950's. The older senator is in an unhappy marriage and tied into the political discourse of post-war America. He seeks comfort in the arms of one of the most popular, high-class prostitutes in Washington. 18+.
  • I'm open to any of your ideas as well!
  • Game of Thrones/ASoIAF, canon!verse or AU (Petyr x Sansa [I WOULD KISS YOU IF YOU DID THIS SHIP WITH ME], Tyrion x Sansa, OC x Sansa, OC x OC, Jaime x Brienne, Gendry x Arya, Robb x Myrcella, open to others!)
  • Stranger Things
  • The Handmaid's Tale
  • Dark Souls/Bloodborne
  • Peaky Blinders
  • Harvest Moon (don't judge me ok i love this shit)
  • Dragon Age
  • The Walking Dead (Daryl x Beth)
  • High Fantasy
  • Low Fantasy
  • Dark Fantasy
  • Colonial America
  • WWII
  • 1950's
  • Pirates
  • Apocalypse
  • Victorian Era
  • Steampunk
  • Modern
  • Horror
Contact me if you feel like we'd make a good match. Thanks for reading, and have a great day!
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I'm now moffnat, lmao. But the thread is still open and I'm still looking!
If you want to do the german and the jew i'd be interested. PM me if you want to rp.