• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Queer as Fuck
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
Fantasy, Modern Fantasy, Horror, Light Romance, Sci-Fi Fantasy, Fandoms (Star Wars, Harry Potter, Marvel/DC)


The official deadline for character sheets is June 3rd!

Please see the Lore for rules about character creation! Also, please read all the lore before creating your character! Below I've put all the information that's needed. I've also included a fancy sheet for anyone who wants to use it! It is mobile-friendly!

General Information
Full Name:
[include their title, first name, and surname]

[what do people usually call them, besides their actual name?]

[male, female, androgynous, etc.]

[how old are they?]

[options: human, elf, dwarf, orc]

[who are they attracted to?]

[where does your character come from?]

[give a written description here]

Personal Attributes
[please use paragraph-form here]

[how did they get where they are now?]

[what are they good at? these should be mostly physical attributes, not just personality strengths]

[what do they suck at? again, physical weaknesses preferred over personality flaws]

Magic & Equipment
[what magic do they possess, if any? please list strengths and weaknesses as well]

Weapon of Choice:
[if they had to choose, what would their weapon be?]

[what do they usually carry with them? keep this practical!]

{ Name }

General Information

Full Name:
[include their title, first name, and surname]​

[what do people usually call them, besides their actual name?]​

[male, female, androgynous, etc.]​

[how old are they?]​

[options: human, elf, dwarf, orc]​

[who are they attracted to?]​

[where does your character come from?]​

[give a written description here]​
Personal Attributes

[please use paragraph-form here]​

[how did they get where they are now?]​

[what are they good at? these should be mostly physical attributes, not just personality strengths]​

[what do they suck at? again, physical weaknesses preferred over personality flaws]​
Magic & Equipment

[what magic do they possess, if any? please list strengths and weaknesses as well]​

Weapon of Choice:
[if they had to choose, what would their weapon be?]​

[what do they usually carry with them? keep this practical!]​

Code for Fancy CS
[div=max-width: 800px !important; max-height: 900px; padding: 10px; margin: auto; border: 10px #COLOR; border-radius: 15px;
background-image: url(http://www.therawartist.net/april2009/images/040901.jpg);
background-position: repeat center fixed][div=background-color: #187; max-width: 800px !important; padding: 25px; margin: 10px; border: 10px #COLOR; border-radius: 0px; font-size: 40px; text-align: center; color: black;][font=Cinzel Decorative]{ Name }[/font][/div][div=border-radius: 15px; margin: 10px; padding: 15px; border: 10px #000 solid; background-color: #fff; max-height: 500px; overflow-y: scroll; max-width: 800px !important;][div=width: 200px; height: 200px; border-radius: 50%; padding: 3px; border: solid 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.7); background-image: url(http://www.hope3k.net/images/placeholders/team-placeholder.jpg); background-position: -10px -15px; background-size: 115%;][/div]
[div=background-color: #187; margin: 10px; padding: 5px; max-width: 800px !important; font-size: 25px; text-align: left; color: black;][font=Cinzel Decorative]General Information[/font][/div]
[div=margin: 10px; padding: 5px; max-width: 800px !important; text-align: left; color: black;][font=Cinzel Decorative][b][size=4]Full Name:[/size][/b][/font]
[indent][include their title, first name, and surname][/indent]

[font=Cinzel Decorative][b][size=4]Nickname(s):[/size][/b][/font]
[indent][what do people usually call them, besides their actual name?][/indent]

[font=Cinzel Decorative][b][size=4]Gender:[/size][/b][/font]
[indent][male, female, androgynous, etc.][/indent]

[font=Cinzel Decorative][b][size=4]Age:[/size][/b][/font]
[indent][how old are they?][/indent]

[font=Cinzel Decorative][b][size=4]Race:[/size][/b][/font]
[indent][options: human, elf, dwarf, orc][/indent]

[font=Cinzel Decorative][b][size=4]Sexuality:[/size][/b][/font]
[indent][who are they attracted to?][/indent]

[font=Cinzel Decorative][b][size=4]Allegiance:[/size][/b][/font]
[indent][where does your character come from?][/indent]

[font=Cinzel Decorative][b][size=4]Appearance:[/size][/b][/font]
[indent][give a written description here][/indent][/div]
[div=background-color: #187; margin: 10px; padding: 5px; max-width: 800px !important; font-size: 25px; text-align: left; color: black;][font=Cinzel Decorative]Personal Attributes[/font][/div]
[div=margin: 10px; padding: 5px; max-width: 800px !important; text-align: left; color: black;][font=Cinzel Decorative][b][size=4]Personality:[/size][/b][/font]
[indent][please use paragraph-form here][/indent]

[font=Cinzel Decorative][b][size=4]Backstory:[/size][/b][/font]
[indent][how did they get where they are now?][/indent]

[font=Cinzel Decorative][b][size=4]Strengths:[/size][/b][/font]
[indent][what are they good at? these should be mostly physical attributes, not just personality strengths][/indent]

[font=Cinzel Decorative][b][size=4]Weaknesses:[/size][/b][/font]
[indent][what do they suck at? again, physical weaknesses preferred over personality flaws][/indent][/div]
[div=background-color: #187; margin: 10px; padding: 5px; max-width: 800px !important; font-size: 25px; text-align: left; color: black;][font=Cinzel Decorative]Magic & Equipment[/font][/div]
[div=margin: 10px; padding: 5px; max-width: 800px !important; text-align: left; color: black;][font=Cinzel Decorative][b][size=4]Magic:[/size][/b][/font]
[indent][what magic do they possess, if any? please list strengths and weaknesses as well][/indent]

[font=Cinzel Decorative][b][size=4]Weapon of Choice:[/size][/b][/font]
[indent][if they had to choose, what would their weapon be?][/indent]

[font=Cinzel Decorative][b][size=4]Gear:[/size][/b][/font]
[indent][what do they usually carry with them? keep this practical!][/indent][/div][/div][/div]
Artemis Carrow
General Information

Full Name:
Crown Princess Artemis Carrow​

Ari, General​






Artemis Carrow, while certainly not ugly, is perfectly average for a princess--as far as appearances go, anyways. She stands at 5'6" with a lean and athletic build. In fact, she's practically all muscle, built for agility and speed first and foremost. She looks very little like her esteemed mother with dark hair, dark eyes, and lightly tanned skin. If not for her keen resemblance to her late grandmother, some might even question whether she was truly the daughter of Queen Adira.

Known for loathing the fancy silks of her court, she's much better off in chain mail and armor. Even when not in armor, the princess dresses in simple but elegant clothes. While her mother is inclined to show off her beauty, Artemis has never been one for the fashion spotlight, so to speak. She prefers a nice pair of pants and a loose-fitting tunic, and many see her likeness to Queen Lorian (who was known for rejecting femininity). Especially in her refusal to wear anything with a skirt.​
Personal Attributes

Realistic and stubborn, Princess Artemis is well-known for her strict leadership. She refuses to back down from a fight, whether verbal or physical, and continually calls upon her soldiers to surpass her own skills (if they can). She has never been afraid to call anyone out for their faults, although she admittedly doesn't take others' criticism very well. Although willing to hear other ideas, she has a slight streak of arrogance by believing that her own strategies are usually the best. In all fairness, Artemis has certainly proven to be capable in the past two years, but that doesn't negate the fact that she can be a little egotistical at times.

One major aspect of her reputation is her tolerance. She will accept anyone who has proven themselves, regardless of their previous reputation. She despises prejudice, and she will usually go out of her way to ensure that her soldiers feel accepted and welcome. She's a born leader through and through, able to use her own natural sense of charisma to motivate those around her. She's also extremely intelligent and well-trained, as would be expected of the Crown Princess.

Although not unkind, people tend to notice that Artemis is a little rough around the edges, although this is partially out of necessity. After all, one doesn't have time to be nice when they're busy fighting monsters. That being said, when there isn't a dragon to kill, she tends to loosen up. But only a little.​

It's hard to be born with the weight of the entire world on your shoulders. From a young age, Artemis Carrow was expected to do more, to be more, than her failed mother. By the time she could talk and write her letters, she understood that her mother was weak. Although her grandmother was still alive and well during her early years, it was already clear to the young princess that the people did not expect much from Adira. The few good decisions that her mother ever made were on the advice of someone much more capable.

When she was 10 years old, her mother was crowned queen, and Artemis became next in line for the throne. Only shortly after, she discovered her propensity for elemental magic. At first, she easily controlled fire, shadow, and earth. Later on, she would find herself capable of much more. Queen Adira, seeing the potential of her daughter where hers was lacking, started training the child immediately. Artemis was old enough even then to know that she was being groomed for a tragic death in battle, so her younger sister Iridessa would take her place as the future queen.

Nevertheless, she trained, trying her hand at nearly every weapon. It did not take her long to discover that archery was her niche. Combined with her magical prowess, she quickly decided that she would not die tragically like her mother secretly wanted. She would fight, and she would win. A year later, she was taken under the wing of Luther Hallis, who was well on his way to becoming the Queen's General at the time. He took it upon himself to broaden the scope of her training, teaching her military strategy and leadership. He was uncompromising and harsh in a way that her previous teachers had never dared to be. She liked him immediately.

Shortly after she began training with Luther, Eriana Kiryn joined them. She was stalwart and strong where Artemis was quick and agile. They complemented each other well, playing off each other's strengths and weaknesses throughout their training. The two quickly became friends, and Artemis made it a challenge to beat her companion wherever she could. Four years later, Luther Hallis finally achieved the promotion to Queen's General that he obviously deserved, and he declared their training complete. The two friends were separated. While Artemis was forced to stay in Evanis, Eriana moved on to the Queen's Army.

Life went on, and the Crown Princess grew in popularity. This was in no small part due to her constant efforts to protect the capital city from monsters, reportedly taking down giants and banshees as if they were regular beasts. However, it wasn't until six months before her appointment as General of the Hellhounds that she displayed her full power. For unknown reasons, a Cerberus had chosen none other than Artemis herself as its target.

She remembered the day clearly. She was walking through Cypress District, and she sensed that something was off. She wasn't sure what it was at the time, but the air tasted foul. It was only because of this that her life was saved. The monster came out of nowhere, morphing out of shadow itself with a howl unlike any other. Its claws ripped into her side, but she had avoided being impaled. Her obligatory entourage of guards were not so lucky. The monster disappeared immediately, toying with its new prey.

Blood dripping and incantations spilling from her lips, Artemis forced the three-headed dog out of the shadows, trapping it within her sight. The battle was fierce, but there was no one close enough to help. Or perhaps the queen was preventing them from coming. She would never know. By the end of it all, the Cerberus was dead, and herself nearly so.

She awoke three days later, kept alive by Vitalis sorcerers. They told her she was lucky to be alive. She wasn't entirely sure if that was true. Somehow, even the best of their healers were unable to do anything about the scars that mangled her body, but the princess learned to hide them well. Queen Adira seemed a bit disappointed by the whole affair, as if she'd expected her first daughter to die. Artemis could never be sure.

It didn't matter. News of her magnificent feat spread like wildfire. Even though she'd nearly died, she'd killed a Cerberus on her own. The people cheered for her all the more, and the queen could only begrudgingly accept that her talented daughter was a symbol for the people. A few months later, Artemis found herself appointed the new General of the Hellhounds after the previous one died mysteriously.

Two years later, her popularity has only grown, and so has her mother's hatred.​

[+] Archery: Although trained with all manner of weapons, Artemis excels with her trusted bow and arrows. Her ability often times exceeds that of enchanted bows, which is part of the reason why she rejects enchanted weaponry in the first place. She's a firm believer that anything that can be done without magic should be done just so.

[+] Agility: She has natural agility and speed, able to weave through her opponents. She's also surprisingly stealthy, although it helps that she can use shadows to conceal her presence even further.

[+] Magic: Her raw magical power is unprecedented.

[+] Strategy: As a future queen and leader of the Hellhounds, her primary strength lies in her ability to assess a battle and come up with new strategies on the fly. Through years of experience and training, she's become particularly adept at leading the Rose Company.​

[-] Physical Strength: Although she's nearly made of muscle, Artemis has honed her body primarily for long distance skirmishes. When it comes to close quarters, she is certainly no small force to be reckoned with, as she is usually able to outsmart her opponent and use speed to her advantage. However, if it came down to a battle of strength, she'd likely lose.

[-] Limited Magic: Unlike most sorcerers, her supply of magic is limited. She has a history of being completely drained in the midst of difficult battles, oftentimes incapacitating her and preventing her from defending herself. In most situations, she has plenty of magic to use, but battling a dragon does not fall into the category of "typical situation."

[-] Powerful Target: She's the General of the Hellhounds, the most powerful sorcerer in Eymia, and a future queen. Altogether, it makes it her a primary target for anyone with nefarious intentions. Not only does she have to watch herself during battles against monsters, but she's also in constant fear of assassination attempts.

[-] Arrogant: Although rational and fair-minded, Artemis has a definitive streak of arrogance that sometimes gets in the way of her ability to see things clearly.​
Magic & Equipment

Artemis is one of the most powerful elemental sorcerers currently living in Eymia, possibly to have ever existed. She is capable of maintaining control over all six elements, although she has the most control over shadow and fire. Although incantations enhance the strength of her magic, she is perfectly capable of controlling these elements without them. Most notable is her ability to force a Cerberus out of hiding, which is part of the reason why the Rose Company is in charge of killing the three-headed dogs.

The main weakness of her magic is that it is limited, and there have been several occasions where she has been completely drained in the midst of a battle. While most sorcerers have a latent ability that is nearly unlimited, the raw power that Artemis possesses prevents her from using the elements indefinitely. Furthermore, her control over the elements of water and light are only barely above average, limiting their usefulness in combat against monsters.​

Weapon of Choice:
Bow and Arrows​

--Light armor
--Quiver w/ 30 arrows
--Basic Medkit
--25 gold bars​

character art from Hilma Khuriroy
Eriana Kiryn
General Information

Full Name:
Commander Eriana Kiryn​

Eri, Commander​






Eriana Kiryn is not known for her beauty, but rather for her confident bearing and clever mind. She stands proud and straight-backed at 5'9", wearing her extra inches with confidence. She has a muscular build, built for strength and stability rather than speed, and although she can be surprisingly light on her feet, her natural strengths are definitely more suited to standing and facing threats head-on. Her blonde hair is often tied back in a tight bun, emphasizing a sharp face that often has a look of quiet, commanding determination to it. Upon the rare occasion she lets it loose, it falls in loose curls down to her chest. Her eyes are the same deep green as the ocean before a storm.

Eri is often seen in a custom suit of chain mail, designed to provide maximum protection while still allowing for freedom of movement. In notable contrast to the Crown Princess, her armor covers the top part of her pants in a way that can only be described as skirtlike. In the rare times she's seen out of her armor, Eri wears a simple hunter's tunic, pants, and gloves.​
Personal Attributes

Eriana is a determined and clever woman, focused entirely on making sure her people are up to the massive task before them. Although she knows that death is inevitable and that the monsters are a threat like no other, every loss weighs heavily upon her, and she keeps a tally of the dead to make sure that their families get just recompense when it can be spared. She personally supervises the training of the Hellhounds when she can, and she often acts as sort of a mother bear to the Hellhounds, encouraging them to know their limits and hone their strengths. Though she is empathetic, she is not unrealistic. If necessary, she can and will make great sacrifices for the good of the many, though she will never forget the few, and she will only make these sacrifices if she is convinced there is no other way.

Along with her efforts to lose as few of the Hellhounds as possible, Eriana is known for her clever and unique strategies. Like the Crown Princess, she has a deep stubborn streak, which may be part of why she was appointed Commander. She often attempts to serve as a counterbalance to Artemis, pushing her to recognize her own limits and strengths, just as she pushes her soldiers. She also does her best to remind the Princess that the Hellhounds have limits too, and that it is better to be aware of them than to ignore them in the hopes that they'll just go away.

On the battlefield, Eri is entirely focused. She moves with determination and strikes hard and fast. She is light on her feet, but more often than not, stands her ground and does her best to pull the fight to her. She has been known to put herself in harm's way to defend another Hellhound many, many times, and she has proven time and time again that she is more than willing to take the hit if she believes it will save a life. She is very much a defensive wall against the monster threat, and she will do whatever it takes to ensure that the threat is stopped, up to and including sacrificing herself.​

The Kiryn family, cousins to the Hallis family, have always been known for their strength in battle and producing powerful warriors. As such, it was no surprise when Eriana showed an aptitude for combat training at a young age. She was determined and a quick thinker who knew how to play to her strengths, and soon, she had surpassed her instructors. Not only that, but she showed a remarkable aptitude for Vitalis magic at a young age, and her power only grew with her. At age 13, her mother sent her to train under Luther Hallis, and Eriana found herself being pushed to succeed like never before. Luther pushed her to better herself, to play the long game, and to value the skills and lives of others.

During her training, Eriana met the Crown Princess, Artemis Carrow. Though she was somewhat awed by the princess at first, they became fast friends, and would often spar together and talk together. Artemis was always a bit more on the aggressive side, while Eriana was more cautious, but they balanced each other well. They trained together under Luther for four years, until his appointment as the Queen's General. Not long after Luther's promotion, he declared Eriana's training complete, and she was drafted into the Queen's Army at age 17. For the next thirteen years, she fought the monsters and showed incredible courage and skill, and she had achieved the rank of Captain by the time Artemis was placed in charge of the Hellhounds.

Artemis came to her personally to ask her to take on the position of Commander. Eriana was surprised, but she was overjoyed to see her old friend again, and she jumped on the chance to work directly with Artemis. They had both changed--Eriana had seen firsthand what the monsters were doing to the people of the five kingdoms, and she had watched people she fought alongside and people under her command die to them. She would not let more people die, not if she could help it. Since her appointment as Commander of the Hellhounds, she has focused on making sure all the Hellhounds are prepared for the threat facing them, on minimizing loss of life, and above all else, stopping the monsters before they do more damage than they already have.​

Eriana's strengths lie in directing the flow of combat and pulling the fight to her. She is a clever strategist and makes sure to be fully aware of the strengths and weaknesses at her disposable. She is incredibly strong for a human woman, and has incredible stamina and durability even without her magic, allowing her to stand her ground and take quite a few hits. She is also light on her feet, allowing her to dodge a hit that might have downed her.​

Eriana may be light on her feet, but she is not very fast. She will have some difficulty getting from one end of the battlefield to the other, especially when weighed down by her armor. She is also often blinded by her empathy, and will unnecessarily put herself in harm's way to keep others from having to take the hit. She also relies too heavily on her magic to keep herself going through a fight, and is greatly weakened without it.​
Magic & Equipment

Eriana is an incredibly powerful Vitalis sorcerer, and has demonstrated nearly unheard-of control over both life and death. Her talents lie primarily with healing, but she is entirely capable of causing pain as well. She is capable of healing major wounds, and has often healed the Hellhounds after a fight. However, her most commonly used spell increases her durability and pain tolerance, and she often casts it before any fight. She can cast this spell on others, although it decreases in strength the more people she has it cast on.

The main limit of her power is that she must perform incantations and spells to use it. This takes time, and every moment is precious in a battle. While some spells are simple (for example, healing a minor wound, or making an attack more painful), most are more complex, and since she often fights in the front, she often finds herself relying on spells already cast when she is in battle.​

Weapon of Choice:
Eriana is comfortable with most weapons, although she favors a longsword and shield.​

-Chainmail armor
-Quiver of 25 arrows
-Small axe
-Backpack with basic survival gear (food, water, bedroll, fishing tackle, firestarting kit)
-Assorted coin worth 20 gold bars, hidden in various places on her person​
Credits: Background image by Jordi Gonzalez Escamilla on Artstation. character art by eilidh on Deviantart.
General Information

Full Name: Paladin Falles Sumarvil
Nickname(s): Fal
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Race: Human
Sexuality: Homosexual
Allegiance: The Queendom of Donnwick

Appearance: [[Image Here.]] Fal is a handsome enough man, strong features with a certain softness about them - perhaps compounded by the fact that he is completely and utterly incapable of growing facial hair. He is a powerful 6'5", although his formerly chiselled form has begun to soften in his indolence, and muscles have begun to marry with the burgeoning expansion of fat. There is a strange awkwardness to his proportions, his arms and legs skinnier and lankier than his robust torso would perhaps indicate. Hazel eyes and noble features are softened by languid expression to something almost resembling docility, although the done-up style of his hair perhaps point to a wildness derived from his worldly travels.

He is eminently comfortable in the shell of his chain armor, to the point where anything else seems almost unnatural. To the point, his seems to garb in ale-stained rags, greying and browning, whenever forced out of his armor.

Personal Information

Personality: Falles is, above all, horrifically depressed. He is cordial enough, but always speaks as if he is intending to end the conversation then and there. He is no coward, but fights with no steel, no will, as if a tired man who has resolved himself to die somewhere, someday, with today being the optimal date. He has forgotten happiness entirely, though also confesses that sadness, too, has left his mind. Anger and fear, as well, are long lost companions. Such sullen, dispassionate 'bravery' has made him an effective soldier in the fight against the monsters. He exists in a perpetual state of eerie calm, as if the world moves at a crawl around him; he speaks deliberately, and acts languidly.

For all his ennui and emptiness, however, Falles is not unkind. He has travelled far and wide, and his travels have killed any latent intolerance. He is eminently practical and pragmatic, and the one true nemesis left in his life that stirs him to feeling is perhaps irrationality; to that end, he is always willing to gently chide his comrades, serving as a voice of reason.

Backstory: His is an old story indeed; "The monsters killed my family." Yet those who bore his name did not die by maw or claw, terrifying visage or shattering scream, did not die underfoot giants and Cerberi. Their village had seen a lone shadow in the distance, and Falles, the most youthful and eagle-eyed of the village patrol, glimpsed upon Her face, dirty porcelain and spectral white. And so they fled for safety. When Falles' father the farmer could at last return, the animals one and all had been torn asunder, and the harvest showered over with blood and rot.

Livelihood ruined, his father hung himself from the withered tree over the village grey. His mother, sickly and frail and overburdened, lost herself to the elements, lungs frosted over with weakness. His brother left, walking beneath the shadow of tree and rope, wordlessly into the night. Three lives, pressed insidiously and ground into dust beneath Her rotting finger and splintered nail.

Thusly did he remember Her face for the years to come, and thus - with bony visage in his mind - did he also leave the village remnants, beneath the shadow of that tree. Since his very early years an able hand at quarterstaff and blade alike, he joined 'the Red Tassel', a minor mercenary troupe that travelled through the lands Donnwick, Eredian and Rynal. Perhaps predictably, the Red Tassel - among other companies Falles would chance to join - would find their ranks dessicated, brought to ruin by monster or finance alike. It mattered little; all he required was to grow strong and able in his craft enough - both blade and magicks - so that Her death could be of purchase.

Years later, as fate would have it, he found Her - for it must have been Her, he remembered the visage so clearly - in Baemar, at the outskirts of the City of Riches. And so the mercenary set upon Her with purpose and finality; Falles had filled his own ears with conjured insects, and eventually ran the length of his spear through the banshee's mouth. It was not a particularly difficult battle, and Falles found that he had derived no joy in his victory, the fruit of years' labor. It disappointed him.

He would return to Donnwick, unsatisfied, to further ply the craft that he had learned in pursuit of vengeance. He began in the Queen's Army, listless and empty - it was perhaps the sullen bravery of boredom that made him excel beyond his peers, despite the weight it bore on him. Within the year, he was nominated to the Hellhounds, where he remains to this day. He has come to realize, now, a horrid truth:

In Her - no, her - ultimate insignifiance, and the meager manner of her death, she had killed him too.

Strengths: Falles is a skilled warrior, whose greatest strengths have always been a great deal of agility and manual dexterity. Possessed of fine body control, he is capable of parrying and dodging at the very last moment in battle and then promptly re-adjusting his form, allowing for no glaring openings in combat.

Weaknesses: With that said, Falles of the Hellhounds has grown indolent in his depression, coasting on the vestiges of experience and natural talent. He is more quick and agile than fast or explosive - in a full-on test of pace, he could even be considered as slow-footed - and well-honed stamina is no longer a trait of his.

Magic & Equipment

Magic: Falles is a practitioner of Conjuro, being able to call upon what he refers to as 'the Swarm-Capricious', on the surface an intensely large rabble of butterflies. In truth, the Swarm-Capricious is a single entity, and each member of the rabble is as if an appendage of the creature. Its capabilities in the thick of combat are numerous when utilized in conjunction with the sorcerer's own physical abilities - through controlling its constituent parts en masse and forming them together it is capable of, for example, creating large appendages with which to hinder an opponent, a shield to guard from the elements, a shroud to obscure his approach, or a flying platform from which to attain a vantage point.

However, Falles is a dabbling sorcerer, and Conjuro is described by some as the most difficult of the magic schools. This poses a variety of difficulties. Falles' level of command over the Swarm-Capricious pales when it comes to fluidity and responsiveness (accentuated the further the Swarm is from his person), and diminishes even further the longer an engagement extends.

Weapon of Choice: Spear.

  • Light armor.
  • Spear.
  • A pair of daggers.
  • Long-bow and a quiver of 10-20 arrows.
  • A meager allotment of coin.
Cyrus Alexander

General Information

Full Name:
Cyrus Alexander, Tactician of the Rose Company
"Wise Guy," "Cy"
Cyrus isn't a very intimidating looking man, describing himself as a person with average features. He has sunken blue eyes and light blond hair, usually hiding his features beneath armor and his cloak. Despite being a very heavy sleeper, the tactician has heavy dark lines beneath his eyes and a very gaunt face. He has a cresent-shaped scar beneath his right eye and a curcular burn scar on his left shoulder, in addition to the various scars that are spread across his hands and forearms from combat and other activities. Like his fellow members of the Rose Company, the tactician is in very good physical condition and has little fat on his bones, though he is more lean than muscle.​

Personal Attributes

A man of knowledge, Cyrus always is on the hunt for more information, often pulling out one of his notebooks and jotting down information. Cyrus is also a man of few words, speaking mainly when it benefits him. He has great strategic and tactical prowess, in no small part due to his incredible attention to detail. Although he can get lost in detail at times, the man can still pull himself out and see the larger strokes due to raw willpower. A clever man, the tactician will restrain anyone who tries anything too foolhardy, preferring to risk as few lives as possible unless absolutely necessary.​

Cyrus' early childhood was rather unimpressive. Born the eldest of four in a small village near Merriton, he was sent off at a young age to apprentice under a scholar. Under this instructor, an elven man by the name of Jori, Cyrus was more preoccupied with learning the histories and modern sciences, as well as gaining some proficiency with the common languages. However, after collapsing upon after seeing images of a bloody battle long past flash in his mind during a scholarly expedition, the boy's master sent him to train under an old sorcerer and colleague by the name of Murdoc.

Murdoc, an old man with a long beard and a scar across his brow, taught the young boy in the same areas as Jori, although the day grew longer and became centered around forming a great will and a great focus. The boy was forced to become skilled with a longsword and be able to keep opponents at length and only engaging close when necessary. These exercises were meant to hone Cyrus' instincts, building him into one who could survive the world that awaited him once he no longer meandered the lands with his master. The boy was also taught to use a whip and a staff, although these were to be primarily used as tools, not as weapons. Although they could be used in combat, it was more advisable to be caught with a sword in the hand than at the hip. His remaining training was focused on honing his magical talent, tapping into this raw force he had access to. Something of great paramount given the dangers associated with it.

After some tests and trials, Cyrus' formal training ended when he was nineteen, having had twelve years of apprenticeship under his belt. With little else to do, the young man began some research before (after a couple of misunderstandings) enlisting in the regular army. With his master's teaching under his belt, the mage distinguished himself from his fellow soldiers and increased his talents, increasing his close-combat skills to a more survivable level. Cyrus continued to serve in the regular military for five years, seeing combat on multiple occassions and continuing some arcane research in his spare time, during which he received praise for his tactical and strategic skills and was appointed as a unit strategist. That all changed abruptly, however, after his unit encountered a banshee. The encounter was random, and very few survived, Cyrus among them after using his magic to try and immobilize the beast long enough for it could be killed.

For this deed, Cyrus and four of his fellow soldiers were nominated by their senior commanders for and then accepted into the Hellhounds, with the mage serving in an initial unit for a while until his magic caught some attention, which led to his transfer to the Rose Company. He continues to serve as best he can, continuing his research into the arcane while offering his skills as a tactician and researcher. Through his research, Cyrus has partially rediscovered a tongue he simply refers to as the "Ancient Language," which he believes may be somehow tied to magic and its early use.
-High endurance
-High pain tolerance
-Strong tactical/combat instincts
-Large magical reserve/potential
-Mostly average physical ability, no strengths aside from endurance
-Slow movement speed
-Vulnerable to the effects of arcane "tears"
-Weak in close-range combat, preferring to keep foes at a distance or at swordpoint​

Magic & Equipment

Cyrus is a practicioner of a form of magic he's dubbed "Vanka Vanyalí," an ancient term translating to "Awakened Magic." Although not responsible for the discovery of this school of magic, he is the first to give it a name. This form of magic involves tapping into raw magical energy, channeling it as plasma or lightning.

Vanka Vanyalí is a magic that is affected by its surroundings, as its practitioners are able to see events that have impressed themselves into an object or location's magical signature. These events, called "tears" for their effect on the magical signature of the area or object, can range from the forging of a powerful artifact to the darkest of battles and massacres, with the corresponding visions or dreams depending on the strength of each tear against the innate magic of the object or area. If unprepared or in an area steeped in magical energy, these visions and dreams can cause great phantom pains to the practitioner. In some places, the tears are so numerous they have to be focused on to be clearly seen. Most times, a practitioner can sense a tear and enter a meditative state to see it, although the strongest tears will force themselves in the mind spontaneously or on contact with the object or place.

This magic's power largely comes from the caster's raw ability and magical potential, as well as their innate willpower to control it and make this raw arcane energy take shape. It is also bolstered in areas with great, natural magic where the practitioner can pull from their surroundings as well as themselves. However, while the latent skill to see into and understand the tears only poses a threat of phantom pain, pushing too far in commanding this magic can be very costly, effectively overloading a caster who calls too much and even threatening to steal away some of the user's lifespan if they're not careful.
Weapon of Choice:
Longword (can be paired with a shield)
-A longsword
-A rucksack filled with his issued equipment and necessities
-A set of medium armor with a crimson cloak
-A small coin-purse
-A satchel filled with journals and arcane equipment
-A targe-style shield
-An oaken staff with arcane runes
-An old whip​
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Vultog Ungagh
General Information

Full Name:
Vultog Ungagh, Paladin​





Heterosexual, unbothered by interspecies taboo​

Owes his allegiance to the Queendom of Donnwick, but was born and raised in Griar​

Vultog stands at around 9 feet tall with a thickset build. His limbs are thickset with muscle and sinew, evidence of a life of brutality that is only supported by a huge network of scars. His left eye is a dark red from lingering damage caused by an Umbral sorcerer using blood magic, and the curse that resides within it prevents it from healing properly, leaving him in constant pain. His unkempt greasy black hair falls down to his shoulders, held back by a leather tie.​
Personal Attributes

Vultog simmers with repressed violence and swings of mania. His speech often takes on an unusual cadence or rhythm and can sometimes meander or get caught up in unusual little bits of lyricism. He is quick to jump towards the violent solution to a problem, though has enough self control to restrain himself from it if his companions disagree. He takes a fierce joy in violence, frequently laughing in the middle of combat. Having spent much of his life as an outsider and an outcast, he has little regard for the conventions of polite society, complying so as not to cause trouble for his comrades moreso than out of any respect for the rules.

Though he will never show it, he has a fierce loyalty to his comrades in the Rose Company, who give him the kinship he never quite found in his formative years. He also has an unshakeable loyalty to Donnwick, as the country that took him in and gave him purpose. In spite of his menacing aura and threatening jokes, he would gladly put himself in harm's way for any of his compatriots.​

Vultog doesn't talk much about his early years. He was born into the Irgil tribe and was raised amidst the brutality and savagery of the nomadic camp. From an early age, he showed great savagery and strength, and many considered him to be a warlord in the making. This did not go unnoticed by the incumbent warlord. Fearing for his position, he sought the advice of sorcerers both within the tribe and without, seeking to find some way to remove this impending threat. And so the tragedy that befell Vultog was set into motion.

The Trial of Golak is an important event in every orc's life. Those who pass are considered adults and 'welcomed' into the tribe, whilst those who fail are cast aside, left to die as weak children with no future. The children were paired off to fight, to show their strength. What Vultog did not know was that the warlord had contracted a Umbra sorcerer, who cursed that Vultog would never see his goals fully. As he stepped into the arena, his eye blazed with a savage fire, forcing the young orc to his knees immediately. He never felt the blows his opponent rained down on him, such was the intensity of the agony. He had no idea how long he suffered, but when he finally became aware of his surroundings again, the camp had moved on. He was banished. Tribeless. His home was no longer his.

Vultog took to wandering, using his strength to make a living by petty banditry, whilst never really staying in one place to avoid capture. Crossing the border into Eredien, he took advantage of the volatility to rob and raid at will. He meandered steadily eastwards, where eventually he was captured by a punitive expedition lead by Rolan Griel, who at the time was a mere Captain. Vultog fought ferociously, impressing Griel who offered him a place as a lowly knight. Vultog, having been welcomed by someone for the first time in a long time, accepted.

Being given an outlet to unleash his strength in a productive manner did much to help stabilise Vultog, giving him purpose that helped take his mind off the pain. To this day he speaks highly of Commander Griel, the one who gave him his chance. As he continued to impress, Rolan promoted him to Sergeant, and later recommended him to the Hellhounds. Successfully passing his evaluation, he achieved the rank of Paladin before the Princess recruited him to the Rose Company, where he has served for the past year.​

-Intimitadingly strong: Being over 9 feet tall and built seemingly entirely out of muscle and sinew, Vultog is a pretty terrifying person to run into. This translates onto the battlefield where the same muscles are put to work generating a bloody harvest.
-Immense stamina: Vultog can keep running and fighting for much longer than most, fuelled by a combination of unshakable willpower and orcish stamina.
-Vicious cunning: While not really possessing a mind fit and competent at devising battle strategies, Vultog's brutal upbringing in Griar and a following lifetime of service in the armies of Donnwick have given him a brutish, instinctual insight into the brutal hack and slash of combat, making him a formidable foe to face.
-Pain tolerant: Living with the burning pain from his damaged eye has rendered him somewhat resilient to pain from other sources.​

-Clumsy: Vultog is not one for fine details and fiddly work. Giving him anything delicate is a huge risk, as the odds of it being broken are better than not.
-Lingering pain: Vultog's left eye is a constant source of pain. That pain varies in its intensity, but at times the pain can be enough to cause him to lose focus, or even sometimes temporarily incapacitate him if he does not receive aid from a Vitalis sorcerer.
-Limited field of vision: Vultog still has some vision out of his left eye, but it is hazy and lacks colour. During a battle, as adrenaline begins to surge, blood rushes through his eye worsening the vision to a near blur.​
Magic & Equipment

Vultog is a sorcerer of the school of Vitalis...the less pleasant side. His incantations in the heat of battle inflict crippling pain in specific limbs, sapping the strength from them as lancing pains shoot through the muscles. Though incapable of completely disabling a limb, this pain might slow a strike...or cause a fleeing foe to stumble and fall. His ability to localise this to a specific limb is limited, and there is some bleedthrough into neighbouring body parts, reducing the overall intensity. In addition, he can only target one specific limb at a time, and must commence a new incantation if he wishes to target a different limb.​

Weapon of Choice:
Anything he can get a "proper fookin swing' with, namely big two handed weapons. Prefers a battleaxe, but is reasonably proficient with a warhammer and a halberd as well.​

Vultog normally wears a set of very worn leather armour, with a metal breastplate and greaves over the top. He usually carries several knives secreted around his person, and his current weapon is strapped across his back. He carries a smattering of coins in a variety of pouches - currently 3 gold coins in a pouch around his neck, 4 silver bars tucked into a pouch on the right of his belt, and 30 copper pieces in a larger pouch situated at the back of his belt.​
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Cress Relaryn
General Information

Full Name:
Cress Relaryn, Captain​






Queendom of Donnwick​

Standing at 6'2", Cress could be considered physcially standard as far as soldiers go. His body has been shaped and hardened through years of combat and training, leaving him broad-shouldered and generally well-muscled. He does, however, exude a presence that can be rather intense. Numerous scars mar the man's face, which is set in a near-perpetual scowl. Cartilage in his ears is notched from past wounds, and his tan skin is further weathered from sun and exposure. Though only in his early thirties, his dark, unruly hair is already streaked with grey and deep lines are etched around his eyes and brow. He has an unfortunate, though unintentional, tendency to stare people down, giving his pale eyes a piercing quality.

The rest of his body is roughly as scarred as his face, though he has a particularly noticeable set of scars along the left side of his chest where the skin is deeply welted and discoloured. Usually, Cress is clothed in dark fabric, over which he often wears a combination of leather and partial plate. The slim leather pauldrons he wears are covered with a thick, dark fur-- a holdover from his time spent in the Siane mountains.

Cress tends to carry himself with a rigid posture, and his general body language is terse and defensive.​

Personal Attributes

Cress is a man who carries his mountains instead of climbing them. He is an undeniably anxious individual, though he suppresses the emotion under a blanket of irritability. This often makes him snappish and difficult to approach, though he is, at heart, a kind individual. A constant source of his stress stems from his irrepressible drive to protect people, which leaves him feeling personally responsible for others. Each loss is a weight on his shoulders and elicits a sense of failure on his part, leading to a degree of self-loathing, though he tries not to let it show.

In battle, Cress is an unrelenting constant. His primary goal is to keep his comrades alive at all costs, heedless of the injuries he may incur in the process. Unyielding in the face of danger, the man would stubbornly face down a veritable stampede of monsters if it meant he could protect a single life. Off the field, he struggles to relax, feeling that he could be using his time to help provide damage control or further hone his abilities. He is no stranger to manual labour and constantly looks for work that needs to be done. As such, he tends to run himself ragged, both on the field and off.

Despite his high-strung demeanour, Cress is an open-minded man, caring little about social mores. In the rare event he unwinds enough to have a drink, he can be peaceable and almost pleasant. Underneath it all, a shadow of his younger self remains, yearning for placidity, though it is almost always outweighed by his sense of responsibility and feelings of self-imposed guilt.​

Cress was born the eldest son to house Relaryn, a lesser noble family responsible for overseeing trade in the town of Erith. Nestled in the wooded foothills between Fort Siane and Garas Harbour, the town served as a valuable source of lumber for the port city, especially in light of the needed repairs and fortifications. Due to the close proximity of Fort Siane, Erith was afforded some protection from attacks, though casualties were inevitable, and the town, like most, was declining.

With more and more workers lost to attacks, the lumber production began to wane and with it much-needed revenue. Concerned for the well-being of the town, the Relaryn family extended invitation to refugees in Garas Harbour, offering work and lodging. While some accepted, many refused to leave the city, preferring to take their chances with criminals rather than monsters. Desperate to help increase trade while waiting for the town to recover, Cress and his brother abandoned their studies, rolled up their sleeves, and started as woodcutters. Though greeted with ridicule from many other noble families, the Relaryns also began distributing what they could of their own resources to the help bolster the town and people.

Responding to the plea for aid, Fort Siane began sending more routine patrols near the town of Erith, greatly reducing attacks from bandits and warding away monsters. With the Relaryn family supporting struggling families where they could, the slow influx of new workers and families, and the decrease in attacks, Erith was becoming stable once more.

Then it came. Like a great avalanche of mindless fury, an enraged giant descended on the heart of the town. Everything that had been so painstakingly rebuilt was decimated in splinters and flames. With the survivors trapped and unable to flee into dangerous mountain terrain, several of the woodcutters attempted to draw the creature away from what remained of the town. While they did manage to draw the beast a small distance, it took only moments for the giant to tear through their numbers, completely unhindered by their futile efforts to fight.

And yet, Cress survived. Power, previously untapped, had surged to life within him— shielding him from the brunt of the attack. The others, however, were not spared the monster's fury. Beside himself, Cress refused to stand down against the beast, desperately trying to protect the body of his slain brother. Fate, it seemed, had not forsaken the Relaryns completely-- as a squadron of Hellhounds arrived in time to save the boy from his own obstinance, and Cress was ushered to safety with the other survivors.

Following the attack, Cress remained in Erith long enough to aid his parents and sister in getting back on their feet, then enlisted as a soldier at Fort Siane. After two years of martial and magical training, he received a nomination for the Hellhounds. Serving for nearly twelve years, he attained the rank of Captain and a reputation for being steadfast, if not stubborn. When Rolan Griel took command at Fort Siane, Cress was quickly recommended to the General for placement in the Rose Company. Though he was reluctant to leave his own company, he accepted the position and has been serving in the Rose Compay for the past year.​

➣ Veteran Soldier - Cress has seen and lived the horrors of battle over and over, each attack on the monsters further honing his skills. On the field, he is a force to be reckoned with.

➣ Stalwart Defender - Cress is a man possessed of a determined stubbornness to rival any; he will push himself to the point of collapse before he will give in. Once he sets his shield in battle, it takes a monumental effort to force him back.

➣ Caring Comrade - Though terse and snappish, Cress cares about his brothers and sisters in arms in great capacity, which gives him reason to fight no matter the odds.​

➣ Self-Sacrificing - Cress almost exclusively puts others' needs before his own, often forcing himself to the point of extreme fatigue and exhaustion.

➣ Past Injury - Though he pretends it's of no consequence, Cress was injured quite badly in an encounter with a Cerberus. Vitalis magic worked wonders, but the old wound still causes its share of issues and can be debilitating if he's struck in the chest or side.

➣ Survivors' Guilt - Cress is constantly at war with his conscience as he feels personally responsible for lives lost, even when contradicted by rationality. Despite his efforts, this often takes a toll on his psyche.​

Magic & Equipment

➣ School - Defensive

Though it lacks the mystique of many other schools of magic, Cress wields defensive magic with impassioned fervor. At its most basic, his magic provides him with heightened physical stability and resilience. He is able to imbue implements with the same increased durability, and his favoured sword and shield have the words inscribed into their metal. He can strengthen other weapons and shields, though it takes more concentration to focus his magic on implements not bearing the inscription. Most often, his magic is concentrated on his shield, from which can extend a semi-transparent barrier in a sort of half-dome about ten feet in diameter. Depending on how much focus is being given, the barrier can repel intense physical attacks as well as providing superior magical resistance.

By far his most powerful ability, and the one that requires the most will and focus, is an extension of his shield barrier. Manifesting as a pair of spectral wings, the barrier extends upwards of fifteetn feet from each of his arms, allowing him to shield or even fully encompass others in a protective dome. Each "wing" correlates to the movement of his arms, and he must be able to physically maintain a position of defense, which can leave him vulnerable to attack. Use of this ability is extremely taxing, both physically and mentally, and requires a continuous chant of the incantation to maintain it.​

Weapon of Choice:
Sword and Shield​

➣ Leather/Plate Armor
➣ Sword and Kite Shield [Inscribed]
➣ Pack with basic supplies
- rations and waterskin
- small willowbark pouch
- straight razor
- limited bandages
- bedroll
- flint
- small assortment of coins
- whetstone​
➣ Knife​

Art - Alle Page
Music - BrunuhVille

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Verus Embr

Full Name:
Captain Verus Caelum Embr, Viscount of Yglm​

Veil, Veritas, Caleb, Captain​





Lavea, and currently Donnwick​


With piercing blue eyes, high cheekbones and delicate elven features, Verus Embr is the incarnation of striking beauty. His skin, while still fair, bears a healthy tan of perpetual exposure to the sun. Standing at a more-than-average 7'2", Verus' form is made up of compact muscle like coiled ropes, full of agile endurance. His fingers have an extra joint, making for a strange and disconcerting sight to see while also improving his grip somewhat.

Verus' wardrobe is made up of mostly dark shirt, pants, and not much else. He detests plate and mail armour, opting for light leather alternatives in battle, relying on his speed and tricks rather than hard defence, which makes him excel in combat against slow or smaller sized opponents.​



Verus is an optimist in every sense of the word. Charming, pleasant and lively almost every hour of every day, he very much contradictes how Elves were perceived in Donnwick, amiable and jovial to their usual gloomy distrust. Smiles rarely leave his face, nor do witty and good-humoured remarks his lips.

Many would describe Verus as childish, an odd observation for one of his age, even more so an Elf. Easily distracted, inconsistently motivated and fascinated with the inconsequentials, these qualities fuel his optimism, making him seemingly more human than Elven. His unfocused, absent-minded personality makes for fun companionship, but troublesome soldiering elsewhen. It was one of the many reasons he only made Captain after decades of service.

In truth, Verus Embr is very much the incarnation of the Light he carries. Bright, joyous and beautiful, he is his very own Light, undefined or tarnished by the world.​


Verus Caelum Embr found paradise as a child, and never grew up.

Born to the Viscountess of Yglm, for a long time Verus was the mirror image of a noble child, taught to be solemn, serene and ultimately reserved. His home was a mansion atop the highest hill overlooking Yglm, and his early childhood was quiet and tranquil. His father was distant, and his mother, the Viscountess hadn't much use for an adolescent boy. It was cold, perhaps even cruel, but it was their way. Verus was never taught to be a leader, never taught to be anything at all, because all knew his time to inherit the land would not come for a long, long time. No teacher, no parent, no purpose. Was it any wonder that their Kingdom seemed to waste away?

One bright morning, someone shattered Verus' aimless existence. A small boy, the seventeenth Rynalian Prince sent as lifelong ambassador, to live amongst the Elves and learn their way. It was not his disparate culture or his odd appearance that enamoured the young Elf, it was his heart. Their friendship was strange, the two of them so completely different, but it was a friendship nonetheless, and above all else it taught Verus Caelum Embr, the boy who was nothing, to smile. He learned to be kind, he learned to be happy. For years the Yglm hills' silence was replaced with laughter and joy, infusing the trees with vitality, the earth with life, and the air with delight. For a long, long while, the sun seemed so very bright, and the world spoke to him in light and music. It was his very own paradise, perfect moments in time.

But of course, it could not last, for he was Elven, and his friend was not. Happiness drained out of him with age, smiles replaced by wrinkles, laughters replaced with worry, while Verus did not change. Any lesser man would have resented it, but not his friend, the Rynalian Prince. They had a promise, Verus and the Prince, a promise to always be the very best they could be. Death would claim the Prince soon, so he had to live for the both of them.

The Prince was gone one day. Returned to home to die, so Verus would not have to witness his mortality. It broke his heart, it and the darkened landscape of his home and all the horror he witnessed in the years to come, but Verus Embr never lost his smile. He had a promise to keep.​


Agile, quick and dexterous, Verus' greatest strength is his speed and graceful movement, even more so than other Elves. He could run, climb, jump and move with fluid deliberation, expending the perfect amount of effort for each motion. His high endurance further allow him to utilize his agility to the fullest.

Verus' abnormal finger joints are somewhat delicate and easier to be broken. Despite being agile, his height and weight cause his footfall to be heavy and audible, making stealth almost impossible. He also, uncharacteristically, has severe claustrophobia and becomes decapitatingly clumsy and panicky in enclosed spaces, which often resulted in him throwing Light around blindly without care.​



Verus is an adept Light sorcerer who can harness sunlight to strengthen his workings. He can bend and focus light into searing beams of energy, disrupting it to create dazzling mirages, or contracting and redirecting it to form blinding flashes. Night time weakens his abilities, limiting the source of power he could tap into, and each time he draws light from the atmosphere the area is heavily darkened.
Weapon of Choice:

A glaive forged from a long blade fixed to a spear shaft that's meant to be used mounting but wielded by Verus even on foot.​


The Glaive.
Hunting knife.
Leather armour.​

Credits: Character Image by Charlie Bowater Deviantart, background image by InkTheory Deviantart
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{ Thessalia}

General Information

Full Name:

Lady Thessalia Wysamoira​


Thessa, Alia​










The Eternal City​


Thessalia's appearance is considered to be an oddity within her own family line. Her dark hair is an abnormality since both her mother and father have golden blonde curls. The rest of her appearance conforms with her family's standards, light blue eyes with specks of violet around the iris. Her almond shaped eyes, complimented by dark lashes, stand out against her creamy pale skin. Despite her refined appearance from a delicately upturned nose and dark pink lips, she often finds herself grinning from the heat of battle coursing through her veins or smirking at some inside joke that someone whispers to her during times when she's supposed to be stoic and serious.

Standing at 5'8", her lean figure is toned from years of training. She is built for speed and agility due to her elven nature. Despite her face being relatively unmarred, a large white scar cuts across her chest from a near fatal battle during her early years as one of the Queen's Hellhounds. Since then, she has found herself more careful and strategic in the battlefield. When on the battlefield, Thessalia can be found in light silver armor with a matching circlet made of leaves resting on her inky locks. Outside of the battlefield, she enjoys wearing her fine silk gowns and carefully polished silver jewelry.​

Personal Attributes


Thessalia grew up in the court of the elven folk, creating in her a ridged and formal personality. Or at least, that is what her mother believes. When in court or around high ranking elves, she keeps her attitude distant and quiet as her mother taught her that her place was on the sidelines of their politics. The young royal had quickly learned the consequences of her passionate attitude. She was made to believe that she was born to only further an alliance with the nobility of their land through marriage, but her father taught her to try to find something more in life.

Traveling, reading history books and studying the stars became her passion in addition to learning how to fight and how to wield magic. Her curious nature eventually lead to an open-minded and kind demeanor. She has a passion for battle and helping those in need. Despite these traits, she can be vain and naïve. As she was never exposed to the darker and more manipulative sides of court, she often foolishly sees the best in everyone and can't see the hidden agendas that people may have or the lies that they may tell her. Her vanity is reflected by her constant desire for the finer things in life such as fine jewelry and long gowns.

As she became a Hellhound, she learned to appreciate the adrenaline that she felt on the battlefield. When fighting she relies mainly on her instincts to keep her alive. She swears that nothing feels better than the feeling of her blood boiling in her veins as she strikes down an enemy. Unfortunately, she can forget about her allies quickly as she becomes lost in the heat of battle. Her magic helps keep this in check, but she has often neglected her duty to aid her allies.​


She was royalty without a reason…

Born of Princess Royale Oriphine, sister of the Volatile King Theodas, and raised as a future political tool, Thessalia was often kept from important political matters of court. Instead, her mother would teach her about the refined parts such as diplomacy, foreign customs and how to be a gracious host. Outside of court, her father, Sylris Wysamoira, trained her to be a dangerous warrior and proficient magic wielder against her mother's wishes. Since she has little claim to the throne, she was given more opportunities to travel once she reached the age of maturity for an elf. She accompanied her father on trips to Donnwick, and more specifically Fulbridge City.

Thessalia found fascination in traveling, her curiosity being the thing that kept her from falling into the monotonous lull that accompanies the daily affairs of court. It was the humans, however, that she found the most fascinating. Like a flame flickering in the wind, they blazed bright for only a short amount of time before they were extinguished. Although it was always difficult to see the humans slowly age and die, she found their existence to be the most meaningful of all of the creatures that roamed Eymia.

When she turned 216, she was given permission to travel independently and eventually was drawn to the elite group of Donnwick, The Queen's Hellhounds, despite her loyalty to her home country. She believes that this is the true solution to the monsters that are currently plaguing Eymia. Her father, sharing in this belief, was quick to nominate her despite her mother's protests. Her uncle quieted her mother, much to everyone's surprise, and announced to them that Thessalia was to act as a spy of sorts. She was ordered by her king to report everything from the inner workings of the Hellhounds to the movement of her company.

It was more difficult than she believed it would be at the beginning of her training to become a Hellhound, as her father's training was far different than what she experienced. The Cypress District was certainly different than her home in Laeva, but it was a welcome experience during that eight weeks. Becoming a Grand Knight was an experience that shaped her as a warrior. Overestimating her own abilities, she received her first life-threatening wound that still stretches from her lower left hip up to her right collarbone. This humbling moment allowed Thessalia to begin to rise through the ranks of the Hellhounds before she became a member of the Rose Company.

Now she faces the dilemma of balancing her loyalty to her country, to the Rose Company, and to her newfound allies. An eternal conflict now resides inside of her whether to disclose this information to her friends and face the consequences of court, or to continue to send reports to the Eternal City.


[+] Stamina

[+] Speed

[+] Agility


[-] Strength

[-] Reflexes

[-] Teamwork

Magic & Equipment


Thessalia is trained in the school of Vitalis by her father, as it is the power that she inherited from him. This magic causes her to pause and help her allies, even if every part of her is screaming to throw herself further into battle. The combination of years of studying and a powerful bloodline helped her to become a skilled and competent life sorcerer. She has the ability to heal both small and major wounds, although it takes a part of her energy to do so. Unbeknownst to most, save the few allies that she has the most trust in, she has the ability to bring someone who is barely clinging to life back. She discovered this when she found a half-dead rabbit in the woods and brought it back. Since it is illegal and power-draining, it is only the rarest occasions that she uses this.

The drawbacks to this power is that she uses a part of her own energy to heal her allies. The bigger the wound, the more energy is used to heal it. If she were to bring someone back from the edge of death, she essentially transfers all available energy into bringing them back. This magic also takes time to cast, essentially making her useless in battle for a few minutes.

Weapon of Choice:

[+] Shortsword​


[+] Light Armor

[+] Shortsword

[+] Silver Dagger

[+] Medical Supplies

[+] Coin Pouch

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[fieldbox="The Arbor Knight, green, solid"]
Do you know what it means to become a force of nature?
Basic Information
Full Name: Paladin Koudis Whavier
Nickname(s): Arbor Knight, Kou
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Race: Human
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Allegiance: Eredien

Appearance: At first glance, Koudis seems to have let himself go a little. While he doesn't appear to be dirty, his hair and beard seem crudely trimmed, as if by an amateur. Almost paradoxically his facial hair seems to grow in an excellent shape, imagining him without it would be rather difficult. His blond hair falls just to the end of his neckline along with the visible strands of a natural and darker color scattered throughout.

Physically, Koudis is remarkably average, standing at 5'10". There seems to be no intimidation factor from him, nor does he seem particularly charming, making him approachable and yet not frequently approached at all. While not engaged in conversation, there seems to be a certain look on his face seen mostly through his brown eyes as to just how lost in thought he may be.

Personal Attributes

Personality: It would be hard to say if it was coincidental or if it were a direct result of his magic, but it wouldn't matter to him. Koudis loves the natural world and his love of nature has made his understanding for his own magic become an intuitive study. Even if he weren't able to use his powers he'd still be able to identify most plants and their qualities.

It's easy to become friends with Koudis, he's a very kind individual, always willing to give some of his time to someone else. Despite this, he won't often be the first one to speak up, often waiting for fate to play its hand. Those that he would call friend might even agree that if Koudis were to tell the story of his own life that he would be the least important character from his own perspective.

Off of the battlefield, the smile from this man can be quite calming and his eyes carry a relaxed look. However, once combat begins, the look he gives is noticeably more vicious and proving of his experience. His main priority always has been and always will be the protection of those who cannot protect themselves.

Backstory: Koudis was born as an only child in Eredien, his father was a scholar who sought to understand the workings of all magic, and his mother was an accomplished alchemist. His magically curious father was a user of the Elementa school of magic and worked for an institution dedicated to teaching other magic users. His mother worked from home, creating blessed items for sale, most of which were shipped to Donnwick. The village Koudis was born in was rural, barely worth a mention to any passing by.

Because of his fathers desire to know everything there was to know about magic, he often pressured Koudis to discover what magic he held within his spirit. It was only at the age of 5 that, with his fathers intervention, he was able to discover his nature magic. Particularly, Kou had a habit of growing plants in parts that were lacking in any greenery. Though grass was scattered all through the landscape, it was the trees that Kou really wanted to grow. Trees were amazing, and as far as Koudis is concerned they are the pinnacle of this worlds evolution.

It was always a habit for Kou to collect seeds from any new plants he'd encounter, usually keeping his collections in a lockbox to prevent them from growing. His parents frequently got annoyed with his insistence on collecting the seeds from all of his fruit and vegetables. Despite this, his mother often found it endearing to take him to the market and see if there were any new plants for him to learn about.

His father was far more strict. If Kou found himself alone with his father then it meant he was studying his magic. At the time it was easy for him to assume his father was just trying to learn about the limits of nature magic and Kou was his medium for doing so. The truth was far less harsh, his father was trying to teach Kou how to effectively use his magic since he was so in tune with nature without it, he had a lot of potential. It was just difficult for his stern father to show any affection, which is something Kou would not understand until it was too late to thank him for it.

Kou was only 12 when it happened. It was the end of a beautiful day, the sun had fallen beneath the horizon and the stars brightened the night sky. The smile on Kous face was shattered by the reality of the situation as a strange monster had invaded his home. All he can remember was his mother forming a golem from wood and ordered it to bring Kou to safety as they fought back at the invading threat. It wasn't a particularly smooth ride, the golem barely made it out and its life faded, dropping Kou onto a stone, knocking him out cold and putting a scar on his scalp.

Assuming it had only been a single day, Koudis made his way home. Unsure if he was going the right way, he hadn't realized just how far away he had been carried. Upon his return he saw a mostly destroyed village. Not every building was collapsed, but those that stood were noticeably damaged. His home was not among those that lasted through the attack. Something big had been through here. His neighbor, a nice man by the name of Rever Seurwit had spotted Kou and stopped him. Both of his parents were killed in the attack, along with Revers wife and son. All Kou could do was dig through his destroyed home and find his lockbox full of seeds. He has yet to open it out of fear that he may remember something most painful.

Rever was a good main who gave Kou food and shelter for many years along with Revers surviving daughter, Eve. Out of respect, Koudis made sure to put in his due work to make sure Rever was not supporting the three of them on his own, but he knew full well that Rever would never ask for anything in return. Perhaps he saw his own son in Kou's eyes. To this day Kou still writes letters to Rever in thanks for his kindness, occasionally sending him funds.

Living in his village was a painful experience. After the attack that killed his parents, it was painful to walk by familiar memories. Even going to the market for food would occasionally bring tears to his eyes as he'd remember his mother. The only thing that made Kou feel comfortable was going into the forests and using his magic on the trees. Even that reminded him of his father, but his frequent return to his practice is what eventually made him realize his fathers true goal. Instead of inflicting more pain, Kou used his heartbreak as fuel to hone his skills even further.

Learning on his own would not do well enough. Kou needed help, he needed a proper trainer. Giving thanks to Rever and Eve for their hospitality, he planted a red oak tree in what was once his front yard before leaving to join the military at 16. There he would no doubt meet more sorcerers that could show him how to reach his potential in nature magic. At this point he had not learned much about weather manipulation and he made sure to put that on his checklist of things to learn.

Sure enough, Koudis met a nature sorcerer adept at manipulating the weather and the properties of most natural substances as well as the ability to speak to animals. This was where Koudis learned most of the basics for around 2 years. Though there were many powerful sorcerers within his ranks, none had seemed to be able to match his ability to cast spells on plants, as far as he knew he was the best at it. It was a colleague that made a joke about the effectiveness of wooden armor and weapons on such a sorcerer, which had warranted a laugh at first.

While indeed amusing, the thought began to turn into something more sincere than a joke, and it was then that Koudis decided to make armor out of wood. His materials would change throughout the variants, trying lighter and heavier woods. Eventually, he was able to change the properties of the wood with spells that had become simple to him with how much practice he had. He found the best materials to be white oak, hemp, linen, and bone. Thankfully, these materials were easy to get a hold of and cheaper than trying to buy the highest quality steels.

When Kou was 19 he heard news of a reaper attack. It had already been 3 days since it happened when he caught word of it, not that he could have done anything had he been there to know of it. The story he was told sent a chill down his spine and reminded him of his own history. Not long after, Eredien started to trade soldiers for resources. Kou most definitely wanted to transfer over, but he was not approved for many years. It took another 5 years of training to finally be transferred over to Donnwick.

Finally in Donnwick at the age of 24, Kou still had a long way to go. Being in the Queens royal army was not good enough, he had a higher goal. He wanted to become a Hellhound. Beneath the surface, Kou was actually quite frustrated as now he found himself starting all over again. He needed to re-establish his strengths and prove he was a worthy fighter. Though he easily proved worth being a knight, he found the normal military duties made it difficult to prove his aptitude.

During his down time Kou remained vigilant, learning more and more of his magical limitations. He wore through wooden armor very quickly, resulting in learning how to craft his own using spells to mold the wood and hemp into whatever shape he needed. It was around this time he discovered just how powerful he could make a suit become if he used natural materials. He was able to cover weaknesses and fortify strengths with it. Even still with his growing powers and singular promotion, he found it hard to find a moment to prove himself, though he'd later wish he hadn't looked so hard for it.

It was a normal patrol, a route he'd passed through hundreds of times over his 3 years in Donnwick. Walking past a village, he and his squadron had almost made it far enough to see it leave the horizon before looking back to see smoke rising. Smoke on its own was not enough to warrant suspicion, but this was a signal in the form of multiple puffs drifting into the clouds. They needed help. Kou immediately turned his staff into a bow and readied an arrow as he and his squad sprinted to see their threat. No part of Kou's mind was focused on taking the chance to prove himself. Instead, all he could do for the first few moments was hesitate as his mind flew back to his mothers golem that saved his life. That, and the resulting day.

The scream of a mother woke him from his reminiscing nightmare. It was too late for a bow, that would not do. Firing the only arrow he had readied, he drew his sword crafted from bone and wood. In a display of either bravery or stupidity, Kou ran at the assaulting giant and used his hemp ropes to trip the monstrous nightmare as it ran, pull himself onto its back, and plunge his sword into its back. This proved to be a difficult foe as it simply hurled him off and turned its attention. The battle was a struggle, but after letting the colossal foe strike onto his wooden armor, Kou threw a tree seed into its mouth and watched it fall into the back of its throat. Barely holding the giant and shouting to the heavens as it tore his ropes with sheer force. There was a pause. The beast stopped. Collapsed. From its whimpering body sprouted a tree, ripping its flesh apart. Kou had forced the tree to grow, rendering the beast defeated.

After returning to their bunker, the commander of his squadron asked Kou what his plan was. Though at the time Kou was not as powerful as the hellhounds had made him now, it was clear that his resolve was the strongest aspect of Kou. Promoted to Lieutenant, Kou's squadron collectively recommended him for the Hellhounds. Bringing tears to his eyes, he is forever thankful for their aid.

He was quite scared when he failed his first examination. By now the queen had implemented a secondary attempt to make it into the Hellhounds, and Kou knew he would not let this end in failure. Though he had half the time for training, he trained harder than ever, determined to make it into the Hellhounds. At last, at age 33, he was accepted, passing his second evaluation. He has been in the service of the Hellhounds for 4 years now, and has since acquired that many more demons to haunt his dreams.

-Being from a country with such cultural importance on the arcane, Koudis has a very well trained eye for detecting something that is under arcane influence.

-Having a massive fascination with nature has made him an excellent meteorologist and botanist.

-Outside of manipulating the trees, Kou's Kinesthetic sense is remarkable. He almost always has phenomenal control and awareness of his extremities.

-Because of his prowess with magic and his method of using it, Koudis often seems like an excellent physical specimen. This is actually not true. It would be easy to outmatch him in physical combat without the aid of his armor.

-Though he has mostly made his peace, Koudis still suffers from PTSD caused by the destruction of his home.

-While Kou's battle tactics are usually quite effective, when they prove not to be he has a hard time adjusting and adapting to the battle.

-His Kinesthetic sense may allow him to control his limbs well, but when he has plants under his command it becomes difficult to control more than 1 or 2, overwhelming himself can cause the spell to break and require re-casting.

Magic & Equipment

Magic: Koudis is among the best of the users of Nature Magic. This is not to be mistaken for power, other nature sorcerers are often more powerful, but Kou is creative and uses his magic very skillfully. He knows how to manipulate weather, control the tides, speak to animals, and hear the forests. Mastery over this school of magic was difficult, as he himself had mistaken it many times for the way elemental magic worked. What he found while studying was a magic with far more depth than he originally anticipated. Few have managed to reach the level he has as he is capable of manipulating the properties of wood and bones. Though he cannot control the bones, that domain belongs to the necromancers, he is very much capable of making it stronger and more flexible based on which incantation he chooses to use.

Weapon of Choice: The Bow and Arrow

Gear: A walking stick with a linen thread wrapped around. He can use an incantation to turn this into a bow.
Woven hemp quiver with 15 wooden arrows with carved bone tips, 5 Field Tips, 5 Broadheads, 2 grappling, and 3 fishing tips, all indicated by feather color mounted at his waist.
4 hemp ropes at 3/4" diameter and 10' length.
7 teeth, each from a different creature, on a necklace made of hemp twine and wooden beads
3 Ivory rings on his left hand
A green and thinner than average Gambeson.
A full set of carved wooden armor. Reference image.
A waterskin.
A horses leg bone, the marrow replaced with ironwood and sharpened into an arming sword with a bone crossguard.
12 Acorns, 4 walnuts, 3 grape seeds, 7 apple seeds, 12 Liana Vine seeds
[/fieldbox][fieldbox="Eve Seurwit, cyan, solid"]
{ Eve Seurwit }

Eve is not intended for normal use in the roleplay, she is simply an important character with a deep relationship with Koudis
General Information
Full Name:
Eve Seurwit​






Eve stands at a height of 5'4", a particularly average height for women. Her hair is a dark brown color, almost appearing black near the roots. Typically within her well trimmed hair sits an eagle feather tied above her ear. Normally Even can be seen wearing darker colors, as she feels the most comfortable in them, often pairing her clothes with a purple scarf.​
Personal Attributes
Eve is a mostly kind and caring person with hardly a sign of a temper. She's kindhearted and altruistic, and to describe her in a single word most would use the word "caretaker". This is mostly a result of how she takes care of her father and the impact Koudis Whavier had on her life. Despite her kind nature, she is not one to decline gifts and will usually take anything offered to her. This is not to say she'll take everything, but she will never argue if she thinks it's acceptable collateral for own kindness.

In the face of danger, Even is smart. She doesn't fight, it's neither within her nature nor is it within her abilities. She's not foolhardy enough to believe she can take up arms against a giant and live to tell the tale, she will always leave that to the professionals. If an attack of any kind is to happen, she would prioritize guiding herself and those around her to safety.​

[how did they get where they are now?]​

[what are they good at? these should be mostly physical attributes, not just personality strengths]​

[what do they suck at? again, physical weaknesses preferred over personality flaws]​
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Georgio Attano

General Information

Full Name:
Paladin Georgio Attano​

Not much besides "Scout" and "Twat"​






Georgio stands at five feet and six inches, slightly short for a man of this world. He is caucasian, with a slight tan owing to his parentage and time spent in the sun. His hair is dark brown, and his eyes are a bright green.
He usually wears his hardy leather armour whilst on a campaign, with a large, mottled green cloak to help him blend into various environments.
When he can help it, he'll have a pipe in his mouth, producing thin white smoke from a herb he calls "smokeleaf". Rumour has it that he keeps a much stronger variety of the stuff for special occasions.

Personal Attributes

Not one to normally form strong attachments, Georgio values independence over companionship and is proud of his own self-reliance and stoicism. He can be a tad abrasive, as he feels no need to curry favour with anyone, though he tends to form respect for those he deems deserving. When he's not so grating, owing to being in a good mood or in the rare scenario of him liking/respecting someone, he'll be reasonably helpful and generous - it's not a power trip for him, but something close to that. He likes the idea that even if others may rely on him, he relies on no one.

Georgio grew up in the south of the Eredien, in a small trader town known as Toscana. His parents were failures to him, for the most part - there was little warmth between them, and they did not teach him much at all. Their idea of raising him was throwing him out the door except for meals and bedtime.
He was forced to raise himself, almost. He begged an old craftsman to teach him how to make bows and arrows, and eventually, the old man did, though he never saw the boy again afterwards. From then on, he did very little outside of sneaking around the forest near his home and honing his skill on wildlife and unsuspecting tree trunks.
At around twenty, he stopped living with his parents and moved out. He tried for a while to become a fletcher or a bow maker, but didn't have the skill to keep a shop running, didn't know the maths or literacy for keeping a ledger, and didn't have any of the people skills one would need to talk to customers. After five years of struggle, he gave in and joined the Eredine army.
He did reasonably well in training. He developed some measure of competence with the sword he was given, and his archery was top-notch, not to mention that he showed a fantastic aptitude for scouting. He was put into various squads as a scout and/or archer, depending on what each one needed, but time after time he was convinced that so many commanders had it out for him, as they hated having such a poor team player.
As much as they might be frustrated by him, Georgio's commanders could not deny his unerring accuracy with his bow, nor how he could move unseen better than any soldier they'd seen before. He was recommended to be sent to the Hellhounds soon enough, and moved into the Rose company after only a few successful missions, his scouting work proving invaluable and his archery serving a key role in those missions.


- Archery: Robin Hood ain't got shit. Not only is Georgio able to fire his unusually powerful and enchanted bow, but he can do so with unerring accuracy. He could consistently hit a bullseye at 50 metres, though he'd have difficulty doing the same with a different bow and/or arrows.

- Stealth: enchanted leather armour and boots augment his already impressive ability to move unseen and unheard. Be it through forests, towns or plains, his dark figure may seem to be nothing more than a shadow to all but the keenest of eyes.

- Swordsmanship: he can pass muster for the Rose Company, but he'll be generally one of the poorer swordsmen and women they have. He has to resort to fighting dirty and avoiding melee in general to get by.

- Teamwork: Georgio still has yet to learn the value of relying on others, as well as letting them consistently rely on him.

- Arrogance: he has a rather inflated view of himself, especially when it comes to his particular talents. This can lead to him landing himself in hot water, such as being discovered when trying to sneak around a monster, and having to do his level best to escape.​

Magic & Equipment

Born with an aptitude for elementa magic, Goergio is a potent user of the element of wind in particular, mostly for use on his person. He can't exactly fly, but he can hugely boost his own speed and make great leaps that seem to defy gravity, not to mention allowing him to land gracefully from any height.
He can also augment the speed of his arrows and change their course - his shots have been seen curving to follow a moving target, for example, and they move far faster than they have any right to.
The main weakness in Georgio's abilities is that they are purely centered on his own self. He can move himself around at great speed, but not anyone else, and he can't cushion the fall of a teammate unless they manage to get into a mid-air piggyback.
He also struggles with the use of incantations. Outside of his arrow control, he can't exercise much precision in his magic, using it as more of a blunt instrument to move himself around. In fact, he mostly eschews bothering with incantations unless trying to be unusually precise with an arrow - trying to aim at a giant's eye, for example.​

Weapon of Choice:
Bow and arrows.​

Leather armour: it might not hold a candle to mail or plate for raw protection, but this allows Georgio to use his various skills and magic to move at much greater speed and far quieter. It has enchantments covering it to muffle the noise it and its user makes, enhancing stealth even further.

Longbow: made by Georgio himself, this yew bow is already a formidable weapon in the hands of anyone with the ability to draw it. On top of that, he has had it enchanted to be lighter, to dampen sway, and to boost the speed of the arrows it fires.

Arming sword: a simple one-handed sword, kept clean and sharp, but otherwise unremarkable.

Arrows: most of these are simple broadheads, built for tearing into flesh and not coming out without rending it further. Some of them have bodkin heads, sharply pointed to pierce armour. A few of them, uniquely, can deliver alchemical payloads - incendiaries, corrosives, and explosives particularly.
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{ Nyle Vorett }
General Information

Full Name:
Nyle Vorett, Paladin​

Fusion Alchemist, Ny​






A young man in his late 20's, Nyle is a human male with a toffee complexion and a calming air about him. His features are mostly smooth and boyish, with a quiet voice that matches his poised demeanor. While his chestnut eyes are wide and cheerful, they always have a deep sadness hidden behind them. Atop his head is a healthy mane of black hair, pulled back into a long ponytail. At just over 6ft tall, he has a slim but athletic build with broad shoulders and a slender waist. Nyle naturally feels more comfortable in light breezy garments and his normal attire consists of slip-ons, loose-fitting trousers that constrict around his waist and ankles, paired with a matching vest. If the situation calls for it, he will wear more protective gear but in general he prefers stylish accents and jewelry as opposed to shields and armor.​

Personal Attributes

Laid back and easy going, Nyle gets along best with people who are not extremists, as he tends to respect balance rather than absolutism. When he's alone, he always appears to be brooding over something but when approached, he is surprisingly friendly and obliging. If you're looking for someone who will listen to your problems and not judge, he's your man and while he can be opinionated, he let's people make their own decisions or mistakes without being self-righteous. For the most part, Ny has an even temperament and doesn't easily get excited one way or the other. When he is amused or excited, he is known to laugh and smile but even then there is an air of sorrow that is bound to him, like shackles to a prisoner. It takes a good deal of effort to cause him to lose his temper but it is possible and he can become quite the frightening individual. Nyle doesn't afford himself many personal pleasures and due to something that happened in his past, he is always seeking redemption.​

Nyle's childhood was pretty normal. He grew up in a humble and remote village in Baemar. It was a small community where everyone knew each other, one of those bothersome places where you couldn't spit without someone knowing about it. In a way, he was raised by the entire community, not only by his parents. When he was in his late teenage years, his knack for alchemy became even more apparent, earning his family a certain level of prestige.

Still young, Nyle quickly realized that his family was a pillar of the community. He often accompanied his father to Arvena, where his father maintained strong political ties and worked closely with individuals that held a certain amount of influence. He remembered his father always urging others to do more for the downtrodden and less fortunate, raising his son to value human life and be accepting of others, despite their background or beliefs. His father constantly attended meetings with the leaders in their region, usually regarding the increasing monster attacks. Unfortunately, the plight of a hapless town was of little interest to those in a position to make a difference.

It was the summer of his 18th birthday, when an unexpected visit in the middle of the night sent chills through his entire body. A mercenary sent by one of his father's colleagues, warned them to leave town with him. They had no time to gather their belongings, only the clothes on their backs. While fleeing, Nyle learned from the mercenary, that the military had devised a strike against a troublesome den of monsters. That preemptive attack successfully prevented a catastrophe in a more populated and industrious city, however it pushed many of those same monsters towards his hometown. His father's friend, having learned about the military action, hired the mercenary to try and get the family to safety. After hearing the truth, as if by clockwork, Nyle heard the first screams of terror. Even now he can hear the voices of those who died that night, while he escaped into the night like a coward. Looking back, he watched, frozen with fear. He probably could have saved some of them, at least one of them, if he had only tried but his cowardice prevented him from risking his own life. Unable to do anything, he watched in horror as the town was razed and the community of people that was like a family to him, were largely slaughtered.

It took many years for him to come to terms with what happened that fateful night and at the same time, it drove a wedge between himself and his parents, who he saw were growing more hypocritical. Due to his father's political involvement and his own growing skill with alchemy, his family found themselves in a more comfortable section in the city of Arvena. For years, he ignored the advice of his parents and instead of using his abilities to serve the nobles, he resolved to use his talents to aid those less fortunate. He even took up refuge in the more poverty stricken area of the city. He accepts the small jobs that no one else will, in hopes that he will somehow find peace.

In his mind, he sees history repeating itself, with the more frequent monster attacks that plague the once renowned city. Instead of running away this time, he decided to put himself on the front lines and is one of the few threads connecting Baemar and Donnwick in their common goal.​

Speed and Agility: From a young age, he has always been quick on his feet and living in a more unsavory part of town prompted him to hone this ability even more. Not only is he fast, he is also agile, able to squeeze into tight spaces or perform minor acrobatics.

Balance and Perception: He has great control over his own movements and is keenly aware of his surroundings and limitations. These two abilities combined allow him to multitask when it really counts.

Calming Effect: Usually the voice of reason in a conflict, he is good at balancing his own emotions as not to offset the feelings of others.​

Combat: Unfortunately Nyle has little to no fighting skills. He can fist fight but only as well as the average person. He also has no training in the use of weapons. The only way he can defend himself against a powerful foe is through the use of his creations or relying on the assistance of others.

Fear: He has entomophobia, however it is manageable. It largely depends on the size and type of insect that causes him the most distress.

Magic & Equipment

Magic: As an accomplished Alchemist, Nyle has a variety of tricks up his sleeve. While his magic isn't considered as powerful as those from other schools, he does have an advantage when it comes to diversity and support. He is able to perform basic transmutations as well as a few magical blessings. Where he truly excels, is in his ability to create golems, but not in the traditional sense. By mastering the art of mimicking and combining different schools of magic, (specifically Elementa and Illusio), he has been able to create golems with elemental affinities. A feat that has earned him the title of Fusion Alchemist. These human sized golems usually take on the form of the element it is associated with and through illusion, have more defined and specific human characteristics. Nyle has complete control over his golems and although their elemental abilities could never rival those of someone learned in Elemeta magic, they are strong enough to serve as bodyguards or aid his companions in battle.

Unfortunately, this special type of golem isn't as sturdy as your standard variety and can only withstand a certain amount of punishment before it disintegrates. Also, he can only manage one of these special golems at a time. Finally, depending on what type of element is used, the golem may have a resistance or weakness for certain spells. For example: A fire golem would have a natural resistance against fire spells but a weakness against water spells.

Equipment: Around his neck he wears a blessed charm of Alexandrite. It grants protection to the wearer against the howl of a banshee.​

Weapon of Choice:
Nyle has no proficiency with weapons, however he does keep a dagger on him for protection in a tight spot.​

> A small pouch of alchemist tools and stones

> A journal and feather pen

> A dagger

> 20 Silver pieces​
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Stognal Lightingham

General Information

Full Name:Lieutenant Stognal Lightingham

Stone, Shorty (at their own risk)






He has a long light brown beard which is very well gromed.He stands at a height of 4'4". He commonly is covered in dirt and scars. He is generally dressed like someone of poor class and as middle class on special occasions. He has a very muscular body yet still doesn't show how strong he really is. He has very short hair and dark blue eyes.

Personal Attributes

His personally can very from time to time. He is usually kind but has a short temper. He often makes jokes and is sometimes sarcastic. He can be very serious when necessary. He values intelligence and finds strength almost equally important

He was born in Delphos but has always been fascinated by monsters real and fake. He studied them as best he could but eventual wanted to make some discovery of his own and joined the Hellhounds to study the monsters up close.He didn't get along with his company but was better at killing monsters than any of them. He temporally quit he got a dog but rejoined the Hellhounds when a giant attack lead to the death of his new pet.

he is highly intelligent and equally strong.
He is great at melee and good with almost any weapon.
He is a expert in raising farm animals.

He I terrible at archery.
His short size leads to obvious disadvantages.
He doesn't work well with others

Magic & Equipment

He is capable of using Nature magic and has incredible he can talk to animals summon storms control plant growth and other powers but often forgets the incantations to use these powers in times of stress.

Weapon of Choice:
They prefer polearms and other weapons with a long reach.

they keep a pouch of food and money with then at all times. They also ten to have at least a dozen throwing knives and a long sword with them incase they run into trouble.
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{Galla Ursa}

Glitter and Gold
General Information

Full Name:
Galla Ursa, Paladin​

Gal, or Bear​




Bisexual, disregards the inter-species taboo.​

The Queendom of Donnwick​

Galla stands at five feet and three inches tall and has a fit body, made for pummeling foes to the ground. She is proportionate for her stature, and carries herself confidently, commanding respect with every step. Her face is unblemished, but her back and arms are riddled with many scars from past battles.
Galla has a heart-shaped face with high cheekbones, and her eyes are a piercing fiery blue color.
Her white hair is almost always arranged in an unkempt bun, braids scattered here and there. When she lets her hair down, it falls to the center of her back in thick waves.
Her clothing usually consists of quality metal armor, or on the occasion when her armor is being repaired, leather armor. She wears tough boots that reach just below her knees, and always wears a fur cloak of some sort. Underneath her armor, she wears a loose black cotton shirt, and black pants.​
Personal Attributes

Galla is well-known among fellow Hellhounds to be one of the most ambitious warriors out there. Being one of the few folks without magic has caused Galla to do everything she can to make up for it with sheer physical power. She's definitely not the kind of woman you want to get into an argument with- her opponent is always guaranteed a good ol' knuckle sandwich.
Galla is a kind-hearted woman with some anger issues, but is also someone you could wholeheartedly trust. Sometimes you can be walking on eggshells around her, but other times Galla is the type of woman you can share a mug of ale and a good story with. She loathes those who are prejudiced against races that aren't their own, firmly believing in equality. Galla is more than willing to kick ass when, for the things and people she believes in.
Overall, her generally agreed upon reputation is that she's tougher than a bear, but is just as kind-hearted as she is tough.​

Galla hails from Kiallan, and was born into a wealthy family of sorcerers without the ability to wield magic, making her a great disappointment to her family. Wanting to pretend that their firstborn child wasn't magicless, Galla's parents sent her to live with a very distant and magicless relative in Donnwick when she was 5, just days before the Reaper's attack on Kiallan.
The Reaper's attack demolished Galla's hometown, and left most of her family dead.
Asa result of their deaths, Roran, the distant relative she'd been sent to, was stuck with Galla for good, and he made it abundantly clear that he in no way had wanted to keep her around. Roran was an older man who'd not intended to be stuck with children at the age of 52. He was an old bounty hunter, and wanted nothing more than to live in his countryside home alone.
After a few years of living in forced unison, and having thought deeply about how easily a monster was able to take out Kiallan, Galla began to pester Roran to teach her how to fight so that she could hunt monsters. At first, Roran refused, but Galla was persistent and he caved in, warning her that he'd show absolutely zero mercy while training her.
Galla realized Roran wasn't kidding about being merciless when he began to train her- and he constantly reminded her that endurance and resourcefulness was the key to surviving. Galla trained under Roran's strict ideals up until she was 19, learning how to fight with various weapons, how to track animals, monsters, and people, as well as how to pack a gnarly punch and how to properly fight and take someone down in as little time as possible.
Over the years, Galla had warmed up to Roran, and considered him to be a father figure- and of course by the time Roran considered her to be a tough and hardened warrior, he thought of her as a daughter he was intensely proud of.
At 19 years old, Galla left home to set off on her own journey, and to put her years of training to the test. Everything Roran had taught her helped her survive the many perils she faced. By the time she'd turned 20 years old, Galla had already made a name for herself as one of the toughest women in southern Donnwick and Kiallan, and she joined a small group of 3 monster-hunting mercenaries.
Her group took a job hunting down a pack of three giants that had caused chaos in a small town. As the tracker of the group, Galla easily led them after the monsters. They found the giants between fort Siane and Garas Harbor at the base of the Siane Mountains, and pursued them fearlessly. They managed to kill one of the giants before tragedy struck. The strongest sorceress of the group, Elaine, was backhanded into a boulder by one of the giants after it'd snuck up on her while she'd been preparing a spell to take out the second giant. The hit killed her almost immediately, and naturally, the strike threw the group off their groove, causing another member to be trampled under one of the giant's large feet.
With just one of the members left, and Galla by his side, they got a makeshift plan together in a matter of seconds. Galla distracted the two giants, narrowly missing death as they tried to catch her. Swiftly, Galla managed to slice the achilles tendon of one giant as her partner struck it in the face with a blast of angry fire. The giant clashed into the other, causing both of them to thrash and fall together. Galla acted quickly and ran along the back of one giant as quickly as she could, and buried her claymore hilt-deep into the base of its skull at the same moment her partner manipulated spikes of earth up into the giant's body. The second giant thrashed again, swinging it's fist out at Galla, but she ducked under it, only being missed by a couple of feet. Her partner mistakenly moved closer to the remaining giant in an attempt to get a hot-headed shot at it, getting himself crushed by the monster's fist.
Having witnessed the deaths of the only friends she'd ever managed to make, Galla was past the point of heartbreak— she saw red. While the giant was momentarily preoccupied by wiping it's bloodied fist on the grass, Galla took a spilt-second shot with a bow and two arrows, both arrows striking the giant in it's left eye. The giant roared in frustration and stood up as it pulled the arrows out,only to have two more strike its other eye, rendering the beast completely blind. It stumbled around as it looked for Galla. She moved over to one of the fallen giants and led the remaining one over towards her, getting it to trip over the dead one. Once it hit the ground, Galla took a chance and jumped onto its back like she had done with the other giant, attempting the same move. As the giant moved to stand again, Galla grabbed fistfulls of the beast's hair and did her best to climb the monster's back, as it tried to shake her off. She held strong until the giant managed to grab her and throw her up into the air, and when she came falling back down she saw her chance as the Giant bent forwards as if it thought Galla had already hit the ground, and she positioned her claymore properly. She landed on the giant's neck, and with every ounce of anger and strength in her body, she thrusted the weapon into the beast's spinal cord piercing through layers of skin and muscle, severing it and killing the creature.
After that battle, she made the trek back to the nobleman who'd hired her group with small trophies to prove that the monsters were dead. The nobleman recommended her to the Hellhounds, and after being accepted she worked hard to become a Paladin, and within a couple of years, she landed herself in the rose company, where she proudly remains to this day.​

Galla's two greatest strengths are her ironclad will, and her raw physical power. She refuses to let her lack of magic get in her way or define her, instead letting her ambition drive her to success. In a fight, Galla is able to easily overpower her opponent even despite her small stature. She's extremely resourceful, always finding a way to get out of a hairy situation. Along with being almost inhumanly strong, Galla carries great skill with a sword- or any kind of sharp object, really.​

Of course without the proper type of energy, one cannot produce magic. So naturally, Galla absolutely sucks at magic. Galla is fast, but she is not quiet, and she often gets into a little bit more trouble than she can handle.​
Magic & Equipment

Galla possesses zero ounces of magic.​

Weapon of Choice:
A claymore is her most preferred weapon of choice. If not a claymore, Galla opts to use a swordstaff.​

-One pouch that carries leather chord, a knife, and a spoon.
-A second pouch to carry money.
-A handmade leather pack slung across her back that carries small amounts of food and a knife for skinning animals.​
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Cinzel Decorative;
Morna Vaile

General Information

Full Name:
Captain Morna Vaile​

Stormbringer (honorary title from her home that stuck among some of the Hellhounds when they learned of it)​






Morna is about six and a half feet tall, fairly average for an elven woman. Her dark hair and grey eyes pair with her pale skin to give her a decidedly unlively appearance. Perhaps to offset this gloomy look, she is almost never seen without a few blue feathers stuck into the thick braid she usually wears her hair in. She is slender like most of her kind, but her years of fighting have given her body some obvious muscular definition that makes it impossible to view her as frail.​

Personal Attributes

Morna is a creature of dual natures, and those who get to know one side of her often find the other to be a surprise. Most of the time she is very calm and unexpressive, the sort of person who seems a rock in a chaotic world. This isn't to say she's emotionless, for she makes plenty of use of dry humor and sarcasm to express humor or dissatisfaction, and it's possible to note hints of the variety of emotions being suppressed in her eyes or slight changes in her face, but she tends toward being very reserved. However, when those walls come down, they come down hard. When Morna lets her normally contained emotions take the wheel she doesn't go halfway with it. Whether it be in a fight to the death or on a night when she decides to let loose and enjoy herself (and alcohol tends to dissolve those reserved walls quickly), she throws herself into the activity with burning rage or endless hedonistic merriment. Nobody has ever gotten a straight answer as to why Morna suppresses her emotions so fiercely in day to day life, but she does and most people come to accept it as just her particular brand of strangeness.​

For most of her life, Morna was nothing more than a mother and infrequent rain caller. She was born in Laeva, but in her youth her parents moved northward in Donnwick, first to Fullbridge City and then further north to a small farming town called Brannis. It was something of an offshoot of Fullbridge City, started by elves who ventured a goodly ways north of the bounds of the Eridia Forest, but quickly populated by humans as well, and it became a very peaceful place indeed.

Morna showed some natural aptitude for Natura magic from a relatively young age, the same magic her father knew, and so she began to learn its uses at an age when most children were still totally carefree. Her training focused on the more benevolent side of nature magic, speaking to animals and nurturing plants and calming inclement weather, but she was also given the basics of things like forming storm clouds and calling lightning. By the time she reached adulthood, she was adept with her magical arts and already surpassing her father's fairly unimpressive skills.

Those magical skills were used to the benefit of Brannis, and the people generally loved her for it. Morna was a bright and cheerful woman in those days, and it did not take her long after becoming recognized as an adult by elven standards to find a husband. Tamirel was a fairly simple man, but a kind and earnest one. He was a farmer who tended to large fields of wheat and bred oxen for farm work on the side, and Morna was content to join her life with his. She continued to develop her skills in Natura magic by aiding the growth of his crops and cattle, and after some decades of this peaceful life she discovered a knack for dealing with diseases of both plant and beast. There were a couple accidents as she learned to control this side of her magic, resulting in some blighted crops and one dead oxen, but eventually she got the hang of it and was able to guide natural diseases into harmless paths that left their would-be victims alive and well.

Things changed a bit when Morna became a mother. She was only 154, somewhat young amongst elves to have a child, but not indecently so. Morna became more serious with the duties of motherhood added to her life, but she still filled the lives of those around her with cheer. Vanir, the male child of Morna and Tamirel, was the only child of their union, as was normal for elvish couples. He was a wild child and got into all sorts of trouble, but being the son the greatly respected Morna the Stormbringer, so named for having once toiled in a summer of drought to keep all the farmland watered, allowed him to get away without too much trouble.

Life was good for nearly a century. Brannis prospered, peace and wealth flourished, and the rare problems were easily handled. This of course changed when the monsters appeared. A giant attacked Brannis in 1417 HD, and many lives were lost before men and women wielding farming implements and the few magic users in town managed to bring it down. Soon after, walls and other fortifications were built around the once-peaceful farming town, though they didn't do much to deter the giants that came to harass them every few months in those first years of the monster attacks. Things grew better once the army got more used to fighting these new foes and the Queen's Hellhounds were formed, but life was never quite the same. Morna got a lot of practice in the more violent side of Natura magic, and she became one of the primary defenders of Brannis when the Queen's soldiers were not available.

Vanir had discovered a talent for what seemed to be Alchemy, particularly an ability to reinforce tools such that a direct blow from an axe barely scuffed them, and after much consideration and discussion Morna and Tamirel decided that it would be best to send him to get a proper education. They had plenty of money saved, for they lived frugally and Morna received many gifts from folks grateful for her magical assistance, and so they decided to pay to send him to the place that seemed both safest and best for his magical education. In 1448 HD, Vanir set off for Wistoria Academy in Kiallan. He kept in frequent contact with them and sent evidence of his great progress when he could, and it seemed they had certainly made the best choice.

Four years later, news of the devastation of Kiallan had a similar effect on the bereaved parents. While Morna was stricken with grief, Tamirel was utterly broken by it. Two years after the loss of their son, Morna buried Tamirel next to the empty grave marked with Vanir's name; he had wasted away, and no matter how much Morna tried to save her husband it was no disease at all, just grief and a lack of will to go on. Morna knew she had nothing left to live for from that day onward, and so she vowed to herself that she would instead die for something worthwhile: she would fight and kill as many monsters as she could until they finally claimed her too, hopefully to rest with her departed husband and son in the afterlife.

Morna spent a few years in Laeva learning from some Natura masters who recognized her name from various stories that made their way south. After they deemed her skilled enough to use her magic to truly protect others, in much less time than she'd expected, Morna returned to Donnwick and joined the Queen's Army. She spent almost a decade with them, honing her combat skills in both magic and weaponry as well as learning the ways of war, and rose to the rank of Captain before being recommended to the Queen's Hellhounds by the Commander of her regiment. She was being considered for an unconventional promotion to Commander of her own regiment, considered for it despite being a peasant by birth because of her great accomplishments and tireless dedication to fighting the monsters that threatened the land, but the Commander determined that her skills would be better used in the Hellhounds than in the command structure of the army and sent her to Evanis with a satchel full of recommendation letters from himself and half a dozen other high ranking noblemen in the army who agreed with his assessment.

The training and evaluation required to join the Queen's Hellhounds proved to be of little challenge to Morna. Her ability to hurl lightning directly from her hands, rather than needing to build up storm clouds as many offensive Natura mages found necessary, was deemed particularly useful for combating monsters. In her three years and change with the Hellhounds, Morna rose to the rank of Captain once more before being selected for the Rose Company. Her reputation as a ruthless and effective warrior made her exactly the sort of person who someone would want at their side to fight a dragon, and she presumes that was precisely why she was chosen for the elite squad a few months ago. It is still fairly new to her, but she has taken to the work with the same ceaseless determination as she has displayed whenever fighting against the monsters who took everything from her.​

Morna is very good at her particular style of magic, and it is undoubtedly her greatest strength. She is particularly deadly when she can get the drop on an enemy: few beings, man or monster, can react in time to do anything to defend themselves from a bolt of lightning already racing toward them by the time they see it. Speed and precision is her forte all around, and staying on the move with quick strikes of magic or weapon is how she's survived so long fighting the likes of giants and banshees. This style of constant movement has allowed her to build up an impressive level of physical endurance for fights, allowing her to keep going strong where men and women swinging around two-handed weapons would be on the verge of collapse. Her skill with a spear and shield is about on par with the average Hellhound, which is very good indeed, but those of a more martial inclination among the Rose Company tend to be better with pure weapon fighting and beat her in sparring without much trouble.​

Morna is not particularly sturdy; if she takes a hit, it's going to hurt bad. This is in part due to her choice to wear lighter armor for the sake of mobility, and in part because elves are not known for their hardiness. While she's physically stronger than most people in general, she's not even close to a match for raw strength to most men in the army, let alone the Hellhounds or the Rose Company, and this again is in large part due to her fighting style emphasizing speed and precision over strength. She's better at hand-to-hand combat than the average person, but anyone with real training and skill (or overwhelming strength) can throw her around like a ragdoll if they get their hands on her. Morna has a reckless streak when it comes to children: if she sees one in danger she will throw herself at the threat, even if it's an obviously lost cause, and this has nearly cost her her life more than once. Though minor compared to some magic users, there is a delay in Morna's use of magic caused by the need to say a brief incantation, and for a speedy enemy that might be enough of an opening to exploit.​

Magic & Equipment

Morna is very skilled with Natura magic, particularly in controlling the weather and summoning lightning. Her ability with lightning is so advanced that she doesn't need any sort of natural storm or magically created one in order to call it, she can simply create it and cast it out of her own hands at will, and she has not yet found a limit to how often she can do it. She has gone hours and hours in training and in combat hurling lightning without much pause, but her strength in that regard never waned even as her body grew exhausted.

Morna's weaknesses are basically everything else to do with Natura magic. She's okay at talking to animals, manipulating plants, and both causing and manipulating natural diseases, but in none of those facets is she as skilled as she is with weather related powers. With animals she is capable only of simple communication, with plants she can speed their growth and ensure their health but cannot manipulate them in any unnatural ways, and for diseases she can just start them or accelerate them or soften their symptoms without much control of degree. Combat-wise, the greatest weakness of Morna's magic is that it is purely offensive without any useful defensive applications, other than to shoot lightning at nearby enemies and hope they back off. Another slight combat weakness is that each bolt of lightning requires a short incantation to be spoken and a hand motion to be made to direct it, just a couple syllables spoken and a pointed finger for the simplest of her spells in that regard, but it's enough to be exploited by very quick opponents. Weather manipulation requires long minutes to do anything major, and her lesser spells generally take at least half a minute for the words to be spoken to communicate with animals or similar.​

Weapon of Choice:
Spear and light shield.​

Light leather shield
Leather armor
Knife in hip sheath (more for utility than combat)
Basic supply pack (bedroll, rations, waterskin, flint and steel)
Coin pouch (assorted silver worth 2 gold bars and 1 gold piece currently)
Three blue feathers, magically blessed to be immune to the wear of time and weather​

CREDITS: Background image by PaulineMoss on Deviantart, character art by ae-rie on Deviantart.
Song link because restricted playback in some regions is dumb.
~Taria Barlen~

General Information

Full Name:
Taria Barlen, Lieutenant​

Tari, Ria, Barley​




Bisexual (demisexual)​

The Queendom of Donnwick, though she was born and lived most of her life in Oris, Kiallan​

Taria isn't the tallest human around, reaching a mighty height of 5'3. Though she weighs about average for that height, she is stronger than one would expect, little fat and mostly muscle, a lean and wiry sort from all the training she has received from childhood. Despite this, she has a rather feminine countenance. Fair skinned with a touch of rose in her cheeks, she carries no blemishes or scars of a hard life, at least not on her face. Her eyes are a dark brown, surrounded by thick black lashes that give her a softer and more innocent look than she may actually be. As for her raven hair, Taria likes to keep it open and unhindered.​

Personal Attributes

To an outsider, Taria would seem as if she was a rather strict and unbending person, who abides by the rules and had no ambitions of her own. They would, of course, be wrong. While Taria strives to live by the law and do all she can to keep from breaking it, she still has her own opinions about what it right and what is wrong. A strong sense of honour keeps her actions in check... for the most part. Justice and mercy however may occasionally guide her to doing things she normally wouldn't.​

Apart from this, Taria sees herself as simply someone trying hard to strive in the right direction, whatever that may be. As such, she is often quiet and thoughtful, to the point of seeming like a wallflower. Socializing is a skill she still needs to learn, treating others much more stiffly than would be the norm, even among those she is close to or considers friends. That being said, she does have a softer side to her which can be seen when caught off guard or flustered.​

Taria was born to Rendyn and Seline Barlen, though she did not spend too much time with them. Her father had passed away due to a skirmish when she was a mere five years of age, and as for her mother, she succumbed to sickness when Taria was barely thirteen. Such a grim childhood would surely have been the death of her in a place like Oris, but she was lucky enough to have an uncle and aunt who took her in.​

Gerrant and Merianne Barlen had often wished for children of their own but were unable to conceive due to health issues. There was no doubt in their mind when they took their niece into their home and adopted her as their own child. Taria may not have had her biological parents for long, but her uncle and aunt gave her all the love and support she needed whilst growing up. It helped that they were a wealthy family in such an impoverish land and that they needn't worry about the monsters that ravished the rest of the land.

Despite the love and affection she received, this in no way left her a pansy. Gerrant was very strict with her training, having grown up in a military family himself. As soon as she was under her new guardians her training began, and by the time she was fifteen she was proficient in most bladed weapons. She was also made to read more than the average child and as such had a good grasp of history.

It was during these years of training that Taria realized she had an apt for magic. It didn't surprise Gerrant as the Barlen family usually had one or two magic wielder every generation. As it turned out, she was like him in more than just her weapon prowess, being able to summon a creature like he could, though she brought forth a unicorn while his incantations brought forth a lion large enough to ride into battle

Despite his family and house servants being satisfied, Gerrant himself was not happy with the state of his beloved homeland. There was something not quite right, and he did not trust those who advised the King. Whilst there was a semblance that all was well, it was clear for anyone who lived in Kiallan that all was not well. Gerrant wished to do something, but he couldn't risk Merianne nor Taria's life. His attempts to have his wife move to Donnwick fell on deaf ears, but Taria understood his concern.

The Barlen name, while not the most famous was respected enough that a letter from Lord Gerrant would be taken seriously. Armed with a recommendation letter, Taria made the journey to Donnwick, ready to join the Queen's Hellhounds.
Having spent most of her life with a sword in her hand, Taria is obviously proficient at using blade weapons of any type, though she prefers a broadsword. She is not afraid to get herself in a dangerous situation, knowing she has years of training on her side.

Alongside this is Taria's own physical strength, strength and pain tolerance. She is able to lift and carry objects of considerable weight, can keep walking for long periods of time, and if need be will keep herself from sleeping all day if there is danger present. She takes her duties very seriously, and her stubbornness further strengthens her.​

Despite her tolerance for pain, Taria suffers from osteoarthritis, causing pain when her knees remained in a locked position for a long time.

Her left hand is weaker than her right and prone to ache with both true as well as phantom pain from an accident that occurred some years ago in training. As such she keeps her hand wrapped under her gloves and usually uses her right hand for most affairs.​

Magic & Equipment

Conjuro- Taria has the ability to summon a large battle unicorn to her side when needed. Named Prongs due to the odd two horns on his forehead, he has been the one and only creature she has been able to bring to her side since her first time attempting to use conjuro. Whilst his horns and cloven hooves are deadly weapons, his speed makes it so that most of the time he seems like a blur to others.


Weapon of Choice:
A broadsword (preferably an enchanted one)​

*Enchanted Broadsword - The sword has been enchanted to emit flames of blue and white colour.
*Leather armour
*A knife for personal use strapped to her waist
*Rucksack with basic travelling gear including extra clothes, a thin blanked and nonperishable rations
*Money bag containing one gold bar, ten silver pieces and twenty copper pieces​
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General Information
Full Name:
Paladin Hale Sandor Valentine







The Queendom of Donnwick, though born and raised in Rynal

Hale stands at a reasonable 5'10", lean and muscular from the Hellhound training and life in the Rynal. Pale features as if carved from marble, sit upon a lean body crossed by scars. Pale white stubble grows on his face in the summer and spring, usually replaced by a thin beard in the winter and fall. His face seems to set in an unmoving smirk, and his icy grey eyes seem to never stay still, always flitting about.

Typically, Hale wears plain clothes. Grey tunics and dark pants, along with knee high riding boots complete the ensemble. Never one for frills, his unornamented attire echoes the spartan traditions of his home kingdom. He also wears a necklace decorated by an ever increasing amount of black pearls, one added whenever he breaks a noble, warlord, or someone who resisted all other attempts from different interrogators. Currently he stands at seven pearls, hoping for an eighth in the near future.

Personal Attributes
Hale is a like a colt. In battle, he will stand beside you till the last drop of blood drains from his body. But he grows impatient and restless in the time it takes to track the monster, only to release the pent up energy in a furious burst.

Off the battlefield, he can be found in one of the many taverns scattered across the cities, drinking and socializing. Behind the outwardly stoic exterior, there's a man with plenty of jokes and stories to tell. Chipped teeth form an awkward smile, while normally pale cheeks go rosy red in drunken happiness.
In general, Hale is a smug bastard. Never missing a chance to prod his comrades with a backhanded remark or halfhearted insult. It's always in play, and with his best intentions. But cross him, and you might feel like someone ran you through while he stares you down.

Hale was born in Rynal, a kingdom both respected and hated for its powerful army and warmonger traditions. His childhood was spent learning both physical and mental skills, from combat to arithmetic. As with most Rynal boys, he went and joined the Kings Army as soon as he could, marching off to fight the monsters.

As a young man, Hale both excelled and failed in certain aspects of military life. His skill with both blade and hand was perfect, and he was usually the most successful of his group of recruits when it came to combat exercises. Yet the rigid nature of training limited him. Hale had definite problems. He often had problems listening to orders, and tended to be more of an outlier.

As he didn't have many friends, he spent much of his time reading about anything he could find a book on. Often it was magic, and Hale tried long and hard to find some power within him. Finally, a dusty old book with a quartered black and green cover told him of Vitalis magic. It seemed nice enough, being able to heal people and himself. But what seemed even more interesting was the darker side of it, essentially pain magic.

So Hale decided to attempt Vitalis, he needed a living being. So he crept through a forest near the outpost he was stationed in, finding a sleeping deer that seemed to have a shallow cut in its side. Pulling out the book, he whispered the incantation. Nothing. He tried the next, and the next, and the next. Still nothing. On a whim, he turned to the back of the book, the death magic. Whispering a basic spell, saw that the once congealed cut had begun to bleed again. Whispering another spell, this time with more confidence, he heard a crack. The deer's leg had undoubtedly been snapped, now at an unnatural angle. Hale would tell no one of this, simply moving back to the outpost.

In three weeks time, the outpost had come under attack by a group of raiders. The twenty or so soldiers had run out, only to the immediately assailed by blades and bows. Hale had run out in the front line, only to suffer an unfortunate arrow in the shoulder. While the battle raged around him, he struggled for one memory, the name of the spell. It hit him like a tidal wave, knowledge pushing to his brain.

In that frenzy, a yell punctuated the din of combat, followed by a scream. One of the bandits fell to the ground, racked by seizures. The others saw the now recovered form of Hale, a constant stream of curses coming from his mouth. He was court martialed for that outburst, judged guilty of untrained magic use.

But the judge decided that someone who seemed to share such an innate talent for magic could not go to waste, and an appeal was brought up for Hale to join the Hellhounds for a certain period and therefore gain redemption in the eyes of the state. Hale accepted with vigor, and was transferred to Rose Company so as to be under closer supervision. Currently, he is four years into an eight year tenure.

Hale excels in brutal, hand to hand combat. He can plow through grunts like five men, hammer and shield crushing everything. He's also very proficient at torture and non-lethal combat, using his Vitalis to wrack them with muscle spasms and pain.

As he plows through unskilled soldiers, he suffers against duelists. Though a skilled warrior in his own right, Hale lacks the technique and finesse required for drawn out duels.

Magic & Equipment
Hale is possessed of an affinity for Vitalis magic, specifically Death magic. He can fill people with feelings of dread, or wrack them with horrible seizures. He is often utilized as an interrogator when Rose Company requires one, and does a damn good job at it.

Weapon of Choice:
Mortis, his warhammer


Hale wears a suit of armor designed for mobility and protection in equal measure. He wears a Sallet helm (real life equivalent is the German sallet) which covers about half his head, with chainmail covering his neck. A steel cuirass covers his torso, with pauldrons and bicep protectors that end at his elbow. He wears steel gauntlets that cover his hands and the majority of his forearms. His thighs are unarmored, with the exception of the long sleeved chainmail tunic that he wears, which extends to just above his knees. Steel shin guards are strapped above his riding boots, just for good measure.


  • Mortis, his warhammer. One side is a hammerhead, while the other is a spike. It's light enough and long enough to be used both one or two handed.
  • Heater Shield

  • Armor

  • Pack containing rations, bedroll, coins, survival tools, etcetera

  • Small Knife

  • Camp Ax
Jakob Junco

General Information

Full Name:
Marshal Jakob Junco​

"Jak" ("But don't call me that!!")​






Jakob stands at 5'6" in height, slightly smaller than most human men of this world. His body is a self-described "lean, green, disconcerting machine". What Jakob may lack in build and stature, he assuredly contests with his boundless energy for assignments from the Crown Princess. There is a somewhat wild look ever-present upon Jakob's face, but those who know him are aware that underneath superficialities lies one of the bravest hearts among them, if not the wisest, by far.

A mock of windswept raven hair covers Jakob's head, covering the tops of his ears, one of which is pierced by a small gold earring. His face is clean-shaven, though stubbled when afield, and one of his eyebrows is oft-raised in an appearance of surprise.

Preferring to wear clothes of an adventurous air, Jakob will not forego fashion for function, and as such, his styles are a mixture of both. Typically, this manifests as a custom-made and color-coordinated combination of a vest, overcoat, breeches, and tall boots. Since Jakob's combat techniques rely not on heavy armor, the functional aspect is more for comfort, freedom of movement, and when required, climate.

Jakob has only one arm. His right arm was, at birth, found to have simply never grown. Upon magical probing later in life, it was also found that Jakob is missing a kidney. In spite of these birth defects, Jakob has pursued a life he found worthy of himself, that being to serve in the Rose Company of Crown Princess Artemis. As for practicality, he has adapted quite well to the loss of limb in both daily life and battle. While perhaps not as dexterous for the mundanities of sewing or alchemy, Jakob is able to substitute the elemental powers at his control in place of a limb.​

Personal Attributes

Jakob has a reputation for being brash, even to the point of foolhardiness, and all for the sake of thrill. This is only one side of the coin of his leadership qualities, however; he didn't make the rank of Hellhounds Marshal for no reason. Though far from warmongering, Jakob is eager to take on any mission the Crown Princess has at hand. The quiet life of a citizen held no interest for him.

He has a wandering gaze, especially if he holds no interest in the topic at hand. Always aware of the whole situation, at the cost of missing what's right in front of him sometimes, Jakob is more likely to charge into battle with no plan apart from "hack & slash". Even so, such a frontal assault is not brutal, but drifting and powerful as a carriage under control of a drunkard. His movement unpredictable for lack of common sense makes it difficult for enemies to keep track.

The Hellhounds thought Jakob was a bit insane, but trusted the judgment of the Commander for his advancement. The Rose Company understands him only slightly better. He has completed all his missions dependably, successfully, and with a certain je ne sais quoi. Perhaps it is the flair of the ever-burning spirit deep within, forever longing for something more exciting.​

Born and raised in Eredien, Jakob spent his years in relative comfort as the son of a middle-class artisan. Nothing eventful to him occurred until his eleventh year of age. Jakob was kept overlong at school, and that night, fate saw fit to send a pack of roving giants on a rampage near the city walls. Terror erupted, and poor young Jakob was caught up in turmoil. He managed to find safety away from the monsters while they were subdued, but by the time he returned to his home, he found it had become nothing more than a pile of ash and bones. Traumatized by that night, Jakob found resolve in the strength of the knights who defeated the giants, and thereafter aspired to become like them.

Jakob had a natural aptitude for the school of Elementa, and powers that had begun to spark before the fateful night now burst into being. He was placed into a combined orphanage and school for gifted children using what remained of his family's bank savings, and taught control over the elements, as well as finishing his basic education. After graduation from this school, he became a butcher's apprentice, though he loved not the toil. Jakob practiced ever more and more with his powers, becoming stronger and more attuned to the ones he knew. Sometimes, at night, seeking even more power, he would venture outside of the city with a dagger and staff.

At least, until another giant arrived. As before, it attacked a city patrol at night, this time hunting alone, approaching dangerously close to the city. This time, Jakob thought he had the power to fight such a monster, and harnessed the power of wind to soar over the city walls, ignoring the lamentations of his mentor. Plunging nearly 100 feet, Jakob thrust his dagger into the monster's neck and rode down its side to carve a gory slit from the head to the feet. He landed safely, turned around, and was immediately knocked aside by a monstrous leg. Bleeding and with a broken leg, Jakob wove a spell of terrifying power -- coalescing from nearby rocks a meteor to crush the giant from above. He smiled weakly as he saw the fruits of his labor, and collapsed.

He awoke two days later in forced transport, in a carriage on the way to the Hellhounds. Apparently furious at his foolhardy attempt at protecting the city, his mentor had paid for his full healing, and then signed him over as a nomination to the Hellhounds. "If nothing else, you'll come to see you're nothing special, and let the rigor of the Hellhounds beat that into your empty skull." So read the butcher's last letter to him. Jakob stared at it, and then with a strange sensation of both terror and freedom, let it be whisked away by the winds of the world.

And yet, for some reason, Jakob took well to this rigor. The Hellhounds accepted him quickly when hearing of the circumstances of his arrival. He took the usual training, and passed the evaluation, but just barely. This, at the age of 20; now, 10 years later, he has become a trusted member of even the Rose Company. Presumably, the butcher, if he still lives, would be staggered.​

Deft: aiding himself via wind and earth magic, Jakob can dodge easily the blows of many standard attacks.
Stamina: as long as he doesn't blow all his concentration on an enormous spell, Jakob can easily stay in the midst of battle.
Unpredictable: in single combat, Jakob is hardly matched, due to the unique battle style he's developed due to lacking his right arm.​

- Two hands are better than one, undeniably. There are certain situations where another limb would help out, but Jakob makes do with what he can.
- Comparatively weaker to the other Rose Company members in raw physical strength.
- Foolhardy. More likely to rush into battle before a strategy has been developed.​

Magic & Equipment

Elementa: Air, Earth, Water, and Shadow. Jakob has extensive practice with each of these elements, though feels most comfortable with a combination of Air and Earth.

If he is not careful, Jakob is likely to blow his stamina on huge, reckless attacks at the beginning of battle, not pacing himself in the slightest. He must strive harder to keep himself in check, and not lose control. Nothing major has yet come of this, and none of his men ever fell in battle, but there were several close calls over the years.​

Weapon of Choice:

[Runic] Silver Dagger - one edge is serrated, the other is straight. A rune is inscribed to each side of the blade, and a third to its pommel.
Light Armor - Though he prefers to wear no armor at all for battle, Jakob possesses a set of thin yet tough metal armor. https://darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Dark-Souls-3/wolf_knight_armor.png
Water flask
3 vials
Coin pouch: 10 gold pieces, 10 silver pieces​
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Ryan Kronis

General Information

Full Name:
Lieutenant Ryan Kronis​

Rye, Lil' Rye-rye​





His allegiance is to the Queendom of Donnwick but he hails from Bellhorne, Eredien.​

Ryan isn't all that tall, standing at only 5'8 with a physicality that isn't by any means bad, just average, if not somewhat below average. His musculutar borders on the wiry side though he's not very well defined or anything. He wears an eyepatch over his left eye usually, mostly when reading, but this is not because he is missing one of his beautiful hazel eyes as both are still in tact. His hands are littered with a few burns and scars but that just adds flavor. His complexion is somewhat pale yet smooth, most likely from spending the majority of his time indoors, but his hands are littered with burns and bruises. His hair is somewhat well kept, mostly to keep out of the way of his work and he carries a cheeky and aloof look, most commonly a grin.​

Personal Attributes

At a first glance, Ryan might come across as unhinged, mad and disconnected. That's not to say he prefers no company or finds himself quiet or feeling awkward. Oh no, It's far worse than that. He prefers the company of people and he does find himself talking quite a bit, and never feeling awkward about the things he says, no matter how crazy and out of place they might be. But truth be told, he's really just an intelligent and eccentric man who might have seen and memorized way too many things.

Despite how draining he might be to hang around, he's genuinely a nice guy, if not a little conniving. He doesn't mind sticking his neck out for others and being afraid of risking his life is something he seems to lack alltogether. He doesn't mind doing the occasional favor, and while he might not do them with the intention of being owed, he isn't so far above reminding people of those favors when it comes to getting something he wants.​

Born to Tyrus and Clara Kronis of Bellhorn, Ryan was always a quick study. He learned to speak before he could even walk, and was able to read earlier than most of his peers. As he grew it became pretty obvious he was well ahead of his peers mentally, and this became even more clear as he aged, in large part thanks to his powerful memory. He was the pride of his parents.

Well…that is…until they found his magical affinity was that of Alchemy (how lame!). His parents thought of Alchemy as largely useless, especially his mother, it was a little upsetting to them that their baby boy wasn't born with Elementa or even Illusio, but hey, he was still their son! To them, it was just one small disappointment, but to Ryan, it was an opportunity.

Fueled by underdog vibes and quite a bit of coffee and knowledge, Ryan was quick to learn the ways of Alchemic magic and climbed his way to becoming highly skilled in the school, particularly the art of enchanting and blessing gear and utensils. It was through this that he made his living, selling gear for things like protection, pranks, and parties (mostly pranks) to support himself financially while he continued to learn. But one can only sit with his nose in a book for long. Eventually, you get bored of reading about things and would rather experience them, and that's where Ryan quickly found himself: hungry for adventure and thirsty for action.

It was this thirst that led him to enlist in the military, and in the frontlines as well, much to his father's chagrin and his mother's pride. Tyrus wanted him to keep his head down and nose in a book while Clara herself took pride in his decision. Her son…a military man! Admittedly, both had little to no confidence in his ability to take care of himself on the battlefield. Sure, they'd seen Alchemists do some cool stuff, but those guys were at it for a long time. Their lil' Rye-Rye was just a nerd, a super nerd sure, but still a nerd. Could he survive fighting against these terrible monsters?

Could he do it..?

Well, it turns out he could. Not only did he return alive, he had made quite the name for himself on the battlefield. As the years passed his reputation and skill grew until he had caught the attention of the Hellhounds where he's served for the last 5 years.

  • Eidetic Memory: Ryan has incredible memory. He only has to see, hear, smell, touch or even taste something and he'll memorize it and can recall that information with perfect accuracy.
  • High Intelligence and ingenuity: Perhaps his most useful trait, he's pretty smart, bookwise and field wise. Need a strategy planned? He's your man. Need help with dat' potion? He's your guy.
  • Studious: The guy loves knowledge. He's always on the prowl for information.
  • Fairly Proficient in the ways of combat with a staff.

  • Eccentricity: Not a formal weakness, but his eccentric attitude and seemingly eagerness to take risks can make him difficult to work with.
  • Durability: A direct effect of his decision to wear light armor, Ryan can't take very many blows before being subdued.
  • Physicality: Ryan finds himself placed in the lower tiers of the Hellhounds when it comes to physical strength. He's more brains than brawn.

Magic & Equipment

Ryan is much more than "well-versed" in the school of Alchemy. He's studied and practiced for years and this combined with his memory and intelligence is what results in his mad skills with the magic.While he is capable of creating golems, his experise lies in the enchanting portion of Alchemy. He's capable of placing many enchantments on items that can augment their many uses. Need a sword that can cleave through rock with ease? Sure thing! Heck, he can even give you some enchanted socks that moo every time you take a step (He wears a pair that honks like a goose on occasion).​

Weapon of Choice:
Enchanted Staff: Ryan's favorite utensil to do anything with. Set someone on fire, scratch his back, pick up his socks off the floor or poke someone with. He sinks a lot of time and effort into taking care of this baby. While he has yet to formally name it, this staff is his main weapon for offense. The staff is capable of mimicing Elementia magic and is his favored form of offense.​

  • Beloved enchanted staff
  • Leather armor
  • Seaxe kept strapped to his side
  • A coin pouch with 10 gold pieces, 3 silver and 15 copper
Ria Arnasuudë
General Information

Full Name:
Riamera Arnasuudë​

Ria (prefers over her full name)​


60 yrs​




Six foot two and lithe with light skin lightly freckled across the bridge of her nose, Ria keeps her long black hair in a thick braid. Symbolizing her nature magic, she has muted brown facial tattoos in the style of branching vines that curve from the outer points of her narrow eyebrows around her steel-gray eyes to trail off halfway down her cheeks.

She always dresses in practical, sturdy clothing, usually a gray cotton tunic under a leather jacket with brown woolen trousers and lace-up leather boots. She also has a mottled cloak, slightly ragged along the lower hem from years of wear. The sheath for her sword, carved in intricate elven designs, hangs from her left hip on a dark leather belt, and the pouch of vine seeds that she uses in casting hangs from her opposite hip. Her only trinket, usually hidden in the collar of her tunic, is a small, gilded oak leaf on a matching necklace which she retains from her woodland home.​

Personal Attributes

Daring and stubborn to the point of seeming fearless at times, Ria is adventurous and rather tomboyish with near-total confidence in her abilities. She's orderly and honest with a fierce loyalty toward those with whom she has formed a bond, but her active and dynamic nature can make her a bit overwhelming at times. Despite this, she loves to socialize and her natural charisma paired with a good sense of humor helps her turn a stranger into a friend in a single conversation. Although her inclinations toward independence and wanderlust make it difficult for her to serve under anyone, her perseverance combined with a strong sense of patriotism encourage her to tough out the hardships and limitations her ascension through society has brought. On top of this, she is highly intelligent and clever with an affinity for logic that adds to a usually ignored talent for leadership.​

Born in 1410 to a middle-class Laevan family, Ria proved herself something of a spitfire from a young age. Her parents did their best to raise her as a proper elven lady, but all the while she was practicing swordplay and other such sports with like-minded friends. She also spent a great deal of time alone in the woodlands, developing Natura abilities with an affinity practically unparalled among her peers.

As she matured, she soon grew bored with the stagnance and stubborn rules of Laevan culture and snuck out in search of adventure at twenty-four years of age. She gained a bit more than she had bargained for, encountering her first giant only months after leaving her home town and narrowly escaping with her life, but with further encounters and near-death experiences, she increased in her skill to become a formidable warrior. All the while she remained a nomadic adventurer, building knowledge and forming friendships as she roamed the continent.

While in the kingdom of Eredien, her invaluable assistance in fighting off a number of monster attacks on a major city, bolstered by her reputation, earned her a nomination for the Hellhounds from the lord of that city. Even when she received word back that her nomination had been approved, however, she remained hesitant and uncertain about her eligibility for such a position, accustomed to a solitary and independent state of life starkly contrasted by the strictly regimented nature of the company. After time to consider, however, she admitted to herself that as the severity of monster attacks increased, she no longer retained much of her initial confidence in her abilities as a solo adventurer, and that fighting in the company would be a much more efficient method of defending her homeland. With these in mind, she arrived at the Cypress District in the spring of 1468 to begin her training.

As expected, she initially had some issues with chain of command due to the lifestyle to which she was accustomed, but otherwise she excelled in her new role, accepted into the Hellhounds without needing the second-chance period. After about a year in a smaller company, in which she advanced to the rank of a lieutenant, she was promoted to the Rose Company in the autumn of 1469.​

✧ wilderness survival
✧ quick adaptation to new environments
✧ advanced swordsmanship
✧ martial arts-style training
✧ skilled climber
✧ some practice with archery
✧ fantastic storyteller
✧ decent musician on ocarina​

✧ focus on melee
✧ very little experience with barren or desert regions
✧ no seafaring experience, although she was working in that direction prior to Hellhounds application​

Magic & Equipment

Magic: Natura
✧ weather manipulation
✧ plant growth acceleration
✧ animal command
✧ can only accelerate growth of already present plants (carries plant seeds to have something to work with at all times—prefers vines)
✧ must be constantly focused on weather condition for it to remain as she is casting it
✧ can only command nonsentient animals and only through suggestion (although it usually works)​

Weapon of Choice:

✧ shortsword
sturdy travel pack containing:
✧ simple bedroll
✧ messkit
✧ tinderbox
✧ waterskin, moderately used
✧ 50 ft of hemp rope, lightly used
✧ bandages
✧ whetstone
✧ moleskin travel journal
✧ ocarina
✧ packet of vine seeds​

credit to warden surana on Tumblr for faceclaim art, I think—I was having a lot of trouble finding the original image
music is "Across Mountains and Seas" by Black Coyote
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