• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Queer as Fuck
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
Fantasy, Modern Fantasy, Horror, Light Romance, Sci-Fi Fantasy, Fandoms (Star Wars, Harry Potter, Marvel/DC)

Lore || Sign-Ups || In-Character || Discord ||
Forum ooc

The world of Eymia is in chaos. Monsters such as dragons, Cerberus, and even banshees ravage the eight kingdoms, and only the Queen's Hellhounds from Donnwick stand a real chance against them. They are an elite force, defeating one monster at a time. But every time they seem to get closer to eradicating the threat, more monsters appear. No one knows where they have come from or who created them. It is only certain that they are here to utterly destroy everything you hold dear.

You are a member of the most elite company in the Queen's Hellhounds--the Rose Company. Your commander is Crown Princess Artemis Carrow of Donnwick. Although you have the confidence of Eymia, you know that the situation is only getting worse. And recently, the monsters have begun to attack like a well-trained army, where before their movements seemed entirely random. It is up to you and the rest of your company to save Eymia, but you're not entirely sure it's possible...​
I can't wait to give the lore a proper reading this evening. Thanks for creating such an incredible roleplay. :)
Kim...... this is beautiful. I can't promise I'll be able to join, but I am heckin' interested!
Hmm interest is piqued
I love this- count me in!
I posted in the OOC, but I'll post here as well. Interested :3

Nearly finished reading all the lore.
I'm posting here to express my interest! \o/
Can't promise I'll be able to join in the end, but I'll make an effort.
  • Love
Reactions: Rae and Joan
  • Love
Reactions: Mars Walker
Im also interested if there's still room. :)