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it’s better then they’re a little bit of a loser.
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  1. Not accepting invites at this time
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  1. Slow As Molasses
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  1. Adept
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
// OOC


the land of takamagahara has always been populated with numerous youkai, sealed away from the prying eyes of humans. the beautiful, picturesque land is closed off by a ring of cherry blossom trees, all ever in bloom and unyielding to weather and damage.

it's another lovely spring. the sky is a bright blue, dotted with lazy clouds. the youkai are dancing, and the cherry blossoms are... blooming? for some odd reason, despite it being the season where the barrier would be at its strongest, the trees that have stood against time are slowly starting to die, but for what reason?

rumor has it that a handful of rogue youkai are planning to open up the abandoned Hell, freeing a youkai long sealed away for good reason.

why hello there, this will be a fantasy adventure roleplay. of course, it's still very basic, and i'd like to plot and plan with others to make this a great story! because this is quite an open world, i would like to worldbuild with others as well!

i am a GM with little to no experience. I've always been exclusively a one-on-one roleplayer or a participant in group roleplays, I will be willing to balance this roleplay with my players.

posting expectations: intermediate - advanced
posting speed: -
preferable: multiple characters
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I like this idea....

INTERESTED! IDK how much help I can be, but I really love Youkai and the spirit realm.
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I already have a character idea....
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Well, time to call in the cool crew of stuff and things and stuff I guess.


Oh and I guess @EVagesIL might want to hop in.

Quite a lot of yokai to choose from. Maybe I'll go with some choices that I'd least expect others to go with.

Like a Gashadokuro.

Most of the choices in my head are varieties of Tsukumogami.

But yeah, I'm kinda good at Yokai lore, and I'd love to contribute my bit of lore and such.
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Oh very interesting idea, but I will have to pass. I am far too busy with other rps and school
The fuck is a Youk- *googles Yuoukai* Oooooooh okay. Today i learned what a Youkai is.

Alright, I'm willing to help here. Give me some more detail to work with, tell me more about life for a Youkai in your RP. What do they typically. What's the Youkai community like.
The fuck is a Youk- *googles Yuoukai* Oooooooh okay. Today i learned what a Youkai is.

Alright, I'm willing to help here. Give me some more detail to work with, tell me more about life for a Youkai in your RP. What do they typically. What's the Youkai community like.
Mm, in this world, youkai live in a society very much like yours and mine. Most of them come from outside the cherry tree barrier, and start aging when they become sentient (such as when a mirror becomes a hundred years old) and turn into a youkai. Some of them are born through childbirth, and things like that as well. Society is very feudal Japan era-ish, but life is very country like. Youkai are pretty relaxed there.

But yeah, I'm kinda good at Yokai lore, and I'd love to contribute my bit of lore and such.
yus pls
Is there a hierarchy of any sort for them?
No. But generally, the older you are the more respected you are. But no youkai is ranked higher than another youkai in a social way.

Normally. There may be royalty somewhere, then, of course, they would have subordinates.
There are plenty of ways to depict Yokai society. Do you plan to have something along the lines of factions or subcommunities with a chief or overseeing pseudo-god of sorts?
Describe to me the average day for a common Youkai. What do they do with their eternal existence? You say society is much like ours but I'm having trouble painting the picture of ghosts just living like us. Ghosts that "resemble inanimate objects" is a monkey wrench into this process of picturing this life.

Like, do the more humanoid Youkai have homes with sentient furniture like its pee-wee's playhouse? I've just learned what the hell a youkai is. trying to wrap my head around what they are really.
'Ghost' is a very, very loose translation of Yokai.

Yokai is a very broad concept, like 'Faefolk', 'Demons' and 'Monsters'.

Different kinds of Yokai have different kinds of motivations. It's a species-to-species basis.

Well, I guess I could start explaining the different kinds of Yokai.
I have been pondering.

Chinese mythology-based RPs tend to integrate the four great guardian beasts - Xuanwu, Baihu, Qinglong and Zhuque, and occasionally the fifth beast Huanglong. You've integrated them in an RP before Sen, just with their Korean names.

I've seen a lot of Yokai RPs before and I'm somewhat surprised that few of them really integrate the four greatest yokai - Nurarihyon, Emperor Sutoku, Tamamo-no-Mae and Shuten-doji. Granted, not a lot of people know how to depict Emperor Sutoku beyond physical traits, me included...

Depending on depiction, Nurarihyon is excluded from the four, leaving only a threatening trio as the three most evil yokai.
There are plenty of ways to depict Yokai society. Do you plan to have something along the lines of factions or subcommunities with a chief or overseeing pseudo-god of sorts?
Factions, yes. I think most are aligned with their own species. Like oni would have their own clans, tengu would have another. Or maybe we should sort them by ocean/sky/earth dwellers?

I also considered the human faction coming in from the outside, hunters getting in the mess? Supernatural obsessed individuals?

Some youkai also worship gods, so there are those and their appropriate shrines.

Describe to me the average day for a common Youkai. What do they do with their eternal existence? You say society is much like ours but I'm having trouble painting the picture of ghosts just living like us. Ghosts that "resemble inanimate objects" is a monkey wrench into this process of picturing this life.

Like, do the more humanoid Youkai have homes with sentient furniture like its pee-wee's playhouse? I've just learned what the hell a youkai is. trying to wrap my head around what they are really.
What's a common youkai, though? xD... Mm, say if they managed a shrine they would get up, clean the shrine, attend to their deity and perhaps go and help out fellow followers. Rinse and repeat, once in a while tend to the crops or head down to the shops. Others may go to a small hut and learn from a wiser youkai, just a normal lifestyle?

And youkai aren't really ghosts. Well, ghosts can be youkai but not all youkai are ghosts. They include demons and imps. This roleplay will feature them in a mostly human form, so basically imagine a country town filled with people that aren't actually human beings.

Not all furniture is sentient??? They live in normal houses, lol. I assume the laws of how they come to life no longer apply within the boundaries of the cherry blossoms. They only come to life outside the barrier. They've lived so long, and been used (or not used, that's how they become rogue) for so long they developed a will to live and thus moved into Takamagahara.
I have been pondering.

Chinese mythology-based RPs tend to integrate the four great guardian beasts - Xuanwu, Baihu, Qinglong and Zhuque, and occasionally the fifth beast Huanglong. You've integrated them in an RP before Sen, just with their Korean names.

I've seen a lot of Yokai RPs before and I'm somewhat surprised that few of them really integrate the four greatest yokai - Nurarihyon, Emperor Sutoku, Tamamo-no-Mae and Shuten-doji. Granted, not a lot of people know how to depict Emperor Sutoku beyond physical traits, me included...

Depending on depiction, Nurarihyon is excluded from the four, leaving only a threatening trio as the three most evil yokai.
!! Yes! I agree, the three most evil youkai are definitely not something I see often. I touched on Shuten-doji in planning once, but never really got to it. Tamamo-no-Mae I've seen plenty of, she's kinda popular. Could be integrated as villains? Perhaps they have to do with the abandoned Hell?
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I missed a little bit... If we are going for a more Feudal style Japan will this be pre Tokugawa Shogunate's or right in the heat of it? Just curious because it might show a difference in style
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!! Yes! I agree, the three most evil youkai are definitely not something I see often. I touched on Shuten-doji in planning once, but never really got to it. Tamamo-no-Mae I've seen plenty of, she's kinda popular. Could be integrated as villains? Perhaps they have to do with the abandoned Hell?
If someone has been opening the barrier, are you going for a death to humans sort of plot?
Also one more thing:

I would like to be able to create a Rouge Youkai if that would be alright...